Oil Spill
Oil Spill
Oil Spill
Date: 09/15/2016
Curriculum/Course: Science
4-ESS3-1.: Obtain and combine information to describe that energy and fuels are derived from natural
resources and their uses affect the environment.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.4.1.B: Provide reasons that are supported by facts and details.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.4.1.B: Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions and carry out assigned roles.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.4.1.C: Pose and respond to specific questions to clarify or follow up on information,
and make comments that contribute to the discussion and link to the remarks of others.
Objectives (I can statements):
- I can explain how oil production can negatively harm the environment.
- I can properly participate in discussions by keeping my eye on the speaker, and raising my hand when I wish
to speak.
- I can work together with others to help create a solution to a problem.
- I can provide reasons that a solution did, or did not work that are justified by evidence.
Previous knowledge: Students have learned how oil is extracted
from the earth, transported, and used each day.
Students learn how oil spills negatively impact the environment and will have the opportunity to clean-up an
oil spill in small groups.
(Review of previous knowledge) Who can tell me. How oil is extracted? Transported? Uses? (ten minutes)
Steps in the lesson:
1. Go over the PowerPoint. Slide one and two is just to show where the pipes run throughout Michigan.
Have the students point out what they observe in the pictures, and explain how that oil effects the
environment. Students should watch the video on slide four twice. Once to observe, and once to discuss
what they observed. The last slide is an opportunity to present what ifs? What if the oil spill was not
cleaned up as quickly? What if the line ruptured under the Mackinaw Bridge? Would it be easier or
harder to contain? What would be affected by the spill? (twenty- twenty five minutes)
Day two
2. Review what was learned yesterday (five minutes)
3. Introduce the activity. Now its your turn! Split the students up into preselected groups. The water
bins will already be at their table with their worksheets. Explain that the students are only allowed to
use the tools they purchase with their set budget. The tools will be set aside in a separate area. After the
group is done conducting a plan they will be able to come up to purchase the tools from the instructor.
The goal is to extract as much oil, and as little water as possible. Explain that any water they remove
just hurts the ecosystem even more. They will have two attempts. The students can fill out the
worksheet together up until the last question. At this point the students will be expected to split back up
and answer this by themselves. (thirty minutes)