Crisis Management
Crisis Management
Crisis Management
Abstract: Crisis communication, as an essential part of crisis management, is a major challenge for organizations, especially the business within the current communication framework. As the stakeholders perceptions represent very often the greatest potential danger in crises, communication plays quite frequently an important role in the organizational efforts to control, contain, and resolve a crisis situation. The absence or insufficiency of crisis communication management is a major threat to the organizational achievements because of significant financial losses generated by inadequate stakeholder perceptions. We have initiated a research in this field, with special attention to the Romanian business situation. The first empirical step of our research sought to determine to what extent Romanian business organizations are perceived as being aware of this challenge. A survey has confirmed that they are perceived by their stakeholders as quite unaware, as not acting on a planned basis as far as organizational crises are concerned. Based on this initial empirical research, in order to help business organizations to be seen as reliable actors in crisis situations, we have made a preliminary checklist with prodromes (symptoms) to be considered both by business managers and communication strategists while planning for crisis management. Keywords: proactive communication; crisis communication; pre-crisis; crisis prodromes; signal detection.
1. Introduction The unprecedented dynamic of the world today, portrayed by numerous and complex interactions among all social actors, favours the rise and development of more and more cmplex situations issues, risks, emergencies, crises which may challenge any kind of organizations, no matter if they act in the governmental, business, or non-profit fields. More than that, the above-mentioned organizations could face such situations regardless who has actually generated them. As a consequence of the new communication paradigm, the organizational visibility has also grown very much, thus endangering the organizational functions due to the risks generated by stakeholders perception of those organizations. This state of facts has consequently
College of Communication and Public Relations, National School of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania, [email protected] ** College of Communication and Public Relations, National School of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania, [email protected] *** Paper initially presented at the 2011 IAMCR (International Association for Media and Communication Research) academic conference Cities, Creativity, Connectivity, held in Istanbul, July 13-17, 2011 (unpublished).
facilitated scholar opinions defining organizational crises mainly from a perceptional point of view: the perception of an unpredictable event that threatens important expectancies of stakeholders and can seriously impact an organizations performance and generate negative outcomes (Coombs, 2007a, p. 2). In order to prevent inadequate perceptions, organizations must communicate with their publics in a manner as effective as possible, because communication is the most important tool in gaining cooperation from the public and linking responders (Andersen & Spitzberg, 2009, p. 211). Business organizations seem to be the most exposed to this crisis-prone framework and therefore should be interested in finding out new ways either to avoid crises or at least to professionally confront them. Fortunately, proactive crisis management policies provide tools and procedures able to forecast and appropriately control potential crises. Acknowledging the importance of detecting crisis signals, some authors pay special attention to the prodromal phase of numerous crises (Fink, 2002), in which symptoms often announce such developments and concomitantly allow preventative measures. Unfortunately, in quite many cases business organizations are seen as unaware of proactive managerial policies in this field, such perception worsening the efforts to manage crises. This observation has proved to be valid in the case of Romanian business organizations, as we will describe below. Failures are hard to avoid keeping in mind that crisis management and consequently crisis communication as its essential tool in the Romanian organizational environment are still in their beginnings; the PR history in Romania is shorter than 20 years. This is why our concerns have primarily gone to practical routines and aspects on how to support the development of substantial strategies and tactics, how to help organizations companies in this case in their effort of controlling unpleasant situations endangering their businesses. It is not just a theoretical anxiety, because both empirical observation and statistical research show that most of organizations are not still aware of this potential threat. Many of them simply let things go their natural way, without realizing that they have easy-to-use tools at their hand, among them being communicational techniques. Others try to implement adhoc reactive measures, hoping that these responsive strategies based almost exclusively on reactions will produce results. The proactive way of doing things, which should be a must in crisis management, is still far away in many cases. Our research has been motivated by the preliminary assumption that business organizations in Romania have hardly been using proactive approaches as far as crisis management, particularly crisis communication as an essential component of crisis management, are concerned. This assumption is based primarily on empirical observation of various crisis management outcomes in Romania over the past few years. Among other reasons e.g. the insufficient knowledge of crisis communication principles and procedures, a supposition that we intend to elucidate in a future research this state of facts also originates in the poor perception individuals have on organizational abilities and capabilities engaged in the management and resolution of crisis situations. Our supposition has also been based on previous empirical observations made by industry experts see for instance the research made by the Rogalski-Grigoriu PR agency in 2008 announcing the poor management of crises from the perceptional point of view, although there must have been common sense that, in many such events, public perceptions are the most dangerous, requiring careful attention; indeed, according to the estimations made for the year
2008 in this report (Rogalski-Grigoriu, 2008, p. 30), 60% of the potential crisis sources would be attributable to organizations: 33% to managerial factors, such as lack of professionalism, lack of transparency, overwork, and 27% to communication factors, such as lack of professionalism, insufficient number of communication experts, little co-operation between communication departments and management, weak concern for crisis communication management. Moreover, in another previous investigation trying to determine the levels of crisis awareness in 10 Romanian organizations (Chiciudean, David & Mircea, 2009), we received only four valid responses showing that the management had an acceptable understanding of basic crisis management concepts.
2. Literature review From the very beginning, founders of crisis management noticed the importance of scanning for early signals of crises and suggested that proactive action should be taken to resolve them or at least to acceptably minimize and control their boost. Steven B. Fink, one of the most cited pioneers of the field, has been emphasizing since 1986 that recognizing and taking appropriate and necessary action in a prodromal situation may prevent a crisis just by making managers more vigilant (Fink, 2000, p. 11). Otherwise, he has been the one making a parallel between organizational crises and human illnesses; he referred, in his approach of crisis stages, to an initial prodromal1 crisis stage, when various crisis symptoms can be determined and prevented instead of allowing their maturity thus requiring for being cured. In fact, as one can see, the next part of our paper will be dedicated to drafting a list of such prodromes to be considered by business organization in their proactive approach to crisis management. W. Timothy Coombs, another prominent researcher actively involved in crisis communication issues, has made a major contribution in the development of the situational crisis communication theory (SCCT). The SCCT is a proactive theoretical framework which provides a mechanism for anticipating how stakeholders will react to a crisis in terms of the reputational threat posed by the crisis. Moreover, SCCT projects how people will react to the crisis response strategies used to manage the crisis (Coombs, 2007c, p. 163). The proactive features give also to this theory an practical dimension, as managers and communicators in organizations can anticipate how stakeholders are likely to perceive and react in their crisis. Thus, research on crisis communication can help crisis managers to be more effective in their selection and utilization of crisis communication strategies for reputation management (Coombs, Frandsen, Holladay & Johansen, 2010, p. 338). On its turn, SCCT has its roots in Bernard Weiners attribution theory, which states that people tend to assign responsibilities for events, particularly for the negative, sudden, unexpected ones; they attribute responsibility for an event either to the situation or the person (organization) in the situation; this process of attribution goes along with emotional attitudes manifested on a scale going from sympathy to anger. These emotions affect the way people (stakeholders) interact with those involved in the situation; business organizations are almost every time subject of this attribution of responsibility. Although SCCT has largely been used as a founding principle for crisis response strategies, one must take it into account when it comes to preventative action. Indeed, in order to turn into a functional tool, crisis managers
must make use of scientific evidence resulted from experimental research rather than look for support in subjective preferences and experiences. Signals (prodromes) detected in the early phases of a crisis cycle (basically in the pre-crisis stage) are actually a significant part of such scientific evidence to be interpreted in order to come up with systematic conclusions on how stakeholders attitudes, attributions, and behaviors may be anticipated and directed. Another theoretical approach backing up the option for proactive policies the theory of mutual inattention belongs to James E. Lukaszewski, researcher and practitioner of crisis communication. In individual terms, this theory states that people tend to ignore each other until something happens, thus requiring attention from those potentially affected. In organizational words, the theory captures the true nature of our relationship - the public doesnt really care nor should they care about us until we do something to them which affects those six [community] core values2 [...] When any of those values is jeopardized, youll have the publics undivided attention and reaction (Lukaszewski, 2000, p. 54). We would mention two consequences deriving from this theory, consequences organizations should be aware of: on one hand, it is the public (i.e. stakeholders) who decides when an issue becomes an issue and when this issue needs to be resolved; on the other hand, the same public, not the organization, is to decide whether or not an issue is important. The inattention level can be controlled if the organizational management understands and uses tools as: patterns of behavior and response (questions, oppositions, mistakes, media coverage, and action by public officials all of them predictable, which allows proactive approach); strategic preparation techniques; lessons learned from failures (especially from own ones).
3. Methodology Following the pragmatic introductory remarks, we conducted a survey among people working in the Romanian business field, trying to find out to what extent business organizations were perceived by own members, as well as by their external publics, as communicating in crisis on a planned basis. Hypothesis. The hypothesis for this study, based on previous systematic observation of samples as mentioned above, has been shaped by putting together two variables (organizational crisis management approach and stakeholder perception), as follows: if organizations have a proactive approach to crisis management, then the stakeholder perception of organizations confronted with crises is favorable. Derived from it, several research questions have been designed: Have Romanian business organizations been perceived by their internal publics as practicing proactive crisis management? Have these organizations been perceived by their external publics as practicing proactive crisis management? Is there a proportional correlation between those two variables? How publics assess the organizational efforts made to manage crises? In order to verify this hypothesis and answer the corresponding research questions, we conducted a survey on April 15-30, 2011, meant to test the above-mentioned experiential examination results, among people working in the Romanian business field. The purpose of this research was to find out to what extent business organizations were perceived by own mem-
bers, as well as by their external publics, as communicating in crisis on a planned basis; it is important to find out in what measure stakeholder perceptions both internal and external are complying with organizational expectancies, because perceptions, especially those belonging to internal stakeholders, have a major potential to worsen any type of crisis. Sample. To fulfill this purpose, we addressed a questionnaire to people working in the business environment, both in industries with a high crisis probability (air transportation, food, FMCG, chemical products, natural resources) and with a low-risk (apparel, various services). Although we have tried to follow thoroughly the general structure of organizations studied, there were no optimal conditions to conduct a probability sampling able to reveal mathematical correlations between the sample addressed and the entire population working in business environment; this is why we had to choose the alternative non-probability sampling, trying to test eventually our hypothesis rather than to obtain detailed measurements. From a total number of 140 people addressed, 122 respondents had answered the questions; their general profile is described in the charts below (figures 1-3): Figure 1. What is your position within your organization?
Figure no. 1 actually reflects the average structure of a business organization as far as managerial and execution levels are concerned. Figure 2. Are you working in a communication/public relations/marketing department?
Figure no. 2, based on a screening question, shows that a relatively significant percentage of the respondents were expected, as a result of their job descriptions, to have detailed knowledge of the crisis management aspects. This insight goes further in figure no. 3; unfor-
tunately, because of a certain reticence of the respondents, instead of splitting them in two categories (specialized and non-specialized), we had to accept a general answer on their familiarization with the concept of crisis management. Nevertheless, an important percentage of the answers (93%), even if in our interpretation it is rather enthusiastic, shows that people questioned have at least certain knowledge on this matter, thus giving appropriate substance to their further responses. Figure 3: Are you familiar with the concept of crisis management?
Research questions. The perception of the above-mentioned respondents on the plans and policies of their own organizations is initially described in the charts below: Figure 4: Does your company operate proactive policies?
The question in the figure no. 4 aimed to elucidate whether or not business organizations were perceived as applying proactive policies in their managerial processes and consequently as taking preventative, prophylactic measures in order to detect earlier, prevent and control organizational risks and crises. Approximately 64% respondents answered that their organizations carry out at least occasionally (sometimes) proactive policies. This percentage could be taken as fairly accurate; however, we should mention that 22% of the respondents skipped that question, and we met this reserve in all the answers to the other questions that followed. Another mention to be made refers to the bias produced by the Hawthorne ef-
fect, and we believe that the respondents tried to add a certain amount of positive substance to their responses; therefore, a correction by diminishing a little bit the percentages in figure no. 4 would give a more appropriate insight on this perception. Figure 5: Does your company do crisis management?
Figure 6: Do you know about the existence of a crisis management plan within your organization?
The scholar prudence just mentioned above was also generated by the responses in figure no. 6: although respondents claim that their organizations carry out crisis management, 65% of them have no knowledge about the existence of a crisis management plan; in our perspective, the existence of a plan is one of the key prerequisites of a proactive, preventative policy. A correction ought to be made on these figures as well, keeping into account that 20% of the respondents chose to skip this question. When it comes to the perception on how other business organizations apply proactive policies, particularly crisis management plans and procedures, the respondents were asked first to give an input on whether they perceive other organizations as being concerned of crisis management. According to the answers illustrated in figure no. 7, 67.5% of the respondents have knowledge of such organizations:
Figure 7: Do you know other organizations than yours practicing crisis management?
Going further with the next two questions, the respondents were asked to describe up to five organizations, other than theirs, from the perspective of proactive policies and crisis management. The percentages are quite poor and, at the same time, the ratio of people skipping the answers went up to 40%, respectively 37%, thus seriously affecting the value of the answers: Figure 8: Do organizations you know (other than yours) operate proactive policies?
Figure 9: How do you assess the crisis management in organizations you know?
Our primary conclusion is that the survey describes the confusion existing within organizations as to crisis management and the role of proactive policies and strategies while managing crisis situations. This state of confusion has been generated, among others, by the lack of concern regarding internal communication as a powerful tool of crisis management: people have a poor idea and inconsistent perceptions on crisis management actions and tools existing in their organizations. This kind of perception can be considered itself as a prodrome able to affect in a negative way the proper management of an organizational crisis. On the other hand, considering crisis situations as processes systematic successions of actions and events directed to a certain end has given us a pertinent understanding on the role of proactive policies in influencing such processes: acknowledging that crises are not sudden, unpredictable events, scholars such as Fink, Coombs, Pauchant, Mitroff and Fearn-Banks have already debated intensely on the time sequence of the crisis stages; thus knowing, controlling and managing the early stages of such a series of events would give substantial influence over how the process goes forward. For instance, some of the above-mentioned authors speak about signal detection (Coombs, 2007a, p. 18) as a proactive tool to be used in the precrisis stage; we would add that it should be extended to signal detection and resolution/management, thus influencing the direction of the process to the advantage of the organization. Based on this second conclusion, our intention has been to give business organizations a checklist of items to be considered when their managers intend to initiate proactive policies meant to control crises. Our purpose for the future is to go beyond this first step and to create a diagnose procedure for specialists trying to audit crisis preparedness within this kind of organizations. Approaching crises as processes also allows an improved control over the direction emerging after a crisis. Indeed, if one accepts the premise that every crisis may be considered a dangerous opportunity (Ulmer, Sellnow & Seeger, 2007, p. 177), the natural conclusion is that crises bring a potential to renewal, which should be put to good use managing the direction and the purpose of such a process from its very beginning. Finally, one must not forget that, in the existing organizational environment, especially under the growing influence of social media, reputation is more fragile than ever (Crenshaw, 2010). Social media allow encourage, we would say consumer interactivity beyond the areas business organizations can manage. They also may represent a more affordable platform for activist action (activist blogs, causes on Facebook, tweets, etc.), thus putting much pressure on businesses to keep their promises concerning the standards and features of their products. Early warning signals forecasting negative evolutions allows thus proactive measures meant to help solve them long before they become major reputational threats.
4. Findings: a checklist of prodromes Proactive crisis management naturally affects the recovery measures a company must use and is a vital strategy in mitigating the negative effects of crises. Proactive planning is also critical in capitalizing on opportunities provided by a crisis before one occurs (Penrose, apud Jaques, 2010, p. 471). Based on this assumption and on the results of the above-described survey, we have tried, as already mentioned, to give managers and communication practitioners a list of symptoms to be considered in the strategic planning process. The list resulted both from theoretical statements and empiric observation.
One may use various classification criteria in order to systematize the potential crisis signals to which business organizations should pay attention: their nature (natural, human-related, technological); organizational stakeholders (internal, external); consequences (critical, non-critical); managerial approach (proactive, reactive, interactive, resolution vs. containment); predictability (predictable, unpredictable), and so on. In this paper, we will focus on the first above-mentioned criterion because, in our opinion, the nature of prodromes is one of the criteria easiest to be used; it allows a quite effortless causal approach: managers and stakeholders link easily these signals to their origin. On the other hand, it allows managers to better distinguish signals forecasting risks and crises; this may be a challenge indeed for managers, because, as experts mention, some warning signs are difficult to see []: they are easy to see after a crisis (Coombs, 2007a, p. 21). Thus following this criterion we can talk about natural, human-related, and technological prodromes. If we accept this classification for methodical reasons, we must point out that all these factors actually interact, generating consequences which may be found in any other category: for instance, natural disasters often reveal technological and/or relational malfunctions in organizations; human-related factors frequently affect how technologies work and how natural disasters should be approached, etc., as it shown in the figure below. Figure 10: Interactions among prodromal categories
Error! Reference source not found. Attempting to prevent negative developments and outcomes due to crisis processes, one must first prioritize the probability and the impact of each prodromal category over a specific organization, because some of the organizations might be severely affected essentially by natural phenomena (drought affecting farms, for instance), while others must primarily monitor technological breakdowns. In this attempt, Steven Finks crisis plotting grid aggregating the above-mentioned factors (impact and probability) is a useful tool (Fink, 2000).
Figure 12: Simulation on crisis prodromes using Finks crisis plotting grid
Once listed and prioritized, these prodromes should be also analyzed from the perspective of costs: what are the resolution costs (including human, material, technological, and financial resources) compared to the estimated losses? Can they be reasonably managed? Which of them could turn in major threats to the organizational goals and processes? In order to make this attempt easier to business organizations interested in anticipate risks and crises threatening their functions, we have listed a number of prodromes which should be considered for planning and prediction purposes:
Natural prodromes: forecasts, warnings or signals of earthquake, flood, landslide, drought, cyclone, hurricane, tornado, storm, fire produced by natural causes, epidemic and pandemic diseases, avalanches, heat waves, volcanic activity, meteorites; scholar works on the seismic potential of the area, flood likeliness, etc.; statistics on natural phenomena in the area, papers in local libraries, directories, bookshops; information and news on global warming; forecasts on snowfalls and ice (for air and ground transportation companies); governmental or local authority warnings and regulations; increased community concern in natural disaster issues. Human-related prodromes: when it comes to this category, the bad news is that studies (Cohn, 2000) show that about 80% of the potentially destructive events organizations have to face originate in human actions; therefore, this prodromal category must be carefully observed by organizations; the good news is that human actions produce, among others, quite numerous early warning signals which, properly handled, may stop their progress to risks or crises. Here there are several such signals to be considered within this category: a. Organizational interactions: mergers and acquisitions; hostile takeover attempts; organizational malevolence (extreme tactics to attack an organization); administrative notifications; evaluation reports on financial, technical, legal, professional, security and work safety, environmental issues; increased pace of share sales; oscillations in supply flows (raw materials, spare parts); industrial espionage; unusual/unfair competition; increase of competition within the industry; brand attacks; product recalls, particularly done by other companies producing similar/comparable products (when this happens to us, it is more than a signal, it may be even a crisis); warnings on ineffective communication with stakeholders. Regarding the organizational effective communication with its stakeholders, we believe that the case of the Roia Montan Gold Corporation accurately illustrates the importance of this organizational interaction: trying to open a gold mining project in Romania, the company has been asking for governmental agreements even since December, 2004, because of the hostile public opinion resulted from environmental activism which had not properly been addressed; since 2099, the company has been developing a huge communication campaign including public relations, public affairs, advertising, lobbying, CSR, etc., in order to change public attitudes by appropriate information; the costs of this campaign have become extremely high because of the difficulties coming up from such a changing-attitude effort. b. Prodromes attributable to the organization, according to the above-mentioned attribution theory: breakdowns in total quality management; failures in the safety and security procedures and regulations; operations done in an inappropriate manner; loss or leak of confidential information; increased time between production and distribution; resource shortages; reorganizations and relocations; failures in workers compensation (either mandatory or promised); noticeable discrepancies among organizational statuses (such as important differences in salaries); organizational misdeeds (organizational actions likely to produce risks to stakeholders or even law violations). c. Individual interactions: signals on attempts of individual malevolence (such as product tampering); rumors (for instance, the Romanian branch of Danone suffered in September-November 2007 a diminution of its dairy product sales of 25% because of media allegations concerning the presence of dioxine in some of its products. A mention must be made here that rumors referring to a certain industry are also likely to affect organizations: in that same case of Danone, the other dairy producers faced up a comparable sale reduction. The recent assertions May, 2011 about the Escherichia coli bacterium affecting the whole Spanish vegetable industry is another example); human-error accidents; individual violations of corporate
regulations and procedures (for instance, those referring to hygiene, food safety, paper circulation, hazardous materials); whistle-blowing (disclosure of organizational wrongdoings and/or malpractices); alcohol and drug consumption at the workplace; violence at the workplace; vandalism; law suits; conflicts between employees (individuals). As to these employee conflicts, although it is not actually a conflict, we believe that special attention should be paid to the organizational phenomenon called mobbing (also known as psychological terror, moral harassment, victimization, workplace bullying and already regulated by legal norms in countries such as Sweden and France), consisting in hostile and unethical communication which is directed in a systematic way by one or a number of persons, mainly toward one individual [] These actions take place often (almost every day) and over a long period (at least for six months) and, because of this frequency and duration, result in considerable psychic, psychosomatic and social misery (Leymann, 1990, p. 120). Indeed, especially in cases when mobbing is directed against a supervisor or manager, it can worsen up to a conflict with crisis-generating potential. d. Stakeholder behaviors: concerns, worries and criticism (both by internal and external publics); customer complaints (about product quality for instance); product returns; revival of activism against organization or its products; objections on legal and/or financial issues; negative media coverage; negative mentions in opinion polls, surveys, interviews, research; negative opinion leader and influential comments; reports of experts, non-governmental organizations, activist groups; discussions on forums, blogs, social networks, discussion groups; unusual traffic on the corporate website(s), particularly on certain pages; preparations for strikes and work conflicts. Special attention must be paid in this field to perceptional prodromes, e.g. concerns, worries and complaints or media speculations, which may evolve to crises even if perceptions have no objective/rational support; more than that, media reports and assertions may be consistently influenced by economic factors in an business environment such as the Romanian one: the media competition for resources (particularly for those coming from advertising), which is very sharp because of the scarcity of funds allotted by companies to promotion through media, results in poor quality and tabloidization of media reports (the dilemma of get it first or get it right is often resolved in the favor of get it first). Technological prodromes: pollution and environmental damages/threats; incidents in the observance of environmental regulations; malfunctions of the computer networks and technologies; incidents on the safety of corporate databases; computer hacking attempts; incidents and accidents caused by technologies.
5. Discussion Due to the size and structure of the sample questioned, a mathematical correlation between the two variables of the initial hypothesis could not be revealed; however, there is a correspondence between them, so that positive stakeholder perception is more plausible in the case of organizations proactively doing crisis management. This is an important element for crisis managers, as positive perceptions will boost and support organizational efforts to crisis containment/resolution. Unfortunately, the answers to the first two research questions reveal much confusion among organizational publics: if internal publics perceive quite positively their own organizations as practicing proactive crisis management, the external publics have no clear idea on organizations they recognize. In our opinion, one of the major causes gen-
erating this confusion is the inadequate communication between organizations and their stakeholders, either internal or external. As already mentioned, the answer to the third question is negative, i.e. no direct correspondence can be made between organizational crisis management approach and stakeholder perception; we concluded however that they exert mutual influences in their connection. As to the last question, aiming a qualitative assessment on the organizational crisis management endeavors, the confusion mentioned above negatively affects stakeholders perception, so that approximately 50% of the respondents choose to be prudent, staying within the limits totally poor and acceptable, while the rate of N/A varies from 5 to 12%.
6. Conclusions Prevention is the best tool to use in crisis management. Being aware of this principle, business managers and executives can scan the organizational environment or they can monitor certain phenomena using a crisis sensing mechanism (Coombs, 2007a, p. 44). Early warning and knowledge about symptoms (prodromes) likely to worsen if not prevented allows thus preventative action which would benefit to organizations. In order to fulfill this goal, managers could use prioritized lists based on scientific expertise and able to bring the necessary input required for calibrating, adjusting and regulating crisis management standards and procedures. Moreover, knowing prodromes and approaching them in a proactive manner is not enough. As our survey revealed, communication flows between organizations and their respective publics are affected to a level which should be seen as worrying. This is why we recommend that business organizations make a first step to improvement by having reliable communication audits made by experts. Such audits could be used as valuable assets in the strategic planning process, especially from the communicational point of view. A final mention should be made concerning other types of organizations: public institutions, as well as non-profit organizations, have to face risks and crisis situations quite similar to the organizational actors involved in business. With a certain kind of particularization, many of the general assertions made above can be useful for such organizations as well. In our future studies, we intend to see also how these organizations are prepared for crises and how effective their response appears to be to their stakeholders.
Prodrome: forewarning symptom (a symptom indicating the onset of a disease). Protection of family health and safety; protection of family economic security; protection of property and personal property values; preservation of peace of mind; pride in community; absence of conflict.
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