Kiss Me,: I'm Irish

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Kiss Me,

I’m Irish
Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day!

Joshua Radin Plays the East Side

Spring Style Revamp for Under $20
Old is the New New: Revisiting Vintage
19th Annual Wine Festival Gets Better with Age
Plus: Events happening in and around Hyde Park, Mt. Lookout, & Oakley
what’s inside | march 2009

joshua radin p. 6
singer/songwriter performs at the 20th century theatre
Joshua Radin will once again visit the east side with Meiko and Jesse Harris.

spring style revamp for under $20 p. 8

what’s cheap, easy, and can transform your space in no time?
Paint. It’s a cheap solution with major impact.

cincinnati international wine festival p. 10

annual event gets better with age
One of the Midwest’s biggest and best wine events celebrates 19 years.

kiss me, i’m irish p. 12

everyone’s irish on st. patrick’s day
Cincinnati may be thought of as a German town, but everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day.

old is the new new p. 20

revisiting vintage... posters
We live in a “new” era. Forty is the new 30, green is the new black, geek is the new cool... | march 2009 | 3

on the web | web-exclusive content at

staff picks
st. patrick’s day edition
Shepherd’s Pie, Daniel Day Lewis, Snow Patrol, J.M. Barrie, Druids, Sean Connery,
3-leaf Clovers, 4-leaf Clovers, Catherine Zeta Jones...

death and taxes

april 15th is right around the corner
Learn about in-person tax assistance and tax preparation software.

dr. seuss is on the loose

celebrate what would have been his 105th birthday
Theodor Seuss Geisel was the man behind the classic Dr. Seuss books.

capitalize on consignment
buy and sell online or over the counter
Local consignement shops help you move merchandise and acquire new-to-you items.

Connect with Eastsider Magazine Check out for web-exclusive content like articles, reviews,
on Facebook and Twitter. pictures, videos, and a comprehensive calendar of events for what’s happening in and
around Hyde Park, Mt. Lookout, and Oakley.

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4 | march 2009 |

joshua radin
singer/songwriter performs at the 20th century theatre

Joshua Radin will once again visit the east Eastsider recently spoke with Joshua decided to keep doing it.
side, performing at The 20th Century Theatre Radin and learned how he got his start and You were a screenwriter in New York. Do
in Oakley on March 4. Opening acts for the where he, and the music industry, may be you approach writing songs the same way
Cleveland native will be Meiko and Jesse heading in the future. you would write a screenplay? I think it’s
Harris. Eastsider Magazine: You have a completely different for me, and that’s why
While reminiscent of artists like Elliot background in painting and writing. How I like it. I was writing comedies when I was
Smith and Nick Drake, Radin has a sound and when did you make the switch over to screen writing, and I wasn’t being honest. I
that is uniquely his own – both cerebral and music? Joshua Radin: Well, I sort of fell into was making up things. I wasn’t writing about
soulful. Some may recognize his music from it about five years ago. I picked up the guitar what I was going through in my life.
television shows and movies like Grey’s and started writing – well no, I picked up the And I think that is where the song writ-
Anatomy, Scrubs, and The Last Kiss. guitar and started learning. I learned some ing came in and really helped me out. I did
But the singer/songwriter has built a covers like Dylan songs, Beatles songs, stuff it like journal entries. Every song I write is
substantial and loyal following through a like that just as a hobby. something that’s happened to me or some-
steady stream of touring and the release of Then I was going through a breakup and thing I’ve gone through. They are all honest
two full-length albums: We Were Here (2006) decided about four years ago to write a song. accounts of my life. It’s a lot more cathartic
and Simple Times (2008). And then, I don’t know, I just liked it. So I for me.

6 | march 2009 |

Do you have any plans on getting back into in his bedroom. We called in a couple of Do you plan on releasing your music in
painting or writing? I don’t have any plans to, favors from some people every now and these smaller bundles? Yeah. Little EP’s
but you never know. I get bored pretty easily. again to play something on it. But it was a – little digital bundles. And then I can kind
I don’t know if I’m going to make records my real sparse record. Really just vocals, guitar, of experiment. There’s not a lot of pressure
whole life, you know. I may move on from and some cello. of one record every two years. So I can do
one medium to the next. As long as I’m wak- The second album I actually made with a few songs with a symphony, then a few
ing up in the morning and staying creative Columbia Records. It obviously has a lot more songs that are electronic, and then a few
and trying to express what I’m going through production on it. I picked all the players and that are really rock-inspired, and then maybe
in my life, it doesn’t really matter whether I’m producers and did it in a real studio, Sunset a little bundle that’s totally acoustic. And just
using a paint brush, a typewriter, or a guitar. Sound. So I was in the same room where the really try to stay true to myself. I think it’s
What bands did you listen to while you first Prince records where made, and where much more interesting that way. And I think
were growing up? Growing up I listened to Zeppelin and the Stones recorded. It was a that’s where we’re going, instead of staying
a lot of Beatles, Paul Simon, Dylan, and Cat major change. a record-buying culture.
Stevens. My parents played all that kind of Another difference was that instead of do- What’s the toughest part about being on
music. They also played a lot of Motown, too. ing it every now and again in pieces like the tour for you? Not being able to sleep in my
A lot of Otis Redding and Sam Cooke, some first record, this one we did in seven weeks own bed. Everything else is great. I like wak-
Wilson Picket... Marvin Gaye. in one continuous block. ing up in a new city everyday. It gets a little
I listened to a lot of stuff with good tiring, but this is the only way I get to do
melodies. I love great melodies. And, as what I love every day, which is play live in
I got older, I was a lot more into stuff like front of people.
Dylan because of the lyrical content. Do you feel like you’ve “made it?” I do feel
What are a few of your favorite artists like I’ve made it, for sure. I feel like I’m the
or bands today? Well, I love Elliot Smith, luckiest person ever. Like I said, I wrote my
even though he’s passed. And I also like first song four-and-a-half years ago, and
Ray LaMontagne and Damien Rice. now I’m touring around on a bus. I’m not
Do you listen to a lot of music while in my mom’s station wagon, sleeping on
you are on tour? I listen to a fair amount. futons all across the country. It’s crazy. I
Not a ton though. I think people would think about it every day.
be surprised that we don’t even listen to Last night I played in Gainesville, FL. I’ve
music on the tour bus. We make so much never been to Gainesville in my life and I
music all the time that we just want silence look out and it’s a packed audience. And,
on the bus. You’ve talked about how you would prefer on top of that, they know all the lyrics to the
So what do you do to entertain yourself to release little bundles of three or four songs. It’s just crazy. I never had to work
while on tour? I watch a lot of movies. I songs every few months, rather than waiting the markets and pay my dues for years and
love old movies. Well, not just old movies, two or three years to record and release a years on the music scene like so many other
but all films. I’m a cinefile, for sure. We full length album in order to be truer to your artists. I was a starving artist, totally broke in
always try to get good movies playing on the sound at a particular time. Nowadays it’s New York for years. I feel like I paid my dues
bus. I was watching Chinatown right before so much easier to release music right when as a screenwriter. So, I don’t feel too guilty
you called. you record it. It’s an instant thing and you about it.
Tell us about the experience recording don’t have to print anything with digital I do know that I’ve been extremely lucky.
and releasing your first album, and how that releases. Seventy percent of my last record ___________________________________
differed with the second. Yeah, there were was purchased digitally – which is insane. It Story by Jason Jones. Share your thoughts
major differences. The first one… those were doesn’t make any sense to waste the money and comments with the author and other
all the first songs I had ever written. I didn’t and resources making physical copies when readers at
have any money or a record deal or anything eventually everyone is just going to be listen-
like that. So my friend and I made the album ing to MP3’s. | march 2009 | 7

spring style revamp for under $20
what’s cheap, easy, and can transform your space in no time?

In these uncertain financial times, doing (blue, green, pale gray, lavender) are sooth- than the other.
any type of decorating makeover on your ing and calming. If you love the color currently on your
home might seem unlikely due to monetary Your wall color takes up a lot of real estate, walls, but you are looking for a little bit of
restrictions. Your home should be an oasis, so pay attention to how it works and relates drama; why not paint an accent wall? Paint
a shelter from all the chaos going on in the with your color story and other large items in the wall behind your bed in the bedroom, the
world, a place to decompress and recharge. the room. buffet in the dining room, or the fireplace in
So how do I suggest enlivening your sanctu- Are your walls “Plain Jane” with plain your living room and it will change the whole
ary? Paint. It’s a cheap solution with major white? Liven them up with vertical stripes. feel of the space. To polish it of, make sure
impact. You can use the white as the base and paint you bring more of that color into the room
Everyone knows that by simply painting stripes using any color for a bold, lengthen- with a few decorative items.
a room a different color you completely ing look. Some dramatic choices to consider Deciding what width to make the stripes is
transform the space. But do you understand are apple green, grey taupe, or even black. a matter of personal preference, but a good
how the colors work? If bold isn’t your style but you like the idea of rule of thumb is if your ceilings are eight feet
Warm colors (red, terra cotta, golden yel- stripes, opt for a more subtle sophisticated high or less, the stripe should be no wider
low, chocolate) are inviting and encourage take on this classic pattern. Make the stripes than ten inches. You can go up to 12 inches
you or your guest to linger. Cooler colors tonal, with one stripe a few shades darker if they are higher.

8 | march 2009 |

Few people think about painting their You can take mismatched dining room
ceiling. Use your wall color on the ceiling, but chairs acquired through flea markets, hand
knock the intensity down by half with white. It me downs, and yard sales and unite them
creates quite the uplifting experience. by painting them all black. If they need to be
Or, why not paint stripes on your ceiling? recovered, any fabric you choose will pop
Leave the base white and paint stripes in a against the black.
color already present in the room. Are your bookcases looking a little dreary?
To optically lengthen and stretch the room, Just paint the back wall an accent color.
make sure the stripes are running parallel Notice how all of your books and collected
to the longest wall in the room. Just think treasures are now prominent and more inter-
how much fun and energy it would add to a esting.
nursery or kid’s room. One of the most expensive rooms in a
Ever consider painting the architectural house to remodel is the kitchen. You can
details of a room, like molding or doors, in a save thousands of dollars by keeping your
color other than white? For a subtle approach cabinets and simply painting them. It will
you can paint your molding the same color have a huge impact, your kitchen gets an
as your walls, or a few shades lighter. For a instant facelift on the cheap, and you can do
bit more emphasis, try painting them a few it over a weekend.
shades darker than your wall color. Or, if you On a smaller scale, a simple coat of paint
are feeling really brave, use a contrasting can make your lighting and accessories look
color. more modern and current. Do you like the
If you are looking for an easier project, lines of your brass chandelier or one you
leave your molding white and just paint the spotted at a yard sale, but it looks dated?
flat part of your baseboards. If you use a Why not spray-paint it white or choose a
dark, contrasting color such as brown, dark bolder color for maximum wow? You can
grey, or black it will be an underlining accent even paint the inside of your lampshades
in the room and really make the walls stand with an accent color found in your room.
out. Plus it will hide scuffmarks. If you have a lot of small mirrors or frames
Lets not forget the importance of trans- of different sizes, you can unite them by
forming a space with doors. Freshen up your painting them all the same color and hanging
home’s exterior in an afternoon by simply them together as a collection. You can even
painting your front door a new color. You create a collection out of old ceramic vases
would be surprised how such a small amount picked up at a rummy sale. Look beyond the
of paint does wonders for your home’s curb mismatched colors and focus on their differ-
appeal. ent sizes and shapes. After a coat of white
Instead of painting an accent wall in your spray-paint, group them together in a tray
home, you could just paint the doors in a and place on a tabletop.
room. I’m thinking Chinese red. Just be sure Paint can be a powerful tool to transform
to tie the accent color into the room with a your nest into your own personal work of art.
few accessories. ___________________________________
Painting furniture is another cheap way Story by Renee Garner. Share your
to breathe new life into your home. Whether thoughts and comments with the
you choose an old console table, nightstand, author and other readers at
or side table, by painting casegoods that are
past their prime, their look is reinvented.
cincinnati international wine festival
19th annual event gets better with age

Now in it’s 19th year, the Cincinnati Collins. “In order to promote it in the early boasts a variety of activities for not only con-
International Wine Festival attracts attend- years, he approached WGUC, and told them noisseurs, but those simply looking to taste
ees from all over the Midwest, and wineries that if they would be the vehicle in which some great wines.
from all over the globe – while donating its we get the word out about this event, then Honorary Co-Chairs for this years event
proceeds to dozens of local charities. we would give them whatever money we are Charles and Molly Meeker of Meeker
The impetus behind the first festival in raised.” Vineyard in Sonoma County,
1991 was simply to promote the wine indus- Over the last two decades, California. Meeker’s signa-
try. The event was the idea of Russ Wiles, the Cincinnati International ture wine is their Handprint
who worked for Heidelberg Distributing Wine Festival has steadily Merlot. Each bottle is
Company, a beer and wine wholesaler in grown, earning recognition as touched by the painted hand
Ohio and Kentucky. one of the biggest and best of one of the wine makers
“He wasn’t in the festival business to wine festivals in the Midwest. in order to insure that it is a
make money. He just wanted to promote Through this growth, the work of art on the inside and
wine in the area. So he wanted to give the festival has gone from help- outside.
proceeds to charities and non-profits,” says ing just one beneficiary to The festival kicks off on
the festival’s Development Director, Kelly 26. The three-day event now Thursday, March 12 with ten

10 | march 2009 |

Winery Dinners held at some of Cincinnati’s inside, you get to sample seven truly great,
best restaurants. Head Chefs team up with high-end wines. They retail at $60 and above
visiting winemakers and create multi-course for red wines and $35 and above for white
meals that perfectly pair the food and wine. wines.”
Attendees also have the chance to mingle Another special event is the Live Auc-
with the wine makers and learn the history of tion & Luncheon. Limited-release bottlings,
their wines. winemaker-signed grand format bottles, rare
The Grand Tastings are the centerpiece wines coaxed from the cellars of notable Cin-
of the festival, taking place on Friday and cinnatians, chef’s table dining opportunities
Saturday, March 13 & 14. There are 130 at exclusive Cincinnati homes, exotic trips,
wineries represented, making over 600 new, and wine cellar tours will be available to bid
rare, and exciting wines available to attend- on at the theatre style auction.
ees. Following the auction, there will be a
“Originally it was local, but had some luncheon featuring wine from all over the
national pull,” explains Collins. “Because country, and food from the Chef’s of the
the primary goal was to promote the wine Hilton Netherland.
industry in general, “With our proceeds going to so many great
Russ would take whatever wineries charities and non-profits, this is not only a
he could convince to come to the festival. great way to have fun and enjoy some great Luncheon typically sell out in advance. You
Whether they were from Ohio or California.” wine, but to really help out organizations that can learn more about all that’s happening at
Local and regional wineries are still better the community. We hope everyone will the 19th Annual Cincinnati International Wine
strongly represented. But as the years kick off their cabin fever and join us at the Festival by visiting
have passed and the event has grown, the festival.” ___________________________________
festival has gone International. Wineries are Tickets are available in advance or at Story by Katherine Barger. Share
represented from not only expected nations, the door. However, special events like the your thoughts and comments with
such as France, but from other countries like Winery Dinners and the Silent Auction & the author and other readers at
Mexico and Macedonia. “I think that reflects
well on the success of the festival from past
years,” Collins continues.
A testament to the success of the festival
is the steady increase in attendance over
the nearly two decades that the event has
taken place. Roughly 800 people attended
the inaugural festival, and organizers expect
over 6,000 people to attend this year.
While all the attendees enjoy the Grand
Tastings, those that are slightly more inquisi-
tive may want to visit the special tasting room.
The festival committee added a special tast-
ing room at last year’s event, and due to its
success has brought it back again this year.
Kelly Collins goes over the particulars,
citing that “there is an additional cost to get
into the room, and it is only open for one hour
prior to each Grand Tasting. Once you’re | march 2009 | 11

Cincinnati may be thought of as a German town, but everyone is Irish on
St. Patrick’s Day. There is plenty of green beer and Danny Boy to go
around, but there are also St. Patrick’s Day events for every age and interest.
St. Patrick’s Day Parade b In 1967, several members of Celtic music and an array of art and folklore from the British
Cincinnati’s Ancient Order of Hibernians first thought of the Isles. Visitors can also shop for variety of authentic items in the
idea of a St. Patrick’s Day parade here in the Queen City. marketplace, and enjoy a variety of activities.

After acquiring a permit for a religious procession, members In addition to face painting and Celtic crafts for kids, there
of the AOH, along with family members and friends, began will be cultural demonstrations featuring re-enactments of an-
the procession on March 17. Along the way, many observers cient Iron Age Celtic peoples and warriors. There will also be
joined in; augmenting the event into a full-scale parade and performances by Cincinnati Shakespeare Company, Cincinnati
stopping traffic for hours. Highland Dancers, Cincinnati Caledonian Pipes and Drums
Band, among others.
Due to the chaos caused by the original parade, the event has
been held on the weekend ever since. It now includes floats, Celtic Lands Culture Fest will take place on Saturday and
music, dancers, marching bands, and much more. Sunday, March 14 & 15 from noon to 5:00 p.m. A full schedule,
as well as information on this and all the events in the Passport
Since its inception over four decades ago, the parade has never to the World series, is available at
been canceled. This year’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade will begin
at 8th & Broadway on Saturday, March 14 at 11:00 am.

Celtic Lands Culture Fest b The Cincinnati Museum

Center will once again be putting on their annual Celtic Lands
Culture Fest. This is the 11th year the event has taken place at
Union Terminal.

The event is part one in the series of five Passport to the World
culture fests, which give visitors a chance to experience cul-
tures from around the globe.

This free event allowss children and adults to explore the

diverse heritage, dance, music, crafts and culture of Ireland,
Scotland and Wales.
Cincinnati Caledonian Pipes and Drums Band
Celtic Lands Culture Fest features fancy footwork, traditional

12 | march 2009 |

The Origins of St. Patrick’s Day
While St. Patrick is one of the most well-known saints
around the world, much is not known about his life.

The major story attributed to him contends that he drove

all of the snakes out of Ireland. While this is held to be
a false (or at the very least exaggerated) claim, some
information is more widely accepted.

Though he is the patron saint of Ireland, St. Patrick was

born in Scotland. He was taken prisoner by Irish pirates,
For Kids and Families b St. Patrick’s Day isn’t just for the
and spent six years in captivity working as a shepherd.
over-21 crowd. Kids of all ages, as well as their paraents, can join
in the fun at the Cincinnati Public Library, which hosts a wide This was a solitary task that made him more introspective
variety of family-friendly events and activities on and around and lean more heavily on his Christian faith.
the holiday.
He escaped and returned to Britain, saying that he was
The McGing Irish Dancers are a perennial favorite, performng at inspired to escape by a dream in which God told him it
branches across the city. This year, you can catch performances was his time for
by the Erickson Academy of Irish Dance, as well as enjoy stories, him to leave.
songs, crafts, and more.
Almost 15 years
Check the schedule for the Hyde Park and Oakley branches, as later, St. Patrick
well as nearby villages. Blue Manatee Children’s Bookstore and was ordained as a
Joseph Beth Booksellers will also be hosting St. Patrick’s Day priest and returned
events for families. to Ireland to
minister to
Christians and

St. Patrick’s Day

is celebrated on
March 17, the day
of his death in
460 A.D.

While the Irish

have observed this holiday for thousands of years, the
first-ever St. Patrick’s Day parade in the United States
McGing Irish Dancers perform at the Cincinnati Library was held in Boston in 1737. | march 2009 | 13

Pub Crawl b A good spot to kick off the fun is at O’Nati’s Irish Going Native b Our area is home to a lot of great pubs that
Pub on Fountain Square. You can watch the parade, then spend are perfect for St. Patrick’s Day. Here are just a few for you
the rest of the day partying on the Square or at other downtown and your friends to check out:
hotspots, which will be featuring beer, whiskey, food, and live
music - not to mention dancing. Hap’s Irish Pub • 3510 Erie Ave., Hyde Park
(513) 871-6477
“Being an Irish Saloon, St. Patrick’s Day is a big one for us,”
says Lyndsee Ballinger of BlackFinn Restaurant & Saloon, O’Bryon’s Irish Pub • 1998 Madison Rd., O’Bryonville
downtown. “Even if people aren’t Irish, they like to pretend they (513) 321-5525 •
are for one day!”
The Pub at Rookwood Mews • 2692 Madison Rd., Rookwood
(513) 841-2748 •

R.P. McMurphy’s • 2910 Wasson Rd., Oakley

(513) 531-3300 •
Story by Patrick Bennington. Share your comments with the
author and other readers at

And while you’re there, check out the staff picks for our
favorite people, places, and things from all over the British
Isles, including: Shepherd’s Pie, Daniel Day Lewis, Snow
Patrol, Druids, Sean Connery, 3-leaf Clovers, 4-leaf Clovers,
Catherine Zeta Jones...

Partygoers enjoy the festivities downtown

To get people in the right frame of mnd, the pub will have Irish
music and the correct color ale on hand. “The popular drinks
Eastsider Magazine’s
on St. Patty’s Day are Guinness, Jameson, Smithwick’s, and of St. Patty’s Day
course green beer. And when the green beer is flowing, anything
is possible,” adds Ballinger. Photo Contest

Mt. Lookout native Aaron Campbell explains the mysterious No matter what
illness and miraculous recovery that strikes his workplace each St. Patrick’s Day events
and every March. you partake in, be sure
to snap a few pics of
“My wife and I both work downtown, so we head to work for an you and your friends.
hour or two. The entire office usually comes down with some-
thing around 10:30, and we all head out. By the time we get to Submit your photos to
our cars, most of us feel much better. It must be the fresh air,” he Eastsider Magazine
shrugs. and you could win a
6-pack of Guinness.
Aaron and a group of friends hit a few of the downtown pubs,
then work their way back to the east side. Along the way, the Include your name
pack usually grows from a handful at the start, to dozens by the and the names of
end of the affair.
everyone in the
picture, along
A true pub crawl, they try to hit at least ten bars before the day is
with what you’re
through. “We aren’t rookies though,” Aaron says emphatically.
doing and where it’s taking place.
“We do everything responsibly. There are a few designated driv-
ers, and most of us use cabs. And we pace ourselves. We really
try to hit as many places as we can and make it an all-day event. You can submit up to five entries by emailing them to
But we want to have fun and remember it the next day.” [email protected].

14 | march 2009 |

calendar | events in and around hyde park, mt. lookout, and oakley

adult studio: glitter and glam musketeers basketball

march 1 • 1:00 – 4:00 pm march 5 • 9:00 pm
(513) 241-0343 The Xavier Men’s
Transform a plain vest with your own Basketball team will take
unique ideas. Create a piece of jewelry on Dayton.
to match and you’ve got an ensemble. All
supplies included. chelsea handler
march 6• 8:00 pm
frost/nixon (513) 731-8883
march 3 - 8
(513) 621-ARTS The author and star of Chelsea Lately will perform
Legendary stage and screen actor Stacy at the Taft Theatre.
Keach stars as Richard Nixon, in this
fast-paced Tony Award nominated play. bearcats basketball foreigner
march 7 • 12:00 noon march 10 – april 10
cincinnati home & garden show (513) 421-3888
march 4 – 8 The UC Men’s Basketball team takes on
(513) 419-7300 Seton Hall at Fifth Third Arena. When Charlie, a desperately shy Englishman, comes to a rural lodge in
Talk to professionals and contractors to cinciditarod Georgia, he pretends to be a foreigner
learn about the latest in products and march 7 • 11:00 am from an exotic country who doesn’t know
services and for any home or garden English so he won’t have to talk to the
project. The Cinciditarod is a wacky race through locals. Hilarious intrigue ensues.
the city. It’s named in tribute to the
joshua radin Alaskan Iditarod - a brutal 1,100-mile tea leaf green
march 4 • 8:00 pm dog-sledding race - but instead of dogs, march 10 • 8:00 pm
(513) 731-8000 it’s people; and instead of sleds, it’s (513) 731-8000 shopping carts.
Joshua Radin performs with Meiko and Tea Leaf Green will perform with opening
Jesse Harris. brunch, art, music act Outformation.
march 8 • 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
kevin brennan (513) 721-ARTS artist file
march 5 – 8 march 11 • 7:00 pm
(513) 984-9288 Enjoy Impressionism in music and art (513) 721-ARTS with performances by the Lee String Duo
Voted “Best Comedian” at the 2005 and gallery strolls. Special guest speaker Get up close and personal with a different
Aspen Comedy Festival. Richard Brettell shares new research artist on the second Wednesday of the
on the painter Gauguin. Reservations month - this month Joan Miro.
cincinnati international wine festival
chamber music series march 12 - 14
march 8 • 2:30 pm (513) 723-9463
(513) 241-0343 Cincinnati’s own wine festival is one of
Sonata Recital for Violin and Piano, the best in the Midwest. The Festival is
with Rebecca and Daniel Culnan. This made up of four prominent events: the
event is free and open to the public. No Winery Dinners, the Charity Auction &
reservations are taken. Luncheon, the Grand Tastings and the
Russ Wiles Memorial Golf Tournament.

16 | march 2009 |

visit for our full list of events

taft with a twist: movie magic culture kids drop in and look for the Studio Sunday
march 12 • 6:00 – 9:00 pm march 13 • 10:00–11:30 am, 2:00–3:30 pm Cart in a different gallery each month.
(513) 241-0343 (513) 721-ARTS mauritius
Put your movie knowledge to the test Preschoolers and their parents enjoy march 18 – april 5
with this trivia contest. Teams will copete story time, tours, snack, and hands-on (513) 421-3555
to see who makes the A-list, and who is art activities related to a new theme each
relegated to the C-list. And as always, month. This month, we’ll look at music Who knew stamp collecting could be
enjoy cash bar, hors d’oeuvres, and in art before creating our own musical so dangerous? When a young woman
mingling with other art-minded young instruments. Reservations. unknowingly discovers the rarest of
professionals. stamps that she inherited from her
st. patrick’s day parade mother, a suspenseful caper ensues.
bo bice march 14 • 11:00 am
march 12 • 8:00 pm The 43rd annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade film: elizabeth
(513) 731-8000 will start at 8th & Broadway. march 19 • 6:00 pm (513) 241-0343
Bo Bice performs with Kelleigh Bannen. studio sunday
march 15 • 1:00 – 5:00 pm Englandís Queen Elizabeth (Cate
auggie smtih (513) 721-ARTS Blanchett) sacrifices happiness with
march 12 - 15 Lord Robert Dudley (Joseph Fiennes)
(513) 984-9288 Sketch a work in the collection on the and places her trust in Sir Francis third Sunday of each month. Drawing Walsingham (Geoffrey Rush) amid
The 14-year stand-up veteran performs. materials and instructor provided, just assassination threats. | march 2009 | 17

calendar | events in and around hyde park, mt. lookout, and oakley

playhouse disney live wee wednesdays

march 20 • 6:30 pm march 25 • 10:00 – 11:30 am
(513) 421-4111 (513) 721-ARTS
You’re invited to the Mickey Give preschoolers a chance to get up
Mouse Clubhouse as Mickey and move as they learn about art and
plans a spectacular music music during Marching to Music. Includes
party for all his friends. story times and fun art stops in selected
cincinnati rollergirls
March 21 • 7:00 pm barrows lecture series
(513) 631-7793 march 25 • 7:00 pm (513) 281-4700
The Cincinnati Rollergirls
battle the Hard Knox Dr. Birute Galdikas , the world’s foremost
Rollergirls of Knoxville, TN. authority on orangutans, will be present-
ing, “Preserving Orangutans and Forests:
art in the making Gonzalez (of the Buena Vista Social A Lifetime to Go Green.”
March 21 • 2:00 – 4:00 pm Club), this powerhouse Afro-Cuban band
(513) 721-ARTS will have you dancing in the aisles. zootini march 26 • 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Interactive classes that include a gallery parties of note (513) 281-4700
tour and hands-on art activity. For kids march 22 • 2:00 – 4:00 pm
ages 6 to 12 accompanied by an adult. (513) 621-1919 Enjoy sampling five fun martinis with live music, animal encounters, light
madcap puppets Do you like to party? If you are looking
march 21 - 22 • 11:30 am , 1:30 pm for something fun to do while also
(513) 721-ARTS benefiting a good cause – your Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra – Parties of Note
With puppets as awesome as Marco are for you. Reservations.
Polo’s adventures, and your help,
Madcap invites you to relive some of family artventures
these stories, meet the “Silk People,” march 22 • 3:00 pm
and learn how the secrets of making silk (513) 721-ARTS
came to the West many centuries ago.
Bring your family to take an interactive
timon of athens tour of the galleries. These 45-minute
march 1 - 22 tours include hands-on elements for you
(513) 381-BARD and your children to touch and see up close.
In Shakespeareís savage satire, Timon
of Athens, moments of absurd comedy smucker’s stars on ice
and poignant tragedy intersect for a march 24 • 7:00 pm
fascinating examination of selfishness (513) 421-4111
and sacrifice.
The World’s best skaters are put to the
afro-cuban all stars ultimate test, showcasing their elite appetizers, and movie showings in the
march 22 • 7:00 pm athletic skills within an Emmy Award-win- 4-D Theater. Benefit’s the Zoo’s Lindner
(513) 621-ARTS ning production. Center for the Conservation & Research of Endangered Wildlife. Purchase tickets
Led by the legendary Juan de Marcos in advance.

18 | march 2009 |

visit for our full list of events

cincinnati cyclones entertainment, education, demonstra- cinderella tea party

march 26 • 7:30 pm tions, seminars and hands on fun. march 29 • 2:00 - 4:00 pm (513) 241-0343
The Cyclones take on the Trenton Devils. madcap puppets
march 28 - 29 • 11:30 am, 1:30 pm Activities include a tour of Fashion in
(513) 721-ARTS Film, with guests then creating their own
sinatra suite & more accessories - hats, fairy wings, brooches,
march 27 – 28 With puppets as awesome as Marco and more - to wear in a parade at the
(513) 621-5282 Polo’s adventures, and your help, Museum. Madcap invites you to relive some of
Celebrated Broadway Choreographer these stories, meet the “Silk People,” and fashion in film
Twyla Tharp’s sensual, humorous and learn how the secrets of making silk came through april 26 • 1:30 pm
tipsy Sinatra Suite draws on the moods to the West many centuries ago. (513) 241-0343
and moves of Frank’s enormously popular
songs in their original recorded versions. canstruction Films set require the creation of histori-
march 28 • 10:00 am – 12:00 noon cally accurate, often lavish costumes.
everything pets (513) 241-0343 Such costumes play a critical role in the
march 27 - 29 aesthetics and power of the character by
(513) 419-7300 Whimsical structures created from suggesting not only the historical setting canned goods for the annual art and but also the personality, age, class and
This highly interactive show is all about architecture design firm competition not status of their wearers.
the world of responsible pet ownership only recall Andy Warhol’s soup cans, but
and care through a combination of inspire young artists. | march 2009 | 19

old is the new new
revisiting vintage... posters

We live in a “new” era. Forty is the new is perhaps the most well-known artist of the poster’s hayday are still favorites of casual
30, green is the new black, geek is the new genre, mainly because of his Moulin Rouge and avid collectors today. “Travel posters
cool... you get the picture. So when it comes posters, it was Jules Cheret who perfected have proven to be the most popular. And bi-
to decorating your home or office, old is the the multi-color lithograph medium and made cycle posters have a very devoted audience,
new new. From kitschy to classic, vintage it into an advertising venture. as well,” says Jack Wood, owner of the gallery
posters can transform a space into fun and Radio was still decades away from being that bears his name. Wood first ventured into
vibrant or rich and sophisticated. invented, and literacy had not yet reached the vintage poster world as a hobby while in
If you aren’t familiar, throw out all of your the masses in full. So posters were a great London in the mid-1990’s. He tells the story
preconceived notions about posters. Vintage way for European companies to reach the of how he fell in love with a bicycle poster.
posters are works of art that come in all sizes, burgeoning post-industrial middle class. “I saw the large version of the Peugeot Lion
styles, and price ranges. And like artwork, Primarily used to promote the entertainment bicycle poster in a London antique mall and
they are not only a decorative addition but of the day (circuses, magic shows, and had to have it.” Soon, he branched out from
an investment, as they appreciate in value. theatre) the medium has evolved over time, bicycle posters and began building a network
Posters became an effective and afford- and is still used for both movies and music of contacts across Europe. After returning to
able method of advertising in the mid- to late- today. the states, he set up shop in O’Bryonville in
1800’s. Though Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec Two very popular categories from the 1998.

20 | march 2009 |

Vintage items from
Jack Wood Gallery
in O’Bryonville &
Vintage Poster Bank
in Mt. Loookout.
“Oh no, they are all originals,” Wood movements, styles. And with thousands of places for lithography in America. Two major
explains when asked where he acquires pieces to choose from in each of their shops, players were The Strobridge Lithography
his collection. “Most of my posters are from both can easily locate any item in a matter of Co. and Donaldson Litho Co.
Europe, and primarily from France. Nothing moments. Hodesh explains that “Strobridge printed
is a reproduction.” He keeps a fully stocked Wood says “I have a pretty good idea of for Houdini and Ringling Brothers. Donaldson
store, and can track down items for those where everything is. If a collector comes in was another great one, they –“ he pauses
interested in a particular poster. looking for a certain artist, or someone walks and heads over to one of the many drawers.
Michael Hodesh is the owner of Vintage in off the street and seems to like a particular After a few minutes, a large horseracing
Poster Bank in Mt. Lookout Square. His shop style, it won’t take me long to get together a poster is produced and laid flat to reveal the
is home to vintage posters, statuettes, clocks, group of things for them to look at.” Donaldson logo. One of his more special
lamps, and industrial art. He is a recent Casuals and Collectors. Steve from Mt. items, the poster was created in the late
transplant to the east side, though he has a Lookout stopped into the Vintage Poster 1800’s and is in phenomenal shape.
quarter-century of experience in the industry. Bank on his way home from work. “I just saw Sizes and Prices. Vintage posters come
“I had four different locations downtown on the posters in the window and thought I’d in all sizes, with smaller offerings at 3 inches
Main St. over the last 15 years. And then I check it out. My dad collects vintage concert by 4 inches, moving up towards the more
moved into this spot last fall.” posters, album covers, stuff like that,” he standard three feet by four feet range.
He is quick to point out that his collection, says, holding an authentic Rolling Stones “I’ve even got some billboards, which are
which leans toward mid-century modern, also concert poster from 1969. really just a collection of smaller poster. But
A more serious I don’t get a lot of people looking for those,”
collector is Ron Wood jokes.
Molatto of Hyde “People come in looking for all sizes and
Park. After driv- prices. Most of my posters are priced in the
ing by the store low hundreds, but we have a good selection
and seeing some that starts as low as $30.”
things in the win- For the serious collector, or someone
dow before the looking to make a statement with a large or
store was even rare piece, you are in luck. Both Wood and
open, he found Hodesh havae several pieces on hand that
Hodesh’s number can quench your appetitie, or they offer their
on the door and services to track down anything you may be
gave him a call. looking for.
“I saw some Style and Substance. Many of these
things that piqued posters were made in limited quantities.
contains no reproductions. “In the beginning my attention. Michael wasn’t really open yet, This, coupled with their age, and the ever-
I started with antique American advertising,” but was nice enough to call me. We spent a diminishing chances of finding them in good
he explains. “And then branched out from few hour-long sessions together just looking or great condition, helps them retain and
there. I actually bought the archived col- at things I was interested in.” even increase their value.
lection of a calendar company that used to Molatto has already bought four pieces So, whether your interest is in collecting
be here in Cincinnati. That was one of my from the shop, including a European ad- or decorating, vintage posters are not only a
firsts.” vertising piece for his daughter and Le way to spruce up your space, but they may
It’s easy to tell that both men love what Thermogene for himself. also prove to be a good investment.
they do and take great pride in it. Both also Cincinnati’s Vintage History. Though ___________________________________
admit to having a fairly large collection at Europe dominated the medium, the Queen Story by Jason Jones. Share your thoughts
home. Their knowledge of the industry is City built quite a printing reputation. Our and comments with the author and other
quite impressive… names, dates, artists, area was considered one of - if not the - top readers at

22 | march 2009 |
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