EDEL453 Spring2013 AmyBRANSTETTER FieldTrips

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Paper #3: Field Trips

Submitted By: Amy Branstetter

EDEL 453: Teaching Elementary School Social Science Nevada State College Spring 2013 Instructor: Karen Powell

Paper #3: Field Trips

Submitted by: Amy Branstetter

Primary (Grades K 2) Field Trips

Type of Field Trip Social Studies Strand Destination Field Trip Description & Notes

History, Civics, Economics& Geography

Childrens Museum of Northern Nevada Museum 813 N Carson St Carson City, NV 89701 #(775) 884-2226 -ORPowered by Nevada State Museum 600 N Carson St Carson City, NV 89701 #(775) 687-4810 Guide Contact: Florence Hinkel #(775) 687-4810 US Forest Service Carson City/Reno with Smokey the Bear Contact: Jennifer Diamond Prevention Technician Wk # 775352-1224 / Cell # 775-846-3223 Humbolt-Toiyabe National Forest Carson City, NV

Traditional Field Trip

These museums are right across from each other. Childrens museum is all hands-on exploration. Guide leads students through sectioned portions of museum. Discusses mining and history of Carson City, NV. Talks about and investigates real-world artifacts, historical evidence, facts, and displays. Permission slips/Parent volunteers

Visitation Field Trip

History & Geography

The forest representatives talks to students about fire prevention, forest populations, forest preservation, etc They show a video that tells the story of the real life Smokey (a real bear cub) and fire rescuers that saved her. Smokey comes out for the kids and passes out Smokey the Bear token bags. (This program is offered to Carson & Reno School Districts, call Reno office for Smokey.) The visitor can navigate from room to room by clicking map locations or by following blue arrow links on the floor that connect the rooms. This comprehensive virtual tour allows visitors using a desktop computer or a mobile device to take a virtual, self-guided, room-by-room walking tour of the whole museum. You can even browse a list of past exhibits, which is included on the ground floor map.

Smithsonian The National Museum of Natural History (Panoramic Virtual Tour) http://www.mnh.si.edu/panora mas/#

History & Geography

Virtual Field Trips

The White House

History & Civics

http://www.googleartproject.com/ #collection/the-whitehouse/museumview/

This tour provides a 360 Street View cameras to capture the rooms that are featured on the public tour. Students can experience both an interactive and West Wing tour of where our presidents have lived and made vital decisions. There is a unique photo gallery at this site also, http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/tours-andevents

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

Karen Powell- Instructor

page 2

Paper #3: Field Trips

Submitted by: Amy Branstetter

Intermediate (Grades 3 5) Field Trips

Type of Field Trip Traditional Field Trip Social Studies Strand Destination Field Trip Description & Notes

Civics & History

Nevada Legislature 401 S. Carson Street Carson City, NV 89701-4747 Contact: Advance notice #775-687-4810 2012 guide was Barbara Sims

Tour includes a guide, illustrated photo book, poster, and pencil. Children sit in upper level overlooking an actual small session. Real live senate and assembly in action. Tour guide gives historical and current details of events. Takes questions and gives responses. Guide leads small tour of building and gives fun facts throughout. D.A.R.E. brings officers and dog which is exciting for the students. Firefighter, officers, and dog perform education awareness exercises and activities with each other and kids. Juvenile Fire Setter Program focuses on fire prevention, playing w/matches, chemicals, etc. Drug Abuse Resistance Education focuses on anti-drug abuse awareness campaign, Saying No.

Visitation Field Trip

Carson City Fire Department and D.A.R.E. Civics

Contact: Susan Holt (CCFD-Station1) 777 S Stewart St, Carson City #(775) 887-2210 Sergeant David Vincent (D.A.R.E) 111 Musser, Carson City, NV 89701 #(775) 684-7500

Ellis Island/Immigration
http://teacher.scholastic.com/acti vities/immigration/webcast.htm (31.07mins.) http://teacher.scholastic.com/acti vities/immigration/tour/stop1.htm http://teacher.scholastic.com/acti vities/immigration/tour/stop2.htm

History, Civics, & Geography

Virtual Field Trips

This virtual field trip would connect to a lesson involving historic timelines, Ellis Island, past & current immigration, cultures, and diversity. I would have students view the webcast first, then breakup into partners viewing the picture, information, and old video footages. Works well when integrating computer lab time, but could also be stretched out throughout a few days in rotation.
Junior Achievement Virtual Field Trip from TeacherTube. Takes students on a trip to the bank and interview with John Reid from Wells Fargo. o Wells Fargos Mr. Reid teaches us about checking accounts. o He shows you how to write checks and keep balances. o He takes us through the process of making deposits and talks about interest.
Karen Powell- Instructor page 3

Financial Institution Virtual Field Trip

Economics http://teachertube.com/viewVide o.php?video_id=78599

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

Paper #3: Field Trips

Submitted by: Amy Branstetter

1. Explain which field trip you think you will actually try to use.
I thought the field trips that Ive actually done in the past were the easiest ideas and resources to come up with. I have done the Forest Service with Smokey, the Nevada Legislature, and the museum, so I know they work. Having ideas with physical field trip experiences for grades 3rd-5th was insightful, but I only needed one idea for the traditional trip at this age lesson. This semester in my field experience, Im going on my third field trip with the 5th grade classroom Ive been placed with. I hope to use all the lessons, but I might need to make it a point to go ahead and write the Virtual Field Trips into my lesson plans. I dont want to forget I found these resources. I am not sure how often I would get a chance to use the banking one (Wells Fargo), because Im not sure really what grade level Ill be working with. Right now, it would work well with the 3rd-5th graders they are learning about savings accounts and money.

2. What challenges did you run into during this assignment?

I had more difficulty finding virtual tours, than I initially thought I would. It was a challenging, new, and an insightful experience. I felt that these resources were more limited than one might think. As I started to really comprehend the experience myself, I was in love. This technique just makes sense to me. I bet there will be so much more offered in the future. I felt that science was over represented in this area and social studies under represented. I also found that there are a lot of science (life, physical, technical, earth) field trip opportunities out there, which students often prefer. I was pondering, how I might connect social studies with science standards to broaden students experiences. Lastly, I wish the grades would have been divided differently, such as K-1, 2-3, 4-5. This would have been easier to fit specific ageappropriate and targeted learning objects. For example, I had Smokey the Bear come to a 3rd grade classroom, but would not do this for 5th graders. Unless it was like an assembly or something, which is not a bad idea actually. The forest service guys with Smokey were willing to do that last time, but we were limited on time notification and approval. The other thing is, if they do the assembly they cant pass out the goodies bags that they give away. I think thats a good future goal for next time.

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

Karen Powell- Instructor

page 4

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