Acrylic Unit Plan

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Acrylic Painting

Grade 11 Visual Art (AVI 3M)


Curriculum and Unit Expectations Materials Unit Objectives Lesson Sequence Lesson Expectations Lesson Content Instructional Materials and Methods Accommodations Summative Assessment Evaluation Rubrics Brushes Handout Resources

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Introduction To Acrylic Painting

Fusce mollis In this unit you will review some important techniques and approaches for tempus felis.
acrylic painting. You will be given the opportunity to experiment with a range of specific techniques and produce one summative grisaille painting using a Renaissance painting of your choice. You will work through this grisaille painting step by step, reading each section and completing any of the activities in the investigation. All studio assignments must be completed and handed in to form the basis of your painting portfolio. These should be handed by the deadline given by your teacher. Check your summative evaluation rubrics for detailed expectations.
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Grade 11 Visual Art (AVI 3M)

Unit 2: Acrylic Painting

Materials: Brushes Acrylic paints Palette Canvas Renaissance painting samples water

Overall Curriculum Expectations

CREATING AND PRESENTING A1.2 Procedures for Production Demonstrate competence in basic drawing skills (representational, abstract, conceptual) A3.1 Explorations and Application Use research materials and paintings appropriately and extensively in preparation of studio A3.2 Artist Techniques Produce acrylic painting and apply techniques learned REFLECTING, RESPONDING AND ANALYZING B1.4 Art Examination Use relevant concepts and appropriate terminology when analyzing works of art B2.3 Purpose of Art Explain how moods, feelings and ideas are used in both the creation and analysis of works FOUNDATIONS C1.2-Techniques, Materials and Tools Use appropriate terminology to discuss the art materials, techniques, and styles associated with art forms studied in the course C2.2 Understanding Conventions Describe the use and effect of different materials, expressive qualities, and modes of representation in the art works studied M.WANG

Grade 11 Visual Art (AVI 3M)

Unit 2: Acrylic Painting

Unit Objective
Examine Renaissance acrylic paintings and understand basic acrylic techniques Choose a Renaissance painting and replicate it on a canvas in grisaille style.

Lesson Sequence
Day 1 Opening activity-Acrylic painting introduction (sample works) Powerpoint Lesson on acrylic painting basics and grisaille Independent class work: Examine Renaissance paintings and gridding Homework: Select a Renaissance painting Day 2 Powerpoint on Acrylic lesson on techniques and composition Independent class work: Crop out a section of a Renaissance painting and transfer it onto canvas via gridding Exit assignment: Drawing transferred and start grisaille Homework: Familiarize with your acrylic brushes (Review properties) Day 3 Opening activity-Address question, comments and concerns) Acrylic grisaille painting continued Exit assignment: Minimal of two layers completed Homework: Work on grisaille Day 4 & 5 Finish grisaille and submit for summative assessment Homework: Reflection on first acrylic painting project in sketchbook M.WANG 3

Grade 11 Visual Art (AVI 3M)

Unit 2: Acrylic Painting

Lesson Outline:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. History of Acrylics Acrylic Paints basics Grisaille Painting Brush Properties Types of Brushes Acrylic Techniques

Lesson Content: Introduction

Prior Knowledge: Elements of Design (value, line, form, texture, colour etc.) Principles of Design (balance, unity, space, movement , focus, etc.) Drawing and Shading

History of Acrylic Painting

Developed in the late 1940s, acrylic paint has only a brief history compared to other visual arts media, such as watercolor and oil. In the 1950's, the water- based acrylics were developed. They became popular in the 1960's when pop artists used them, such as Andy Warhol. Other art styles that explored this medium were photorealism and Op Art.

Acrylic Paints Basics

Acrylics are water-soluble, non- toxic, easy to clean, and dry quickly. They can be used opaque (no light shows through) either through thick paint application or by adding white. They can be diluted with water and painted so they are transparent (light shows through). Acrylic paints are made from pigment, water and an acrylic binder, which forms a hard, clear film as the water evaporates. It is this transparent film, reflecting light from the pigment inside it, that gives acrylic colour its brilliance. Acrylic can produce both the soft effects of watercolor paint and sharp effects of layered oil paint. Acrylics can be used in mixed media works, such as collage, and its versatility lends itself to experimentation and innovation. Acrylic does have some limitations. Its quick-drying plasticity discourages blending and wet-on-wet techniques. M.WANG 4

Grade 11 Visual Art (AVI 3M)

Unit 2: Acrylic Painting

Lesson Content: Grisaille Painting

Grisaille Basics
Grisaille=French word (means gray tones) monochrome underpainting executed in one tone ranging from dark to light, transparent to opaque, flat to reflective, and sometimes from warm to cool. Old Masters called it "dead coloring" which means colors not used in initial painting finished grisaille underpainting can stand alone as a finished artwork.

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Value or Tone in Grisaille

Value is more important than color to the design and success of a painting. Definition: lightness and darkness of a colour (one of elements of design) generate a focal point within a painting or drawing. create the illusion of depth through layering and gradations of value

Benefits of a grisaille foundation

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breaks painting process into smaller steps to allow one process at a time. captures rhythm of nature and allow light to pass through and bounce off layers of paint. builds a network of paint layers that actually channel natural sunlight from the surface (ground layer), all the way up through the final layer of colors. provides a foundation for transparent color overlays.

Grisaille Technique: Step-by-Step

1. The Foundation Examine the range of tonal shades especially where lights, darks, and midtones fall. Use a color painting to see how highlights and shadows translate to a monochromatic range; this can help develop your "eye" over time. 2. Preparation Start by looking at your sample picture. Try to gauge how many basic tones are present from light to dark, and mix your paints accordingly. Artists usually look for five shading elements: highlights, reflected light, middle values, core shadows, and cast shadows. 3. Painting Following the shading elements in your sample image, you may choose to add lighter and darker tones after painting an initial layer. If you added liquin or another medium, allow the grisaille layers to dry completely before adding a transparent color glaze. M.WANG 5

Grade 11 Visual Art (AVI 3M)

Unit 2: Acrylic Painting

Lesson Content: Brush Properties

Understanding Paintbrush Construction & Use
A paintbrush is made up of three parts: The handle, the ferrule, and tuft (brush hairs or bristles). 1) Brush Handles available in a short or long style and can be made of wood or resin. Short handles are useful if you are not used to holding a paintbrush. Gives a feeling of control and good for working up close to the painting. Long-handled brushes are best for working on an easel because the angle and distance are more conducive to using the longer handle. 2) The Ferrule the metal part of the brush that holds bristles to the handle. The bristles are generally glued and the other end of ferrule is wrapped around handle and crimped. 3) The Tuft made of synthetic fibers, boar bristles, and various other animal hairs.

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- sodales. Care of Acrylic Brushes

Always clean your brush immediately after use. If colour has dried on the brush, household brush restorer can be used but brush unlikely to return to its original shape. Do not stand a brush on its handle will cause water to leak down into the ferrule, loosening the glue that holds the bristles together. Never leave brushes standing on their bristles.

Cleaning of Acrylic Brushes

Brushes should be wiped clean on a lint-free rag and then rinsed under running water. Clean brushes gently with cool water and mild soap, gently swirl the soapy brush in the palm of your hand. Repeat washing and rinsing the brush until the soap and water run clear. Take particular care to ensure that the base of the brush head is clean. Some pigments may stain the brush slightly, but this will not affect the performance or the life of the hair. Gently reshape the head and remove excess water from the brush head. Dry the handle and ferrule and stand head up to allow the hair to dry If you are storing brushes for any length of time, make sure they are clean and perfectly dry before putting them in an air tight box.


Grade 11 Visual Art (AVI 3M)

Unit 2: Acrylic Painting

Paintbrush Shapes, Types and Uses

Acrylic paintbrushes come in various shapes. Some of the shapes are flat, round, pointed round, detail round, filbert, bright, angular flat, and fan. Each shape comes in many different sizes and are labeled as previously discussed. 1. Long Flat: Holds plenty of paint and good for applying thick layers. Produces longish, straight brush strokes, so excellent for painting anything that has a straight edge to it and filling in wide areas, bold strokes, and laying on heavy amounts of paint.

Etiam eu ipsum. 2. Bright or Short Flat: As above but when required for thick shorter Donec strokes. ac arcu. Good for
leaving a multitude of well-defined brush strokes on the paint surface. Ideal for thin straight lines.

3. Angular Flat: Helpful in applying paint to corners of the subject and to making arches. 4. Round: good to outline, fill in small areas, and sketch out lines. Good for touching in or for more detailed work. Especially useful with slightly thinner acrylic paints.
- sodales. 5. Filbert: good for making rounded edges and blending. Makes tapered strokes and has the ability to soften the edges of a brush stroke.

6. Fan: Useful feathering or creating the effects of grass, leaf cluster, fur or hair. Can be used for smoothing or creating clouds, and is best when used dry with minimal paint. Ideal for blending cloudy skies or any area of a smooth transition between colors. 7. Rigger: very fine lines such as ship's rigging. Best to use thinned acrylic paint to achieve such effects. Note: Handout on different types of brushes and effects.


Grade 11 Visual Art (AVI 3M)

Unit 2: Acrylic Painting

Lesson Content: Acrylic Techniques and Tips

1. Watercolour Effects: By thinning acrylics with water have similar effects of transparent watercolour. Glazing for Depth-glaze is made by diluting acrylic paint with the help of water. This combination of water and paint is used to add a depth to the painting by making a translucent glaze that can be painted which gives a 3D appearance.

2. Oil Painting Effects:

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When used straight from the tube, acrylics have a consistency very similar to that of oils. Like oils, they retain the impression of the brush or knife, allowing you to create a considerable variety of surface or textural effects. 3. Flat Layering Paint: This particular technique is characteristic of acrylics. By layering enough paint down, you create a flat, poster-like look, without tonal changes in the areas of colors. They also allow for better layering, because a new layer of acrylic does not soften the lower layers of paint, and the dried layers are completely resistant to water. - sodales. 4. Blending by Dampening: Because acrylics dry rapidly, you need to work fast if you wish to blend colours or dampening the painting surface will increase your working time. 5. Hard Edges: Masking tape can be put onto and removed from dried acrylic paint without damaging an existing layer. This makes it easy to produce a hard or sharp edge. Make sure the edges of the tape are stuck down firmly and don't paint too thickly on the edges, otherwise you won't get a clean line when you lift it.

Helpful Hints:
Acrylics are resistant to water once dry, which means they can be overpainted without disturbing the previous colour. Colours cannot be dissolved with a damp brush. While paint is wet, wipe with damp rag. acrylics become darker in tone as they dry, rather than lighter as with watercolour, so remember to allow for this effect when mixing your colours. 8


Grade 11 Visual Art (AVI 3M)

Unit 2: Acrylic Painting

Instructional Materials and Methods

Differentiated Instructions: 1. Activity-Based Strategies (Kinesthetic) Group work such as discussion or construction Sort the Brushes: group activity 2. Arts-Based Strategies (Visual) Create visual aids and diagrams Draw content and concepts and show examples (compare media) 3. Thinking Skills Strategies (Logical) Ask students questions to reflect on differences between acrylic and watercolours and oil paintings Brainstorm and provide case studies (artworks from artists) to analyze 4. Direct Instructions (Auditory) Lecture contents and note taking Acrylics Basics and Brushes Handouts given to students 5. Demonstrations Create a sample grisaille and quick demo in class 6. Technology/Media-Based Applications Powerpoint presentation Video clips M.WANG 9

Grade 11 Visual Art (AVI 3M)

Unit 2: Acrylic Painting

Lesson Accommodations
Learning Problems: 1. Students have trouble with fine
motor control and handwriting.

Accommodations: Let students write directly in the workbook or on a copy of

the workbook page.

Minimal writing during lessons and in assignments 2. Students cant control their own

Let students use a study enclosure to complete independent


Give students work that can be completed in short periods of


3. Students have trouble following

the ideas during the lecture or discussion.

Write important ideas on the board. Use colored chalk or

markers for emphasis.

Identify the main steps or key components of the


4. Students have difficulty taking notes and remembering ideas

Provide help for notetaking, such as giving students a copy

of overheads, an outline of the lecture, or a diagram.

Repeat, use other words, and summarize all important points

and review ideas with students. 5. Students have trouble understanding the directions.

Give step-by-step instructions. Outline the steps in writing or

use pictures.

Complete sample problems or tasks to show students what

they are to do.

Combine spoken directions with words or diagrams. Accommodations for Completing the Assignments
Some students with a disability have trouble completing assignments. This may be because they work very slowly and run out of time. Some students may not remember to get the resources and materials they will need to complete all of their assignments.

Break long assignments into parts. Set a separate due date for each part. Have students mark assignments on a calendar. Reduce the total amount of work. Be sure to select the tasks or items that are needed to
accomplish all of the learning objectives.

Let students use resources and instructional materials outside of class.



Grade 11 Visual Art (AVI 3M)

Unit 2: Acrylic Painting

Summative Assessment
For this assignment you will be asked to create a grisaille on canvas using acrylics. You will use the brush set provided and one neutral colour for the grisaille. You will select a Renaissance painting and transfer a portion of it onto a canvas via gridding technique.

Four class periods and completed grisaille due at the end of the week.

Method of Working
1. Generating Ideas Begin by brainstorming ideas for your painting. Generate a list of possible subjects and themes that you are interested. Decide on focus for your painting. 2. Selection Process After brainstorming session go down your list of ideas and try to visualize what each could look like as a finished painting. Save ideas that generate the most vivid images for you and discard 3. Gather Resources At this point you should now gather Renaissance paintings, acrylic supplies and painting resources. Acrylic painting handouts and resource books are available.

3. Prepare Sketches Crop out a section of a Renaissance painting and use the appropriate composition principles. Draw a few sketches and finalize your decision. Consult with teacher before you transfer onto canvas. 4. Transfer Sketch to canvas Choose a canvas or two depending on your painting and personal preference. Use the gridding technique to help you transfer the section of Renaissance painting onto your canvas. 5. Paint by Layering Once the drawing is on the canvas, you can start on the underpainting. Review different brush properties. Focus on light sources and start layering light and add more layers as you go.

Grade 11 Visual Art (AVI 3M)

Unit 2: Acrylic Painting

Rubrics: Grisaille Acrylic Painting

Student Name: _________________________ Date of Completion: ______________________ LEVEL 4: Exceeds Expectations Drawing Drawing highly expressive and detailed. Line quality, shapes, patterns, and textures used to enhance image. Composition demonstrated a highly developed sense of space and composition Applications of colours demonstrated advanced knowledge of color relationships Extreme care taken in the application of paint and colors expertly executed. Students showed efforts beyond the requirements of the project. LEVEL 3: Meets Expectations Drawing achieved expressive quality through use of lines Lines, colors, shapes, and textures used effectively within image. Colors are used to effectively enhance the expressive quality of the drawing. Paint is applied with care and skill. LEVEL 2: Some Expectations Expressive quality evident but lacked control. LEVEL 1: Below Expectations No attempt made to achieve expressive quality beyond strict representation. Drawing did not reflect an understanding of basic principles of design. No logical or expressive selection of colors evident.


Composition exhibited a lack of planning, but space is wellused. Some thought evident in choice of colors, but others appeared accidental. Some lack of control is evident. Limited skills in paint application. Students finished the project but it lacks finishing touches or can be improved.

Colour Choices


Effort and Perseverance

Students completed the project in an above average manner.

Paint application lacked control and planning. Textures and patterns failed in execution. Students did not finish the work in a satisfactory manner.

Additional Comments: Next Steps:



Grade 11 Visual Art (AVI 3M)

Unit 2: Acrylic Painting



Grade 11 Visual Art (AVI 3M)

Unit 2: Acrylic Painting

1. Acrylic painting booklet: 2. Youtube Clips: i. Caring for your Brushes: ii. Acrylic Painting Techniques : Shadows & Highlights: iii. Acrylic Painting Techniques for Beginners: iv. Speed Painting With Acrylics: v. How To Paint A Portrait II: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. M.WANG


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