Combinatorics:, - . - , A A, A A, - . - , A

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Mathematics Olympiad Coachs Seminar, Zhuhai, China 1


1. An n-string is a string of digits formed by writing the numbers 1, 2, . . . , n in some order (in base 10).
For example, one possible 10-string is
What is the smallest n greater than 1 such that there exists a palindromic n-string?

2. We have a polyhedron such that an ant can walk from one vertex to another, traveling only along
edges, and traveling every edge exactly once. What is the smallest possible total number of vertices,
edges, and faces of this polyhedron?

3. The member of a distinguished committee were choosing a president, and each member gave one
vote to one of the 27 candidate. For each candidate, the exact percentage of votes the candidate got
was smaller by at least 1 than the number of votes for that candidate. What is the smallest possible
number of member of the committee?

4. A class room of a 5 × 5 array of desks, to be filled by anywhere from 0 to 25 students, inclusive. No

student will sit at a desk unless either all other desks in its row or all others in its column are filled
(or both). Considering only the set of desks that are occupied (and which student sits at each desk),
how many possible arrangements are there?

5. There are 51 senators in a senate. The senate needs to be divided into n committees so that each
senator is on one committee. Each senator hates exactly three other senators. (If senator A hates
senator B, then senator B does not necessarily hate senator A.) Find the smallest n such that it is
always possible to arrange the committees so that no senator hates another senator on his or her

Solution: Assume that there are 7 senators A1 , . . . , A7 such that each Ai hates Ai+1 , Ai+2 , and
Ai+3 (where indices are taken modulo 7). In this situation, for any different Ai , Aj , either Ai hates
Aj or vice versa. The senators A1 , . . . , A7 must be placed on a different committee. Thus, n ≥ 7.
In order to show that n ≤ 7, we will prove the following stronger statement by induction on k ≥ 1:
for k senators, each of whom hates at most 3 others, it is possible to arrange the senators into 7
committees so that no senator hates another senator on his or her committee.
For the base case k = 1, note that we can have 7 committees, 6 of which are empty and 1 of which
contains the sole senator.
Now assume the claim is true for all k ≤ m−1. Suppose we are given m senators, each of whom hates
at most 3 others. If each of those m senators is hated by more than 3 others, then the total number
of acts of hating must be greater than 3m, but this is not possible since each senator hates at most
3 others. Therefore, there must be at least one senator A who is hated by at most 3 others. By the
induction hypothesis, we can split the m − 1 other senators into 7 committees satisfying the property
that no senator hates another senator on the same committee. By the Pigeonhole Principle, one
of those committees contains neither a person whom A hates nor a person who hates A. We can
therefore place A in that committee. The induction is complete.

6. Given that 22004 is a 604-digit number with leafing digit 1. Determine the number of elements in the
set {20 , 21 , 22 , . . . , 22003 } with leading digit 4.
2 Zuming Feng ([email protected]), Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter 03833, USA

7. Let S be a set with 2002 elements, and let N be an integer with 0 ≤ N ≤ 22002 . Prove that it is
possible to color every subset of S either blue or red so that the following conditions hold:

(a) the union of any two red subsets is red;

(b) the union of any two blue subsets is blue;
(c) there are exactly N red subsets.

First Solution: We prove that this can be done for any n-element set, where n is an positive
integer, Sn = {1, 2, . . . , n} and for any positive integer N with 0 ≤ N ≤ 2n .
We induct on n. The base case n = 1 is trivial. Assume that we can color the subsets of Sn =
{1, 2, . . . , n} in the desired manner, for any integer Nn with 0 ≤ Nn ≤ 2n . We show that there is
a desired coloring for Sn+1 = {1, 2, . . . , n, n + 1} and any integer Nn+1 with 0 ≤ Nn+1 ≤ 2n+1 . We
consider the following cases.

(i) 0 ≤ Nn+1 ≤ 2n . Applying the induction hypothesis to Sn and Nn = Nn+1 ,we get a coloring of
all subsets of Sn satisfying conditions (a), (b), (c). All uncolored subsets of Sn+1 contain the
element n + 1; we color all of them blue. It is not hard to see that this coloring of all the subsets
of Sn+1 satisfies conditions (a), (b), (c).
(ii) 2n + 1 ≤ Nn+1 ≤ 2n+1 . By case (i), we know that there exists a coloring of the subsets of Sn+1
satisfying (a) and (b) and having 2n+1 − Nn+1 red subsets. Then, we switch the color of each
subset: if it is blue now, we recolor it red; if it is red now, we recolor it blue. It is not hard to
see that this coloring of all the subsets of Sn+1 satisfies conditions (a), (b), (c).

Thus our induction is complete.

Second Solution: If N = 0, we color every subset blue; if N = 22002 , we color every subset
red. Now suppose neither of these holds. We may assume that S = {0, 1, 2, . . . , 2001}. Write N in
binary representation:
N = 2a1 + 2a2 + · · · + 2ak ,
where the ai are all distinct; then each ai is an element of S. Color each ai red, and color all the
other elements of S blue. Now declare each nonempty subset of S to be the color of its largest
element, and color the empty subset blue. If T, U are any two nonempty subsets of S, then the
largest element of T ∪ U equals the largest element of T or the largest element of U , and if T is
empty, then T ∪ U = U . It readily follows that (a) and (b) are satisfied. To verify (c), notice that, for
each i, there are 2ai subsets of S whose largest element is ai (obtained by taking ai in combination
with any of the elements 0, 1, . . . , ai − 1). If we sum over all i, each red subset is counted exactly
once, and we get 2a1 + 2a2 + · · · + 2ak = N red subsets.

8. An n-term sequence (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) in which each term is either 0 or 1 is called a binary sequence of
length n. Let an be the number of binary sequences of length n containing no three consecutive terms
equal to 0, 1, 0 in that order. Let bn be the number of binary sequences of length n that contain no
four consecutive terms equal to 0, 0, 1, 1 or 1, 1, 0, 0 in that order. Prove that bn+1 = 2an for all
positive integers n.

Solution: We refer to the binary sequences counted by (an ) and (bn ) as “type A” and “type
B”, respectively. For each binary sequence (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) there is a corresponding binary sequence
Mathematics Olympiad Coachs Seminar, Zhuhai, China 3

(y0 , y1 , . . . , yn ) obtained by setting y0 = 0 and

yi = x1 + x2 + · · · + xi mod 2, i = 1, 2, . . . , n. (∗)

(Addition mod 2 is defined as follows: 0 + 0 = 1 + 1 = 0 and 0 + 1 = 1 + 0 = 1.) Then

xi = yi + yi−1 mod 2, i = 1, 2, . . . , n,

and it is easily seen that (∗) provides a one-to-one correspondence between the set of all binary
sequences of length n and the set of binary sequences of length n + 1 in which the first term is 0.
Moreover, the binary sequence (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) has three consecutive terms equal to 0, 1, 0 in that
order if and only if the corresponding sequence (y0 , y1 , . . . , yn ) has four consecutive terms equal to 0,
0, 1, 1 or 1, 1, 0, 0 in that order, so the first is of type A if and only if the second is of type B. The
set of type B sequences of length n + 1 in which the first term is 0 is exactly half the total number
of such sequences, as can be seen by means of the mapping in which 0’s and 1’s are interchanged.

9. Some checkers placed on an n × n checkerboard satisfy the following conditions:

(a) every square that does not contain a checker shares a side with one that does;
(b) given any pair of squares that contain checkers, there is a sequence of squares containing checkers,
starting and ending with the given squares, such that every two consecutive squares of the
sequence share a side.

Prove that at least (n2 − 2)/3 checkers have been placed on the board.

Solution: It suffices to show that if m checkers are placed so as to satisfy condition (b), then
the number of squares they either cover or are adjacent to is at most 3m + 2. But this is easily seen
by induction: it is obvious for m = 1, and if m checkers are so placed, some checker can be removed
so that the remaining checkers still satisfy (b); they cover at most 3m − 1 squares, and the new
checker allows us to count at most 3 new squares (since the square it occupies was already counted,
and one of its neighbors is occupied).

Note. The exact number of checkers required is known for m × n checkerboards with m small, but
only partial results are known in the general case. Contact the authors for more information.

10. Find the smallest positive integer n such that if n unit squares of a 1000 × 1000 unit-square board
are colored, then there will exist three colored unit squares whose centers form a right triangle with
legs parallel to the edges of the board.

First Solution: We show that n = 1999. Indeed, n ≥ 1999 because we can color 1998 squares
without producing a right triangle: color every square in the first row and the first column, except
for the one square at their intersection.
Now assume that some squares have been colored so that no desired right triangle is formed. Call a
row or column heavy if it contains more than one colored square, and light otherwise. Our assumption
then states that no heavy row and heavy column intersect in a colored square.
If there are no heavy rows, then each row contains at most one colored square, so there are at most
1000 colored squares. We reach the same conclusion, if there are no heavy columns. If there is a
heavy row and a heavy column, then by the initial observation, each colored square in the heavy row
4 Zuming Feng ([email protected]), Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter 03833, USA

or column must lie in a light column or row, and no two can lie in the same light column or row.
Thus the number of colored squares is at most the number of light rows and columns, which is at
most 2 × (1000 − 1) = 1998.
We conclude that in fact 1999 colored squares is the minimum needed to force the existence of a right
triangle of the type described.

Second Solution: Assume that 1999 squares are colored and the required right triangle does
not exist. By the Pigeonhole Principle, there is a row with a1 ≥ 2 colored squares. Interchange rows
to make this the first row. Interchange columns so that the first a1 squares in the first row are all
colored. Then the first a1 columns have no colored squares other than the ones in the first row, for
otherwise we would have a right triangle.
Observe that a1 cannot equal 1000, for then we would have no place for the remaining 999 colored
squares. Also, a1 cannot equal 999, for then the remaining 1000 colored squares must all be in the
last column and we would have a right triangle, a contradiction. Hence 1000 − a1 ≥ 2.
Throw away for now the first a1 columns and the first row and consider the remaining (1000−a1 )×999
rectangular grid G2 . It contains 1999 − a1 ≥ 999 + 2 = 1001 colored squares. Therefore, there is a
row in G2 with at least a2 ≥ 2 colored squares. Interchange rows and then columns so that the first
a2 squares of the first row are colored. Then the first a2 columns have no colored squares other than
the ones in the first row.
Observe that a1 + a2 cannot equal to 1000, for then we would have no place to put the remaining 999
colored squares. Also, a1 + a2 cannot equal 999, for then the remaining 1000 colored squares must all
be in the last column and we would have a right triangle, a contradiction. Hence 1000− (a1 + a2 ) ≥ 2.
The above process can be continued, but 1000 − (a1 + a2 + · · · ) ≥ 2 contradicts the fact that
a1 , a2 , · · · ≥ 2. Thus, with 1999 colored squares there must be a right triangle. As in the first
solution, we can find a way to arrange 1998 colored squares without obtaining a right triangle of the
type described.

Third Solution: We prove a more general statement:

Lemma Let nk,` be the smallest positive integer such that if nk,` squares of a k ×` (k, ` ≥
2) board are colored, then there necessarily exist a right triangle of the type described.
Define t = tk,` = k + ` to be the total dimension of the board. Then nk,` = t − 1.
Proof: As in the first solution, we can color t − 2 squares without producing a right triangle: fill
every square in the first row and the first column, except for the one square at their intersection.
Hence nk,` ≥ t − 1.
Now we prove by induction on t that nk,` = t − 1.
For the base case t = 4, we have k = ` = 2 and it is easy to see that n2,2 = 3.
Assume that the claim is true for t = m, m ≥ 4. For t = m + 1, we claim that nk,` = m when
k + ` = m + 1, k, ` ≥ 2. For the sake of contradiction, suppose that there is a k × ` board with m
colored squares and no right triangles. Without loss of generality, suppose that k ≥ `. Then k > 3.
There is a row with at most 1 colored square because otherwise we will have at least 2k ≥ t > m
colored squares. Cross out that row to obtain a (k − 1) × ` board with t = m, and k − 1, ` ≥ 2, and
at least ≥ m − 1 colored squares. By the induction hypothesis, there is right triangle, contradicting
our assumption. Therefore our assumption is wrong and we conclude that nk,` = m = t − 1. Our
induction is complete, and this finishes our proof.
Mathematics Olympiad Coachs Seminar, Zhuhai, China 5

11. Every unit square of a 2004 × 2004 grid is to be filled with one of the letters A, B, C, D, so that every
2 × 2 subsquare contains exactly one of each letter. In how many ways can this be done?

12. Let n 6= 0. For every sequence of integers

a = a 0 , a1 , a2 , . . . , a n

satisfying 0 ≤ ai ≤ i, for i = 0, . . . , n, define another sequence

t(a) = t(a)0 , t(a)1 , t(a)2 , . . . , t(a)n

by setting t(a)i to be the number of terms in the sequence a that precede the term ai and are
different from ai . Show that, starting from any sequence a as above, fewer than n applications of the
transformation t lead to a sequence b such that t(b) = b.

First Solution: Note first that the transformed sequence t(a) also satisfies the inequalities
0 ≤ t(a)i ≤ i, for i = 0, . . . , n. Call any integer sequence that satisfies these inequalities an in-
dex bounded sequence.
We prove now that that ai ≤ t(a)i , for i = 0, . . . , n. Indeed, this is clear if ai = 0. Otherwise, let
x = ai > 0 and y = t(a)i . None of the first x consecutive terms a0 , a1 , . . . , ax−1 is greater than
x − 1, so they are all different from x and precede x (see the diagram below). Thus y ≥ x, that is,
ai ≤ t(a)i , for i = 0, . . . , n.

0 1 ... x−1 ... i

a a0 a1 ... ax−1 ... x
t(a) t(a)0 t(a)1 ... t(a)x−1 ... y

This already shows that the sequences stabilize after finitely many applications of the transformation
t, because the value of the index i term in index bounded sequences cannot exceed i. Next we prove
that if ai = t(a)i , for some i = 0, . . . , n, then no further applications of t will ever change the index i
term. We consider two cases.

• In this case, we assume that ai = t(a)i = 0. This means that no term on the left of ai is
different from 0, that is, they are all 0. Therefore the first i terms in t(a) will also be 0 and this
repeats (see the diagram below).

0 1 ... i
a 0 0 ... 0
t(a) 0 0 ... 0

• In this case, we assume that ai = t(a)i = x > 0. The first x terms are all different from
x. Because t(a)i = x, the terms ax , ax+1 , . . . , ai−1 must then all be equal to x. Consequently,
t(a)j = x for j = x, . . . , i − 1 and further applications of t cannot change the index i term (see
the diagram below).

0 1 ... x−1 x x+1 ... i

a a0 a1 ... ax−1 x x ... x
t(a) t(a)0 t(a)1 ... t(a)x−1 x x ... x
6 Zuming Feng ([email protected]), Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter 03833, USA

For 0 ≤ i ≤ n, the index i entry satisfies the following properties: (i) it takes integer values; (ii) it is
bounded above by i; (iii) its value does not decrease under transformation t; and (iv) once it stabilizes
under transformation t, it never changes again. This shows that no more than n applications of t
lead to a sequence that is stable under the transformation t.
Finally, we need to show that no more than n−1 applications of t is needed to obtain a fixed sequence
from an initial n + 1-term index bounded sequence a = (a0 , a1 , . . . , an ). We induct on n.
For n = 1, the two possible index bounded sequences (a0 , a1 ) = (0, 0) and (a0 , a1 ) = (0, 1) are already
fixed by t so we need zero applications of t.
Assume that any index bounded sequence (a0 , a1 , . . . , an ) reach a fixed sequence after no more than
n−1 applications of t. Consider an index bounded sequence a = (a0 , a1 , . . . , an+1 ). It suffices to show
that a will be stabilized in no more than n applications of t. We approach indirectly by assuming on
the contrary that n + 1 applications of transformations are needed. This can happen only if an+1 = 0
and each application of t increased the index n + 1 term by exactly 1. Under transformation t,
the resulting value of index i term will not be effected by index j term for i < j. Hence by the
induction hypothesis, the subsequence a0 = (a0 , a1 , . . . , an ) will be stabilized in no more than n − 1
applications of t. Because index n term is stabilized at value x ≤ n after no more than min{x, n − 1}
applications of t and index n + 1 term obtains value x after exactly x applications of t under our
current assumptions. We conclude that the index n + 1 term would become equal to the index n
term after no more than n − 1 applications of t. However, once two consecutive terms in a sequence
are equal they stay equal and stabilize together. Because the index n term needs no more than n − 1
transformations to be stabilized, a can be stabilized in no more than n − 1 applications of t, which
contradicts our assumption of n + 1 applications needed. Thus our assumption was wrong and we
need at most n applications of transformation t to stabilize an (n + 1)-term index bounded sequence.
This completes our inductive proof.

Note: There are two notable variations proving the last step.

• First variation The key case to rule out is ti (a)n = i for i = 0, . . . , n. If an = 0 and t(a)n = 1,
then a has only one nonzero term. If it is a1 , then t(a) = 0, 1, 1, . . . , 1 and t(t(a)) = t(a), so
t(t(a))n 6= 2; if it is ai for i > 1, then t(a) = 0, . . . , 0, i, 1, . . . , 1 and t(t(a)) = 0, . . . , 0, i, i +
1, . . . , i + 1 and t(t(a))n 6= 2. That’s a contradiction either way. (Actually we didn’t need to
check the first case separately except for n = 2; if an = an−1 = 0, they stay together and so get
fixed at the same step.)
• Second variation Let bn−1 be the terminal value of an−1 . Then an−1 gets there at least as soon
as an does (since an only rises one each time, whereas an−1 rises by at least one until reaching
bn−1 and then stops, and furthermore an−1 ≥ 0 = an to begin with), and when an does reach
that point, it is equal to an−1 . (Kiran Kedlaya, one of the graders of this problem, likes to call
this a “tortoise and hare” argument–the hare an−1 gets a head start but gets lazy and stops, so
the tortoise an will catch him eventually.)

Second Solution: We prove that for n ≥ 2, the claim holds without the initial condition 0 ≤ ai ≤ i.
(Of course this does not prove anything stronger, but it’s convenient.) We do this by induction on
n, the case n = 2 being easy to check by hand as in the first solution.
Note that if c = (c0 , . . . , cn ) is a sequence in the image of t, and d is the sequence (c1 , . . . , cn ), then
the following two statements are true:
Mathematics Olympiad Coachs Seminar, Zhuhai, China 7

(a) If e is the sequence obtained from d by subtracting 1 from each nonzero term, then t(d) = t(e).
(If there are no zero terms in d, then subtracting 1 clearly has no effect. If there is a zero term
in d, it must occur at the beginning, and then every nonzero term is at least 2.)
(b) One can compute t(c) by applying t to the sequence c1 , . . . , cn , adding 1 to each nonzero term,
and putting a zero in front.

The recipe of (b) works for computing ti (c) for any i, by (a) and induction on i.
We now apply the induction hypothesis to t(a)1 , . . . , t(a)n to see that it stabilizes after n − 2 more
applications of t; by the recipe above, that means a stabilizes after n − 1 applications of t.

Note: A variation of the above approach is the following. Instead of pulling off one zero, pull
off all initial zeroes of a0 , . . . , an . (Or rather, pull off all terms equal to the initial term, whatever it
is.) Say there are k + 1 of them (clearly k ≤ n); after min{k, 2} applications of t, there will be k + 1
initial zeroes and all remaining terms are at least k. So now max{1, n − k − 2} applications of t will
straighten out the end, for a total of min{k, 2} + max{1, n − k − 2}. A little case analysis shows that
this is good enough: if k + 1 ≤ n − 1, then this sum is at most n − 1 except maybe if 3 > n − 1, i.e.,
n ≤ 3, which can be checked by hand. If k + 1 > n − 1 and we assume n ≥ 4, then k ≥ n − 1 ≥ 3, so
the sum is 2 + max{1, n − k − 2} ≤ max{3, n − k} ≤ n − 1.

13. For any nonempty set S of real numbers, let σ(S) denote the sum of the elements of S. Given a
set A of n positive integers, consider the collection of all distinct sums σ(S) as S ranges over the
nonempty subsets of A. Prove that this collection of sums can be partitioned into n classes so that
in each class, the ratio of the largest sum to the smallest sum does not exceed 2.

Solution: Let A = {a1 , a2 , . . . , an } where a1 < a2 < · · · < an . For i = 1, 2, . . . , n let si =

a1 + a2 + · · · + ai and take s0 = 0. All the sums in question are less than or equal to sn , and if σ is
one of them, we have
si−1 < σ ≤ si (∗)
for an appropriate i. Divide the sums into n classes by letting Ci denote the class of sums satisfying
(∗). We claim that these classes have the desired property. To establish this, it suffices to show that
(∗) implies
si < σ ≤ si . (∗∗)
Suppose (∗) holds. The inequality a1 + a2 + · · · + ai−1 = si−1 < σ shows that the sum σ contains at
least one addend ak with k ≥ i. Then since then ak ≥ ai , we have

si − σ < si − si−1 = ai ≤ ak ≤ σ,

which together with σ ≤ si implies (∗∗).

Note: The result does not hold if 2 is replaced by any smaller constant c. To see this, choose
n such that c < 2 − 2−(n−1) and consider the set {1, . . . , 2n−1 }. If this set is divided into n
subsets, two of 1, . . . , 2n−1 , 1 + · · · + 2n−1 must lie in the same subset, and their ratio is at least
(1 + · · · + 2n−1 )/(2n−1 ) = 2 − 2−(n−1) > c.

14. Let a set of 2004 points in the plane be given, no three of which are collinear. Let S denote the set
of all lines determined by pairs of points from the set. Show that it is possible to color the points of
8 Zuming Feng ([email protected]), Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter 03833, USA

S with at most two colors, such that any points P and Q in the set, the number of lines in S which
separates P and Q is odd if and only if P and Q have the same color.
A line ` separates two points P and Q if P and Q lie on opposite sides of ` with neither point on `.
15. I have an n × n sheet of stamps, from which I’ve been asked to tear out blocks of three adjacent
stamps in a single row or column. (I can only tear along the perforations separating adjacent stamps,
and each block must come out of a sheet in one piece.) Let b(n) be the smallest number of blocks I
can tear out and make it impossible to tear out any more blocks. Prove that there are constants c
and d such that
1 2 1
n − cn ≤ b(n) ≤ n2 + dn
7 5
for all n > 0.

Solution: The upper bound requires an example of a set of 51 n2 + dn blocks whose removal
makes it impossible to remove any further blocks. We note first that we can tile the plane, using tiles
that contain one block for every five stamps, so that no more blocks can be chosen. Two such tilings
are shown below with one tile outlined in heavy lines. Assume that there are x unit squares in each
tile. Then there are 15 x blocks in each tile. Choose a constant m such that the basic tile fits inside
an (m + 1) × (m + 1) square. Given an n × n section of the tiling, take all tiles lying entirely within
that section and add as many additional tiles, which lie partially in and partially out of that section,
as possible. Let k denote the total number of chosen tiles. Hence there are 15 kx blocks contained in
the k chosen tiles. The n × n section is covered by all the chosen tiles, and these are all contained in
a concentric (n + 2m) × (n + 2m) square. Then kx ≤ (n + 2m)2 , and so there are at most
1 1 1 4m2 + 4m
kx ≤ (n + 2m)2 ≤ n2 + n
5 5 5 5
blocks total. We can classify all the above blocks into three categories (i) blocks lying completely in
the n × n section; (ii) blocks lying partially in the section; (iii) blocks lying completely outside of the
section. Suppose there are x1 , x2 , x3 blocks in categories (i), (ii), (iii), respectively. We do not have
to worry about blocks in category (iii), and we take all the blocks in category (i). We need to deal
with blocks in category (ii) with more care. By the conditions of the problem, we can not take out
those blocks from the n × n section. All the blocks in category (ii) are on the border of the section.
Hence there are at most 4n blocks in category (ii), and so these blocks contain at most 8n stamps in
the n × n square. We might need additional blocks to deal with these stamps. Each of the additional
blocks must contain one of these stamps. Thus there are at most 8n additional blocks. Thus there
are at most
1 4m2 + 4m + 40
x1 + 8n ≤ x1 + x2 + x3 + 8n ≤ n2 + n
5 5
blocks needed.
In fact, we’ll prove the lower bound
b(n) ≥ (n2 − 2n).
Each block can be classified as “horizontal” or “vertical” in the obvious fashion. Given an arrangement
of blocks, let H and V be the numbers of horizontal and vertical blocks. respectively. Without loss
of generality, we may assume V ≤ H.
We associate each unused stamp which is not in one of the two leftmost columns to the first block
one encounters proceeding leftward from the stamp. Note that one never has to proceed leftward
more than two stamps; otherwise, there would be another block to remove.
Mathematics Olympiad Coachs Seminar, Zhuhai, China 9

h-block s s

Each block is associated to at most two stamps in each row that it occupies. In particular, each
horizontal block is associated to at most two stamps. Moreover, a vertical block cannot have an
unused stamp on its immediate right in each of the three rows it covers; otherwise, those three
stamps would form a block. Thus a vertical block is associated to at most four stamps.

v- v-
b b s s
l s s l
o o
c s s c s s
k k

Thus, if we count stamps block by block (plus the extra stamps in the two leftmost columns), the
total number is

n2 ≤ 2n + 3H + 3V + 2H + 4V = 2n + 5H + 7V
≤ 2n + 6H + 6V,

giving the desired bound.

Note: This problem was inspired by a paper of Manjul Bhargava (Mistilings of the plane with
rectangles, to appear), in which the improved lower bound
4 2
b(n) ≥ n − cn
is obtained by a rather complicated argument. It is believed that in fact b(n) ≥ 15 n2 − cn, but the
fact that there are essentially two different equality cases makes this extremely difficult to prove.
The aforementioned paper also treats rectangles of other sizes for which there is only one optimal
arrangement; in those cases one can achieve upper and lower bounds with the same quadratic con-

16. A computer screen shows a 98×98 chessboard, colored in the usual way. One can select with a mouse
any rectangle with sides on the lines of the chessboard and click the mouse button: as a result, the
colors in the selected rectangle switch (black becomes white, white becomes black). Find, with proof,
the minimum number of mouse clicks needed to make the chessboard all one color.

Solution: More generally, we show that the minimum number of selections required for an n × n
chessboard is n − 1 if n is odd, and n if n is even. Consider the 4(n − 1) squares along the perimeter
of the chessboard, and at each step, let us count the number of pairs of adjacent perimeter squares
which differ in color. This total begins at 4(n − 1), ends up at 0, and can decrease by no more than
4 each turn (If the rectangle touches two adjacent edges of the board, then only two pairs can be
affected. Otherwise, the rectangle either touches no edges, one edge, or two opposite edges, in which
case 0, 2 or 4 pairs change, respectively). Hence at least n − 1 selections are always necessary.
If n is odd, then indeed n − 1 selections suffice, by choosing every second, fourth, sixth, etc. row and
column. However, if n is even, then n − 1 selections cannot suffice: at some point a corner square
10 Zuming Feng ([email protected]), Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter 03833, USA

must be included in a rectangle (since the corners do not all begin having the same color), and such
a rectangle can only decrease the above count by 2. Hence n selections are needed, and again by
selecting every other row and column, we see that n selections also suffice.

17. The Y2K Game is played on a 1 × 2000 grid as follows. Two players in turn write either an S or an
O in an empty square. The first player who produces three consecutive boxes that spell SOS wins.
If all boxes are filled without producing SOS then the game is a draw. Prove that the second player
has a winning strategy.

Solution: Call a partially filled board stable if there is no SOS and no single move can pro-
duce an SOS; otherwise call it unstable. For a stable board call an empty square bad if either an S
or an O played in that square produces an unstable board. Thus a player will lose if the only empty
squares available to him are bad, but otherwise he can at least be guaranteed another turn with a
correct play.
Claim: A square is bad if and only if it is in a block of 4 consecutive squares of the form S – – S.
Proof: If a square is bad, then an O played there must give an unstable board. Thus the bad square
must have an S on one side and an empty square on the other side. An S played there must also give
an unstable board, so there must be another S on the other side of the empty square. 2
From the claim it follows that there are always an even number of bad squares. Thus the second
player has the following winning strategy:

(a) If the board is unstable at any time, play the winning move, otherwise continue as below.
(b) On the first move, play an S at least four squares away from either end and from the first player’s
first move. (The board is long enough that this is possible.)
(c) On the second move, play an S three squares away from the second player’s first move, so that
the squares in between are empty. (Regardless of the first player’s second move, this must be
possible on at least one side.) This produces two bad squares; whoever plays in one of them
first will lose. Thus the game will not be a draw.
(d) On any subsequent move, play in a square which is not bad. Such a square will always exist
because if the board is stable, there will be an odd number of empty squares and an even number
of bad squares.

Since there exist bad squares after the second player’s second move, the game cannot end in a draw,
and since the second player can always leave the board stable, the first player cannot win. Therefore
eventually the second player will win.

18. A game of solitaire is played with R red cards, W white cards, and B blue cards. A player plays all
the cards one at a time. With each play he accumulates a penalty. If he plays a blue card, then he
is charged a penalty which is the number of white cards still in his hand. If he plays a white card,
then he is charged a penalty which is twice the number of red cards still in his hand. If he plays a
red card, then he is charged a penalty which is three times the number of blue cards still in his hand.
Find, as a function of R, W, and B, the minimal total penalty a player can amass and all the ways
in which this minimum can be achieved.

Solution: Let the integers at any time be a1 , a2 , . . . , an , and let ` be the index
P of the integer
chosen as large in the previous step. Define the score of the position to be S = i6=` ai . On any
step we will choose a new large integer a` , (which currently contributes to S but will not after the
Mathematics Olympiad Coachs Seminar, Zhuhai, China 11

move,) and we will replace a` (which currently does not contribute to S) by something smaller than
a` , (which will contribute to new S). Thus S is decreased by at least one on every move. Since S
starts with a finite values and S ≥ 0, play must stop in a finite amount of moves.

19. A game of solitaire is played with R red cards, W white cards, and B blue cards. A player plays all
the cards one at a time. With each play he accumulates a penalty. If he plays a blue card, then he
is charged a penalty which is the number of white cards still in his hand. If he plays a white card,
then he is charged a penalty which is twice the number of red cards still in his hand. If he plays a
red card, then he is charged a penalty which is three times the number of blue cards still in his hand.
Find, as a function of R, W, and B, the minimal total penalty a player can amass and all the ways
in which this minimum can be achieved.

Solution: The minimum achievable penalty is

min{BW, 2W R, 3RB}.

The three penalties BW, 2W R, and 3RB can clearly be obtained by playing cards in one of the three

• bb · · · brr · · · rww · · · w,
• rr · · · rww · · · wbb · · · b,
• ww · · · wbb · · · brr · · · r.

Given an order of play, let a “run” of some color denote a set of cards of that color played consecutively
in a row. Then the optimality of one of the three above orders follows immediately from the following
lemma, along with the analogous observations for blue and white cards.

Lemma 1 For any given order of play, we may combine any two runs of red cards without
increasing the penalty.

Proof: Suppose that there are w white cards and b blue cards between the two red runs. Moving a
red card from the first run to the second costs us 2w because we now have one more red card after
the w white cards. However, we gain 3b because this red card is now after the b blues. If the net gain
3b − 2w is non-negative, then we can move all the red cards in the first run to the second run without
increasing the penalty. If the net gain 3b − 2w is negative, then we can move all the red cards in the
second run to the first run without increasing the penalty, as desired.
Thus there must be an optimal game where cards are played in one of the three given orders. To
determine whether there are other optimal orders, first observe that wr can never appear during
an optimal game; otherwise, playing these two cards in the order rw instead decreases the penalty.
Similarly, bw and rb can never appear. Now we prove the following lemma.

Lemma 2 Any optimal order of play must have less than 5 runs.

Proof: Suppose that some optimal order of play had at least five runs. Assume the first card played
is red; the proof is similar in the other cases. Say we first play r1 , w1 , b1 , r2 , w2 cards of each color,
where each ri , wi , bi is positive and where we cycle through red, white, and blue runs. From the proof
of our first lemma we must have both 3b1 − 2w1 = 0 and b1 − 2r2 = 0. Hence the game starting with
playing r1 , w1 + w2 , b1 , r2 , 0 cards is optimal as well, so we must also have 3b1 − 2(w1 + w2 ) = 0, a
12 Zuming Feng ([email protected]), Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter 03833, USA

Thus, any optimal game has at most 4 runs. Now from lemma 1 and our initial observations, any
order of play of the form
rr · · · rww · · · wbb · · · brr · · · r,
is optimal if and only if 2W = 3B and 2W R = 3RB ≤ W B; and similar conditions hold for 4-run
games that start with w or b.

20. Each of eight boxes contains six balls. Each ball has been colored with one of n colors, such that
no two balls in the same box are the same color, and no two colors occur together in more than one
box. Determine, with justification, the smallest integer n for which this is possible.

First Solution: The smallest such n is 23.

We first show that n = 22 cannot be achieved.
Assume that some color, say red, occurs four times. Then the first box containing red contains 6
colors, the second contains red and 5 colors not mentioned so far, and likewise for the third and
fourth boxes. A fifth box can contain at most one color used in each of these four, so must contain
2 colors not mentioned so far, and a sixth box must contain 1 color not mentioned so far, for a total
of 6+5+5+5+2+1=24, a contradiction.
Next, assume that no color occurs four times; this forces at least four colors to occur three times. In
particular, there are two colors that occur at least three times and which both occur in a single box,
say red and blue. Now the box containing red and blue contains 6 colors, the other boxes containing
red each contain 5 colors not mentioned so far, and the other boxes containing blue each contain 3
colors not mentioned so far (each may contain one color used in each of the boxes containing red but
not blue). A sixth box must contain one color not mentioned so far, for a total of 6+5+5+3+3+1=23,
again a contradiction.
We now give a construction for n = 23. We still cannot have a color occur four times, so at least
two colors must occur three times. Call these red and green. Put one red in each of three boxes,
and fill these with 15 other colors. Put one green in each of three boxes, and fill each of these boxes
with one color from each of the three boxes containing red and two new colors. We now have used
1 + 15 + 1 + 6 = 23 colors, and each box contains two colors that have only been used once so far.
Split those colors between the last two boxes. The resulting arrangement is:

1 3 4 5 6 7
1 8 9 10 11 12
1 13 14 15 16 17
2 3 8 13 18 19
2 4 9 14 20 21
2 5 10 15 22 23
6 11 16 18 20 22
7 12 17 19 21 23

Note that the last 23 can be replaced by a 22.

Now we present a few more methods of proving n ≥ 23.

Second Solution: As in the first solution, if n = 22 is possible, it must be possible with no

color appearing four or more times. By the Inclusion-Exclusion Principle, the number of colors (call
Mathematics Olympiad Coachs Seminar, Zhuhai, China 13

it C) equals the number of balls (48), minus the number of pairs of balls of the same color (call it
P ), plus the number of triples of balls of the same color (call it T ); that is,

C = 48 − P + T.
For every pair of boxes, at most one color occurs in both boxes, so P ≤ 82 = 28. Also, if n ≤ 22,
there must be at least 48 − 2(22) = 4 colors that occur three times. Then C ≥ 48 − 28 + 4 = 24, a

Third Solution: Assume n = 22 is possible. By the Pigeonhole Principle, some color oc-
curs three times; call it color 1. Then there are three boxes containing 1 and fifteen other colors, say
colors 2 through 16. The other five boxes each contain at most three colors in common with the first
three boxes, so they contain at least three colors from 17 through 22.
Since 5 × 3 > 2 × 6, one color from 17 to 22 occurs at least three times in the last five boxes; say it’s
color 17. Then two balls in each of those three boxes have colors among those labeled 18 through 22.
But then one of these colors must appear together with 17, a contradiction.

Fourth Solution: Label the colors 1, 2, . . . , n, and let a1 , a2 , . . . , an be the number of balls
of color 1, 2, . . . , n, respectively. Then
X n
ai = 48.
¡ai ¢ ¡8¢
Since 2 is the number of boxes sharing color i and there are 2 = 28 pairs of boxes, each of which
can only share at most one color,
µ ¶ Xn µ ¶ n
8 ai ai (ai − 1)
28 = ≥ =
2 2 2
i=1 i=1
n n n
1X 1X 1X 2
= a2i − ai = ai − 24,
2 2 2
i=1 i=1 i=1

or a2i ≤ 104. By the RMS-AM Inequality,

à n
!1 n
1X 2 2
ai ≥ ai .
n n
i=1 i=1

It follows that
104n ≥ 482 or n ≥ > 22.

Note: For the general case of m + 2 boxes each containing m balls, this method leads to the
lower bound of
m2 (m + 2)
n≥ .
2m + 1
But for m = 8, this lower bound of n ≥ 640 17 = 37.647... is not good enough. The actual minimum
value of n is 39, as proved in the sixth solution.
14 Zuming Feng ([email protected]), Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter 03833, USA

Fifth Solution: Let mi,j be the number of balls which are the same color as the j th ball in
box i (including that ball). For a fixed box i, 1 ≤ i ≤ 8, consider the sums

X 6
X 1
Si = mi,j and si = .
j=1 j=1

For each fixed i, since no pair of colors is repeated, each of the remaining seven boxes can contribute
at most one ball to Si . Thus Si ≤ 13. It follows by the convexity of f (x) = 1/x (and consequently,
by the Jensen’s Inequality) that si is minimized when one of the mi,j is equal to 3 and the other
five equal 2. Hence si ≥ 17/6. Note that

8 X
X 6
1 17 68 2
n= ≥8· = = 22 .
mi,j 6 3 3
i=1 j=1

Hence there must be at least 23 colors.

Sixth Solution: Let xi be the number of colors that occur exactly i times. Then

x1 + x2 + x3 + · · · + xi + · · · = n (1)

x1 + 2x2 + 3x3 + · · · + ixi + · · · = 48. (2)
Now we count the number of pairs of like-colored balls. Each pair of boxes can contain at most one
pair of like-colored balls. Hence
µ ¶ µ ¶
3 i
x2 + x3 + · · · + xi + · · · ≤ 28. (3)
2 2
2 1
Taking (1) − 3 × (2) + 3 × (3) gives

1 1 (i − 2)(i − 3) 68
x1 + x4 + · · · + xi + · · · ≤ n − .
3 3 6 3
The coefficients on the left-hand side are all nonnegative. Hence n is at least 23.
The following construction shows that 23 is indeed enough. Each line represents a box and each
intersection ◦ represents a color.
More generally, we have the following Lemmas.
Lemma 1. There are b boxes with an average of a balls each box. Each ball has been colored with
one of n colors, such that no two balls in the same box are the same color, and no two colors occur
together in more than one box. Then
µ ¶
2 2 b
n≥ ab − ,
r+1 r(r + 1) 2
§ b−1 ¨
where r = a .
Mathematics Olympiad Coachs Seminar, Zhuhai, China 15

Proof: Let xi be the number of colors that occur exactly i times. Then we have the following linear
(4) : xi = x1 + x2 + · · · + xi + · · · = n,
(5) : ixi = x1 + 2x2 + · · · + ixi + · · · = ab,
X µi¶ µ ¶
µ ¶
(6) : xi + y = x2 + · · · + xi + · · · + y = ,
2 2 2

where y is a slack variable, denoting the number§ of¨ pairs of boxes with no 2like-colored balls. To solve
this linear system in real numbers xi , let r = b−1
a ; then combine (4) − r+1 × (5) + 2
r(r+1) × (6). We
X (r − i)(r − i + 1) 2
xi + y
r(r + 1) r(r + 1)
µ ¶
2 2 b
= n− ab + .
r+1 r(r + 1) 2
Since all of the coefficients on the left-hand-side of the last equation are nonnegative, we have
µ ¶
2 2 b
n≥ ab − ,
r+1 r(r + 1) 2
as desired.
Since the coefficients of xr and xr+1 in the last equation are 0, and that it is possible to realize this
bound in reals by setting y = xi = 0, where i 6= r and i 6= r + 1. Then (5) and (6) become

rxr + (r + 1)xr+1 = ab,

µ ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶
r r+1 b
xr + xr+1 = .
2 2 2
Solving the last system of equations in two variables leads to
µ ¶ µ µ ¶ ¶
2 b 1 b
xr = ab − and xr+1 = 2 − ab .
r 2 r+1 2
Hence the lower bound is indeed obtainable.
Lemma 2. Suppose that each of m + 2 boxes contains m balls. Let nm denote the smallest integer
n for which it is possible to color each ball with one of n colors, such that no two balls in the same
box are the same color, and no two colors occur together in more than one box. Then n0 = 0, n1 = 1,

 9k 2 − k

 m = 3k − 1,

 2
9k + 5k
nm = m = 3k,

 9k 2 2+ 11k + 2

 m = 3k + 1,
for positive integers k.
16 Zuming Feng ([email protected]), Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter 03833, USA

Proof: When m = 0 and m = 1, the results are trivial. We assume that m ≥ 3. By Lemma 1, we
have r = 2 and µ ¶
2 1 a+2
n ≥ a(a + 2) − ,
3 3 2
n ≥ (3a − 1)(a + 2).
This gives

m 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10 20 49 68 115 141
lower bound 3 3 11 3 3 30 3 3 58
nm 4 7 11 17 23 30 39 48 58
The values of n can indeed be achieved. We can construct our examples inductively. Again, let lines
represent boxes and let their intersections ◦ represent different colors.
For m = 2, we have
For m = 3, we have
For m = 4, we have
If Gk is the construction for m = k, we add
to Gk to obtain Gk+3 the construction for m = k + 3. (One can compare the construction for G3 and
G6 , which appeared earlier. One can also see the construction for G5 and G8 .)
Therefore nm+3 = nm + 3(m + 2) + 1, for m ≥ 2. For m = 3k, we have

(k + 1)k
n3(k+1) = n3k + 9k + 7 = n3 + 9 · + 7k
9k 2 + 23k + 14
= ,
9k 2 + 5k
n3k = .
Similarly, we have
9k 2 + 11k + 2 9k 2 − k
n3k+1 = and n3k−1 = ,
2 2
as desired.

21. Each point in the plane is assigned a real number such that, for any triangle, the number at the
center of its inscribed circle is equal to the arithmetic mean of the three numbers at its vertices.
Prove that all points in the plane are assigned the same number.

Solution: Let A, B be arbitrary distinct points, and consider a regular hexagon ABCDEF in
the plane. Let lines CD and F E intersect at G. Let ` be the line through G perpendicular to line
ED. Then A, F, E and B, C, D are symmetric to each other, respectively, with respect to line `.
Hence triangles CEG and DF G share the same incenter, i.e., c + e = d + f ; triangles ACE and BDF
share the same incenter, i.e., a + c + e = b + d + f . Therefore, a = b, and we are done.
Mathematics Olympiad Coachs Seminar, Zhuhai, China 17

22. Let n be a positive integer and let S be a set of 2n + 1 elements. Let f be a function from the set
of two-element subsets of S to {0, . . . , 2n−1 − 1}. Assume that for any elements x, y, z of S, one of
f ({x, y}), f ({y, z}), f ({z, x}) is equal to the sum of the other two. Show that there exist a, b, c in S
such that f ({a, b}), f ({b, c}), f ({c, a}) are all equal to 0.

Solution: We prove the result by induction on n, the case n = 1 being obvious. Pick w ∈ S
and and set f (w, w) = 0. We partition S into subsets U and V by putting x ∈ S into U if f ({w, x})
is even and into V if f ({w, x}) is odd (hence
§ n w ¨is in U ). By the Pigeonhole Principle, at least
one of U or V , say U , contains a subset of 2 2+1 = 2n−1 + 1 elements.

Note that the given condition implies that the sum f ({x, y}) + f ({y, z}) + f ({z, x}) is even for any
x, y, z ∈ S. In particular, if x and y are both in U or both in V , then f ({w, x}) + f ({w, y}) is even,
so f ({x, y}) is even. Hence f maps the two-element subsets of U into {0, . . . , 2n−1 − 2}. Of course
the condition on f is preserved by dividing all values by 2; then the induction hypothesis applies to
show that some x, y, z ∈ U satisfy f ({x, y}) = f ({y, z}) = f ({z, x}) = 0, as desired.

23. For a pair of integers a and b, with 0 < a < b < 1000, the set S ⊆ {1, 2, . . . , 2003} is called a skipping
set for (a, b) if for any pair of elements s1 , s2 ∈ S, |s1 − s2 | 6∈ {a, b}. Let f (a, b) be the maximum size
of a skipping set for (a, b). Determine the maximum and minimum values of f .

Note: This problem caused unexpected difficulties for students. It requires two ideas: applying
the greedy algorithm to obtain the minimum and applying the Pigeonhole Principle on congruence
classes to obtain the maximum. Most students were successful in getting one of the two ideas and
obtaining one of the extremal values quickly, but then many of them failed to switch to the other idea.
In turn, their solutions for the second extremal value were very lengthy and sometimes unsuccessful.

Solution: The maximum and minimum values of f are 1334 and 338, respectively.

(a) First, we will show that the maximum value of f is 1334. The set S = {1, 2, . . . , 667} ∪
{1336, 1337, . . . , 2002} is a skipping set for (a, b) = (667, 668), so f (667, 668) ≥ 1334.
Now we prove that for any 0 < a < b < 1000, f (a, b) ≤ 1334. Because a 6= b, we can choose
d ∈ {a, b} such that d 6= 668. We assume first that d ≥ 669. Then consider the 2003 − d ≤ 1334
sets {1, d + 1}, {2, d + 2}, . . . , {2003 − d, 2003}. Each can contain at most one element of S, so
|S| ≤ 1334.
§ ¨ § ¨
We assume second that d ≤ 667 and that 2003 a is even, that is, 2003
a = 2k for some positive
integer k. Then each of the congruence classes of 1, 2, . . . , 2003 modulo a contains at most 2k
elements. Therefore at most k members of each of these congruence classes can belong to S.
µ ¶
1 2003 2003 + a
|S| ≤ ka < +1 a= ≤ 1335,
2 a 2

implying that |S| ≤ 1334.

§ ¨ § ¨
Finally, we assume that d ≤ 667 and that 2003 a is odd, that is, 2003
a = 2k + 1 for some
positive integer k. Then, as before, S can contain at most k elements from each congruence
18 Zuming Feng ([email protected]), Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter 03833, USA

class of {1, 2, . . . , 2ka} modulo a. Then

|S| ≤ ka + (2003 − 2ka) = 2003 − ka

ç ¨ !
a − 1
= 2003 − a
à !
a −1
≤ 2003 − a
2003 + a
= ≤ 1335.
The last inequality holds if and only if a = 667. But if a = 667, then 2003
a is not an integer, and
so the second inequality is strict. Thus, |S| ≤ 1334. Therefore the maximum value of f is 1334.
(b) We will now show that the minimum value of f is 668. First, we will show that f (a, b) ≥ 668
by constructing a skipping set S for any (a, b) with |S| ≥ 668. Note that if we add x to S, then
we are not allowed to add x, x + a, or x + b to S at any later time. Then at each step, let
us add to S the smallest element of {1, 2, . . . , 2003} that is not already in S and that has not
already been disallowed from being in S. Then since adding this element prevents at most
§ 2003 ¨ three
elements from being added at any future time, we can always perform this step 3 = 668
times. Thus, |S| ≥ 668, so f (a, b) ≥ 668. Now notice that if we let a = 1, b = 2, then at most
one element from each of the 668 sets {1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, . . . , {1999, 2000, 2001}, {2002, 2003}
can belong to S. This implies that f (1, 2) = 668, so indeed the minimum value of f is 668.

24. Let n be an integer greater than 2, and P1 , P2 , · · · , Pn distinct points in the plane. Let S denote
the union of the segments P1 P2 , P2 P3 , . . . , Pn−1 Pn . Determine whether it is always possible to find
points A and B in S such that P1 Pn k AB (segment AB can lie on line P1 Pn ) and P1 Pn = kAB,
where (1) k = 2.5; (2) k = 3.

Solution: The answer is negative for k = 2.5 and positive for k = 3.

(1) Let n = 6, P1 = (0, 0), P2 = (5, 0), P3 = (5, 5), P4 = (10, 5), P5 = (10, 10), P6 = (15, 10).

P50 P60
P5 P6

P30 P40
P3 P4

P10 P20
P1 P2
Then for 1 ≤ i ≤ 6, let Pi0 = Pi + 25 P1 P6 . Because S and its image under this transforma-
−−−→ −−→
tion do not intersect, there are no two points A, B in S such that P1 P6 = 25 AB, so this is a
(2) The answer is yes; in fact, it is yes for all positive integers k. We approach indirectly. The
statement is obviously true for k = 1, because we can have A = P1 and B = Pn . Assume
to the contrary that the claim is false for some positive integer k ≥ 2; let P1 , . . . , Pn be a
counterexample. Introduce a coordinate system in which P1 = (0, 0) and Pn = (k, 0).
Choose indices T, B ∈ {1, . . . , n} so that the y-coordinate of PT is maximal, the y-coordinate
of PB is minimal, and |T − B| is as small as possible. Assume without loss of generality that
Mathematics Olympiad Coachs Seminar, Zhuhai, China 19

T < B (because we can relabel the points backward otherwise). Let M be the region in the
plane consisting of points whose y-coordinates lie between those of PB and PT , inclusive; then
PT +1 , . . . , PB−1 lie in the interior of this region. Let D be the union of the closed segments
PT PT +1 , PT +1 PT2 , . . . , PB−1 PB .
Let X be a point on D with its x-coordinate no smaller than that of any point on D. (On
polygonal path D, X is indeed one of points PT , PT +1 , . . . , PB .) For P ∈ M not lying on D, we
say P is right of D if there is a continues curve connecting P and X not intersecting D besides
at X. Otherwise, we say P is to the left of D. (That is, we split M into left and right sides
using D as the border line.) For any figure F , let F (x) denote the image of F under translation
by the vector [x, 0], and put F 0 = F (1) . We define right of (or left of) D(x) analogously.
Note that any polygonal path in M not intersecting D consists entirely either of points right of
D or of points left of D. (If P is a point on and the path and P is right of D, then there is a
continues curve connecting P and X not intersecting D besides at X. If Q is an other point on
the path, then there is a continues path from Q to P to X not intersecting D besides at X, and
so Q is right of D.) By hypothesis, S and S 0 are disjoint, so D and S 0 are disjoint. Because X 0
is on S 0 and is clearly right of D, so is all of S 0 ; in particular, D0 is right of D. By translation,
D(2) is right of D0 and hence of D as well; by induction, D(i) is right of D for all i = 1, 2, . . . .
Because k ≥ 2, D(k−1) is right of D and so D(k) is right of D0 . In particular, Pn = P1 is
right of D0 . But that means that all of S is right of D0 and hence of D, which is impossible
because D ⊆ S. Thus our assumption was wrong and the statement in the problem is true for
all positive integers k.

25. At the vertices of a regular hexagon are written six nonnegative integers whose sum is 2003. Bert is
allowed to make moves of the following form: he may pick a vertex and replace the number written
there by the absolute value of the difference between the numbers written at the two neighboring
vertices. Prove that Bert can make a sequence of moves, after which the number 0 appears at all six

Note: Let
denote a position, where A, B, C, D, E, F denote the numbers written on the vertices of the hexagon.
We write
A D (mod 2)
if we consider the numbers written modulo 2.
This is the hardest problem on the test. Many students thought they had considerable progress.
Indeed, there were only a handful of contestants who were able to find some algorithm without major
flaws. Richard Stong, one of the graders of this problem, wrote the following summary.
There is an obvious approach one can take to reducing this problem, namely the greedy algorithm:
reducing the largest value. As is often the case, this approach is fundamentally flawed. If the initial
values are
3 2
1 5
where n is an integer greater than 7, then the first move following the greedy algorithm gives
1 5.
20 Zuming Feng ([email protected]), Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter 03833, USA

No set of moves can lead from these values to the all zeroes by a parity argument. This example also
shows that there is no sequence of moves which always reduces the sum of the six entries and leads
to the all zeroes. A correct solution to the problem requires first choosing some parity constraint to
avoid the
1 1 (mod 2)
situation, which is invariant under the operation. Secondly one needs to find some moves that preserve
the chosen constraint and reduce the six values.

Solution: Define the sum and maximum of a position to be the sum and maximum of the six
numbers at the vertices. We will show that from any position in which the sum is odd, it is possible
to reach the all-zero position.
Our strategy alternates between two steps:
(a) from a position with odd sum, move to a position with exactly one odd number;
(b) from a position with exactly one odd number, move to a position with odd sum and strictly
smaller maximum, or to the all-zero position.
Note that no move will ever increase the maximum, so this strategy is guaranteed to terminate,
because each step of type (b) decreases the maximum by at least one, and it can only terminate at
the all-zero position. It suffices to show how each step can be carried out.
First, consider a position
with odd sum. Then either A + C + E or B + D + F is odd; assume without loss of generality that
A + C + E is odd. If exactly one of A, C and E is odd, say A is odd, we can make the sequence of
B 0 10 10 1 0
1 D→1 0→0 0→0 0 (mod 2),
F 0 10 10 00
where a letter or number in boldface represents a move at that vertex, and moves that do not affect
each other have been written as a single move for brevity. Hence we can reach a position with exactly
one odd number. Similarly, if A, C, E are all odd, then the sequence of moves
B 1 01 00
1 D→1 0→1 0 (mod 2),
F 1 01 00
brings us to a position with exactly one odd number. Thus we have shown how to carry out step (a).
Now assume that we have a position
with A odd and all other numbers even. We want to reach a position with smaller maximum. Let
M be the maximum. There are two cases, depending on the parity of M .
• In this case, M is even, so one of B, C, D, E, F is the maximum. In particular, A < M .
We claim after making moves at B, C, D, E, and F in that order, the sum is odd and the
maximum is less than M . Indeed, the following sequence
0 0 1 0 11
1 0→1 0→1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
→ 1 1→1 1→1 1 (mod 2).
0 0 0 1 01
Mathematics Olympiad Coachs Seminar, Zhuhai, China 21

B0 C 0 0
shows how the numbers change in parity with each move. Call this new position A0 D.
0 0 0 0
F00 E 0
The sum is odd, since there are five odd numbers. The numbers A , B , C , D , E are all
less than M , since they are odd and M is even, and the maximum can never increase. Also,
F 0 = |A0 − E 0 | ≤ max{A0 , E 0 } < M . So the maximum has been decreased.
• In this case, M is odd, so M = A and the other numbers are all less than M .
If C > 0, then we make moves at B, F , A, and F , in that order. The sequence of positions is
0 0 1 0 1 0
1 0→1 0→1 0
0 0 0 0 10
1 0 1 0
→ 0 0→0 0 (mod 2).
1 0 0 0
B0 C 0 0
Call this new position A0 D . The sum is odd, since there is exactly one odd number. As
F 0 E0
before, the only way the maximum could not decrease is if B 0 = A; but this is impossible, since
B 0 = |A − C| < A because 0 < C < M = A. Hence we have reached a position with odd sum
and lower maximum.
If E > 0, then we apply a similar argument, interchanging B with F and C with E.
If C = E = 0, then we can reach the all-zero position by the following sequence of moves:
B 0 A0 A0 00
A D→A 0→0 0→0 0.
F 0 A0 A0 00
(Here 0 represents zero, not any even number.)

Hence we have shown how to carry out a step of type (b), proving the desired result. The problem
statement follows since 2003 is odd.

Note: Observe that from positions of the form

0 0 (mod 2) or rotations
it is impossible to reach the all-zero position, because a move at any vertex leaves the same value
modulo 2. Dividing out the greatest common divisor of the six original numbers does not affect
whether we can reach the all-zero position, so we may assume that the numbers in the original
position are not all even. Then by a more complete analysis in step (a), one can show from any
position not of the above form, it is possible to reach a position with exactly one odd number, and
thus the all-zero position. This gives a complete characterization of positions from which it is possible
to reach the all-zero position.
There are many ways to carry out the case analysis in this problem; the one used here is fairly
economical. The important idea is the formulation of a strategy that decreases the maximum value
while avoiding the “bad” positions described above.

Second Solution: (By Richard Stong) We will show that if there is a pair of opposite ver-
tices with odd sum (which of course is true if the sum of all the vertices is odd), then we can reduce
to a position of all zeros.
Focus on such a pair {a, d} with smallest possible max{a, d}. We will show we can always reduce
this smallest maximum of a pair of opposite vertices with odd sum or reduce to the all-zero position.
22 Zuming Feng ([email protected]), Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter 03833, USA

Because the smallest maximum takes nonnegative integer values, we must be able to achieve the
all-zero position.
To see this assume without loss of generality that a ≥ d and consider an arc (a, x, y, d) of the position
a d
∗ ∗
Consider updating x and y alternately, starting with x. If max{x, y} > a, then in at most two updates
we reduce max{x, y}. Thus, we can repeat this alternate updating process and we must eventually
reach a point when max{x, y} ≤ a, and hence this will be true from then on.
Under this alternate updating process, the arc of the hexagon will eventually enter a unique cycle of
length four modulo 2 in at most one update. Indeed, we have
00 10 11 01 00
1 0→1 0→1 0→1 0→1 0 (mod 2)
∗∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
00 00 10 10
1 0→1 0 (mod 2); 1 0→1 0 (mod 2)
∗∗ ∗ ∗ ∗∗ ∗ ∗
11 11 01 01
1 0→1 0 (mod 2); 1 0→1 0 (mod 2),
∗∗ ∗ ∗ ∗∗ ∗ ∗
01 11 10 00 01
0 1→0 1→0 1→0 1→0 1 (mod 2)
∗∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
00 00 01 01
0 1→0 1 (mod 2); 0 1→0 1 (mod 2)
∗∗ ∗ ∗ ∗∗ ∗ ∗
11 10 10 10
0 1→0 1 (mod 2); 0 1→0 1 (mod 2).
∗∗ ∗ ∗ ∗∗ ∗ ∗
Further note that each possible parity for x and y will occur equally often.
Applying this alternate updating process to both arcs (a, b, c, d) and (a, e, f, d) of
b c
a d,
f e
we can make the other four entries be at most a and control their parity. Thus we can create a
x1 x2
a d
x5 x4
with xi + xi+3 (i = 1, 2) odd and Mi = max{xi , xi+3 } ≤ a. In fact, we can have m = min{M1 , M2 } <
a, as claimed, unless both arcs enter a cycle modulo 2 where the values congruent to a modulo 2 are
always exactly a. More precisely, because the sum of xi and xi+3 is odd, one of them is not congruent
to a and so has its value strictly less than a. Thus both arcs must pass through the state (a, a, a, d)
(modulo 2, this is either (0, 0, 0, 1) or (1, 1, 1, 0)) in a cycle of length four. It is easy to check that for
this to happen, d = 0. Therefore, we can achieve the position
a 0.
From this position, the sequence of moves
aa 0a 00
a 0→a 0→0 0
aa 0a 00
Mathematics Olympiad Coachs Seminar, Zhuhai, China 23

completes the task.

Third Solution: (By Tiankai Liu) In the beginning, because A + B + C + D + E + F is odd,

either A + C + E or B + D + F is odd; assume without loss of generality it is the former. Perform
the following steps repeatedly.

a. In this case we assume that A, C, E are all nonzero. Suppose without loss of generality that
A ≥ C ≥ E. Perform the sequence of moves
B C (A − C ) C
A D → A (C − E )
F E (A − E ) E
(A − C) C
→ (C − E ) (C − E),
(A − E) (A − C )
which decreases the sum of the numbers in positions A, C, E while keeping that sum odd.
b. In this case we assume that exactly one among A, C, E is zero. Assume without loss of generality
that A ≥ C > E = 0. Then, because A + C + E is odd, A must be strictly greater than C.
Therefore, −A < A − 2C < A, and the sequence of moves
B C (A − C ) C
A D → A C
F 0 A 0
(A − C) |A − 2C |
→ C C,
A 0
decreases the sum of the numbers in positions A, C, E while keeping that sum odd.
c. In this case we assume that exactly two among A, C, E are zero. Assume without loss of
generality that A > C = E = 0. Then perform the sequence of moves
B 0 A0 A0 00
A D→A 0→0 0→0 0.
F 0 A0 A0 00
By repeatedly applying step (a) as long as it applies, then doing the same for step (b) if necessary,
and finally applying step (c) if necessary, 0 0 can eventually be achieved.
26. Let n be a positive integer. A corner is a finite set C of ordered n-tuples of positive integers
such that if a1 , a2 , . . . , an , b1 , b2 , . . . , bn are positive integers with ak ≥ bk for k = 1, 2, . . . , n and
(a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) ∈ C, then (b1 , b2 , . . . , bn ) ∈ C. Prove that among any infinite collection S of corners,
there exist two corners, one of which is a subset of the other one.

Solution: (by Reid Barton) If a = (a1 , . . . , an ) and b = (b1 , . . . , bn ), we write a ≤ b if ai ≤ bi

for i = 1, . . . , n. We first note that every sequence of n-tuples of positive integers contains a sub-
sequence which is nondecreasing with this definition. For n = 1, we may simply pick the smallest
term, then the smallest term that comes later in the sequence, and so on. For general n, first pick a
subsequence which is nondecreasing in its first coordinate, then pick a subsequence of that which is
also nondecreasing in its second coordinate, and so on.
For the sake of contradiction, suppose that there are no corners A, B ∈ S with A ⊂ B. Let C1 be a
corner in S; then each other corner in S fails to contain one of the n-tuples in C1 . Since S is infinite
and C1 is finite, there exists an n-tuple a1 in C1 such that the set S1 of corners not containing a1 is
24 Zuming Feng ([email protected]), Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter 03833, USA

Now let C2 be a corner in S1 ; again, we may find an n-tuple a2 in C2 such that the set S2 of corners
not containing a2 is infinite. Analogously, we recursively construct sequences Ck of corners, Sk of
infinite sets of corners and ak of n-tuples such that Ck is a corner in Sk−1 , ak is an n-tuple in Ck and
Sk is the set of corners in Sk−1 not containing ak .
To conclude, simply notice that ai 6≤ aj for i ≤ j, since aj is an element of a corner which does not
contain ai . This contradicts the result of the first paragraph.

Note: The assertion of the problem still holds if corners are not required to be finite; this state-
ment is a recent theorem of Diane Maclagan, which turns out to yield a nontrivial result in algebraic

27. Suppose that r1 , . . . , rn are real numbers. Prove that there exists S ⊆ {1, 2, . . . , n} such that

1 ≤ |S ∩ {i, i + 1, i + 2}| ≤ 2,

for 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 2, and ¯ ¯
¯X ¯ 1 X n
¯ ¯
¯ ri ¯ ≥ |ri |.
¯ ¯ 6
i∈S i=1

Solution: Let s = i=1 |ri |
and for i = 0, 1, 2, define
si = rj and ti = rj .
rj ≥0,j≡i (mod 3) rj <0,j≡i (mod 3)

Then we have s = s1 + s2 + s3 − t1 − t2 − t3 , or

2s = (s1 + s2 ) + (s2 + s3 ) + (s3 + s1 )

−(t1 + t2 ) − (t2 + t3 ) − (t3 + t1 ).

Therefore there are i1 6= i2 such that either si1 + si2 ≥ 3s or ti1 + ti2 ≤ − 3s or both. Without loss of
generality, we assume that si1 + si2 ≥ 3s and |si1 + si2 | ≥ |ti1 + ti2 |. Thus si1 + si2 + ti1 + ti2 ≥ 0. We
(si1 + si2 + ti1 ) + (si1 + si2 + ti2 ) ≥ si1 + si2 ≥ .
Therefore at least one of si1 + si2 + ti1 and si1 + si2 + ti2 is greater than or equal to 6s and we are

Note: By setting r1 = r2 = r3 = 1 and r4 = r5 = r6 = −1, it is easy to prove that 6 is the
best value for the bound.

28. An m × n array is filled with the numbers {1, 2, . . . n} each being used exactly m times. Show that
one can always permute the numbers within columns to arrange that each row contains every number
{1, 2, . . . , n} exactly once.

Solution: It suffices to show that we can permute the numbers within columns to arrange that
top row contains every number 1, 2, . . . , n exactly one. The result then follows by induction on the
number of rows. For this we apply the Marriage theorem. For the boys take the columns, for the girls
take the numbers {1, 2, . . . , n} and say a boy (column) likes a girl (number) if that number occurs in
Mathematics Olympiad Coachs Seminar, Zhuhai, China 25

the column. For each set of k columns, there are a total of km numbers in those columns. Therefore
there must be at least k different distinct numbers among them. Therefore there is a marriage of
the columns and the numbers they contain. Permuting these numbers to the top of their respective
columns makes the first row have all n numbers.

29. Suppose that C1 , C2 , . . . , Cn are circles of radius 1 in the plane such that no two of them are tangent
and the subset of the plane formed by the unionSof these circles S is connected (i.e., for any partition
of {1, 2, . . . , n} into nonempty subsets A and B, a∈A Ca and b∈B Cb are not disjoint). Prove that
|S| ≥ n, where [
S= Ci ∩ Cj ,

the set of intersection points of the circles. (Each circle is viewed as the set of points on its circum-
ference, not including its interior.)

Solution: Let T = {C1 , C2 , . . . , Cn }. For every s ∈ S and C ∈ T define

0, if s 6∈ C,
f (s, C) = { 1
k , if s ∈ C,

where k is the number of circles passing through s (including C). Thus

f (s, C) = 1

for every s ∈ S.
On the other hand, for a fixed circle C ∈ T, let s0 ∈ S ∩ C be a point such that

f (s0 , C) = min{f (s, C) | s ∈ S ∩ C}.

Suppose that C, C2 , . . . Ck are the circles which pass through s0 . Then C meets C2 , . . . , Ck again in
distinct points s2 , . . . , sk . Therefore
X 1 k−1
f (s, C) ≥ + = 1.
k k

We have XX XX
|S| = f (s, C) = f (s, C) ≥ n,
s∈S C∈T C∈T s∈S

as desired.

30. Let S = {x0 , x1 , . . . , xn } ⊂ [0, 1] be a finite set of real numbers with x0 = 0, x1 = 1, such that every
distance between pairs of elements occurs at least twice, except for the distance 1. Prove that all of
the xi are rational.

Solution: The set S spans some finite-dimensional vector space over Q; let β1 , . . . , βm be a basis
of this vector space with βm = 1. For each i, we write

xi = qi1 β1 + · · · + qim βm

and define the vector vi = (qi1 , . . . , qim ).

26 Zuming Feng ([email protected]), Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter 03833, USA

Let us compare the vi in lexicographic order: vi > vj if in the first position where they differ, vi has
the larger component. Let vs and vt be the largest and smallest of the vi , respectively, and suppose
a and b are such that xs − xt = xa − xb ; since the βk form a basis, this also implies vs − vt = va − vb .
By our choice of vs and vt , this can only happen if a = s and b = t. Thus for 0 < i < n,

vs = (0, 0, . . . , 1) > vi > vt = (0, 0, . . . , 0).

This is only possible if the vi only have nonzero entries in the last component, which is to say the xi
are all rational.

31. Suppose that S = {1, 2, . . . , n} and that A1 , A2 , . . . , Ak are subsets of S such that for every 1 ≤
i1 , i2 , i3 , i4 ≤ k, we have
|Ai1 ∪ Ai2 ∪ Ai3 ∪ Ai4 | ≤ n − 2.
Prove that k ≤ 2n−2 .

Solution: For a set T , let |T | denote the numbers of elements in T . We call a set T ⊆ S 2-
coverable if T ⊆ Ai ∪ Aj for some i and j (not necessarily distinct). By the given condition, for any
subset T of S at least one of the sets T and S − T is not 2-coverable. Among the subsets of S that
are not 2-coverable, let A be a subset with minimum |A|.
Consider the family of sets S1 = {A ∩ A1 , A ∩ A2 , . . . , A ∩ Ak }. (A ∩ Ai might equal A ∩ Aj for some
distinct i and j, but we ignore any duplicate sets.) Because A is not 2-coverable, if X ∈ S1 , then
A − X 6∈ S1 . Thus, at most half the subsets of |A| are in S1 , and |S1 | ≤ 2|A|−1 .
On the other hand, let B = S − A and consider the family of sets S2 = {B ∩ A1 , B ∩ A2 , . . . , B ∩ Ak }.
We claim that if X ∈ S2 , then B − X 6∈ S2 . Suppose on the contrary that both X, B − X ∈ S2 for
some X = B ∩ A` and B − X = B ∩ A`0 . By the minimal definition of A, there are Ai and Aj such
that Ai ∪ Aj = A \ {m} for some i, j, and m. Then

|A` ∪ A`0 ∪ Ai ∪ Aj | = n − 1,

a contradiction. Thus our assumption is false and |S2 | ≤ 2|B|−1 = 2n−|A|−1 .

Because every set Ai is uniquely determined by its intersection with sets A and B = S − A, it follows
that k ≤ |S1 | · |S2 | ≤ 2n−2 .

32. Numbers 1, 2, . . . , 2004 are arranged in a row such that each number is either greater than all of the
numbers to its left or less than all of the numbers to its right. How many such arrangements are

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