Mobile Phone and Gond Women

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Mobile Phone and Tribal Women

(A study of use and impact of mobile phone on Gond women of Madhya Pradesh)

Narayan Mohanty
Senior Research Fellow
Rajiv Gandhi Chair in Contemporary Studies


The mobile phone is an extension or new Avatar of communication technology has substantially adopted in between people irrespective of their social and demographic background. Not only the elites but also bottom beings use it. This is one of the globalism Indicator. In India, around 70 per cent people having the mobile phone while among tribes this figure has arrived at 31 per cent. But we can be noticed a mass gap on use of mobile phone in between sexuality. This is the pessimistic side but positively its impact can be perceived among the tribal women. The centre of attention of the study is tribal modernism and threats to tribal identity based on role of tribal women. The study was conducted in a Gond tribal village of Madhya Pradesh adopted of census technique and group discussions. The study argues that mostly working women having the mobile facilities irrespective of varying income and occupation. The women mobile users have developed non-tribal attitude, behaviours and adopted modern patterns of lifestyle and means of entertainment in comparison to mobile non-users tribal women. However, the tribal women indicate for tribal modernism on the basis of non-tribal beings in which non-tribal malevolence have been noticed in tribal behavior and it often force to them obviate from tribalism.

Since the setting up of globalization, technological extension has been widely dispersed across the world from larger parts to smaller landmasses. Broadly, this recognizes that technology is as use as a human supporting hand in respect to communication, transports, nuclear, space science etc. Out of these numerous innovations, the communication technology like mobile phone is a new avatar of connection between people irrespective of their social and demographic background. Telecommunications, as a means of sharing information, is not simply a connection between people, but a link in the chain of the development process itself (Hudson 1995). This has not only encompassed among the elites but also it has arrived at grassroots society, which emerges some anticipation among them. Since 1997, the growth story of telecom especially mobile technology in India has been playing an estimable effort to reach as second largest mobile users with over 960 million subscribers in the world, next to China (TRAI 2012). This is plausible to observe that the largest residents of Russia are using the mobile phone up to 155 per cent followed by Italy 147 per cent, Brazil 134 per cent, Germany 130 per cent, Iran 130 per cent respectively. In this queue, India and China pertain 79 and 75 per cent, in which both countries are more or less lagging with respect to mobile multiple users (Wikipedia). On the other hand, the mobile story of rural and tribal India tell that about one in every two rural households own the mobile phone while this placement pertain in rural tribal areas around 27 per cent. Accordingly, male and female hold about 53.3 and 44.3 per cent of mobile phone in India while in the tribal areas the male holds 72.8 per cent and female having 27.2 per cent of mobile phone

(Census 2011). This figure reveals that not only among non-tribes but also among tribes a discrepancy can be seen towards women's contribution. This is well-known that many of tribal communities serve equal individuality to women though it varies from tribe to tribe (Sashi, 1978). Majumdar (1973) reveals a higher status of tribal women on some indicators while lower on another. Furer Haimendorf reveals about the Naga women in the Northeastern states many women in most civilized parts of India may well envy the women of the Naga Hills, their high status and their free happy life and if you measure the cultural level of the people by the social position and personal freedom of its women you will think twice before looking down on the Nagas as savages (1933, p. 101). Hutton (1921) articulates that among the Nagas women enjoy considerable freedom and high social status. Naga women have the right to choose their husbands and are never forced to marry against their will. Similarly, Elwin (1961) alludes to the freedom enjoyed by Naga women and contended that the latter exercised significant decision-making power within their societies. Generally, tribal women have enjoyed greater freedom and higher status than Hindu women (Maharatna, 1998). Rivers (1973), Dalton (1872) and Grigson (1938) have reported low status of women among Todas, Kharies and Mariya Gonds with reference to certain taboos during certain periods and ceremonies. Many tribal societies are matrilineal and women in such social structures enjoy inheritance rights and privileges that are absent in patriarchal societies. Women in patriarchal societies often do not have economic independence and are therefore subjugated to lower household and social status. Decisions regarding marriage, fertility, and divorce on the womens part are severely constrained (Mitra, A, 2007). In this order, Gonds community is patriarchal in nature and men are key decision makers in a family though women having the equal privileges in terms of marriage, work participation, inheritance rights etc. (Singh, 1994, p. 353). Though the tribal women are having more fortunate in comparison to non-tribal women, yet long disparity can be seen among tribal women on the basis of education, health, employment status even in household amenities in comparison to tribal men. This is even more or less in every tribal community (Singh and Rajlaxmi, 1993). Considering these variances if we see the status of mobile phone among tribal women then this shows a similar tendency as patriarchal point of view compared to national and state figures. On the other hand, many studies have been conducted on tribal women and their status though few have focused on communication and tribal women. Pertinently, if we see then some of Information communication technology (ICT) related projects viz. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), Warana Nagar Rural Network Project,, SEWA,,, SIRIDI ICT project in Betul etc. have been attentive to tribal communication development. Nevertheless, none of the study has focused on mobile impact on tribal women especially among the largest tribal group of Gond. Moreover, tribal characteristics diversify in traditional heritage indeed it distinguishes tribe to tribe. Since each study has their unique outcomes. On the basis of the above studies and particularly focus on tribal woman's identity, this study argues on some pertinent questions. These are - though the tribal women having the equal rights to work participation, marriage, and inheritance rights yet the varying status have observed in terms of mobile phone uses between male and female. Why it is so? What the key purposes promulgate to tribal women to use the mobile phone irrespective of non-users women and male counterpart. What alteration can notice in between them? What are impacts of mobile phone on tribal women? If there has any impact of mobile phone for tribal women then what the trend has been followed among them. Whether are they following non-tribal patterns regardless of their tribal identity? If yes what are the

consequences. More and large, whether mobile phone promulgate tribal modernization and threats to tribal identity in respect to tribal femininity; are the major discussion of this study. Objectives Based on given research questions some of broad objectives are as under. 1. To understand the availability and extent of use of mobile phone among Gond women, 2. To examine the influence and purposes of use of mobile phone 3. To signify the causes, factors and variation of using of mobile phone in between mobile users and non-users tribal women 4. To analyze the considerable socio-economic impacts of mobile phone on tribal women, and 5. To reveal the tribal modernism and threats towards tribal identity on the basis of tribal women. Facts and Methodology The study has been carried out in Pathai village of the Betul district of Madhya Pradesh (MP). In MP, almost every five households are tribe. The state has 46 schedule tribes in which 3 are primitive tribes (Baiga, Bharia and Saharia). Bhil is the most populous tribe having a number of 4,618,068, constituting 37.7 per cent of the total ST population followed by Gond 35.6 per cent, Kol 31 per cent, Korku 24 Per cent, Sahariya 14 per cent and Baiga10 percent respectively. In order to observe the socioeconomic conditions of tribes then Gond is relatively better than other tribal groups in central India (Census of India 2001). While in Betul both Gond and Korku tribe dwell with having 39.43 per cent of its total tribal population. In this order Pathai is absolutely a Gond tribal village where around 90 per cent tribal reside adjacently (RGC report, 2010). The study has adopted a census method to identify the mobile users household. After the selection of the households, every women mobile user households were subjected of the study. From this, 29 women were selected from 29 households for study purposes. Semistructured interview scheduled was used as the main tool for data collection while interview guidelines, group discussions, discussions with Panchayat representatives, mobile shopkeepers were also shed light on different aspects of the study. In addition, two group discussions were conducted with mobile users and non-users tribal women. This experimental study was conducted based on socio-economic impact analysis of mobile phone in between the above women groups. These were also helped to crossexamination from main respondents responses during the course of study. Results and Discussion Results and discussion section of this study is divided into four parts. The 1st part deals the respondents profile of the sample village while the 2nd part deals the mobile phone status among tribal women in the study village. The third part analyses the influences and purpose to obtain the mobile phone among tribal women. And the final part crucially reveals the impact of mobile phone on tribal women and their socio-economic life. These are as under. Profile of the Sample Village As it has been mentioned above that a village namely Pathai was selected for the study purpose. This village falls under jurisdiction of Sahapur block of Betul district of MP. Pathai constitutes with having 217 households out of its 201 households (HHs) are Gond and 16 HHs is scheduled caste and remain are backward classes. This shows about 93 percent populations of this village are Gond. The Gond sex ratio of this village is 1030 females per 1000 males. This sex ratio is relatively excellent from the fact of Betul district (994 female per 1000 males). The family size among the Gond is 6. About 41 per cent youth, 23 per cent children and 20 per cent adult groups constitute the village as young. Though the

cultivation is the main sources of livelihood among Gond yet a portion of young Gond women are depended on wage work, seasonal outmigration and exposure to non-tribal areas for earning purposes. Whilst the larger portion of adult occupies as cultivator. The literacy rate among Gond is about 60 per cent though women skewed in low average at 45 percent. The given profile reveals that women's participation in terms of wage work, outmigration and the literacy rate is less significant in comparison to male. Status of Mobile Phone among Women The availability status of mobile phone varies in between men and women in Pathai. Out of total 201 Gond households, 88 households having the mobile phone facilities. Out of this, 29 women have owned the mobile phone, which pertains about 33 per cent. In order to 15 of mobile phone has owned by young wage-working women while 10, 3 and 2 are adult, student and Anganwadi/SHG worker women 1. Out of these, 18 (66%) of women mobile holders are literate and 11 (51%) are unmarried. Occupationally, 13 young mobile holders depend on wage labours who either working in the village as the availability of wage works or visit to non-tribal areas for seasonal labour purposes. Other 8 of women mostly visit for wage works to Itarsi, Hosangabad, Betul and Bhopal as outmigration. 3 of women are both engaged in agriculture mainly assisting to their husbands and doing the domestic works. 3 females are studying in High School in Sahapur and remain 2 are working in government functionaries. In spite of the fact, around 50 per cent of non-mobile women make or receive calls on mobile phone almost for a once or more times. It can be said from the given status that only 14 per cent women having the mobile phone out of total 201 Gond households though it is become 33 per cent in comparison to men and women mobile owners. Those women have mobile phone are good in education or literate even engaged in work either in the village or in non-tribal area. And mostly this women are unmarried which need to discuss on the basis of obtaining the source of mobile phones among them. Sources to Obtain Mobile Phone Obtaining a mobile phone depends on different sources like income, occupation, education, gift etc. The study has found that 22 of mobile phones have been newly purchased and 4 mobile as old as second-hand from different places like Sahapur, Betul, Itarsi and Bhopal. The money has arranged from wage work and selling of crops and firewood. And remain 3 mobile has been gifted from beloved and spouses. Most of the mobile prices are lower than Rs. 3000/- while the second-hand mobile phone has purchased below Rs. 1000/-. Choices of Mobile Phone This has observed among Gond women that lower pricy mobile handsets have been chosen among them. This is because with expenditure of lower amount, they own the good looking and extrafeatures2 mobile though these all mobile phone is brand-less and no-warrantee periods. Around 90 per cent of mobile phone is in these categories. The name of these mobile are G-five, Duplicate Nokia, Karbon etc. However, Original Nokia, Samsung and LG handsets have been owned by very few. TataDocomo, BSNL and IDEA mobile service network is available in village though the network is always

These school going females are above the age of 16 years who have been studying out from village higher secondary school at Sahapur block which is almost 4 K.M away from village. 2 Now in market, different types of mobile phone can be seen. Some of duplicate companies give good looks to mobile handsets and features like music, video recording, expandable memory, torchlights, FM radio, Internet etc.

fluctuating because of distance placed on network towers. Despite the fact, Tata-Docomo and IDEA networks are largely preferred among Gond women because both network services are quite better to other. Sources to learn the mobile function Obtaining a mobile is not self-sufficient to function it. This has observed that tribal women seek assistance of their friends, spouses, beloved, neighbours etc to learn the function of mobile phone. Indeed a course of operation of mobile phone is also helping to understand the basic functions of it. This has seen that those women have studied up to high school level would able to operate the mobile phone after a small instruction while those have not any skill are only able to made or received the mobile calls. Influences and Purpose to own the Mobile Exposure to mobile phone among tribal women is pertinent in terms of tenderness to be aware of the mobile phone facilities. Different of sources have been rooted to recognize the mobile among tribal women. Pertinently, observe from village mobile users, outmigration exposures, television advertisement, non-tribals in sourcing to villages etc. are key factors of exposure to be familiar with mobile phone among women. Indeed, when the tribal women have recognized the different uses of mobile phone they show tenderness towards owning a mobile phone. Likely, whose women have been working in outside of the village was early shown attention to this new device. Around 40 per cent of women wage workers have narrated that they are using a mobile phone for easy and convenient contact with relatives, spouses, friends and so on. While 34 percent women have expressed either they have gifted from a spouse or beloved or find the information of mobile for their opportune marital or beloved relationships. And remain women have had the mobile phone to locate their wage works, smooth functioning of social relationships, means of entertainment in terms of entertaining music, telepathising emotions etc. Since this proves from the facts that the mobile phone is purposefully adopted among women on the basis of social, economic and cultural reasons that mobile phone not only helpful for social capital building but also for economical commodities. Matter discusses on mobile phone This is a bit difficult to find out and underline the discussing matters on mobile phone among tribal women because different types of matter have been talked over it. Therefore, the study has asked the recent discussed matter on the phone. The study has underlined that tribal women were discussed on several matters like healthiness, wage jobs, seeking monetary assistance, MGNREGA works, purchasing commodities, agricultural matters, festival invitation, find out family members location in case of those are out migrated or visit to work places etc on yesterday. Given discussions mooted on three perspectives like social, economic and cultural matters. Out of the above discussions, two fifth cases were on social, one-third was on economic affairs and remains were on cultural purposes. To support the facts, a case of Moti Uikey is underlined as under. Moti Uikey: She is 25 years a young woman is working as Anganwadi helper in Pathai. She owned the mobile phone after immediate receiving of her serving remuneration. Usually, she approximately receives more than three calls and makes simply one. She received four calls on yesterday in which two calls from brother and each one call from friend and husband. She even made a call to her husband. She says, My

husband is a farmer. Insufficient income has burdened him for seasonal labour work. For 4 days, he has been in Itarsi on wage purposes. He calls me daily. He cares my emotions, healthiness and work status. On the last day, I did call to his urging for some cosmetic items of pond powder, fair and lovely and a beautiful Shree. I urged because the marriage season will come in a month. In fact, we have already invited over phone to attend several ceremonies. This year I do not wish to run off any ceremonies though last year I missed two. You know to attend a ceremony needs some cosmetics and new clothes. Indeed, looking smart is the fashion and it adds to social status because all relatives will attend. Varying factors to use mobile in between women and men Many cases this has noticed that the use and purpose to adopt the mobile phone is varied among women and men. The data reveals that tribal men are largely using the mobile by and large for economic purposes while women show about social relationships. In case of employed women use the mobile for both social and economic reasons- indeed now on occasion of cultural ceremonies they use the mobile phone as a convenient inviting machine to their guests. This does not mean that men are making fewer calls than women are. This has been noticed from the fact that those women have already married; both the spouses use a particular mobile phone on different purposes whereas unmarried women are the solitary user of it. These different uses of mobile phone in between male and female relatively affect them individually though the impacts sides may positive or negatives. The both sides of the impact coin are analyzed as under. Impacts of Mobile on Women To measure the impacts of mobile phone is a bit difficult from the scheduled date. Since, two groups-discussions, individual interviews and case studies were conducted in between mobile users and non-users of women groups. The interview guidelines of the impact sides of mobile phone were divided into two sides of the coin like non-economic and economic. In this way, the outcomes of the impacts of mobile phone observed and felt as positive or negative sides. The details of mobile consequences are analyzed as under. Non-Economic Impacts This has felt and perceived that a large number of tribal women are using the mobile phone for non-economic purposes. The study has observed that those women having the mobile phone are confident, optimistic and feel the openness in comparison to mobile non-users women groups. In this order, several changes have been observed among the women of mobile users in terms of attitude towards social and family coordination, lifestyle, behavioural modifications, cultural ceremonies, leadership and participation and so on. These are as follows. Coordination with family This has observed that the mobile users women group are now conveniently coordinated with family and relative members for many purposes. The subject like food patterns, health, education, working status, income, placing needful commodities are pertinently discussed on phone. These discussions are mainly carried-out with out-dwelling family members and relatives. Since a technological interference can be seen during the family coordination. Consequently, a significant changes can be seen among women on the basis of women attitude towards family relationships

because they feel better to manage the family problems over mobile phone even update the information from any places. Now, mobile users women are relatively had better organize their social relationships and domestic and earning work in comparison to non-users women. Balancing work (home/family/personal life) This has narrated that the mobile phone is balancing the work of women in terms of home, family and personal life. A large number of mobile users women are engaged in income work. Therefore, they visit to non-tribal area of wage and selling purposes. Even those women engage in domestic work are also been to take the family burden. In this perspective, the women are multiply balancing the domestic works, emotions, personal life etc. on mobile phone. Rightly, some active outmigrated women say either we stay away from the village or in village are able to coordinate our family members and increase our daily contact by making a call. This creates an emotional attachment with our family and reduces the family problems. This means women are now feeling a confident and able to avoid the mistreatment of family issues. Indeed, a coping mechanism has developed through the mobile information which not only aware of the tribal from unknown situations but also they could able to analyze their situations and cope emergencies. Inviting to relatives Now mobile phone is using a device for social networking. This has observed that tribal women are managed to invite relative during the season of ceremonies and festival by mobile calls. This helps them to avoid physical exercises in between own village to relatives villages even it save the travel expense. Indeed, small to smallest activities like in course to move to the local market, temple, and wage workstations, the women coordinate by the mobile phone. Rightly Kamli Maskole Says, My thatch roof is wrecked. Father wants to repair it earlier from the rainy season. Therefore, I did call to my brother-in-law for his helping. He agreed with the proposal and promised me to come in a week. Kalabai Uikey says, Marriage seasons to be left a week. This is the hasty time for both money arrangement and organizes this ceremony. If any family member will visit every door of relatives then money arrangement and other activities may suffer. So I invited all relative on the phone. Consequently, I saved money from travel and did my work very smoothly. This management has observed among women in mobile user group while non-users are deprived from such facilities. This means mobile phone reduces the transport and communication problems. As a result, tribal women are leading to organize the ceremonies with help of technology. This has not only developed a non-tribal behaviour among women but also a management skill has enhanced. Fixing the meeting point Mobile phone is induced the love affairs in between beloved. Many of unmarried tribal girls are now contacting by mobile phone. This has reduced the emotional distance of them. In fact, Wednesday has been observed a local market of this village. At Sahapur the local market is placed. This day is special for those girls and boys who have in affairs because they leave from works. By the phone, they contact and fix a point to meet. Because of this, they meet and purchase the goods. During the day, beloved are gifted many of gifts items from local market. Consequently, the relationship between beloved is being strong and it provokes a consumer culture among them. This not only provokes a modern lifestyle among women but in an organized manner, they pursue their behavioural modification. Security reasons (Children, Parents) Security in terms of health, emergency, physical attacks and accidents is the major concerned for tribal women. In fact, this has also noticed that the working women are more vulnerable in

workplaces in which they exploits by the same age male workers or by the employer. The tribal women have urged that mobile phone facilitate them to seek assistance of their parents or relatives during the threat and emergencies. Many of the cases have also noticed in the field that during the pregnancy they would make a call either to ambulance services or to ASHA and ANM. So the institutional delivery has increased in village. On the other hand, those tribal girls are studying in hostels would regular contact with their parents. So from the both sides the parents and girls feel secure. Since insufficient mobile handsets among women could not take the benefits during the emergency, though those have this facility able to avoid the insecurity situations. So, mobile phone is being a change agent to avoid women harmful situations, which not only enhance their safety measure but also increase their self-confident and positivity. Educational Discussion Those girls have had the mobile facilities are reciprocated in between their friends on educational matters. This is even discussed among them to visit schools as group. In fact, other discussions like examination result, mark list, books, copy, assignment etc. have improved their schooling behaviour. Means of Entertainment As earlier, this has mentioned that mobile phone use as an entertainment channel. Listen to music is the key medium of entertainment for women's group. At home, the women listen to several uploaded music irrespective of television and radio. Mobile phone entertains in work places as listen to music. They undertake both work and entertainment. On the other hand, night mobile calling and romance is also undertaken on the mobile phone. This mobile entertainment has induced modern means of entertainment irrespective of traditional in village. Economic Impacts In several aspects, the tribal women are using the mobile phone for economic purposes. Pertinently coordination for wage work, agricultural discussion, purchases and sell agricultural commodities are the major approach. The details are as follows. Coordination of Wage work Now tribal women search the wage work make the mobile calls. They usually contact with contractors either for wage work or for earlier wage payment. This has been noticed that women are having coordinated to Thekedar of Sahapur and Bhopal for wage working purposes. However, this is the one way of their survival so they manage it by mobile phone. So, mobile facility has not only provided the work to women from their doorsteps but also their preference to workplaces has expanded. As a result, the outmigration and income sources of the tribal women have increased. In fact, the mobile phone has been helped their earning hand in a continual series. Moreover, the Thekedars give preference to these women because of laborious, innocent and tolerable in nature. On the other hand, this reciprocation is minimal among the mobile non-users women. They depend for this on traditional pattern either searches the job to visit workplaces. Agricultural Outputs This has observed that tribal adopt the traditional means of agricultural patterns. Seasonal cultivation is not able to fulfill their survival needs. While, the mobile user women are accumulating information on agriculture from mobile FM radio. FM Kisanvani programme programme is the main source for them. They recognize the modern patterns of cultivation and seasonal cropping which in

some part has applied in farming as instruction of Kisanvani programme and able to yield more crops in comparison to non-users of mobile phone. In the same way, the information of NREGA and other developmental schemes benefit them to the mobile user women group. Purchase and sale agricultural commodities The mobile user women are preferentially purchasing and selling their agricultural commodities according to Mobile FM information. They are now able to understand the Mandi rate and according to the said price on FM, they sell their commodities. This situation has also observed among the radio users of village. Moreover, these women build a relationship with their informant relatives and by mobile contact access the agricultural information. So this mobile reciprocation inbuilt the women's bargaining power and release many of sources to deal their commodity market. Negative sides of Mobile Phone Though mobile phone has amplified women attitudinal, behavioural, leadership and social participatory skills yet some of negative sides of mobile phone cannot be ignored. Many of women urge that over the mobile phone abuse and ill-treatment takes place. Most of cases have noticed among the young and unmarried women. Panabai Uikey says, My beloved cheated me and gave my mobile number to his friends. They unusually called and ill-treated me with abuse languages. When I felt he cheated me, I broke relation with him. So he tried to return his agony by unusual means. So I changed my mobile number. In spite of this, many of young males are collecting the girls mobile number and texting unjustly. On the other hand, male are blaming to those women who having the mobile phone. The study has observed that though the Gond community is a patriarchal in nature, so male conceives that women should not be benefitted the mobile phone because this impulse the elopement by love affairs with other community. Even they exemplified some of elopement cases in village over the mobile phone. This is the main reason to disallow women to use mobile phone among Gond community. Despite the facts, this has noticed among the earning women that from the parental sides monetary assistance is sought unusually. Though the income status of these women is not so fair, yet they force to send the money to their parents. And this money is used in alcoholism by the male head of family. So the earning women feel hesitation to receive the mobile calls from family members. In fact, some of the women have narrated that Thekedars have exploited them in terms of lower payments, negligence and force to hard work in comparison to non-tribal women workers though the tribal women are ignorant and unaware of the situations. So wage work networking through mobile phone is not reliable for them. Moreover, the Pathai village has not any mobile tower for networking so fluctuated network is a cause of disconnection of calls. And the villagers suffer either to unreachable areas or paid uncertain calls charges.

Conclusion Now the Gond women have divided into two sections. One section having the full of autonomy and allow to use the technology while second is still deprived and face series of difficulties either for social inequality or for lacking of modern acquaintance. However, in an extent between both sections some of exclusion can be observed because of masculinity. In order to discuss the extent of use of mobile phone, the given facts and perceived situations reveal that mobile phone has been a part of tribal women

on the basis of socio-economic affairs among the user group. In village, one-third number of mobile phone facilitates among women in compared to men's counterpart. Those women having this facility have effectively benefited from it either from social or economic grounds. Impact of mobile phone has positively increased the confident level, well-informed, choosiness, learning oriented, leadership skills among the women of Gond. This change in nature has not only impacted on their attitude, behaviour, lifestyle, social relationship, health management, political behaviour but also they have oriented towards better employment, education, modern means of entertainment, consumer culture and use of new technology. In fact, this has also impulse on young women to engage in easy love affairs irrespective of tribal culture. But this is one side of the coin because a large number educated and employed women having this facility in this village. So naturally, the use of mobile phone is unequal among the women. The non-user women have been obviated from the benefit of mobile. This leads by many reasons. Pertinently, Gond tribe is patriarchal in nature so male preference is larger than the female. This does not mean that all the tribal women are performing a strong stereotyped role that is observed in non-tribals. But if we discuss the women's inequality among Gond then women are still lagged in terms of decision making in a family, school education, health treatment, using of technology and so on. Despite the fact, Gond tribal community allows women to employment, freedom to choose a partner within their community, participation in political affairs, higher studies etc. In order to employed and educated women facilitates the mobile phone because they have been exposure to non-tribal. While non-user women obviate from the benefit of mobile. Though poverty, education and unacquainted with mobile phone are the other reasons to limit the mobile use among non-user women. But the negative sides of mobile phone cannot be ignored among user group. Those women having the mobile phone have shown a mode of adeptness but though Gond is male dominant society, the female exploits in several ways especially mobile calls abusiveness is particular. In fact, many of mobile negativity like radiation impacts and technological defects are still unfamiliar for them. On the other hand, the mobile women user follows the trends of non-tribal, which they have been explored from non-tribal areas. Now among the women the non-tribal behavior can be observed which they follow blindly irrespective of their richest heritages. So tribalism is in threat of losing the traditional virtue which women are contributing a role of changes. Some negativities of Hinduism like dowry, child marriage, women exploitation, trafficking and so on, and situations have been identified among the Gond, which was not previously observed. Therefore, technological possession and exploration to non-tribal are the main reasons for these evils approach. This does not mean that technological adeptness should be limited among tribes but losing the virtue of tribal identity and accepting the evil approach of non-tribal need to be discoursed. Moreover, many negative sides of mobile phone as if mobile phone dependency in society is condensed the social intimacy and propagate the professionalism and cellular culture render to individualism from interdependency social life must be reconsider because these are the threats to tribal exclusivity.

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