Henry, G. K. G. - The Characters of Terence (Art, 1915)
Henry, G. K. G. - The Characters of Terence (Art, 1915)
Henry, G. K. G. - The Characters of Terence (Art, 1915)
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APRIL, 1915
THE CHARACTERS OF TERENCE The following paper embodies some of the chief results of an investigation of the charactersthat appear in the six plays of Terence. Before these results were reached, a very close examination was made of the characters in each play, and an attempt made to interpret characters of every kind, including mutes and even those characters that do not appear on the stage, in their relation to the story of the play. The present paper seeks to gather together the features of Terence's technique in character portrayal, as illustrated in that analysis. Of course this involves a change of method from the exami. nation by plays, drawing its illustrations, as it does, from various parts of Terence's work. To what extent Terence restricts himself to the characters of Menander and the other writers of the New Greek Comedy, goes beyond the limits of this paper. Such an inquiry involves a complete examination of the charactersin the available material of Menander's work, and the commentators who had access to the larger literature. Neither is it possible here to state, with any degree of authority, how far Terence is restricted by convention in the choice of his characters. A more or less cursory examination of the commentaries of Donatus and Eugraphius and of the prologues of Terence himself strengthens the belief that a convention restricting the characters was a very strong restraining influence on the Latin poet. The present investigator, however, has not yet had the opportunity to make the necessary examination of the literature. Unfortunately the names of characters in Terence are repeated, in the various plays, to the point of monotony. The name of Chremes, for example, is given to the character of the old man in the Andria, the Hauton Timorumenos,the Phormio, and to a young man in the Eunuchus. So also we find Sostrata in the Hauton Timorumenos, Hecyra, and Adelphoe. If we make mention of the heroine, we must label Pamphila or Philumena by one of the plays in which she appears. We find three courtesans by the name of Bacchis. This regrettable fact faces us, too, in the case of the young men, the slaves, the nurse. This very monotony of names indicates on the part of the author that these characters are types, a view commonly held regarding the characters of Plautus and Terence. In the main,
such a general conception is doubtless true; but we find also that it does not do to dismiss the charactersof Terence, at least, with such a generalization. Within these types there are clear evidences that the author is not satisfied with mere types. In many cases we are aware that he pictures and portrays in clear and well-definedfeatures such original people, that the character is defined more accurately as individualistic than as typical. I We shall select certain characters of the plays for a comparative study. Some of the best material for such a comparison is to be found in the old men. Here we find, at the outset, a rather interesting variety. The old man is presented, now as the father, now as the lawyer, now as the patron. The patron appears in the Andria in the person of Crito, and in the person of Hegio in the Adelphoe. Crito is a stranger to Athens, a kinsman of the foreign mistress of the story. Hegio, too, appears as the protector of the women. In each case they have a sort of semiofficial character. Both are members of the old school of gentlemen who are chivalrous by nature, and see to it that justice is done the women of the play. Each might pass for the family lawyer who calls on his friends at a most opportune moment, though in fact one is a citizen, the other an Andrian. One comes on personal business of his own, the other is summonedby the slave, Geta. " Hospes, " however, in its comprehensive usage, describes each. "Gentlemen of the old school" mark a type. They are in general alike. So Hegio and Crito could each play the other's part. They are charactersnot at all differentiated,-each upright, independent, benevolent, men of a stern sense of justice, stoical. Really professional men are presented in the Phormio alone. These are the three lawyers, Hegio, Cratinus and Crito. Their namesakes of the Andria and Adelphoe also may be classified as semiprofessional characters, patrons who could easily pass for lawyers. They are, however, quite unlike the lawyers of the Phormio. The latter speak in legal phraseologyand with amusing dignity and severity. The former are, to be sure, very serious minded, sententious gentlemen, but they come on a mission to which they are equal; the
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lawyers only make themselves ridiculous and leave poor Demipho in more perplexity than he was before, for Cratinusand Hegio hand down divergent opinions while Crito reserves his judgment. There is no satirization of their namesakes in the Andria and Adelphoe,while in the Phormio these gentlemen furnish the choicest bit of humor of the play. These three in their serious demeanor are individualizedas lawyers. Their professional character is written boldly in their legal formality, in their politeness, in the satirization of their uselessnessas counselors to which they are subjected. The fathers who represent life more widely portray men in their different phases of character. They go in pairs as foils to each other. In the Andria, Chremes is the moderate, well balanced, unselfish father; Simo is a suspicious,erratic scheming individual. Again, in the Hauton Timorumenosthese characters are most stronglv contrasted. Menedemus and Chremes are exponents of entirely different philosophies of life. As the play opens we have Menedemus before us with his great mattock in hand breaking the earthen clods in his field. He is in the depths of despair. Life holds no joy now that his son, the apple of his eye, is gone. He is modest, generous, frankspoken. Chremes, on the contrary, who has a son safe and sound at home, is full of the activities of life: talkative, scheming, deceptive, miserly. In the Hecyra these old gentlemen are for the most part opponents but are almost duplicates of each other. The Adelphoe, more strongly than any other play, weighs the old men in the balances. The play and counterplay of their opposing theories of life forms the basis of the drama-the pessimist over against the optimist,-extravagance against moderation. In Micio and Demea each plays off the other. In the Phormio, too, Demipho and Chremes are different types of the old man character, though not so evidently foils as in the Hauton Timorumenosand the Adelphoe. In the Phormio, the two are working together for a common interest as they do in the Andria. The Eunuchus alone has but one old man and here Laches is subordinated and characterizedhardly at all. Although these characters in general are thus paired off in the play, each piece has its own people. The Adelphoeand the Hauton Timorumenosexhibit a marked contrast in treatment between Micio
and Menedemus, between Demea and Chremes. In the first place the problem that each has to solve is different. Micio is concerned with the pedagogic question of what theory it is best to adopt in training his boy. Menedemus cares not at all for theory: all he wants is the restoration of Clinia. In the second place they themselves exemplify differenttypes of mind. Micio is patient and long-suffering, and an optimist. Menedemus is impatient and a pessimist. Yet each is the lenient father. So also Demea and Chremesare the stern fathers, but they could hardly be more unlike. Chremes of the Phormio furnishes likewise a study in contrast when compared with Chremes of the Andria. Their interests are centered, in each case, in a daughter; but one is an old hypocrite, a bigamist, who is trying to cover up his tracks; his daughter must be disposed of. He is a weak individual, dominated by circumstances and by fear of his wife. In the end, his double life is exposed. In the Andria, in direct antithesis to this, Chremes is a steady, responsiblecharacter, of good judgment, fair-minded, a pattern of virtue. Such then are the varieties within the type of old man. But the varieties so far distinguished are differentiated only by the outward circumstancesof the old men in their relations to the story. Terence goes still further in his portrayal of the individuals who make up the various groups. To illustrate the distinct personality which Terence gives to these characters it will be well worth while to take two who fill largely the same part in their respective plavs, for example, Chremes of the Hauton Timorunenosand Demea of the Adelphoe,and examine them in greater detail. If a title were to be given to Chremes it would be the "meddler" or "busybody." Though knowing Menedemus ever so slightly, he with his neighbor on his manner of feels called upon to renmonstrate life. A few moments later, finding that Clinia has returned from abroad, and thus arriving at the key to the whole situation, and though knowing he can restore his neighbor to happiness by restoring the son, he muddles matters by his propensity to meddle and scheme. He misrepresents to the young men the father's feelings: he persuades Menedemus to keep his son at a distance. He is happy only when indulging in some underhandedness. He had invited Phania,
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a neighbor, to dine with him on this the feast of the Dionysia, but he has almost forgotten his guest in his interest in his neighbor'sfarming. He is the mediator in a boundary dispute' between his neighbors Simeo and Crito, but he gets excused so that he may engage in a plot with his slave, Syrus. Says Menedemus:
"Chremes,tantumneab re tuast oti tibi aliena ut cures,ea quid nihil ad te attinent?"
To which Chremesanswers:
"Homo sum; humaninihil a me alienumputo."2
"One touch of nature makes the whole world kin," at which pretty speech the audience, so the legend goes, shouted and applauded to the echo.3 Chremespreaches a fine philosophy of life but when the test comes he does not practice it for himself. He had counselled moderation for Menedemus4in handling a son. A father, too, should be sincere that no misunderstandingmay come between them:
"Uerumnec illum tu satis noueras nec te ille; hoc ubi fit, ibi non uere uiuitur. tu illum numquam ostendistiquanti penderes nec tibi illest credereausus qux est xquom patri."' Yet in these very qualities of poise and open dealing Chremes shows himself absolutely lacking. In the final act his philosophy is put to the test, but he shows himself a man of violent passion. Finding
that his son, with the aid of Syrus, has outwitted him, that the expensive lady, Bacchis, is his son's mistress and not Clinia's, he all but disinherits the boy;6 he is willing to make his son out a changeling.7 It is possible to reconcile the Chremes who meets Menedemus in his field with the Chremes of the fifth act only on the assumption that he
I U. 499 ff. 2 ll. 75-77.
3 4
vid. St. August. Ep. 51. Cf. Cic. de Leg. 1, 12; de Fin. III, 19, 63; Seneca Ep. 95, 52. 1. 440. 11U. 153 ff. 6 U. 940-960. 7 ll. 1012 f.
does not practice his own philosophy. Addressing his son in his passion:
"Si scirevis, ego dicam;gerro,iners, fraus,helluo ganeo's,damnosus:credeet nostrumte esse credito. Cl. Non sunt hac parentisdicta. Ch. Non si ex capite sis meo natus, item ut Minervamesse aiunt ex love, ea causa magis patiar,Clitipho,flagitiistuis me infamemfieri. So. Di istlec prohibeant! Ch. Deos nescio: ego quod potero,sedulo."8
This is the pater iratus with a vengeance.9 And it is the real Chremes. Before he was only preaching. Again we have him sermonizing to his son, but Chremes's failings are well known to his offspring:
I"" "is mi, ubi adbibitplus paulo, sua quaenarratfacinora
As to the frankness which he once counselled,he is a stranger to it entirely. His deceitfulness goes hand and glove with his propensity to meddle and scheme. His lies are only more glossed over than Syrus's bold falsifications. Menedemusin his confession made out a clear case of oversevere treatment of his son,1' but Chremes a few moments later represents quite another case to Clitipho. He acts one part with Menedemus, another with the son. Though he has been up late drinking with Bacchis and her retinue the night before, in the morning he represents to Menedemus that he has not been able to close his eyes because of interest in him and his affairs. He is a gentleman who can drink deeply and stand up under the influence of the wine, though it sets his tongue to wagging.'2 Syrus twits the old man on his drinking capacity:
"sed te miror,Chremes, tam mane,qui heri tantumbiberis. Ch. Nil nimis. Sy. 'Nil' narras?uisast uero,quod dici solet,
aquilx senectus. " 13
* 11.1033 ff. 9 Cf. Horace, Aks Poetica,on comic anger: "Interdum tamen et vocem Comcediatollit 93-04) Iratusque Chremestumido delitivat ore." (11. 0 1. 220. 11 1I 99 ff.
12 1. 220. 13 11.518-521.
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Chremes has the miserliness of the old man of comedy. Professedly his object in entering into the plot is to help his neighbor save the money that he will have to pay Clinia to gratify Bacchis's extravagant tastes. The whole counterplot of Syrus in which Chremes joins to his own undoing is built up on this stinginess of his master. Syrus, sly dog, no doubt has his master in mind when he describes to Chremes the character of Menedemus:
" (Clinia)habet patremquendamauidummisereatque aridum, uicinumhunc: nostin? at quasi is non ditiis abundet,gnatus eius profugitinopia."'"
When Chremes discovers his long lost daughter he counts up the expense she has been to him: "ten minaefor board, another ten for clothes; and she will need two talents for her portion":
"I "quammulta iniustaac prauafiunt moribus.
Syrus plays on this characteristic of the old man, complimenting him on his opulence:
"omneste inlautumesse in bene parta re putent.""
Many instances of Chremes's susceptibility to flattery are offered by Syrus: on his lusty, hearty old age exhibited by his standing so well such a drinkingbout,"7 on his correct judgment of women, as they used to be (olim),18on his sense in censuring Clitipho's seeming disloyalty to Clinia.'9 Syrus, too, humors Chremes by minimizing his own abilities and thus flatters the old man's estimate of himself:
" Chremes, uin tu homini stulto mi auscultare? "20
These details form a real portrait of an old man's foibles. The stupidity of Chremesis finely characterizedby the boldness of that part of the plot which introduces Bacchis into her lover's home under the very eyes of the father, who credulously accepts her as Clinia's mistress, finally pays all the bills; forgives the plotters; and confesses himself the butt of his own scheming, fleeced in the very
manner he had recommended for his neighbor Mlenedemus. He becomes but the tool of Syrus, for whose cleverness he had openly expressed his admiration, whose head he couldn't but stroke.2" The art of the poet in character portrayal is manifested in revealing the real man underneath the flattering opinion he has of himself. He thought he could manage Menedemus's affairs better than his neighbor himself could. He thought he was an ideal of moderation and tact. He believed he could make money go a long way in dealing turnisthe tables completely. with young fellows. But the denouemenzt Menedemus is no longer the self-tormentor-but Chremes. His moderation is turned to passion. The old gentleman's financial finesse has cost him an expensive banquet for Bacchis and her retinue. He has paid a thousand drachmmto buy his own daughter, though no one owned her. He calculates her wardrobe will amount to ten mina and her dowry will call for two talents more. His self-sufficiency is all gone and he can vent his ill temper only on his wife. Menedemus now has the satisfaction of comparing his own poor mental faculties with those of Chremes: "I know well I am not so very acute or so sharp witted: but this Chremes who undertakes to assist and advise and point out results to me, he outdoes me in this. Against me anv of those terms which are the epithets of fools, apply,blockhead,log, ass, leaden, (candex,stipes, assinus, plumbeus)but none of them can apply to him; for he goes beyond all these by his folly."22 Turning our analysis of character to Demea, of the Adelphoe, we note that he likewise is in sharp contrast to the other old man of the play, his brother Micio. He is a man of passion, given to extravagance of speech, opinionated, self-centered. When he finally comes to a knowledge of himself he describes himself as "rough, rigid, cross, miserly, stubborn":
"ego ille agrestis, sauos, tristis, parcus, truculentus, tenax."
He is a pessimist:
"Duxi uxorem: quam ibi miseriam uidi! nati filii: alia cura, heia autem, dum studeo illis ut quam plurimum facerem, contriui in quarundo uitam atque etatem meam: nunc exacta etate hoc fructi pro labore ab eis fero, odium. "23
211. 761-763. 22 Sbuckljurg's translation of I1.874-878.
23 11. 866-871.
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Then contrasting Micio's easy life with his, he exhibits his jealousy:
"ille alter sine labore patria potitur commoda. illum amant, me fugitant; illi credunt consilia omnia, illum deligunt, apud illum sunt ambo, ego dedertus sum; illum ut uiuat optant, meam autem mortem exspectant scilicet. ego miseriam omnem capio, hic potitur gaudia."2'
As Micio says, Demea always comes to wrangle-' and criticize. Nothing is right but what he has done himself. Yet if Micio judges rightly he's no father at all:
"Natura tu illi pater es, consiliis ego. "28
Demea is the pathetic character of the play, pathetic because he is made a target for ridicule by everybody. Sostrata, of course, is pathetic, but one could not laugh at her; while Demea is satirized even by his brother's slaves. As Syrus says:
"Primum ait se scire; is solus nescit omnia: rideo hunc."27
He has been proud of the results of his education of Ctesipho to be a copy of himself, and his whole world tumbles down when he finds he has been deceived, that it is Aeschinus who more nearly approaches the model son. He has been honest in the belief that his brother Micio is a weakling, and his grief becomes quite touching when in the climax his whole philosophy of life is shattered. Playing into the hands of Syrus he becomes a pitiable object. Supposing himself a fountain of wisdom he invites flattery and is moved to tears when Syrus praises the moral virtues of his beloved Ctesipho:
"0 lacrumo gaudio." "Saluos sit spero: est similis maiorum suiom." " Syre, prwceptorum plenest istorum ille. "28
"Oh, I know how to train a boy. I bid him look into the mirror of other men's lives and instruct him what to avoid and what to choose. " "I use that selfsame method myself," says Syrus, "I instruct my fellow servants to look into their saucepans as into a mirror and suggest what they ought to do. I must look to those fish at once."29
24 11. 871-876.
Sent to the country on a fruitless search for his son and to the other end of town to find Micio, though he is within calling distance and enters half a minute later, Syrus makes a downrightfool of Demea and shows up his remarkablegullibility. The extravagant cast of the old fellow's mind is illustratedwherever he appears. He says he could smell out his son's plans six months before the young fellow had begun to think of them.30 He is "downright ashamed" of Micio and tells his slave so. Every act of Micio's is stultitia and flagitia. He never sees things but on the one side-his own-and then as if through a magnifying glass. The complete conversion of Demea in the final act is genuine. The excesses to which he goes in endeavoringto be affable still portray the same extravagant cast of mind and temper. Demea cannot take a middle course. It is scarcely a growth of character that is here portraved. He has changed front, but there the development ends. His newly acquired friendly intimacy with the slaves, even with the rascal Syrus, with his brother, with his son, is all so bold and extravagant that we recognize the same Demea. His actions are as extreme as ever or more so. He has been a miser: now he is a spendthrift. "31 "Tear down the garden wall: "Cash will fail: id minume repert. make both houses one; expense be hanged; give Hegio a plot of ground; pay Aeschinus twenty minx; free Syrus, he's an honest slave, and his wife Phrygia, too; and to cap the climax, Micio, by heaven, shall marry Sostrata." One might wish that Micio would assert himself and refuse to marry the widow. As it is, the plot suffers, but Demea's characteris maintained.32 Ribbeck,33as also Macleane and Long, explains this seemingly strange change of character, whether real or affected, as an attempt of the poet to counterbalancethe tragic cast of the four other acts. In reality Terence is showing the absurdity of reforminga man of Demea's character. He may change front but the reformationwill be an absurdity. Perhaps, too, he implies that Micio's is not the ideal after
301l. 395-396.
311. 881. 32 Long and Macleanstate (p. 312) that Demea is now assuminga middlecourse. Quite the reverse is evidently the fact. 33 Geschickle der Rdmiscken Dicklung, p. 152.
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all. Diderot says, "We no longer know which side to take and after having been all along for Micio against Demea, we conclude without knowing whether we are for one or the other. One would almost desire a third father to preserve the golden mean between the two characters and to point out the faults of each. "I' Madame Dacier thinks Terence is giving Micio a lesson: "The opposite characters of these two brothers and the inconveniences resulting from each perfectly point out to fathers the middle way in which they ought to pursue the education of their children, between the too great severity of the one, and the unlimited indulgence of the other. " The ideal theme, the moral of the play, is the Horation moderation. Intemperance is satirized on every page. The turning of the tables is paralleled in the Hauton Timorumenoswhere Chremes and Menedemus change parts. The same theme is there as here in the Adelphoe, though the treatment of the characters is not so bold. And it is the Andria that gives us ne quid nimis.35 When Micio asks Demea for the explanation of his sudden change and the meaning of his capricious generosity he replies:
"Dicam tibi: ut id ostenderem, quod te isti facilemet festiuomputant, id non fieriex uera uita nequeadeo ex iquo et bono, sed ex adsentandoindulgendo et largiendo,Micio."I'
This can scarcely be the poet's view, but shows Demea as still onesided and unable to be converted from a persistent bias of mind. The contrast in character is maintained throughout the play. Remarkably alike in their place in the two plots, Chremes and Demea are as remarkably unlike as men. They both claim to be ideal fathers; they are both meddlers in others' affairs; they are both miserly; and are the dupes of their slaves. In each play there is a turning of the tables in the climax. But we cannot imagine Demea a jovial member of Bacchis's midnight banquet, or his babbling too freely, when in his cups, to his son concerninghis own earlierescapades. Demea is a Stoic: Chremes is a loose Epicurean. Demea would
3' Quoted by Colman,11.985 S., p. 102, Vol. 2.
3 Andria, .61. a, ,. 985-988.
never have countenanced the admission of Bacchis and her retinue into his household. Chremes lies outright: Demea is a stickler for the truth. Nor are these differencesof outlook on life demanded by the exigencies of the plot. It is evident that Terence did not allow a given plot to restrict him to a single stereotyped character. The comparisonthat we have workedout in the charactersof Chremesand Demea may be extended throughout the series of the fathers. To summarize, the A ndria gives us in Sosia, a mild-manneredgentleman who, when his purposes are crossed, becomes a passionate individual, while Chremes is well balanced, the opponent of his neighbor. The Hauton Timorumenosportrays a hypochondriacon the one hand and on the other a meddling old fellow who becomes the dupe of his own devices. The Phormio portrays in Chremes the hypocrite and his troubles. In Demipho we have a high-tempered, self-confident, bombastic man of strong character and individuality. The Hecyra affords the portrait of a testy old Laches who dominates his wife, but who exhibits a good heart in a crisis, while his neighbor,aping Laches's wavs, plays only a poor second as an understudy. The Adelphoe shows up in glaring contrast Micio, the doctrinaire of an easy-going philosophy, and Demea, the strict Stoic and profound egotist. Thus in general the keynote to each of these ten or twelve o0l(men is different. Each exhibits individuality. Speaking and acting like men of average intelligence some of them become stupid when dealing with a wily Davos or Syrus. Here a proper series of cause and effect accompanies the individual, for the better of the old men, who are of sounder judgment, stand on a higher plane which the cunning of the slave does not reach. II As in the case of the old men the youths go in pairs, with some variation. The Andria, the Hauton Timorumenos,the Plhormio,the Adelphoehave each two young men. In the Eunuchus, in addition to the two lovers, two other young men appear who are not in love, the country youth Chremes, and Antipho, the friend of Chaerea. Chremesis sharply defined as an unsophisticated rustic, who is experiencing for the first time the heady feeling attending the passing from
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jolly sober to jolly drunk, and who is now making his first acquaintance with the delightful ladies of Athens. Antipho is but a foil to Chaerea and appears to remove Chaerea from the action for the time being that the others may carry on the action. He is simply a convenient character-a semi deus ex machina. All the other young men portrayed in Terence are in love. In each play, with the exception of the Hecyra, there is a double love intrigue-a primary and a secondary plot. In the secondary plot two unions result which moderns would call respectable,-that of Charinus and Philumena in the Andria and that of Clinia with a neighbor's daughter in the Hauton Timnorumenos,-thelatter hardly belonging to the play as the girl and her family are unknown and the arrangementis made in the last lines to mollify the old man, Chremes. In the other four plays each young fellow retains his mistress at the close of the play. Touching the primary love intrigue, the heroine is known to be an Athenian citizen at the outset in the Adelphoeand the Hecyra. In the other four, the play itself works out the proof of citizenship. Only in the Phormi&and the Hauton Timorumenosis there a thoroughly respectablemarriageand even here, had there been no proof of citizenship the women would have been the young fellows' mistresses. In the Andria, the Eunuchus, the Hecyra, and Adelphoe,the heroine has been outraged by the hero. Thus the part assigned to these youths is very similarin the various plays: and as a rule their characters are very much alike. They are all passionately in love. They are all of easy morals except the rustic Chremesin the Eunuchusand his inexperienceis fully counterbalanced by the racy part played by Chaerea, who equals any other two of Terence's characters. Generally their speech consists of words of adoration for their mistresses, laments for their unfortunate lot in love or complaints of their fathers' harsh treatment. As a rule they are resourceless,relying on their slave or good fortune to mend their troubles-but living in a sort of fools' paradise. Often they exemplify their bringingup and are either a replica of or a contrast to their stern or complaisant parent. Yet most of these young men have some predominating trait that differentiates them to some degree. Pamphilus of the Andria exem-
plifies faithfulness to a trust. Charinus is suspicious and selfish. " Charity begins at home" is his motto. In the Hauton Timorumenos, rashness, intemperance, extravagance, passion, characterize Clitipho. Phaedriaand Chaereain the Eunuchusare foils. Phaedriais the seriousminded, pious youth in love: "a cautious Philistine," Ribbeck calls him. Chaerea, a master masquerader,bold and self-assertive, puts his brother completely in the shade from the moment he appears. In the Phormio Antipho is a pessimistic, shifty, vacillating character, while Phaedria has a strong sense of humor and some initiative. In the HecyraPamphilus is a tender nature, " the sweetest, most engaging man on earth," says Bacchis. Aeschinus in the Adelphoeis a generous, frank, strong character, of a bold self-reliance-yet modest. He makes the most admirablepicture of all of Terence's young men. He adores his adopted father, has a deep affection for his brother, is beloved by the slaves and yet with these softer graces he is self-reliant and can take a hand in a difficult situation as Sannio, the slave merchant, learns to his sorrow. As to their morals, Terence's view is that of Micio. Youths will stray, but the marks of virtue he sees in them will reclaim them. In judging these young men, of course, it must be by the standard of ancient law, which looked on such vice as they exhibit as a matter largely of convenience. It is proper enough for them to have a mistress if they become loyal and faithful to their wives after marriage; and marriage seems to bring seriousness, in Terence. The loyalty of the young men in friendship and love is their most admirable quality. They are suspected of disloyalty frequently enough and have abundant opportunity to fail in their trust. But in their relation as friends each to the other the pair plays into each other's hands. To the object of their love they are always true. In only one or two instances does the son yield even to the father. Clitipho and Pamphilus (Hecyra) finally agree to give up their Bacchis, though even here the arrangement hardly belongs to the play. In fact, Pamphilus's love for Philumena and his lovalty to her undermost trying circumstances are a large part of the plot. True, he gave up his Bacchis before the play began, but here again the whole plot hinges on the fact that for months after his marriage,he is faithful in heart and life to his former mistress. Only gradually does he fall in
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love with his wife. Clitipho, the weakest and most fickle of all, yields in the last lines of the play in order to restorepeace to the household and renounces his Bacchis by promising to marry a neighbor's daughter-a girl, however, of his own choosing on whom he has already had his eye. But loyalty is the predominating trait of these lovers and friends. The same constancy of affection extends to the brothers and cousins. They have little sense of humor. In all their escapades they are wonderfully serious. The business of love with them is an extremely grave affair. They sigh and groan, appealing to the gods in their perplexities, returning extravagant thanks when matters mend. Chaerea and Antipho, who is not a lover, in the Eunuchus, and Phaedria, in the Phormio, are more light-hearted and get some pleasure out of their predicaments. Aeschinus, too, as befits that reliant personality, laughs at the threats of the slave dealer, Sannio. As a rule the young men are disappointing. With the exception of Chaereaof the Eunuchusand Aeschinus of the Adelphoe they are too stupid to be interesting. They have not the courage and dash that make youth attractive. Sentimental, puny specimens of manhood, their whole interest in life begins and ends in a love intrigue with a courtesan of the town. In contrast with the other lackadaisical fellows we can love the scapegraceChaerea and the bold, generous Aeschinus. With all their human weaknesses (for Terence does not idealize his characters) these two possess the qualities that win admiration, not to mention interest. Aeschinus does break down doors and save a mistress-though not for himself. He does take upon himself the burden of shame for the more guilty Ctesipho, allowing himself to be regarded as the scapegrace of the family, though comparatively innocent. He is a frank, open-hearted youth, keeping no secrets from his adopted father, rewarding the trust that Micio reposes in him by a reciprocalaffection:
"Di me, pater, omnesoderint,ni magis te quam oculosnunc ego amo meos."IT "Ita uelim me promerentem ames, dum uiuas mi pater."33
3711.700-701. 3 1. 681. Cf. also 11.707 ff.
His bold self-relianceis well shown in his fearlessnessin the scene with the procurerSannio. Fearing not the threats of the slave dealer to bring the law against him, he boldly brings off the music girl to his own home. In his dispute with Sannio he completely discomfortsthe procurer:
" Uah, leno iniqua me non uolt loqui
He puts Parmenoas a guard over the slave merchantwith instructions to thrash the fellow whenever he is given the wink; which order Parmeno follows right zealously. Then Aeschinus lays down his terms. He will pay the slave dealer the bare principal the girl cost the procurer. If Sannio will not accept that, well and good: Aeschinus will claim the girl is a freebornAthenian. Aeschinus has no exalted opinion of his own virtues. Complimented by Ctesipho on his generous actions, he disclaims any great pride in them:
"Age, inepte, quasi nunc non norimusnos inter nos, Ctesipho.""
Micio, in fact, puts a wonderfully complacent trust in both the young men:
"qua ego inesse in illis uideo, ut confidamfore ita ut uolumus.uideo sapere,intellegere,in loco uereri,inter se amare. siris liberunm ingeniumatque animum: quo uis illos tu die "" redducas.
391. 187. 40 1. 271.
4U. 17ff.
149ff. 421H.
43 1. 683.
826 f.
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Sostrata has the highest regard for Aeschinus. When confronted with proof of his disloyalty, she exclaims:
Aeschinum! "quid iam credas?aut quoi credas?nostrunmne nostramomniumuitam,in quo nostre spes opesqueomnessitT! qui se sine hac iurabatunumnumquamuicturumdiem!"16
Coleman here comparesthese words of Sostrata to Desdemona's when she pleads for Cassio: "What! Michael Cassio? that came A wooing with you, and so many a time When I have spoke of you dispraisingly Hath taken your part?" Certainly the most racy if not the most attractive of the young men, from a moral point of view, is Chaerea of the Eunuchus. The younger brother of Phaedria, he is in every respect the antithesis of that distraught lover. He is in the public service at the Piraeus-a patrolman who guards the frontier. He is a mere youth-sixteen years of age, " ephebus," and is the only young fellow in Terence who has any business or occupation. Parmeno characterizeshim for the audience as a heady fellow who will be the "limit" if ever he becomes involved in a love affair:
"ecce autem alterum, qui nescioquid de amoreloquitur: o infortunatum senem! hic uerost,qui si occeperit,ludumiocumque,sat scio, dicet fuisseillum alterum,prnut huius rabiesquT dabit."'4
He appears before the audience in great excitement. He has seen on the street a girl, Pamphila, over whom he has lost his heart and his head, and is now trying to find her after losing sight of her at a turning of the street. He has forgotten that he is expected to be a member of a party of young gentlemen feasting at the Piraeus today.47 Parmeno asks him why he is so excited, and where he comes from:
"Egone? nesciohercle,nequeunde eam nequequorsumeam: ita prorsum oblitussum mei. . . . . amo. `18 This seems to be his first case of falling in love,49 and his extrava-
4 11.539 ff. 4' B. 305-307. " 11.299-300; 11.308-309. so 11.313 ff.; l}. 361 f.; 11.565 f
Chaerea's story of the old man who detained him on the street5'and caused him to lose sight of the girl he was pursuing,sets off his youthful impetuosity. Archimenidesseems to him to be a long-windedold prattler who wasted a whole hour giving him detailed instructions to hear his father on a law case. Chaerea himself spoke only in monosyllables: " Dic, " " quid tum?"I2 He must catch the girl. The audience is thereforepreparedfor some rash impetuous part to be assumed by Chaerea. He is the one man to jump at the humorous3suggestion of Parmeno that he take,the place of the eunuch whom Phaedria is sending to Thais. It is a bold scheme and worthy of the bold, unthinking Chaerea. A handsome fellow-for so he is proclaimed,54 dashing, careless, passionate, losing his head over a pretty face and attractive form, unrestrainedin his assurance,he is the one character in comedy that could ravish a girl in the guise of a eunuch, be forgiven, and make an honorable marriage. Chaerea undergoesa development of character as a result of his adventure. Strange to say, he keeps his head. While all the others are dumbfoundedat the situation he puts on a bold front and really lives up to his earlier promise to Parmeno that he will assume the responsibility of his acts.51 He plays his part as well as, when a youngster,he stole jam for Parmenofrom his father's stores.,, Assuming at first a cool attitude toward Thais,"7 he finally makes her his ally and friend, promising to marry Pamphila as soon as her birth is established. Chaerea has become sobered by his experience. Phaedria was steady before his love affair,but becomes distraught in advancing his cause with his mistress. Chaerea was a rattle-brainedboy who is now master of affairs. He does appear at a disadvantage running around the alley-ways of Athens in a eunuch's dress, thus affording humor for the piece. Otherwise he is master of the situation.
5' tl. 327.342. se U. 338-9. 53 1. 378. 4 U. 681-2; 11.686-7. 5' U. 388-389. 56 1. 310. 7 tl. 849 Sf.
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Nor is Chaereawithout heart. He is not ungratefulfor his fellow actors' kindnesses or the gods' favors to him:
primumaut laudemmaxume? "Quidcommemorem illum qui mihi dedit consiliumut facereman me qui id ausus sim fuit, incipere,an Fortunamconlaudem, quaegubernatrix tot res tantas tam opportune in unumconclusitdiem, qune an mei patrisfestiuitatemet facilitatem?o Iuppiter, seruaobsecrohac bona nobis!"58
These two, Aeschinusand Chaereaexhibit the dash and daringthat we look for in the hero. The other lovers are monotonous, insipid, namby-pamby, love sick. Chremes and Antipho furnish an interesting variation from the lover type. Such a variation is so unusual, it may be not amiss to take notice of their relation to the plot. Antipho is Chaerea's closest friend."9 He comes to get an explanation of why the feast of which Chaereawas given charge has not been arranged. He gives him an opportunity to narrate his experiences while playing the eunuch at Thais's house, an opportunity Chaerea is not slow to seize upon. After hearing the story Antipho takes Chaerea home with him to change his eunuch's clothes, for fear of Phaedria and his father has made Chaerea an exile from his own home. This comprises the total part played by Antipho.60 As a minor character he is a deus ex machina provided for the elimination of Chaerea for the time being. The presence, too, of Antipho's parents at his home, furnishes a reason for the reappearanceof Chaereabefore Thais in his eunuch's clothes-a demand made necessary by the sequel to the play. Antipho himself adds nothing to the action. He is a young fellow of rather cynical good humor. Surprisedat the garb his friend wears, he cannot guess its meaning but he ventures that it means mischief:
quid hoc ornatist? "is est an non est? ipsus est. quid hoc horminist? ""61 quid illud malist?
" 11.560-561.
60 11. 539-614.
. 546-547.
OverhearingChaereawish that some curious fellow would fall in with him and bore him with questions, Antipho steps out from his hiding place:
"Adiboatque ab eo gratiamhanc quam uideouelle, inibo,"61
and then proceeds to ask him all in one breath the very questions which Chaerea has outlined. Told that the maid was entrusted to Chaerea's care alone, he ironically remarks: satis tuto tamen.3 When Chaerea speaks of his modesty, terramintuens modestein the presence of Pamphila, Antipho satirizes him by throwing out miser.64 He would have liked to see Chaerea hold a fan for his ladylove:
"Tum equidemistuc os tuom impudensuiderenimiumuellem, tenerete asinumtantum."" qui esset status, flabellulum
Antipho is a fellow who makes little bluster but appreciates in a quiet way the humorous diversities of life. The delicate strokes in characterizing these minor personages of the play, contribute to making the Eunuchus the greatest of Terence's plays. Chremes occupies a more important part in the plot. During her stav in Athens, Thais has discovered that he is Pamphila's brother and plans to use him for a double purpose, viz., to prove Pamphila's citizenship and secondly, to bring about a quarrelwith the captain as soon as she gets possession of the girl. Chremesis greatly perplexed at being summoned by Thais. The attentions she showed him on a former visit were so marked that he begins to suspect that this meretrix has designs on him:
"iam tum erat suspicio, dolo malo hec fieriomnia."66
"Somebody may ask me what business I have with her, and I don't even know. She asked about my country place at Sunnium; maybe that has taken her eye and she wants to filch me of it. When conversation grew cold she began on this, when did my father and mother die and whether I had lost a little sister. Maybe she wants to prove
62 l. 557, 63 1. 577. 64 L 580. 66 H. 597-98. 6611 514-15.
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herself that sister."6" Donatus says that in Menander's play, Chremes is a rustic, to whom the ways of town life are strange. This remark seems to fit Chremes here. His suspicions of a plot against him, his boisterous announcement when knocking at the door: "Ho there, ho there, anyone here? it's I, Chremes,"68his having a place at Sunnium near the sea, and his desire to leave town for the country'" all proclaun him a stranger to Athens. When the maid Pythias addresses him as o capitulumlepidissumumshe seems to be satirizing his country appearance;70 and she wheedles him with pet names, much to his discomfiture. Taken to the captain's house Chremes experiences his first bout at wine, and is sorely perplexed at his heady feeling, for he felt "jolly while he was at the banquet: sober,"7' (pulchresobrius)72
"postquamsurrexi,nequepes nequemens satis suom officiumfacit."7"
Rustic that he is, he can quote only time-worn proverbs. Confronted by the braggart captain with his retinue of valiant household soldiers, his "bundle of rogues," his manipulus furum,7 Chremes is terror-stricken:
" militemsecumad te quantascopiasadducere?attat apagesis: nemosthominumqui uiuat minus."76 egon formidulosus?
67 It. 507-527.
I6 i. 530-531. " 1. S33. 71I. 531. n Wagner'stranslation. 71. 728. 731. 729. 71H. 730-32. It 1.776.
76 11. 755 if.
He suggests that it's folly to run a risk that can be avoided."7 A legal adviser is necessary.78 Persuadedby Thais to stand by his post, he bolts the door. Thais has to put words in his mouth79and finds that this fellow whom she wanted for a protector stands in need of a patron himself:
"huic ipsist opus patrono,quem defensorem paro."8
Only when barricadedin the house and from the vantage of an upper window does he make any show of bravery. A coward by nature, he now tries to make a good impressionon Thais, aided by the effects of the wine, still in its heat. Chremes is a slow thinker, a dullard. So he proclaims himself:
"correxitmiles quod intelleximinus: nam me extrusitforas sed eccamipsam: mirorubi ego huic anteuorterim.""l
Thais uses him as an excuse for a quarrelwith the captain but he is entirely unaware of the meaning of her actions.82 He is thus portrayed as a dullard, boor, coward-easily wheedled by the domestics. He has to be made half drunk to put enough courage in him to play his part, subordinate though that part is. III Thraso, the braggart captain, furnishes the only portrait of the miles gloriosusin Terence, though referencesare made to his kind in the Hauton Timorumenosand in the Hecyra. Thraso is a ridiculous character continually furnishing mirth, played off by his parasite Gnatho. Possessed of no mentality himself he plays into the hands of Thais and presents her with Pamphila whom he had purchased at Rhodes upon the death of Thais's mother, who lived there. The conceit that possesses the fellow makes him an easy prey to Thais's designs. He fancies all women love him at sight of his majestic person and soldierly bearing, and needs little encouragementto give up Pamphila. Then Thais immediately quarrels with him and his career with her ends.
1 l. 761. s 11. 763-764.
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The predominatingtraits of Thraso are his boastfulness, his vanity, and his gullibility at the hands of his Gnatho. The parasite lavishes upon him the boldest flattery, but Thraso perceives no flattery in such compliments."" Gnatho in his comments makes hits at the captain's conceit and that, too, very thinly veiled. When Thraso boasts that everything he does is admired extremely even by the King himself, Gnatho suggests that maybe he appropriatesglory that has been won by others' labor:
"Laborealienomagnopartamgloriam qui habet salem; uerbissepe in se transmouet, quod in test. ""4
To which his master answers, "You've hit it." "The king trusted his whole army to me, "m says the captain. Mirum, satirizes the parasite. But the irony is lost. Thraso takes it for genuine admiration. If an idea hasn't entered the captain's mind, it's merely, says Gnatho, because he never thought of it."' In short the braggart is full of himself:
"Inuidere omnes mihi."S7
"Est istuc datum perfecto,ut grata mihi sunt que facio omnia."8I
Words fail him when he tries to express why the king, wearied with other men and the cares of business, took such delight in his company. Gnatho obligingly comes to the rescue with the suggestion that Thraso's company would act as an emetic-exspueret,89 which the captain takes for a compliment. Thraso has served in the wars with the great King Pyrrhus, at least so he says. He was the confidant of that prince. To him all the military stratagems were entrusted. On one occasion he even took down the pride of the commander of the Indian Elephants.90
OI . 391 ff.
Many a time he has worsted his opponents by his wit-even the Rhodians. But his jokes generally only bespeak his turpitude."' The slave Parmeno knows the class to which Thraso belongs, and abominates him:
"Di uostramfidem! Hominemperditum et illum sacrilegum." 2 miserumque
And truly he turns out to be a mere vaporer. His storming of Thais's castle to recapture his lost Pamphila-for he is as niggardly as he is zealous-is turned into a farce. He is as much a coward as the rustic, Chremes. He takes his position-as did the great Pyrrhusin the rear. Worsted as a Pyrrhus, Thraso now assumes the part of Heracles: he surrendersto Thais and will serve her as Heracles served Omphale.Y5 He is glad to come into any share of her good graces. On Gnatho's recommendationof his master as "a dolt, a fool and a blockhead," he is admitted to the company of Chaereaand Phaedria to be fleeced of his wealth. Characteristically Thraso feels greatly honored and expresses his appreciation:
"Bene facisti: gratiamhabeomaxumam. "? etiam fui usquam,quin me amarentomnesplurimum. numquam
In Love's Labour's Lost,Thraso's characteris summarized: " Holofernes says 'Novi hominem tamquam te.' His humour lofty, his discourse peremptory, his tongue filed, his eye ambitious, his gait majestical and his general behavior vain, ridiculous and
Compared with Plautus's Pyrgopolinices, in the Miles Gloriosus, Thraso is the more natural character. Pyrgopolinices is always
91 vid. Il. 415, 426, 479.
92ll. 418419; vid. also 1. 490. 93ll. 741-2. Il. 785. 9' 1. 1027. " It. 1091-1092. OT Quoted by Colmanon 1. 401.
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boasting of combats and blood,-in the clouds. Thraso is comparatively reserved, never becoming verbose, nor using the extravagant bluster of Plautus's character. Terence makes his braggart prouder of his wit than of his military exploits.98
The two parasites of Terence, Phormio and Gnatho, belong to different classes of their kind. Phormio belongs to the class of or the officious, who secure their invitations by some 9epmarevrucot, services rendered. Thraso gains his ends by flattery. He belongs to the class, K6XaKes.Phormio has a perfect command of the situation. The plans he forms are unassailable, his reasoning is unanswerable. More than that, he wins to himself every characterexcept the two old men. Good cheer radiates from his person. To those he cares to make his friends he is an attractive fellow if only they could overlook his profession. Playing with his dupes as with a toy, Phormio carries all before him, never admitting defeat as possible. Phormio is triumphant. Gnatho, on the other hand, wins his way not by powers of stratagem in a plot, as does Phormio, but as a sycophant, a flatterer, acting at the same time the part of counselor to his patron, always with an eye to his own advantage. His is not a strong individuality like Phormio's. His advice is hackneyed: he has no insight into the real complexity of the situation. His patron, Thraso, loses his suit and is made the butt of the young fellows. Knowing his master thoroughly, Gnatho does not hesitate to use the boldest flattery. He laughs more than the audience at the captain's jokes. Phormio would not stoop to act the clown. He is dignified-almost it would seem of the same social station as his master's. Gnatho's wit is cheap and his manner superficial. Phormio's humor is psychological, his character of greater depth. Phormio is the heavier Terentian creation. Gnatho approximatesthe Plautine. It would be possible for these two parasites to appear in the same play without duplicating each other, so strongly are their traits and habits differentiated. The slaves, Geta and Parmeno, envy them the ease with which they make their living, so naturally do they carry off
" For this criticismand further contrast of the two captains, vid. Riley's trans. (1853), note on 1. 25, Eunuchus.
their part. But Phormio is the dainty connoisseur. Gnatho is the "barbarousporridgeeater. "19 A third parasite is describedby Gnatho. In this fellow we see one of their profession in defeat and despair:
stulto intellegens "hominihomoquid proestatI quid interest!"100
he exclaims, calling to mind this "shabby, dirty, sickly," specimen. "Hic ego illum contempsi pra me."10' Gnatho, in contrast, is outwardly resplendent: "qui color, nitor, uestitus, que habitudost corporis. "102 This unnamed fellow is scarcely recognizableas a parasite, so great is the contrast with the resplendent, assertive Phormio and the boastful Gnatho, for he is down and out of the game of life. Moulton derives the parasite from the old Megarianfarce in which comedy originated, and finds him in the characterin the title of a play of Epicharmus.103 Ribbeck makes him a figure borrowed from the court of oriental life.114 However that may be, the parasite would seem to be a figure too well established in Greek society, to need any accounting for in a comedy of manners. V In the role of the male slaves we find the most characteristic feature of the Palliata. Two of them are protatic characters serving to start the play, Davos of the Phormioand the freedmanSosia of the Andria. In three pieces the slaves are paired and are foils. In the Andria, the laggard Byrrhia sets off the wily Davos. In the Hauton TimorumenosSyrus dominates Dromo. In the Adelphoe Geta and Davos are opposing characters. Davos of the Andria is a typical representativeof the slave who takes the part of the young master and schemes to get the better of the father. He hesitates not to cheat and lie, to misrepresentand cajole. He takes on himself all responsibility for his acts, risking the punishment that he fears awaits him. He is the chief functionary in the movement of the play and is removed
99Plautus Most., 1. 815.
'" U. 232-3.
" 1. 239. 20 1. 242. I03 Ancie CkzsskalDrama,p. 262. 104 p. 83. der Rdmiscle, DickJung, Geschichic
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from the action only by being put in the stocks at the order of the old master. Davos, too, provides the humor of the comedy. The other characters are too serious, too engrossed in the dilemma to see the humor in any of the situations. But Davos is light-hearted. Syrus of the Adelphoe alone surpasses him in cunning and lying. Syrus would rather not tell the truth if he can avoid it. An extravagant fellow, he never does anything by halves. He succeeds, however, only in getting the whole situation so complicated that almost every other characteris put in a ridiculousposition, tragic enough for them. A deus ex machinain the person of Hegio alone can unravel the maze woven by Syrus. Another strongly defined type of the crafty slave is Syrus in the Hauton Timorumenos. He originates, without even consulting the young master, the whole business on which the plot rests-the introduction of the courtesan Bacchis. He was sent only for Antiphila, but consideringhimself the guardian spirit of the whole household, why not, he asks himself, do a good turn and advance Clitipho's intrigue as well as Clinia's. The bolder the scheme, the easier it will be to dupe old Chremes. He even professedly takes the old man's side, who instructs him to use the privileges he as a slave enjoys. Priding himself on his ability to lie, he laughingly exclaims that he can deceive either by telling the truth or by a falsehood, and puts that theory into practise with perfect success. These three master hands and Phormio are the arch intriguers of Terence. Not all the slaves are as bold fellows as these three. Geta of the Phormioand Parmeno of the Eunuchus are more faintly drawn. They are, indeed, against the old men and for the young fellows. They have no fellow slave associates. Parmeno is no dolt, but he engages in no scheming. He becomes a side issue, for Pythias can outdo him in playing a joke, and Chaerea dominates him. Parmeno even appeals to the old Laches to relieve the situation and thus throws the youths on the generosity of their father-an unprecedented proceeding on the part of the slave. Geta of the Phormiodoes not play so modest a r6le as Parmeno. He is closely in touch with the arch schemer Phormio, and rubs shoulders with all the main actors of the play. Though a schemerby nature, he does not run to the excesses of the Syruses or of Davos. Geta's forte is rather to elucidate the situa-
tion, for he is possessedof a ready tongue and is a born actor. Hardly has some new developmentarisen before Geta has reportedhis findings in a characteristicallydramatic style and flow of rhetoric. The stupid slave, the dolt, is representedby Dromo in the Hauton Timorumenos and by Parmeno of the Hecyra. Dromo acts in concert with Syrus but exerts himself only when led by his fellow. He himself is incapable of cunning. The old man Chremessavs he is not a slave worthy of the name. To his young master he is of no service. Parmeno, too, of the Hecyra, though his is the only slave part in the play, is completely under the thumb of the young Pamphilus. The relation of slave and young master is reversedfrom that which holds when the is kept away from the Syruses or Davos play the part. Parnmeno scene of action, for the Hecyra admits of no wily slave and underhanded dealings. Only the women are in possession of the secret to the complexity. Again we have in Geta of the Adelphoe the faithful slave, the supporter of the family of Sostrata and her daughter. He is a conscientious fellow of intelligence, devoted to his family. With him may be classed the freedman Sosia of the Andria, the confidantof the old man Simo. These two form the most pleasing picture of the slave in his relation to the household. In some subordinate characters we have other types, who belong to the lower grades of slave life. Dromo in the Andria is a lorarius or flogger of slaves. Dorus of the Eunuchus is a black eunuch. The braggadocio's slaves, too, who make up the mock army, Thraso's "bundle of rogues," are introducedin the Eunuchus. Parmenoin the Adelphoebeats the slave merchant Sannio whenever Aeschinus winks and then disappears. The slave boy Dromo runs in, and in half a dozen words betrays to the father the whole secret of his young master. who accompany their Storax is mentioned as one of the adversitores young master home at night. These slaves are not characterizedat all except as menials who render abject obedience to their masters. The slaves of Terence then cannot be classified as good and bad, nor as scheming and stupid. There are grades.Y15We reallv have four or five types: first, the scheming, bold, deceptive Davos and Syruses; second, the more moderate Geta of the Phormioand Parmeno
5 But vid. Ribbeck, Romisckeu Dichtunt,pp. 73 if
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of the Eunuchus;third, the stupid Dromo of the Hauton Timorumenos and lazy Parmeno of the Hecyra;fourth, the faithful Geta of the Adelphoe and the freedman Sosia, who, as a servant may be classed with the slaves; and, finally, the lower grade as representedby the floggers or Dorus, or Thraso's mock armv. Of the characterof the slave dealerwe have two distinctly individualized types, Dorio of the Phormio and Sannio of the Adelphoe. Dorio appearsin but one short scene, but the characterof the man and the knowledge on the part of the other charactersthat he is not to be trifled with, give a basic motive for the action throughout. Sannio, on the other hand, is but an incident of the Adelphoe. Aeschinus makes short work of him: he hesitates not at all to thrash him soundly and make his bargain afterwards. These two slave merchants are alike only in that money is their passion. Dorio carriesall before him. Sannio is cringing and begs for mercy. Dorio has a dry irony. Sannio is cross-grainedand incapable of humor. The self-assurance of Dorio, the lofty tone, the contemptuous smile, the suave manner, is entirely lacking in Sannio. VI The women of Terence may be consideredin four classes, viz., the wives or mistresses of the household, the heroines, the members of the meretrix class, and finally the female servants. The wife does not appear, nor is she referredto in the Andria or the Eunuchus. The Hauton Timorumenos and Hecyra sketch three types of the wife who is dominated by her husband. Though timid and shrinking from the outbursts of passion vented on them by their consorts, they rise above themselves when their children are threatened. Sostrata comes bravely to the defense of her scapegraceson, Clitipho. A strong bond of affection binds Pamphilus and his mother in the Hecyra. Myrrhina has risked all in the protection of her daughter. Pathetic characters as they are, yet they are triumphant in the denouement. Laches and Phidippus never even learn the secret of the entanglement, and Chremesyields on condition that his son marry,but the girl is one of the choosing of the boy and his mother. The shrewish wife is portrayed in the Phormio but is not overdrawn. Nausistrata does not break out in a violent denunciation of
the hypocrite she has for a husband. When he is exposed she assumes an air of disdain and contempt which is left to the actor to emphasize -a fine instance of Terence'smoderationin characterportrayal. The part played by husband and wife is reversed here from that in the and Hecvra. Chremes is exposed. The wife's Hauton Timorumenos charge of her husband's inability to manage her property is justified. The husband becomes the butt of satire. There is not, however, an entire lack of pleasant relations between the heads of the family. In the Hecyra,Laches and Sophronagive an illustration of real affection, sympathy, and unity of purpose. The old man and the old woman agree that this sort of life is too strenuous: they will retire to the country and leave the young people to themselves. They are de trop. Sostrata in Adelphoe and the Lemnian wife of Chremes in the Phormioare the most pathetic. One is dependent on her slave Geta for the necessities of life; her daughter has been sinned against by Aeschinus and then seemingly abandoned. The other has innocently contracted a bigamous marriage with Chremes who has assumed a false name. Deserted and penniless she makes her way to Athens with her daughter and nurse and dies of a broken heart. Sostrata of the Hauton Timorumenos is a sentimentalist. Nausistrata of the Phormio is the dominating influence of the household, while Myrrhina, in the Hecyra, carries out a secret plot and her husband never discovers the part she has played. In the same play Sostrata's sweet disposition is brought out by proving her innocent of a charge of repelling personality. In the Adelphoethe lonely widow, friendless and penniless, is perhaps the most pathetic of any character in Terence. Alike in that thev are all pathetic, these matrons exhibit the various qualities of womanhood-affection, sentimentality, sweetness of disposition, termagancy. Of the heroines the Andria has two, the other plays one. The term heroineis applied to those lady-loves who in the final solution of the play are differentiated from those of lighter virtue, though the music girls and possibly some of the courtesans, Thais for example, may with perfect propriety be so designated. In fact, the love of
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Phaedria for Thais forms the genuine love affairin the Eunuchus. The courtesans, however, are not strictly heroines,for with them an honorable marriagecannot be contracted. In only two instances do the heroines appear on the stage-in the case of Antiphila of the Hauton Timorumenosand Pamphila of the Eunuchus; and the latter does not speak. Except in the case of Antiphila we know nothing of their personalitiesexcept as reported by other actors. The young men, of course, enlarge on their beauty. Simo, the old man in the Andria, gives a most charming picture of Glycerium's physical attractiveness. The slaves, too, testify to their charms, e. g., Syrus in the Hauton Timorumenos,Parmeno in the Eunuchus, Geta in the Phormio. Some of these young women are passed over in silence except in so far as they are necessary to the plot. Pamphila in the Adelphoeis left unpraised. But as a rule they are described by the lovers and slaves as charming creatures. Pamphila of the Eunuchus is most famed for her alluring beauty. Every character of her acquaintance is impressed by it. Thais, the fostermother, Thraso, Gnatho, the young Chaerea, her uncle, Parmeno, all accord her the palm as the greatest beauty of their day. The virtue of these young women is also enlarged upon. Though four of the seven have been sinned against by their lovers, all are virtuous and a legal marriageis consummatedafter proof of Athenian citizenship has been established. Such a proof is worked out in four plays, A ndria, Hauton Timorumenos, Eunuchus, and Phormio, in three of which the girl is shown to be the daughter of one of the old men. In the Jiecyra as in the Plhormio the marriagehas taken place before the opening of the play. These characters are very much alike. They are all beautiful, virtuous, young, and are scarcely differentiatedat all, except as heroine types in contrast to the women of the courtesan class, and here they resemble them in their possession of good looks. Sometimes, as in the Andria and Eunuchus, their life has been closely associated with the meretrix of the piece, who is their patroness and friend-practically a sister. Again, as in the Hauton Timorumenos, they have been under the influence of some old woman who is only semi-respectable. Even in the Hecyra, Bacchis, the former mistress of the young husband, appears and has an interview with Philumena, the young wife.
In all, the representationof virtue in the heroineis heightened by the introduction of the courtesan. The delightfully frank conversation between Antiphila and Bacchis contrasts most clearly the two characters,-the unaffectedsimplicity of the one, the wiles and mercenary interests of the other who trades on her beauty. These young women are all made to suffer. Glvcerium and Pamphila (Adelphoe),in the pangs of child-birth, are rent with the fear that their lovers have deserted them: Pamphila (Eunuchus)is in tears and dismay at the outcome of the adventure of the scapegrace Chaerea: Philumena, an honored wife, has an unacknowledgedchild and her own husband is the villain: even the more fortunate Antiphila and Phanium are outcasts. All are victims of loose-living men and their lot is tragic. Terence has not an instance of humor or satire in their delineation. They appeal to our sympathy and call forth not a smile. The courtesans as portrayed bv Terence are of two classes, those whose hearts are pretty well hardened and those wlho still possess many of the finer qualities of womanhood. The latter predominate. Chrysis, Thais, Bacchis (Hecyra) all plav the part of benefactressto the unprotected heroine. Chrysis is characterizedonly by reference. Bacchis of the Hecyra appears in but one scene. But Thais and Bacchis of the Hauton are a large part of the play and may be taken as repreTimorumenos sentative. Thais is modest and unassuming,with a natural kindliness of heart and manner. Bacchis, the antithesis of Thais, is a loudvoiced, mercenarycreature. She has no interest in life beyond moneygetting. Her interest in Clitipho is mercenary and transient. She has no preferencefor him in comparisonwith the soldier-if the ten minx are not forthcoming. Clitipho himself characterizes her as "petrax, procax, magnifica,sumptuosa, nobilis" (Haut., 1. 226). Her saucy airs anidextravagant manners, her great retinue of attendants and display of jewels are meant to impress the young men with the need she has for money to maintain her position. Parmeno, of the Eunuchus,says this parade is all outward: that at home these women are dirty, lazy, stingy, objects of disgust. Chaereatestifies to the embellishments of their homes,-suggestive pictures, dainty couches, baths, retinuesof slave girls. But they have hearts, says Terence, and
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Chrysis and Thais prove it so. Bacchis of the HIauton Timorumenos laughs it all off and plays the part that she may make provision against her old age. These four are the full-fledged courtesans. Another type is the music girl. Pamphila of the Phormio and Callidia (Bacchis) of the Adelphoeprovide the girls for the secondary love plot in their plays. They are less experiencedin their profession than Thais or Bacchis or Chrvsis,-little more than the "noviciae" of Thais's establishment. They are slaves in the hands of Dorio and Sannio. Only by some good fortune, the friendship of some courtesan or the suspicion that they are Athenian citizens have the heroines often been saved from the lot of these young girls. Tender in years, beautiful, inexperienced, they have not yet set up an establishment of their own. Like Thais they are left in the hands of the young lover, but a marriage cannot be contracted in the nature of the case. They are not individualized. Each is accomplished in music. T'hus their value as slave girls is enhanced. Philotis is a more common meretrix. She has been abroad, has led an uncongeniallife with a tyrant soldier at Corinth, and now again practices her profession at Athens. She belongs to the lowest order. Syra, her companion, the old woman lena, alone has less attraction than she. Prototypes of this old hag appear in the background of other plays. Such a character is hinted at in the old woman who controlled Antiphila when Clinia went abroad and who caused the young lover to fear for the virtue of his sweetheart. She is in the backgroundof the Phormiowhen Antipho approachesthe old nurse as if she were a lena. The mother of Thais is of the same character. Syra, however, is the only such character who really appears, or of whom there is any portrayal of characteror personality. Syra is not only the most unattractive but the most useless characterin Terence. Servant women are found in every play. The nurse is the character common to all, and the only female servant in the Phormio, Hecyra and Adelphoe. Archylis of the Andria does not appear, and probably Canthara (And., 1. 769) is the family nurse. In the Hauton Timorumenos, Eunuchus, IHecyra, Adelphoe,she appears for but a few lines and scarcely speaks at all. In the Ilauton Timorumenosand Eunuchus she performs the same function,-the recognizing of the
trinkets in the possession of the young girl, thus establishing the heroine's Athenian birth. In the Phormio also she establishes the fact that Antipho's wife and Chremes'sdaughterare one and the same. In the Hecyra she is fetched by Laches from outside the household. In the other five plays she has been in the family long years. She is characterizedin the Andria and Hecyra as fond of good eating and drinkling. The name Cantharain the Andria, Hauton Timorumenos, Adelphoemay indicate her tippling propensities or else that she dispensed the wine of the household. With the nurse may be classed also Lesbia, the midwife of the Andria, known also for her tippling. She does not belong in the household, and is a foil to the painstaking, devoted nurse. Mysis wishes she would practice her profession elsewhere rather than choose her household for an exhibition of rashness. The fidelity of these old nurses to their mistressesis their prevailing characteristic. Two of them are more clearly individualizedthan the others, Canthara of the Adelphoe and Sophrona of the Phormio. Sophronaplays a more ambitious part than any of the others, who are little more than figureheads,who utter a word or so when promptedby their companion. But Sophronais a forcefulpersonality. She is even responsiblefor the marriageof Phanium and Antipho. At the death of the girl's mother she assumes the responsibilityand acts as the head of the household, and gives Phanium in marriageto save her from the perils of poverty. Only Canthara of the Adelphoeis comparable to her and she fills a much more modest place in the story. Outside of these two there is little individuality. As a rule the nurse is but a stock character, common to all plays. A second class of female servants is the maid-servant of the young heroine or of the courtesan: Mysis of the Andria, Phrygia of the Hauton Timorumeitos,Pythias and Dorias of the Eunuchus. Phrygia, one of Bacchis's retinuie,is characterizednot at all. Phrygia, the wife of Syrus in the Adelphoe,is only mentioned by name. Mlysis has little humor or alertness of wit. She is mere putty in the hands of wily Davos, who characterizesher as one of the hetxera. But Pythias is a girl of lively humor, who delights in a bout with the slave Parmeno and against whom she easily proves herself a match. The slave maid of Thais, she is a vivacious little hussy who approachesclosely to the ing6.nueof modern comedy. Coming on the stage constantly during
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the last half of the play, she enlivens the movement. She takes privileges in her address to Chremes, Chaerea,Parmeno and even her own mistress. She has some fun with the rustic Chremes upon finding him knocking at her door,'0" and increaseshis suspicions that there is a plot laid for him by these city ladies. He furnishes her more amusement when he returns from the captain's house somewhat drunk.107 But she loses her temper when Chaerea confronts her:
'ui contineo me quin inuolem
monstroin capillum."'08
When Chaereaexpresseshis admirationfor Thais, Pythias cautions her to beware of the young fellow, if he shows signs of becoming enamoredof her; she wouldn't trust him in anything.109 As to admitting him again into the house she thinks Thais puts far too much reliance in him:110
" Neque pol seruandum tibi quiquamdare ausim neque te seruare. apagesis."111
Pythias also turns her attention to Parmeno. He, she is sure, is the prompter of all this mischief."12 Old scores may now be settled:
"Inueniampol hodie paremubi referamgratiam."'I"
"Please God," says she, "I hope I shall have the chance to make him "14 Aware that Chaerea is being treated suffer after my own fashion. better than he deserves, she trumps up a cock and bull story, and represents to Parmeno that the boy is bound and about to be castrated for a ravisher. She frightens Parmeno so thoroughly that perforce he confesses the outrage to Laches. This delights Pythias immensely:
"Numquamedepolquicquamiam diu quod magis uellemeuenire mi euenit, quam quod modo senex intro ad nos uenit errans. mihi solmridiculofuit, queequid timeretscibam.""
0611. 531 f. 07 1. 727 ff.
08 II. 859-860. 109 U
l 11 1002-1004.
Pythias speaks her mind freely to Phaedria, too. She tells the story of Chaerea's folly so convincingly, that she puts that seriousminded youth at his wit's end. "Now do you fully believe I'm sober and have told you no lie?" she exclaims when Phaedriais cornered. Phaedria seems to recognisePythias as possessed of keen insight for he turns the eunuch, Dorus, over to her to be questioned about the astounding affair at Thais's house. Energetic, possessing a glib tongue, free to express herself, Pythias lords it over her own household and woe to aniyonewho threatens its peace, if they come to be dealt with at her hand. She is devotedly loyal to Thais, and thereforethe maidenPamphilais entrusted to her special care. But a female slave of such a jolly, mischievous disposition is found nowhereelse among Terence'schiaracters. The delicate strokes in portrayingthe minorcharactersof the Eunschus, Chremes,Antipho, Pythias, contribute to the making of the Eunuchus the greatest of Terence'scomedies. The girl Dorias is but a foil to Pythias. Mysis and Pythias are two individualized types of the slave girl, the one lively and bold, the other serious and unassuming. Pythias is spicy and lends humor to the Eunuchus. Mysis is incapable of a joke, much less of plaving pranks on Davos. VII These, then, are the characters of Terence. They all belong to the middle class of society, the outgrowth of the Athenian democracy. There is no portrayalof court life or the mannersof an imperialcapital, or of the refinementor decay attendant on a brilliant social centre.1"8 Terence's comedy is a comedy of manners. A political comedy had been attempted by Naevius but had resulted in his exile. The public attack of Aristophanes, in political comedy, was never revived at Rome. As a result we have in Terence no philosophers,no statesmen
t16 ll.
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or political characters of any sort. The lawyers of the Phormio are the nearest approach to any such persons. Nor are there any tradesmen, or scarcely a characterengaged in any active business. Chaerea of the Eunuchusalone of the young men has a serious occupation. He is on patrol duty at the Piraeus; but we have only an incidental note of the fact. Chaereais not portrayed as a military youth. Chremes, it may be assumed, is a farmer, and the country youth, in Eunuchuts, his rural training is pictured in his lack of knowledge of life and his boorish manners. Menedemus has adopted farm labor as a penance but he is no farmer. And in general the men, old and young, are without occupation. All belong to a well-to-do middle class who are supported by the income from their estates. The marks of an occupation are perhaps emphasized in the lawvers of the Phormio, and in the boastful soldier of the Eunuchus. The scenic arrangements unquestionably restrict the variety of characters. All the action of the drama was supposed to take place in the open air. By convention the scene is a public street or a square where three or four streets meet."9 The main charactersare residents of the neighborhood. Their homes are within view of the audience. They are therefore domestic personages: old men, their wives, sons, a daughter, slaves, maid-servants,a nurse, all living within the houses facing the stage. Others appear who have business with these domestic personages: the meretrix, a leno, a parasite, a distant kinsman, a soldier, a lawyer. WVe have no picture of the inner shrine of the home. This cast of characters provides variety enough for a play. The A ndria, for example, has twelve characters besides the meretrix Chrysis and the heroine Philumena; the Phormio thirteen, the Eunuchus nineteen. But if a comparisonbe made between the plays, the parts representedgrow monotonous. Two old men meet us in every play but the Eunuchus. They all occupy the same position in society and fill practically the same function in the plot. Thev all are involved in the love intrigues of their sons or the marriage of their daughters. So also the sons are all passionately in love,'20their life is centred in a mictress of whom their fathers disapprove. The hus119 vid.
Introduct. Ashmore'sTerence. 1" It is noteworthy that the youths who are not iovers belong outside the householdsof the stage
bands are eternally arguingwith their wives. The life in an Athenian household appears to consist largely in a combat between father and mother over the discipline of the son. Open affection on the part of the old men appears only in the widower Menedemus and in the old bachelor Micio, Aeschinus'sadopted father. In the young men we have altogether too little variety. They are too much alike;-with rare exceptions they are dull and uninteresting,-without the dash of youth. They have, indeed, individually some distinctive keynote, but viewed as a whole they form just one class, the lover-and this lover becomes a hackneyed, stock character by the time we have examined half of the plays. In the slave we have all grades of intelligence. All the slaves of the household are portrayed from the confidant of the old gentleman to the cook and the lorarius. Syrus and Davos have the greatest intelligence and engage in deep-laid schemes. Geta of the Phormio and Parmeno of the Eunuchues play a more moderate role. Sosia, the freedman, and Geta of the Adelphoerepresent the dutiful, conscientious slave, while Dromo and Byrrhia are dullards. We have the lively and gay, the gloomy and grumbling, the lazy and dull. But the Adelphoe presents Syrus and Geta and Dromo and Parmeno. These are the types. The Andria practically repeats the parts in Davos, Sosia, Bvrrhia and Dromo. So when the type reappears in every piece and the part he has to play is worked again into the plot, the final result leaves much to be desired in point of variety. As a character the slave is indispensable. He I)rovides the action and much of the humor of the play. Lose him and we lose all. The process of filching money from the old gentleman's pocket and the guaranteeing of a wife or a mistress for the young gentleman are highly entertaining: but monotony of plot makes only for monotony of character. The two parasites really furnish more variety than the dozen or more slaves. Gnatho and Phormio, we feel, belong to different types of men, almost differentstrata of society, and the type is not repeated to the point of surfeiting. This vastly enhances the interest in them and in their individuality. The same holds for the two slave merchants, Sannio and Dorio.
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The foreign mistress belongs to every play. The characters are finely drawn. We admire Thais and Chrysis immensely. We reflect with pity on the music girls. We wonder at the boldness and dashing airs of Bacchis. Notwithstanding the repetition of the character in the various plays we find in this meretrix character much variety, heightened most probably by the fact that we learn more of her in Terence than belongs to the experienceof moderns. We have first the young girl who is scarcely more than a novice in the hands of the slave merchant, or under the control of some old woman; secondly, the fullfledged courtesan, generally portrayed as possessing much kindliness of heart and capable of generous actions; and finally the old woman lena, like Syra or the old women in the background, who have once been meretrices but now trade on young novices. All are pitiable. The blooming young girl, Pamphila, soon develops into the boisterous Bacchis, who in turn soon loses her charms and becomes early in life the cross-grainedold Syra, eking out a pitiable existence. The heroines are the most disappointing of all unless it be their young lovers. We are told that reputable unmarried women at Athens could not appear in public and are thereforeexcluded from the stage.t In the Eunuchus, however, Terence has introduced the beautiful Pamphila. Being under the patronage of Thais, perhaps she is regardedas being on the border line. Since, however, Terence has made bold to introduce her, a real heroine, we cannot but feel that the play suffers by the absolute disregard for her presence: for she remains dumb and no actor notices her presence through the fifty lines that follow her entrance with the parasite Gnatho. It is, therefore, with a thrill of delight that we find that Antiphila in the Hauton Timorumenosis to be a live character speaking frankly with Bacchis and meeting her lover on his return from abroad in a true love scene. Her presence and delightful conversations add a world of interest to the Hauton Timorumenos. She is a character that makes no second appearance. The other heroines are lifeless and dumb, introduced as useful to the plot but providing no variety. They are as monotonous as the nurse who appears in every play,-a stock character.
Q Ouoted from Varroby St. Augustine, de Civil. Dei, XVIII, 9.
The ancients themselves recognized the lack of variety in these characters. Says Ovid (Amores,B. 1, El. 15):
"Dum fallax seruos, durus pater. improbus leno, vixerit et meretrix blanda, Menandros erit."
The characters are stereotyped as the adjectives indicate. Manilius (V. 11, 472-473) has his list:
"Ardentis iuuenis, raptasque in amore puellas, elusosque senes, agilesque per omnia seruos. "
The fixed character of the plot is pointed out by Isidorus (Origines, XVIII, 46):
"Comcedia sunt qui privatorum hominum acta dictis ac gestu canebant atque stupra virginum et amores meretricum in suis fabulis exprimebant."
Terence himself in his prologuesstates that he employs onlv characters that had already been made familiar to his audiences:
dEquod si personis isdem huic uti non licet,
qui magis licet currentem seruom scribere, bonas matronas facere, meretrices malas, puerum supponi, falli per seruom senem, amare, odisse, suspicari? denique nullumst iam dictum, quod non sit dictum priub. 11.35-42.) que ueteres factitarunt, faciunt novi. " (Prol. Eunuchus,
Or again:
s.,eruos currens, iratus senex, edax parasitus, sycophanta autem impudens, auarus leno. " (Prol. Hauton Tim., 11.36-41.)
The devices of the iiitrigues are so similar, the plots have so many points in common that a lack of variety of characters is the result. We do not see these various charactersof Terence grow and develop as the play advances. They end where they began, not permanently
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affected by the other actors of the story. Simo in the Andria seems to undergo a retrogressionfrom a fair-minded individual to a man of passion. When the storm has blown over, however, he yields a half consent to his son's marriage. In the Hecyra, Laches and his wife grow closer together as a result of the recent quarrel, but it is not clearly evident that a permanent unity of interest has been established that will affect their future relations. We have only an incident of the story. Demea shows a violent change of front in the Adelphoe; but his character is not much changed. He is the same immoderate, extravagant, violent individual as I)efore. He professes to have undergonea complete conversion, but he is a man that could never develop or be truly reformed. His temper is the same. Chaerea makes some advanice. From a dashing, irresponsibleboy he grows in a day to a sense of responsibility. These instances come nearest to a growth of persorality. There is nothing approximating, for example, the gradual unfolding of a Shakespearean character. This is inevitable in the classic drama. Within so limited a space of time and place it is unnatural for a man to be permanently affected. A violent conversion, such as Demea's, is all that is possible. There is not the time for reflection,for purpose to altemate with purpose, for growth by stages. We think of Macbeth as hurryingon to his crime with fearful rapidity after his meeting with the witches, but he has had weeks for reflection.12" Shakespeare'smen live in a sort of idea.l world. They are mastered by their imagination. Terence's people live in a matter-of-fact world and the incidents of an Athenian houselholdare merely passing phases in their experience. T'heir real life is in the Boule and the Prytaneum or in the Stoa, for, 1 take it, there is more portraval of the Athenian character in Demosthenes or Plato than in Menander. Unquestionably Terence is restricted by various conventionsa convention as to variety of characters allowable, a convention of plot, a convention of scenic arrangements. These are the regrettable features of his comedy. Out of these conv-entions, if we may so designate them, arise the several monotonous features that cannot but be deplored. But if, in spite of these and possibly other limitations, Terence rises above his restrictions and exhibits a remarkable tech122 vid.
nique in character portrayal, the genius of the poet is all the more noteworthv. The notable advance of Terence's diction over the Latin play writer of only a generationearlieris universally recognized. The advance in character portrayal is as remarkable. The purpose of this paper will have been accomplishedif these defects and redeeming features in technique have been faithfullv and adequately illustrated. The strength of Terence'scharacterslies in their unity and moderation. Nothing is overdrawn. Nothing is forced or twisted to bring the character within the limits of the scheme. "Terence ne la force pas du tout, et c'est la qu'est le charme."123 There is none of the bold conception of Plautus, but rather a cultured, sympathetic insight into and appreciation of men. Urbanity and humanitv must have permeated the man and these qualities are reflected in the poet. All is natural, truthful, a delineation of nature.'2' This moderation and of Terence's characters. consistencv constitute the greatest charnm The people of his comedy are good for all time and all conditions. The words of Apuleius in praise of Menander are as fittingly applied to Terence:
"Quis (quibuspersonis)in cunctasuamproduxitsecula uitam sub floreMenander Doctor in urbe sua linguae sacrauit. "x25 Qui uitw ostendit uitam uerbisque
123 Sainte Beuve, Nouveau Lundi, T. 5. 124 vid. Sellar, RomanPodAsof the Republic. 52Apuleius,Florida,V, 474-476.