Draft: Centennia L College Business Plan 2007 - 2008
Draft: Centennia L College Business Plan 2007 - 2008
Draft: Centennia L College Business Plan 2007 - 2008
Plan 2007
Academic Framework
We support the career and personal development of our learners in every decision we
make. We value and support one another in a process of continuous learning and
We create a positive environment for effective learning within a context of global
citizenship and social justice. We value the diverse profiles of our learners. Our
curriculum, teaching and support services are characterized by knowledgeable and
enthusiastic teachers, teaching strategies that suit learners needs and an atmosphere
of dignity and mutual respect.
We strive for excellence. Scholarly debate and applied research contribute to the quality
and distinctiveness of our learning environment and advance our instructional and
curriculum expertise.
We encourage and engage in evidence-based deliberation with open minds in an
atmosphere of mutual respect. We consult with and consider carefully the views of
internal and external stakeholders who have an important perspective on an issue.
We are accountable to our learners, our communities and the general public for the
quality of the learning experiences we provide, for the resources we use and for the
manner in which we treat all people. We build evaluation into all of our work so that we
improve continuously.
Academic Framework
To advance our mission, Centennial College strives to adhere to the
following principles:
Commit to Student Success: We foster excellence in our students and
employees by providing an equitable foundation that values their
experiences and unique needs. We engage and support learners in
attaining clear, high standards so that they emerge from Centennial
College positioned for a successful career.
Commit to Access: We support broad access to a college education by
providing clear pathways and supports to meet the requirements of postsecondary programs.
Pursue Excellence: We pursue excellence as a learning organization
through innovation, applied research, critical analysis, rigour and
Be Inclusive: We offer a distinctive, inclusive educational experience that
builds on a foundation of global citizenship, social justice and diversity.
Integrate Technology: We are guided by the needs of learners and the
learning organization in our use of technology.
Promote Communities of Learning: We are committed to creating
communities of learning through reflective practice, continuous
improvement and lifelong learning.
Encourage Partnerships: We encourage sustainable relationships that
enrich student learning, augment job readiness, and provide our
graduates with the knowledge and skills to succeed in work and society.
We seek a range of partners who are sensitive to socio-cultural needs,
support our institutional objectives and contribute to our community
development goals.
Statement of Diversity
Centennial College and its Board of Governors value
and embrace diversity, equity and inclusion as
fundamental to our mission to educate students for
career success within a context of global citizenship and
social justice.
Our commitment:
Core Businesses
Centennial College provides its students with highquality post-secondary education through relevant
and accessible programs. Centennial offers its
students the choice of one-year certificate, twoyear diploma, three-year diploma and four-year
degree programs. Centennial is organized into
eight separate schools:
School of Academic Studies, Access
Programs, English and General Education
School of Business
School of Community and Health Studies
School of Communication, Media and Design
School of Continuing Education
School of Engineering Technology and
Applied Sciences (SETAS)
School of Hospitality, Tourism and Culture
School of Transportation
Centennial welcomes a diverse mix of students
with varying academic backgrounds, including
recent graduates of high school programs, students
transferring from another college or university and
mature students.
Apprenticeship is a proven, industry-based learning
system that combines on-the-job experience with
technical training. Apprenticeship in Ontario is the
responsibility of the provincial government, which
offers curricula in a variety of fields.
Apprentices work with a qualified tradesperson until
they pass the required exams and complete their
workplace training. Apprentices then earn a
Certificate of Qualification that allows them to work
on their own.
Centennial College provides a variety of
apprenticeship training programs to Toronto
communities in the fields of transportation and child
and youth worker education. The college is also
actively involved in delivering pre-apprenticeship
training for students who need to upgrade their
skills before they can enter an apprenticeship
Core Businesses
Centennial College provides training for literacy,
ESL, numeracy and other skills necessary to
prepare learners for career education or to assist
them to enter or re-enter the workforce.
Basic skills training focuses on goal-directed,
learner-centred literacy training that helps learners
acquire the essential skills necessary to obtain
employment, enrol in further training or education
or achieve personal independence.
In addition, the college provides a variety of
employment preparation services, including
employment resource centres for youth and adults,
job search workshops and one-on-one employment
While Centennials primary objective is to
accommodate students from Ontario, the college
also has an international strategy whereby it seeks
global opportunities to enhance its reputation as a
leader in education around the world.
Centennial recognizes and values the unique
contributions international students make to our
diverse and multicultural community. The number of
international students who have chosen to enrol in
Centennial programs has increased significantly in
recent years, and interest from international
students continues to grow.
In addition to making significant cultural
contributions, international students tuition provides
an important source of revenue for the college. The
college reinvests this revenue to provide overall
educational advancements and facility
Centennial also seeks opportunities to support its
internationalization strategy, which includes
partnering with international public and private
institutions to deliver applied education globally and
Core Businesses
Centennial College provides part-time programs
targeted to improve the skill levels of the workforce
and prepare adult learners for the latest industry
Lifelong learning is essential in our rapidly
changing world. The School of Continuing
Education offers the latest programs through
progressive, collaborative teaching techniques and
real-world practical experiences.
The School of Continuing Education offers
programs in business, communication arts,
community and consumer services, engineering
technology, health sciences and transportation,
some leading to certificates and diplomas, others to
external certification/qualification.
In the corporate training area, we deliver to a wide
customer constituency, both domestically and
abroad. Our programs build on Centennials
reputation of delivering applied skillsbased
programs to a diverse constituency.
Our programs are taught by faculty with strong
connections to industry. We offer a range of
learning solutions to respond to client demand.
Learning excellence
Key Activities
Develop the GNED 500 course for phased-in
implementation in all college programs
Promote GNED 500 across the college
Review schools academic plans and provide feedback
about the integration of SLE throughout the curriculum
Implement a professional development program for all
employees to better understand equity and diversity
Contact other educational institutions to investigate eportfolio technology to be used in SLE
Planned Accomplishments
GNED 500 implemented in 5 programs in summer 2007, 21
programs in fall 2007 and 42 programs in winter 2008
A full implementation plan created for the inclusion of GNED
500 in the remaining programs
Two speaking events facilitated per year
E-portfolio recommendations made and presented to
Learning excellence
Key Activities
Continue cyclical, comprehensive program review of 15
identified programs
Develop a policy on academic integrity and honesty
Engage in PD to assist faculty in maintaining expertise in
their profession as well as in teaching/learning, curriculum
development, cross-cultural awareness, and all diversityrelated initiatives
Introduce new features into myCentennial student portal to
give more ability to users
Create database of industry partners and professional
associations in SETAS
Planned Accomplishments
Improvements in KPI monitored and documented for the
programs that have completed the comprehensive review
Self-reflection completed by approximately two-thirds of fulltime and half of contract faculty, with goals identified for
continued development
Professional development availability for faculty increased
New myCentennial features in place in 2007
Number of partnerships in SETAS with industry and
professional associations increased
Learning excellence
Key Activities
Increase the number of faculty actively using Blackboard
for classroom learning environment and content delivery
Support faculty in applied research activities
Expand external funding to support new applied research
Enhance industry and international connections in the
School of Hospitality, Tourism and Culture
Planned Accomplishments
Blackboard used by 70% of faculty
First annual college-wide research symposium held in 2008
Research portal to assist faculty in research policy, grant
application process, research methodology and research
project management created
Delphi computerized booking system introduced and
included in the curriculum
Volume of international partnership activity in the School of
Hospitality, Tourism and Culture increased
Learning excellence
Key Activities
Planned Accomplishments
Learning excellence
Key Activities
Planned Accomplishments
Key Activities
Planned Accomplishments
Key Activities
Planned Accomplishments
FFTO accreditation pilot phase and phase 1 completed for
13 SETAS programs in 2007
Fast track/bridging programs launched in fall 2007 for:
Automotive Service Technician Pre-apprenticeship
Truck and Coach Technician Pre-apprenticeship
Massage Therapy Bridging
Number of new Canadians taking CE
courses/diplomas/certifications increased
Key Activities
Planned Accomplishments
Key Activities
Provide bursary support for youth from at risk communities
program graduates wishing to enter Centennial programs
Implement FG student bursaries to help them afford
college education
Enhance online capabilities for the distribution of all
Enhance fundraising and donor communications through
key annual signature events such as golf tournament,
awards evening
Support the MTCUs student access guarantee
Planned Accomplishments
$2,500 tuition bursaries offered to students in their first year
Access to student funding improved
New bursaries for School of Community and Health Studies
students offered by fall 2007
Scholarships and bursary programs for new students
Key Activities
Research best practices and develop a new college-wide
orientation model
Introduce new features into myCentennial, including the
ability for users to create groups and personalize the look
and feel
Upgrade Banner 7 with additional system functionality
Review and revise payment options in AIS
Expand the capabilities of alternate offer function in AIS
Develop a plan for renewal of the enrolment services call
centre operations
Planned Accomplishments
New student orientation model recommended and
New myCentennial features in place in September 2007
Banner 7 upgrade and knowledge transfer implemented by
March 2008
AIS payment options and instructions to students expanded
Customer service improved, number of lost calls decreased
and line-ups shortened
Organizational strength
Strengthen partnerships
As one of the leading post-secondary institutions in the GTA, Centennial participates in a variety of partnerships to provide
opportunities for its students, faculty and staff. At the student level, we continue to seek new opportunities to provide practical
experience through co-op programs with area employers. Our strong partnership with MTCU, Colleges Ontario and industry also
provides faculty, staff and the administration with opportunities to engage in collaborative research, to obtain funding and to
enhance student learning and students experience.
Centennial has participated in vocational/technical pathways projects through the Specialist High Skills Majors initiative and dual
credit pilot programs. We plan to implement a similar pathways project with York Region District School Board in May 2007.
This year, Centennial is partnering with Scarborough-area secondary schools to identify FG students in grades 10 to 12 with a
view to encouraging them and their parents to consider post-secondary education at Centennial, making them aware of
opportunities for financial support through bursary awards and of specially tailored mentoring and tutorship programs.
Centennial is partnered with nine other colleges in the Colleges Ontario Industry Innovation Network to increase college-industry
collaborations for innovation and technology transfer.
Related Strategies
Continue to work in partnership with community organizations on program development and delivery
Key Activities
Continue to play a leading role in the existing and new
higher education programs, including youth at risk initiative,
FG students pilot, CIITE, FTTO, Literacy and Basic Skills
Expand active participation in vocational/technical pathways
Guide the development, implementation and evaluation of
relationship-building activities and conversion plans with top
feeder high schools
Organize recognition events for donors, prospective donors
and partners
Enhance relationship with our alumni
Planned Accomplishments
Community outreach improved through provincially and
federally funded projects and programs
Pathways project with York region school boards
implemented for 175 alternative education students in
grades 9 to 12
Awareness of Centennial College increased and
relationships with feeder schools deepened
Alumni success better promoted in college and community
publications and media
Applied research activities with industry and community
partners increased
Alumni mentorship program developed and new alumni
newsletter expanded
Organizational strength
Key Activities
Provide due diligence strategies and training to all staff on
the prevention of workplace discrimination, harassment
policy, emergency preparedness, violence prevention
Create central coordinating point for policies and
procedures in the Office of Policies, Pathways and Grants
Develop a code of expectations for all employees to
communicate the behaviours we expect to be
demonstrated by all employees
Design and deliver workshops on employment
opportunities at Centennial College
Planned Accomplishments
A healthy and safe learning, teaching and working
environment for the Centennial community
More effective policy implementation to support equity and
inclusion in Centennial College.
Four to six core leadership competencies that will be used
for recruitment, training and development purposes
Career planning workshops in fall 2007
Employment opportunities workshops to increase the
diversity of faculty hiring pool and Program Advisory
Committee membership
Organizational strength
Key Activities
Review and update professional development policies and
Develop a program for leadership development for those in
leadership roles, based on the Centennial leadership
Design and develop a leadership retreat on equity and
Organize business plan writing workshops
Develop workshops, seminars, online tutorials, collegewide scholarly activities symposium
Planned Accomplishments
New professional development policy completed and
communicated to the college
Coordinated program of leadership development introduced
by offering two specific learning events related to
competency development
Equity and inclusion retreat held in fall 2007
At least two professional development workshops and
seminars conducted
Two business plan writing workshops conducted in fall 2007
College-wide scholarly activities symposium held in spring
Organizational strength
Key Activities
Planned Accomplishments
Organizational strength
Key Activities
Maintain competitive edge on website capabilities and
functionality by building in industry best practices
Review and update school websites to reflect current
programs and materials
Develop marketing initiatives to support all schools
Continue on-campus visits/events with TDSB and expand
to York Region and First Nations community organizations
Develop and implement prospective student conversion
program using email and web links
Launch new advertising campaign
Planned Accomplishments
Our positioning, "The future of learning," and our vision,
Organizational strength
Key Activities
Planned Accomplishments
Key Activities
Strengthen international presence in Asia
Explore relationships in new markets: Russia, Nigeria,
Brazil and Mexico
Develop and introduce relevant courses in all areas of CE
Offer daytime CE courses in summer semester
Identify educational outputs from applied research and
scholarly activities that can generate revenue through
marketable CE and corporate training activities
Renew college advancement function
Planned Accomplishments
International enrolment and revenues increased
International student pool diversified by exploring new
CE revenue increased for 2007
Space utilization increased during the summer time with CE
and contract training activities
Two applied research projects enter commercialization
Revenue from fundraising activities increased to support key
college projects
Key Activities
Planned Accomplishments