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Glory Days
Glory Days
Glory Days
Ebook105 pages51 minutes

Glory Days

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About this ebook

February 2024 marks sixty-two years of playing bass and guitar for Jim Wright. Jim started his first band with a school friend and went on to open for such groups as the Animals, the Turtles, Tommy James & the Shondells, Peter and Gordon, We Five, Chad & Jeremy, New Colony Six, the Buckinghams, Shadows of Night, the Cryan' Shames, and many others. He has also performed backups with Chuck Berry and Neil Diamond and jammed with Edgar Winter.

He has performed solo, singing and playing folk music, blues, '50s-'60s-'70s songs, and country.

Jimbo, as his friends call him, has also performed as a folk musician around the Lake Michigan coffeehouses. He has appeared with a host of folk artists, including the Holstein Brothers, Cathy Maguire, Cathy McNamara, and Bonnie Raitt.

Jim has written music and parody songs. He has performed on radio and television in the Chicago area and onstage from Chicago to Florida and New Hampshire to New Orleans.

Release dateNov 26, 2024
Glory Days

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    Book preview

    Glory Days - Jim Wright


    Glory Days

    Jim Wright

    ISBN 979-8-89526-006-7 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-89526-007-4 (digital)

    Copyright © 2024 by James D. Wright

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents





    History in the Making


    Life in the Balance


    Vietnam Conflict


    Gotta Have Soul, Angels, and a Savior


    My Girl Gloria


    My Favorite Garage Band


    Michael Who?


    War Is Hell


    Duck Walk


    My Kind of Town


    One Hundred Sixty Miles of Gold


    Through the Looking Glass




    And Justice for All


    A Diamond Opportunity


    For God's Sake


    Names and Numbers


    More Name-Droppin'

    About the Author

    This book is dedicated to:

    My best friend, Nick Biscan, who wanted to form a band with me, even as cancer was taking his music way too soon in life.

    Mark Yuhas, friend and lead guitarist of the Jesters, who took his life, distraught over not finding the music again in his life.

    My wife, Verlaine, for allowing me to carry on at least some of the craziness of my music. Thanks for all the hours you spent typing and editing.

    All those garage bands that tried regardless of their success.

    Each and every musician in those old garage bands and all those generations of musicians since then.


    Four guys from Liverpool, England, would change music forever, and what a change it was. All over America, garage bands started popping up like mushrooms.

    Guitar and drum sales went through the roof from a music epidemic proportion.

    While there would be thousands of these garage bands, this author tells his story of being a pioneer and taking the lead to have success when others failed.

    Why a book on garage bands, you ask? Glory Days is full of interesting true stories and experiences. That's why!

    As you experience the music that has lasted over sixty years, you will see lots of names that you will surely know, like the Jacksons, Chicago, Buckinghams, and more. In some cases, Mr. Wright has a story to go with those names. The author has changed the names of people or bands and, in some cases, has omitted them altogether, while some may have been enhanced for entertainment value.

    The stories and content happen mainly in greater Chicagoland, but all over America—in fact, all over the world—garage bands were popping up. It would take volumes to put a dent in and do an individual tribute to each.

    If you grew up in that time known as the sixties, then sit back, relax, and enjoy Glory Days.



    Ah, summertime! It was always a special time of year growing up on the southern shores of Lake Michigan in Indiana. The kids were out of school, the maple trees were in full foliage, and those annoying whirlybird seedpods were everywhere.

    Yes, it was summer all right—the sandlot baseball games, the festivals, and neighbors catching up on the gossip from that long winter's grip.

    There were those smells—ooh, those smells. Sometimes they weren't always pretty. The corn-processing plant, the soap factory, the oil refinery, and the steel mills all lend their special aroma, especially when the wind came out of the north over Lake Michigan.

    For all the hustle and bustle of a city with a population of over one hundred thousand, the best part of summer was the sounds, or should I say lack of, but the summer of 1963 would change all that. Those days of street noises and the quiet of the early evening hours would never be the same again until years later.

    What would this new sound be like? Only two school chums might have the answer to this one. My friend Willie and I would immortalize and entrench ourselves in a new sound. After only two months, by April, we knew what that new sound had to be—it had to be four guys with guitars and drums, and vocals too! Yes, a rock and roll band, not with

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