Wire Rope
Wire Rope
Wire Rope
wire diameter, dw strand rope diameter, d pulley diameter, D Designation example : 1 x 6 x 19 d = 1.5 6 strands/rope 19 wires/strand
Regular Lay: wires twist in one direction and strands twist in another direction Lang Lay: wire and strand twist in the same direction; more resistance to abrasive wear and bending fatigue; easier to kink and untwist, more difficult to handle
Rope 6 x 7 Haulage
14 x 10 6 100 x 103 Monitor steel 6 14 x 10 88 x 10 3 Plow steel Mild plow steel 14 x 10 6 76 x 10 3 1.60d 2 12 x 10 6 106 x 103 6 x 19 26 d-34d 1/4 - 2 3/4 Monitor steel 6 Standard Plow steel 12 x 10 93 x 10 3 hoisting Mild plow steel 12 x 10 6 80 x 10 3 Monitor steel 1.55d 2 11 x 10 6 100 x 103 18 d 1/4 - 3 1/2 6 6 x 37 Special Plow steel 11 x 10 88 x 10 3 flexible Monitor steel 1.45d 2 10 x 10 6 92 x 10 3 21 d-26d 1/4 - 1 1/2 8 x 19 Extra Plow steel 10 x 10 6 80 x 10 3 flexible Corrosion1.70d 2 124 x 103 1/16 - 3/8 7 x 7 Aircraft resistant steel Carbon steel 124 x 103 Corrosion1.75d 2 135 x 103 1/8 - 1 3/8 7 x 9 Aircraft resistant steel Carbon steel 143 x 103 Corrosion2.15d 2 165 x 103 1/32 - 5/16 resistant steel 19-Wire Carbon steel 165 x 103 aircraft a The modulus of elasticity is only approximate; it is affected by the loads on the rope and, in general, increases with the life of the rope. b The strength is based on the nominal area ofthe rope. The figures given are only approximate and are based on 1in. rope sizes and 1/4 in. aircraft cable sizes.
Size of outer wires d /9 d /9 d /9 d /13-d /16 d /13-d /16 d /13-d /16 d /22 d /22 d /15-d /19 d /15-d /19 -
Strengthb psi
Table 18.7 Wire rope data [From Shigley and Mitchell (1983)]
Tensile Stress
Tensile stress
Ftotal = Ametal
Ametal =
d 2 ) 16 6 19 = 0.35d 2 4
Tensile Stress
Safety Factor
N= Strength
Application Track cables Guys Mine shafts, ft Up to 500 1000-2000 2000-3000 Over 3000 Hoisting Haulage Cranes and derricks Electric hoists Hand elevators Private elevators Hand dumbwaiters Grain elevators Passenger elevators, ft/min 50 300 800 1200 1500 Freight elevators, ft/min 50 300 800 1200 1500
Safety factora, n s 3.2 3.5 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 5.0 7.5 4.5 7.5 7.60 9.20 11.25 11.80 11.90 6.65 8.20 10.00 10.50 10.55
Bending Stress
1 M EI = M = r EI r I Mc = M = I c EI I Ec = = c r r
D 2 d c w 2 r
bending =
Ed w E = D D dw
Bending Stress
Ed w E = = bending when D d w D D dw
D > 400 dw
Safe design :
Ultimate strength
Mild plow steel: 180 ksi Plow steel: 210 ksi Improved plow steel: 240 ksi
D d
Material Cast Iron Cast stee lc Chilled cast iron d Allowable be aring pressure, pall, psi
Manganese stee le
Lang Lay 6 x7 165 350 600 715 6 x 19 275 550 1000 1210 6 x 37 330 660 1180 1450 a On end grain of beech, hickory or gum b For H B(min.)=125. c 30-40 carbon; H B(min.)=160. d Use only with uniform surface hardness. e For high sp eeds with balanced sheaves having ground surfaces.
Weight to hoist Maximum height during operation Acceleration
Specify rope type and diameter Select rope material Specify sheave diameter Specify sheave material
HW #3