AmbItion Roadshow NE Agenda - Thursday 5th March
AmbItion Roadshow NE Agenda - Thursday 5th March
AmbItion Roadshow NE Agenda - Thursday 5th March
Arts Council England, North East AmbITion Roadshow
Thursday 5th March, Tyneside Cinema, Newcastle
10.40am Introduction to the world of digital development by Hannah Rudman of AmbITion Electra
Hannah will give a speedy overview of why digital development is essential for the arts sector ,explaining
how changes in socio-economic and cultural behaviours affect the landscape in which we work. Looking at
the arts sector in the 21st century, Hannah shows how digital developments create benefits and
opportunities for any arts organisation.
12.45pm Questions from the floor and debate with the morning’s speakers
Please see the workshop attendee lists if you have forgotten what you pre-booked!
4.30pm Get Participating! The AmbITion Approach to the Digital Opportunity Electra
Hannah Rudman takes you through the methodology used by AmbITion to help develop and deliver
successful digital development projects and offers invaluable tips, tricks, and signposts case studies and
resources to help after today.