Acrylic Unit Plan
Acrylic Unit Plan
Acrylic Unit Plan
Curriculum and Unit Expectations Materials Unit Objectives Lesson Sequence Lesson Expectations Lesson Content Instructional Materials and Methods Accommodations Summative Assessment Evaluation Rubrics Brushes Handout Resources
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Materials: Brushes Acrylic paints Palette Canvas Renaissance painting samples water
Unit Objective
Examine Renaissance acrylic paintings and understand basic acrylic techniques Choose a Renaissance painting and replicate it on a canvas in grisaille style.
Lesson Sequence
Day 1 Opening activity-Acrylic painting introduction (sample works) Powerpoint Lesson on acrylic painting basics and grisaille Independent class work: Examine Renaissance paintings and gridding Homework: Select a Renaissance painting Day 2 Powerpoint on Acrylic lesson on techniques and composition Independent class work: Crop out a section of a Renaissance painting and transfer it onto canvas via gridding Exit assignment: Drawing transferred and start grisaille Homework: Familiarize with your acrylic brushes (Review properties) Day 3 Opening activity-Address question, comments and concerns) Acrylic grisaille painting continued Exit assignment: Minimal of two layers completed Homework: Work on grisaille Day 4 & 5 Finish grisaille and submit for summative assessment Homework: Reflection on first acrylic painting project in sketchbook M.WANG 3
Lesson Outline:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. History of Acrylics Acrylic Paints basics Grisaille Painting Brush Properties Types of Brushes Acrylic Techniques
- sodales.
breaks painting process into smaller steps to allow one process at a time. captures rhythm of nature and allow light to pass through and bounce off layers of paint. builds a network of paint layers that actually channel natural sunlight from the surface (ground layer), all the way up through the final layer of colors. provides a foundation for transparent color overlays.
Always clean your brush immediately after use. If colour has dried on the brush, household brush restorer can be used but brush unlikely to return to its original shape. Do not stand a brush on its handle will cause water to leak down into the ferrule, loosening the glue that holds the bristles together. Never leave brushes standing on their bristles.
Etiam eu ipsum. 2. Bright or Short Flat: As above but when required for thick shorter Donec strokes. ac arcu. Good for
leaving a multitude of well-defined brush strokes on the paint surface. Ideal for thin straight lines.
3. Angular Flat: Helpful in applying paint to corners of the subject and to making arches. 4. Round: good to outline, fill in small areas, and sketch out lines. Good for touching in or for more detailed work. Especially useful with slightly thinner acrylic paints.
- sodales. 5. Filbert: good for making rounded edges and blending. Makes tapered strokes and has the ability to soften the edges of a brush stroke.
6. Fan: Useful feathering or creating the effects of grass, leaf cluster, fur or hair. Can be used for smoothing or creating clouds, and is best when used dry with minimal paint. Ideal for blending cloudy skies or any area of a smooth transition between colors. 7. Rigger: very fine lines such as ship's rigging. Best to use thinned acrylic paint to achieve such effects. Note: Handout on different types of brushes and effects.
When used straight from the tube, acrylics have a consistency very similar to that of oils. Like oils, they retain the impression of the brush or knife, allowing you to create a considerable variety of surface or textural effects. 3. Flat Layering Paint: This particular technique is characteristic of acrylics. By layering enough paint down, you create a flat, poster-like look, without tonal changes in the areas of colors. They also allow for better layering, because a new layer of acrylic does not soften the lower layers of paint, and the dried layers are completely resistant to water. - sodales. 4. Blending by Dampening: Because acrylics dry rapidly, you need to work fast if you wish to blend colours or dampening the painting surface will increase your working time. 5. Hard Edges: Masking tape can be put onto and removed from dried acrylic paint without damaging an existing layer. This makes it easy to produce a hard or sharp edge. Make sure the edges of the tape are stuck down firmly and don't paint too thickly on the edges, otherwise you won't get a clean line when you lift it.
Helpful Hints:
Acrylics are resistant to water once dry, which means they can be overpainted without disturbing the previous colour. Colours cannot be dissolved with a damp brush. While paint is wet, wipe with damp rag. acrylics become darker in tone as they dry, rather than lighter as with watercolour, so remember to allow for this effect when mixing your colours. 8
Lesson Accommodations
Learning Problems: 1. Students have trouble with fine
motor control and handwriting.
Minimal writing during lessons and in assignments 2. Students cant control their own
Combine spoken directions with words or diagrams. Accommodations for Completing the Assignments
Some students with a disability have trouble completing assignments. This may be because they work very slowly and run out of time. Some students may not remember to get the resources and materials they will need to complete all of their assignments.
Break long assignments into parts. Set a separate due date for each part. Have students mark assignments on a calendar. Reduce the total amount of work. Be sure to select the tasks or items that are needed to
accomplish all of the learning objectives.
Summative Assessment
For this assignment you will be asked to create a grisaille on canvas using acrylics. You will use the brush set provided and one neutral colour for the grisaille. You will select a Renaissance painting and transfer a portion of it onto a canvas via gridding technique.
Four class periods and completed grisaille due at the end of the week.
Method of Working
1. Generating Ideas Begin by brainstorming ideas for your painting. Generate a list of possible subjects and themes that you are interested. Decide on focus for your painting. 2. Selection Process After brainstorming session go down your list of ideas and try to visualize what each could look like as a finished painting. Save ideas that generate the most vivid images for you and discard 3. Gather Resources At this point you should now gather Renaissance paintings, acrylic supplies and painting resources. Acrylic painting handouts and resource books are available.
3. Prepare Sketches Crop out a section of a Renaissance painting and use the appropriate composition principles. Draw a few sketches and finalize your decision. Consult with teacher before you transfer onto canvas. 4. Transfer Sketch to canvas Choose a canvas or two depending on your painting and personal preference. Use the gridding technique to help you transfer the section of Renaissance painting onto your canvas. 5. Paint by Layering Once the drawing is on the canvas, you can start on the underpainting. Review different brush properties. Focus on light sources and start layering light and add more layers as you go.
Composition exhibited a lack of planning, but space is wellused. Some thought evident in choice of colors, but others appeared accidental. Some lack of control is evident. Limited skills in paint application. Students finished the project but it lacks finishing touches or can be improved.
Colour Choices
Paint application lacked control and planning. Textures and patterns failed in execution. Students did not finish the work in a satisfactory manner.
1. Acrylic painting booklet: 2. Youtube Clips: i. Caring for your Brushes: ii. Acrylic Painting Techniques : Shadows & Highlights: iii. Acrylic Painting Techniques for Beginners: iv. Speed Painting With Acrylics: v. How To Paint A Portrait II: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. M.WANG