Husle Cargo Nets

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Helicopter Under-Slung Cargo Nets

Restraint Equipment Air Cargo Pallet Nets Helicopter Under-Slung Cargo Nets QuickDropElectrical Cargo Strop QuickZip Pallet Net Military Crew Restraints Military Tie-downs Restraint Systems Ground RPG Protection Systems

Critical equipment for carrying under-slung cargo loads.

When the military needs to move supplies and equipment into areas of conflict or natural disaster, timeliness is vital to the missions success. Whether you are delivering medical supplies to field hospitals in sub-zero temperatures or dropping vehicles into harsh desert environments, AmSafe has a Helicopter Under-Slung Load Equipment (HUSLE) solution to meet your requirements. Over 30 of the worlds armed forces, aid relief agencies, and aircraft operators trust the continuous research and development of our HUSLE products. Helicopter under-slung cargo nets are manufactured using AmSafes innovative knotless intersections and provide safe working loads for shipments weighing up to 15,000lb. These cargo nets are constructed from high-quality braids that are treated with abrasion-resistant chemicals to increase the products durability and working life. Load-position markers, which aid in load-build and placement of cargo, are a standard feature of AmSafe HUSLE nets. To further increase the nets capabilities, optional upgrades including protection pads, protective carrying bags, and lifting extension-straps are also available. AmSafes experienced engineers and technical authors offer advice as well as customized user manuals and publications to support our range of cargo handling products. To ensure continuous product improvement, AmSafe works closely with users and evaluation organizations. We offer maintenance and repair training courses to make certain our HUSLE systems are used to their full potential throughout their working lives.

The innovative knotless design of the AmSafe HUSLE cargo nets provides safe working loads for shipments weighing up to 15,000lb.

NATO Stock Number

Product Number


Safe Working Load

1670-99-105-3845 1670-99-138-1944 1670-99-727-6041 1670-99-977-3348 1670-99-573-5008

HU10-0103601 HU10-0094900 HU10-0103800 HU10-0158200 HU10-0198500

Net, Lifting Net, Lifting Net, Lifting Net, Lifting Net, Lifting

1,360kg 2,268kg 4,536kg 5,600kg 7,000kg

3,000lb 5,000lb 10,000lb 12,350lb 15,432lb

NATO Stock Number

Product Number


Safe Working Load

3940-99-870-0328 3940-99-902-4140 1670-99-977-3349 1670-99-869-3142

HU20-0103211 HU20-0151001 HU20-0151120 HU20-0151100 HU20-0151101

Strop, Lifting Strop, Lifting Strop, Lifting Strop, Lifting Strop, Lifting

2,250kg 4,600kg 6,300kg 11,300kg 11,300kg

4,960lb 10,140lb 13,900lb 24,900lb 24,900lb

For further information about our products and services, visit our web-site at:

[email protected] North America TEL: 1 602 850 2850 FAX: 1 602 850 2894 Europe TEL: 44 (0)1308 456666 FAX: 44 (0)1308 456605
2012 AmSafe, Inc. AmSafe and the AmSafe logo are registered trademarks of AmSafe, Inc. All other product and service names are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

A4 02-12 HUSLE

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