Interview of An Entrepreneur
Interview of An Entrepreneur
Interview of An Entrepreneur
Due: Thursday March 03 The Assignment The activities in this assignment are focused on you arranging and carrying out an interview of an entrepreneur from your community. This entrepreneur could represent a non- profit venture or a profit one, and could be in a product or service industry. You should schedule completion of the various phases over a two-week period. The Requirements 1. Interview a local entrepreneur. The person may be a member of your family, friend or neighbour. Follow the guidelines for the interview. 2. Write a report based on the interview. The report should read like a newspaper or magazine story on an entrepreneur. The report is to be 500- 700 words. Focus on the most relevant and interesting information from the interview. Do not try to get every piece of information from the interview onto paper. The report should stress the interesting facts, not the mundane. It would be most wise if you recorded the interview and dissected it later. Recording allows you to look the person in the eye, have a conversation with him/her without distractions. 3. The report must be presented to the class in a 3-minute presentation. Options for the presentation are: Invite the entrepreneur to speak to the class for 15 20 minutes. This option is limited to 4 or 5 students based on teacher permission first. The date of the speaker's visit must be approved by the teacher and must be reasonably close to the assignment due date. Create a PowerPoint presentation about your interview and their venture. Selecting an Interviewee To identify and select an entrepreneur to interview, you could draw from one of the following possible sources: 1. Relatives, friends, or acquaintances might be able to recommend someone they know whom they consider to be an entrepreneur. 2. Most communities have business development agencies that deal with entrepreneurs on a regular basis. Perhaps you could write a letter, explaining what you require, and ask that a list of potential interviewees be supplied. 3. Local newspapers are another possible source. Perhaps one student could be assigned to approach the newspaper person who handles the business news and ask about potential interviewees. Television and radio media members might also be able to help.
Please make me aware of who you are going to interview when finalized.
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
INTERVIEWING AN ENTREPRENEUR Background Information: Possible Entrepreneur Interview Questions Basic Questions 1. What is your definition of an entrepreneur? 2. Why did you choose to be an entrepreneur?
3. How do you motivate yourself?
4. Why did you choose the type of business you are presently in?
5. 6. 7. Have you been in any other type of business that you owned ? What are some of the pros and cons of being an entrepreneur ? When did you first decide that you wanted to work for yourself?
8. What were your career plans when you graduated from high school?
9. How many hours do you work per week?
10. Do you enjoy doing something just to prove you can? 11. Do you believe that there should be security in a job? 12. Do you plan your tasks before getting started?
13. What are your hobbies? 14. How much time do you spend watching television? 15. How much time to you spend with friends and family? 16. Do you feel that owning your own business has been worth the conflicts that you had to deal with?
a. How important was this experience, or lack thereof, in starting your own enterprise?
21. How did you spot the opportunity or develop the idea for your enterprise? 22. What types of goals did you have just prior to starting your own enterprise?
23. What type of lifestyle did you have just prior to when you started your enterprise? 24. How did you evaluate your idea or opportunity in terms of:
a. b. c. Market? The competition? Key elements of success?
25. What type of planning did you do prior to starting up? 26. How did you obtain the necessary funds to start up your enterprise?
29. How long did you take to reach a positive cash-flow position (break-even point)?
30. How long did it take for your company to show a profit? 31. What pressures did you face in the early stages of your enterprise? 32. What type of outside help were you able to obtain? (Lawyers, accountants, tax experts, patent and trademark specialists, etc.) 33. Explain how these experts were able to help you in your enterprise.
34. What did you learn about yourself during this start-up experience? 35. What did you discover about your strengths and weaknesses? 36. What has been the highlight of your entrepreneurial career to date? 37. What has been the low point of your entrepreneurial career?
38. What do you see as the strengths of your enterprise? 39. What do you see as the weaknesses of your enterprise?
Operations (Later Stage) 40. What problems did you discover once your operation was well under way?
41. How did you find the key people for your enterprise? 42. What personal attitudes, characteristics, and skills were necessary for the success of your enterprise?
43. Do you spend more or less time at your enterprise now than in the early stage? 44. What are your future plans for this enterprise? 45. Have you met your initial goals?
46. Have your goals changed? 47. What are your present goals ?
Personal Observations
48. Has your personal life changed as a result of this enterprise? 49. What would you do differently if you were to start all over again? 50. What things would you not change if you were to do this all again? 51. Looking back on your experience, which of the following do you feel are the most critical: a. Skills?
b. Attitude?
c. Knowledge? 52. What are the things that you find personally satisfying and rewarding as an entrepreneur ? 53. What advice would you give an aspiring entrepreneur?
54. What are the most important lessons you have learned as a result of your experience?
Interview with an Entrepreneur - Rubric Written Component Criteria Interview information is organized well into a new format (biography format, story format, etc.). Written document is engaging and teaches the reader about the Entrepreneur/Venture. Spelling and grammar are correct. It is clear that student asked at least 10 thoughtful questions. TOTAL Mark 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 /25
Interview with an Entrepreneur PowerPoint Component PowerPoint: Criteria Slide 1 student and project name Slide 2 entrepreneur and venture name Slide 3 question and answer are clearly stated Slide 4 question and answer are clearly stated Slide 5 question and answer are clearly stated Slide 6 question and answer are clearly stated Slide 3 question and answer are clearly stated Overall, spelling and grammar are correct Overall, slide design and layout are appropriate and appealing. Student made eye contact and used appropriate voice/language engage audience. TOTAL Mark 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 /36