Kiss Me,: I'm Irish
Kiss Me,: I'm Irish
Kiss Me,: I'm Irish
I’m Irish
Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day!
joshua radin p. 6
singer/songwriter performs at the 20th century theatre
Joshua Radin will once again visit the east side with Meiko and Jesse Harris.
staff picks
st. patrick’s day edition
Shepherd’s Pie, Daniel Day Lewis, Snow Patrol, J.M. Barrie, Druids, Sean Connery,
3-leaf Clovers, 4-leaf Clovers, Catherine Zeta Jones...
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Joshua Radin will once again visit the east Eastsider recently spoke with Joshua decided to keep doing it.
side, performing at The 20th Century Theatre Radin and learned how he got his start and You were a screenwriter in New York. Do
in Oakley on March 4. Opening acts for the where he, and the music industry, may be you approach writing songs the same way
Cleveland native will be Meiko and Jesse heading in the future. you would write a screenplay? I think it’s
Harris. Eastsider Magazine: You have a completely different for me, and that’s why
While reminiscent of artists like Elliot background in painting and writing. How I like it. I was writing comedies when I was
Smith and Nick Drake, Radin has a sound and when did you make the switch over to screen writing, and I wasn’t being honest. I
that is uniquely his own – both cerebral and music? Joshua Radin: Well, I sort of fell into was making up things. I wasn’t writing about
soulful. Some may recognize his music from it about five years ago. I picked up the guitar what I was going through in my life.
television shows and movies like Grey’s and started writing – well no, I picked up the And I think that is where the song writ-
Anatomy, Scrubs, and The Last Kiss. guitar and started learning. I learned some ing came in and really helped me out. I did
But the singer/songwriter has built a covers like Dylan songs, Beatles songs, stuff it like journal entries. Every song I write is
substantial and loyal following through a like that just as a hobby. something that’s happened to me or some-
steady stream of touring and the release of Then I was going through a breakup and thing I’ve gone through. They are all honest
two full-length albums: We Were Here (2006) decided about four years ago to write a song. accounts of my life. It’s a lot more cathartic
and Simple Times (2008). And then, I don’t know, I just liked it. So I for me.
In these uncertain financial times, doing (blue, green, pale gray, lavender) are sooth- than the other.
any type of decorating makeover on your ing and calming. If you love the color currently on your
home might seem unlikely due to monetary Your wall color takes up a lot of real estate, walls, but you are looking for a little bit of
restrictions. Your home should be an oasis, so pay attention to how it works and relates drama; why not paint an accent wall? Paint
a shelter from all the chaos going on in the with your color story and other large items in the wall behind your bed in the bedroom, the
world, a place to decompress and recharge. the room. buffet in the dining room, or the fireplace in
So how do I suggest enlivening your sanctu- Are your walls “Plain Jane” with plain your living room and it will change the whole
ary? Paint. It’s a cheap solution with major white? Liven them up with vertical stripes. feel of the space. To polish it of, make sure
impact. You can use the white as the base and paint you bring more of that color into the room
Everyone knows that by simply painting stripes using any color for a bold, lengthen- with a few decorative items.
a room a different color you completely ing look. Some dramatic choices to consider Deciding what width to make the stripes is
transform the space. But do you understand are apple green, grey taupe, or even black. a matter of personal preference, but a good
how the colors work? If bold isn’t your style but you like the idea of rule of thumb is if your ceilings are eight feet
Warm colors (red, terra cotta, golden yel- stripes, opt for a more subtle sophisticated high or less, the stripe should be no wider
low, chocolate) are inviting and encourage take on this classic pattern. Make the stripes than ten inches. You can go up to 12 inches
you or your guest to linger. Cooler colors tonal, with one stripe a few shades darker if they are higher.
Now in it’s 19th year, the Cincinnati Collins. “In order to promote it in the early boasts a variety of activities for not only con-
International Wine Festival attracts attend- years, he approached WGUC, and told them noisseurs, but those simply looking to taste
ees from all over the Midwest, and wineries that if they would be the vehicle in which some great wines.
from all over the globe – while donating its we get the word out about this event, then Honorary Co-Chairs for this years event
proceeds to dozens of local charities. we would give them whatever money we are Charles and Molly Meeker of Meeker
The impetus behind the first festival in raised.” Vineyard in Sonoma County,
1991 was simply to promote the wine indus- Over the last two decades, California. Meeker’s signa-
try. The event was the idea of Russ Wiles, the Cincinnati International ture wine is their Handprint
who worked for Heidelberg Distributing Wine Festival has steadily Merlot. Each bottle is
Company, a beer and wine wholesaler in grown, earning recognition as touched by the painted hand
Ohio and Kentucky. one of the biggest and best of one of the wine makers
“He wasn’t in the festival business to wine festivals in the Midwest. in order to insure that it is a
make money. He just wanted to promote Through this growth, the work of art on the inside and
wine in the area. So he wanted to give the festival has gone from help- outside.
proceeds to charities and non-profits,” says ing just one beneficiary to The festival kicks off on
the festival’s Development Director, Kelly 26. The three-day event now Thursday, March 12 with ten
After acquiring a permit for a religious procession, members In addition to face painting and Celtic crafts for kids, there
of the AOH, along with family members and friends, began will be cultural demonstrations featuring re-enactments of an-
the procession on March 17. Along the way, many observers cient Iron Age Celtic peoples and warriors. There will also be
joined in; augmenting the event into a full-scale parade and performances by Cincinnati Shakespeare Company, Cincinnati
stopping traffic for hours. Highland Dancers, Cincinnati Caledonian Pipes and Drums
Band, among others.
Due to the chaos caused by the original parade, the event has
been held on the weekend ever since. It now includes floats, Celtic Lands Culture Fest will take place on Saturday and
music, dancers, marching bands, and much more. Sunday, March 14 & 15 from noon to 5:00 p.m. A full schedule,
as well as information on this and all the events in the Passport
Since its inception over four decades ago, the parade has never to the World series, is available at
been canceled. This year’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade will begin
at 8th & Broadway on Saturday, March 14 at 11:00 am.
The event is part one in the series of five Passport to the World
culture fests, which give visitors a chance to experience cul-
tures from around the globe.
And while you’re there, check out the staff picks for our
favorite people, places, and things from all over the British
Isles, including: Shepherd’s Pie, Daniel Day Lewis, Snow
Patrol, Druids, Sean Connery, 3-leaf Clovers, 4-leaf Clovers,
Catherine Zeta Jones...
Mt. Lookout native Aaron Campbell explains the mysterious No matter what
illness and miraculous recovery that strikes his workplace each St. Patrick’s Day events
and every March. you partake in, be sure
to snap a few pics of
“My wife and I both work downtown, so we head to work for an you and your friends.
hour or two. The entire office usually comes down with some-
thing around 10:30, and we all head out. By the time we get to Submit your photos to
our cars, most of us feel much better. It must be the fresh air,” he Eastsider Magazine
shrugs. and you could win a
6-pack of Guinness.
Aaron and a group of friends hit a few of the downtown pubs,
then work their way back to the east side. Along the way, the Include your name
pack usually grows from a handful at the start, to dozens by the and the names of
end of the affair.
everyone in the
picture, along
A true pub crawl, they try to hit at least ten bars before the day is
with what you’re
through. “We aren’t rookies though,” Aaron says emphatically.
doing and where it’s taking place.
“We do everything responsibly. There are a few designated driv-
ers, and most of us use cabs. And we pace ourselves. We really
try to hit as many places as we can and make it an all-day event. You can submit up to five entries by emailing them to
But we want to have fun and remember it the next day.” [email protected].
taft with a twist: movie magic culture kids drop in and look for the Studio Sunday
march 12 • 6:00 – 9:00 pm march 13 • 10:00–11:30 am, 2:00–3:30 pm Cart in a different gallery each month.
(513) 241-0343 (513) 721-ARTS mauritius
Put your movie knowledge to the test Preschoolers and their parents enjoy march 18 – april 5
with this trivia contest. Teams will copete story time, tours, snack, and hands-on (513) 421-3555
to see who makes the A-list, and who is art activities related to a new theme each
relegated to the C-list. And as always, month. This month, we’ll look at music Who knew stamp collecting could be
enjoy cash bar, hors d’oeuvres, and in art before creating our own musical so dangerous? When a young woman
mingling with other art-minded young instruments. Reservations. unknowingly discovers the rarest of
professionals. stamps that she inherited from her
st. patrick’s day parade mother, a suspenseful caper ensues.
bo bice march 14 • 11:00 am
march 12 • 8:00 pm The 43rd annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade film: elizabeth
(513) 731-8000 will start at 8th & Broadway. march 19 • 6:00 pm (513) 241-0343
Bo Bice performs with Kelleigh Bannen. studio sunday
march 15 • 1:00 – 5:00 pm Englandís Queen Elizabeth (Cate
auggie smtih (513) 721-ARTS Blanchett) sacrifices happiness with
march 12 - 15 Lord Robert Dudley (Joseph Fiennes)
(513) 984-9288 Sketch a work in the collection on the and places her trust in Sir Francis third Sunday of each month. Drawing Walsingham (Geoffrey Rush) amid
The 14-year stand-up veteran performs. materials and instructor provided, just assassination threats.
We live in a “new” era. Forty is the new is perhaps the most well-known artist of the poster’s hayday are still favorites of casual
30, green is the new black, geek is the new genre, mainly because of his Moulin Rouge and avid collectors today. “Travel posters
cool... you get the picture. So when it comes posters, it was Jules Cheret who perfected have proven to be the most popular. And bi-
to decorating your home or office, old is the the multi-color lithograph medium and made cycle posters have a very devoted audience,
new new. From kitschy to classic, vintage it into an advertising venture. as well,” says Jack Wood, owner of the gallery
posters can transform a space into fun and Radio was still decades away from being that bears his name. Wood first ventured into
vibrant or rich and sophisticated. invented, and literacy had not yet reached the vintage poster world as a hobby while in
If you aren’t familiar, throw out all of your the masses in full. So posters were a great London in the mid-1990’s. He tells the story
preconceived notions about posters. Vintage way for European companies to reach the of how he fell in love with a bicycle poster.
posters are works of art that come in all sizes, burgeoning post-industrial middle class. “I saw the large version of the Peugeot Lion
styles, and price ranges. And like artwork, Primarily used to promote the entertainment bicycle poster in a London antique mall and
they are not only a decorative addition but of the day (circuses, magic shows, and had to have it.” Soon, he branched out from
an investment, as they appreciate in value. theatre) the medium has evolved over time, bicycle posters and began building a network
Posters became an effective and afford- and is still used for both movies and music of contacts across Europe. After returning to
able method of advertising in the mid- to late- today. the states, he set up shop in O’Bryonville in
1800’s. Though Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec Two very popular categories from the 1998.