Activity 3 - Samonte 2a
Activity 3 - Samonte 2a
Activity 3 - Samonte 2a
Digital Ehancement
making Accessible Modern works
I chose this work of art because I am really into paintings
and drawings. It best describes on how technology
became part of the traditional art making. As we can see
in the picture, all the materials that are needed to
produce an art are coming out in a laptop. This implies
that technology serves to be one of the mediums of arts.
It involves any forms and tools to achieve a piece of
I named this illustration in four description. Digital art
making, through innovations of technology human
arrived to its yet the best quality form of art. Digital
objects can make an art aesthetic and more vibrant
rather than the traditional. Accessible, by having
technology it can be easily save and preserve a work of
art. It also become a tool to market and display this
wonderful creations. Modern works, through the
popularization of modernity in our world today, it is
important to suit the needs of people in arts.
Enhancement, the picture formed a deep meaning of
enhancement. New dimensions of strategies was being
applied and that makes an art outstanding to any other.
Catching the viewers attention and provide a distinct
meanings are the essence of art but with the help of
technology, this become reacher to the artist and its