Kingston School District Reconfiguration Plan

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Kingston City School District

Transitions and Beyond: A Vision for the Future of Education

Where are we now?

Where do we need to go?

Demographic Profile of the KCSD

Free & Reduced Lunch Total Enrollment

Anna Devine Myer

18% 23%

6% 6%

4 Year Change
-2% 2%

2011-2012 Total
24% 29%

KHS Edson Graves JWB Crosby MCM Chambers Meagher Sophie Finn GW JFK

31% 37% 38% 42% 39% 40% 51% 59% 66% 74% 80%

9% 7% 7% 7% 12% 12% 15% 8% 5% 6% 5%

8% 1% 10% 6% 8% 7% 9% 1% 17% 1% -2%

40% 44% 45% 49% 51% 52% 66% 67% 71% 80% 85%

Districtwide - 52 % Free & Reduced Lunch

Spring 2012 Mean Scale Scores in ELA Compared to New York State Mean Scale Scores
Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8

District 2010







Failed to exceed NYS Mean Scores in Grade 3-8 ELA 3 year trends show marginal increase or flatline in % proficient students subgroups including black, swd, and economically disadvantaged show decrease in % proficient students

District 2011







District 2012







State 2012







Spring 2012 Mean Scale Scores in Math Compared to New York State Mean Scale Scores
Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8

District 2010







Failed to exceed NYS Mean Scores in Grade 3-8 Math 3 year trends show marginal increase/decrease or flatline in % proficient students subgroups including black, swd, and economically disadvantaged show some improvements

District 2011







District 2012







State 2012







Focus Schools in the Kingston City School District

For the 2012-13 school year, the New York State Education Department devised New York State Performance Index Cutpoints, using historical school data, with which to rank school districts. Based on this new criteria of multiple measures, if a District is identified as failing to meet these cutpoints, it would be identified as a Focus district. Depending on the number of schools within the district, a formula calculated number of schools had to be identified as Focus schools.

Focus Schools in the Kingston City School District

Students in the subgroup categories of black and economically disadvantaged did not meet some of the criteria in the Kingston City School District. While there were many personal and individual successes within these groups, the Kingston City School District did not meet the benchmarks as a whole in these groups. Because of the size of the Kingston City School District, District officials had to label eight schools as Focus schools. District officials could base this ranking on either the count (or %) of non proficient black & economically disadvantaged students who did not meet the cutpoint target in their schools.

Focus Schools in the Kingston City School District

Chambers Elementary School Edson Elementary School George Washington Elementary School John F. Kennedy Elementary School Myer Elementary School J. Watson Bailey Middle School M. Clifford Miller Middle School

Kingston High School

Myer was not originally selected as a Focus School, but due to the closure of Meagher Elementary School, district officials had to label an additional school as a Focus school. This label does NOT factor in Myers performance on student exams; rather it is just about meeting a quota that is required by the State.

Graduation Rate Data

Where are we going?

Year Long Transition Process

Year Long Transition Process

Principals worked collaboratively to design and implement transition activities appropriate for merging schools.
Administrators held monthly planning meetings and oversaw a middle school schedule committee.

March - Transition Implementation Begins

Edson Elementary School

Five sections in K - 1; four sections in 2 - 4

Kindergarten - 22 students First Grade - 22 students Second Grade - 25 students Third Grade - 26 students Fourth Grade - 24 students

Crosby Elementary School

Three sections in each grade level Kindergarten - 21 students First Grade - 21 students Second Grade - 20 students Third Grade - 24 students Fourth Grade - 27 students

ROBERT GRAVES Elementary School

Four sections in K - 2; three sections in 3 - 4

Kindergarten - 19 students
First Grade - 19 students Second Grade - 23 students Third Grade - 26 students Fourth Grade - 26 students







# of sections

3 22 3 21 5 22 4 19 3

3 25 3 21 5 22 4 19 3

3 22 3 20 4 25 4 23 3

3 20 3 24 4 26 3 26 3

3 24 3 27 4 24 3 26 2


Average Size\Size

# of sections Average Size


# of sections Average Size


# of sections Average Size


# of sections Average Size


# of sections Average Size

3 22 1 24

3 22 1 24

3 20 2 18

2 22 1 28

2 26 1 24


# of sections Average Size

Transportation Info

Letter with detailed bus route information will be sent to parents by April 1, 2013 Bus Routes will also be posted on Parents who wish to request an amendment to a bus stop after April 1st may call the Transportation Dept.


The Peaceful School Bus Program will be implemented at all District Elementary Schools.

A school social worker will oversee implementation and will visit all Elementary Schools during September for kick-off assemblies. Cameras and audio equipment will be installed on all school buses.

Building Blueprints (RMEasi Teach)

Sample Fifth Grade Schedule

example of a non-music student who needs enrichment and takes Spanish

7:55 AM - 10:06 AM: English Language Arts & Social Studies

10:09 AM - 10:49 AM: Enrichment

10:52 AM - 11:32 AM: Lunch

11:35 AM - 12:15 PM: Spanish

12:18 PM - 12:58 PM: Physical Education

1:01 PM - 2:24 PM: Math/Science

Grade 5 Schedule Highlights

NEW: Block scheduling creates 2-hour learning immersion period, which aligns with new Common Core standards. NEW: Family & Consumer Science, Technology, and Foreign Languages are all offered. Students will continue to have the opportunity to participate in up to three musical offerings: Band, Chorus, and Orchestra. NEW: Students are offered Enrichment and Reteach on a daily basis. Enrichment will go beyond the scope of typical course offerings; reteach will provide extra help.

NEW: Teams of two teachers

NEW: Advisory period addresses academic, social, and extra-curricular needs from a holistic point of view.

6-Day Cycle

three physical education periods one advisory period one library period one music period
one period of either enrichment/reteach/Band-OrchestraChorus or Project Based Learning (6th Grade)

Sample Grade 5 Schedule

7:55 AM - 10:06 AM: English Language Arts & Social Studies 10:09 AM - 10:49 AM: Band/Enrichment/Reteach

10:52 AM - 11:32 AM: Lunch 11:35 PM - 12:15 PM: Art (rotates each quarter-FACS, TECH, LOTE) 12:18 PM - 12:58 PM: Physical Education 1:01 PM - 2:24 PM: Math/Science

7:55 AM - 10:06 AM: Math & Science 10:09 AM - 10:49 AM: Orchestra/Enrichment/Reteach 10:52 AM - 11:32 PM: Lunch 11:35 PM - 12:15 PM: Art (rotates each quarter-FACS, TECH, LOTE) 12:18 PM - 12:58 PM: Advisory Period 1:01 PM - 2:24 PM: English Language Arts & Social Studies 7:55 AM - 10:06 AM: English Language Arts & Social Studies 10:09 AM - 10:49 AM: Chorus/Enrichment/Reteach

10:52 AM - 11:32 AM: Lunch 11:35 AM - 12:15 PM: Art (rotates each quarter-FACS, TECH, LOTE) 12:18 PM - 12:58 PM: Physical Education 1:01 PM - 2:24 PM: Math/Science

Sample Grade 5 Schedule

7:55 AM - 10:06 AM: Math & Science 10:09 AM - 10:49 AM: Band/Enrichment/Reteach

10:52 AM - 11:32 AM: Lunch 11:35 AM - 12:15 PM: Art (rotates each quarter-FACS, TECH, LOTE) 12:18 PM - 12:58 PM: Library 1:01 PM - 2:24 PM: English Language Arts & Social Studies

7:55 AM - 10:06 AM: English Language Arts & Social Studies 10:09 AM - 10:49 AM: Orchestra/Enrichment/Reteach 10:52 AM - 11:32 AM: Lunch 11:35 AM - 12:15 PM: Art (rotates each quarter-FACS, TECH, LOTE) 12:18 PM - 12:58 PM: Physical Education 1:01 PM - 2:24 PM: Math/Science 7:55 AM - 10:06 AM: Math & Science 10:09 AM - 10:49 AM: Chorus/Enrichment/Reteach

10:52 AM - 11:32 AM: Lunch 11:35 AM - 12:15 PM: Art (rotates each quarter-FACS, TECH, LOTE) 12:18 PM - 12:58 PM: Music 1:01 PM - 2:24 PM: English Language Arts & Social Studies

Grade 6 Schedule Highlights

NEW: Block scheduling creates 2-hour learning immersion period, which aligns with the new Common Core standards. NEW: Project Based Learning will be offered. An interdisciplinary approach to learning, including the arts and Common Core areas. NEW: Students are offered Enrichment and Reteach on a daily basis. NEW: Advisory period addresses academic, social, and extra-curricular needs from a holistic point of view.

Sample Grade 6 Schedule

7:55 AM - 10:06 AM: English Language Arts & Social Studies 10:09 AM - 10:49 AM: Physical Education

10:52 AM - 11:32 AM: Band/Orchestra/Remediation/Enrichment/PBL 11:35 AM - 12:15 PM: Lunch 12:18 PM - 12:58 PM: Health (rotates each quarter-FACS, TECH, LOTE) 1:01 PM - 2:24 PM: Math/Science

7:55 AM - 10:06 AM: Math/Science 10:09 AM - 10:49 AM: Advisory 10:52 AM - 11:32 AM: Chorus/Remediation/Enrichment/PBL 11:35 AM - 12:15 PM: Lunch 12:18 PM - 12:58 PM: Health (rotates each quarter-FACS, TECH, LOTE) 1:01 PM - 2:24 PM: English Language Arts & Social Studies

7:55 AM - 10:06 AM: English Language Arts & Social Studies 10:09 AM - 10:49 AM: Physical Education

10:52 AM - 11:32 AM: Band/Orchestra/Remediation/Enrichment/PBL 11:35 AM - 12:15 PM: Lunch 12:18 PM - 12:58 PM: Health (rotates each quarter-FACS, TECH, LOTE) 1:01 PM - 2:24 PM: Math/Science

Sample Grade 6 Schedule

7:55 AM - 10:06 AM: Math/Science 10:09 AM - 10:49 AM: Library

10:52 AM - 11:32 AM: Band/Orchestra/Remediation/Enrichment/PBL 11:35 AM - 12:15 PM: Lunch 12:18 PM - 12:58 PM: Health (rotates each quarter-FACS, TECH, LOTE) 1:01 PM - 2:24 PM: English Language Arts & Social Studies

7:55 AM - 10:06 AM: English Language Arts & Social Studies 10:09 AM - 10:49 AM: Physical Education 10:52 AM - 11:32 AM: Chorus/Remediation/Enrichment/PBL 11:35 AM - 12:15 PM: Lunch 12:18 PM - 12:58 PM: Health (rotates each quarter-FACS, TECH, LOTE) 1:01 PM - 2:24 PM: Math/Science

7:55 AM - 10:06 AM: Math/Science 10:09 AM - 10:49 AM: Music

10:52 AM - 11:32 AM: Band/Orchestra/Remediation/Enrichment/PBL 11:35 AM - 12:15 PM: Lunch 12:18 PM - 12:58 PM: Health (rotates each quarter-FACS, TECH, LOTE) 1:01 PM - 2:24 PM: English Language Arts & Social Studies

Overall Benefits

Fulfills all SED Middle School mandates Offers parity of educational opportunities at both Middle Schools

Flexible Blocks provide for interdisciplinary instruction

Enrichment and Reteach for all students Dedicated Grade level lunches

More efficient use of staff time and creates common planning times for teachers
Reinvestment of resources enables increased access to technology (ex. MS and HS SmartBoards)

Block Scheduling
With the implementation of block scheduling, additional instructional time is created within the school day. Extra classroom time each day adds up - to a total of an additional 8 days of instructional time per school year!


Adventure Club Battle of the Books Boys/Girls Club Chess Club Diva Day

Ski and Snowboard Club Student Delegates Student Government Students Willing to Assist and Give (SWAG) Yearbook

Environmental Club
National Junior Honor Society School Newspaper

Modified Sports
Intramurals And more!!

Grade 5 Teacher Transition Info

All current Grade 5 teachers will teach Grade 5 in 2013-2014

Ten Grade 5 teachers from JWB feeder schools assigned to teach there Six Grade 5 teachers from MCM feeder schools assigned to teach there One Grade 5 teacher assigned to a new middle school

Elementary Staffing Plans

Harry L. Edson Elementary

Edward R. Crosby Elementary

Robert Graves Elementary

Support Staff Information is Forthcoming

Kingston City School District employees that play the roles of office manager, custodial support, teaching assistant and others are critical and essential to the success of the KCSD.

Due to differences in contracts and regulations, these assignments are still being determined and employees will be notified as soon as possible.

Edward R. Crosby Elementary School

Principal: Marie Anderson

Crosby Principal: Marie Anderson

Grade K-4 classroom teachers at Crosby (10) and Zena (5) are assigned to Crosby in 2013-2014. One Zena teacher excessed

Edward R. Crosby Elementary School

Lynn Bonderanka Mary Noone Robyn Rolph Diana Bonse Jill Correa Marjorie Falconer Jodi Gallo Donna Lynn Greene Nicole Hildenbrand Susan Kavanagh Sheri Kotsol Patricia Biscaras Pamela Priestly Robert Hansen Carolyn Ring Jacqueline Kelder Stacey Schuon Margaret KennedyJessica Sunshine Stowe Ellen Venditti Kiersten Lowe Joyce Luby Kathleen Owitz Regina Richardson Deirdre Thorpe-Clark Sarah Dernison Barbara Taylor Gwen Bardon-Targia Michelle Lerner Elissa Hansen Debra Rua Jennifer L. Couse Denise Hoban-Weeks



Harry L. Edson Elementary School

Principal: William Krupp Grade K-4 classroom teachers at Edson (13) and Sophie Finn (9) are assigned to Edson in 2013. Sophie Finn teacher reassigned to a new school

Edson Principal: Bill Krupp

Harry L. Edson Elementary School

Marie Lader Susan Bard Margaret Boice Paula Bojarsky Tyler Byrnes Lisa Camara Julie Cannon Patricia Cohen Toni Lynn Cook Robert Tanya Daw Susanna Elting Debra Feller Cheryl Finnegan Elaine Heppner Deborah Hinchey Carin Mills Kowal Dawn Rivette Terri-Lynn Sofokles Kim Tegeler Elena Vagle Claire Vanvalkenburgh Marybeth Veith Christine Rosenberg Kristine Cariello Denis Dwyer Judith Sillato Louise Lefkovits Prudence Richmond Catherine Coleman Courtney Deschenes



Robert Graves Elementary School

Principal: Errin Parese Grade K-4 classroom teachers at Graves (10) and Anna Devine (8) are assigned to Graves in 2013-2014.
Robert Graves Principal: Errin Parese

One Anna Devine teacher assigned to a new school.

Robert Graves Elementary School

Kathleen Bell Eivin Gudmundsen Kim Haber Nancy Koopman Amy Krauss Donna Nageli Caroline Netter Victoria Sellers Maria Yonnetti Laurian Harrison Naomi Stevens Lisa Armstrong Jennifer Beesmer Dianne Berardi Kristin Benes Brown Lisa Dittus Melissa Gallagher Patricia Ann Jacob Timothy Kay Mason McElrath Arlene Rose Mendock Jacqueline Sheridan Judy Ann Snyder Jeanne Stoico


Eldeva Tofte Allyson Whittaker Tanya Williams Lindy Leonard Sarah Dernison Constance Spoth Barbara Taylor Michelle Lerner Marilyn Stilphen Shannon Ashcroft Danielle Barros


Staff Transition Assistance

Transition Handbooks will be distributed to all teaching staff


Culture of Evaluation and Continual Improvement

Audits were performed in key areas to reveal District weaknesses and strengths

Data & Technology Audit: The Mid-Hudson Regional Information Center completed an audit during the months of September December. Special Education: The Prism Group began an audit in October and is continuing its research Health and Safety: Needham Risk Management completed an audit during the months of December/January

Action plans incorporating the results of these audits are currently being developed with an eye towards 2013-2014 implementation.


2013-2014 Ninth Grade Academy at Kingston High School


New partnership with Ulster BOCES based at the Carnegie Learning Center


STRIVE Project at former Sophie Finn Elementary School

The Future

Redistricting has helped to create fiscal stability and predictability. The District is now in the process of projecting the next 3 - 4 years of budget cycles. The ability for long-range fiscal planning will enable us to intensify our focus on academic and curriculum enhancements and other student-centered improvements.

Visit Frequently asked questions and answers will be posted here.


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