2010 U of I Mock Putnam Exam Solutions
2010 U of I Mock Putnam Exam Solutions
2010 U of I Mock Putnam Exam Solutions
1. (a) Given a set with n elements (where n is a positive integer), prove that exactly 2n1 of its subsets have an odd
number of elements.
(b) Determine, with proof, the number of 8 by 8 matrices in which each entry is 0 or 1 and each row and each column
contains an odd number of 1s.
Solution. (a) Let N0 and N1 denote the number of subsets of an n-element set with an even, respectively odd,
number of elements. Clearly N0 + N1 = 2n and
n n
X n X n
N0 = , N1 = .
k k
k=0 k=0
k even k odd
2. A sheet of paper contains the numbers 101, 102, . . . , 200. Suppose you play the following game on this list of numbers.
At each stage, you pick two of the numbers on the list, say a and b, cross these out, and replace them by the single
number ab + a + b. You keep doing this until only a single number is left (which happens after 99 such moves).
Determine, with proof, what this last number is.
Solution. The answer is 201!/101! 1. For the proof, the key observation is that if a pair of numbers (a, b) on the
list is replaced by ab + a + b, the product of all the numbers on the list, each incremented by 1, remains unchanged
since (a + 1)(b + 1) = ((ab + a + b) + 1). It follows that, if N denotes the last surviving number, then N + 1 is equal
to the product of the original 100 numbers, each incremented by 1, i.e., N + 1 = k=101 (k + 1) = 201!/101!. Hence
N = 201!/101! 1.
3. Among all powers of 2, what percentage begin with the digit 1 in their decimal representation? More precisely, if f (n)
denotes the number of integers among the first n powers of 2 (i.e., 21 , 22 , . . . , 2n ) whose decimal representation begins
with the digit 1, show that the limit limn f (n)/n exists and compute its value.
Solution. The limit in question is log10 2. For the proof, observe that (i) any interval of the form [x, 2x) with x 2
contains exactly one power of 2, and (ii) a positive integer begins with the digit 1 in its decimal representation if and
only if it falls into an interval of the type [10k , 2 10k ), for some nonnegative integer k. These observations imply that
each of the intervals [10k1 , 10k ), k = 1, 2, . . . , contains exactly one power of 2. Hence, f (n), the number of powers of
2 that are 2n , is equal to the smallest integer k satisfying 10k > 2n . Rewriting the latter inequality as k > n log10 2,
we see that k is the ceiling of n log10 2, so
f (n) = dn log10 2e.
Therefore the limit in question is
f (n) dn log10 2e
lim = lim = log10 2.
n n n n
Remarks: (i) Using more advanced methods (namely, the theory of uniform distribution modulo 1), one can show
that given any positive integer d, the proportion of powers of 2 whose decimal representation begins with the digits of
d is log10 (d + 1)/d. Thus, for instance, a proportion of log10 (8/7) = 0.0579919 . . . or about 5.78 percent, of all powers
of 2 begin with the digit 7, and proportion of log10 (2011/2010) = 0.000216 . . . , or about 0.0216 percent, of powers of
2 begin with the digits 2010. A remarkable consequence of this result is that, given any finite sequence of digits (for
example, 999999 or 31415926) there exists a power of 2 that begins that sequence.
(ii) Computing the first few terms of the sequence 2n one might suspect that every third term begins with a 1, but this
pattern does not persist, and in fact, there is no periodicity in the sequence of leading digits. (If there were, the limit
limn f (n)/n would be a rational number, but its true value, log10 2 = 0.30103 . . . is irrational.)
4. Given a positive integer d, define a lattice traversal of step size d to be an infinite polygonal path P0 P1 P2 . . . in the
plane satisfying the following conditions:
(i) The distance between any two consecutive points Pi and Pi+1 on the path is d.
(ii) Each point Pi on the path is a lattice point (i.e., has integer coordinates).
(iii) Each lattice point in the plane occurs at least once as a point Pi on the path.
Determine, with proof, for which integers d {2, 3, . . . , 10} there exists a lattice traversal of step size d.
Solution. We show that d = 5 is the only number in the given set with this property. First note that if d 6= 5 and
d 6= 10, then d is not the hypothenuse of a right triangle with integer sides, so the only moves of length d between
lattice points are moves in horizontal or vertical direction. These moves leave the remainder of the x and y-coordinates
modulo d unchanged, so all points Pi on the path must have x and y-coordinates congruent to the x and y-coordinates
of the starting point P0 . Since d 2, these points do not represent all lattice points, so the path is not a lattice traversal
in the sense of the problem.
If d = 10, then the possible moves are horizontal or vertical moves of length 10 and diagonal moves in direction (6, 8)
or (8, 6). In either case the parity of the coordinates remains the same, so lattice points with parity different from
that of the starting point cannot be reached.
Next, we will show that a lattice traversal of step size d = 5 does exist. We take P0 to be the origin and first observe
that it is enough to show that we can get from the origin to the point (1, 0) in finitely many allowable moves. For
suppose we have a path of the desired type from (0, 0) to (1, 0). By rotating this path by 90, 180, or 270 degrees, we can
then also reach the points (0, 1), (1, 0), and (0, 1) from the origin. By repeated applications of such moves, shows
that we can reach any lattice point from any other lattice point in finitely many moves. To obtain a lattice traversal,
enumerate all lattice points in some sequence (this is possible since the set of lattice points has cardinality Z Z and is
therefore countable), and connect any two adjacent lattice points in this sequence by such a finite sequence of moves.
Thus, it remains to construct a sequence of moves of step size 5 from (0, 0) to (1, 0). The sequence given by (0, 0)
(3, 4) (2, 4) (1, 0) does the job. Therefore, the proof is complete.
5. Let 1 a1 < a2 < a3 . . . be a sequence of positive integers, such that ak /k as k , and let A(n) denote
the number of terms in this sequence that are n. Prove that there exist infinitely many positive integers n that are
divisible by A(n).
Solution. We begin by showing that A(n)/n 0 as n . Indeed, given n a1 , let k be defined by ak n < ak+1 .
Then A(n) = k, and
A(n) k k
(1) = 0,
n n ak
as n , by the hypothesis ak /k .
Next, we will show that, for every integer d a1 , there exists m = md such that
(2) m = A(dm).
Since the numbers n = md for which (2) holds have the property that A(n) divides n, this will prove the desired result.
To obtain (2), fix d a1 and consider the function f (m) = fd (m) = A(dm)/m. Note that f (1) = A(d) A(a1 ) 1
and, by (1), f (m) = A(dm)/m 0 as m . Hence, there exists a maximal integer m = md such that f (m) 1. We
claim that (2) holds with this choice of m. To see this, note that, by the maximality of m and the monotonicity of the
function A(n), we have f (m+1) < 1 and hence A(dm) A(d(m+1)) < m+1, so A(dm) m, or f (m) = A(dm)/m 1.
Combined with our earlier inequality f (m) 1 this implies f (m) = 1, which is equivalent to (2).
6. Find, with proof, the precise set of real numbers , such that any sequence xn , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . , of real numbers satisfying
also satisfies
(2) lim = 0.
n n
Solution. The answer is 1. Clearly, if the statement holds for a particular value of , then it also holds for any
larger value of . Thus, it suffices to (i) prove that any sequence xn satisfying (1) satisfies (2) with = 1, and (ii) find
an example of a sequence {xn } satisfying (1), which does not satisfy (2) for any < 1.
(i) Proof that (1) implies (2) with = 1: (This appeared on the Putnam (Problem A4, 1970).)
Let {xn } be a given sequence satisfying (1), and write dn = xn xn2 . Let > 0 be given. By the assumption (1),
there exists n0 = n0 () 3 such that |dn | < for all n n0 . For n n0 we have
|x2n+1 | = d2i+1 + x1 ,
X n0
|dk | + |di | + |x1 |,
k=n0 i=3
(2n + 1) + C(n0 ),
say, where C(n0 ) is a constant depending on n0 (and hence on ), but not on n. Dividing both sides by 2n + 1 and
letting n , we obtain
|x2n+1 |
lim sup .
n 2n + 1
Since > 0 was arbitrary, it follows that limn |x2n+1 |/(2n + 1) = 0. A completely analogous argument gives
limn |x2n |/(2n) = 0, and combining these two relations shows that (2) holds with = 1.
(ii) Counterexample for < 1: Let x1 = 1, and for n 2, define xn by xn = n/ log n. Then xn /n = n1 / log n,
which is unbounded when < 1, so (2) fails for such . On the other hand, the sequence satisfies (1), since
n n 2
|xn xn2 | =
log n log(n 2)
x 2
2 max ,
n2xn log x log(n 2)
which tends to 0 as n .