India Segregation
India Segregation
India Segregation
Urbanization in lower-income countries has the potential to cause substantial improve-
ments in well-being, but the residential segregation of marginalized groups could reinforce
inequality and limit access to new opportunities. We study residential segregation, access
to public services, and economic outcomes across 1.5 million urban and rural neighbor-
hoods for India’s largest marginalized groups: Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Muslims.
Levels of urban segregation in India are comparable to Black/White segregation in the
United States. Within cities, public facilities and public infrastructure are systematically
allocated away from neighborhoods where many Muslims and members of Scheduled
Castes live. Nearly all of the regressive allocation is across neighborhoods within cities—at
the most informal and least studied form of government. These inequalities are not visible
in the more aggregated data typically used to study unequal service allocation. Children
and young adults growing up in marginalized group neighborhoods have less schooling,
even after controlling for parent education and household consumption. Unequal access to
public services in India’s highly segregated neighborhoods may be a significant contributor
to disadvantages faced by marginalized groups.
JEL Codes: H41, J15, O15
We are grateful for stellar research assistance from Ryu Matsuura and Alison Campion, and for helpful
discussions in seminars at the Center for Policy Research, Centre de Sciences Humaines, IDinsight, Harvard
Urban Development Workshop, IZA Labor Markets in South Asia Conference, NBER SI Development
and Urban, Regional Disparities Seminar, Delhi Political Economy Workshop, SAIS, American University,
University of Chicago, William T. Grant Foundation, and the AEA meetings. The order in which the authors
names appear has been randomized using the AEA Author Randomization Tool (TaxM T0V9IFZ).
Imperial College London, [email protected]
Development Data Lab, [email protected]
Dartmouth College, [email protected]
University of Chicago, [email protected]
International Monetary Fund, [email protected]
1 Introduction
The concentration of marginalized social groups into poor neighborhoods is a key driver of
persistent cross-group inequality in many contexts (Cutler et al., 2008; Ananat and Wash-
ington, 2009; Alesina and Zhuravskaya, 2011; Boustan, 2013; Chyn et al., 2022). Residential
segregation can have a range of negative consequences: members of segregated groups may face
worse discrimination in terms of provision of public services, they may have worse access to
employment networks and labor market opportunities, and stereotypes in the wider population
may be more difficult to break, among others (Massey and Denton, 1993; Cutler and Glaeser,
1997). Because residential settlement patterns tend to be highly persistent, these disadvantages
can be particularly difficult to address.
Most of the empirical literature on residential segregation and neighborhood effects comes
from developed countries, in large part due to the paucity of cross-neighborhood data in less
developed countries. But the role of neighborhoods is particularly important to study in poorer
countries. Cleavages across social groups are just as important in developing countries as they are
in developed countries, if not more so. Developing countries are rapidly urbanizing, and thus the
scope for policy to affect urban settlement patterns (which may stay in place for decades) is much
greater than in richer countries. Whether cross-group disparities will be entrenched by urban
settlement patterns remains to some extent a policy choice in cities that are still quickly growing.
In this paper, we mobilize new administrative data describing settlement and segregation
patterns of marginalized groups across Indian cities and villages, and we document the relation-
ship between these settlement patterns and access to public services. The data requirements for
such a task are significant, and we are unaware of any comparable comprehensive descriptive
analysis of segregation and public service access in any developing country.
We focus on outcomes for Muslims and members of Scheduled Castes, often called dalits
or (previously) untouchables. India is an important context in which to study these questions
for several reasons. First, it is huge: the marginalized groups that we study number over 300
million individuals. Second, disparities across these groups are rooted in historical inequalities
that have persisted for generations, but the extent to which those inequalities are being changed
by market liberalization and urbanization remains an open question. Third, the policy and
planning process in India remains focused on disparities at aggregate levels like the district; a
recognition of how these aggregate plans translate to neighborhood-level outcomes is essential
to understanding whether these policies are achieving their objectives.
We have three primary aims. First, we document the extent of residential segregation in rural
and urban areas. Second, we describe how a range of neighborhood public services—schools,
medical clinics, water/sewerage, and electricity—are distributed across marginalized group
(MG) and non-marginalized-group (non-MG) neighborhoods. Third, we study the educational
outcomes of young men and women who live in MG neighborhoods, providing suggestive
evidence on the consequences of residential segregation.
To do this, we create a neighborhood-level dataset covering over 60% of India’s population, the
first such dataset to link neighborhood demographics with access to public services.1 The chal-
lenge in constructing these data is that there is no systematic survey documenting public service
availability across India. However, information about service availability can be inferred from
India’s firm and poverty censuses, which use the same small neighborhood coding scheme across
the country. The Socioeconomic and Caste Census (SECC 2012) describes a short list of assets
at the household level for every household in India, along with a household roster that records
the education, occupation, and SC status for every household member. The asset list records
whether urban households have piped water, electricity, and drainage; while household access
may be privately purchased, neighborhood infrastructure is a precondition for these services and
access within neighborhoods is largely homogeneous. Crucially, public listings of the SECC were
released with respondent names; the distinctive naming patterns of Muslims allow us to predict
the religious identity of household members (as Muslim or non-Muslim) with high accuracy.2
Our analysis dataset describes 400,000 urban neighborhoods (in 3500 cities and towns) and 1.1 million rural
neighborhoods (in about 400,000 villages). Subdistricts and towns that are unavailable in the administrative
data are broadly similar on a wide range of variables to those in the study.
We classify names as Muslim or non-Muslim using a long-short-term-memory (LSTM) neural network
based on a training set of two million takers of the Indian Railways Exam. The out-of-sample accuracy against
a set of manually classified names is 97% (Ash et al., 2022).
We get information on public facilities from the Indian Economic Census, which records data
on India’s 65 million non-farm economic establishments. This census is conventionally used
to study firms, but it also records data on public schools, health centers, and hospitals, making
it the only large-sample data source (to our knowledge) that can identify these services at the
neighborhood level. Combining these datasets, we can document individual demographics,
socioeconomic outcomes, and neighborhood-level public services across every part of the country.
SCs and Muslims make up similar population shares in the country (17% and 14% respectively
in 2011), but have distinct group histories. Scheduled Castes have been historically consigned
to the lowest occupational rungs of society for over a thousand years, but have been targeted
by decades of affirmative action policies since independence; empirical studies find positive
effects for some of these programs (Gulzar et al., 2020; Asher et al., 2022).
Different Muslim groups have historically occupied heterogeneous positions in Indian society
over the generations; some Muslims are descendants of India’s 15th to 18th century ruling
classes, while others descend from lower-caste groups who converted to Islam to escape their
status at the bottom of the social hierarchy. Groups from both of these heritages increasingly
find themselves politically marginalized and threatened. A large literature has discussed the
relative outcomes of Scheduled Castes, and there is a more moderate literature on Muslims.3
While disparities in access to public services have been documented for both groups, there is
little systematic empirical work on disparities at the neighborhood level—the level at which
public services are typically accessed.4
We present three key findings. First, Muslims and SCs have highly segregated residence
patterns, comparable in magnitude to the contemporary urban segregation of Black people
in the United States. Whether Muslims or SCs are more segregated depends on the measure
of segregation used. SCs are more likely to experience moderate levels of segregation, while
On Muslims, see, for example, Basant et al. (2010) and Jaffrelot and Gayer (2012).
Because the Population Census records Scheduled Caste shares and the presence of a set of public services
at the village level, the relationship between the village-level rural SC share and public services has been
studied (Banerjee and Somanathan, 2007). However, village or neighborhood-level access to public services
has not been studied on a national scale for Muslims, nor urban access to local services for either group.
the distribution of Muslim shares across neighborhoods is notably bimodal. As such, a greater
share of Muslims live in neighborhoods that are almost entirely Muslim.5
Urban and rural segregation are highly correlated across regions for both Muslims and SCs,
suggesting that Indian cities are replicating rural settlement patterns that have been in place
for hundreds of years.6 Compared with SCs, Muslims are relatively more segregated in cities
than in rural areas. We marshal the limited time series data available to show that the extent
of segregation is changing very slowly over time, if at all.
Second, we show that public services are systematically allocated away from neighborhoods
where marginalized groups live. This holds for both Muslims and SCs, and for almost every
local service that we could measure, including primary and secondary schools, medical clinics,
piped water, electricity, and closed drainage. Private providers are not making up for the
reduced service access of marginalized groups; in fact, private services also systematically locate
away from MG neighborhoods, in part because these neighborhoods are poorer.7
The magnitude of the disparities is large. For example, compared with a 0% Muslim neigh-
borhood, a 100% Muslim neighborhood in the same city is 10% less likely to have piped water
infrastructure and only half as likely to have a secondary school. For schools and clinics,
facilities provided entirely by government, the disadvantage in Muslim neighborhoods is double
the disadvantage in SC neighborhoods, echoing a consistent finding across the qualitative
literature that Muslims report difficulty in getting public facilities from their representatives
(Jaffrelot and Gayer, 2012). For electricity, water, and drainage, goods which have both a
private (hook-up) and public (infrastructure) component, SCs (who are somewhat poorer on
average) face worse neighborhood-level disadvantages.
Disparities look different at higher levels of aggregation. Districts and subdistricts with many
For example, 26% of Muslims live in neighborhoods that are > 80% Muslim, while 17% of SCs live in
neighborhoods that are > 80% SC.
While the data do not record when these settlement patterns emerged, the historical record suggests that
rural Indians have been highly endogamous, such that village settlement patterns observed today have been
static for decades, if not centuries.
The fact that marginalized groups live in poor neighborhoods does not explain away the public service
results, since government service provision aims to be universal. Nor can they be explained by poor service
provision in slums, as the results hold just as strongly in the sample of non-slum neighborhoods.
SCs have more public facilities on average, consistent with findings by Banerjee and Somanathan
(2007). However, the cross-neighborhood allocation of these services within subdistricts and
towns means that nearly all of these advantages are eliminated at the neighborhood level.
Muslim neighborhoods, in contrast, have no advantage or disadvantage at higher levels of
aggregation; the neighborhood disparity (which is large) is the aggregate disparity.
In short, marginalized groups are most systematically and substantively disadvantaged at
the most local and informal levels of government — within towns and village clusters. These
are the levels of government which operate with the least scrutiny, and at the greatest distance
from the district and subdistrict levels at which affirmative action policies are codified.
Finally, we examine the relationship between residential settlement patterns and outcomes
for the next generation. We find that young people growing up in marginalized group neighbor-
hoods have systematically worse educational outcomes. The disadvantages are substantially
worse in Muslim neighborhoods than in SC neighborhoods and are economically large even
after controlling for parent education and household consumption.8 These disadvantages are
experienced by members of all social groups—including non-marginalized groups—living in
marginalized group neighborhoods.
These results are descriptive. Further research is needed to understand whether the disparities
described here are causal effects of neighborhoods or driven by selection of marginalized groups
into under-serviced neighborhoods. Equally, we do not prove that services are allocated away
from marginalized group neighborhoods because of the people who live there, or because of
some other characteristic of those neighborhoods. Our work serves as a necessary starting point
for asking these questions, because these cross-neighborhood disparities have not previously
been documented; even the extent of residential segregation has barely been measured, not
only in India but in most developing countries. In Section 5, we discuss in detail the external
evidence for and against causal interpretation of these results. But decisively disentangling
the causal direction of these disparities is an important subject for future work.
Rural SC neighborhoods are an exception; they have worse access to facilities but no worse educational
Systematic analysis of access to public services at the neighborhood level in developing
countries has been elusive because of an absence of neighborhood-level census data. While
several of India’s major sample surveys contain neighborhood identifiers, they are not powered
to measure neighborhood characteristics like social group shares, nor do they have enough
sample to measure urban segregation. Prior work on segregation in India includes a number
of ward-level studies that use spatial units of population 30,000–200,000, 30 times more coarse
than the neighborhoods in our analysis.9 A series of recent studies has used enumeration block
data similar to ours to document average patterns of segregation in a subset of Indian cities,10
but we are aware of no prior work studying public service provision or individual outcomes
at the neighborhood level in India, or any other major developing country.11 Even at the
village level in India, economic work on Muslim villages is rare, because data on village Muslim
shares have not been previously available. Finally, we are aware of no prior quantitative work
systematically studying access disparities within villages.
Importantly, the neighborhood-level disparities that we study are in many cases not apparent
in aggregate data. Federal and state policies in India largely allocate funding for public services
at aggregate levels (state, district, or subdistrict), while the cross-neighborhood distribution of
those services is determined through less formal local processes. Consequently, a policy maker
observing school allocation only at the district level could arrive at incorrect conclusions regard-
ing access disparities and the efficacy of equalization policies. Our work underscores the value
of leveraging high-resolution administrative data — which is available but under-used in many
Vithayathil and Singh (2012) use ward data from 2001 to show that residential segregation by caste is
more prominent than by socioeconomic status in seven major cities. Singh et al. (2019) examine changes in
caste-based segregation from 2001 and 2011, again at the ward level, finding that residential segregation by
caste has persisted or worsened in 60% of the cities in their sample. Neither of these studies examine religion,
which is rarely available in Indian Census microdata.
Bharathi et al. (2018) report enumeration block-level segregation based on SC status for five major cities.
Bharathi et al. (2021) use similar-scale data on caste and religion to characterize segregation in urban Karnataka.
Susewind (2017) measures Muslim segregation using microgeographic polling booth data in eleven cities.
A concurrent study by Bharathi et al. (2022) examines the correlation between micro- and macro-
segregation and access to water and sewerage, using block-level data. While we study outcomes for marginalized
groups in neighborhoods where they are concentrated, Bharathi et al. (2022) study average outcomes in more
and less segregated larger units (i.e. wards).
developing countries — to better understand and evaluate the performance of public programs.12
India’s Scheduled Caste communities (SCs) are historically endogamous groups that occupy
the lowest tiers of the caste system. They have experienced occupational and social segregation
for thousands of years. Social norms have effectively compelled them to take on low-status
occupations—like scavenging, emptying of toilets, or handling animal carcasses—with virtually
no prospect of upward mobility. The practice of untouchability, now banned but still practiced
in some form by many households, can take the form of segregation in schools, temples and
markets, restrictions against entering the homes or even wearing sandals in the presence of
higher caste groups, among others. These restrictions have been enforced with various social
sanctions, including violence and murder (Girard, 2021). Since independence, the government
of India has worked to mitigate the socioeconomic disadvantages of SCs through a range
of programs and policies. SC status is often used as a marker of poverty for means-tested
welfare programs, and there are reserved positions for SCs in higher education, politics, and
in government. SC communities still experience substantial socioeconomic disadvantages, but
by many measures the gap between SCs and general castes has shrunk somewhat over recent
decades (Hnatkovska et al., 2012; Emran and Shilpi, 2015; Cassan, 2019; Asher et al., 2022).
Muslims occupy a similar share of the population to Scheduled Castes (14% for Muslims
vs. 17% for SCs). Like SCs, they on average have lower socioeconomic status than non-Muslim
non-SCs. However, they experience fewer legal protections and have not been targeted by
affirmative action policies, a few exceptions notwithstanding. While SCs have been gaining
ground on general castes in socioeconomic terms, Muslims have if anything been losing ground,
particularly in educational attainment, and have experienced significant losses in upward
mobility in recent decades (Asher et al., 2022). Post-independence India has been characterized
We are concurrently preparing a public version of the neighborhood dataset, which we will post with
a revision of this paper.
by waves of anti-Muslim activism, sometimes resulting in riots, property destruction, and
violence. Various social movements and political parties have mobilized around the idea of
Hinduism as a key pillar of Indian identity, to the exclusion of Muslims (Jaffrelot, 2021). Our
analysis uses data from 2011–13, and thus predates the rise of the current Modi regime (which
has roots in these social movements), though the BJP (Modi’s party) held power nationally in
the early 2000s, and held power in many states before and during our sample period. Muslims
have a higher share of members living in urban areas than any other major social group.
While SCs and Muslims represent the largest disadvantaged groups in India, there are several
other social groups not separately considered by our analysis. Other Backward Castes (OBCs)
occupy an intermediate place in the caste system between general castes and SCs, comprising
40% of the population; IHDS 2011 reports that about half of Muslims are OBCs, though this
share varies substantially across years and surveys. OBCs are not coded as such in any of the
datasets that we use and their names are less distinctive, making it difficult to identify them
(or their prevalence in any neighborhood) in our data. We also exclude Scheduled Tribes (STs)
from our analysis; they are among the poorest social groups in India, but are concentrated in
rural areas and have small population shares in the vast majority of cities.13 Given the focus
of this paper, we use the terms “marginalized groups” or “MGs” to describe SCs and Muslims,
even though other groups in India could also reasonably be classified as such.
Doshi, 1991; Sachdev and Tillotson, 2002).14 The ethnographic literature suggests a secular
trend of increasing segregation by religion rather than by occupation, as Hindu-Muslim violence
has reduced Muslim feelings of safety in mixed neighborhoods. These newly concentrated
Muslim neighborhoods can house individuals from many classes, often with income segregation
existing within the neighborhoods at a smaller scale. Jaffrelot and Gayer (2012) describe this
pattern of Muslim segregation in a series of monographs spanning many parts of the country.
In many of the case studies, Muslims report difficulty getting attention from politicians or
access to public services in their segregated neighborhoods.
The literature on villages also suggests a high degree of spatial separation between different
classes and religions; individuals from lower status social groups often live in hamlets that are
separated by a moderate walking distance from the village’s primary agglomeration, where
schools and health centers typically are found (Beteille, 2012; Lanjouw et al., 2018).
While these patterns can be observed in many parts of the country, they are primarily
documented in a qualitative literature (some of which is cited above), due to a general absence of
large-scale data with neighborhood identifiers or of sufficient scale to characterize neighborhoods
individually. There is a quantitative literature on unequal access to public services by caste across
villages (Banerjee and Somanathan, 2007; Bailwal and Paul, 2021), in part because the decennial
Population Census records the SC population share of every village, along with a series of public
services. Nationwide data on village-level Muslim shares did not exist before this paper, nor
were there data on either social group shares or public services at the neighborhood level within
villages. To our knowledge, there has also been no large-sample study of public service variation
within cities; a key innovation of this paper is assembling near-universal urban neighborhood-
level data simultaneously describing both public services and marginalized group shares.
These closed neighborhoods are described by different terms throughout the country: pols in Ahmedabad,
mohallas in much of North India, paras in West Bengal, etc., often with names that reflect the occupational
origins of the space. Muchipara, for instance, is “the neighborhood (para) of cobblers (muchi).”
2.3 Levels of government in India
India has a federal system of government with major powers divided between center, state, and
local governments. The administrative apparatus is also decentralized, such that officials at
different hierarchical levels have substantial autonomy.
There are 36 states and union territories (35 at the time of our sample), which have substantial
administrative and legislative power. Public services are financed and allocated by both central
and state government programs. Program implementation often lies in the hands of District
Collectors, who are the top administrative officers of districts; there were 640 districts in our
sample, though an additional 100 have been subdivided since then.
Local governance bodies are called panchayats in villages and municipalities in towns and
cities. These bodies have elected representatives who can substantially influence the selection
and allocation of public services within their administrative areas, but have little control over
their overall budgets, most of which derive from grants from higher levels of government.
The highest profile policies intended to close disparities between marginalized and non-
marginalized groups are conceived and designed at the state and federal level, and often prescribe
allocations of public services across regions. For instance, the District Primary Education
Programme (Khanna, 2023) targeted funds for building schools to districts with below-median
female literacy. The placement of new public facilities within districts, towns, and villages is
rarely prescribed by these high-level policies; it is instead agreed upon through consultation with
local elected leaders and bureaucrats or arbitrarily determined by on-the-ground implementers.
The extent to which policies target certain groups can therefore be different at different levels of
aggregation; the less formal decision-making process of local bodies could either enhance or un-
dermine the progressivity of policies designed at higher levels of government (Alatas et al., 2012).
3 Neighborhood-level Data on Social Groups and Public Services
Studying neighborhood-level disparities requires data with granularity (to be able to identify
neighborhoods) but also with scale (to be able to accurately measure neighborhood-level MG
shares in many neighborhoods and many cities). Few of India’s major sample surveys achieve
this; they typically cover a small fraction of neighborhoods in any city, and too small a number
of households in each sampling unit to measure MG shares, MG segregation, or disparities in
MG outcomes.
To bridge this gap, we combine a set of census data sources which use the internal survey
block identifiers (enumeration blocks) that were created for the administration of India’s 2011
Population Census. These “neighborhoods” consist of 100–125 households each (or approx-
imately 500 people) and describe a compact cluster of residences meant to be efficient for an
enumerator to visit in a single session of work. In cities, these are typically city blocks, while
in rural areas their boundaries are typically defined by grouped clusters of residences. When
villages consist of fewer than 100–125 households—about half of villages—an enumeration block
is a single village. Urban enumeration blocks are thus uniformly around 100–125 households,
while rural blocks range from just a handful of households to the same upper limit around
125.15 We exclude outlier neighborhoods which have fewer than 150 people (typically very
small villages) or more than 1000 people.16 Note that “enumeration blocks” are not the same
units as “census blocks” (sometimes just called “blocks”).17
While rural and urban enumeration blocks have similar populations, the geography of urban
and rural access to public facilities are quite different. Urban areas are dense, such that indi-
Appendix Figure A.1 shows the distribution of block population in the sample. Results are very similar
if we exclude rural villages that are too small to have a 100 household enumeration block, an analysis which
results in similar distribution of urban and rural blocks.
These make up less than 1% of the population and our results are unchanged if they are returned to the
sample. Very large enumeration blocks are excluded because they are anomalous (suggesting potential data
collection issues), and because segregation measures are scale-dependent (see below). However, there are so
few of these neighborhoods that the potential bias here would be small even if they were included.
Census blocks have population of about 200,000 each, and are unrelated to any units used in this paper.
viduals can travel across many enumeration blocks for work or access to public services. Rural
areas are more dispersed: neighboring enumeration blocks are separated by larger distances
than neighboring blocks in cities. Because enumeration block boundaries are defined for the
convenience of enumerators, multi-block villages with multiple hamlets will typically have
enumeration block boundaries that keep hamlets self-contained within blocks. The distances
between neighboring villages range from 0.5 to 5 km, depending on the region. The geocodes
describing locations and polygons of enumeration blocks were not available to us — they are
sold as hand-drawn maps at high cost by the Indian Census.
The Population Census town and village directories report a wide range of public services, but
these are only identified at the town/village level and map on to neighborhoods only for very small
villages. To identify public facilities at the neighborhood level, we instead use the 2013 Economic
Census (EC13). EC13 is a complete enumeration of non-farm establishments in the country,
which includes schools, clinics, and hospitals, which are separately coded as private or public.
EC13 records enumeration block identifiers, making it possible to identify public health centers,
primary schools, and secondary schools at the neighborhood level.18 Health centers include hospi-
tals, inpatient and outpatient clinics, and traditional care providers. EC13 also records whether
a firm owner is Muslim or SC. The employment share in SC or Muslim firms is highly correlated
with the group share in each neighborhood. We measure public service availability with binary
measures that indicate whether an enumeration block contains a given type of public facility.
Data on individuals comes from the Socioeconomic and Caste Census (SECC), a national
asset census which recorded information on every household and individual in India (mostly in
2012) to determine eligibility for social programs. The SECC describes age, gender, education,
The earlier rounds of the Economic Census (1990, 1998, 2005) record similar data, but with neighborhood
identifiers (urban frame survey units) that do not match any census. It is thus not possible to study changes
in neighborhood-level services over time.
occupation, and SC status for every household member, as well as a short list of assets used
to rapidly assess socioeconomic status. The SECC was made publicly available online in a
combination of formats; we scraped and processed the data, with the approach described in
detail in Asher and Novosad (2020). The urban data were not posted in their entirety; our sample
covers 196 million urban residents, compared with the census urban population of 385 million.19
Consumption is not directly measured in the SECC, but we generate small area estimates
of household per capita consumption on the basis of all of the household assets on the SECC
schedule, using the IHDS-II (2011–12) survey as our data source for consumption (Elbers et
al., 2003). This process generates similar rural and urban consumption distributions to direct
survey measures; see Asher and Novosad (2020) and Asher et al. (2021) for more details.
The SECC surveyed individual caste and religion, but religion was not released in the public
data.20 We therefore classify individuals as Muslims or non-Muslims using their first and last
names, which were posted in the public data. Because of the distinctive naming patterns of
Muslims, we can identify Muslim names with an out-of-sample accuracy of 97%. We do this
with an long-short-term-memory (LSTM) neural network, which classifies names on the basis
of repeated letter sequences, using a religion-labeled dataset of 2 million applicants to the
Indian Railways as a training sample. This approach has much higher accuracy than a fuzzy
merge; the latter creates classification errors when small letter substitutions change a name
identity, such as Khan (a stereotypical Muslim name) vs. Khanna (a Hindu name). The neural
network implementation is described in detail in Ash et al. (2022); a similar approach is taken
by Chaturvedi and Chaturvedi (2023). We verified the classification accuracy on a withheld
subset of the names in the railway data, as well as on a set of manually classified names in the
SECC. Our classification also closely predicts the subdistrict-level population share of Muslims
(Appendix Figure A.2). We pool Hindus with the 6% of Indians who are Jain, Christian, Sikh,
To the best of our knowledge, missing data was a function of the actions of IT administrators and was
unrelated to the data contents. Town and neighborhood data were to be posted in 30-day rolling periods; at
some times, the SECC site was completely inaccessible, and some locations were posted for shorter periods
or not posted at all. We discuss the representativeness of these data in Section 5.
Subcaste (also called jati) was also recorded but not released. The only caste identifier are broad indicators
for Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe status.
or some other non-Hindu religion; we describe this group as “non-Muslims.”21
For comparison with the United States, we use data from the 2020 U.S. Census and the
Diversities and Disparities project, which is based on the 2010 U.S. Census.
3.4 Neighborhood Time Series Data from the Population Census Handbooks
The Population Census publishes detailed District Handbooks, which have hundreds of pages
of appendices with additional census tables. The 1991, 2001, and 2011 District Handbooks list
each enumeration block in each city, along with its total, Scheduled Caste, and Scheduled Tribe
population. The enumeration block identifiers are not persistent over time, but this resource
makes it possible to calculate town-level segregation of Scheduled Castes (but not Muslims)
in prior years. However, the data is embedded in PDF tables and scanned documents, often
with formatting that varies across districts, creating a barrier to access.
We obtained copies of the Handbooks for 2001 and 2011; we could find 1991 handbooks for
only a handful of districts. We developed a PDF parsing tool to extract tabular data from
these handbooks and were able to parse enumeration block data for 1600 towns in our sample,
representing about a third of India’s urban population.22 For the time series analysis, we use
a set of 1400 towns for which we have data in both 2001 and 2001, where the total enumeration
block population in the parsed data is within 50% of the total population recorded in the
Census. A secondary sample is restricted to towns with a population mismatch of under 5%.
Results are not materially affected under a range of alternate inclusion criteria.
4 Methods
Our first objective is to document the extent of residential segregation of Muslims and SCs;
we estimate the canonical dissimilarity and isolation indices.
The non-Hindu, non-Muslim groups are small and we do not yet have an algorithm that can accurately
classify them on the basis of names.
For the remaining towns, we were either unable to obtain the detailed District Handbook Appendices
with enumeration block population counts, were unable to digitize the tables due to document quality, or did
not have the data in either the SECC or equivalent 2011 District Handbooks. The observed towns cover all
regions of India and are broadly representative of the full size distribution of towns.
The dissimilarity index ranges from zero to one and answers the question: what share of the
marginalized group would need to change neighborhoods for it to be evenly distributed within
a city? We calculate this index for marginalized group M G and majority group M AJ across
the set of blocks B in city c as:
1 X NMG,b NMAJ,b
DISSIM ILARIT Yc = − , (1)
2 b∈B NMG,c NMAJ,c
where Ng,b is the number of members of group g in block b, and Ng,c is the population of that
group in the city.
The isolation index measures the extent to which a population group is exposed only to
members of its own group. It can be summarized as the marginalized group share in the average
neighborhood of a member of the marginalized group:
ISOLAT IONc = · , (2)
NMG,c Ntotal,b
providing an aggregate measure which reflects the experience of members of the marginalized
group in question.
Measures of segregation can change depending on the level of aggregation used to define
neighborhoods. To take an extreme example, if we defined a “neighborhood” as a single
household, we would calculate a dissimilarity index close to 1, given the very high rates of caste
and religious endogamy. Our analysis defines neighborhoods at the enumeration block level
(i.e. units of about 125 households or 500 people), as these are the most accurate contiguous
residential units that we can identify. This scale also fits our intuitive understanding of the
set of households with which individuals will most often interact.
The scale-variance of the segregation indices means that a comparison with the United States
— where census tracts have populations ranging from 1000 to 8000 and average around 4000
— would be biased toward finding greater segregation in India. Therefore, when we benchmark
our segregation measures against the United States (and at no other place in the paper), we
aggregate enumeration blocks based on their numeric identifiers to form neighborhoods of at
least 4000 people.24 While the level of the segregation index changes, except where noted, our
comparative results are robust to aggregating neighborhoods to higher sizes.
Our second objective is to describe differences in access to public services between marginalized
group and non-marginalized-group neighborhoods. We present the methods for the case of
urban areas; the methods for rural areas are analogous.
Our main interest is in understanding how a fixed supply of public services is allocated across
MG and non-MG neighborhoods within cities. We measure the allocation disparity with the
following neighborhood-level regression:
In the handful of cities where we have enumeration block maps or neighborhood names, we confirm that ad-
joining enumeration blocks are almost always adjoining in geography. Aggregating to 4000-person units based on
block number inevitably adds noise to the neighborhood definition, which is why we use the disaggregated neigh-
borhoods for everything except the U.S. comparison. Note that the U.S. Census defines neighborhoods according
to existing informal boundaries, which are more likely to divide racial groups, thus overstating segregation rel-
ative to an approach studying random geographic units. Replicating this approach in India is not possible given
the data available. As a result, the U.S. segregation measures may be biased upward relative to those in India.
SERV ICEn,c = βc M G Sharen,c +Ωc +νP OP U LAT IONn,c +n,c . (3)
us αs = βs −βd , which describes how services are allocated across districts within states. The
same equation with no fixed effects gives us αf = βo −βs , where αf is the allocation of services
across states.27 The total disparity experienced by the marginalized group is βo , an additive
combination of political economy processes at different scales of geography and government,
such that βo = αf +αs +αd +αc .
All of the α terms are independently interesting, as they describe the allocation process at
different scales of geography and government, where different forces apply. For example, if a
state explicitly allocates services to districts with higher Scheduled Caste shares, this would
suggest a positive value of αs ; this allocation could then be amplified or undermined at higher
or lower geographies.
The decomposition also has implications for progressive policy. For example, suppose that
αc is highly negative (i.e. marginalized group neighborhoods have worse services, conditional
on city fixed effects). In this case, the disparity can be reduced through policies that increase
αS (e.g. through affirmative action programs operating across districts), but these district-level
transfers will be less efficient at reducing disparities than neighborhood-level transfers (which
would reduce αc directly).
Identifying the geographic scale of disparity is particularly relevant given the very different na-
ture of the institutions controlling public services allocation at different geographic levels. In par-
ticular, most policy research in India operates at the district level, as do many programs which de-
termine the allocation of public services. High level policy-makers and researchers may not have
access to local data, causing them to misunderstand the nature of inequality. Our decomposition
clarifies what information is lost by studying differences at aggregate levels. If we studied only
the relationship between marginalized group share and public service outcomes at the district
level, we would be measuring αf +αs , which is a biased measure of βo if local disparities are large.
These estimates do not isolate a causal effect of marginal group share on outcomes. For
example, if marginalized groups are poor, and municipal governments undersupply public
We use subscript “f” because αf describes the federal (i.e. cross-state) political economy equilibrium,
and we use the subscript “o” to denote the estimate from Equation 3 with no fixed effects.
facilities to poor neighborhoods, then we would find βc < 0 even if service provision was
orthogonal to MG status, conditional on neighborhood income. In this case, MGs would
still have worse access to public services—the outcome that we aim to measure.28 Our null
hypothesis is that the government allocates public facilities across neighborhoods equally,
irrespective of neighborhood economic or social group status, in which case we would find βc = 0.
We can think of the α terms as allocation rules; they describe the de facto outcomes of the
allocation process at different geographic levels. For example, αd can be thought of as the
district allocation rule, which describes how a district’s resources are allocated across towns in
that district. These “rules” are outcomes of a complex and obscure political economy process
that is a function of decisions by politicians, bureaucrats, firms, and citizens. These “rules”
are outcomes not only of the public service allocation process, but also of the decision choices
of individuals. They are statistics that describe the entire political economy equilibrium. A
negative α could reflect government discrimination, or it could reflect historical inequalities
that make marginalized groups poorer and more likely to select into neighborhoods with worse
public services. It describes the equilibrium inequality in public service allocation at one level
of governance, but does not attribute it to a specific policy or actor.
Disparities in access to public services in marginalized group neighborhoods are most con-
cerning if they result in unequal outcomes for people living in those neighborhoods, which
would entrench inequality across groups. But if people in under-serviced neighborhoods can
compensate by traveling to other neighborhoods for services or by consuming private services,
then unequal allocation may be less harmful. The final part of our analysis therefore examines
whether individuals experience worse outcomes in MG neighborhoods.
We use the following equation to examine the relationship between neighborhood MG share
and the young generation’s educational outcomes:
We do not necessarily get closer to causal identification by adding control variables for neighborhood
average education or consumption, because these outcomes are plausibly caused by a shortage of public services.
EDi,n,c = β1 M G Sharen,c +β2 M Gi +Ωc +νX i,n,c +i,n,c . (4)
5 Results
Table 1 presents summary statistics of the neighborhood-level sample, separately for urban and
rural neighborhoods. Both rural and urban neighborhoods have about 500 people each; there
are about 1.1 million rural neighborhoods and 400,000 urban neighborhoods in the sample. The
difference in sample size reflects India’s low urbanization rate (31% in 2011), slightly magnified
by our worse sample coverage of urban places. Scheduled Castes are relatively more likely to
live in rural areas, while Muslims are more likely to live in towns and cities.
Table 2 describes the same data at a higher level of aggregation: the town or city for urban
areas, and the subdistrict for rural. The table also compares our sample characteristics with
the full set of towns and villages in the Population Census. In rural areas, our sample is highly
representative, covering 81% of rural subdistricts and 68% of rural people. In urban areas, we
have slightly higher sample coverage of larger cities (which are also older); smaller and more
recent cities were less likely to have data posted by the SECC, making information about their
residential composition unavailable.29 Towns excluded from our sample have slightly fewer
public services, but similar marginalized group shares. While not fully representative, our
urban sample covers 50% of towns and 51% of India’s urban population.
Differences in segregation across the two groups are not captured in a single dimension
(Table 2). Measured by the dissimilarity index, Scheduled Castes are more segregated than
Muslims in both rural and urban areas. According to the isolation index, however, Muslims
are more segregated in urban areas. By both measures, Muslims are relatively more segregated
in cities. Figure 1 shows the distribution of these measures across cities and rural subdistricts.
Appendix Figure A.3 helps to unpack these differences by showing the distribution of MG
shares across neighborhoods. The Muslim distribution is notably bimodal, in both urban and
rural areas. SCs are more segregated on average, but a greater share of Muslims live in the
most segregated neighborhoods. 26% of urban Muslims live in neighborhoods that are >80%
Muslim, while 17% of urban SCs live in neighborhoods that are >80% SC.30
It is useful to benchmark the segregation measures against those in MSAs in the United States,
where segregation has been most studied. To match the definitions used by the U.S. Census, we
aggregate neighborhoods to populations of at least 4000 people (as described in Section 4), and we
limit our sample to cities with more than 100,000 people. Appendix Figure A.4 shows the density
The table does not show the public infrastructure measured in the SECC, because we don’t observe these
out of sample or in rural areas.
In cities, the median Muslim lives in a neighborhood that is 47% Muslim. In rural areas, this is 37%. For
SCs, these numbers are 38% and 46%, almost exactly the reverse.
functions of dissimilarity and isolation across cities. Using the 500 people per neighborhood defi-
nition in India, Muslims are systematically more segregated than U.S. Blacks, while for SCs it de-
pends on the measure of segregation. Using the 4000 people per neighborhood definition, the dis-
tribution of U.S. Black segregation looks very close to that of Muslims. The first measure biases
Indian segregation upward relative to U.S. segregation (because of the smaller neighborhood size),
while the second biases Indian segregation downward (because of measurement error in neighbor-
hood pooling). But the measures are consistent in showing that segregation in India, particularly
of Muslims, is comparable in magnitude to that of Black people in the contemporary U.S..31
Figure 2 shows maps of SC and Muslim segregation across the country. While there are
pockets of high and low segregation, they do not follow obvious geographic patterns; the north,
which is poorer and where people are less disposed toward cross-caste marriage,32 is no less
segregated than the south.
We next examine whether rural segregation patterns are being replicated in cities. Given
India’s rapid urbanization in the second half of the twentieth century, settlement patterns
in cities reflect more recent decisions and norms around integration and separation of social
groups. Panel A of Figure 3 plots the average urban Muslim dissimilarity index in each district,
as a function of the rural Muslim dissimilarity index in the same district. The urban and rural
dissimilarity indices are very highly correlated (ρ = 0.56), suggesting that the regional dynamics
that lead to the separation of social groups in rural areas are also important in cities and towns.
Panel B of the same figure shows that segregation patterns of Scheduled Castes are also highly
correlated across urban and rural spaces, but less so than for Muslims (ρ = 0.43).
There are few data sources available in which we can observe changes in segregation over
time. Using the District Handbook data described in Section 3.4, Table 3 shows changes over
time in SC segregation under a range of measures and sample definitions. Scheduled Caste
dissimilarity fell marginally between 2001–11 (between 0.002 and 0.014 on a base of about
Note that this is a lower level of segregation than peak U.S. segregation in the 1960s and 1970s, when
the weighted dissimilarity index across U.S. MSAs was close to 80, compared with 60 in the 2020 U.S. Census
(Massey and Denton, 1993).
See, for example, Pew Research Center (2021).
0.56), while the isolation index rose about 0.01 (on a base of 0.4). These changes are small; in
comparison, the U.S. dissimilarity index has fallen by an average of 0.045 per decade between
1970 and 2020. Figure 4 shows the pattern of changes as a function of city size, showing that
the changes in both dissimilarity and isolation are consistent across a broad range of city sizes.
The time series analysis is limited by the absence of neighborhoo-level data from before 2001,
and the absence of neighborhood Muslim population before 2011. An alternate way to shed
light on changes over time is by comparing recently urbanized places with more established
settlements. Table 4 shows results from town-level regressions of Muslim and SC dissimilarity
on the decade that a town or city first appeared as a town in the Population Census.33 To
account for the fact that our sample underrepresents the smallest and youngest towns, we also
present results with controls for population and group shares.
In the long synthetic panel, we find that a town that is 10 years older has a dissimilarity index
which is 0.009 points lower for Muslims and 0.007 points lower for SCs, with similar results
for the isolation index. The city age effect is robust to the inclusion of additional town-level
covariates.34 The synthetic panel lets us look at a longer time series than the 2001–11 District
Handbook data, but its interpretation is less clear. Segregation could indeed be falling over
time, in the sense that newly settled cities develop less segregated neighborhood patterns than
cities settled in the past. But the city age effect could also arise from cities themselves becoming
more segregated over time, with marginalized group neighborhoods emerging and absorbing
more group members over time. Under either interpretation, both approaches consistently
imply that segregation in Indian cities is not changing very rapidly.
In this section, we examine how the supply of public services varies across neighborhoods with
and without concentrated marginalized groups. We focus on availability of public services at
The Census classifies a settlement as a town once it has more than 5000 people, an agricultural labor
share (among men) below 25%, and a population density of at least 400 person per square kilometer.
Appendix Figure A.5 shows that the dissimilarity difference between young and old cities is largely stable
across settlements with different population sizes; it is not a mechanical function of size.
the most granular geographic level—the neighborhood—because it is the most relevant for
individual access to services, and is also the least studied in prior work.
Figure 5 shows a binned scatterplot of the neighborhood-level relationship between the
supply of secondary schools (an indicator for the presence of a neighborhood school) and the
neighborhood marginalized group share, in both urban and rural areas. The urban series is
residualized on city fixed effects and thus describes how schools are distributed across neigh-
borhoods, conditional on the total supply of schools in a city. Secondary school availability
falls monotonically with the neighborhood Muslim share (Panel A); raising the Muslim share
of a neighborhood by 50 percentage points is associated with a 22% lower likelihood of the
neighborhood having a public secondary school (approximately a 0.5 percentage point decline
on a mean of 2.4%). Neighborhoods with a >50% Muslim share stand out for being particularly
underprovisioned; there are not so many of these neighborhoods in India, but as shown in
Appendix Figure A.3, a large share of Muslims live in them. Rural locations look broadly
similar, with the most Muslim neighborhoods having substantially fewer schools (Panel C).
The relationship between Scheduled Caste share and secondary school access is non-monotonic
in both urban and rural areas; at low levels of SC shares, it is flat or rising in the SC share,
but above a 20% SC share, secondary school presence falls precipitously, such that 50% SC
neighborhoods have similar school availability to 50% Muslim neighborhoods (Panels B and D).35
We summarize this nonparametric relationship between neighborhood MG share and public
facility presence with the linear estimator from Equation 3, with city fixed effects. SC and
Muslim shares are included simultaneously to ensure that the allocation of facilities to one
group’s neighborhoods does not drive our estimate for the other group. Panel A of Table 5 shows
that, in urban areas, SC and Muslim neighborhoods are systematically allocated fewer public
services; with the exception of urban primary schools in SC neighborhoods, the point estimates
are all negative, substantial, and highly significant. In rural areas (Panel B), the estimates are
Rural school shares are higher on average because rural areas are characterized by a greater number of
smaller schools, reflecting the greater distance between neighborhoods. The relationship looks similar with
a continuous measure of school size (total employment in the school) as an outcome (Appendix Figure A.6).
negative and significant for all facilities, for both groups. In short, the local political economy
equilibrium systematically results in marginalized groups living in neighborhoods that are less
well-served by public facilities.36
Table 6 shows analogous tests with private schools and clinics, which could substitute for
the absence of public sector facilities. In fact, we find that private facilities are also dispropor-
tionately allocated away from marginalized group neighborhoods, possibly because people in
those neighborhoods have limited ability to pay for services. There are some exceptions: out of
12 group * urban/rural * facility estimates, 10 show statistically and economically significant
allocation away from MG neighborhoods. The exceptions are private primary schools and
health facilities, which are more common in rural Muslim neighborhoods.37
We find similar results for household infrastructure services (access to electricity, closed
drainage, and clean water, Table 7). These services are only measured in urban areas. All three
services are systematically less available in both Muslim and Scheduled Caste neighborhoods.
For these infrastructure goods, the coefficients on the SC share are more negative than those
on the Muslim share, suggesting that SC neighborhoods are the most poorly served by public
For the schools and clinics in urban areas, people can walk to a facility in a nearby neigh-
borhood, mitigating the cost of not having a facility in one’s own neighborhood. However in
rural areas, the nearest facility outside the “neighborhood” can be quite far away. For the
infrastructure goods, substitutes in nearby neighborhoods (e.g. for clean water) clearly imply
substantial welfare costs.39
Results are similar when we use a measure of the scale of the facilities (log employment, shown in the
even-numbered table columns). Results are virtually unchanged (i) by the inclusion of a control for whether a
neighborhood is classified as a slum; and (ii) by restricting the sample to non-slum villages (Appendix Table A.1).
Note that the public facility results are not adequately explained by marginalized groups being poorer —
since the role of government is ostensibly to provide equal access to public services whether people are rich or poor.
Note that these infrastructure services are not strictly public. They typically require some kind of
household investment in addition to a base level of public infrastructure, but none of them can be accessed if that
public infrastructure is not in place. Our estimations are run at the neighborhood level, and thus do not identify
off of within-neighborhood differences in whether members of different social groups choose whether or not to
hook up to each infrastructure service. The distributions of neighborhood availability of these services are highly
bimodal, suggesting that the public component of the infrastructure is the key determinant of individual access.
Because we only have GIS locations for neighborhoods in a handful of places, it is not possible to run
5.3 Access Disparities at Different Geographic Levels of Aggregation
So far, we have found that public services are systematically allocated away from marginalized
group neighborhoods at the most local level. However, this disparity does not summarize
the total access disparity faced by marginalized groups, because there could be favorable or
unfavorable differences in the supply of services at higher geographic levels of aggregation. For
instance, districts with more Scheduled Castes might have more schools or better sanitation
infrastructure; indeed, the Indian government has used the district or subdistrict Scheduled
Caste share as a targeting mechanism for many programs (see Section 2).
We measure allocation at each geographic level of aggregation by varying the fixed effects in
Equation 3. We can thus additively decompose the total urban access disparity into a disparity
across neighborhoods, towns, districts, and states.
Panel A of Figure 6 summarizes the results for Muslim access to urban primary schools. We
take some time to explain these figures as they describe a central result of this paper. The outcome
variable is the number of primary schools per 100,000 people; the sample mean of this variable is
15. The rightmost (dark gray) box (positioned at −1.9) tells us that a 100% Muslim neighborhood
is estimated to have 1.9 fewer primary schools per 100,000 people than a 0% Muslim neighbor-
hood.40 This is simply the coefficient from a regression of the primary school indicator on the
neighborhood Muslim share, with no fixed effects (βo from Section 4.2). This coefficient reflects
the total access disparity in Muslim neighborhoods, combining effects at all geographic levels.
This gap can then be decomposed into different geographic levels. The leftmost estimate
αf = −0.4 tells us that states with more Muslims have fewer schools, and that 0.4 out of the
1.9 gap above can be accounted for by this variation across states. The second estimate from
the left (αS = +1.1) implies that — conditional on the number of primary schools in a state
— districts with more Muslims on average have more primary schools.41 The next two bars
a test with the distance to the nearest neighborhood with a facility.
The sample means for the other variables are in the figure note.
We denote this αS because it is informative about allocation choices at the state government level — it
describes how schools are allocated across districts within states.
respectively give us αD , which tells us how schools are allocated across towns/cities within
districts, and αC , which tells us how schools are allocated across neighborhoods within towns
— the latter being exactly the estimates from the previous subsection (5.2).
The sum of all the α coefficients gives us the final estimate of −1.9. The graph shows that
the neighborhood disadvantage faced by Muslims is driven almost entirely by the allocation of
primary schools across urban neighborhoods within towns. In fact the allocation combining all
aggregates above the town level is marginally favorable to Muslims; but this small advantage
is swamped by the unfavorable allocation across neighborhoods.
The remaining five panels of Figure 6 show how the other public facilities (secondary schools
and health centers) are allocated across Muslim and non-Muslim neighborhoods, towns, districts,
and states. We highlight several features of the combined results. First, the cross-neighborhood
allocation (labeled “x-block”) is systematically unfavorable for Muslims — again, these bars
are just the graphical representations of the estimates in Table 5. Second, in urban areas,
the magnitude of the cross-neighborhood inequality swamps the magnitude of the inequality
at every other level of aggregation. It is at the lowest and most informal level of governance
where Muslim neighborhoods are the most left out. In rural areas, allocation is unfavorable
at every level of aggregation for all three facility types, and the impact is more uniform across
geographic scales. Third, without neighborhood-level data, we would detect no disadvantage
in access to public facilities for Muslims in cities, and we would substantially underestimate
the disadvantage in rural areas. Since the Indian government does not release data on Muslim
shares below the subdistrict level, about half of the rural inequality in service access is invisible
in the data available prior to this paper, as is all of the urban inequality.
Figure 7 shows the same results for SC neighborhoods. The patterns are distinct from those
observed for Muslims, even though both groups face substantial disadvantages at the most
local level. A clear pattern emerges for secondary schools and health centers, in both rural and
urban areas (Panels C–F). The allocation of these services is progressive across states, districts,
towns, and villages; at all of these levels, areas with more SCs have more secondary schools and
clinics. But within towns and villages, the distribution of schools and clinics is highly regressive
across neighborhoods, undoing almost all of the progressivity at higher levels of government.
Ignoring the cross-neighborhood allocation of secondary schools and clinics (which no prior
data source has made visible) would make it appear that public services are strongly favorably
targeted to places where SCs live, but in fact the total allocation is approximately neutral.
The allocation of primary schools to SC neighborhoods does not follow this pattern. Urban
primary schools have progressive allocations for SCs at all levels of aggregation, while the
allocation of rural primary schools is unfavorable to SCs at all geographic levels, but with
the neighborhood being relatively unimportant. This distinct result could arise from the
government’s efforts to make primary schools universal across India, though clearly Muslim
neighborhoods have been left out. The neutral to positive neighborhood allocation of primary
schools could result from an interaction of that universal goal with a preference for segregating
upper class children from SC children, but this is left as a topic for future work.
The previous section showed that the cross-neighborhood allocation of public facilities was
more unfavorable to Muslims than to SCs. This section shows that this is even more true across
larger geographic units; the effects combine to make Muslim neighborhoods severely lacking
in public facilities, while SC neighborhoods in the end have similar service levels to non-SC
neighborhoods — the latter result arises from favorable allocation across large geographic units
(like districts) but unfavorable allocation across neighborhoods.
Patterns like these could arise if affirmative action policies for Scheduled Castes (which have
been prominent in India since independence) primarily affect the distribution of public services
across higher units of aggregation, like states and districts. If these policies bind only at high
levels of aggregation, and the less formal political processes of neighborhoods and municipal
governments remain biased, then the cross-neighborhood allocation of services can undo some
of the progressive allocation at higher levels of government. Muslims face the same or worse
disadvantages as Scheduled Castes at the cross-neighborhood level, but with no systematic
policy of affirmative action, there is no force to mitigate those disadvantages and Muslims end
up substantially less well-served.
Figure 8 shows the same analysis for the infrastructure services: electric lighting, piped
water, and closed drainage. For SCs, the cross-neighborhood variation in access drives almost
all of the substantial access disparity, and there is little association between the SC share and
infrastructure availability at the state, district, or town level. For Muslims, at the state and
district levels, we find that piped water access is more common in districts with many Muslims,
while electric light and drainage are less common. As noted above, the allocation across
neighborhoods is economically significant and adverse for all of these services, for both groups.
For the infrastructure services, there is thus less systematic evidence of affirmative action in
favor of any marginalized group, but both groups systematically fare worse at the neighborhood
level. Indeed, we are aware of no national programs to improve urban infrastructure services like
these or to equalize access to them from the time period up to our sample. It is also notable that
the relative access of the two groups is reversed for the infrastructure services; at both the cross-
neighborhood and the overall level, Scheduled Castes neighborhoods have disproportionately
worse access to water, electricity, and sewerage infrastructure than Muslims.42
This section examines the relationship between the educational outcomes of young people and
the marginalized group share in the neighborhoods where they live. We use Equation 4, which
describes a regression of individual years of education on neighborhood marginalized group
shares, for individuals aged 17–18 years.
The evidence here is descriptive: raw differences in outcomes across neighborhoods reflect
some combination of discrimination and preferences of those who live there. Controlling for
individual and neighborhood characteristics is useful descriptively, but it does not necessarily
improve the identification of discrimination, because those control variables may themselves be
Appendix Figures A.7 and A.8 shows similar estimates to Figures 6 and 7 for private facilities. We spend
less attention on these since there are no political forces driving their allocation at higher levels of aggregation.
As noted in the prior section, cross-neighborhood allocation of private services is strongly unfavorable for
marginalized group neighborhoods.
the result of discrimination. The empirical challenge is analogous to that of measuring gender
discrimination in wages, where it is useful to know both the unadjusted gender wage gap and
the wage gap controlling for job characteristics, but neither of these measures is a sufficient
statistic for discrimination.
Table 8 shows the results for urban places; the outcome variable is years of education. We
control for town/city fixed effects; the results are strictly across neighborhoods within cities.
We also control for whether the individual is a Muslim or member of a Scheduled Caste. The
ideal sample would be a set of people who grew up in the neighborhood and had completed
their education. The best we can do is to focus on individuals aged 17–18 years old, though
clearly some of them fail to meet both of these criteria, as we discuss below.
Column 1 shows the results for urban men aged 17–18, with only the household SC and
Muslim indicators and town fixed effects; this shows the average difference between SC, Muslim,
and non-SC non-Muslim outcomes, conditioning on town of residence. SCs have 1.1 fewer years
of education than non-SC non-Muslims, and Muslims have 1.2 years fewer. Column 2 adds the
neighborhood shares, which are the variable of interest and are indicated in bold in the table.
Including the neighborhood share drives down the coefficient on the SC indicator by 45%, and
on the Muslim indicator by 55% — about half of the disadvantage faced by marginalized groups
is explained just by the marginalized group share of their neighborhood.
Still looking at Column 2, controlling only for the town fixed effects and the household SC
and Muslim indicators, we see that Muslim and SC neighborhoods have significantly worse
educational outcomes (the row in bold). 17–18-year-olds living in a 100% Muslim neighborhoods
have 2.1 fewer years of education than those in 0% Muslim neighborhoods; the coefficient for
Scheduled Caste neighborhoods is −1.6.
In Column 3, we add controls for both parents’ years of education and household consumption.
Unsurprisingly, all these controls are positively correlated with individual outcomes in the
expected direction, and the inclusion of these controls brings down the magnitude of the
coefficients on both of the neighborhood marginalized group shares.43 The coefficient on the
SC share is driven close to zero in the specification with controls, while the coefficient on the
neighborhood Muslim share falls to less than half of its value in the unadjusted Column 2. The
effect sizes have similar orders of magnitudes for members of marginalized and non-marginalized
groups (Appendix Table A.2). Living in a marginalized group neighborhood is thus associated
with much worse outcomes regardless of an individual’s identity.
We interpret these results as follows. Young people in SC neighborhoods have systematically
worse outcomes than those in non-SC neighborhoods — but the difference is mostly explained
by the economic status of their families. This does not rule out a negative causal effect of
growing up in an SC neighborhood on child outcomes, because those parent outcomes could
themselves be caused by living in a bad neighborhood. For example, parents might invest less
in their house (lowering their measured consumption) if they lack security of tenure.44
In Muslim neighborhoods, outcomes for young people are equally poor, but can be only
partially explained by parent consumption and education. Children in these neighborhoods
grow up in families with fewer resources, and yet have even worse outcomes (about 1 year lesser
in a 100% Muslim neighborhood) than similarly poor children in non-Muslim neighborhoods.
Again, this is a function of the neighborhood, not of the social group of the individual, as it
holds for members of all social groups.
Columns 4–6 show the same results for rural areas, with results separated by social group
in Appendix Table A.3; the results for Muslims are broadly similar. As in urban areas, young
rural people in neighborhoods with high Muslim shares end up with substantially less education
than those living in non-Muslim, non-SC neighborhoods. Rural SC neighborhoods do not show
the same disadvantages; the coefficient on the SC share is close to zero, and even marginally
positive for young women.45 We graph the coefficients on the neighborhood group shares in
The additional inclusion of mean neighborhood income has little effect beyond the individual consumption
The result is analogous to finding that a gender wage gap goes to zero if occupation, job description and
job rank are controlled for — a result that does not disprove discrimination, since discrimination could result
in different occupations and job ranks and descriptions.
Young women in 100% SC neighborhoods have on average 0.07 additional years of education; the effect
Appendix Figure A.9 for easy comparison.
A limitation of these findings is that we do not observe individuals’ places of birth, so
the results here in part could be driven by less-educated 17- and 18-year-olds moving into
neighborhoods with high marginalized group shares. We can show, however, that these results
hold for children at all ages, including those arguably too young to be responsible for their own
migration choices (see Appendix Figures A.10 and A.11).
These results suggest that marginalized group neighborhoods and the disadvantages asso-
ciated with living in them reduce access to opportunity for people who grow up there. Our
data does not allow us to calculate neighborhood exposure effects, as in Chetty and Hendren
(2018) and Alesina et al. (2021), which would be even more dispositive; this is an important
area for future research.
6 Conclusion
This paper presents a national-scale analysis of socio-economic outcomes and access to public
services in India’s urban and rural neighborhoods. Analysis of this kind has previously been im-
possible on a large scale due to the absence of sufficient neighborhood-level data to characterize
neighborhood demographics and service access.
India’s growing cities are highly segregated. They are only marginally less segregated than ru-
ral areas, where neighborhood structure is strongly conditioned by centuries of occupation- and
status-based division via the caste system. The religious and caste identity of the people who live
in a given urban neighborhood are strongly predictive of both access to public services and of liv-
ing standards in those neighborhoods. Within cities, Muslims and members of Scheduled Castes
have much lower access to public services. India’s rapidly growing cities, famous as engines of
upward mobility, to a large degree have replicated the caste and religious structure of its villages.
Our research so far does not identify the causes of these disparities. However, discriminatory
provision of public facilities to MG neighborhoods has been a persistent characteristic of the
is statistically significant, but economically small. Though in comparison with the other results in this paper,
even a non-negative estimate here is notable.
political economy in many countries, including in India.
A limitation of our work is that it is largely based on cross-sectional data collected in 2012–13.
The historical literature suggests that Scheduled Castes have been isolated at the neighborhood
level for generations, but Muslim isolation has been exacerbated by Hindu-Muslim violence
in the post-colonial era. Data from historical censuses could potentially shed light on changes
in residential segregation over time.
That living standards are so much lower in SC and Muslim enclaves suggests that, as else-
where, spatial concentration of marginalized groups may limit their economic opportunities.
Modern India has never had the government regulations, such as redlining, that contributed
to racial segregation in the United States — there are thus fewer overtly harmful policies to
remove. However, housing discrimination in India’s cities is widely documented and has even
been explicitly tolerated by the judiciary, echoing patterns from a too recent era in the U.S..
The historic tolerance for residential segregation and unequal access to public services has
had disastrous consequences for the United States; it has prevented generations of individuals
from access to opportunity, and is a central fracture in a highly polarized political system. At
an earlier stage of development and with cities still rapidly growing, India has the opportunity
to make a different set of choices. By highlighting segregation in India and documenting the
concomitant disparities in access to public services, we hope to draw attention to the critical
choices that lie ahead for India and other urbanizing lower-income countries around the world.
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Figure 1
Segregation of Muslims and Scheduled Castes
Dissimilarity Density
0 0
0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1
Dissimiliarity Dissimiliarity
Isolation Density
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1
Isolation Isolation
Notes: The figure shows the distribution of segregation across cities/towns (Panels A and C) and rural
subdistricts (Panels B and D), according to the dissimilarity and the isolation indices. The SC density functions
are weighted by each town/subdistrict’s SC population, and the same for Muslims, such that each curve
represents the experience of members of the marginalized group. The urban sample has one observation per
town, and the rural sample has one observation per subdistrict. Source: SECC 2012.
Figure 2
Segregation Maps
Notes: The maps show the distribution of segregation across India. The town and subdistrict-level measures are
aggregated to the district level for better visibility. For each district, the map shows the population-weighted
mean of dissimilarity of locations in that district. Source: SECC 2012.
Figure 3
Urban vs Rural Segregation: District-level Comparisons
A. Muslim Segregation
ρ = 0.56
.2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1
B. SC Segregation
ρ = 0.43
SC Dissimilarirty: Urban
.2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1
SC Dissimilarity: Rural
Notes: Each graph shows a binscatter representing the relationship between urban and rural segregation in the
same district. Each point shows the mean urban dissimilarity across about 20 subdistricts with mean rural
dissimilarity in the vicinity of the X axis value. Source: SECC 2012.
Figure 4
Changes in Urban Scheduled Caste Segregation (2001–2011)
Dissimilarity Index
Dissimilarity Index
.4 .4
.3 .3
.2 .2
.1 .1
2001 2001
2011 0
8 10 12 14 16 8 10 12 14 16
Log City Population in 2001 Log City Population in 2001
.6 .6
.5 .5
Isolation Index
Isolation Index
.4 .4
.3 .3
.2 .2
.1 .1
2001 2001
2011 0
8 10 12 14 16 8 10 12 14 16
Log City Population in 2001 Log City Population in 2001
Notes: Each graph shows a local linear non-parametric regression of Scheduled Caste segregation (measured by
dissimilarity or isolation) as a function of city log population, for 2001 and 2011. Data source: Census District
Handbooks, 2001 and 2011.
Figure 5
Access to Secondary Schools vs.
Neighborhood Marginalized Group Share
.02 .02
.018 .018
.016 .016
.014 .014
0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1
Muslim Share SC Share
.07 .07
.065 .065
.06 .06
.055 .055
0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1
Muslim Share SC Share
Notes: The figure shows binscatter plots of the percentage of neighborhoods that have a secondary school at a
given level of SC/Muslim share. Each point represents the mean of 25,000 urban or 50,000 rural neighborhoods
with a given marginalized group share. Source: Economic Census 2013, SECC 2012.
Figure 6
Disparities in Public Facilities as a
Function of Neighborhood Muslim Share
−.4 x−village:
−1 −20
−2 x−block: x−block:
−2.2 −12.8
Coefficient on Muslim share
x−state: −.1
−.1 −5
−1 x−district: x−subdist:
−1.9 −.1
Total: −11
Total: −2.3 x−block:
−3 −15
+.4 x−state:
Hospitals per 100,000 people
0 −2 −1.3
x−state: −.3
−1 −4
−3 x−subdist:
−.4 x−village:
−6 −.5
Total: −2.4
Total: −7.5
−8 x−block:
−3 −2.3
Notes: The figure describes the cross-neighborhood relationship between a neighborhood’s Muslim share and a
neighborhood’s access to public facilities: primary and secondary schools, and health centers. The dark gray
box shows the coefficient of a regression of a public facility indicator on the Muslim share in the full sample. A
negative value implies that Muslim neighborhoods have fewer public facilities on average. The boxes to the left
decompose that average effect into the effect arising at the cross-state, cross-district, cross-town/village, and
cross-block levels. The outcome is the number of facilities per 100,000 people. The mean of this variable in
rural areas is 74 for primary schools, 15 for secondary, and 12 for health centers. In urban areas, the means are
respectively 15, 5, and 5. Source: Economic Census 2013, SECC 2012.
Figure 7
Disparities in Public Facilities as a
Function of Neighborhood Scheduled Caste Share
+5.4 Total: +8.2
Primary schools per 100,000 people
Coefficient on SC share
+1.7 x−state:
x−district: −8 x−district:
+1.2 −1.2 x−subdist:
−.6 x−village: Total: −9.7
0 −.6
x−state: x−block:
−.1 −1.1
Coefficient on SC share
Coefficient on SC share
x−district: x−subdist:
x−district: +.4 0
1 +.6
Total: +.5
−1.1 Total: +.3
0 0 −2.5
Coefficient on SC share
Coefficient on SC share
x−district: x−district: x−subdist:
+.1 +.4 0
.5 x−state:
+.4 1
+.7 Total: +.7
.5 −1.6
Total: +.1
0 −.9 0
Notes: The figure describes the cross-neighborhood relationship between a neighborhood’s Scheduled Caste
share and a neighborhood’s access to public facilities: primary and secondary schools, and health centers.
The dark gray box shows the coefficient of a regression of a public facility indicator on the Scheduled Caste
share in the full sample. A negative value implies that Scheduled Caste neighborhoods have fewer public
facilities on average. The boxes to the left decompose that average effect into the effect arising at the cross-state,
cross-district, cross-town/village, and cross-block levels. The outcome is the number of facilities per 100,000
people. The mean of this variable in rural areas is 74 for primary schools, 15 for secondary, and 12 for health
centers. In urban areas, the means are respectively 15, 5, and 5. Source: Economic Census 2013, SECC 2012.
Figure 8
Disparities in Urban Infrastructure Access
as a Function of Neighborhood Marginalized Group Share
0 0
Coefficient on Muslim share
Share of households with
Coefficient on SC share
−.06 −.06
Total: −.069
−.08 −.08 −.068
x−block: 0
Coefficient on SC share
0 −.04
x−state: x−town:
−.05 −.012
−.05 −.014
−.3 x−block:
−.3 −.257
x−state: x−district:
Share of households with Closed drains
−.009 −.003 x−town: −.018
−.014 x−district:
Coefficient on Muslim share
−.1 −.021
Total: −.312
−.3 −.239
Notes: The figure describes the cross-neighborhood relationship between a neighborhood’s marginalized group
share (SC or Muslim) and a neighborhood’s access to public infrastructure. The sample is entirely urban. Each
infrastructure measure is the share of people in a neighborhood who have access to that type of infrastructure.
The dark gray box shows the coefficient of a regression of the infrastructure measure on the marginalized group
share. This is the average disadvantage on this infrastructure service in marginalized group neighborhoods.
The boxes to the left decompose that average effect into the effect arising at the cross-state, cross-district,
cross-subdistrict, cross-town/village, and cross-block levels. The mean of the outcome variables are 0.95 for
electric lighting, 0.73 for piped water and 0.56 for closed drainage. Source: SECC 2012.
Table 1
Neighborhood Summary Statistics
Urban Rural
Total Population 483 (165) 512 (170)
Scheduled Castes Population 56 (100) 86 (128)
Muslim Population 81 (124) 71 (117)
Scheduled Castes (Share) 0.11 (0.19) 0.17 (0.23)
Muslim (Share) 0.16 (0.23) 0.13 (0.20)
Has Public Primary School 0.07 (0.25) 0.33 (0.47)
Has Public Secondary School 0.02 (0.15) 0.07 (0.25)
Has Public Health Facility 0.02 (0.15) 0.06 (0.23)
Has Private Primary School 0.14 (0.34) 0.18 (0.38)
Has Private Secondary School 0.08 (0.27) 0.05 (0.22)
Has Private Health Facility 0.30 (0.46) 0.13 (0.33)
HH Has Closed Drains 0.56 (0.44) NA
HH Has Electricity 0.95 (0.14) NA
HH Has Water Source at Home 0.73 (0.34) NA
Consumption Per Capita (SC) 30965 (17422) 16173 (8557)
Consumption Per Capita (Muslim) 27794 (14139) 15259 (7926)
Consumption Per Capita (Other) 31904 (12836) 17889 (6799)
Notes: Standard deviations are in parentheses. The table shows average statistics at the enumeration block
level for the analysis sample, separately for urban and rural areas. Semi-private goods (such as closed drains)
are not measured in the SECC for rural areas. Consumption is measured in Indian Rupees for month. Sources:
SECC (2012), Economic Census (2013).
Table 2
Sample Representativeness for Towns and Rural Subdistricts
Towns Subdistricts
Our Sample India (full) Our Sample India (full)
(Log) Population 10.31 9.87 11.51 11.39
(1.08) (1.03) (0.98) (1.20)
(Log) Area 2.33 2.00 10.34 10.25
(1.09) (1.10) (0.92) (1.08)
Scheduled Castes (Share) 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.16
(0.09) (0.11) (0.10) (0.11)
Muslim (Share) 0.18 0.19 0.09 0.09
(0.19) (0.22) (0.16) (0.16)
Town Origin Year 1947 1969
(42) (43)
Primary Schools per 100k 65.70 59.79 122.12 126.18
(59.35) (49.12) (70.44) (80.61)
Middle Schools per 100k 40.19 34.47 49.90 50.99
(39.53) (35.05) (30.80) (36.35)
Secondary Schools per 100k 22.83 20.67 19.48 19.44
(21.66) (21.36) (14.91) (15.15)
Hospitals per 100k 3.33 2.87 0.90 0.86
(5.16) (5.36) (2.77) (3.47)
Dissimilarity Index (SC) 0.59 0.58
(0.11) (0.10)
Dissimilarity Index (Muslim) 0.52 0.49
(0.14) (0.15)
Isolation Index (SC) 0.43 0.48
(0.13) (0.11)
Isolation Index (Muslim) 0.49 0.45
(0.20) (0.23)
Total Population 196,601,472 385,411,180 571,127,176 834,030,262
Observations 3504 7058 4759 5847
Notes: The table shows summary statistics at the town level (Columns 1-2) and subdistrict level (Columns 3-4)
for key variables, comparing our sample (based on SECC 2012) and the all-India 2011 Population Census. The
subdistrict data consists of the set of all villages in each subdistrict. Schools and health centers are measured per
100,000 people. Dissimilarity and isolation are weighted by the subdistrict/town marginalized group population.
All other variables are unweighted. Standard errors are in parentheses.
Table 3
Changes in Urban Scheduled Caste Segregation (2001–2011)
A. Dissimilarity Index
B. Isolation Index
Notes: The table shows estimates of urban segregation of members of Scheduled Castes in 2001 and 2011, based
on data from the Indian Population Census District Handbooks, 2001 and 2011. Each observation is a town or
city. The full sample is the set of all towns parsed from these two data sources, for which the total District
Handbook population was within 50% of the official population in the Population Census Abstract (PCA) in
each year. The “Precise Population Match” sample requires population to be within 5% of the PCA in each
year. In rows marked “weighted”, town observations are weighted by the Scheduled Caste population. The
district handbooks do not report Muslim population.
Table 4
Correlates of Urban Segregation
A. Dissimilarity Index
Notes: The table shows estimates from regressions of segregation (the town-level dissimilarity or isolation index)
on a set of town characteristics. Sources: SECC (2012) and Population Census (2011).
Table 5
Neighborhood-level Public Facilities
vs Marginalized Group Share
A. Urban neighborhoods
B. Rural neighborhoods
Notes: The table shows results from neighborhood-level regressions of public facility presence on marginalized
group share, for towns and rural subdistricts. Public facilities are measured either as an indicator for facility
presence, or log(employment + 1) in the given type of facility. All regressions control for log neighborhood
population and are clustered at the town (Panel A) and subdistrict (Panel B) levels.
Table 6
Neighborhood-level Private Facilities
vs. Marginalized Group Share
A. Urban Neighborhoods
B. Rural Neighborhoods
Notes: The table shows results from neighborhood-level regressions of private facility presence on marginalized
group share, for towns and rural subdistricts. Private facilities are measured either as an indicator for facility
presence, or log(employment + 1) in the given type of facility. All regressions control for log neighborhood
population and are clustered at the town (Panel A) and subdistrict (Panel B) levels.
Table 7
Neighborhood-level Urban Infrastructure Services
vs Marginalized Group Share: Urban
Notes: The table shows results from neighborhood-level regressions of neighborhood-level infrastructure presence
on marginalized group share. Results are only for cities; the given infrastructure is not measured in the rural
data. Infrastructure is measured as the share of households in a neighborhood who have access to the service
in question; in practice, this share is almost always very close to zero or one. All regressions control for log
neighborhood population and are clustered at the town level.
Table 8
Education Attainment of Young People
in Scheduled Caste and Muslim Neighborhoods
Notes: The table shows results from individual-level regressions of years of education on individual and
neighborhood characteristics. The variables of interest are the neighborhood SC and Muslim shares, which are
accented in bold. Standard errors are clustered at the city (urban) or subdistrict (rural) level. Data source: a
10% random sample of individuals from the SECC.
A Appendix A. Additional Figures and Tables
Figure A.1
Neighborhood Population Distributions
Percentage Of Neighborhoods
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Neighborhood Population
Notes: The figure shows the sample distribution of populations for neighborhoods in urban and rural areas used
in our main results. Neighborhoods are excluded from the sample if they have less than 150 people or more
than 1000.
Figure A.2
Validation of Muslim Name Classification:
Subdistrict Muslim Share in SECC vs Population Census
Muslim share (LSTM Classification)
0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1
Muslim share (Population Census 2011)
Notes: The figure shows a binned scatterplot of subdistrict-level Muslim shares using our classifier of SECC
names, plotted against the subdistrict Muslim share recorded in the 2011 Population Census.
Figure A.3
Population Distribution
as a Function of Marginalized Group Share
A. Urban
12 National
SC Share Muslim
living in this neighborhood bin
Percentage of group
0 20 40 60 80 100
Neighborhood marginalized group share
B. Rural
12 National National
SC Share SC
living in this neighborhood bin
Percentage of group
0 20 40 60 80 100
Neighborhood marginalized group share
Notes: The figure shows the distribution of Scheduled Caste and Muslim Population shares across their own
neighborhood group share. For instance, the rightmost red triangle in Panel A shows that 6% (Y-axis) of
Muslims live in neighborhoods where the Muslim share is between 95 and 100%.
Figure A.4
Comparison of Urban Muslim and Scheduled Caste Segregation in India
with Urban Black Segregation in the United States
Dissimilarity Density
0 0
0 .2 .4 .6 .8 0 .2 .4 .6 .8
Dissimiliarity Dissimiliarity
Isolation Density
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
0 .2 .4 .6 .8 0 .2 .4 .6 .8
Isolation Isolation
Notes: The figure shows the distribution of the dissimilarity and isolation indices of Muslim and SCs, and
compares them with similar Black/White measures in the U.S. Panels A and C define neighborhoods as
enumeration blocks, which is the main definition used in the paper. Panels B and D aggregate enumeration
blocks to have up to 4000 people in a neighborhood, for better comparability with the U.S. measures. All
estimates are weighted by their respective marginalized group populations so that they reflect the experience
of marginalized groups. All plots are calculated for the subset of Indian towns and American metropolitan
statistical areas that have more than 100,000 people, to maximize comparability. Source: SECC 2012.
Figure A.5
Dissimilarity Indices by City Age
A. SC Dissimilarity
Old cities
New cities
8 9 10 11 12
Log Population (2011)
B. Muslim Dissimilarity
Muslim Dissimilarity Index
Old cities
New cities
8 9 10 11 12
Log Population (2011)
Notes: The figure shows lowess plots of dissimilarity measures against log city population, for SC and Muslim
dissimilarity. Cities that are recorded in the decennial population census for the first time in 1922 or earlier are
categorised as old cities. Those that are recorded in the decennial population census after 1922, are designated
as new cities. Source: Population Census 2011, SECC 2012.
Figure A.6
Access to Public Secondary Schools vs.
Neighborhood Marginalized Group Shares:
Intensive Margin Estimates
.072 .072
.068 .068
.064 .064
.06 .06
.056 .056
.052 .052
.048 .048
.044 .044
.04 .04
0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1
SC Share Muslim Share
.16 .16
.155 .155
.15 .15
.145 .145
.14 .14
.135 .135
.13 .13
.125 .125
.12 .12
.115 .115
.11 .11
0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1
SC Share Muslim Share
Notes: The figure shows binscatter plots of log employment (plus one) in neighborhood secondary schools as a
function of the neighborhood SC or Muslim share. Source: Economic Census 2013, SECC 2012.
Figure A.7
Disparities in Private Facilities as a
Function of Muslim Share
4 −3 −1.2 x−subdist:
Total: +1.8
2 −4
x−block: x−village:
−6.8 −1.4
0 −5
x−state: x−town:
+2.2 +.2
Coefficient on Muslim share
0 −2
−5 −4
x−district: x−subdist: Total: −4.9
−.4 x−village:
−.1 −.1
Total: −8.7 x−block:
−10 −10.9 −6
5 −2
x−state: x−district:
Total: −8.8
−6.4 −.1 x−subdist:
−10 x−block:
−17 −8
Notes: The figure describes the cross-neighborhood relationship between a neighborhood’s Muslim share and
a neighborhood’s access to private facilities: primary and secondary schools, and health centers. The dark
gray box shows the coefficient of a regression of a private facility indicator on the Muslim share. This is the
national advantage or disadvantage in access to the given facility in Muslim neighborhoods. The boxes to the
left decompose that average effect into the effect arising at the cross-state, cross-district, cross-town/village,
and cross-block levels. The outcome is the number of facilities per 100,000 people. The mean of this variable in
rural areas is 38 for primary schools, 10 for secondary, and 26 for health centers. In urban areas, the means are
respectively 31, 19, and 71. Source: Economic Census 2013, SECC 2012.
Figure A.8
Disparities in Private Facilities as a
Function of Neighborhood Scheduled Caste Share
5 x−town: 0
x−district: +.8
Primary schools per 100,000 people
Coefficient on SC share
−.8 x−subdist:
−4 −.4
Total: −11.9 −8 Total: −8.5
x−block: x−block:
−15.5 −6.3
−15 −10
+2.1 2 x−subdist:
x−district: +.1
Coefficient on SC share
Coefficient on SC share
0 +1
x−block: x−block:
−12.1 −3.6
−10 −2
0 10 x−subdist:
Coefficient on SC share
Coefficient on SC share
−20 5
Notes: The figure describes the cross-neighborhood relationship between a neighborhood’s Scheduled Caste
share and a neighborhood’s access to private facilities: primary and secondary schools, and health centers. The
dark gray box shows the coefficient of a regression of a private facility indicator on the Scheduled Caste share.
This is the national advantage or disadvantage in access to the given facility in Scheduled Caste neighborhoods.
The boxes to the left decompose that average effect into the effect arising at the cross-state, cross-district,
cross-town/village, and cross-block levels. The outcome is the number of facilities per 100,000 people. The
mean of this variable in rural areas is 38 for primary schools, 10 for secondary, and 26 for health centers. In
urban areas, the means are respectively 31, 19, and 71. Source: Economic Census 2013, SECC 2012.
Figure A.9
Educational Attainment in Marginalized Group Neighborhoods
Sons Sons
Daughters Daughters
Sons Sons
Muslim Muslim
Daughters Daughters
Sons Sons
Other Coef. on Nbd SC Share Other Coef. on Nbd SC Share
Daughters Coef. on Nbd Muslim Share Daughters Coef. on Nbd Muslim Share
Sons Sons
Daughters Daughters
Sons Sons
Muslim Muslim
Daughters Daughters
Sons Sons
Other Coef. On Nbd SC Share Other Coef. On Nbd SC Share
Daughters Coef. On Nbd Muslim Share Daughters Coef. On Nbd Muslim Share
Notes: The figure shows coefficient estimates from Equation 4: a regression of individual years of education
on the neighborhood marginalized group share. The data is a 10% sample of 17–18-year-olds from the SECC
2012. Panels A and B have no controls other than the neighborhood population. Panels C and D control for the
individual’s household consumption and parental education. The estimates are identical to those in Tables A.2
and A.3. All regressions include town (urban) or subdistrict (rural) fixed effects. Data source: SECC 2012.
Figure A.10
Educational Attainment in Marginalized Group Neighborhoods:
Urban Estimates by Age
Coef. on Neighborhood SC Share
07 Coef. on Neighborhood Muslim Share
−1.5 −1 −.5 0 .5
Effect of being in a marginalised neighborhood
on individual education
Notes: The coefficient plot shows estimates from a regression of individual education on the neighborhood
marginalized group share. These are identical to estimates from Table 8, but calculated for children at different
ages (as indicated on the Y axis). Source: SECC 2012.
Figure A.11
Educational Attainment in Marginalized Group Neighborhoods:
Rural Estimates by Age
Coef. on Neighborhood SC Share
07 Coef. on Neighborhood Muslim Share
−1.5 −1 −.5 0 .5
Effect of being in a marginalised neighborhood
on individual education
Notes: The coefficient plot shows estimates from individual-level regressions of individual education on the
neighborhood marginalized group share. These are identical to estimates from Table 8, but calculated for
children at different ages (as indicated on the Y axis). Source: SECC 2012.
Table A.1
Neighborhood-level Public Facilities vs.
Marginalized Group Share: Controlling/Excluding Slums
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Slum Controls No Slum
Primary School Secondary School Health Facility Primary School Secondary School Health Facility
SC Share 0.028*** -0.005*** -0.004** 0.028*** -0.005*** -0.004**
0.002 0.001 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.001
Muslim Share -0.004 -0.010*** -0.009*** -0.004 -0.010*** -0.010***
0.002 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.001
Observations 356271 356271 356271 308216 308216 308216
R2 0.067 0.024 0.022 0.064 0.023 0.022
Town FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Notes: The table shows results from a neighborhood-level regression of public facilities on the neighborhood
marginalized group share, for towns, analogous to Table 5. Columns 1–3 show results with a control for whether
or not the neighborhood is in a slum. Columns 4–6 show results for the set of urban neighborhoods that are not
classified as slums.
Table A.2
Educational Attainment in Marginalized Group Neighborhoods, by Social Group: Urban
B. Young Women 17–18
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
All SC Muslim Other All SC Muslim Other
Neighborhood SC Share -1.646*** -2.070*** -1.950*** -1.417*** -0.155*** -0.657*** 0.112 0.147***
0.028 0.040 0.062 0.038 0.025 0.040 0.063 0.034
Neighborhood Muslim Share -1.978*** -1.752*** -1.861*** -2.041*** -0.764*** -0.588*** -0.535*** -0.815***
0.027 0.085 0.037 0.036 0.025 0.086 0.035 0.033
Father’s Education 0.190*** 0.199*** 0.202*** 0.175***
0.001 0.002 0.002 0.001
Mother’s Education 0.096*** 0.074*** 0.134*** 0.091***
0.001 0.002 0.002 0.001
Log of per capital hh consumption -0.593*** -0.729*** -0.178* -0.540***
0.038 0.117 0.083 0.047
Observations 2626264 333251 513803 1779210 1716267 217380 342672 1156215
R2 0.17 0.19 0.22 0.13 0.34 0.34 0.38 0.29
Town FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Notes: The table shows estimates from individual-level regressions of education on the urban neighborhood marginalized group share. The estimates are
analogous to those in Table 8, but estimated separately for members of each social group. Source: SECC 2012.
Table A.3
Educational Attainment in Marginalized Group Neighborhoods, by Social Group: Rural
B. Young Women 17–18
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
All SC Muslim Other All SC Muslim Other
Neighborhood SC Share 0.050* -0.466*** -0.482*** 0.646*** 0.068*** -0.364*** 0.060 0.419***
0.021 0.032 0.048 0.029 0.019 0.031 0.047 0.025
Neighborhood Muslim Share -1.375*** -0.555*** -1.319*** -1.326*** -0.800*** -0.451*** -0.750*** -0.693***
0.028 0.071 0.039 0.040 0.025 0.070 0.036 0.036
Father’s Education 0.294*** 0.271*** 0.300*** 0.290***
0.001 0.002 0.002 0.001
Mother’s Education 0.116*** 0.095*** 0.164*** 0.111***
0.001 0.002 0.003 0.001
Log of per capital hh consumption 0.518*** 0.506*** 0.423*** 0.528***
0.022 0.056 0.056 0.026
Observations 4075086 685423 600899 2788764 2789113 484699 407228 1897186
R2 0.18 0.20 0.22 0.17 0.35 0.32 0.36 0.34
Subdistrict FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Notes: The table shows estimates from individual-level regressions of education on the rural neighborhood marginalized group share. The estimates are
analogous to those in Table 8, but estimated separately for members of each social group. Source: SECC 2012.