Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Ryan Haines
Mrs. E
English 1102
Annotated Bibliography Introduction This collection of works was gathered to gain insight knowledge about how Media affect the average teenager. With these works I plan to look into my line of inquiry of how exactly media plays a role in the average teen life and how it has positive and negative effects on them. At first I had planned to do my research on the effect of media on college student grade point averages, but with the limited amount of research, I broadened my horizon to a bigger topic that could be better researched and developed. Work 1 Nichols, Sharon L, and Thomas L. Good. America's Teenagers-Myths and Realities: Media Images, Schooling, and the Social Costs of Careless Indifference. Mahwah, N.J: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004. Print. This book goes in to the study of how media affects the American youths culture. It is seen that parents leave their children to socialize by themselves. The authors Sharon L. Nichols and Thomas L. Good use this book to analyze how the typical youth interacts and understanding
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some of the key issues they go through. Key topics Nichols and Good touch one are youth violence; sex lives of teenagers; tobacco, alcohol, drugs, decision making, and how all of this has been affected by the media. Thomas L. Good is a professor at the educational psychology at the University of Arizona. Most of his studies go into the performance of youth in the class room setting. He looks into how media affects the performance of these youths in his book. Sharon L. Nichols is a assistant professor at the University of Texas at San Antonio. She has published a dozen publications related to youth development. The literature has some key topics I want to talk about in my paper, such as youth violence and alcohol and drug use. I believe this book is a good stepping stone in the right place for me to find out where exactly the research for this topics goes and to figure out for myself what more is there to actually research about that is not included in this book. I do not plan to use the whole book, but particular chapters such as: Youth and Media or Media, Sex, and the Adolescent. I am finding more reinforcement, reading about how much the 61% of teens uses a computer daily. This shows me that the average teen does use the computer on a daily basis for some sort of reason. Work 2 edr rancesc. Connected Minds: Technology and Today's Learners. Paris: OECD, 2012. Print. This research novel is based around education and how learning has been affected since the introduction of digital media. The author, Francesc Pedro, talks about how in this generation we are constantly connected and always rapidly changing. He uses research evidence and
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statistics to draw conclusions about the how technology changes development, social skills, and learning. Also he goes to find how this change in technology has affected our education system in anyway and if so how has that affected our youth. Pedro Francesc was the Professor of Comparative Education and Public Policy at the Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona) and Academic Director of its Program for Educational Quality. He has published 4 other publications about youth and technology working together. The work by Francesc has shown me how connected our lives are to one another and also to the media itself self. This research has changed my line of inquiry a bit to look into how connected we are and the affect this has had on teenagers. Almost all teenagers are going through schooling, with a few exceptions, that being said a huge part of their life is their school work. If media affects this then that is key in how it affects their whole lives. What I have found from this book is that media is somewhat helping education grow by using it as an advantage to keep students more engaged in school. Most students prefer for their teachers to use some sort of technology then paper or pencil because they fill they learn more from that experience. This has shined a light on my topic that education can actually grow from media, not be harmed. Work 3 Roberts, Donald F. Kids and Media in America. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Print. Novel is a report of national, random sample survey of US children and adolescents use various media. This research goes back 30 years, showing the changes and progression of movement. The books author, Donald Roberts, goes on to define the different types of youth media users for the first time. The book is filled with statistics, graphs, tables, and more to better
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demonstrate the changes of the youths society over the past 30 years. Also he makes an effort to distinguish between age groups and genders when doing his research to show the development of children through media. Donald Roberts received his A.B. from Columbia University (1961) and his M.A. from the University of California at Berkeley. His primary area of research concerns how children and adolescents use and respond to media, a topic on which he has written extensively. The report seems to be a graphical analysis that will be necessary in doing my paper, allowing me to visual see what changes have happened. Although this book was printed in 2004, and media has changed so much, it shows information back to 1974, allowing me to see where media starts from. Being able to see the changes in media would allow me to see why it changed and what patterns have happened. Also following these patterns would allow me to make an educated guess about what the future will be for Media and teens. Overall, usages will come in direct affect with how teens are effected by media, so this book is needed to see a trend of usages in teens Work 4 Sivashanker, Karthik. Cyberbullying and the Digital Self. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.. 52 (February 2013): 113-115. Web. This journal was written by a psychiatrist, talking about a previous patient she had helped with online media. The patient had been cyber bullied through websites like Facebook, and had attempted suicide. In this article, Sivashanker, talks about a digital self, this is a digital version of ones self. It is our social networking profile and in some cases this is a bigger part of our lives then we like to admit, says Sivashanker. Her patient deleted her account that had been bullied,
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but not soon after did she show more signs of depression and suicidal thoughts. With the death of her Digital Self she felt that death was upon her, so Sivashanker gave her an outlet through a blog. Through this blog she was able to give her voice out and communicate with other going through the same situations. Depression left her completely as she became more involved in this experiment and accepted it as her new Digital self. This research journal really opened up my eyes to some of the major side effects of using media in a negative way. One of the key things I saw from this article was the Digital Self. This description of the role media plays in our lives becomes clear throughout the article. Whenever we talk about teenagers and media one of the hottest topics to talk about is cyber bullying and teen suicide, which were two topics I want to hit when doing my research paper. With this article I am able to see a true story and the analysis by a professional what happened and why. Work 5
Montgomery, Kathryn C. Generation Digital: Politics, Commerce, and Childhood in the Age of
This novel talks about how todays have integrated digital culture into their own. It examines the way youth and media have become one, and how the multitasking has come natural. In Generation Digital, Kathryn C. Montgomery examines the ways in which the media is changing adolescence in their different ways of lives. The media has been seen as bold trailblazing and attacking innocent, as they participate in the media actively. Overall this book covers the newest media coming out and how each of them interacts with the other. Most forms of media overlap or interplay in how they affect each other and the users who are actively involved. Montgomery's unique perspective as an advocate tries to reach
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out to the parents of this generation to help them deal with todays media issues. Kathyrn Montgomery teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in the Public Communication Division and in AUs Undergraduate Honors rogram at American University. Her leadership as a policy advocate during the 1990s led to passage of the first federal legislation to protect children's privacy on the Internetthe Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).
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Singer, Dorothy G . Handbook of Children and the Media. Los Angeles: Sage, 2012. Print.
This handbook is designed to help parents deal with the causes of Media in their children. It covers the effects of new media, such as computers and social networks, to average media such as TVs. It goes in-depth to talk about the development of a child and adolescents using the newest research from the last 10 year. Singer examines issues surrounding the media as educator of children, such as media's effects on youths learning skills. Also although the book is written primarily for parents dealing with issues with their children, it is also directed towards scholars and students doing research. Dorothy G. Singer is Senior Research Scientist Emeritus, Department of Psychology, Yale University. She co-directs the Electronic Media and Families Unit of the Zigler Center. Her research interests include early childhood development and television effects on youth. This book directly follows the topic I have chosen, and has focused more on the newer media just coming out lately. Being updated from 10 years there is a shown difference between the first edition and the second. The talk of how adolescents change over time and usage happens throughout this book allowing the reader to see what kind of affects they are having on different youth.
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Reflection Doing this research has been a challenge for me personally because it is something that I have never actually had to do before. But slowly figuring out what my line of inquiry and finding a topic that had enough research behind it took time. Eventually I came to the conclusion of setting my line of inquiry on the effect of media on teenagers. This topic is very broad and allows me to find many different opinions and statistics to gain information from. After I had finally figured what my topic was, I went online to the Atkins Library website and used the resources there to gain my research. I found articles and books that I could gain through the library. All having to make a interlibrary loan to get a article about cyber bullying, I found it very quick and easy to use. I believe my best source is the Handbook about teenagers and media, this book was written just last year and being design for parents by scholars, it is a easier read and easier to understand while still keeping the facts and fully informative. Throughout my research, I found that most of my sources were actually books and it became difficult to decide what to use and what not to use. I did eventually start looking at the chapter titles and basing my decisions of them. By only using a few of the chapter I can really pin point the main topics that I would like to hit in this research paper. But after researching I found that media is more involved in todays society then I recently had noticed. I read that 99% of households have TVs in the U.S. This shocked me as whatever effect media has on teens it has to have an some sort of an effect on all of them because it is so involved in our society. Our society feeds off media and teenagers dont know how to exactly live without it in this day of age. Overall I believe that I found a good variety of books and publications to choose from and to gain knowledge from. This variety will come to great use when choosing what to put in my
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paper and how to tie it in. My multiple of resources from books and websites will show throughout the paper and bring me closer to the research.