PSYC305 Syllabus

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School of Arts and Humanities PSYC305 History and Systems of Psychology 3 Credit Hours 8 weeks

Table of Contents Instructor Information Course Description Course Scope Course Objectives Course Delivery Method Course Materials Instructor Information Instructor: Tara Revell Email: [email protected] Office Hours: As arranged with student via email consult.
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Evaluation Procedures Grading Scale Course Outline Academic Services

Course Description (Catalog) This course is a survey of major antecedents to scientific psychology: philosophical, physiological, and others. It also surveys the development of contemporary psychological theories and research areas from the formal establishment of psychology to the present.
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Course Scope This course focuses on the role of the history of psychology from its beginnings and founders to contemporary theory.
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Course Objectives

1.) Examine the importance of studying the history of psychology. 2.) Demonstrate the ability to discuss the foundations of psychology. 3.) Differentiate the founders of psychology and their theories. 4.) Examine the role of applied psychology in the 20th century. 5.) Examine the society of psychology. 6.) Develop a published article review paper examining a topic of course related interest
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Course Delivery Method This course delivered via distance learning will enable students to complete academic work in a flexible manner, completely online. Course materials and access to an online learning management system will be made available to each student. NOTE: Flexible is different from self-paced. This course has specific deadlines. Assignment due dates are included in the course classroom and include Discussion Board dialogs (accomplished in groups through a threaded discussion board), examinations and quizzes (graded electronically), and a paper integrating course content.
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Course Materials Required Textbook: Thorne, B. M. and Henley, T. B. (2005). History and systems in psychology. Houghton Mifflin Co. ISBN: 0618415122
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Evaluation Procedures IMPORTANT NOTES:

ACADEMIC WEEK: The academic week goes from Monday to Sunday. IMPORTANT NOTE: All submission due dates/times are on Eastern Standard Time, so please plan accordingly.

Late Policy:

Discussion posts- All postings are due by Thursday nights and peer replies by Sunday nights. Late discussion posts and peer replies will not be accepted for points if late. Discussion posts and peer replies are an integral part of this online course. * All Written Assignments Student will be allowed up to three days after the assignment deadline to submit, however will be penalized 10% of the assignment grade each day it is late. Anything submitted after three days of the assignment deadline will not be accepted. * Final Papers must be submitted by 11:59 pm, Sunday of Week 7. No late papers will be accepted.* Weekly quizzes, the Midterm Exam and the Final Exam cannot be made-up if missed for any reason. *** If you have an unavoidable reason for needing to make up an assignment you must contact your instructor before the assignment is due (personal or family emergencies, deployments, TDYs and TADs, base alerts and lock-downs or communications blackouts qualifyleisure activities or scheduling too many classes or other life activities dont Be prepare to provide documentation). I will consider a one-time extension on a case-by-case basis if you contact me BEFORE the assignment is due. ALL extensions are subject to the instructors approval and may be denied if the above conditions are not met. There are no extensions for work and final papers in the last week of class. NO EXCEPTIONS. Cut-and-paste policy: Absolutely not copying word-for-word of any published materials, regardless of intent to do so or inclusion of source citations, is allow in any course assignment. ALL published materials MUST be paraphrased (restated in your own words) and properly source-credited. Corrupted files and accepted files: It is always good practice to check your file once should have submitted it to make sure that was uploaded correctly and it is not corrupted or blank. If you need further assistance on how to perform such operations contact technical support. Corrupted files, blank files, other home work files, the incorrect files, or any other reasons the student said the assignment was correctly submitted, but it wasnt, and files not submitted as .rtf, .doc or .docx will not be accepted or given credit. Students who turn in such files will fall under the guidelines on the late policy until the correct files are submitted.

COURSE ASSIGNMENTS: Online Exams These test are administered online. These tests arent intended to cover every aspect of the textbook but instead to foster engagement with course materials. They are open-book and untimed. Discussion board assignments Students will engage in discussion dialogs designed to foster and support a community of learning within the classroom, an APUS requirement. A substantive initial post in response to instructor posted instructions on the boards is required as are a minimum of two replies to classmates posts. Detailed instructions, including minimum length and source crediting requirements are on each weekly discussion board. Midterm Exam this open-book, short essay exam assesses students ability to synthesize and apply material presented during the first half of the course. Final Exam this open-book, short essay exam assesses students ability to synthesize and apply material presented during the second half of the course. Research Paper Prep - This research prep paper requires the identification of the final research paper topic, a thesis statement, and a annotated bibliography. Final Integration Paper-This paper requires synthesis of course information related to a student identified topic of interest and supporting research article summaries. Detailed instructions, along with a grading rubric, are located in the course Assignments folder.
Course Requirement Discussion board assignments x 8 Final Course Integration Paper Weekly quizzes x 5 Midterm Exam Final Exam Research Paper Prep Total Points Points Possible 350 300 50 100 100 100 1000 Percent 35% 30% 5% 10% 10% 10% 100

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Grading Scale

See the APUS Student Handbook for the Undergraduate Grading Scale
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Course Outline

8 Week Course
Week Topic(s) Learning Objective(s) Reading(s) Assignment(s )

1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction to history of psychology, psychology, science and history as well as foundations of psychology and Ancient Greece and Romans.





Examine the introduction Determine the image of modern science Discuss psychology and history Discuss Ancient In History and System of Greece and its Psychology by Thorne & effect on Henley read: psychology A. Preface Discuss B. Ch 1-philosophy and Assigned Introduction its place in Discussion C. Ch 2Precursors Board Dialog psychology. to Psychology in Quiz 1 Discuss theories Ancient Greece and theorists that D. Ch 3The influenced Roman Period psychology as a and the Middle science. Ages Examine the Roman Period through the Middle Ages Examine Christianity and its effect on psychology.

In this lesson, you will the Renaissance, the isms, and continental philosophies

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Examine the Renaissance. Discuss early modern philosophers. Discuss British empiricism Examine positivism Examine the SCOTTISH school. Discuss

In History and System of Psychology by Thorne & Henley read: A. Ch 4The Renaissance and Early Modern Philosophers B. Ch 5 Empiricism, Associational ism,

Assigned Discussion Board Dialog Quiz 2

7. 8.

rationalism. Examine romanticism. Discuss existentialism.


Positivism, and CommonSense Psychology Ch 6 Continental Philosophies, Rationalism, Romanticism, and Existentialis m.


Learn about the physiological influences on psychology, origins of modern scientific psychology in Germany and Darwin.

Define physiological influence. 2. Examine function as it pertains to the brain and nervous system. 3. Discuss psychophysics 4. Discuss findings of Wundt and his theories 5. Examine structuralism. 6. Discuss Act Psychology 7. Discuss other theories and theorist of the age. 8. Discuss Darwin and his theories. 9. Examine the life of Darwin. 10. Discuss GALTON.


In History and System of Psychology by Thorne & Henley read: A. Ch 7 Physiological influences on the Development of Psychology B. Ch 8 The Origins of Modern Scientific Psychology in Germany C. Ch 9 Darwins Influence

Assigned Discussion Board Dialog Quiz 3 Research Paper Prep

Complete and take midterm exam.



Demonstrate knowledge of all material covered to date. Be able to express learning in writing. Be able to complete the midterm no later


Nothing due to midterm!

Assigned Discussion Board Dialog Midterm exam located in the Exams Folder in the Classroom

than the end of week 4. 1. 2. Begin discussion of psychology in American, functionalism and Watson and his theories. 3. 4. 5. 6. Discuss Early psychology in America Discuss theories of the time. Define functionalism Discuss women in American Psychology Discuss animal psychology Examine Watson and his theories

1. In History and System

of Psychology by Thorne & Henley read: A. Ch 10Early American Psychology B. Ch 11 Functionalism C. Ch 12Animal Psychology and Early Behaviorism Assigned Discussion Board Dialog Quiz for Week 5

1. 2. 3. Coverage of neobehaviorism, Gestalt and psychoanalysis 4.

6. 7.

Define neobehaviorism. Discuss Skinner and his theories Examine ecological psychology. Examine Gestalt psychology Discuss theories of Lewin and Gestalt Examine Freud and his theories. Discuss NeoFreudians. Discuss the mind and brain. Examine advances in psychology Discuss neuropsychology Discuss applied psychology Examine sciences related to psychology Discuss the cognitive revolution Examine theories in this area

In History and System of Psychology by Thorne & Henley read: 1. 2. 3. Ch 13 Neobehaviorism. Ch 14Gestalt Psychology Ch 15-Psychoanalysis

Assigned Discussion Board Dialog Quiz for Week 6

1. 2. Discuss the mind and brain, applied psychology and the cognitive revolution. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

1. In History and System

of Psychology by Thorne & Henley read: A. Ch 16Mind and Brain: Clinical Psychology Meets Neuroscience B. Ch 17Applied Psychology C. Ch 18The Cognitive Revolution Assigned Discussion Board Dialog Final Integration Paper


Final Exam

Successfully complete a comprehensive online exam covering history, trends, etc. in psychology and history of psychology.

No readings due to final exam and course completion!

Assigned Discussion Board Dialog Final Exam located in the Exams Folder in the Classroom

See the APUS Student Handbook for the University policies on Course Withdrawal, Extensions, Plagiarism and Disability.
ONLINE LIBRARY RESEARCH CENTER & LEARNING RESOURCES The Online Library Resource Center is available to enrolled students and faculty from inside the electronic campus. This is your starting point for access to online books, subscription periodicals, and Web resources that are designed to support your classes and generally not available through search engines on the open Web. In addition, the Center provides access to special learning resources, which the University has contracted to assist with your studies. Questions can be directed to [email protected].

Charles Town Library and Inter Library Loan: The University maintains a special library with a limited number of supporting volumes, collection of our professors publication, and services to search and borrow research books and articles from other libraries. Electronic Books: You can use the online library to uncover and download over 50,000 titles, which have been scanned and made available in electronic format. Electronic Journals: The University provides access to over 12,000 journals, which are available in electronic form and only through limited subscription services. is a tool to improve student research skills that also detect plagiarism. provides resources on developing topics and assignments that encourage and guide students in producing papers that are intellectually honest, original in thought, and clear in expression. This tool helps ensure a culture of adherence to the University's standards for intellectual honesty. also reviews students' papers for matches with Internet materials and with thousands of student papers in its database, and returns an Originality Report to instructors and/or students. Smarthinking: Students have access to 10 free hours of tutoring service per year through Smarthinking. Tutoring is available in the following subjects: math (basic math through advanced calculus), science (biology, chemistry, and physics), accounting, statistics, economics, Spanish, writing, grammar, and more. Additional information is located in the Online Research Center. From the ORC home page, click on either the Writing Center or Tutoring Center and then click Smarthinking. All login information is available.

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