Dalail Al Khayrat

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The passage provides background on Imam al-Jazouli and the Shadhiliya Sufi order in North Africa.

He was a 15th century Moroccan Sufi scholar and leader of the Shadhiliya brotherhood.

At the beginning of the 15th century, the Shadhiliya brotherhood was closely associated with political and intellectual elites of North Africa.

Dala'il al-Khayraat


Sidi Mohammed b. Sulayman al-Jazouli

Dala'il al-Khayrat wa Shawaariq al-Anwar fi Dhikri s-Salat ala n-Nabiyy al-l Mukhtaar
(The Waymarks of Benefits and the Brilliant Burst of Sunshine in the Remembrance of Blessings on the Chosen Prophet)
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Imam Sidi Mohammed ibn Sulayman al-Jazouli

At the beginning of the fifteenth century, the Shadhiliya brotherhood was closely associated with political and intellectual elites of North Africa. This was to be expected, since Sidi Abul Hassan Shadhili (d. 656/1241), Sidi Abul Abbas al-Mursi (d. 686/1271), Sidi Abd anNur al-Amrani (b. 685/1286), Sidi Madi ibn Sultan (d. 718/1318) and Sidi Ibn Abbad arRundi (d. 792/1377), all made a point of recruiting followers from the upper classes of urban society. Almost without exception, the Shadhili Sufis who appear in the biographies of the later Marinid period are ulama, courtiers, or sharifs. In the rare cases where one finds an exception to this rule, the person in question is mostly likely to be a skilled craftsperson or a vendor of luxury goods. This absence of a lower-class following indicates that the leaders of Shadhiliya in Tunis, Tlemcen, and Fez were primarily concerned with presenting their order as an alternative to the other elite Sufi orders of North Africa, such as the Sahrawardiya. To become fully integrated into the social life of the region, the Shadhiliya needed a doctrinal orientation that would appeal to people from all levels of society and enable it to transcend its patrician origins. This would be provided by a sharif and scholar from the Moroccan Sus named Sidi Abu Abdellah Mohammed ibn Abderrahman b. Abi Bakr b. Slimane al-Jazouli al-Hassani (d. 869/1454). Like Abu Abdellah ibn Yassin (d. 451/1059), Mohammed ibn Tumart (d. 524/1130) and other reformers who proceeded him Imam al-Jazouli is better remembered as a character of legend that as a real human being. Having spent the majority of his life in rural Morocco, and sojourning only briefly in the urban centres where his biographers where to live, alJazouli was known to the generations following his death for his charismatic reputation than for his Sufi teachings. Even more, because so many of the traditions that detailed his life were transcribed at a much later date from secondary sources or hearsay, none of his biographies can be considered definitive. The same can also be said of Moulay Abdessalam ibn Mashish (d. 622/1207), the teacher of Abul Hassan Shadhili, who despite the absence of any written legacy expect a short prayer called As-Salat al-Mashishiya, has risen to the status of patron saint for all Moroccan Sufism. Imam al-Jazouli's present-day reputation is based primarily on a work that was written more than two hundred years after his death: Mumti'u al-asma'a fi dhikr al-Jazouli wa at-Tabba'a wa ma lahuma mina al atba (The Delight of the Hearing in the Recollection of al-Jazouli, at-Tabba'a, and Their Followers), by the Shadhili master Sidi Mohammed al-Mahdi al-Fasi (d. 1109/1694). Although the date of Imam al-Jazouli's birth is not known, enough information exists to provide a rough outline of his origins and background. His nisba (attributional name) tells us the he came from the Simlala tribe, one of the most important Sanhaja Berber groups in Jazula. The turbulent political environment of Simlala in the fifteenth century forced the Shaykh to leave his homeland because its culture of violence made serious scholarship impossible. As it turned out, the young sharif had to travel all the way to Fez to get an education, since the insufficient intellectual resources of Marrakech, the usual destination for students from central and southern-Saharan Morocco, made study in that city impossible as well.

While in Fez, al-Jazouli lived at Madrasat al-Halfawiyyin (the present Madrasat asSaffarin), the oldest of the Marinid madaris, whose rooms were reserved for students from the Sus. While there, he studied the Mukhtasar of Ibn al-Hajib, the standard introductory work on usul al-fiqh. He also studied Al-Mudawwana al-kubra, Sahnoun's ("Abdessalam ibn Said Tanukhi Qayrawani," d. 240/854) ninth-century compendium of Maliki law. al-Jazouli's room in this madrasa is till known, and can be shown to the visitor by the madrasa's caretaker. A widely repeated account of al-Jazouli's student days conveys an image of extreme introspection. During his sojourn at Madrasat al-Halfawiyyin he would spend long periods alone in his room, leaving it only to attend class. While in his room, he would lock the door and allow no one to enter. Because of this antisocial behaviour word began to spread that al-Jazouli was concealing money. When news of these suspicions reached his father at Jazula , the latter hurried to Fez to see what was happening. Upon arriving at the madrasa, Sidi Abderrahman al-Jazouli demanded to enter his son's room. When he opened the door, he saw the word "death" (al-mawt) written over and over again on the walls. Understanding that his sons was in a deep state of spiritual contraction (qabd), he remarked to the madrasa's caretaker, "Do you see where this one is and where we are?" Tracing Imam al-Jazouli's career after the completion of his studies is problematised by spares and conflicting information. Most sources claim that he composed Dalail al-Khayrat (popular with the name of 'ad-Dalil' in Moroccan Arabic), his books of prayers on behalf of the Prophet Sidna Mohammed (peace and blessing upon him), in Fez, replying on manuscripts that were available in the library of the Al Qarawiyyine University. His biographers disagree, however, about the exact stage of his life in which this occurred. It is unlikely that al-Jazouli could have written his world-famous collection of devotions as a marginally educated faqih. Instead, this more probably occurred only after he gained a reputation for piety and erudition. Assuming this hypothesis to be correct, and given the dates of other, better known-periods of the Shaykh's life, it is most likely that al-Jazouli wrote Dalail al-Khayrat sometimes after his participation in the defence of Tangier in 841/1437. This latter conclusion is supported by a tradition recorded by the Jazulite Sufi Sidi Ahmed ibn Abil Qacem as-Suma'i (d. 1013-1604-5), who claims that al-Jazouli was told to return to Fez by a female saliha whom he encountered in Tangier. Sidi Mohammed al-Jazouli spent the years between 843/1428 and 850/1435 between Fez and Ribat Tit al-Firt while been a disciple of the venerated master Sidi Abu Abdellah Mohammed as-Saghir (d. 850/1435), master of Tariqa Sanhajiya Amghariya. al-Jazouli may have met his Shaykh and spiritual guide while a student in Fez, for the latterwhose tomb is still found in Fezwas making unstopped journeys between the cities of Morocco. This peripatetic (sai'h) Sufi, who recruited also warriors for the anti-Portuguese jihad, initiated Sidi al-Jazouli into a rural variant of Shadhiliya order which he took from Sidi Abu Uthman Said al-Hintati al-Hartanani, who succeeded his master Sidi Abderrahman ibn Ilyas Ragragi, as head of Ribat Shakir after his death. Although most sources agree with Mira't al-Mahasin (The Mirror of exemplary qualities), a hagiographical monograph written two generations after prior to Mumti'u al-asma'a by al3

Fasi's great uncle Sidi Mohammed ibn Yusuf al-Fasi (d. 1052/1637) who was master of the Shadhiliya in Fez, that al-Jazouli was initiated into the Amghari-Shadhiliya only after he had completed ad-Dalil , the spiritual maturity of this latter work, as well as the well known doctrinal orientation of Ribat Tit al-Firt and Ribat Shakir, cast doubt upon this assertion. The Sufis from these ribats practiced spiritual methods that stressed, like al-Jazouli's, the veneration of Prophet Sidna Mohammed (peace and blessing be upon him). Further evidence of a "Mohammedian" perspective at Ribat Tit and Shakir can be found in reports that in the later Marinid period the leading families of these institutions recognised the doctrinal supremacy of the Majiriya Sufi order at Ribat Asafi. The Shaykhs of the Majiriya, who maintained links with the Qadiriya Sufi tradition in the Mashriq, required aspiring disciples to pass extended periods of time at the Prophet's mosques in Medina. Al-Jazouli himself held Ribat Asafi in such high esteem that he built his own zawiya on its ruins and appropriated Sidi Abu Mohammed Salih Majiri's (d. 631/1216) rules of Sufi practice for his Sufi order. Despite the conclusions of al-Fasi and others, it is doubtful that al-Jazouli would have found that it necessary to join the Amghariya after having written an influential book pf Prophetic devotions. A Sufi who is spiritually advanced enough to produce a work like the Dalil is more likely to attract his own disciples that to search for a master. It is thus more plausible to assume that al-Jazouli composed the Dalail al-Khayrat after becoming a disciple of Sidi Abdellah Amghar, and not the other way around. If this is correct, then one might date his association with the Amghariya to the period immediately prior to his participation at the relief of Tangier in 841/1426. it is even possible that al-Jazouli fought at Tangier in the company of Amghariya, for the Banu Amghar were strong supporters of jihad and their base in northern Dukkala abutted the territory of the Shawiya Arabs, who also participated in the Tangier campaign. The death of Sidi Abu Abdellah Amghar in Fez in 850/1446 have freed al-Jazouli to travel to the Mashriq, where he performed the pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina and visit the Prophet's Sidna Mohammed (peace and blessing be upon him) mosque and tomb in Medina. He next travelled to travelled to Cairo and studied at the al-Azhar University under a mystic named Sidi Abdellaziz al-Ajami. According to Sidi Abdellah Ghazwani (d. 935/1520), the third paramount Shaykh (Shaykh al-jama'a) of the al-Jazouliya, al-Ajami had been initiated into the Shadhiliya Sufi order without intermediary (bila wasita) by Sidi Abul Hassan Shadhili himself. This practice can be explained by the saying of Abul Hassan, Al-Khadir said to me, 'O Ali I will be there for your companions after you.' To which I replied, 'No, I will be there for my companions, both the living and the dead.' He also said, I have companions born of men and women that have not yet been created, their spirits (arwahuhum) have already made the pact with me (bayani). According to an authoritative manuscript of Dalail al-Khayrat at the Bibliothque Ben Youssef in Marrakech, al-Jazouli presented the final version of this work to his disciple Sidi Mohammed Sahli (d. 917/1511). This so-called Sahli copy (an-nuskha as-Sahliya) is the standard upon which all the copies of Dalail al-Khayrat are based. Since al-Jazouli

presented the definitive version of his most famous work to Sidi Sahli a mere seven years before his death, it is hard to believe that he could have written it as early as the 840s (1425) and then carried it around the Arab World in rough-draft form for nearly two decades. A more plausible scenario is that al-Jazouli began the collection of Dalail alKhayrat upon his return to Morocco and then revised it during the period in which he organised the al-Jazouliya Sufi order. Besides being more in agreement with the evidence at hand, this assumption also assumes, as one would normally expect, that Dalail al-Khayrat was a miracle of doctrinal talent than the product of a long-term Sufi training. Upon his return to Morocco in 857/1442, al-Jazouli's innovative doctrines and charismatic personality caused a stir in Sufi circles. al-Jazouli's doctrine of mahabba (mystic love) found in the fragments of his treaties on Sufism, An-Nush at-tamm li-man qala rabbi Allah thumma istaqam (Complete advise for one who says, "My Lord is God" and follows the straight path), in particular was so powerful that it was believed that he occupied a unique station at the feet of Sidna Mohammed (peace and blessing be upon him). What sets al-Jazouli's Risala fi'l mahabba apart from others of its type in the Maghrib is that its version of the story of Joseph (Yusuf) and Potiphar's wife Zulaykha is highly atypical. Rather than adhering closely to the Quranic text of Surat Yusuf, as is usually done in the Maghrib, al-Jazouli presents this romance in a way that recalls the Persian classic Yusuf u Zulaykha by the Naqshabandi Sidi Abderrahman al-Jami of Heart (d. 898/1483). In al-Jazouli's version Zulaykha embraces the religion of Islam out of love for the handsome prophet. After realizing, however, that she can attain the full consummations of her desires only by loving God alone, she abandons her desire for Yusuf and says: "O Yusuf, I used to love you before knowing God the Exalted. But once I had come to know the One-and-Only Conqueror (al-Wahid al-Qahhar), love for anything apart for Him could not remain with [my] love for Him. Now I desire nothing but Him!" Imam al-Jazouli most likely spent the first year after his return to Morocco in Fez, where he composed the initial draft of Dalail al-Khayrat and reassessed the social and political situation of his country. Then he travelled via Ribat Tit al-Fitr to his natal village of Tankarat in Jazula. After recruiting his first disciples among the Awlad Amr and Banu Ma'aqil Arab tribes in the Sus, he moved to the city of Asafi (which had by then grown in importance to become the port of Marrakech) and established a zawiya on the sight of the ribat of Sidi Abu Mohammed al-Majiri. Al-Jazouli clearly thought of this master as the inspiration for his own model of institutional Sufism. In another fragment from an-Nush attamm he encourages his readers to use al-Majiri's treaties Ma'adin al-jawahir (The Mine of Jewels) as a manual of Sufi practice. Imam al-Jazouli borrowed heavily from the institutional repertoire of Majiriya Sufi Order and required his disciples to adopt the patched cloak (muraqqa'a), staff ('asa), pouch (rakwa) and soft felt cup (shashiya) of Majiri fuqara. An important difference between the al-Jazouliya and the Majiriya, however, was the nomadic mystics (salihun) of the alJazouliya were encouraged to visit other saints in Morocco instead of performing the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina. This emphasis on visits to living Shaykhs and the shrines

of local saints was in part due to the fact that the pilgrimage centres of the Mashriq were often inaccessible to fifteenth-century Moroccans. The Falls of Sabta to the Portuguese, the dissolution of governmental authority in the central and western Morocco, and increased corsair activity in the western Mediterranean all conspired to cut off most of the sea and land routes used by North African pilgrims on their journeys to the East. One can assume, however, al-Jazouli also had a more instrumental purpose in ordering his followers to stay at home. His emphasis on visiting local religious leaders prepared an already-established Sufi network for political mobilisation and promoted a distinct, regional identity for the alJazouliya that set it apart from other Sufi orders in the Maghrib. Imam al-Jazouli also appropriated Abu Mohammed Salih's three doctrinal pillars of repentance (tawba), invocation (dikhr), and virtue (sala'h). The male aspirant who wished to join the al-Jazouliya first had to demonstrate his repentance by shaving off his "hair of unbelief" (sha'ar al-kufr)in the manner of a Meccan pilgrimas a symbol of his desire to break with the past. This custom, which was based on the Prophet's practice of cutting off the coiled locks of Arabs who converted to Islam from polytheism, was used by al-Jazouli as both a rite of passage and a symbol of initiation into Tariqa al-Jazouliya as an institution. Once tonsured, and after a forty-day regime of fasting and seclusion, the faqir became a full member of the order and swore an oath of allegiance (bay'a) to Shaykh al-Jazouli as his personal imam. Simply becoming a member of the al-Jazouliya, however, was not enough for one to become a full-fledged Sufi. It was still necessary for the faqir to acquire personal discipline, eliminate discord (both within the individual and between the individual and others), and establish brotherhood (ukhuwwa). To help in the accomplishment of these goals, Imam alJazouli required the faqir to follow a fourteenth-step programme, which he called his "Rules of Repentance" (shurut as-tawba). After following these rules for a sufficient amount of time, the Jazulite initiate, who has now advanced to the stage of the "sincere discipline" (murid sadiq), must complete his training by acquiring ten attributes that summarise the essence of the Jazulite way. To eliminate any feeling of self-importance that might remain to the faqir, these attributes are specifically related to the example of a dog: In the dog are ten praiseworthy attributes that are found in the sincere disciple: (1) he sleeps only a little at night; this is the signs of the lovers of God (muhibbin); (2) he complains of neither heat nor cold; this is a sign of the patient (sabirin); (3) when he dies, he leaves nothing behind which can be inherited from him; this is a sign of the ascetics (zahidin); (4) he is neither angry nor hateful; this is a sign of the faithful (muminin); (5) he is not sorrowful at the loss of a close relative, nor does he accept assistance; this is a sign of the secure (muqinin); (6) if he is given something, he consumes it and is content; this is a sign of the contented (qani'in); (7) he has no known place of refuge, this is a sign of the wanderers (sai'hin); (8) he sleeps in any place that he finds; this is a sign of the satisfied (radiyin); (9) once he knows his master, he never hates him, even if he beats him or starves him; this is a sign of the knowers ('arifin); (10) he is always hungry; this is a sign of the virtuous (salihin).

The cornerstone of Jazulite praxis was the daily recitation of prayers on behalf of the Prophet Sidna Mohammed (peace and blessing be upon him) from Dalail al-Khayrat and the morning and noon recitation of al-Jazouli's Hizb al-Falah (Litany of good fortune). To these were added Sidi Abul Hassan Shadhili's Hizb al-Barr (Litany of the land) and Al-Musabba'at al-'Ashr (The Ten sevens), a collection of Quranic invocations complied by Sidi Abu Talib alMakki (d. 386/996) but attributed to Sidna al-Khadir. Imam al-Jazouli also composed another litany, Hizb al-Jazouli (The Litany of al-Jazouli) or Hizb Subhana ad-Daim (The "Glory Be to the Eternal), which was reserved for the use of his family. In the generation after his death, this litany was appropriated by his indirect disciple Sidi Mohammed al-Hadi Ben Aissa (Patron Saint of Meknes; d. 933/1518). The authority of the spiritual master in the al-Jazouliya was absolute. al-Jazouli and his successors expected unquestioning obedience from their followers, and they were looked upon as inerrant sources of divine knowledge. "One must cleave to spiritual masters", said Imam al-Jazouli, Even if they are in Baghdad, for going to them brings illumination, mercy, and the Secrets to hearts." The fully actualised Jazulite Shaykh (Shaykh al-Wasil) "has arrived at the station of direct perception (maqam al-mushahada) and has disappeared into the lights of perfections, such that he is concerned with nothing but the King of Truth. When he returns among humankind, he returns with illumination (anwar), knowledge ('ulum), and laws (ahkam). He who follows him is educated and inspired, and understands what those who are cut off from him will never understand." Bu this was not all. Shaykh al-Wasil was essential to the disciple because he drew his wisdom from the divine source of prophecy itself: "Write down what you hear from me, for I am an intermediary between yourselves and the Truth. The Truth illuminates and the slave understands. He who is inspired toward the right (as-sawab) has an obligation to speak, and [his guidance] is a benefit to others." The fact that Shaykh al-Wasil possessed such as quasiprophetic knowledge made obeying him a near-canonical obligation: "He who follows the example of his Shaykh follows the example of his Lord. For the sacredness of ('hurma) of the Shaykh before his disciples is like the sacredness of the Prophet before the Companions." Because of his charismatic personality and penchant for uttering ecstatic statements (shatahat), few of those who came into contact with Imam al-Jazouli were able to remain neutral. The Imam justified his ecstatic statements by asserting that he was the Mujaddid, the Renewer of his age, whose prerogatives included a sort of poetic licence in regard to divinely inspired utterances. The tradition of the Renewer in Islam is based on a hadith from the Sunan of Abu Dawud which states: "God will send to this community at the turn of every century someone who will restore religion." This person is most is most often described in Muslim sources as a scholar who will restore the original purity of Islam by returning Muslims to the Prophetic Sunna. It was not difficult for the juridically trained al-Jazouli to portray himself as a Mujaddid. By composing Dalail al-Khayrat and thus focusing attention on the specifically "Mohammadian" aspects of divine inspiration, he was in a favourable position to cast himself as a reviver of the Sunna.

Imam al-Jazouli demonstrated his closeness to Allah and the Prophet Sidna Mohammed (peace and blessing be upon him) through divine inspirations (ilhamat), divine addresses (muhadathat), and divine conversations with God (mukalamat). These attestations of divine favour also served as proofs of his wilaya (sainthood) by confirming his exalted ranks as the Khalifa (successor) of the Prophet, Mahdi, and Qutb az-Zaman (Axis of the Age). Many of al-Jazouli's statements consist of bold declarations of unparalleled spiritual supremacy, both among his contemporaries and in comparison of old generations of Sufis. Unlike the mahdist leaders of past generations, however, al-Jazouli's doctrines were attractive to all classes of society; poor and rich, illiterate and educated. Eventually, the political potential of his followers was to provoke the Marinid Sultan Abdellhaqq II (d. 869/1454) into opposition against the Shaykh and his supporters. Several of Imam al-Jazouli's muhadathat call for the revival of Islam under a divinely guided imam. These discourses are replete with double meaning and make use of ambiguous and highly provocative vocabulary: Reputation is not gained through possessions or sons. Instead, reputation comes from one's repute before the Lord of Lords. One is not great because of the glory of wealth and children. Rather, one is great because of the glory of God and His attributes. One is not great because of the greatness of his tribe or his love of high rank. Instead, one is great because of the greatness of nobility (sharaf) and lineage (nasab). I am noble in lineage (ana sharifun fi-n nasab). My ancestor is the Messenger of God (peace and blessing be upon him) and I am nearer to him than all of God's creation. My reputation is eternal, dyed in gold and silver. Oh you who desire gold and silver, follow us, for he who follows us dwells in the heights of 'illiyyun in this world and the Hereafter! Past nations (umam) have asked to be included in our polity (dawlatuna). Yet no one can be included in it unless he has already attained salvation (sa'ada). Our polity is the state (dawla) of those who strive (mujtahidin) and struggle (mujahidin) in the path of Allahfighters against the enemy of Allah. The kings of the Earth are in my hands and under my feet! Oh assembly of Muslims! Look at your Master, for He is with me! I have no perception (nadhar) except through Him. His perfection (kamal) has encompassed my chest and my life. Indeed, it has encompassed me for all of my life! His perfection has annihilated me from everything other than him. Oh you who would see me on earth! See me instead in Heaven, on the Throne, and even above it! Do you not know that the axial saints (aqtab) are needed by every created being? They are in the station of prophethood (maqam an-nubuwa), revealing the divine secret (yafshuna as-sirr)!

Oh assembly of Muslims! Do you know that the Chosen One (peace and blessing be upon him) is near to me (qaribun minni) and that his authority (hukmuhu) is in my hands? He who follows me is his follower, but he who does not follow me will never be his follower. I have heard [the Prophet] say (peace and blessing be upon him): "You are the Mahdi! He who desires to be saved (man arada an yus'ada) must come to you!" Oh assembly of Muslims! Cleave to the community of the Chosen One (peace and blessing be upon him) and do not cleave to his enemies because of your rejection of the faith, disputes, cheating, or treason! Oh assembly of Muslims! God has created one to guide you at the end of time, so praise him! Oh assembly of Muslims! No one hates us for our covenant with God except the one who possesses neither this world nor the hereafter, and no one is jealous of our obedience to God (the Glorious the Mighty) except the one who has no fortune with God (the Glorious the Mighty)! Oh my Murid! Do not resent what I have given you of my speech (haditi) and my words (kalami). For I have spoken to you in pre-eternity (azal) before your existence. I have renewed your understanding after your creation and illuminated your heart before your existence. I have illuminated your essence after your creation, I have made known to you the details of my knowledge, and I have honoured you among the best of my creation. I have inspired you to hearken into me, I have given you authority over the finest of my creatures, and I have bestowed on you the greatest secret. Oh my Murid!, all of the ulama are in your grasp! It is not difficult to imagine the fear that such proclamations, coming from a man who attracted more than 12,000 followers in less than thirteen years, provoked in the ruler of a Marinid state that was disintegrating from within. The doctrines of Imam al-Jazouli scandalised the ulama of Fez and even some of his fellow Sufis. Since the Imam's openness were particularly concerned about his use of institutional symbology, such as shaving the head wearing the distinctive garments of the Majiriya brotherhood, and reaffirming the ethos of Moroccan Sufism through the practice of visiting spiritual masters, it is clear that what was most threatening to vested interests was the idea of Jazulite corporateness. AlJazouli was little concerned with these fears, however, and even condemned the ulama of Morocco for their hypocrisy and irrelevance, especially with regard to their failure to arouse the Muslim masses in defence of their religion. "Say to the ulama," he told his disciples, "How happy you would be if only you were sincere!" The Shaykh reserved his most bitter invectives for those scholars who, while criticising rural Sufis for their lack of religious knowledge, allowed the masses of Morocco to slip into ever deeper levels of ignorance and corruption. By living off the wealth of their sinecures and doing little to spread their knowledge to others, these ulama shared responsibility for the rise of Christian-inspired customs and social deviance in the Moroccan countryside. In his 'Aqida (creedal manifesto), Imam al-Jazouli lays such problems as hooliganism, the

indiscriminate mixing of the sexes, and full body tattooing squarely at the feet of the scholarly establishment. Rather than wasting their time making pronouncements about the permissibility of minor variations in Islamic practice, the ulama should instead teach the fundamental values of Islam to everyone: "Teach the women and children, the Sufis and the masses, whether free or slave, especially if they are closely tied [to you] by contract or personal relationship, such as family or others. The Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) said: 'God has not charged anyone with a sin greater than the ignorance of his people.'" News of the unrest in Fez must certainly have reached Asafi, where Imam al-Jazouli had been calling for jihad since his arrival. The merchants of the city, who at the time numbered as many as six hundred individuals, were loath to abandon the profits they were earning from the Portuguese, who used Asafi as a source of the trade items that they exchanged for gold on the West African coast. These dealing were severally criticised by al-Jazouli and his disciples, who resided in a great circle of tents around Sidi Abu Mohammed Salih's ribat. This restless mass of Sufis and Arab tribesmen, who at the time numbered half of the population of Asafi itself, posed an unacceptable threat to the city's elites. Cognizant of the fact that they could not assert their independence with impunity, the merchants forced the Marinid governor of Asafi to summon al-Jazouli to an audience. "Fearing him because of the number of people around him (muhibbin) and fearing that the Shaykh's followers (muridin) might push them out of their world." The governor challenged Imam al-Jazouli with an ultimatum. "If you do not get away from me, I will red myself of you!" To which the Shaykh's replied: "I am the one who will get away from you, but you will follow me as well!" This prediction came true only two years later, when the merchants of Asafi, now in league of the Portuguese, proclaimed their city independence from Fez and forced the hapless governor to flee from his life. After being expelled from the city, Imam al-Jazouli and his entourage moved south to Haha, a foothill region of the High Atlas mountains midway between the economically important Dukkala and the Sus and a strategic location to the defence of central Morocco. The Imam established his new ribat at Afughal, in the At Dawud tribal region east of the present town of Tamanar. In fact, he maintained two ribats in the region: one for use in the summer and one for use in the winter. The Imam's summer ribat have been near the pass of Sidi Ali Mashu in Jabal Igran, where the High Atlas mountains rise to an altitude of over 6,000 feet. His winter ribat, by contrast, have been located nearer the coastbelow Jabal Amsitten near the present town of Smimouwhere the Atlas foothills reached no more than 3,00 feet in elevation. The military force of the Imam based in these ribats has served as a buffer against Christian incursions by threatening the Portuguese at both Asafi to the north and Massa to the south.


Qutb Imam Sidi Mohammed ibn Sulayman al-Jazouli Qutb Sidi Abdellaziz Tabba'a (d. 914/1499)
Sidi Abul Abbas Ahmed Sufyani Harithi Shaykh al-Kamil Sidi Mohammed Ben Aissa (d. 933/1518) Sidi Abu Ruwayin Belmahjoub (d. before 960/1553) Sidi Abderrahman Majdoub (d. 976/1561) Sidi Abul Mahasin Yusuf al-Fasi (d. 1013/1598) Qutb Sidi Abdellah Ghazwani (d. 935/1528) Sidi Mohammed Misbahi atTaleb (d. 964/1557) Sidi Ali ibn Ahmed Karfiti Sarsari alHassani (d. 1027/1618) Qutb Moulay Abdellah Sharif Wazzani (d. 1089/1697) Qutb Sidi Mohammed ibn Abdellah Wazzani (d. 1120/1705) Qutb Sidi Abdelkarim alFallah (d. 933/1518) Sidi Abu Amr alQastali (d. 974/1559) Sidi Abu Bakr Majjati Dilai (d. 1021/1612) Mohammed alFasi (d. after 1021/1612) Qutb Sidi Mhammed ben Nasir Dar'i (d. 1085/1694) Sidi Mohammed Misbahi at-Taleb (d. 964/1557) Sidi Ahmed al-Hassani Fasi (d. 950/1535) Sidi Mohammed alGhumari al-Maliqi al-Fasi (d. 998/1583) Sidi Ahmed alHabib Rundi al-Fasi (d. 1013/1598) Sidi Ahmed alHabib al-Andalusi al-Rundi al-Fasi (d. 1013/1598) Sidi Ali Salih al-Andalusi al-Fasi (d. 903/1488) Sidi Mohammed Zaytouni (d. after 900/1485) Sidi Mohammed b. Yajbash Tazi (d. 920/1505) Sidi Abi Mohammed alQarwani (d.after 914/1499) Sidi Abdellah ben Sasi (d. 961/1554 in Marrakech) Qutb Sidi Mohammed Bou'abid Sharqi (d. 1010/1495 in Abi Jaad) Sidi Mohammed al-Muati Sharqi (d. 1092/ 1681) Sidi Mohammed al-Salih Sharqi (d. 1193/ 1727)

For Sidi Mohammed ibn Slimane al-Jazouli, social consciousness was part of the very essence of Sufism. For this reason, he promoted social activism in his 'Aqida. A genre of religious literature that is usually devoted to doctrinal matters alone. In this short treaties, he calls on his followers to everything possible to improve the moral standards of their communities. Addressing the Arab pastoralists who resided near his ribat at Afughal, he condemns their drunkenness, immorality, and body tattooing, and he criticises those who engage in such behaviours as "madmen (majanin), enemies of God, the Messenger, and

religion, and enemies of those God-fearing souls who call [people] to Him." As a remedy for their sins, he suggested that they give up their nomadic lifestyle and take up farming (hiratha). This perception indicates that the Imam wanted his pastoralist followers to abandon their predatory ways for a livelihood that fostered creation and nurturance rather than destruction and theft. It may also indicate that he sought to institute a policy of sedentarisation, since the stability of fixed adobe made Sufi training and socialisation easier to accomplish. Imam al-Jazouli was to spend no more than six years at Afughal. According to the testimony of his closest disciples, on the fourth day of Dul-Qi'ada 869 (28 June 1465), he collapsed and died while making his Subh prayer. Because of the suddenness of his death and the fact that he gave no sign of illness beforehand, it was immediately assumed that the someone had poisoned him. Almost as soon as the Shaykh's body was wrapped in its burial shroud, a dispute arose between the Sufi adepts in the Shaykh's entourage and his pastoralist followers of Banu Ma'aqil, who revered him not as a teacher and mystic but as a divinely appointed leader and man of power. This confrontation was lost by the Sufi adepts, who were forced to leave Afughal and take up residence elsewhere in Morocco. The departure of al-Jazouli's most learned companions now meant that both his ribat and mortal remains were under the control of unlettered Banu Ma'aqil bedouins. On the advise of the marginally educated Amr ibn as-Sayyaf, al-Jazouli was placed in a movable ark (tabut) rather than being buried in the ground. The sudden death of the Imam and the revolt of Ibn Sayyaf in the regions of Haha and Shyazma are the most significant plot reversals in the narrative of al-Jazouli's life. Rather than been buried, al-Jazouli's body was left in an ark so that it could be taken on campaigns as a talisman of victory. When not in the field, the ark that held the Shaykh's remains was placed in an open-air ribat on the summit of a hill near Qal'at al-Muridin, where it was guarded around the clock and illuminated at night by large torches. al-Jazouli Sufi biographers, who wished to avoid tainting his reputation while at the same time blackening that of Ibn as-Sayyaf, are anonymous in asserting that this rebel never lost a battle while the ark containing the Shaykh's body was with him. The emplotment of the al-Jazouli's career as a saint comes to an end in 890/1485, with murder of Ibn Sayyaf at the hands of his wife after finding him in bed with her daughter. The biographers of Imam al-Jazouli state that the fear of another uprising, in which alJazouli's body would once again be dug up by restive tribespeople, was the main reason why the Saadian sharif Ahmed al-Araj moved the Shaykh's never-corrupted body to Marrakech in the year 940/1525, including him hence in his Sab'atu Rijal project to the city. Furthermore, it is an open secret that Imam al-Jazouli's shrine in the district of Riyad Laarous that the Shaykh's body is not buried under the catafalque where most visitors pay their respects. Instead it is located deep beneath the wall behind the catafalque. Jazulite Sufis thus pay their respects to the left of the catafalque, facing the wall behind the muqaddam's seat. In the following century of Imam al-Jazouli's death, under the influence of his disciples and allied mystics, the violent paradigm of political authority would be replaced by a sharifian

doctrine that created a distinct identity for Morocco and laid the ideological foundations for the country's Alawite present monarchy.


The Beginning of the Dala'il al-Khayrat Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Allah is enough for me and the best Protector. There is no power nor strength except by Allah, the High, the Immense. O Allah, I am free myself of my power and strength in favour of Your power and Your strength. I draw near to you by the prayer on our maser Mohammed, your slave, Prophet and Messenger, the Master of the Messengers, may Allah Almighty bless him and grant him and all of them peace, in obedience to Your command, affirming him, loving him, yearning for him and respecting his worth and the fact that he (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) is worthy of that. Accept it from us by Your grace and make me one of Your righteous slaves. Give me success in reading it always by his rank with You. May Allah bless our master Mohammed and his family and all his Companions. I ask forgiveness of Allah, the Immense. (3 times) Glory be to Allah and praise belong to Allah (3 times) Allah is enough for me and the best Guardian. (3 times) Then you recite: I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan. In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, Most Merciful Surat al-Ikhlas (3 times): 1 Say: He is Allah, Absolute Oneness. 2 Allah the Everlasting Sustainer of all. 3 He has not given birth and was not born. 4 And no one is comparable to Him.


The two final Quranic chapter of protection: In the name of Allah, All-Merciful, Most Merciful 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of Daybreak, from the evil of what He has created and from the evil of the darkness when it gathers and from the evil of women who blow on knots and from the evil of an envier when he envies.

In the name of Allah, All-Merciful, Most Merciful 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind, the King of mankind, the God of mankind, from the evil of the insidious whisperer who whispers in people's breasts and comes from the jinn and mankind.

The Fatiha: In the name of Allah, All Merciful, Most Merciful 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds, the All Merciful, the Most Merciful the King of the Day of Judgement. You alone we worship To You alone we turn for help. Guide us on the Straight Path, the Path of those whom You have blessed, not of those with anger on them, nor of the misguided.

In the name of Allah, All Merciful, Most Merciful 1. ALIF. LAM. MIM. That is the Book with no doubt. There is guidance in it for the godfearing:

2. those who believe in the Unseen and establish the prayer and give of what We have provided for them; 3. who believe in what has been sent down to you and what was sent down before you, and are certain of the Next World. 4. They are the people guided by their Lord. They are the successful. Then one recites the Most Beautiful Names: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Allah, may He be exalted! The All-Merciful, may He be exalted! The Most Merciful, may He be exalted The King, may He be exalted The All-Pure, may He be exalted The Peace, may He be exalted The Faithful, may He be exalted The Preserver, may He be exalted The Almighty, may He be exalted The Compeller, may He be exalted The Proud, may He be exalted The Creator, may He be exalted The Maker, may He be exalted The Fashioner, may He be exalted The Pardoning, may He be exalted The All-Victorious, may He be exalted The Giver, may He be exalted The Provider, may He be exalted The Opener, may He be exalted The All-Knowing, may He be exalted The Withholder, may He be exalted The Expander, may He be exalted The Exalter, may He be exalted The Honourer, may He be exalted The Humbler, may He be exalted The All-Hearing, may He be exalted The All-Seeing, may He be exalted

28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62.

The Judge, may He be exalted The Just, may He be exalted The Subtle (Latif), may He be exalted The All-Aware, may He be exalted The Forbearing, may He be exalted The Immense, may He be exalted The Forgiving, may He be exalted The Thankful, may He be exalted The High, may He be exalted The Great, may He be exalted The Guardian, may He be exalted The Well-Furnished, may He be exalted The Reckoner, may He be exalted The Majestic, may He be exalted The Generous, may He be exalted The Watcher, may He be exalted The Answerer, may He be exalted The Vast, may He be exalted The Wise, may He be exalted The Loving, may He be exalted The Glorious, may He be exalted The Quickener, may He be exalted The Witness, may He be exalted The Truth, may He be exalted The Protector, may He be exalted The Strong, may He be exalted The Firm, may He be exalted The Patron, may He be exalted The Praiseworthy, may He be exalted The Counter, may He be exalted The Originator, may He be exalted The Returner, may He be exalted The Reviver, may He be exalted The One who makes to die, may He be exalted The Living, may He be exalted

63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97.

The Self-Sustaining, may He be exalted The Finder, may He be exalted The Noble, may He be exalted The One, may He be exalted The Unique, may He be exalted The Eternal, may He be exalted The All-Powerful, may He be exalted The Prevailing, may He be exalted The Advancer, may He be exalted The Deferrer, may He be exalted The First, may He be exalted The Last, may He be exalted The Outward, may He be exalted The Inward, may He be exalted The Safeguard, may He be exalted The Self-Exalted, may He be exalted The Benign, may He be exalted The Relenting, may He be exalted The Avenger, may He be exalted The Pardoner, may He be exalted The Compassionate, may He be exalted The Possessor of the Kingdom, may He be exalted Lord of Majesty and Honour, may He be exalted The Equitable, may He be exalted The Gatherer, may He be exalted The Rich, may He be exalted The Enricher, may He be exalted The Bestower, may He be exalted The Shield, may He be exalted The Afflicter, may He be exalted The Benefactor, may He be exalted The Light, may He be exalted The Guide, may He be exalted The Contriver, may He be exalted The Lasting, may He be exalted

98. The Heir, may He be exalted 99. The Guide to the Right Path, may He be exalted 100. The Patient, may He be exalted. His Essence is pure above any likeness and His Attributes are exalted beyond any resemblance to something similar. He is One, not in fewness, and Exists, not from a cause. He is known for kindness and described with going the best, and this description is without end. He is First without beginning and Last without end. Sons are not ascribed to Him. The passage of moments does not exhaust Him nor does the years weakened Him. All creatures are subject to His immensity. His command is the kaf and nun [Be!]. The sincere are familiar with His dhikr and the eyes delight in His vision. The unifiers delight in His oneness (tawhid). He guided the people who obey Him to a straight path and He allowed the people of His love to have the Gardens of Bliss. He knows the number of the breaths of His creatures by His pre-eternal knowledge. He sees the movements of the feet of ants in the dark night. The birds glorify Him in their nests and wild animals celebrate His glory in the wilderness. He has full knowledge of the actions of His slave, both in secret and public. He guarantees the believers His support and help. Fearful hearts are put at rest by His dhikr and harm is removed. One of His signs is that the heaven and earth are sustained by His command. His knowledge encompasses all things. He forgives the wrong actions of those who commit them out of generosity and forbearance. "There is nothing like Him and He is the All-Hearing. All-Seeing." O Allah! Protect us from the will which You will and however You will. You have the power to do whatever You will (3 times) O best Protector! O Best Helper!, Forgive us, our Lord! The ultimate end is to You. There is no power nor strength except by Allah, the High, the Immense. Glory be to You! We cannot number Your praises as You praise Yourself. Your Face is majestic and Your honour exalted. Allah does whatever He wishes by His power and judges what He wills by His might.

O Living, O Self-Sustaining! O Originator of the heavens and the earth. O Lord of Majesty and Honour! There is no god but You. We seek help by Your mercy. We seek protect from Your punishment. O You who help those who ask for help! There is no god but You! By the honour of our master Mohammed (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) give us succour and show us mercy! May the mercy of Allah and His blessings be upon you, People of the House. He is Praiseworthy, Glorious.

"Allah desires to remove all impurity from you, People of the House, and to purify you completely." "Allah and His angels call down blessings on the Prophet. O you who believe! Call down blessings on him and ask for complete peace and safety for him."
O Allah, call down the bless blessing on the happiest of Your creatures, our master Mohammed and on his family and Companions and grant him peace in number as great as what You know and the ink of Your words when those who remember You and those who neglect to remember You neglect. If you see your nafs dominating you, and it leads you into the fire of desires, Then avert its desires with the prayer, persisting in it, and especially with the Dala'il al-Khayrat. Hold fast to the Dala'il al-Khayrat, and cling to its recitation and you will obtain what you wish. The radiance of lights shines by it, O brother, leaving it is not proper. Chapter on virtue of the prayer on the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace Allah, 'azza wa jalla, said: "Allah and His angels call down blessings on the Prophet. O you who believe! Call down blessings on him and ask for complete peace and safety for him." (Qur'an 33:56) It is related that the

Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) came out one day and joy could be seen in his face. He said, "Jibril, peace be upon him, came to me and said, 'Are you not pleased, O Mohammed, that none of your community blesses you but that I bless him ten times, and none of your community prays for peace on you, but that I pray it for him ten times.'" The Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, "The people most deserving of me are those who pray the most for blessing on me." The Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, "If someone blesses me, the angels bless him as long as he continues to bless me, so let him diminish that or increase it." The Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, "It is enough miserliness in a man that when I am mentioned in his presence, he does not call down blessing on me. The Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, "Pray for blessing for me a lot every Friday." He (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, "If anyone of my community says one prayer on me, ten good actions are written down for him and ten bad actions are effaced from him." The Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) "My intercession will be available on the Day of Rising to anyone who says, after hearing the adhan, 'O Allah! Lord of this perfect call and established prayer, give Mohammed 'al-wasila' and superiority and raise him up to the praiseworthy station which You promised him." The Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, "If someone blesses me in a book, the angels do not cease to bless him as long as my name is in that book." Abu Sulayman ad-Darani said, "If someone wants to ask Allah for a need, he should begin with the prayer on the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) then ask Allah for his need, and then seal it with the prayer on the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Allah


will accept the two prayers, and is too generous to omit what is between the two." It is related that the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, "If someone blesses me 100 times on Friday, he will be forgiven the mistakes of 80 years." Abu Hurayra, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, "The one who blesses me has a light on the Sirat, and whoever is among the people of light on the Sirat is not one of the people of the Fire." The Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, "Whoever forgets the prayer on me has missed the Path of the Garden." By "forgetting", he meant omission. As the omitter misses the Path of the Garden, the one who blesses him travels to the Garden. It is related from ''Abdur-Rahman ibn 'Awf, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, "Jibril came to me, peace be upon him, and said, 'O Mohammed! No one blesses you but that 70,000 angels bless him, and whomever the angels bless is among the people of the Garden." The Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, ""Those of you who do the most prayers on me will have the most wives in the Garden." It is related that the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, "When someone blesses me greatly according to what is due me, Allah, 'azza wa jalla, creates from that word an angel with one wing in the east and one wing in the west with his feet resting in the lowest of the earth, and his neck bowed under the Throne. Allah, 'azza wa jalla, says to him, 'Bless My slave as he blessed My Prophet,' and he will continue to bless him until the Day of Resurrection." It is related that the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, "People will come to the Water Basin on the Day of Resurrection

whom I will only recognise by the great amount that they asked for blessings for me." It is related that the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, "If someone blesses me once, Allah blesses him ten times; and if someone blesses me ten times, Allah blesses him one hundred times; and if someone blesses me one hundred times, Allah blesses one thousand times; and whoever blesses me one hundred times, Allah will forbid his body to the Fire, strengthen him with a firm word in the life of this world and in the Next in the questioning, and He will admit him to the Garden. His prayers on me will come to him as a light on the Day of Resurrection on the Sirat, visible at a distance of 500 years, and Allah will give him a castle in the Garden for every prayer that he prayed for me, whether there is little or a lot." The Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, "There is no slave who prays for blessing for me but that the prayer issues quickly from his mouth, and there is no land or sea nor east nor west but that it passes by them and says, 'I am the prayer of such-and-such a person, which he prayed for the Mohammed, the Chosen, the best of Allah's creation,' and there is nothing which does not bless him. From that prayer a bird is created for him which has 70,000 wings, and on every wing are 70,000 feathers, and in every feather are 70,000 faces, and in every face are 70,000 mouths, and in every mouth are 70,000 tongues, and every tongue glorifies Allah ta'ala in 70,000 languages, and Allah writes for him the reward of all of that." It is related from 'Ali ibn Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, "If someone asks for blessing on me 100 times on Friday, when the Day of Resurrection comes, he will come with a light, and had that light been divided among all of creation, it would have been enough for them." It is mentioned in some traditions that written on the leg of the Throne is, "If someone yearns for Me, I show mercy to him. If someone asks of Me, I give to him. If someone draws near to Me by the prayer on Mohammed,

I forgive him his wrong actions, even if they were as much as the froth of the sea." It is related that one of the Companions, may Allah be pleased with all of them, said, "There is no gathering in which our master Mohammed (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) is blessed but that a pleasant scent spreads from it until it reaches the clouds of the sky and the angels say, 'This is a gathering in which Mohammed (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) is blessed.'" It is mentioned in some traditions that when a believing slave, male or female, begins the prayer on Mohammed (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) the doors of heaven are opened to him as well as its pavilions as far as the Throne. Not an angel remains in the heavens who does not bless our master Mohammed and ask for forgiveness for that slave, male or female as Allah wills. The Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said,, "If someone has a pressing need, he should increase the prayer on me, for it removes cares, griefs and sorrows, and it increases provision and fulfils needs." It is related that one of the righteous said, "I had a neighbour who was scribe. He died, and I saw him in a dream and I asked him, 'What has Allah done with you?' He replied, 'He has forgive me.' I asked, 'For what reason?' He said, 'When I used to write the name of Mohammed (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) in a book, I blessed him, so my Lord has covered me with what no eye has seen nor ear has heard nor has occurred to a mortal heart.'" It is reported from Anas that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, "None of you believes until I am more beloved to him than himself and what he possesses and his son and father and all people." In a hadith, 'Umar said, "O Messenger of Allah, you are more beloved to me than everything except my self which is between my sides." So he, blessing and peace be upon him, said to him, "You will not be a

believer until I am more beloved to you than your self." So 'Umar said, "By He who revealed the Book to you, you are more beloved to me than my self." So the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, "Now, 'Umar, your iman is complete." The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was asked, "When will I be a believer (or in another variant, a sincere believer)?" He answered, "When you love Allah." It was asked, "And when will I love Allah?" He replied, "When you love His Messenger." It was said, "And when will I love His Messenger?" He said, "When you follow his Path, apply his sunna, love with his love and hate with his hate, and choose friends those he befriends and choose enemies by his enmity. People differ in faith according to their difference in love of me, and they differ in kufr according to their hate for me." Is it not the case that there is no iman for whoever has no love of him? Is it not the case that there is no iman for whoever has no love of him? Is it not the case that there is no iman for whoever has no love of him? It was said to the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) "We see believers who are humble and believers who are not humble. What is the reason for that?" He replied, "The one who experiences sweetness in his faith is humble, and the one does not experience it is not humble." It was asked, "By what is it found, or obtained and gained?" He answered, "By sincere love for Allah." It was asked, "And by what is love of Allah found or by what is it gained?" He said, "By love of His Messenger. So seek the pleasure of Allah and the pleasure of His Messenger through loving them." The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was asked, "Who are the family of Mohammed whom we are commanded to love, honour and show reverence to?" He replied, "The people of purity and fidelity who believes in me and are sincere." He was asked, "What are their signs?" He answered, "Preferring love of me above every other beloved and being occupied inwardly remembering me after remembering

Allah." In another variant: "Their sign is constantly remembering me and frequently asking for blessing upon me." The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was asked, "Who is the one strongest in faith in you?" He answered, "The one who did not see me and yet believed in me with yearning for me and sincere love for me. The sign of that is that he would wish to give all he possesses to see me. (Another variant has: "all the gold in the earth.") Such is the one who truly believes in me and has sincere true love of me." It was said to the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) "What do you think is that state of those who pray for blessing on you who are not with you or who will come after you?" He said, "I hear the prayer of the people of my love and I know them. The prayer of other than them is presented to me." The Names of our master Mohammed (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) which are 201

"Allah and His angels call down blessings on the Prophet. O you who believe! Call down blessings on him and ask for complete peace and safety for him.
O Allah, bless and grant peace and blessings to the one whose name is the noblest of names, Sayyiduna Mohammed, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. O Allah bless and grant peace and blessings to the one whose name is Sayyiduna Ahmad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. O Allah, bless and grant peace and blessing to the one whose name is Sayyiduna Hamid (Praiser), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Mahmud (praised), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Ahid, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Wahid (Unique) may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Mahi (Obliterator), may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

Hashir (Gatherer) , may Allah bless him and grant him peace. 'Aqib (Successor), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Taha, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Yasin, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Tahir (Pure), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Mutahhar (Purified) may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Tayyib (Good), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Sayyid (Master), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Rasul (Messenger), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Nabi' (Prophet), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The Messenger of Mercy, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Qayyim (Upright), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Jami' (Joiner), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Muqtafi (Follower), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Muqaffa (Preferred model), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The Messenger of fierce battles, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The Messenger of repose, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Kamil (Perfect), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Iklil (Crown), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Muddaththir (Shrouded), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Muzzammil (Enwrapped, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. 'Abdullah (Slave of Allah), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Habibu'llah (Beloved of Allah), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Safiyu'llah (Sincere friend of Allah), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Najiyyu'llah (Intimate friend of Allah), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Kalimu'llah (Spoken to by Allah), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Seal of the Prophets, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

Seal of the Messengers, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Muhyi (Reviver), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Munji (Rescuer), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Mudhakkir (Reminder), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Nasir (Helper), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Mansur (Victorious), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Prophet of Mercy, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Prophet of repentance, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Anxious over you, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Ma'lum (Known),may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Shahir (Famous), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Shahid (Attestor), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Shahid (Witness), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Mashud (Witnessed), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Bashir (Bringer of good tidings), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Mubashshir (Announcer), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Nadhir (Warner), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Mundhir (Cautioner), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Light, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The lamp, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The lantern, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Huda (Guidance), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Mahdi (Guided), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Munir (Enlightening), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Da'i (Inviter), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Mad'u (Called), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Mujib (Answerer), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Mujab (Answered), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Hafi (Welcoming), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. 'Afw (Pardoning), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Wali, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Truth, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Qawi (Strong), may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

Amin (Trustworthy),may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Ma'mun (Trusted), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Karim (Generous), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Mukarram (Honoured), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Makin (Unshakable) may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Matin (Firm), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Mubin (Clear), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Mu'ammil (Hopeful), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Wasul (Bountiful), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Dhu Quwwa (Endowed with strength), smay Allah bless him and grant him peace. Dhu Hurma (Endowed with inviolability), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Dhu Makana (Endowed with firmness), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Dhu 'Izz (Endowed with might), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Dhu Fadl (Endowed with bounty), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Muta' (Obeyed), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Muti' (Obedient), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Qadam Sidq (Sure footing), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Rahma (Mercy), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Busra (Good tidings), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Ghawth (Succour), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Ghayth (Abundant rain), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Ghiyath (Aid), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Blessing of Allah, smay Allah bless him and grant him peace. The gift of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The firmest handle, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The Path of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The Straight path, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Dhikr of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

The sword of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The Party of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The piercing star, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Mustafa (Chosen), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Mujtaba (Elected), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Muntaqa (Selected), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Unlettered, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Ajir (Rewarded), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Jabbar (Compelling), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Abu'l-Qasim, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Abu't-Tahir, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Abu't-Tayyib, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Abu Ibrahim, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Mushaffa' (Welcomed intercessor), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Shafi' (Intercessor), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Salih (Reighteous), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Muslih (Peacemaker), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Muhaymin (Guardian), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Sadiq (Truthful), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Musaddaq (Sincere), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Sidq (Sincerity), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Master of the Messengers, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Imam of the godfearing, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Leader of the radiant unique ones, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Friend of the All-Merciful, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Barr (Devout), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Mabarr (Devoted), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Wajih (Eminent), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Nasih (Adviser), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Nasih (Counsellor), may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

Wakil (Guardian), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Mutawakkil (Trusting), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Kafi; (Surety), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Shafiq (Tender), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Establisher of the Sunna, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Muqaddas (Pure), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Spirit of purity, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Spirit of the Truth, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Spirit of equity, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Kafi (Sufficient), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Muktafi (Content), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Baligh (Decisive), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Muballigh (Notifier), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Shafi (Healer), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Wasil (Connector), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Mawsul (Connected), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Sabiq (Preceder), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Sa'iq (Driver), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Hadi (Guide), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Muhdi (Guided), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Muqaddam (Advancer), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. 'Aziz (Mighty), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Fadil (Distinguished), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Mufaddal (Preferred), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Fatih (Opener), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Key, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Key of Mercy, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Key of the Garden, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Sign of faith, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Sign of certainty, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Guide to blessings, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Confirmer of good deeds, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Canceller of slips, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Forgiver of errors, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

Possessor of intercession, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Possessor of Station, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Possessor of the footing, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Endowed with might,may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Endowed with glory, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Endowed with honour, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Possessor of the means of mediation (wasila), may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Possessor of the Sword, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Possessor of virtue, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Possessor of the wrapper, smay Allah bless him and grant him peace. Possessor of Proof, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Possessor of power, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Possessor of the cloak, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Possessor of the high degree, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Possessor of the Crown, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Possessor of pardon, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Possessor of the banner, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Possessor of the Mi'raj, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Possessor of the staff, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Possessor of Buraq, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Possessor of the seal, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Possessor of the Emblem, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Possessor the Evidence, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Possessor of the elucidation, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Eloquent of tongue, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Purified of heart, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Compassionate, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Merciful, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Ear of good, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Sound of Islam, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

Master of the two worlds, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The fount of blessing, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The fount of radiance, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The joy of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The joy of creation, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The speaker to nations, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The mark of guidance, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The remover of sorrow, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The raiser of ranks, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The might of the Arabs, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The possessor of joy, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

May Allah bless him and his family. O Allah! O Lord! By the honour of Your chosen Prophet, and your approved Messenger, purify our hearts from every description which keeps us far from Your contemplation and love. and let us die in the sunna and the community and with yearning to meet You, O Lord of Majesty and Honour! May Allah bless our master Mohammed, and his family and Companions and grant them peace. Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. May Allah bless our master Mohammed, and his family and grant them peace, O Allah, bless and grant peace and blessing to the spirit of our master Mohammed among the spirits, and to his bodies among the bodies, and to his grave among the graves, and to his position among positions, and to his witnessing in witnessings, and to his mention when he is mentioned: a prayer from us on our Prophet. O Allah, convey the greeting to him from us when the greeting of peace is mentioned! Peace be upon the Prophet, and the mercy of Allah and His blessings. Peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allah. Peace be upon you, O beloved of Allah. Peace be upon you, O our master Mohammed ibn 'Abdullah.

Peace be upon you and your pure, good family. Peace be upon you and your wives, the Mothers of the Believers. Peace be upon you and all your Companions. Peace be upon us and on the righteous slaves of Allah. Peace be upon a grave which is visited from afar. Peace be upon the Rawda where Mohammed is. Peace be upon the one who visited his Lord in the night and reached the desire in every aim. Peace be upon the one who said to the lizard, "Who am I?" and it replied, "The Messenger of Allah. You are Mohammed." Peace be upon the one who is buried in a good land and who the All-Merciful singled out for excellence and glory. A Prophet to whom Allah have good and radiance. Good fortune to the person who visits the graves of Mohammed! If there is any riding making for Madina, convey my greeting to the beloved Mohammed. His excellent meadow is my hope and my desire, and it contains the healing of my heart and its rest and repose. If it is far from me and it rare that it can be visited and so its picture is the best image with me. I run my eyes over the beauty of its meadow and by it there is solace for my core, my secret and my heart. Here I am, O Qutb of all the words. I kiss it, yearning to heal my illness. May Allah bless the Qutb of existence, Mohammed, with a prayer which effaces every mistake of mine. O Allah, I ask You and turn to You by Your beloved, the one Chosen by You. O our beloved! O Mohammed! We seek mediation by you with your Lord. Intercede for us with the Immense Master, O excellent pure Messenger! O Allah, let him intercede for us by his rank with You! O Allah, Our Lord, by the rank of Your Prophet and Chosen one, Your beloved and selected one, and the best of those who answered Your summons and obeyed You, make our actions sincere and purify our hearts! Let us act in both abodes as is pleasing to You. Save us from all

temptations and do not entrust us to ourselves for a single glance nor less than that. Forgive us and our parents and our shaykhs and those to whom we have a duty and to all the Muslims. Glory be to your Lord, the Lord the Might, above what they describe and peace be upon the Messengers. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. This is the description of the blessed Rawda in which the Messenger of Allah is buried (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) and his companions, Abu Bakr and 'Umar, may Allah Almighty be pleased with them. That is how 'Urwa ibn az-Zubayr, may Allah be pleased with him, mentioned it. He said: "The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was buried in the alcove. Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, was buried behind the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) and 'Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, was buried at the feet of Abu Bakr. The eastern alcove remained with an empty place for a grave. Allah knows best, but it is said that 'Isa ibn Maryam will be buried there. That is how it is reported from the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. 'A'isha, may Allah be pleased with her, said, "I dreamt that three moons fell into my lap. I told Abu Bakr about my dream and he said to me, ''A'isha, three will be buried in your room. They are the best of the people of the earth.' When the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) died and was buried in my room, Abu Bakr said to me, 'This is one of your moons, and he is the best of them, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.'"

The Supplication of Intention In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, Most Merciful O Allah! I have made the intention to do the prayer on the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) in obedience to Your command and

verifying Your Prophet, our master Mohammed (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) and with love for him and yearning for him, and exalting his rank as he merits that. So accept it from me by Your favour and benevolence and remove the veil of neglect from my heart and make me one of Your righteous slaves. O Allah! Increase him in honour above the honour which You have given him, and with might beyond the might which You have given him, and give him a light beyond his light from which You created. Elevate his station among the stations of the Messengers, and his rank among the ranks of the Prophets. I ask You for Your pleasure and his pleasure, O Lord of the Worlds, and constant well-being and a death on the Book, the sunna, and the community and that my shahada is achieved without change or alteration. Forgive me for what I have committed by your favour, bounty and generosity, O Most Merciful of the merciful! May Allah bless our master Mohammed, the Seal of the Prophets and Imam of the Messengers, and his family and all his Companions, and grant them peace. Peace be upon the Messengers, and praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.


The First Hizb on Monday

In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, Most Merciful May Allah bless our lord and master Mohammed and his family and Companions and grant them peace. O Allah! Bless our master Mohammed and his wives and offspring as You blessed our master Ibrahim and give blessings to our master Mohammed and his wives and offspring as You gave blessings to the family of our master Ibrahim. You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and his family as You blessed our master Ibrahim and give blessings to our master Mohammed as You gave blessing to the family of our master Ibrahim in the worlds, You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. O Allah bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as You blessed our master Ibrahim and give blessings to our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as You gave blessings to our master Ibrahim. You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed, the Unlettered Prophet, and the family of our master Mohammed. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed, Your slave and Messenger. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as You blessed our master Ibrahim and the family of our master Ibrahim. You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. O Allah, grant blessings to our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as You gave blessings to our master Ibrahim and the family of our master Ibrahim. You are Praiseworthy, Glorious.


O Allah, and show mercy to our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as You showed mercy to our master Ibrahim and the family our master Ibrahim, You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. O Allah, show tenderness to our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as You showed tenderness to our master Ibrahim and the family of our master Ibrahim. You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. O Allah, and grant peace to our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as You granted peace to our master Ibrahim and the family of our master Ibrahim. You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed and be merciful to our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed and grant blessings to our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as You blessed, were merciful and gave blessings to our master Ibrahim, and the family of our master Ibrahim in the worlds. You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed, the Prophet, and his wives the mothers of the believers, and his offspring and the people of his house as You blessed our master Ibrahim. You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. O Allah, grant blessings to our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as You granted blessings to our master Ibrahim. You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. O Allah, Spreader of the earths, Originator of the heavens, and Compeller of the hearts according to their innate nature, into wretched and happy, bestow the honours of Your blessings, fruits of Your barakat and the compassion of Your tenderness on our master Mohammed, Your slave and Messenger, the opener to what is locked, the seal of what has preceded, the announcer of the Truth by the Truth, and the victor over the armies of trivialities as he was charged. He undertook Your command with obedience to You, hastening to please you, heedful of Your revelation, preserving Your covenant, and executing Your command. He kindled a

firebrand for the one who sought it so that by means of it the blessings of Allah would reach his family. Hearts are guided by it after they were engrossed in temptations and sin. He gladdens with manifest signs, shining judgements and the lights of Islam. He is Your trusty guardian and the treasurer of Your stored-up knowledge, and Your witness on the Day of Resurrection. He is sent by You as a blessing, and Your Messenger is in truth a mercy. O Allah! Expand a space for him in Your Paradise and reward him with doubled blessing from Your favour, and delightful unsullied things from the attainment of Your unfettered reward, and Your abundant redoubled gifts. O Allah, raise up his structure over that of people and be generous to his abode and quarters with You. Complete his light for him and requite him from Your delegation so that his testimony is accepted and his words are pleasing with just words, a decisive direction and mighty proof.

"Allah and His angels call down blessings on the Prophet. O you who believe! Call down blessings on him and ask for complete peace and safety for him."
At Your service O Allah! My Lord, and ready to aid! May the blessings of Allah, the Kind, the Most Merciful, and the near angels, the Prophets, the true, the martyrs, the righteous and whatever glorifies You, O Lord of the worlds, be upon our master Mohammed ibn 'Abdullah, the Seal of the Prophets, and the Master of the Messengers, the Imam of the godfearing and the Messenger of the Lord of the worlds, the Witness, bringer of good tidings, the one who calls to You with Your permission, the luminous lamp, and peace be upon him. O Allah! Bestow Your blessings, barakat and mercy on the Master of the Messengers and the Imam of the godfearing, the Seal of the Prophets, our master Mohammed, Your slave and Messenger, the Imam of Good, the Leader of Good and the Messenger of Mercy.


O Allah, resurrect him in a praiseworthy station which the first and the last will envy. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as You blessed our master Ibrahim, You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. O Allah, give blessings to our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as You gave blessings to our master Ibrahim. You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and his family, Companions, children, wives, descendants, the people of his house, his sons-in-law, Ansar, his adherents, his beloveds, his community and all of us with them, O Most Merciful of the Merciful! O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as whoever blesses him and bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as whoever does not bless him, and bless our master Mohammed as You commanded us to bless him, and bless our master Mohammed as You love for him to be blessed. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as You commanded us to bless him. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as he deserves. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as You love and are pleased with. O Allah, O Lord of our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed and give our master Mohammed the rank and means of mediation in the Garden.


O Allah, O Lord of our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed, reward our master Mohammed (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) as he deserves. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed and the people of his house. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed until nothing remains of blessing and show mercy to our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed until nothing remains of mercy. And grant blessings to our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed until nothing remains of baraka and grant peace to our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed until nothing remains of peace. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed among the first, and bless our master Mohammed among the last, and bless our master Mohammed among the Prophets and bless our master Mohammed among the Messengers and bless our master Mohammed in the Highest Assembly until the Day of Repayment. O Allah, give our master Mohammed the means of mediation, excellence, honour and great degree. O Allah, I have believed in our master Mohammed but have not seen him, so in the Gardens do not forbid me the sight of him, and provide me with his company. Let me die in his religion and let me to drink from his water basin a thirst-quenching pleasant delightful drink after which we will never thirst again. You have power over all things. O Allah! Convey greetings and peace from me to the ruh of our master Mohammed. O Allah, as I have believed in our master Mohammed and have not seen him, do not forbid me the sight of him in the Gardens.


O Allah, accept the greatest intercession of our master Mohammed and raise his high degree, and give him what he asks for in the Next World and the first as You did for our master Ibrahim and our master Musa. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as You blessed our master Ibrahim and the family of our master Ibrahim, and grant blessings to our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as You granted blessings to our master Ibrahim and the family of our master Ibrahim. You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. O Allah, bless, grant peace and blessings to our master Mohammed, Your Prophet and Messenger, and to our master Ibrahim, Your friend and intimate friend, and to our master Musa, Your close friend to whom You spoke, and our master 'Isa, Your Ruh and Word, and to all Your angels, Messengers, Prophets, the best of Your creation, Your pure ones, elite and awliya' from the people of Your earth and heaven. May Allah bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as His creation, His good pleasure, the weight of His Throne, and the ink of His words as he deserves, and whenever those who remember mention him and those who neglect his mention neglect it, and bless the people of his House and his pure family, and grant them peace. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed, and the family of our master Mohammed, his wives and offspring, and all the Prophets and Messengers, the angels, those who are near and all the righteous servants of Allah in quantity as great as all the rain of heaven since the time it was set up. Bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as all the plants the earth has brought forth since the time it was spread out. Bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the stars in the sky, for You can count them, and bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the breaths breathed by souls since You created them. Bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what You have created and what You will create and what Your knowledge contains and the double of that.


O Allah, bless them in quantity as great as Your creation, Your good pleasure, the weight of Your Throne, the ink of Your words and the scope of Your knowledge and signs. O Allah, bless them with a blessing which is above and better than the blessing of all those of creation who bless him like Your favour on all of Your creation. O Allah, bless them with a constant prayer, continuing forever in the course of nights and days, unceasing, without end or interruption in the course of nights and days in quantity as great as the heavy rain and the dew. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed, Your Prophet and our master Ibrahim, Your friend, and all Your prophets and pure ones from the people of Your earth and heaven in quantity as great as Your creation and the weight of Your throne and the ink of Your words and the furthest reach of Your knowledge and the weight of all Your creatures with a blessing which is repeated forever, and in quantity as great as what Your knowledge counts and what Your knowledge contains and the double of what Your knowledge counts with a blessing above, superior and better than the blessing of those who bless them from all creation like Your bounty on all Your creation.

Then you pray with this du'a and the answer is hoped for, insha'llah, after the prayer on the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace:
O Allah, make me among those who cling to the religion of Your Prophet, our master Mohammed (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) and exalt his respect, magnify his word, preserve his covenant and protection, give his party and calling victory, increase his followers and party, deliver his party, and do not let them oppose his way and sunna. O Allah, I ask You for adherence to his sunna, and I seek refuge with You from deviating from what he has brought.

O Allah, I ask You for the good which our master Mohammed, Your Prophet and Messenger (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) asked You for, and I take refuge with You from the evil of what our master Mohammed, Your Prophet and Messenger (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) took refuge with You from. O Allah, preserve me from the evil of trials and protect me from all afflictions and put right what appears from me and what is hidden, and purify my heart from rancour and envy, and do not place on me subservience to anyone. O Allah, I ask You to take what is best that You know and leave the evil that You know, and I ask You to guarantee my provision, for zuhd in sufficiency, a way out by clarity from every uncertainty, success with proper action in every argument, justice in anger and pleasure, submission to what the Decree brings, moderation in poverty and wealth, humility in speech and action, and sincerity in gravity and jest. O Allah, I have wrong actions in what is between me and You, and wrong actions in what is between me and Your creation. O Allah, forgive what You have of them, and remove from me what Your creation has of them, and enrich me with Your bounty, Your forgiveness is All-Encompassing. O Allah, illuminate my heart with knowledge, make my body obedient to You, purify my secret from temptations, occupy my thoughts with reflection, preserve me from the evil of the whisperings of the Satan, and protect me from him until he has no power over me, O All-Merciful!


The Second Hizb on Tuesday

O Allah, I ask You for the good of what You know, and I take refuge with You from the evil of what You know, and I ask Your forgiveness for all of what You know. You know and we do not know, and You are the Knower of the Unseen. O Allah, show mercy to me from this time of mine, and the glances of temptations and the insolence of the people of boldness towards me, and their seeking to weaken me. O Allah, place me in a well-fortified refuge of yours and a secure retreat from all of Your creation until my appointed end reaches me protected. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as whoever blesses him and bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as whoever does not bless him, and bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as the prayer on him requires. Bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as the prayer on him is necessary, and bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed You commanded that he be blessed. Bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed whose light is from the Light of Lights and the secrets radiates are illuminated by the rays of his secret. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed and all the people of his house, the righteous ones. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and his family, the Sea of Your lights, the Treasury of Your mysteries, the Tongue of Your proof, the Bridegroom of Your kingdom, the Imam of Your presence, and the Seal of Your Prophets with a blessing which pleases You and him, and by which You are pleased with us, O Lord of the worlds.


O Allah, Lord of the lawful and unlawful, Lord of the Mash'ar al-Haram and Lord of the Baytu'l-Haram and Lord of the Corner and the Station, convey peace from us to our master Mohammed. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed, the master of the first and the last. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed at every moment and time. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in the Highest Assembly until the Day of Repayment. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed, the Unlettered Prophet, and the family of our master Mohammed as you blessed our master Ibrahim. You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. Grant blessings to our master Mohammed, the Unlettered Prophet, as You granted blessings to our master Ibrahim, You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what Your knowledge encompasses and Your pen writes and Your already will, and may Your angels bless him with a constant prayer as long as You remain, by Your favour and benevolence eternally for the post-eternity of post-eternity without end to its eternity without any end to its timelessness. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what Your knowledge encompasses and Your Book enumerates and Your angels witness, and be pleased with his Companions, and show mercy to his community. You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed and all the Companions of our master Mohammed. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as You blessed our master Ibrahim and grant blessings, O Allah, to our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed

as you granted blessings to our master Ibrahim and the family of our master Ibrahim in the worlds. You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. O Allah, with humble hearts in prostration to You, O my Master, without unbelief, and by You, O Majestic! There is nothing which even approximates You in your inviolable promises, and by Your Footstool adorned with light extending as far as Your immense, glorious Throne, and by what was truly under Your Throne before You created the heavens and the sound of thunder. Since You are an infinite God known by oneness (tawhid), place us among Your beloved lovers who are brought near, full of passionate love for You, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah! O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what Your knowledge encompasses. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what Your Book enumerates,. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what Your power accomplishes. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what Your will selects. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what Your command and prohibition applies to. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what Your hearing encompasses. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what Your vision encompasses. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what those who do dhikr mention.


O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what those who neglect his dhikr neglect. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the drops of rain. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the leaves of the trees. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the beasts of the wastelands. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the creatures of the seas. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the water of the seas. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what the night darkens and the day gives light to. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in the morning and evening. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the sand. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as men and women. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed with Your good pleasure. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed by the ink of Your words. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed by what Your heaven and earth contain. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed by the weight of Your throne.


O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as Your creatures. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed with the best of Your blessings. O Allah, bless the prophet of mercy. O Allah, bless the intercessor of the community. O Allah, bless the lifter of sorrow. O Allah, bless the dispeller of darkness. O Allah, bless the master of blessing. O Allah, bless the one who brings mercy. O Allah, bless the possessor of visited water basin. O Allah, bless the possessor of the praiseworthy station. O Allah, bless the possessor of the raised standard. O Allah, bless the possessor of the witnessed site. O Allah, bless the one ascribed by nobility and generosity. O Allah, bless the one who is our praiseworthy master in the heaven and our much praised master Mohammed in the earth. O Allah, bless the possessor of the mole. O Allah, bless the possessor of the token. O Allah, bless the one described by nobility. O Allah, bless the one delegated with leadership. O Allah, bless the one whom the clouds shade.

O Allah, bless the one who saw behind him as he saw in front of him. O Allah, bless the sought-for intercessor on the Day of Resurrection. O Allah, bless the possessor of humble supplication. O Allah, bless the possessor of intercession. O Allah, bless the possessor of the means of mediation. O Allah, bless the possessor of pre-eminence. O Allah, bless the possessor of the high rank. O Allah, bless the possessor of the cudgel. O Allah, bless the possessor of the two sandals. O Allah, bless the possessor of the proof. O Allah, bless the possessor of the decisive evidence. O Allah, bless the possessor of authority. O Allah, bless the possessor of the crown. O Allah, bless the one who had the Mi'raj. O Allah, bless the possessor of the staff. O Allah, bless the rider of the noble camel. O Allah, bless the rider of the Buraq. O Allah, bless the one who passed through the seven heavens. O Allah, bless the intercessor for all people. O Allah, bless the one whose food glorified while in his hand.

O Allah, bless the one whom the palm trunk wept for and was sighed at being parted from him. O Allah, bless the one from whose intercession was sought by the birds of the deserts. O Allah, bless the one in whose hand the pebbles gave praise. O Allah, bless the one whose intercession the gazelle sought with the most eloquent of words. O Allah, bless the one to whom the lizards spoke in his assembly with his distinguished Companions. O Allah, bless the bringer of good tidings, the Warner. O Allah, bless the luminous lamp. O Allah, bless the one to whom the camel complained. O Allah, bless the one from whose fingertips pure water flowed forth. O Allah, bless the pure and made pure one. O Allah, bless the light of the lights. O Allah, bless the one for whom the moon was split. O Allah, bless the good agreeable one. O Allah bless the near messenger. O Allah, bless the radiant dawn. O Allah, bless the piercing star. O Allah, bless the firm handle. O Allah, bless the Warner of the people of the earth.

O Allah, bless the intercessor on the Day of presentation. O Allah, bless the one who lets people drink from the water basin. O Allah, bless the possessor of the Banner of Praise. O Allah, bless the one who rolled up his sleeves (to work). O Allah, bless the one engaged in Your good pleasure to the very limit of striving. O Allah, bless the Prophet, the Seal. O Allah, bless the Messenger, the Seal. O Allah, bless the chosen upright one. O Allah bless Your Messenger Abu'l Qasim. O Allah, bless the possessor of the Signs. O Allah, bless the possessor of proofs. O Allah, bless the possessor of indications. O Allah, bless the possessor of karamat. O Allah, bless the possessor of tokens. O Allah, bless the possessor of clear signs. O Allah, bless the possessor of miracles. O Allah, bless the possessor of events which break the natural order. O Allah, bless the one whom the stones greeted. O Allah, bless the one before whom the trees prostrated themselves.


O Allah, bless the one from whose light the flowers were produced. O Allah, bless the one by whose baraka the fruits are good. O Allah, bless the one from the remainder of whose wudu' the trees were made green. O Allah, bless the one from whose light all lights overflowed. O Allah, bless the one by whose prayer burdens fall off. O Allah, bless the one by whose prayer the degrees of the righteous are obtained. O Allah, bless the one by whose prayer old and young are shown mercy. O Allah, bless the one by whose prayer we have blessings in this abode and that abode. O Allah, bless the one by whose prayer the mercy of the Almighty, the Forgiving is obtained. O Allah, bless the victorious confirmed one. O Allah, bless the extolled chosen one. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed. O Allah, bless the one whom to the hem of whose cloak the wild animals would cling when he waked in the desolate deserts. O Allah, bless him and his family and Companions and grant them abundant peace. Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. Beginning of the Second Quarter Praise belongs to Allah for His forbearance after His knowledge and for His pardon after His power.

O Allah, I take refuge with You from poverty except in respect to You, and from abasement except to You and from fear except of You. I take refuge with You from speaking a lie or from committing iniquity or being misled by You, and I take refuge with You from the gloating of enemies, chronic disease, the disappointment of hope, the vanishing of blessing and the sudden revenge. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and grant him peace and reward him from us with what he deserves as Your beloved. (3 times) O Allah, bless our master Ibrahim and grant him peace and reward him from us with what he deserves as Your friend. (3 times) O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as You blessed, showed mercy and gave blessings to Ibrahim in the worlds. You are Praiseworthy, Glorious, in quantity as great as Your creation and Your good pleasure and the weight of Your Throne and the ink of Your words. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as those who bless him. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as those who do not bless him. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as whatever is blessed O Allah, bless our master Mohammed the double of whatever blesses him. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed as he deserves. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and You love and with which You are pleased.


The Third Hizb on Wednesday

O Allah, bless the soul of our master Mohammed among the souls, and bless his body among the bodies, and his grave among the graves and his family and companions, and grant them peace. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed whenever those who do dhikr mention him. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed whenever those who neglect his dhikr neglect it. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed, the Unlettered Prophet and his wives, the mothers of the believers, and his offspring and the People of his House with a blessing and peace whose quantity is not counted and whose help is not cut off. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantities great as what Your knowledge encompasses and Your Book contains with a blessing which is Yours as a pleasure and his as payment, and give him the means of mediation and virtue and high degree, and raise him up, O Allah, to the praiseworthy station which You promised him and reward him from us what he deserves, and bless all his brothers, the Prophets and truthful ones, martyrs and righteous. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and put him in the closest position on the Day of Rising. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed. O Allah, give him the crown of might, pleasure and nobility. O Allah, give our master Mohammed the best of what he asked for himself and give our master Mohammed the best of what one of Your creation asked for him and give our master Mohammed the best of what is asked of You for him until the Day of Resurrection.

O Allah, bless our masters Mohammed, Adam, Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa and 'Isa and the Prophets and Messengers between them, may the blessing of Allah and his peace be upon all of them. (3 times) O Allah, bless our father Adam and our mother Hawwa' with the blessing of the angels and give them Your pleasure until You are pleased with them and reward them, O Allah, with the best of what you reward a mother and father with from their offspring. O Allah, bless our masters Jibril, Mika'il, Israfil and 'Azara'il and the bearers of the Throne, the angels, the near angels and all the Prophets and Messengers, may the blessings of Allah be upon all of them. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what You know and the capacity of what You know and the weight of what you know and the ink of Your words. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed with blessings constantly increasing. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed with a blessing which is not cut off for the eternity of post-eternity nor will pass away. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed with Your blessing with which You blessed him and grant peace to our master Mohammed with Your peace which You granted to him and reward him from us as he deserves. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed with a blessing which pleases You and him and by which You are pleased with us and reward him from us what he deserves. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed, the Sea of Your lights, the Treasury of Your mysteries, the Tongue of Your proof, the Bridegroom of Your kingdom, the Imam of Your presence, the Model of Your kingdom, the Treasures of Your mercy, and the Path of Your Shari'a, delighting in Your oneness (tawhid), the pupil of the eye of existence, the cause of every existent, the source of the sources of Your creation, advanced from the light of Your light with a blessing that will last as long as You and

remain as long as You remain without end except that of Your knowledge, a blessing which pleases You and him and by which You are pleased with us, O Lord of the worlds. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what is in the knowledge of Allah with a constant blessing lasting as long as the kingdom of Allah. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed as you blessed our master Ibrahim and grant blessings to our master Mohammed the family of our master Mohammed as You granted blessings to the family of our master Ibrahim in the worlds. You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. In quantity as great as Your great and good pleasure and the weight of Your Throne and the ink of Your words and in quantity as great as what Your creation mentions to You of him in what has passed and in quantity as great as what they mention of him to You from what remains in every year, month, week, day, night, hour, smell, breath, wink and glance from post-eternity to post-eternity and for the post-eternities of this world and the posteternities of the Next World and more than that whose first part is not cut off and whose last is not reached. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed according to Your love for him. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed according to Your solicitude to him. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed according to his rank and value. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed with a blessing by which we are saved from all terrors and afflictions, grant us all our needs, purify us from all evils by it, raise up by it to the highest of degrees, and by it let us reach the furthest of goals in all good things in life and after death. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed with a blessing of acceptance and be pleased with his Companions with the pleasure of acceptance. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed, whose light preceded creation and a mercy which appeared to the worlds in quantity as great as whoever has

passed from Your creation, whoever remains, whoever is happy of them and whoever is wretched, with a blessing which beyond number and is contained by limit, a blessing without limit, end or expiration, a constant blessing which lasts as long as You, and bless his family and Companions and grant them peace the like of that. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed whose heart You filled with Your majesty, and whose eye with Your beauty so that he became joyful, affirmed and victorious, and bless his family and Companions and grant them peace, and praise be to Allah for that. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the leaves of the olive and all fruits. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what was and what is and in quantity as great as what the night darkens and what the day throws light on. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and his family and wives and offspring in quantity as great as the breaths of his community. O Allah, by the baraka of his blessing, make us among the victorious by the prayer on him, and among those who come to drink from his waterbasin, and those who act by his sunna and obey him, and do not place a barrier between us and him on the Day of Resurrection, O Lord of the worlds, and forgive us and our parents and all Muslims, and praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds. Beginning of the Second Third O Allah, bless, grant peace and blessing to our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed, the noblest of Your creation, the lamp of Your horizon, the best of those who carry out Your Truth, sent forth through Your facilitation and tenderness with a blessing, whose repetition continues and shines its lights on beings.


O Allah, bless and grant peace and blessings on our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed, the best of what is praised with Your words, the noblest caller to clinging to Your rope, and the seal of Your Prophets and Messengers with a prayer that which gives us Your general favour and the honour of Your pleasure and union in both abodes. O Allah, bless and grant peace and blessings on our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed, the noblest of Your noble slaves, and the noblest of those who call to the paths of Your guidance, and the lamp of Your regions and countries, with a blessing which does not perish nor expire, and by it, give us noble increase. O Allah, bless and grant peace and blessings on our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed, whose station is high, and who must be esteemed and esteemed, with a blessing which is never cut off nor ever perishes nor is contained by number. O Allah, bless and grant peace and blessings on our master Mohammed and the our master of our master Mohammed as You blessed our master Ibrahim and the family of our master Ibrahim in the worlds. You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. O Allah, bless and grant peace and blessings on our master Mohammed and our master of our master Mohammed whenever those who remember mention him and those who neglect his dhikr neglect it. O Allah, bless and grant peace and blessings on our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed and show mercy to our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed and give blessings to our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as You blessed, showed mercy and gave blessings to our master Ibrahim and the family of our master Ibrahim, You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. O Allah, bless and grant peace and blessings on our master Mohammed, the Unlettered Prophet, the pure and made pure, and his family and grant them peace.

O Allah, bless the one with whom You sealed the message and confirmed with victory, Kawthar and intercession. O Allah, bless and grant peace and blessings on our master Mohammed, the Prophet of judgement and wisdom, the radiant lamp endowed with great character, the Seal of the Messengers, Possessor of the Mi'raj, and bless his family and Companions and followers, the travellers on his straight path. O Allah, by him exalt the path of the stars of Islam and the lamps of darkness which guide them in the darkness of the night of dark doubt, with a constant blessing which continues as long as the waves collide in the seas and hajjis from every deep ravine circumambulate the Ancient House. May the best of blessings and peace be upon our master Mohammed, His noble Messenger, his sincere friend from the servants, the intercessor for creatures when they are returned, the possessor of the praiseworthy station and the visited water-basin, who took on the burden of the message and conveying it universally, and was endowed with the nobility of striving for the greatest righteousness. May Allah bless him and his family with a constant blessing continuing forever on the passage of nights and days. He is the master of the first and the last and the best of the first and the last. May the best blessings of those who bless him be upon him, the purest of peace of those who ask for peace for him, the most pleasant mention of those who mention him, the most excellent of the blessings of Allah, the best of the blessings of Allah, the most glorious of the blessings of Allah, the most beautiful of the blessings of Allah, the most ample of the blessings of Allah, the most abundant of the blessings of Allah, the most complete of the blessings of Allah, the most manifest of the blessings of Allah, the greatest of the blessings of Allah, the purest of the blessings of Allah, the most pleasant of the blessings of Allah, the most blessed of the blessing of Allah, the most immaculate of the blessings of Allah, the most prosperous of the blessings of Allah, the fullest of the blessings of Allah, the most radiant of the blessings of Allah, the highest of the blessings of Allah, the most ample of the blessings of Allah, the most unified of the blessings of Allah, the most universal of the

blessings of Allah, the most lasting of the blessings of Allah, the most enduring of the blessings of Allah, the mightiest of the blessings of Allah, the highest of the blessings of Allah, the greatest of the blessings of Allah, on the most excellent of Allah's creation, the most best of Allah's creation, the most glorious of Allah's creation, the noblest of Allah's creation, the most beautiful of Allah's creation, the most perfect of Allah's creation, the most complete of Allah's creation, and the greatest of Allah's creation with Allah, the Messenger of Allah, the Prophet of Allah, beloved of Allah, the sincere friend of Allah, the intimate friend of Allah, the friend of Allah, the wali of Allah, the trusty of Allah, the select of Allah from the creation of Allah, the noble of Allah from Allah's creation, the sincere friend of Allah from among the Prophets of Allah, the handle of Allah, the safeguard of Allah, the blessing of Allah, the key of the mercy of Allah chosen from the Messengers of Allah, selected from Allah's creation, obtaining the goal in fear and desire, sincere in what he was given , the most noble of delegated ones, the most truthful in speech, most successful in intercession, the best of intercessors, trusty in what was entrusted to him, truthful in what he conveyed, executing the command of his Lord, assuming what he was charged with carrying, the Messenger of Allah with the closest means of mediation with Allah and the greatest of them in the future in degree and virtue with Allah, the noblest of the noble Prophets of Allah, the sincere friend of Allah and the most beloved of them to Allah, the nearest of them with Allah, the noblest of creation to Allah, the most fortunate of them, the most agreeable with Allah, the highest of people in rank, the greatest of them in place, the most perfect in good qualities and bounty, the best of the Prophets in degree and the most perfect of them in the Shari'a, the noblest of the Prophets in position, clearest of them in proofs and speech, the best of them in birth, emigration and family and Companions, the noblest of people in origin and the noblest in root, the best of them in self, the purest of them in heart, the most truthful in speech, the purest of them in action, the firmest in source, the most loyal to covenants, most distinguished in glory, most perfect in nature, best in action, most pleasant in branch, the most obedient, the highest in station, the sweetest in speech, the purest in peace, the most glorious in rank, the greatest in

glorification, the most radiant in glory, the highest in mention in the Highest Assembly, and most faithful to covenants, the most sincere in promise, the most thankful, the highest in command, the most beautiful in patience, the best in good, nearest in ease and furthest in place, greatest in concern, most confirmed of evidence, superior in weight, first in faith, clearest in proof, most eloquent of tongue and most manifest of power.


The Fourth Hizb on Thursday

O Allah, bless our master Mohammed, Your slave and Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, and the family of our master Mohammed. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed with a blessing that is pleasing to You, a reward for him and a right due to him, and give him the means of mediation, excellence and the praiseworthy station which You promised him. Reward him from us with what he deserves and reward him with the best of what You reward a Prophet with from his people and a Messenger from his community, and bless all his brothers from the Prophets and the righteous, O most Merciful of the merciful. O Allah, give the virtues of Your blessings, the honours of Your pure greetings, the increase of Your barakat, the affection of Your compassion, Your mercy, Your greetings, and the favours of Your blessings to our master Mohammed, the Master of the Messengers, and the Messenger of the Lord of the worlds, the Leader to good, the Opener of godliness, the Prophet of Mercy and the master of the community. O Allah, raise him up to a praiseworthy station bringing him near and delight him with that in which the first and last delight. O Allah, give him favour, excellence, honour, the means of mediation, the high degree and lofty degree. O Allah, give our master Mohammed the means of mediation, give him what he hopes for, and make him the first intercessor and the first sought after intercessor. O Allah, exalt his proof, make his scale heavy, make his proof shine, and raise his degree among the people of 'Illiyun and his rank among the highest of the near. O Allah, make us live according to his sunna and let us die in his religion. Make us from the people for whom he intercedes, gather us in his party,

let us come to his water-basin, and let us drink from his goblet without shame, remorse, or doubt, or changing or altering, or tempting or being tempted. Amin. O Lord of the worlds. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and give him the means of mediation, excellence, and high degree and raise him up to the Praiseworthy Station which You promised him with his brothers, the Prophets. May Allah bless our master Mohammed, the Prophet of Mercy and the Master of the Community, and our father Adam and our mother Hawwa', and the descendants among the Prophets, true, martyrs and righteous, and bless all Your angels from the people of the heavens and the earths, and bless us along with them, O Most Merciful of the merciful. O Allah, forgive me my sins, forgive my parents and show mercy to them as they raised me when I was small, and forgive all of the believers, men and women, and all the Muslims, men and women, living and dead, and make blessings follow us and them, O Lord, forgive and show mercy, You are the best of the Merciful and there is no strength nor power save with Allah, the High, the Great. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed, the light of lights, the mystery of mysteries, the master of the righteous, the adornment of the best messengers, the noblest of whomever the night darkens and the day brightens, and in quantity as great the drops of rain which descend from the first of this world to its end, and in quantity as great as the plants and trees which grow from the first of this world to its end, with a blessing which is constant, lasting as long as the Kingdom of Allah, the One, the Victorious. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed with a blessing by which You ennoble his resting place and honour his end, and by it give him what he desires and what pleases him on the Day of Resurrection. This prayer exalts what is your due, O our master Mohammed! (three times) O Allah, bless our master Mohammed the ha' of mercy, the two mims of the Kingdom and the dal of perpetuity, the perfect master, the opener, the

seal, in quantity as great as what is in your knowledge of what is or what was whenever those who remember remember You and remember him and whenever those who neglect to remember Him and neglect to remember him neglect it, with it a constant prayer lasting as long as You, remaining as long as You remain without end other as You know, You are have power over all things. (three times) O Allah, bless our master Mohammed, the Unlettered Prophet, and the family of our master Mohammed who is the most radiant and splendid of the suns of guidance in light and most well-known and famous of the Prophets in glory. His light is the most splendid, brightest and clearest of the lights of the Prophets, and he is purest and most immaculate of creation in character, and the noblest and most just of creation. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed, the Unlettered Prophet and the family of our master Mohammed who is more splendid than the full moon and more generous than the sent clouds and the vast seas. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed, the Unlettered Prophet, and the family of our master Mohammed to whose essence and countenance blessing is joined, and the worlds are scented by the fragrance and aroma of his dhikr. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed and grant them peace. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed and grant blessings to our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed and show mercy to our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as You blessed and gave blessings and showed mercy to our master Ibrahim and the family of our master Ibrahim, You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed, Your slave, Prophet and Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, and the family of our master Mohammed.

O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed with the capacity of this world and the Next, and grant blessings to our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed with the capacity of this world and the Next, and show mercy to our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed with the capacity of this world and the Next, and reward our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed with the capacity of this world and the Next, and grant peace to our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed with the capacity of this world and the Next, and reward our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed with the capacity of this world and the Next, and grant peace to our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed with the capacity of this world and the Next. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed as You commanded that we bless him and bless our master Mohammed as he must be blessed. O Allah, bless Your Chosen Prophet and Your approved Messenger and Your Chosen Wali and Your Guardian of the revelation of heaven. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed, the noblest of forebears, establishing justice and equity, described in Surat al-A'raf, chosen from noble ancestors and wombs, purified from the best of 'Abdu'l-Muttalib ibn 'Abd Manaf whom You guided from conflict and by whom You made the path of virtuousness clear. O Allah, I ask of You by the best of what as asked of You, by the most beloved of Your Names and the noblest to You, and by what You have bestowed on us by our master Mohammed, Your Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) so that by him You saved us from going astray. You ordered us to bless him and made our prayer on him a degree, expiation, and kindness and a gift You give. I call on You, respecting Your command, following Your order, and fulfilling what You promised as is necessary for our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) in performance of what is due to him from us since we have believed in him and affirmed him, and we followed the light which descended with him.

You said and Your word is true, "Allah and His angels call down blessings on the Prophet. O you who believe! Call down blessings on him and ask for complete peace and safety for him." You ordered the slaves to bless their Prophet as an obligation which You made obligatory and You have commanded them to do, so we ask You by the glory of Your face and the light of Your sublimity and by what You oblige on Yourself for those who do good that You and Your angels bless our master Mohammed, Your slave, Messenger and Prophet, and sincere friend and the cream of Your creation with the best of what You have blessed anyone of Your creation, You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. O Allah, raise his rank, ennoble his station, increase his scale, make his proof radiant, make his religion triumph, give him abundant reward, make his light shine, make his honour endure, unite him to his descendants and the People of his House with what delights him, and exalt him among the Prophets who have gone before him. O Allah, make our master Mohammed the Prophet with the most followers, the greatest strength, the best nobility and light, the highest in rank, and the one with the widest position in the Garden. O Allah, make his end be among the forerunners, his degree among the chosen, his abode among the near, and his position among the elect. O Allah, make him the noblest of the noble in position with You, the best in reward, the nearest in assembly, most confirmed in station, most to the point in speech, most successful in request, best in portion with You and greatest in what he desires with You, and place him in the rooms of Paradise in the high degrees above which there is no higher degree. O Allah, make our master Mohammed the most truthful in words, the most successful in request, the first in intercession, the best of soughtafter intercessors, and give him intercession for his community by an intercession envied by the first and the last. Since you have distinguished Your slaves by the rendering of Your decree, place our master

Mohammed among the truthful in the speech, doers of good deeds and those who guide on the Path. O Allah, make our Prophet go before us and make his water-basin a rendezvous for us, both the first and last of us. O Allah, gather us in his party, make us act by his sunna, let us die in his religion, acquaint us of with his face, and place us in his party and group. O Allah, join us to him as we have believed in him without seeing him. Do not separate us from him so that You make us enter where he enters, let us to drink at his water-basin, and make us among his comrades along with those who are blessed among the Prophets, true, martyrs and righteous. They are the best companions. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds. Beginning of the Third Fourth O Allah, bless our master Mohammed, the light of guidance, guide to good, caller to guidance, the Prophet of guidance, the imam of the godfearing and the Messenger of the Lord of the Lords. There is no Prophet after him as he conveyed Your message, counselled Your slaves, recited Your ayats, established Your hudud, was faithful to Your covenant, carried out Your judgements, commanded Your obedience, forbade disobedience to You, was a friend to Your friend whom want to be befriended, and opposed Your enemy whom You want to be opposed, and may Allah bless our master Mohammed. O Allah, bless his body among the bodies, his soul among the souls, his station among the stations, his assembly among the assemblies and his mention when he is mentioned with a prayer on our Prophet from us. O Allah, convey to him the greeting from whenever the greeting of peace is mentioned, and peace be upon the Prophet and the mercy of Allah Almighty and His blessings.


O Allah, bless Your near angels, Your pure Prophets, Your sent Messengers, the bearers of Your throne, and our master Jibril, our master Mika'il, our master Israfil, our master the Angel of Death, our master Ridwan, the Guard of Your Garden, and our master Malik. Bless the noble recording angels and bless al the people who obey You among the people of the heavens and earths. O Allah, give the people of the house of Your Prophet the best of what You have given any of the people of the houses of the Messengers, and reward the companions of Your Prophet with the best of what You have rewarded the companions of the Messengers. O Allah, forgive the believers, men and women, and the Muslims, men and women, living and dead, and forgive us and our brothers who preceded us with faith and do not place rancour in our hearts towards those who believe, Our Lord, You are Compassionate, Merciful. O Allah, bless the Hashimi Prophet our master Mohammed and his family and Companions and grant them peace. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed, the best of creation, with a blessing which pleases You and him and by which You are pleased with us, O Most Merciful of the Merciful. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and his family and Companions and grant them much peace, pleasant, blessed, abundant, beautiful, constant, lasting as long as the Kingdom of Allah. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and his family with the capacity of space and in quantity as great in the stars in the sky with a blessing equal in weight to the heavens and the earth and in quantity as great as what You created and what You will create until the Day of Resurrection. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as You blessed our master Ibrahim and grant blessings to our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as You

granted blessings to our master Ibrahim and the family of our master Ibrahim in the worlds, You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. O Allah, I ask you for pardon and welfare in the deen and this world and the Next. (3 times) O Allah, veil us from wrong actions with Your beautiful veil. (3 times) O Allah, I ask You by Your mighty truth, by the light of Your noble Face, by Your mighty Throne, by what carries Your footstool of Your sublimity, majesty, beauty, radiance, power and might, and by the right of Your hidden treasured Names which none of Your creation has cognisance of. O Allah, and I ask You by the name which You set over the night so that it darkens, and over the day so that it gives light and over the heavens so that they are raised up and over the earth so that it is established, and over the mountains so that they are firmly fixed and over the seas and wadis, so that they flow, and over the springs, so that they gush forth, and over the clouds, so that they give rain. O Allah, I ask You by the names written on the brow of our master Israfil, peace be upon him, and by the names written on the brow of our master Jibril, peace be upon him, and on the near angels. O Allah, I ask You by the names written around the Throne, and by the names written around the Footstool. O Allah, I ask You by the name written on the leaves of the olive. O Allah, I ask You by the mighty Names by which You call Yourself, of what I know of them and what I do not know.


The Fifth Hizb on Friday

O Allah, I ask You by the names with which our master Adam called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Nuh called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Ibrahim called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Salih called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Yunus called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Ayyub called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Ya'qub called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Yusuf called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Musa called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Harun called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Shu'ayb called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Isma'il called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Dawud called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Sulayman called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Zakariyya called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Yahya called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Armiya' called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Sha'ya' called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Ilyas called You, peace be upon him, and by the names which our master al-Yasa' called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Dhu'l-Kifl called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Yusha' called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master 'Isa ibn Maryam called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Mohammed called You (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) and all the Prophets and Messengers. I ask that You bless our master Mohammed, Your Prophet in quantity as great as what You created from before the sky was set up, the earth laid out, the mountains anchored, the seas made to flow, the fountains gush forth, the rivers poured forth, the sun made visible, the moon given light,

the stars given light, when You were where You were and no one knows where You were except You alone with no partner to You. O Allah bless our master Mohammed in quantity great as Your forbearance, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as Your knowledge, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as Your words, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as Your blessing, bless our master Mohammed with the capacity of Your heavens and bless Sayyidina Mohammed with the capacity of Your earth, bless our master Mohammed with the capacity of Your Throne, bless our master Mohammed with the weight of Your Throne, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what Your pen writes in the Mother of the Book, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what You created in the seven heavens, and bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what You will create in them until the Day of Resurrection every day a thousand times. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as every drop which falls from Your heavens to Your earth from the day You created the world to the Day of Resurrection on every day a thousand times. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as whoever says 'Subhanallah', 'la ilaha illa'llah', 'Allahu akbar', and exalts You from the day You created the world to the Day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as their breaths and words and bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as every breath You created in them from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the running clouds and bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the scattering winds from the Day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day.


O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what the winds blow upon and what they move of branches, trees, leaves and fruits and all that You created on Your earth and what is between Your heavens from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the stars of the heavens from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed the capacity of Your earth from what it carries and lifts up from Your power. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what You created in Your seven seas whose knowledge no one knows except You and what You create in them until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what Your seven seas contain and bless our master Mohammed by the weight of Your seven seas and what they carry and what is lifted up from Your power. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the waves of Your seas from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the sand and the pebbles on the laid out earth, its plains and mountains from the day You created the world until the day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the turbulence of the sweet and salty waters from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day and bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what You created on the surface of Your earth on the stable earths, east and west, its plains,

mountains, valleys, paths, populated parts and desolate parts and all of what You created on it and what is in it of pebbles, clay and stones from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the plants of the earth from its qibla, east and west, plains and mountains, valleys, trees, fruits, leaves, crops and all which comes forth from its plants and its blessings from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what You created of the jinn, men and Satans, and what You create of them until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the hairs on their bodies and faces and heads sine You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the fluttering of birds and the flying of jinn and Satans from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as every beast which You created on the surface of Your earth of small or great in the eastern parts of the earth and the western parts of men and of jinn and of what no one has knowledge of except You from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as their footsteps on the earth from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as whoever blesses him and bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as whoever does not bless him and bless our master Mohammed in quantity

as great as drops of rain, rainfall and plants, and bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as every thing. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in the night when it darkens, bless our master Mohammed in the day when it brightens, bless our master Mohammed in the next abode and the first, bless our master Mohammed as a pure youth, bless our master Mohammed as a pleasing man of maturity, bless our master Mohammed since he was a child in the cradle and bless our master Mohammed until nothing remains of blessing. O Allah, give our master Mohammed the praiseworthy station which You promised him so that when he speaks, You verify him and when he asks, You grant it to him. O Allah, exalt his proof, honour his stature, make his proof radiant and make his excellence clear. O Allah, accept his intercession in his community, make us act by his sunna, make us die in his religion, gather us in his party and under his banner, make us among his comrades, bring us to his water-basin, let us to drink from his cup and let us profit by his love, O Allah, Amin. I ask You by Your Names by which I called on You, to bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what I have described and from what none knows except You, and that You show mercy to me, turn to me, relieve me of all trials and afflictions, forgive me and my parents, and show mercy to the believers, men and women, and the Muslims, men and women, living and dead, and that You forgive Your slave [so-and-so], full of sin and error, weak, and that You turn to him. You are Forgiving, Merciful. O Allah, Amin, O Lord of the worlds. The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, 'If anyone recites this prayer once, Allah will write for him the reward of an accepted hajj and the reward of someone who frees a slave from the descendants of Isma'il, peace be upon him." Allah Almighty says, 'O My angels, this is one of My slaves who does much blessing of My beloved,

Mohammed, so by My Might, My Majesty, My Generosity, My Glory and My Height, for every letter he prays I will give him a castle in the Garden, and he will come to Me on the Day of Resurrection under the Banner of Praise. The light of his face will be like the full moon and his hand will be in the hand of My beloved, Mohammed." This is for whoever says it every Friday. He has this favour, and Allah possesses great favour. In one variant: O Allah, I ask You by what Your Throne carries of Your sublimity, power, majesty, radiance and power, and by Your concealed guarded name by which You named Yourself and revealed it in Your Book, and You alone possess it in Your knowledge of the Unseen, that You bless our master Mohammed, Your slave and Messenger, and I ask You by Your name which when You are called by it, You answer, and when You are asked by it, You give. I ask You by the name which You placed over the night so that it darkens and over the day so that it gives light, and over the heavens so that they are set up and over the earth so that it is laid out, and over the mountains so that they are anchored, and over difficulty so there is guidance, and over the contents of the sky so that it is spilled forth, and over the clouds, so that they give rain, and I ask You by what our master Mohammed, Your Prophet, asked You, and I ask You by what our master Adam, Your Prophet, asked You, and I ask You by what Your Prophets, Messengers and near angels asked You, may Allah bless all of them. I ask You by what all the people of Your obedience asked You to bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what You created from before the sky was set up, the earth laid-out, the mountains anchored, the fountains gushed forth, the rivers poured forth, the sun brightened, the moon made to give light and the stars made luminous. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as Your knowledge and bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as Your forbearance and bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what the Preserved Tablet contains of Your knowledge.

O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what the pen writes in the Mother of the Book which is with You. Bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed with as much as Your heavens contain. and bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed with as much as Your earth contains and bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed with as much as You create from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the ranks of the angels, their glorification, declaring holy, praising, glorification, and saying Allahu Akbar and la ilaha illa'llah from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the running clouds and the scattering winds from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as every drop which falls from Your heavens to Your earth and what falls until the Day of Resurrection. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what the winds blow and what the trees, leaves and the crops move and all that You created in the abode of preservation from the Day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the drops of rain and the rain and the plants from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the stars in the sky from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection.

O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what You created in Your seven seas of which only You have knowledge and what You create until the Day of Resurrection. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of Sayyidina Mohammed in quantity as great as the sand and pebbles in the eastern and western parts of the earth. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what You created of jinn and men and what You create until the Day of Resurrection. O Allah bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as their breaths, words and utterances from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection. O Allah, bless Sayyidina Mohammed and the family of Sayyidina Mohammed in quantity as great as the flying of the jinn and the angels from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the birds and the reptiles and in quantity as great as the wild beasts and hills in the eastern and western parts of the earth. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the living and the dead. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what the night darkens and the day shines on from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what walks on two legs and what

walks on four legs from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as whoever blesses him from jinn, men, and angels from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as whoever does not bless him. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of Sayyidina Mohammed as he must be blessed. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as one should bless him. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed until nothing remains of blessing. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in the first and bless our master Mohammed in the last. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in the Highest Assembly until the Day of Repayment. Whatever Allah wills. There is no strength save with Allah, the High, the Great.


The Sixth Hizb on Saturday

O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed and give him the means of mediation, excellence, and high rank and raise him up to the Praiseworthy Station which You promised him, for You do not fail Your promise. O Allah, exalt his position, clarify his proof, make his proof radiant, and make his excellence clear, accept his intercession for his community and make us act by his sunna, O Lord of the Worlds, O Lord of the Mighty Throne. O Allah, O Lord, gather us in his party and under his banner and let us to drink from his cup and let us benefit by his love, Amen, O Lord of the worlds. O Allah, O Lord, convey to him from us the best peace and reward him from us with the best of what you reward the Prophet with from his community, O Lord of the worlds. O Allah, O Lord, I ask You to forgive me, have mercy on me, turn to me and remove from me all trials and afflictions coming from the earth and descending from the sky, You have power over all things by Your mercy. I ask You to forgive the believers, men and women, and the Muslims, men and women, the living and the dead. May Allah be pleased with his pure wives, the Mothers of the Believers, and may Allah be pleased with his Companions, the waymarkers, the imams of guidance and the lamps of this world, and with the Tabi'un and the generation after the Tabi'un, with the best until the Day of Resurrection, and praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Beginning of the Third Third O Allah, Lord of the souls and the mortal bodies, I ask You by the obedience of the souls returning to their bodies, by the obedience of the bodies cohering together by their veins, by Your words which act on them

and Your taking of Your rights from them while creatures before You await the decision of Your decree, hoping for Your mercy and fearing Your punishment, (by all this I ask You) to put light in my eye, and Your dhikr on my tongue by night and day and provide me with good deeds. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed as You blessed our master Ibrahim and give blessings to our master Mohammed as You gave blessings to our master Ibrahim. O Allah, grant Your blessings and barakat to our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as You granted them to our master Ibrahim and the family of our master Ibrahim, You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. Bestow blessings on our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as You bestowed blessings on our master Ibrahim and the family of our master Ibrahim, You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed, Your slave and Messenger, and bless the believers, men and women, and the Muslims, men and women. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and his family in quantity as great as what Your knowledge contains and Your Book encompasses and what Your angels witness with a constant prayer lasting as long as the Kingdom of Allah. O Allah, I ask You by Your Mighty Names, what I know of them and what I do not know, and by the Names which you have called Yourself, those of them I know and those I do not know, that You bless our master Mohammed, Your slave and Prophet and Messenger in quantity as great as what You created before the sky was set up, the earth spread out, the mountains anchored, the fountains gushed forth, the rivers flowed, the sun gave light, the moon shone, the stars were luminous, the seas flowed and the trees gave fruit. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as Your knowledge, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as Your forbearance, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as Your

words, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as Your blessing, and bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as Your favour, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as Your Generosity, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as Your heavens, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as Your earth, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what Your created in Your seven heavens of Your angels, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what You created in Your earth of the jinn and men and other than them of wild beasts and birds and others, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what the pen writes in the knowledge of Your Unseen and what it writes until the Day of Resurrection, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the drops of rain and the rain, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as whoever praises You, thanks You and says la ilaha illa'llah, glorifies You and testifies that You are Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what You and Your angels bless him with, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as whoever blesses him from Your creation, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as whoever does not bless him for Your creation, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the mountains, the sand and the pebbles, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the mountains and the sand and the pebbles, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the trees and their leaves and the mud and its weight, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as every year and what You create in it and what dies in it, and bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what You create in it and what dies in it until the Day of Resurrection. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the clouds running between the heaven and earth and what it rains down of water, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the winds contained in the eastern and western parts of the earth, and the north and south, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the stars of the heavens, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as what You created in Your seas of fish, animals, waters, sand and other than that, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the plants and the

pebbles, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the ants, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the sweet waters, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the salty waters, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as Your blessing on all of Your creation, bless our master Mohammed in quantity as great as Your revenge and Your punishment on whoever disbelieves in our master Mohammed (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) bless our master Mohammed for as long as this world and the Next last, bless our master Mohammed for long as long as creatures remain in the Garden, bless our master Mohammed for long as great as creatures remain in the Fire, bless our master Mohammed according to what You love and what pleases You, and bless our master Mohammed for the post-eternity of post-eternities, grant him the near rank with You, and give him the means of mediation, excellence, intercession, high degree and the Praiseworthy Station which You promised him. You do not fail Your promise. O Allah, I ask You in as much as You are my Ruler, Lord and Master, my trust and my hope, and I ask You by the sanctity of the sacred month, Sacred Land, station of Muzdalifa and the tomb of Your prophet, peace be upon him, that You grant me something of the good which no one has knowledge of except You and turn evil aside from me of which none has knowledge except You. O Allah, Who gave Shith to Adam, Isma'il and Ishaq to Ibrahim, and returned Yusuf to Ya'qub, You Who lifted affliction from Ayyub, returned Musa to his mother, You Who increased al-Khidr in knowledge, You Who gave Sulayman to Dawud, Yahya to Zakariyya, and 'Isa to Maryam and You Who protected the daughter of Shu'ayb, I ask You to bless our master Mohammed and all the Prophets and Messengers. You Who gave our master Mohammed (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) intercession and high rank, I ask You to forgive me my sins, veil all my faults for me, protect me from the Fire, grant me Your pleasure, protection, pardon, and benevolence, and to let me enjoy Your Garden with those on whom You have bestowed blessings among the Prophets, the true, the martyrs, and the righteous. You have power over all things.

And may Allah bless our master Mohammed and his family as long as the winds move the piled up clouds and everyone with a soul tastes death, and may He send peace to the people of peace in the abode of peace with greetings and peace. O Allah, set me aside for what You created me for and do not preoccupy me with what You hold me answerable for and do not deprive me when I ask of You. Do not punish me when I ask Your forgiveness. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and his family and grant them peace. O Allah, I ask of You and turn my face towards You by Your beloved who is Chosen by You. O our beloved, O Mohammed, through You we beseech your Lord, so intercede for us with the Great Master, O most blessed pure Messenger. O Allah, grant him intercession for us by his rank with You. (3 times) Make us among the best of those who bless him and pray for peace for him, and among the best of those near to him and coming to him, and among the best of those who love him and are beloved with him, and gladden us with him in the courtyards of the Resurrection, make him a guide for us to the Garden of Bliss without trouble, difficulty or discussion of the account, make him accept us and do not make him angry towards us, and forgive us and our parents and all the Muslims, the living among them and the dead. The end of our prayer is, praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. Beginning of the Fourth Fourth So I ask You, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, O Living, O Self-Sustaining, O Lord of Majesty and Generosity! There is no divinity except You. Glory be to You! I am one of the wrongdoers. I ask You by what Your Footstool supports of Your Sublimity, Majesty, Radiance, Might and Power, by the right of Your pure, hidden, protected,

pure Names which none of Your creation is informed of, and by the right of the Name which You placed on the night so that it darkens, on the day so that it gives light, on the heavens so that they are raised up, on the earth so that it is spread out, on the seas so that they flow forth, on the fountains so that they gush forth and on the clouds so that they give rain. I ask You by the Names which are written on the brow of our master Jibril, peace be upon him, and by the Names which are written on the brow of our master Israfil, peace be upon him, and on all the angels. I ask You by the names which are written around the Throne and by the Names which are written around the Footstool. I ask You by Your most mighty sublime Name by which You named Yourself, and I ask You by the right of all Your Names, what I know of them, and what I do not know. I ask You by the Names by which our master Adam, peace be upon him, called on You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Nuh called upon You, peace be upon him. I ask You by the names by which our master Salih, peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Yunus, peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Musa, peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Harun, peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Shu'ayb, peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Ibrahim, peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Isma'il, peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Dawud, peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Sulayman, peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Zakariyya, peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Yahya, peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the names by which our master Yusha', peace be upon him, called upon You, I ask You by the Names by which our master al-Khadir, peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask

You by the Names by which our master Ilyas, peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Alyasa', peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Dhu'l-Kifl, peace be upon him, called upon You, I ask You by the Names by which our master 'Isa, peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Mohammed (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) Your Prophet and Messenger, beloved and pure friend, called upon You, O You whose speech is true who said, "Allah created you and what you do." (37:96) No word, deed, or movement or non-movement issues from any of His slaves but that prior His knowledge, decree and decision already decided how it would be. That is even as You inspired me and decreed that I would compile this book, and made the method and reasons in it easy for me. You removed doubt and uncertainty about this noble Prophet from my heart, and You made my love for him overcome love for all relatives and loved ones. O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, I ask You to provide me and everyone who loves him and follows with his intercession and friendship on the Day of Reckoning without any disputation, punishment, rebuke or censure. I ask You to forgive my sins and veil my faults, O Giving, O Forgiving. I ask You to grant me the blessing of looking at Your noble Face among the company of lovers on the Day of Increase and Recompense, accept my deeds from me, forgive me for what Your knowledge encompasses of my errors, forgetfulness and slips, and let me visit his tomb and greet him and his two companions, to achieve my hope by Your grace, favour, generosity and magnanimity, O Compassionate, O Merciful, O Protector! I ask You to recompense him from me and from all who believe in him and follow him among the Muslims, men and women, living and dead, with the best, most complete and universal of what You have recompensed any of Your creation with, O Strong, O Mighty, O High. O Allah, I ask You by the right of what I swear by to You to bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity

as great as what You created before the sky was set up, the earth laid out, the mountains raised, the fountains gushed forth, the seas subjected, the rivers poured forth, the sun shone, the moon gave light and the stars illuminated when no one knows where You were except You. I ask You to bless him and his family in quantity as great as Your speech, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as the ayats of the Qur'an and its letters, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as whoever blesses him, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as whoever does not bless him, to bless him and his family with what Your earth contains, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as what the Pen writes in the Mother of the Book, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as what You created in Your seven heavens, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as what You created in them until the Day of Resurrection in every day a thousand times, and to bless him and his family in quantity as great as the drops of rain and every drop which falls from Your heaven to Your earth from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day.


The Seventh Hizb on Sunday

[I ask You] to bless him and his family in quantity as great as whoever glorifies You, sanctifies You, prostrates to You and exalts You from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as the number of years in which You created them from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as the running clouds, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as the driving winds from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as what the winds blow upon and move of branches, trees, leaves of fruits and flowers, and in quantity as great as what You created on the ground of Your earth and what is between Your heavens from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as the waves of Your seas from the day You created the earth until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as the sand, and pebbles and every stone and the clay of Your creation in the eastern and western parts of the earth, its plains, mountains and valleys from the Day You created the earth until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as the plants of the earth in the north and south, east and west, the mountains and plains and the trees, fruits, leaves, crops and all that You bring forth and what You do not bring forth from it of its plants and blessings from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as what you created of men, jinn Satans, and what You create of them until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as every hair on their bodies, faces and on their heads since You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as their breaths, phrases and glances from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day, to bless him and his family in quantity as

great as the number of the flights of the jinn and every human heartbeat from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as the animals You created on Your earth, both small and large, in the eastern parts of the earth and the western parts, those which known and those which are only known by You from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as whoever blessed him and in quantity as great as whoever did not bless him and whoever will bless him until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as the living and the dead, and in quantity as great as what You created of fish, birds, bees, ants and insects, to bless him and his family in the night when it darkens and the day when it brightens, to bless him and his family in the Last World and the First, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as since the time he was a baby in the cradle until he became a mature middle-aged man when You took him to You as one who was pleasing and equitable so that You could raise him up as an intercessor, to bless him and his family in quantity as great Your creation. Your pleasure, the weight of Your Throne and the ink of Your words, and that You give him the means of mediation, excellence, high rank and the visited watering-place, the Praiseworthy Station and extensive might, and that You exalt his proof, honour his stature, and elevate his place, and O Master, that You make us act by his sunna, make us die in his community, gather us in his company under his banner, make us among his comrades, bring us to his water-basin, let us drink from his cup, and let us benefit through his love. Turn to us, remove from us all trials, affliction and temptations whether outward or hidden, have mercy on us, pardon us, and forgive us and all the believers, men and women, and the Muslims, men and women, the living and the dead. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, He is enough for me and the best of Guardians, and there is no power nor strength except with Allah, the High, the Great. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as long as the pigeons coo, thirsty animals circle water, wild

beasts roam, amulets have benefit, turbans are wound and those who sleep sleep. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as long as the morning is bright, the winds blow, shades spread, morning and evening alternate, armour is put on, spears are held, and bodies and souls are healthy. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as long as the spheres revolve, darkness is black and the angels glorify. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as You blessed our master Ibrahim and give blessing to our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as You gave blessings to our master Ibrahim in the worlds, You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed as long as the sun rises, the five prayers are prayed, as long as lightening flashes, violent rain pours down, and as long thunder glorifies. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed with the capacity of the heavens and earth and what is between them and with the capacity of whatever You wish after that. O Allah, as he undertook the burden of the Message, delivered creation from ignorance, did jihad against the people of kufr and misguidance, called to Your oneness (tawhid) and endured hardships in guiding Your slaves, give him, O Allah, what he asks for, let him reach his desire, give him the means of intercession, excellence and the high rank, and raise him up to the Praiseworthy Station which You promised him. You do not fail Your promise. O Allah, make us among those who follow his Shari'a, described with love of him, guided by his guidance and life, let us die following his sunna, do

not forbid us the favour of his intercession, and gather us among his glorious, radiant followers, his party of forerunners, and the companions of the right, O Most Merciful of the Merciful. O Allah, bless Your angels and the near angels, Your Prophets and Messengers, and all the people who obey You, and make us among those to whom mercy has been shown by praying for them. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed who was sent from Tihama, commanding the good and uprightness, the intercessor for the people of sins in the courtyards of the Resurrection. O Allah, convey the best of blessings and peace from us to our Prophet, intercessor and beloved raise him up to the praiseworthy noble station, and give him the means of mediation excellence, and the high rank which You promised him in the mighty place of standing, and, O Allah, bless him with a constant continual blessing which continues and lasts. O Allah, bless him and his family as long as lightning flashes, light spreads from the east, the darkness gathers and rain pours down, and bless him and his family with the capacity of the Tablet and Space and like the stars of the heaven and in quantity as great as the drops of rain and pebbles, and bless him and his family with a blessing which cannot be counted or enumerated. O Allah, bless him by the weight of Your Throne, the scope of Your pleasure, the ink of Your words and the limit of Your mercy. O Allah, bless him and his family, his wives and his progeny and grant blessings to him and his family, wives and progeny as You blessed and granted blessings to our master Ibrahim and the family of our master Ibrahim, You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. Recompense him from us with the best of that with which You have recompensed a Prophet from his community, and make us among those guided by the path of his Shari'a, guide us with his guidance, let us die in his community, gather us among


the faithful in his company on the Day of the Greatest Terror, and let us die with love of him and love of his family, Companions and descendants. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed, the best of Your Prophets, most noble of Your pure friends, Imam of Your awliya', the Seal of Your Prophets, the beloved of the Lord of the worlds, the witness of the Messengers, the intercessor for the sinners, the master of all of the sons of Adam, he whose mention is raised among the near angels, the bringer of good tidings, the warner, the light-giving lamp, the truthful trustworthy one, the clear truth, the compassionate, the merciful, the guide to the Straight Path to whom You gave the Seven Mathani and the Mighty Qur'an, the Prophet of Mercy, the Guide of the Community, the first from whom the earth will slip so that he enters the Garden, he who was supported by our master Jibril and our master Mika'il, news of whom was given in the Torah and Gospel, the Chosen, the Selected, the Elect, Abu'lQasim Mohammed ibn 'Abdullah ibn 'Abdul-Muttalib ibn Hashim. O Allah, bless the angels and the near angels who glorify night and day and do not slacken or disobey Allah in what He has commanded them and do what He commands. O Allah, as You chose them as messengers to Your Messengers, guardians of Your revelation and witnesses over Your creation, rent the folds of Your veils for them, revealed to them the hidden portion of Your Unseen, chose the treasure of Your Garden ands the bearers of Your Throne from among them, made them among the most of Your soldiers, preferred them over mankind, made them to dwell in the highest heavens, preserved them from disobedience and baseness, and made them pure of shortcomings and imperfections, so bless them with a constant prayer by which they are increased in bounty, and make us deserving of their seeking pardon by it. O Allah, bless all Your Prophets and Messengers whose hearts You expanded, to whom You gave Your wisdom, empowered with Your prophethood, to whom You revealed Your Books, by whom You guided Your creation, who called to Your oneness (tawhid), who yearning for Your promise and feared Your Threat, who guided to Your path,

established Your proof and evidence, and grant them peace, O Allah, and give us a mighty reward for our prayer on them. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed with a constant acceptable blessing by which the mighty right which is due him is fulfilled. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed, the possessor of goodness, beauty, splendour, perfection, radiance, light, youths and houris, chambers and castles, the thankful tongue, thankful heart, famous knowledge, victorious army, sons and daughters, pure wives, exaltedness in the ranks, Zamzam, the Maqam, Mash'ar al-Haram, avoidance of sins, rearing of orphans, the Hajj, recitation of the Qur'an, glorification of the All-Merciful, fasting Ramadan, the banner, nobility and generosity, fidelity to covenants, the possessor of desire and stimulation of desire, the owner of the female mule and noble she-camel, owner of the water-basin and the staff, the frequently repenting Prophet, articulating right conduct described in the Book, the Prophet and slave of Allah, the Prophet, the treasure of Allah, the Prophet, the proof of Allah, the Prophet such that whoever obeys him has obeyed Allah, and whoever disobeys him has disobeyed Allah, the Arabic Qurayshi Prophet of Zamzam, Makka, and Tihama, the possessor of the beautiful face, kohled eye and smooth cheek, and Kawthar and Salsabil, the conqueror of adversaries, destroyer of the unbelievers, slayer of the idolaters, the leader of the radiant, glorious ones to the Gardens of bliss and the proximity of the Noble, the companion of our master Jibril, peace be upon him, the Messenger of the Lord of the worlds, the intercessor of wrongdoers even if they reach the clouds, the lamp of the darkness, the full moon, may Allah bless him and his family, chosen from the purest nature with a constant prayer for eternity without vanishing. May Allah bless him and his family by which his state of delight is renewed and by which his raising and gathering are honoured in the Promise. Bless him and his family, the ascendant stars, with a prayer which bestows liberally on them the best of abundant rains. He sent him from the most balanced of the Arabs, the clearest in proof, most eloquent of tongue, loftiest in faith, highest in station, sweetest in words, most

complete in fulfilling rights, and purest in aversion. He made the Path clear, counselled creation, made Islam known, broke the idols, manifested judgements, forbade the haram, and spread blessings. May Allah bless him and his family in every assembly and station with the best of blessings and peace, and bless him and his family over and over again with a blessing that is treasure and a watering place (wird). May Allah bless him and his family with a complete pure prayer, may Allah bless him and his family with a blessing which is followed by a gentle wind of relief and the aroma of sweet basil, and followed by pardon and pleasure. May Allah bless the best one whose source is good and glory is exalted, and by the light of whose brow the moons are illuminated , and the clouds and seas seem small next to the generosity of his right hand, our master Mohammed, our Prophet, by the radiance of whose signs the ravines and highlands were given light, and by the miracles of his signs the Book was articulated and transmissions came down. May Allah bless him and his family and companions who did hijra in order to help him and they aided him in his hijra. How excellent are the Muhajirun and the Ansar! (Bless him) with a constant growing blessing as long as birds coo in their nests and abundant rains pour down their downpour, and may Allah redouble his constant blessings on him. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and his good and noble family, with a constant continual blessing lasting as long as the Master of Majesty and Nobility. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed who is the Qutb of Majesty, the sun of prophethood and the message, Guide from error, and the one who delivers from ignorance, may Allah bless him and grant him peace with a constant blessing continuing and succeeding with the alternation of days and nights.


The Eighth Hizb on Monday

O Allah, bless our master Mohammed, the ascetic Prophet, the Messenger of the Eternal King, the One. May Allah bless him and grant him peace with a blessing lasting until the end of eternity without interruption or depletion, a prayer by which we are saved from the heat of Jahannam, the worst resting-place. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed, the unlettered Prophet, and his family and grant them peace with a blessing which cannot be counted nor scope counted. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed with a blessing which ennobles his place of abode and on the Day of Resurrection brings pleasure with his intercession. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed, the Prophet of pure origin, the noble master who brought inspiration and revelation, clarified the elucidation of interpretation, and to whom the trusty Jibril, peace be upon him, brought nobility and preference, and whom the Glorious King conveyed in the long jet-black night, and so disclosed to him the highest of the Malakut and showed him the glory of the Jabarut, and he looked at the power of the Living, the Enduring, the Lasting who never dies. May Allah bless him and grant him peace with a blessing accompanied by beauty, goodness, perfection, blessing and bounty. O Allah, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the drops of rain, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the leaves of the trees, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the foam of the seas, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the rivers, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the sand of the deserts and wastelands, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the weight of the

mountains and rocks, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the inhabitants of the Garden and the inhabitants of the Fire, bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the righteous and the dissolute, and bless our master Mohammed and the family of our master Mohammed in quantity as great as the alternation of day and night. O Allah, make our prayer on him a veil from the punishment of the Fire and a reason for permission to enter the Abode of Repose. You are the Almighty, the Forgiving. May Allah bless our master Mohammed and his good family, blessed descendants, noble Companions and his wives, the Mothers of the Believers with a continual blessing which repeats itself until the Day of Repayment. O Allah, bless the lord of the righteous, and the adornment of the good Messengers and the noblest of whomever the darkens and day brightens. (3 times) O Allah, O Possessor of favour whose graciousness cannot be equalled and generosity whose blessing and kindness cannot be repaid, we ask You by Yourself, and we do not ask by other than You, to loosen our tongues in asking, grant us righteous deeds, and make us among the faithful on the Day of tremor and earthquake, O Possessor of Might and Majesty! We ask You, O Light of the Light before all types of time, You are the Enduring without passing, the Rich without like, the Holy, the Pure, the High, the Victor Who is not contained by place nor included by time. I ask You by all Your most beautiful Names, and by the greatest of Your Names, noblest with You in rank, most abundant in reward with You, and quickest in response, and by Your hidden, treasured, pure Name, the most Glorious, the Great, the most Great, the Mighty, the Most Mighty which You love and by which You are pleased with whoever calls on You by it, and so You answer his prayer. O Allah, I ask You by, "There is no god but You, the Loving, Gracious, the Originator of the heavens and the earth, Master of Majesty and Honour,

the Knower of the Unseen and the Visible, the Great, the Self-Exalted." I ask You by Your mightiest Name which You answer when You are called up by it, and if You are asked by it, You grant the request. I ask You by Your Name which to whose majesty the powerful are abased, as are kings, beasts of prey, reptiles, and all which You created, O Allah, O Lord, answer my prayer! O You Who possesses might and the Jabarut! O Possessor of the Mulk and the Malakut! O You Who are Living and never dies! Glory be to You, my Lord! How mighty is Your affair and exalted Your place! You are my Lord. O You who is pure in His Jabarut, it is You I desire and You I fear! O Mighty, O Great, O Compeller, O Powerful, O Strong! You are blessed, O Mighty. You are self-exalted, O Knower. Glory be to You, O Immense! Glory be to You! O Majestic! I ask You by Your complete mighty great Name that You do not give power over us to any stubborn tyrant, any rebellious Satan, any envious man, any weak or strong among Your creation, any righteous or the dissolute, slave, or stubborn one. O Allah, I ask You, and I testify that You are Allah. There is no god except You, the One, the Unique, the Eternal who did not beget nor was He begotten and there is no equal to Him. O He! O He of whom there is no He except Him, O One who there is no god except Him, O Post-eternal, O Pre-eternal, O Very Ancient, O Lasting, O He Who is the Living Who never dies, O our God and the God of everything Who is one God, and there is no god except You. O Allah, Creator of the heavens and the earth, Knower of the Unseen and Visible, the All-Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Living, the SelfSustaining, the Judge, the Loving, the Generous, the Raiser, the Inheritor, the Master of Majesty and Nobility, who has control over the hearts of the creatures, You cultivate good in their hearts and efface evil from them when You wish. So I ask You, O Allah, to efface everything You dislike from my heart and to fill my heart with fear of You, Your gnosis, dread of You, desire for what is with You, security and well-being. Incline to us with mercy and baraka from You, and inspire us with right action and wisdom.

O Allah, we ask You for the knowledge of the fearful, repentance of the humble, sincerity of the certain, the gratitude of the patient and the repentance of the truthful. O Allah, we ask You by the light of Your face which fills the corners of Your Throne, to cultivate Your gnosis in my heart until I know You with the truth of gnosis as one must know You by it, and may Allah bless our master Mohammed, the Seal of the Prophets and the Imam of the Messengers, and his family and companions and grant them peace. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. He is not enough for us and the best Protector and there is no power nor strength except by Allah, the High, the Immense.


Supplication which is recited at the End of Dala'il al-Khayrat

O Allah, forgive us and our parents and the author of this book. Show mercy to us and show mercy to them. Gather us and them in the company of the Prophets and the true on the Day of Rising by Your favour, O AllMerciful. O Allah, bless the Master of the Devout, the Adornment of the best Messengers, and the noblest of those over whom the night is dark and the day shines. O Allah, bless the full moon. O Allah, bless the light of the darkness. O Allah, bless the Key of the Abode of Peace. O Allah, bless the intercessor for all people. I wrote my book before I articulated my thoughts and said to my heart, "You have the best knowledge of yearning." Convey my greeting, O book of mine, and tell them: "Your position with me is precious and honoured." O mercy of Allah, I am full of fear. O blessing of Allah, I bankrupt, so help me! I have no actions with which to meet the All-Knowing other than immense love of you and my faith. Be my hope against the evil of life and the evil of death and the burning of my body. Be my wealth after which there is no bankruptcy and be my release from the fetters of my disobedience. May the greeting of the Eternal Master and His mercy for as long as birds sing in the leaves of the boughs Be upon you, O my firmest handhold, O my most faithful support, you whose praise is my rest and delight. Glory be to Your Lord, the Lord of Might, above what they describe and peace be upon the Messengers. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.


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