The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks the immune system. The infection by the HIV results in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
i. ii. iii. To increase knowledge about the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). To gain knowledge about effects of HIV on the bodys defence mechanism. To obtain knowledge about the transmission of HIV. To rise knowledge about the prevention of AIDS.
i. ii. iii. Effects of HIV on the bodys defence mechanism. The transmission of HIV. The prevention of AIDS.
The virus reproduces inside the lymphocytes and kills them in the process. A person who is infected with HIV may be symptom-free for many years, even when the virus is actively attacking the immune system. The effects of the disease may take 8-10 years to show. Since the immune system of a person is weakened, the body is prone to infections. Eventually, the immune system collapses and the victim die of an infection.
Transmission of HIV
i. ii. The HIV can only survive in bodily fluid such as semen, blood and vaginal fluid. The HIV can be transmitted through a sexual contact as the virus transmitted from the infected person to his or her partner through simen. An infected pregnant woman can also pass the HIV to her baby through the placenta or through mothers milk. Sharing non-sterile needles and syringes by intravenous drug users may pass the virus to other drugs user as well. Unscreen contaminated blood used in blood transfusion can also transmit the HIV to a healthy person. The disease cannot be spread by direct touch or sharing of food when eating together.
Prevention of HIV
i. ii. To date, there is no vaccine against HIV although certain drugs may stop the disease from progressing. The preventive measure should be taken as the prevention of AIDS include:
i. ii. iii. Refrain from promiscuous behavior and use a condom or sheath during sexual intercourse. Screen donated blood before using it for blood transfusion. Use sterile needles and syringes to prevent infection.
iv. v.
Carry out awareness campaigns to educate the public and school children about the dangers of AIDS. Provide proper counseling to people who are HIV positive so that the do not spread the virus to healthy people.
i. ii. iii. HIV can cause the destruction of the body immune system and weakened the body so the body prone to various infections. HIV can be transferred through body fluids such as blood and semen, or across placenta. AIDS can be prevented by avoiding illegal sexual contact, avoid from sharing contaminated needle or tattoo ink and consume certain drugs to stop the progression of the virus.
As the conclusion, we know that HIV is very dangerous virus that can destruct the immune system and eventually can cause the victims die when the immune system collapse. We also know that HIV can be transferred through the body fluids. So, as the prevention of AIDS, we must follow the preventative measures that I had mentioned above.