Tib BW Release Notes

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TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Software Release 5.4.0 January 2007

Important Information

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Release Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
New Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 New Features in TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 New Features in TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 New Features in TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 New Features in TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.1.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 New Features in TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Changes in Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Changes in 5.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Changes in 5.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Changes in 5.2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Changes in 5.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Changes in 5.1.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Changes in 5.1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Migration From Previous Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Third-Party Software Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 JDBC Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 JMS Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Application Servers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Known Issues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Closed Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Internationalization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 TIBCO Messaging Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Usage Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Using Non-Default TIBCO Rendezvous Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


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TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


Release Notes

These release notes list issues according to topic area. TIBCO Designer, TIBCO Administrator, and TRA are now shipped as separate products, each with release notes of their own. The release notes for these products are no longer included with these TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes. When you first start TIBCO Administrator, each screen takes a noticeable amount of time to display the first time. Afterwards, display is not delayed. If you click on individual items too quickly, an error results. Check the TIBCO Product Support web site at http://support.tibco.com for product information that was not available at release time. Entry to this site requires a username and password. If you do not have one, you can request one. Your web browser must support cookies and you must have a valid maintenance or support contract to use this site.

New Features, page 2 Changes in Functionality, page 22 Migration From Previous Releases, page 44 Third-Party Software Support, page 45 Known Issues, page 48 Closed Issues, page 70 Internationalization, page 109 Using Non-Default TIBCO Rendezvous Parameters, page 115

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

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New Features
The following sections list new features of each release covered by these release notes.

New Features in TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.4

The following sections describe the new features in this release. Platform Support SQL Server 2005 and the IBM DB2 Universal Database driver on AS/400 are now supported by the activities in the JDBC palette. Monitoring XA Transactions New TIBCO Hawk microagent methods have been added to monitor XA transaction activity when using TIBCO XA Transaction Manager or Arjuna Transaction Manager. The L i s t I n f l i g h t T r a n s a c t i o n ( ) method returns information about currently active transactions and the G e t T r a n s a c t i o n S t a t i s t i c s ( ) method returns information for all transactions since the process engine started. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Administration for more information. Policy Palette The Security Policy resource now allows you to specify a Java object for implementing custom password lookup functions. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide and TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information. Rendezvous Transport For activities that can use the TIBCO Rendezvous RVCMQ transport (for example, activities in the Rendezvous or ActiveEnterprise Adapter palettes), the C o n f i g . T i b r v . c m Q u e u e T r a n s p o r t . T a s k B a c k l o g L i m i t I n B y t e s property has been introduced to set the backlog limit (in bytes) of the task scheduler for the transport. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Administration for more information.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

New Features 3

Security Context The SOAP Event Source process starter and the Service resource can now specify that the security context of the incoming message is available to the process instance. The security context includes items such as the username and password of the client when basic authentication is used, or it can include the X509 certificate when Web Service Security policies are used. SeeTIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information about the security context in the SOAP Event Source and Service resources.

New Features in TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.3

The following sections describe the new features in this release. Platform Support Solaris 10 is now supported on32-bit and 64-bit platforms. Oracle 10g with RAC is now supported. Web Services Features Several features have been added to enhance and simplify web services. The following is a summary of features with references on where to find more information: Service-oriented architecture This release introduces the Service palette for creating services. Services are an abstraction that separate the transport from the implementation. This allows you to create more generic process definitions that can be used as implementations for operations of any service. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide for more information. Multiple operations per service web services, when using the Service resource, can now have multiple operations specified for each service. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide for more information. SOAP 1.2 messages sent from or received by TIBCO BusinessWorks are fully-compliant with the SOAP 1.2 specification. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information about SOAP specification compliance. Wizards creating web services involves configuring several resources. Two new wizards are provided to aid in creating web services. One wizard creates a Service resource and WSDL file based on one or more process definitions in your project. This allows you to easily expose process definitions as web services. The other wizard creates process stubs and a Service resource based on a WSDL file. This allows you to easily create implementations for operations of a web service. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide for more information.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

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UDDI and WSIL Browsing and Publishing You can now easily browse or publish WSIL files and UDDI registries from either TIBCO Designer or TIBCO Administrator. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide and TIBCO BusinessWorks Administration for more information. Security Policy The Policy palette has been added to allow you to create web service security policies and associate them with services and SOAP resources. The security policy is based on the Web Services Security specification (http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-soap-mesage-se curity-1.0). See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide for more information.

Process Instance Recovery You can now specify that checkpoint information for process instances that fail during execution should be saved so that the process instances can be recovered to the point of their last checkpoint, after the problem that caused the failure has been fixed. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Administration for more information. New Group Options Two new options have been added to groups in process definitions. The If group allows you to conditionally execute business logic. The While True loop group repeats a series of activities as long as the given condition is true. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide for more information. Statistic Collection Statistics for process instances and activities can be stored and collected in comma-separated format. This allows you to perform analysis on the statistics using tools such as Microsoft Excel. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Administration for more information. Log File Encoding You can specify the character encoding of the log file with the l o g . f i l e . e n c o d i n g custom property. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Administration for more information.

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New Features 5

Process Engine Tracing You can now specify that the input or output XML is included when process engine tracing is enabled. This is controlled by the custom engine properties b w . e n g i n e . s h o w I n p u t and b w . e n g i n e . s h o w O u t p u t . See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide for more information. Integration with TIBCO Enterprise Management Advisor TIBCO Enterprise Management AdvisorTM (EMA) is a tool that automatically monitors and manages resources in your enterprise. TIBCO BusinessWorks has been instrumented to work with the upcoming release of TIBCO EMA. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Administration for more information. Schema Import Tool Complex schemas and WSDL files can have nested imported resources. The schema import tool allows you to import a root resource (XSD or WSDL file) and the tool automatically resolves and imports any referenced resources. You can examine and fix any errors such as broken links to referenced resources before importing the resources into your project. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide for more information. Custom Activities and Process Starters This release introduces the ability to create custom activities and process starters. You can define business logic in a process definition and then encapsulate that logic into a custom activity without exposing the implementation details of the process. You can then package custom activities into custom palettes and distribute them to your own organization or to other organizations. The Java Event Source allows you to create your own process starter that starts a process based on Java code you write. This is useful if you wish to perform custom processing on incoming events before starting a process or if you wish to work with event sources that are not currently supported by TIBCO BusinessWorks. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide and TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information. File Palette A Copy File activity has been added. This activity can be used to copy files or directories to a new location.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

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General Activities Palette The following activities have been added to the General Activities palette: Catch execution is transferred to a Catch activity when an unhandled exception occurs. Custom Activity allows you to encapsulate a process definition into a custom activity that can be shared without exposing the implementation details of the process. On Notification Timeout starts a process when a timeout occurs for a Notify activity. Rethrow throws the exception caught by a Catch activity again.

See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information. Java Palette The Java Event Source process starter has been added. This allows you to create your own custom process starter based on Java code you write. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information. JDBC Palette A new activity, JDBC Get Connection, has been added to return a Java object reference to a JDBC connection in the connection pool used by TIBCO BusinessWorks. This allows you to use managed connections in Java code without having to specify connection information in your Java code. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information.

New Features in TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.2

The following sections describe the new features in this release. New Platforms Platform support has been added for AIX 5.2 and 5.3. Also, support for the TimesTen 5.0.x and DB2 databases has been added.

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New Features 7

Multilingual User Interface (MUI) Support The Multilingual User Interface (MUI) provides a localized Graphical User Interface (GUI) in Japanese or English for TIBCO Runtime Agent applications. Previously, MUI support required a separately installed package. In this release, MUI support is included in the base product. TIBCO Runtime Agent includes a utility for choosing the user interface language. The utility is available from the Windows Start menu, or from < TRA_HOME> \ b i n \ M U I L a n g C h o o s e r. Process Instance Execution You can now more easily specify that process instances are to be executed in the order in which they are created. Also, you specify that the process engine should check for duplicate process instances by specifying a duplicate key value unique to each process instance. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide for more information about controlling process instance execution. You can also specify a custom ID for each process instance that will be displayed in the process statistics in TIBCO Administrator or through the Engine Command activity. See the description of the Misc tab on each process starter in TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information about specifying custom IDs. TIBCO Administrator TIBCO Administrator has been enhanced to allow you to gracefully shut down running process engines. Also, you can now specify a limit to the number of active process instances for each process starter with the Max Jobs (Flow Limit) field of a deployment configuration. See TIBCO Administrator Users Guide for more information about these features. Shared Variables A shared variable allows information to be shared across process instances. This can be useful if you wish to marshal data across processes or if you wish to make a common set of information available to all processes. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide for more information. Iterate Groups The Iteration Element field has been added to iterate groups. The Iteration Element field allows you to supply a name for a process variable containing the current iteration element. This allows you to easily map the value of the current iteration element instead of using predicates on the process variable used for iteration. Using the iteration element can improve performance in proportion to the number of elements processed in an iteration loop. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide for more information.
TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

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Critical Section Groups Critical section groups are used to synchronize process instances so that only one process instance executes the activities within the group at any given time. Critical section groups are particularly useful for controlling concurrent access to shared variables. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide for more information. Pick First Groups Pick First groups allow you to wait for one or more events. The first event that completes determines which transition to take to continue processing. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide for more information. ActiveEnterprise Adapter Palette The Publish to Adapter activity has been enhanced to allow a request/reply mode. This is useful if you wish to receive a reply from a message but do not want to use the Request-Response adapter service. The Adapter Subscriber process starter has two new output elements when the RVCM transport is used, certifiedSequenceNumber and certifiedSender. The Adapter Subscriber process starter has one new output element when the JMS transport is used, MessageID. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information. File Palette The List Files activity has been enhanced to include a new output element, l a s t M o d i f i e d . This element is a string that contains the timestamp for the last modification date of the file. You can use the c o m p a r e - d a t e T i m e ( ) XPath function to compare the modification dates of files. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information. FTP Palette The FTP Change Default Directory activity has been added to allow you to change the current default directory on FTP server. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information. General Activities Palette The following are new features added to the General Activities palette:

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New Features 9

The Engine Command activity has been added to perform basic monitoring and maintenance of the process engine. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information. Checkpoint activities have been enhanced to allow you to specify a duplicateKey value to check for duplicate process instances. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide for more information about duplicate detection. The Write to Log activity can now write to a set of rolling log files by specifying UserRole as the role for the log entries. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide for more information about the custom engine properties that configure rolling log files. Three new process starters have been added to the General Activities palette. The OnStartup process starter allows you to create a process that executes when the process engine starts. The OnShutdown process starter allows you to create a process that executes when the process engine shuts down. The OnEventTimeout allows you to create a process that executes when a Wait For ... activity experiences an event timeout.

HTTP Palette The file l o g 4 j . p r o p e r t i e s is now exposed in the b w / < relNum> / l i b directory. You can edit this file to change the logging configuration of the HTTP server used by TIBCO BusinessWorks. For more information about logging properties, see http://logging.apache.org/log4j/docs/documentation.html. The HTTP Receiver process starter has been enhanced. The process starter now places the IP address of the requestor in the Context/RemoteAddress output element. Also, you can optionally specify that you would like the security context of the requestor by checking the Expose Security Context configuration field. This places the security context into the Context/SecurityContext output element. The HTTP Connection shared configuration resource now has an Advanced tab that includes advanced configuration options. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information. JDBC Palette Database connections in the connection pool (specified by the Max Connections field in the JDBC Connection resource) timeout if they are not used. A new configuration property has been added to allow you to specify the timeout period for unused connections. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Administration for more information about the b w . e n g i n e . d b C o n n e c t i o n . i d l e T i m e o u t property.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


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A new field has been added to the JDBC Connection shared configuration resource. The Login Timeout field allows you to specify a timeout for obtaining a successful database connection. Also, the C o n f i g . J D B C . C o n n e c t i o n . S e t L o g i n T i m e o u t property can be set in the d e s i g n e r . t r a (for design-time testing) or b w e n g i n e . x m l file (for deployed projects) to achieve the same goal. The value of the configuration property, if set, overrides the timeout specified on the JDBC Connection shared configuration resource. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information. JMS Palette The Get JMS Queue Message activity has been added to allow you to retrieve a message from the queue. You can also use a message selector to retrieve a specific message, if desired. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information about the JMS palette. When a process engine attempts to startup and the JMS server that JMS activities connect to is not up, the JMS process starters cannot connect to the JMS server. A new custom engine property has been added to address this, b w . p l u g i n . j m s . r e c o v e r O n S t a r t u p E r r o r. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Administration for more information. Rendezvous Palette The output of the Rendezvous Subscriber and Wait For Rendezvous Message resources have been enhanced to include the certifiedSender and certifiedSequenceNumber elements. Also, the Rendezvous Subscriber has a new configuration option that allows the RV message to be output as a Java object reference. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information. RMI Palette The RMI palette has been added to allow a process definitions to perform JRMI lookups and act as a JRMI server. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information. SOAP Palette SOAP resources can now be used to send and receive messages over the JMS transport in addition to the HTTP transport. Also, attachments are now supported for SOAP messages. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information.

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New Features 11

TCP Palette The TCP/IP palette is new in this release and it provides activities and resources that can send and receive data using the TCP/IP protocol. This palette is intended for use when communicating with TCP/IP and there is no corresponding TIBCO BusinessWorks palette for the protocol. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information. Transaction Palette The transaction palette has been added to allow greater transaction support. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide for more information about transactions.

New Features in TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.1.3

The following sections describe the new features in this release. Custom Engine Properties Previous releases of TIBCO BusinessWorks allowed you to specify custom properties for the process engine when creating a deployment configuration. A different mechanism for specifying custom properties is introduced in this release. You can now add custom properties to the < BW_HOME> / l i b / c o m / t i b c o / d e p l o y m e n t / b w e n g i n e . x m l file. When properties are added to this file, they are incorporated into Enterprise Archive (EAR) files built for the project. These properties are then available for modification when deploying the project in TIBCO Administrator (on the Advanced tab). Release 5.1.3 has a template b w e n g i n e . x m l file for adding custom properties. If you have properties that you added in previous releases or if you are instructed to add a custom property by TIBCO Technical Support, use the existing properties in this file as a guide for adding new custom properties. Once the EAR file is loaded into TIBCO Administrator, you can see the properties defined in this file in the Advanced tab of the deployment configuration. Mapping Two menu items have been added to the right-click menu in the Activity Input area. Statement > Surround with For-Each... and Statement > Surround with For-Each-Group are shortcuts to surrounding the currently selected element with the correct statements. Also, many new XPath functions have been added. See the documentation for the new functions in the XPath Formula Builder dialog for more information.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


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ActiveEnterprise Adapter Palette A new input element has been added to the Publish to Adapter activity. The input element p r e R e g i s t e r L i s t e n e r allows you to specify a list of pre-registered RVCM listeners as input to the activity. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information. JDBC Palette The JDBC Call Procedure, JDBC Query, and JDBC Update activities have a new field on their Configuration tab. The "Interpret Empty Strings as Null" field that specifies how empty strings in Input elements should be handled. When the field is checked, nulls are sent to the database where empty strings are supplied. When the field is unchecked, empty strings are treated as zero-length strings. Whether you use this field or not, you can still use XPath to set input elements explicitly to nill. Note that many databases treat empty strings and nulls as the same value, so this field will not affect how the database interprets empty strings. JMS Palette A Browse button has been added to the Destination fields of most JMS activities and the Reply-to Topic and Reply-to Queue fields on the Advanced tab of the JMS Topic Publisher and JMS Queue Sender activities. This button allows you to browse destinations in the JMS server after a connection to the JMS server is specified. This feature is only available when TIBCO Enterprise Message Service is used as the JMS provider. A new message type has been added to the list of message types supported for sending and receiving messages. The message type is Object Ref, and this is used to send or receive an object reference to a Java object. Rendezvous Palette A new input element has been added to the Publish Rendezvous Message activity. The input element p r e R e g i s t e r L i s t e n e r allows you to specify a list of pre-registered RVCM listeners as input to the activity instead of using the static Pre-register Listener field on the Configuration tab. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information.

New Features in TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.1.2

TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.1.2 contains many new features across all areas of the product. The following sections describe the new features in this release

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

New Features 13

Platform Support The platforms upon which TIBCO BusinessWorks runs have changed. The following table describes the new platforms supported and the platforms that are no longer supported. Platforms That Are No Longer Supported Windows NT Supported Platforms Added In This Release Windows 2003 Enterprise edition for server class hardware and Standard edition for desktops is recommended. AIX 4.3.3 AIX 5.1 Solaris 9

Deployment The Deployment palette is no longer part of TIBCO BusinessWorks. Deployment is handled by using TIBCO Designer to create archive files for your integration projects and then using TIBCO Administrator to specify the deployment characteristics. Deployment is performed by creating Enterprise Archive Files. You no longer need to have a server-based project to perform deployment. See TIBCO Designer Users Guide and TIBCO Administrator Users Guide for more information about deploying enterprise integration projects. TIBCO Designer Several new features have been added to TIBCO Designer, particularly the ability to create multi-file projects. The new format for projects allows you to more easily integrate your project into a source-control system and have many users work on various parts of the project. See TIBCO Designer Release Notes for more information about the new features of TIBCO Designer. Multi-File Project Support TIBCO Designer allows you to save projects as multiple files. This allows you to manage your integration project with a version control system, such as Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, Perforce, or PVCS Version Manager.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


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A multi-file project is stored as a hierarchy of folders and files. The structure mirrors the project tree, however, files are created only for top-level resources. Files typically contain the repository structure of the resource. For example, process definitions are files, but the activities within the process definition are contained within the file. Process Design Several new features make process design simpler and more flexible. These features include: Color and line type can be specified for transitions. Groups now have a start and end point to which you draw a transition. This allows you to have breakpoints before and after the group executes. This also allows you to draw multiple transition lines from the end of a group to other activities. Groups can be maximized, minimized, and resized. This allows you to collapse and expand groups to see the overall process definition and drill down into a group when desired. The Label activity has been enhanced so that you can use it to cover an area of a process definition and provide a background color. This allows you to represent logical groupings in your process definition more clearly. The Call Process activity can now dynamically determine which process to call by specifying an XPath expression in the configuration. User-defined process variables can be specified for process definitions. These variables can be set by way of the Assign activity (new activity in the General Activities palette). Once set, the value of a process variable can be used in mappings on the Input tab. Shared configuration resources no longer are in a separate palette. Any shared configuration resources now reside in the same palette as the activities for which they are used. For example, the Data Format shared configuration resource is now located in the Parse palette. Most configuration fields for activities can now accept global variables. The TIBCO BusinessWorks documentation lists which fields can accept global variables. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information.

See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide for more information about these features. Process Definition Testing The testing environment is invoked by way of the Tester tab to the left of the project panel. The test menu items now appear in two separate menus: Tools >Test and View >Test Options.

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There is now one button that allows you to load and start one or more processes for testing. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide for more information about testing in this release. Error Handling Error handling has been improved in this release in the following ways. The $_error process variable contains additional elements with more information on the error that occurred. Each activity that can raise errors has one or more defined error schemas displayed on the Error Output tab of the activity. When an error occurs, the activitys error schema is populated and provided in a process variable named $ _ e r r o r _ < activityName> .

See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide for more information on error handling. Mapping Mapping an activitys input has changed significantly in release 5.1. Mapping has been enhanced with a more wizard-like interface. As you drag and drop items from the Process Data panel to the Activity Input panel, you are presented with dialogs that offer you alternatives for the type of mapping you wish to perform. Each mapping becomes a statement in the XSLT template for the activitys input. Because each line in an activity input tree is an XSLT statement, buttons have been added to the Input tab toolbar to add, delete, and move statements. You do not need to know XSLT to successfully create simple mappings and transformations, but it is helpful to understand that each item is an XSLT statement describing the transformation necessary to create the activitys expected input. The Input tab also has a Check Mappings and Repair button that displays errors in the current mappings and offers you options to fix simple mapping errors automatically. Previously, you could add variables to the activity input with the Add Variable button. This functionality is still available, but you access it differently in this release. Each line in the activity input is an XSLT statement. To add a variable, you must add a statement to the activity input (using the plus [+] button), then choose $= Variable as the statement type. Also in previous releases, you could change the type of an activity input element using the Set Substitution button. This button has been removed, and type coercion is now part of the Edit Statement dialog.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


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A Type Documentation button has been added to the toolbar on the Input tab that allows you to select a node in the Process Data or Activity Input panel and display any documentation for the node and the schema tree for the node. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide for more information how mapping works in release 5.1. Process Engines Sybase 12 is now supported for storing process engine data (that is, checkpoint and wait/notify data). Messaging Support For ActiveEnterprise activities, two messaging transports are now available: JMS and TIBCO Rendezvous. You can send and receive JMS messages with the activities of the ActiveEnterprise palette using TIBCO Enterprise for JMS software. The TIBCO Rendezvous transport is also fully supported, as in previous releases. TIBCO ActiveEnterprise XML wire format messages are now supported for the TIBCO Rendezvous and JMS transports. ActiveEnterprise and Rendezvous Message wire formats are also supported for the TIBCO Rendezvous transport.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Support Several activities and resources support SSL for secure communication. This release unifies the configuration of SSL across all activities so that configuration is similar regardless of the type of activity. Each activity may have different SSL configuration parameters, but the interface for configuring SSL is similar regardless of whether you are configuring JMS, HTTP, TIBCO ActiveEnterprise, SOAP, or TIBCO Rendezvous activities. ActiveEnterprise Adapter Palette The activities of this palette have been enhanced with the following features: Support for using JMS as the transport for activities in this palette. When using this transport, the XML wire format is provided. SSL is supported for JMS and RV transports. A new activity has been added for sending exceptions to adapter requests. This is used when a process is started to handle an adapter request. The process definition can now send a response or an exception as needed.

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The RV Session tab of all activities in this palette has been replaced with the Transport tab. This tab is used to specify the transport characteristics, if needed. Configuration fields on the Advanced tab of all activities in this palette has been merged into the Configuration tab.

See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information about the Active Enterprise Adapter palette. EJB Palette This is a new palette for invoking Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs). This palette requires an additional license. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information about the EJB palette. File Palette The activities of this palette have been enhanced with the following features: Create File can now create directories in addition to creating files. Remove File can remove empty directories as well as removing files. Create File and Write File now have a configuration field that allows you to specify that intermediate directories should be created when the file is created/written, if the directories do not exist. A new activity has been added that allows you to rename or move files and rename (but not move) directories. A new activity has been added that allows you to list information about a file or list the files within a directory.

See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information about the File palette. FTP Palette The activities of this palette have been enhanced with the following features: The Write Data to Local File Configuration field in FTP Get and the Get Data from Disk Configuration field in FTP Put have been changed to "Use Process Data" to signify that you wish to retrieve or place data from process data instead of directly from files.

FTP Get and FTP Put have been modified to work with multiple files (FTP and m p u t commands).

FTP Get and FTP Put have changed their output schemas. There is a field in the Configuration tab of these activities for projects that have been migrated
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from previous releases to maintain compatibility with the functionality of the previous release. Several new activities have been added that provide more FTP commands. The new commands are: FTP Delete File, FTP DIR, FTP Get Default Directory, FTP Make Remote Directory, FTP Quote, FTP Remove Remote Directory, FTP Rename File, FTP Sys Type.

See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information about the FTP palette. General Activities Palette The activities of this palette have been enhanced with the following features: The External Command activity has a new configuration field for specifying the behavior of line endings for the executed commands output. The Java Code activity has been moved to the new Java palette. The Call Process activity can now dynamically determine which process to call by specifying an XPath expression in the configuration. The Label activity has been enhanced so that you can use it to cover an area of a process definition and provide a background color. This allows you to represent logical groupings in your process definition more clearly. A new activity has been added that allows you to assign a value to a user-defined process variable (see Process Design on page 14 for more information about user-defined process variables). A new activity has been added (the Inspector activity) that allows you to write the output of any previously executed activity to a file. This can provide you with useful information when debugging process definitions.

See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information about the General Activities palette. HTTP Palette The HTTP palette has added support for HTTP 1.1 for both incoming and outgoing HTTP requests. Also support has been added for automatic redirection in the Send HTTP Request activity. Tables in the Configuration tabs of HTTP activities for defining attributes have been modified to be consistent with other activities. There are a set of controls to the right of the attribute tables that allow you to add, delete, or move attributes within the table. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information about the HTTP palette.

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Java Palette This new palette has been added to consolidate the existing Java Code activity and Custom Java Function shared configuration resource. The code editing features of the Java Code activity have been improved. Also, the Tools > Java Code > Compile All Code menu item has been added to allow you to compile all Java Code activities in your project with one menu command instead of compiling the code in each Java Code activity individually. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information about the Java palette. JDBC Palette Support for Sybase 12 has been added for activities in this palette. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information about the JDBC palette. JMS Palette The activities in this palette have been enhanced with the following features: SSL support has been added. XML Text is now treated in the same manner as Map and Stream. A Test Connection button has been added to the JMS Connection shared configuration resource that allows you to test the connection to the specified JMS server.

See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information about the JMS palette. Mail Palette The Receive Mail process starter now has a Test Connection button for testing the connection to the specified mail server. The Send Mail activity now has a replyTo input element for supplying a reply address for the message. Both the Send Mail and Receive Mail activities can now use non-default port numbers for the mail host. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information about the Mail palette.

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Parse Palette The activities in this palette have been enhanced with the following features: The Data Format shared configuration resource now can accept custom fill characters for padding fixed-width columns. Previously, the Parse activity could only accept files with ASCII or Unicode character encodings. Now, there is a drop-down list of supported character encodings in the Encoding field.

See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information about the Parse palette. Rendezvous Palette SSL support has been added to the activities of the Rendezvous palette. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information about the Rendezvous palette. SOAP Palette The SOAP Event Source process starter has been enhanced with the following features: Support has been added for the following encodings: RPC literal, RPC encoded, Document encoded, and Document literal with typed parts. An additional tab is added to configure the style, encoding, and namespaces for the service binding. SOAP headers support is enhanced to allow multiple inputs and output headers with additional binding configuration. Support for SOAP arrays and any type parts is available. Header parts can now use the types declared in the WSDL file. Input, Output and Fault message parts can use types in addition to elements. Input and Output Headers allow multiple message parts. Message parts can access schemas defined in other WSDL files. Full support for RPC and Document services with literal and SOAP encoding is available. Support for anyType and SOAP arrays has been added.

The SOAP Request/Reply activity has been enhanced with the following features:

In the SOAP Event Source and SOAP Request/Reply activities, a WSDL Analyzer has been added. This is used as a service and operation chooser, and it also provides an analysis report about the selected WSDL file to show parsing errors, import errors, and other errors.

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See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information about the SOAP palette. WSDL Palette This is a new palette for defining WSDL files. This palette replaces the WSDL shared configuration resource from previous releases. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information about the WSDL palette. XML Activities The activities in this palette have been enhanced with the following features: The XML Parse activity has a new configuration field that allows you to specify that the output should be validated. The XML Render activity has a new configuration field that allows you to specify that the input should be validated. Also, you can now specify the encoding for the output. The XML Transform activity permits "text" input and output in addition to the the previously supported "bytes" input and output.

See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information about the XML Activities palette.

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Changes in Functionality

Changes in 5.4
This section lists changes to existing product functionality in release 5.4. SSL Cipher Suites Some activities that use SSL connections can specify the Strong Cipher Suites only field. In previous releases, checking this field did not always expose the strongest cipher suites available. The custom engine property bw.plugin.security.strongcipher.minstrenght has been introduced to allow you to specify the minimum strength of the cipher suites you wish to use. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Administration for more information. HTTP Palette Multiple name/value pairs can be sent in the Cookie header element of the Send HTTP Request activity. Also, the custom engine property b w . p l u g i n . h t t p . p r o t o c o l . s i n g l e - c o o k i e - h e a d e r has been added to specify that multiple cookies should be combined into one header element when the request is sent. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference and TIBCO BusinessWorks Administration for more information. Mail Palette In previous releases, the Receive Mail activity was throwing exceptions when receiving email, if the email was in rich text format and the first mime part contained nested mime sub parts. You can fix this by setting the b w . p l u g i n . m a i l . r e c e i v e r F l a t t e n N e s t e d A t t a c h m e n t s property to t r u e which flattens out the message structure so that all parts are siblings. In previous releases, the Receive Mail activity did not handle incoming mime messages with mime types application/*, audio/*, video/*, or image/*. While fetching these types of emails, TIBCO BusinessWorks threw exceptions. You can fix this by setting the b w . p l u g i n . m a i l . r e c e i v e r H a n d l e D i s c r e t e T y p e s property to t r u e . I See TIBCO BusinessWorks Administration for more information.

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JMS Palette The behavior of the Client ID field in JMS connections has been changed. Previously, client IDs were automatically generated in a variety of circumstances. Now, there is a field named Auto-Generate Client ID that controls whether client IDs are automatically generated or not. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information about the new behavior of the fields in the JMS Connection resource. For activities that receive JMS messages (for example, JMS Queue Receiver or Wait for JMS Topic Message), the Receiver Timeout field has been added to the Advanced to allow you to specify a polling interval for the receiver. The custom engine property b w . p l u g i n . j m s . r e c e i v e r T i m e o u t has also been added to allow you to specify a default timeout for all JMS receiver activities. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference and TIBCO BusinessWorks Administration for more information. Rendezvous Palette The Publish Rendezvous Message activity now has a replySubject element in the activity input. This allows you to specify a reply subject for the message so that a Wait For Rendezvous Message activity later in the process can receive replies to the message.

Changes in 5.3
This section lists changes to existing product functionality in release 5.3. XPath Changes Prior to Release 5.3, numerical expressions were evaluated from right to left. For example, 10-5+6 returned -1. According to the XPath specification (http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath20/ section A.4), operators are evaluated left-to-right. Therefore, as of Release 5.3, operators will be evaluated from left to right. For example, 10-5+6 now returns 11. General Changes The TIBCO Hawk microagent method GetProcessDefinitions now returns process definitions that can be dynamically called. Previously, these process definitions were only returned after the process was executed, they are now returned whether the dynamically called process has been executed or not.

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ActiveEnterprise Adapter Palette The following describes the changes to the resources in the ActiveEnterprise Adapter palette: When using the JMS transport, ActiveEnterprise activities can participate in XA or JTA transactions. The requestTimeout element is added to the input of the Publish to Adapter activity. This allows you to specify a timeout when using this activity in request/reply mode. The JMS Application Properties field has been added to the Transport tab when JMS is the transport type. This allows you to specify a JMS Application properties shared resource for the input or output of the activity. The replyDestination field has been added to the PublishToAdapter (in request/reply mode) and Invoke an Adapter Service activity. This allows applications to continue communicating beyond a single request and reply message. The durable subscription name can be specified when a JMS durable subscription is specified for the ActiveEnterprise Subscriber process starter.

See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information. General Activities Palette The JNDI Configuration shared configuration resource only supports the provided list of context factories. You can no longer type in the name of a different context factory. HTTP Palette The activities in the HTTP palette now support MIME attachments in HTTP messages. JDBC Palette The JDBC Call Procedure, JDBC Query, and SQL Direct activities now have an input item named maxRows that can be used at runtime to specify the maximum number of rows to return. All JDBC activities now have a LoginTimedOutException that is raised when a timeout occurs when connecting to the database. This is only available on JDBC drivers that support login timeouts.

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JMS Palette For the JMS Topic Subscriber activity, the TIBCO EMS No Acknowledge mode has been added for message acknowledgement. Messages delivered in this mode do not require acknowledgement and are not delivered regardless of whether the message was delivered successfully. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information. Mail Palette The Send Mail activity now supports authentication to the mail server either through static configuration or through values provided to the activity input. Also, the Send Mail activity now has an Advanced tab that allows you to specify you wish to use non-standard email addresses. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information. Parse Palette In previous releases, the line length was not enforced and files with one long line could be parsed. This is no longer the case. If you rely on the behavior of previous versions, you can set the b w . p l u g i n . p a r s e D a t a . e n f o r c e L i n e L e n g t h property to f a l s e . See TIBCO BusinessWorks Administration for more information. SOAP Palette Resources in the SOAP palette can now handle messages that comply with version 1.2 of the SOAP specification. The following has changed for SOAP over the JMS transport: Support for topics has been added. JMS message type can now be Text Message. For SOAP Event Source, The acknowledge mode can now be set to Client, Dups OK, or TIBCO EM Explicit. For SOAP Request Reply, the delivery mode can be set to TIBCO EMS Reliable.

See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information. TCP Palette The TCP Open Connection activity has a new field Local Host to allow for machines that have multiple network hosts. The TCP Receiver process starter has new output elements that specify the IP, Host, and Port of the TCP request. The Read TCP Data and Write TCP Data now allow global variables in the Separator field of the Configuration tab.
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See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information. XML Activities Palette The Transform XML activity now can accept and return an XML tree, therefore parsing and rendering XML is no longer required before or after this activity. The Render XML activity now supports CDATA tags in string elements. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information.

Changes in 5.2.1
This section lists changes to existing product functionality in release 5.2.1. General Changes In Release 5.2.1, the default value of the custom property
j a v a . p r o p e r t y . c o m . t i b c o . s c h e m a . a e . m a k e N i l l a b l e is now true. This can cause new warnings to appear in existing projects, and the Mapper Check and Repair button can be used to correct these mappings. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Administration for more information about this and other custom properties.

ActiveEnterprise Adapter Palette The ActiveEnterprise Adapter palette now supports the flow control features introduced in Release 5.2.0. See TIBCO Administrator on page 7 for a description of the flow control features. Mail Palette The Receive Mail process starter can cause the message to be output in binary form. The Confirm activity now operates with the Receive Mail process starter. Using the Confirm activity causes the mail to be deleted from the mail server. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information. Parse Palette The Data Format shared configuration resource allows you to specify the rule to use when multiple characters are entered as a column separator. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information.

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Rendezvous Palette The Send Rendezvous Request activity now contains the reply subject set on the reply message, if one is set. See the r e p l y M e s s a g e R e p l y S u b j e c t output element in the Send Rendezvous Request activity in the TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information.

Changes in 5.2
This section lists changes to existing product functionality in release 5.2.0. Some of these changes affect projects that are migrating from version 2.x to 5.2.0. If possible, you should examine and correct any issues in your 2.x project, test these changes, then migrate the project to 5.2.0. Refer to TIBCO ActiveEnterprise Features, Migration, and Compatibility in the TIBCO Runtime Agent documentation set for more information on how to migrate projects to TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.2.0. General Changes Global variable names must be valid XML names if they are used in input mappings. In previous releases, even global variables with invalid XML names were displayed in the $ _ g l o b a l V a r i a b l e s process variable. In this release, only global variables that have valid XML names are included in the $ _ g l o b a l V a r i a b l e s process variable. You can still define global variables that have invalid XML names (for example, 0 1 _ m y V a r ), and those variables can be used in configuration fields, but they will not be available to use in input mappings. Tracing properties have been enhanced to allow wildcards in the and T r a c e . R o l e . < userRoleName> . L o g properties. You can now specify T r a c e . R o l e . * . T e r m to control console output of trace messages for all user-defined roles, and you can specify T r a c e . R o l e . * . L o g to control log output of trace messages for all user-defined roles.
T r a c e . R o l e . < userRoleName> . T e r m

For Wait For... activities, you can now omit the value for the Event Timeout field on the Event tab. Specifying no value in this field signifies the event should wait indefinitely until the activity is executed. Java object references can currently be created and passed by some activities within a process definition. This release enhances this functionality by allowing Java object references to be passed outside of a process definition by using a Call Process activity.

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Mapping For a process configuration, users can now specify a default namespace by leaving the prefix blank. XPath Functions In Release 2.x, the XPath function c r e a t e - d a t e T i m e ( ) returned a value that included a time zone. In Release 5.1.2 and 5.1.3, the function was changed to omit the time zone. The c o m . t i b c o . x m l . x p a t h . c r e a t e - d a t e T i m e . h a s . t i m e z o n e custom engine property has been added to control whether the time zone is included in the output of the c r e a t e - d a t e T i m e ( ) function. Setting the property to false (the default value) omits the time zone from the function output (the same behavior as 5.1.x). Setting this property to true causes the time zone to be included in the function output (the same behavior as 2.x). EJB Palette Earlier releases of the TIBCO BusinessWorks EJB Plug-in will not work with TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.2.0. You must upgrade and install TIBCO BusinessWorks EJB Plug-in Release 5.2.0 if you wish the plug-in to work with TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.2.0. File Palette The File Poller activity has been modified to allow you to specify the kind of modification you wish to poll for (creation, modification, deletion). You can also include sub-directories in the specified directory to monitor. Also, some fields have been moved from the Configuration tab and now appear on the Advanced tab. All activities in this palette that have the fileInfo output element now have two new sub-elements within the fileInfo element. The configuredFileName element contains the name of the file or directory the activity is configured to operate on. The lastModified element contains the time that the file was last modified. The Write File activity has a new configuration field that allows you to specify that you would like to compress the output file using the GZip format. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information.

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FTP Palette The FTP Connection resource has been enhanced to support SSL. You can now specify SSL configuration parameters to create an SSL connection to the FTP server. The Remote Filename Encoding field on the FTP Connection shared configuration resource now supports using a global variable for the value of the field. Also, the FTP Connection resource now supports both active and passive mode for FTP connections. FTP activities that share the same host, port, username, and password will now share the same FTP session. A new configuration field, Quit (post-command), has been added to all FTP activities that specifies that the FTP session should be closed once the command completes. Prior to release 5.2.0, the FTP Put activity stripped the \n when \r\n was used for a new line within a file. This caused files to be unusable when a file was taken from a MS Windows machine and put onto a VMS machine. The FTP Put activity no longer strips the \n. If you rely on this behavior in existing projects, you can set the b w . p l u g i n . f t p . s t r i p L i n e F e e d I n P u t property to true to obtain the behavior of previous releases. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Administration for more information on setting engine properties. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information about the FTP palette. General Activities Palette In previous releases, the Timer process starter used the Java convention (0-11) for month numbers in its output, however, the expected convention for month numbers is 1-12. In this release, the month is now returned as a number between 1 and 12. If you rely on the behavior of previous releases, you can set the property b w . p l u g i n . t i m e r . u s e J a v a M o n t h to t r u e to maintain compatibility with previous releases. Set the property in the TIBCO Designer . t r a file when running projects in test mode in TIBCO Designer. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Administration for more information on setting engine properties. The Notify Configuration shared configuration resource has a new configuration field for specifying that the notify operation should be done in memory as opposed to stored in a database. The Local Only field can only be checked when the Wait and Notify operations are performed on the same machine. HTTP Palette The HTTP Receiver process starter has the following changes: An Advanced tab is added that allows you to specify that incoming messages that exceed a specified size should be written to disk. This allows you to accept large incoming messages without consuming very much memory.
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The output style (string or binary) can now be configured. You can choose to output the security context information (username, password, SSL certificate, and so on) in the output of this process starter. You can specify a default encoding for incoming messages that do not specify a charset in the Content-Type header. The output schema now includes the Protocol and Port elements. Protocol is either HTTP or HTTPS depending upon the clients connection type. Port is the port number the HTTP server is configured to listen for incoming requests.

The Host field has been added to the HTTP Connection shared configuration resource. This field allows you to specify the name of the host on the current machine that will accept HTTP requests. This is only applicable when there is more than one network card on the machine. Also, the Port field on the Configuration tab of the HTTP Connection shared configuration resource can now accept a comma-separated list of port numbers. When the HTTP server sends an error in response to a Send HTTP Request activity, the activity now stores the HTTP message in the exception schema. In the Send HTTP Response activity, the Server input header has been removed from the list of headers in the Input Headers tab. This header is automatically set by the HTTP server and therefore cannot be set in an input mapping. The QueryString input element of the Send HTTP Request activity is no longer URL encoded. Prior to release 5.2, the activity used URL encoding for the Query specified in the QueryString element. As of this release, it is the user's responsibility to properly URL-encode the query specified in the QueryString. Therefore, the activity does attempt to encode the value supplied in this element. This change may cause backward compatibility issues if you rely on the activity to actually perform the URL-encoding of the QueryString. The b w . p l u g i n . h t t p . c l i e n t . u r l E n c o d e Q u e r y S t r i n g property is set to false by default, but setting it to true reverts to the behavior of previous releases. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Administration for more information about setting custom engine properties. Java Palette To indicate a null reference, the Java Code activity omits the value in its output. This causes a String value used as a null place holder when another activity attempts to read the null in its input. However, other activities did not behave in this way. Other activities pass an explicit null for null references.

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To preserve backward compatibility, the Java Code activity still behaves the same. However, you can set the b w . p l u g i n . j a v a C o d e . e x p l i c i t N u l l to t r u e to cause the Java Code activity to behave in the same way as other activities. When this property is set to t r u e , an explicit null is set for a null reference. This property is set to f a l s e by default, maintaining the behavior of the previous releases. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Administration for more information on setting engine properties. JDBC Palette In previous releases, the JDBC Call Procedure activity created input elements that were optional for stored procedure parameters. Optional parameters have never been supported by this activity (see Known Issues on page 48 under the JDBC Palette heading). When migrating a project from a previous release, there will be validation errors for any unspecified input elements for stored procedure parameters. These migrated projects cannot be executed until the errors are resolved (by using the Check and Repair button in the input mapping tab). If you wish to migrate a project without fixing this problem, you can do so by setting the C o n f i g . J D B C . C a l l P r o c e d u r e . I n p u t O p t i o n a l property to true. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Administration for more information on setting engine properties. The JDBC Query activity has been enhanced to allow you to fetch batches of records instead of one large result set. You can use a loop to iteratively retrieve smaller batches of records from a result set. The JDBC Update activity has been enhanced to allow multiple statements to be created by supplying an array of records as input to the activity. The statements are then executed as a batch at the end of the activitys execution. Some fields that were previously on the Configuration tab of the JDBC activities have been moved to the Advanced tab. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information about the JDBC palette. JMS Palette For JMS Topic Subscriber activities, when the Acknowledge Mode is set to Client and the JMS provider is TIBCO Enterprise Messaging Service, messages are acknowledged automatically. The EMS_RELIABLE_DELIVERY delivery mode has been added for outgoing messages when using TIBCO Enterprise Message Service. See the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service documentation for more information about this delivery mode.

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The TIBCO EMS Explicit Client Acknowledge mode has been added for incoming messages when using TIBCO Enterprise Message Service. See TIBCO Enterprise Message Service documentation for more information about this acknowledge mode. The name of the Time to Live field on the Advanced tab of activities that have outgoing messages has been changed to JMSExpiration. The Wait for JMS Topic Message activity now has an Acknowledge Mode field. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information. Mail Palette An Advanced tab has been added to the Receive Mail process starter that allows you to specify that incoming messages that exceed a specified size should be written to disk. This allows you to accept large incoming messages without consuming very much memory. Also, an Output Headers tab has been added to the Receive Mail process starter that allows you to specify a schema for any custom headers that may appear in an incoming message. The Send Mail activity has a new tab. The Input Headers tab allows you to define a schema for any custom headers you wish to add to outgoing mail messages. Attachment support in both the Send Mail and Receive Mail resources has been enhanced. Resources created prior to release 5.2.0 must use the Upgrade Configuration field on the Configuration tab to use the new functionality. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information. XML Activities Palette In previous releases, if the encoding is not specified on a Render XML activity, the output XML has encoding specified as "". This is not a valid encoding, and most XML tools will return an error when attempting to open an XML file whose encoding is "". In this release, when the encoding is not specified, the encoding in the output XML will be specified as UTF-8. Rendezvous Palette The RawRVMsg2 schema has been enhanced to include the tibrvXml datatype. This allows you to send and receive TIBCO Rendezvous messages that contain fields of type TIBRVMSG_XML. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information on using the RawRVMsg2 schema.

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The Rendezvous Subscriber process starter has been enhanced to allow the RV message to be output as a Java object reference. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information.

Changes in 5.1.3
This section lists changes to existing product functionality in release 5.1.3. Some of these changes affect projects that are migrating from version 2.x to 5.1.3. If possible, you should examine and correct any issues in your 2.x project, test these changes, then migrate the project to 5.1.3. Refer to TIBCO ActiveEnterprise Features, Migration, and Compatibility in the TIBCO Runtime Agent documentation set for more information on how to migrate projects to TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.1.3. General Changes In previous releases, the process engine name was limited to 50 characters. The new limit for engine names is 128 characters. When testing process definitions, you are now prompted for input when a called process requires input. Mapping The Apply Template and Call Template XSLT statements are no longer available in the Statement Type field of the Edit Statement dialog. You can no longer use these statements in the Input tab. The mapper GUI has been enhanced to allow more shortcuts for creating complex XSLT statements by using the right-click menu. The mapper has been enhanced to automatically add the appropriate if or choice tests around mappings of optional and nillable elements. String Representations of Datatypes When data must be represented in the input or output of an activity, the data is represented as a string. For example, writing the output of an activity to a file requires that numeric data be serialized into string form. Also, supplying a floating point number to an XPath function in the Input tab of an activity often involves typing the number as a string into the input element. In Release 5.1.3, TIBCO BusinessWorks follows the XPath 1.0 standard for representing all numeric datatypes. TIBCO BusinessWorks follows the XML Schema canonical format for all other datatypes.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


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Previous releases of TIBCO BusinessWorks did not use a consistent string representation of data across all activities, so you may need to alter any projects created in previous releases that expect a certain string representation of data to use the new standard representation. Also, for date and time datatypes, previous releases permitted the localized time zone name to be obtained using certain XPath functions. This is no longer supported. Time zones are now always represented as a GMT offset. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide for more information about the string representations of datatypes in Release 5.1.3. Data Validation Data passed as input to an activity or from an event received by a process starter is validated to ensure that it conforms to its specified datatype. For example, if you pass an XML document to a Parse XML activity, the content of the document is checked to ensure that elements within the document are actually of the specified datatypes. In previous releases of TIBCO BusinessWorks, not all datatypes were validated at run time. As of release 5.1.3, much stricter validation is performed at design time and run time. Because stricter validation is performed, projects migrating from 2.0.x may not pass the validation standards in this release. You should ensure that any data in your project conforms to the appropriate standards before migrating your project. Invalid data will cause errors in the input mappings of your project and will subsequently cause your project to fail validation for deployment. These errors must be corrected before the project can successfully be run using release 5.1.3. Table 1 describes the validation behavior of release 2.0.6 and release 5.1.3. N/A indicates no validation was performed for the datatype. Datatype validation listed with the prefix x s d : is defined in the namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema, see XML Schema Part2: Datatypes specification at http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/PER-xmlschema-2-20040318/ for more information on the proper representation of these datatypes. Datatype validation listed with the prefix x d t : is defined in the namespace http://www.w3.org/2003/11/xpath-datatypes, see Xquery 1.0 and Xpath 2.0 Functions and Operators specification at http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-xpath-functions-20031112/ for more information on the proper representation of these datatypes.

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Table 1 Comparison of datatype validation Data Type Built-In Primitive Types

boolean decimal float double string duration yearMonthDuration dayTimeDuration dateTime time date gYearMonth gYear gMonthDay gDay gMonth hexBinary base64Binary anyURI QName NOTATION untypedAtomic xsd:boolean xsd:decimal xsd:boolean

2.0.6 Validation

5.1.x Validation

xsd:d e c i m a l xsd:f l o a t xsd:d o u b l e


xsd:f l o a t xsd:d o u b l e



xdt:yearMonthDuration xdt:dayTimeDuration

xsd:d a t e T i m e xsd:t i m e
xsd:date xsd:gYearMonth xsd:gYear xsd:gMonthDay xsd:gDay xsd:gMonth xsd:hexBinary xsd:base64Binary xsd:anyURI xsd:QName xsd:NOTATION xdt:untypedAtomic



xsd:hexBinary xsd:base64Binary


TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


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Table 1 Comparison of datatype validation Data Type Built-In Derived (Atomic) Types
integer nonPositiveInteger negativeInteger long int short byte nonNegativeInteger unsignedLong unsignedInt unsignedShort unsignedByte positiveInteger normalizedString token language Name NCName ID IDREF ENTITY NMTOKEN xsd:integer xsd:nonPositiveInteger xsd:negativeInteger xsd:long xsd:int xsd:short xsd:byte xsd:nonNegativeInteger xsd:unsignedLong xsd:unsignedInt xsd:unsignedShort xsd:unsignedByte xsd:positiveInteger xsd:integer xsd:nonPositiveInteger xsd:negativeInteger xsd:long xsd:int xsd:short xsd:byte xsd:nonNegativeInteger xsd:unsignedLong xsd:unsignedInt xsd:unsignedShort xsd:unsignedByte xsd:positiveInteger xsd:normalizedString xsd:token xsd:language xsd:Name xsd:NCName xsd:ID xsd:IDREF xsd:ENTITY xsd:NMTOKEN

2.0.6 Validation

5.1.x Validation


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ActiveEnterprise Adapter Palette The Sync Ledger and Require Old Messages fields on the Transport tab now support global variables. File Palette The File Poller process starter has been modified to allow you to process files in a specific order. The File Poller processes files at each polling interval, so you can now specify whether the files to be processed should be sorted by file name or modification date in ascending or descending order. This is particularly useful when the process engine starts and the Include Existing Files field is checked. All existing files will be processed in the specified order. General Activities Palette The Timer process starter has been enhanced so that the Start Time and Time Interval fields on the Configuration tab can now use global variables for their values. HTTP Palette The default minimum/maximum number of threads for processing incoming HTTP requests has changed. The previous default minimum was 3 and the new default minimum is 10. The previous default maximum was 5 and the new default maximum is 75. JDBC Palette All activities within this palette have a new input element named t i m e o u t that allows you to specify a timeout for the activity dynamically. A new field has been added to the JDBC Call Procedure, JDBC Query, and JDBC Update activities. This field is labeled Interpret Empty String as Null and it specifies how empty strings in the activitys input elements should be handled. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information about this field. Return values for stored procedures and functions that are of type decimal and size float return a different precision in this release than in previous releases. Previously, a float would be represented as 1.234568E25, for example. In this release, the same float would be represented as 1.2345678901234568E25.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


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JMS Palette The JMS Connection shared configuration resource has been enhanced so that a drop-down choice list is available in the JNDI Context Factory field for supported application server vendors. JMS activities can now receive messages that have the JMSDeliveryMode header set to R E L I A B L E _ D E L I V E R Y. This value is an extension of the JMS standard supported by TIBCO Enterprise Message Service. The monitor topics in TIBCO Enterprise Message Service use this delivery mode, so now JMS activities can receive messages from the monitor topics. Note that this change only allows receiving messages delivered with R E L I A B L E _ D E L I V E R Y sending messages using this delivery mode is not supported. TIBCO Rendezvous Palette The following are changes in the functionality of the TIBCO Rendezvous palette: The Send Rendezvous Request activity no longer has the replySubject element in its input schema. This activity uses the INBOX mechanism to ensure that reply messages are received only by the process that sent the corresponding request. Use of the replySubject input element in the previous releases would not always result in the expected behavior, therefore this element has been removed to avoid confusion. If you do wish to specify a reply subject, you should use the Publish Rendezvous Message activity together with the Wait for Rendezvous Message activity so that the "Wait" activity can use the appropriate key to receive the correct reply message for the process. The Send Rendezvous Request activity now has a timeout field in its Input tab that allows you to specify a timeout dynamically. The Sync Ledger and Require Old Messages fields on the Advanced tab of the Rendezvous Transport shared configuration resource now support global variables. In the 2.x release, activities in the Rendezvous palette did not alter field names of incoming or outgoing messages if they were not compliant with XML naming rules. Therefore, projects migrated from 2.x to 5.1.3 will have this field unchecked. In the 5.1.2 release, activities in the Rendezvous palette altered any field names of incoming or outgoing messages to ensure the field name complied with XML naming rules. In the 5.1.3 release, a field has been added to the Rendezvous Subscriber, Publish Rendezvous Message, Wait for Rendezvous Message, and Send Rendezvous Request activities that allows you to control this behavior. The XML-Compliant Field Names field of these activities allows you to specify whether field names should be altered to comply with XML naming rules.

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XML Activities Palette In previous releases, the ability to dynamically load stylesheets was available in the Transform XML activity. This was removed, but now this functionality is reintroduced in this release.

Changes in 5.1.2
This section lists the changes to existing product functionality in release 5.1.2. Some of these changes affect projects that are migrating from version 2.x to 5.1.2. If possible, you should examine and correct any issues in your 2.x project, test these changes, then migrate the project to 5.1.2. The information in this section provides details about what functionality has changed and may need to be corrected in your 2.x project. Refer to TIBCO ActiveEnterprise Features, Migration, and Compatibility in the TIBCO Runtime Agent documentation set for more information on how to migrate projects to TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.1.2. Error Changes The schema contained in the $ _ e r r o r process variable has changed. If you are migrating from release 2.x to 5.x, the migration utility should handle the change in the schema. If you have applied certain hotfixes to release 5.1.2, see the readme file for the hotfixes you have applied for further information on how the error schema has changed in your specific hotfix. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide for more information about the error schema. Loop Changes Loops behave differently in release 5.1 than they did in previous releases. Now, most process variables are reset upon each execution of the loop. If a project is migrated from a previous release, a field named 2.x Compatibility Mode appears. This field allows you to maintain the previous behavior of loops for your migrated projects. Newly created projects in release 5.1 will not have this option for loop groups. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide for more information about the new behavior of loops. Mapping Changes Mapping an activitys input has changed significantly in release 5.1. An activitys input is now explicitly an XSLT template, and each mapping becomes a statement in the XSLT template for the activitys input. An activity presents its expected input as hints, and you can then create mappings based on these hints.
TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


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In some cases, input schemas for some activities have changed. During migration, some of these changes are handled automatically, but some input schemas cannot be migrated. You may receive "input data invalid" or "empty" input errors in the migration log. To fix these problems, open the project, select the activity with the error, and use the Check Mappings and Repair button to fix the problems. In previous releases, input mappings are automatically removed if they do not match the input schema for the activity. In Version 5.1, input mappings are not removed, because they may be useful for reference when creating a valid mapping. Therefore, you may have some mappings in a migrated project that do not match the input schema. These invalid mappings are noted when the project is validated for deployment and these mappings can be deleted using the Check Mappings and Repair button on the Input tab. The Check Mappings and Repair button may not make all necessary repairs the first time. For example, some input elements have been renamed and their contents have changed. In these cases, you may need to use the Check Mappings and Repair button two or more times before all problems in the Input mappings are identified and addressed. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide for more information about the new mapping functionality and how to fix errors in input mappings. BusinessConnect Palette The BusinessConnect palette is no longer part of TIBCO BusinessWorks. This palette is shipped and installed with TIBCO BusinessConnect. See the TIBCO BusinessConnect documentation for more information about this palette. Java Palette In previous releases, you could set the CLASSPATH for each Java Code activity. This is no longer supported. If your Java Code activity requires classes that are not in the default CLASSPATH for TIBCO BusinessWorks, the CLASSPATH can be set in the b w e n g i n e . t r a and d e s i g n e r . t r a files. This allows you to specify the CLASSPATH in one place as opposed to setting the CLASSPATH for each activity. This also allows you to use the same project on multiple platforms because the CLASSPATH reference is not defined within the project. Also, byte arrays are handled differently by the Java activities. In previous releases, if an input or output parameter was defined as type byte with the occurrence specified as repeating, byte arrays were treated as a single byte repeating element in the input or output. In this release, byte/repeating is the same as binary/optional, the byte array is passed as a single element. That is, the stream of bytes is one non-repeating binary element in the input or output schema.
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JMS Palette Several changes have been made to the input and output schemas for the activities of this palette. In previous releases, XML Text messages had their schemas defined by fields on the Configuration tab. Now, all schemas are defined on the Input and Output Editor tabs of the activities. Refer to the TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for a complete description of these activities. JDBC Palette The following changes have been made to the JDBC palette: User-defined functions are now supported in the JDBC Call Procedure activity. The Manual Refresh field on activities in this palette is no longer available. Automatic refreshing of the schema from the database is no longer performed the Fetch button is now the only mechanism for refreshing the schema from the database. The Use Nil field is deprecated in this release. The Input tab now allows you to specify input elements as explicitly null, so there is no need for the older mechanism for specifying nulls. Statement types are now enforced for activities in this palette. That is, only queries can be performed in the JDBC Query activity, only INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements can be performed in the JDBC Update activity, and so on. In previous releases, there was no strict enforcement to ensure that the correct kind of statement was specified in an activity. Inappropriate statements for an activity now result in an error. When your project is migrated, an attempt is made to choose the correct activity for the statement you are trying to perform, but you may need to redefine your process definition to use the correct activity. You will also need to reconfigure any input mappings for any activities that change due to migration. To avoid losing any configuration during migration, you should edit your 2.x project in TIBCO BusinessWorks 2.x and change any JDBC activities that use inappropriate statements to the correct kind of JDBC activity. The No Statement Validation field is no longer available in the JDBC Query activity. The datatype of some numeric types was wrongly represented in the input schema of the JDBC activities. For example, a column of type n u m e r i c ( 3 , 0 ) was represented as a float instead of an integer. The columns are now correctly

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


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represented in this release, but some input mappings may be invalid for migrated projects. To fix invalid mappings, use the Refresh button on the activity to refresh the input schema. Specifying 0 in the Maximum Rows field now signifies that all rows should be returned.

Mail Palette The bcc Output element of the Receive Mail process starter has been removed. This Output element was always an empty string, so there is no need for it. Any mappings that use the bcc field produce errors in the migration log. To fix the error, you can either replace the bcc mapping with an empty string or remove all references to the bcc element. The encoding input/output element is now replaced by the contentType element. This change is handled automatically when an older project is migrated to Version 5.1. Refer to TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information about the contentType element. Parse Palette The following changes have been made to the Parse palette: Rendezvous Palette Input and Output schemas for the activities in this palette are no longer specified in tables on the Configuration tab. There are Input and Output Editor tabs that allow you to construct the appropriate schemas. XML Palette The XML palette has been renamed to XML Activities palette, and has the following functionality changes: The XML Document resource is replaced by a general Schema resource, which is integrated with the embedded XA. The XML Render activity now has an Input Editor tab for specifying the input schema. This tab replaces the Schema and Element fields on the Configuration The done output element of the Parse activity is now named EOF. The Skip First Record configuration field in the Parse activity has been removed Use the Manually Specify Start Record field instead. The Parse activity has a new input element, SkipHeaderCharacters. This specifies the number of characters at the start of the file to skip. The output element textString in the Render Data activity is now named text.

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tab, and therefore those fields are removed in this release. Also the Text-Only Output field is no longer part of this activity. Instead, you can specify the type of output (text or binary) and the encoding for text output on the Configuration tab. The XML Parse activity now has an Output Editor tab for specifying the output schema. This tab replaces the Schema and Element fields on the Configuration tab, and therefore those fields are removed in this release.

XML Render Activity For the XML Render activity, when the Output Style is set to binary, the order of the input schema has changed in this release. The byteEncoding element is now before the input XML schema element. For projects created in or migrated to Release 5.0.0 that use this activity and specify binary output, you must use the Mapper Check and Repair button on the Input tab of your activity to correct the activitys input schema. For projects migrated from Release 2.0.x to Release 5.1, the migration process will usually place the elements in the correct order and properly migrate the mappings. However, there are some situations when mappings are not correctly migrated. For example, relatively complex mappings with statements (using the Insert Statement button) used at the root of the 2.0.x version of the mapping may not migrate properly. If you have XML Render activities in your project that are set to produce binary output, you should check the Input tab on these activities to ensure the mappings have migrated properly. In the rare case where the mappings have not migrated properly, use the Mapper Check and Repair button to correct the input schema and then recreate your mappings.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
Migration From Previous Releases
Projects created in any 5.x release can be opened and saved in this release. Projects from Release 2.x must be migrated to Release 5.x before they can be used. TIBCO Designer has a tab labeled Administration on the startup menu that allows you to convert . d a t files containing projects from Release 2.x to the current format. You can also use the b w 2 0 m i g r a t e . e x e utility to perform batch conversions of projects. Once a project created in Release 2.x is migrated to release 5.x, you can open the project in this release. Migrating projects is described in TIBCO ActiveEnterprise Features, Migration, and Compatibility in the TIBCO Runtime Agent documentation set.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Third-Party Software Support 45

Third-Party Software Support

TIBCO BusinessWorks can be used to work with external systems such as databases and JMS servers. This section lists the third-party products that TIBCO BusinessWorks supports. Any products that are not mentioned in this section are not officially supported.

JDBC Support
TIBCO BusinessWorks can communicate with a database using the JDBC Connection shared configuration resource. The connection can be used to perform database work with activities in the JDBC palette or it can be used to specify the data store for a process engines internal data. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Administration for more information about specifying a process engines data store. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Palette Reference for more information about using the JDBC palette. Database Support TIBCO BusinessWorks supports the following databases: Oracle 10g with RAC Oracle 9.x Oracle 8.1.x Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Sybase 12.x DB2 8.2 TimesTen 5.0.x

This release of TIBCO BusinessWorks is specifically tested against Oracle, Oracle, Sybase 12.5, TimesTen 5.0.34, DB2 8.2, and MS SQL Server 8.0. For the 5.0.34 release of the TimesTen database, the maximum size of an object inserted into the database is 4 MB. Therefore, checkpoints, shared variables, and data in Notify Configurations cannot exceed this limit. As of Release 5.2.0, the TimesTen database has been tested with the Checkpoint activity to store process engine data. DB2 has been tested with JDBC activities. Other uses of these databases is supported, but has not been tested. If you experience problems using these databases, please contact TIBCO Support with details of your usage scenario.
TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


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Bundled Drivers TIBCO Runtime Agent (TRA) bundles Data Direct JDBC Drivers. See the TRA documentation for the current version of the bundled Data Direct JDBC drivers. The bundled JDBC drivers can be specified in the JDBC Connection shared configuration in the JDBC Driver field. These drivers are supplied in a drop-down list as the following:
tibcosoftwareinc.jdbc.oracle.OracleDriver tibcosoftwareinc.jdbc.oracle.OracleDriver (RAC) tibcosoftwareinc.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver tibcosoftwareinc.jdbc.sybase.SybaseDriver tibcosoftwareinc.jdbc.db2.DB2Driver

Supported Drivers That Are Not Bundled The JDBC Connection resource also lists the following drivers in the drop-down list:
oracle.JDBC.driver.OracleDriver (oci) oracle.JDBC.driver.OracleDriver (thin) com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDriver com.timesten.jdbc.TimesTenDriver com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver

These drivers are officially supported, but they are not bundled with TIBCO BusinessWorks. You must download and configure these drivers before using them in the JDBC Connection resource. Also, you must add the driver location to the TIBCO BusinessWorks classpath before using them. Unsupported Drivers There are other JDBC 2.0-compliant drivers listed in the JDBC Connection resource. These drivers should work correctly, but they are not officially supported. You must download and configure these drivers because they are not included with TIBCO BusinessWorks. These drivers are the following:
sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver weblogic.jdbc.mssqlserver4.Driver

You can download, install, and use other JDBC drivers, but TIBCO does not guarantee the drivers will function properly with TIBCO BusinessWorks. To use an unsupported driver, perform the following:

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1. Download the JDBC driver and copy the required JAR files to a location in the classpath of the TIBCO BusinessWorks Engine. For example, you can copy the files to the following location: TIBCO_HOME/ t p c l / < version> / j d b c . 2. In the JDBC Connection resource, choose Select Driver from the drop-down list in the JDBC Driver field and type in the name of the driver class in the text box within that field. Then, type in the correct URL in the Database URL field and specify the other fields in the resource.

JMS Support
To use the activities in the JMS palette, you must have installed and configured a JMS (Java Messaging Service) server. TIBCO BusinessWorks acts as a JMS client when interacting with a JMS server. TIBCO BusinessWorks supports TIBCO Enterprise for JMS. The latest release TIBCO Enterprise for JMS is fully backwardly-compatible with clients from earlier releases. Therefore, your process definitions that use JMS will run against any version of the TIBCO Enterprise for JMS server. TIBCO BusinessWorks also supports the following JMS servers: BEA WebLogic Server Version 7.0 Service Pack 2, Version 8.1 Service Pack 1 IBM WebSphere 5.0.2 JBoss 3.2.1

Application Servers
For EJB and Java Transaction API (JTA) support, the following application servers can be used: IBM WebSphere 5.0.2 BEA WebLogic Version 7.0 Service Pack 2, Version 8.1 Service Pack 1 JBoss 3.2.1

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
Known Issues
This section lists known issues for the current release. The information is organized alphabetically on a per-palette basis. General Multiple WSDL message references in a schema (1-6ROND3): Currently, you can create an in-line schema in an Editor tab (for example, on the Output Editor tab of the Start activity) that has multiple references to WSDL messages. This is not permitted. Workaround: You can only have one reference to a WSDL message in an Editor schema and it must be at the root level of the schema. Do not create multiple elements in a schema of type WSDL Message. A future version of TIBCO BusinessWorks will not allow this type of schema to be created. Uninstalling TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.3.1 (1-70FW9X): Uninstalling TIBCO BusinessWorks Release 5.3.1 does not restore the base 5.3.0 version. Instead, all release 5.3 files are removed. Workaround: If you wish to uninstall Release 5.3.1 and revert to the base 5.3.0 version, manually copy the files from the directory < install_dir> \ _ u n i n s t \ b a c k u p 5 . 3 . 0 (for example, on MS Windows, c : \ t i b c o \ b w \ 5 . 3 \ _ u n i n s t \ b a c k u p _ 5 . 3 . 0 ) to their original location. XPath Formula Builder: On Windows platforms, the XPath Formula Builder dialog has an X icon in the top right corner that dismisses the dialog. On UNIX platforms, this icon does not appear. Workaround: To close the XPath Formula Builder dialog on UNIX systems, either click the XPath Formula Builder button (the pencil icon) in the Input tab of the activity (this button toggles the display of the dialog) or use the keyboard shortcut for dismissing a window in your windowing system. For most UNIX platforms and windowing systems, this keyboard shortcut is Alt-F4. This will be fixed in a future release.

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Using the preceding axis in XSLT: In previous releases, the for-each-group XSLT statement was not available for use. To workaround this, the preceding axis was sometimes used to create the same output. There were performance problems when using the preceding axis that caused unreasonable slowdowns during mapping. Workaround: The for-each-group statement performs faster than using the preceeding axis. As such, x s l : f o r - e a c h - g r o u p should be used in preference to the combination of x s l : f o r - e a c h and the preceding axis to solve the problem more efficiently. Modify your mappings to use for-each-group. The Stop Button in Test Mode: In some situations, this button may not stop the process immediately because TIBCO BusinessWorks may be waiting for the current operation to be completed. For example, if the current activity is FTP Put and you are attempting to place a very large file on the remote server, the process engine will not exit test mode until the FTP command has completed, failed, or a timeout has been reached. Test Mode Error: If you attempt to test a process where an XML Render activity has not specified any input, you will receive the "Unable to reparse source view error". Workaround: The cause of this error may not be clear when you receive it. Check any XML Render activities and make sure the input mappings are specified. Deployment of multiple engines: The current version of TIBCO Administrator does not allow you to specify different values for global variables for each engine in a load-balancing group. For example, you may have multiple engines executing the same process definition that starts a process when a new RVCMQ message is received. For each of these engines, you cannot specify a different value for global variables such as Worker Weight or Scheduler Weight in the current TIBCO Administrator interface. Workaround: If you define a global variable with the Service checkbox checked (using the Advanced Editor of the global variable tab), TIBCO Administrator creates an entry into the services . t r a file like the following:
t i b c o . c l i e n t V a r . < variableName> = < Value>

You can edit this entry in the . t r a file for the deployed process engine and specify a value for your global variables. This will allow you to specify different values for global variables for each engine in a load-balancing group.

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WSIL and UDDI Registry Browser in TIBCO Designer www.xmethods WSIL (1-1WLHKN): Using the UDDI option on the Tools menu to browse http://www.xmethods.net/inspection.wsil does not work properly. Workaround: This will be fixed in a future release. Web Service Wizards WSDL references in process input/output (1-6T3OMN): Only processes that have XSD references in the input/output specified on the Start and End activities are supported. The wizards do not support WSDL messages as input or output to a process definition. Workaround: This will be fixed in a future release. XSD schema names in process input or output (1-6U6LWB): When using the wizard that creates a WSDL and Service resource, double byte characters are not permitted in the XSD schema names in the input and output specified on the Start and End activities. Workaround: This will be fixed in a future release. ActiveEnterprise Adapter Palette JMS Server crashes: If the JMS server goes down while you are designing and testing your process definition (and your ActiveEnterprise Adapter activities are using the JMS transport), you must restart TIBCO Designer because the connection to the JMS server cannot be refreshed. Invoking an operation with no "in" parameters: You cannot currently invoke an operation that has no input parameters. This will be fixed in a future release. Publishing messages containing unions with XML message format: You cannot currently publish a message that contains a union when using the XML message format. This will be fixed in a future release. Association Lists: You cannot use association lists in any custom adapter. While there will be no errors during configuration, you will encounter errors at runtime because association lists are not supported in TIBCO BusinessWorks.

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Ledger File field when using the RVCM transport: TIBCO BusinessWorks constructs the default value of the Ledger File field from global variables and the Adapter Service configuration. The value of this field must result in a valid path on the filesystem where the process is run. It is possible that the default value may not be a valid path. Workaround: You may need to modify the default value in this field or modify the global variables used in this field to make sure the field results in a valid filesystem path. EJB Palette Earlier releases of the TIBCO BusinessWorks EJB Plug-in: The 5.1.x releases of this plug-in will not work with TIBCO BusinessWorks Release 5.2.0. Workaround: You must upgrade and install the latest release of the plug-in (release 5.2.0) if you wish the plug-in to work with TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.2.0. WebSphere 5.0.2: The WebSphere EJB components are not fully serializable. Because of this, checkpoints may not completely capture references to EJB Home and Remote objects. Therefore, if a process engine crashes after a checkpoint, the restarted process instance will throw an exception when an EJB Home or EJB Remote activity attempts to call a method on an EJB object created before the checkpoint. WebLogic 7.0 Service Pack 2: In WebLogic 7.0, the EJB components are not fully serializable. Therefore, checkpoints fail in processes containing EJB Home or EJB Remote activities when using this version of WebLogic. Workaround: The issue is fixed in WebLogic 8.1. Upgrade to that version, if possible. WebLogic 7.0 Service Pack 2: There is an InitialContext conflict when using BEA WebLogic Application Server and deploying processes that use activities in both the JMS palette and the EBJ palette (or when using multiple users in activities in the EJB palette). Workaround: Set the Maximum Connections field in the EJB Connection resource to "0" so that a new InitialContext is created for each lookup operation.

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JBoss 3.2.1: For some of the EJB method invocations [for example, calling g e t E J B H o m e ( ) on a remote object], a j n d i . p r o p e r t i e s file must be present in the TIBCO BusinessWorks engine classpath, otherwise the following error occurs:
EJB application exception occurred. The EJBRemote interface method [test.bw.ejb.stateLess.Test1.getEJBHome] raised exception [java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException]. java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException at com.tibco.plugin.ejb.EJBRemoteActivity.for(EJBRemoteActivity.jav a:143)

Workaround: Create the appropriate jndi.properties file and place it into the engine CLASSPATH. This is most easily done by editing b w e n g i n e . t r a before starting TIBCO Designer or before deploying your project. See the documentation for TIBCO Administrator for more information about . t r a files and deploying projects. Sample j n d i . p r o p e r t i e s files are available in the JBoss3.2.1 installation. Error Transition Error transitions in parallel tracks: Currently, the $ _ e r r o r process data produced by an error transition is global to the process. This means the result of $ _ e r r o r may be unpredictable if there are error transitions in two or more parallel tracks. Workaround: Use a group to isolate the tracks with error transitions from each other. FTP Palette FTP servers outside of a firewall (1-6ZIUQ1): Only the FTP PUT and FTP GET activities work properly when using FTP activities to access an FTP server outside of a firewall (using the Firewall and Proxy fields on the FTP Connection resource). No other FTP activities can be used to access an FTP server outside of a firewall. Workaround: This will be fixed in a future release of TIBCO BusinessWorks. Implicit Mode for FTP over SSL (1-70DCEV): This is not supported. Workaround: Only explicit mode is supported.

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Known Issues 53

General Activities Palette Editing Shared Variable initial values (1-79Q35L): If you create a schema for a Shared Variable resource and then attempt to set its initial value, the schema sometimes does not appear in the dialog to set the initial value. Workaround: Select a different resource, and then return to the Shared Variable resource, the schema now appears in the dialog to set the variables initial value. Changing icon: If you change the icon for a C a l l the change, it is not possible to undo the change. Workaround: Delete the C a l l HTTP Palette Separating multiple name/value pairs in cookies (1-7V7K10): The convention to separate multiple name-value pairs in the same cookie element is typically a semi-colon (;), but TIBCO BusinessWorks uses a comma (,). Workaround: Use commas to separate multiple name/value pairs in the same Cookie header element. Double-byte characters in mime headers (1-6TH5F9): The m i m e H e a d e r s element of Send HTTP Request can not contain any double byte characters. Workaround: This will be fixed in a future release. Migrated projects that specify the HTTPVersion input element: The Send HTTP Request activity in previous releases of TIBCO BusinessWorks had an input element named HTTPVersion. This input element did not throw an exception if an invalid HTTP version was specified. This field is now deprecated and no longer appears in the input of Send HTTP Request activities. However, for migrated projects, this input element will appear, and it will still not throw an error if an invalid version is supplied. Workaround: Remove the HTTPVersion from your activitys input schema in any migrated projects. It is not needed. Accept Redirects field on Send HTTP Request: When this field is checked, if the remote server sends the redirection status code (3xx), the request is automatically redirected, if the remote host redirects the request to the same host and port. Currently, redirecting to a different host or a different port on the same host is not permitted. Workaround: If the remote host attempts to redirect the request to a different host and/or port, you must handle thisin your process definition logic instead of expecting automatic redirection.
Process Process

resource and apply

and add a new one.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
When we decode the escaped characters of the Request URI of an incoming HTTP GET request, we always use UTF-8. When we deserialize an incoming HTTP request, we do not properly use the encoding specified in the Content-Type header When the Content-Type of an HTTP POST request that sends parameters is not specified, we do not default to application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Workaround: The user will have to specify the Content-Type and not rely on the default value. TIBCO BusinessWorks does not perform key store validation. i.e. expired keys. TIBCO BusinessWorks validates the certificate when user imports it, but if certificate expires after that, it becomes an invalid certificate and TIBCO BusinessWorks does not trust it. The key store password must be the same as the keys inside it. TIBCO BusinessWorks does not encourage the use of self-signed certificates. If a self-signed certificate is used, TIBCO BusinessWorks assumes it is coming from a trusted trading partner. In this release, TIBCO BusinessWorks only supports Java key stores. P12 key stores are not currently supported.

Java Palette Code truncation: Choosing "Invoke Method Body" on the Code tab of a Java Code activity will sometimes only display a portion of the code. This is because the Java Code activity expects that there are always matching open and close curly braces within your code. You could, have code like the following:
myString[4] = new String("A15%!} Z");

This would cause a mismatch of curly braces, and code beyond this point would be truncated. No code is lost, but the display will be truncated when a mismatched closing curly brace is encountered. Choosing Full Class will always display all code, so this problem: only occurs when you wish to display the Invoke method. Workaround: You can either choose to always display the full class, or you can add matching curly braces to your code within comments to avoid the problem. For example, for the line of code above, you can change it as follows to make the curly braces match:
// matching brace for next line { myString[4] = new String("A15%!} Z");

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Known Issues 55

JDBC Palette Migration from previous releases: Some activities of the JDBC palette have changed so that some existing 2.x projects may have errors in the migration log. Most of the problems that will occur are due to changes in the input schema of the activities and new enforcement rules for SQL statements. Workaround: See JDBC Palette on page 41 for a description of the changes in this release to the activities of the JDBC palette. If possible, update your 2.x project to take these changes into account before migrating the project. If you have already migrated to 5.1, alter the migrated activities to account for the new and changed functionality of the activities of this palette. Migration from previous releases: When migrating projects from previous releases, the JDBC connection information found in the project is used to fetch schema from the database where necessary. If the JDBC connection is unsuccessful during migration, the input or output schemas of JDBC activities may not be available. Workaround: The runtime values for any global variable substitution is not performed when making the JDBC connection. Therefore, make certain the connection information is correct in the 2.x project before migration. Also, make sure the database is up, running, and reachable when migrating the project. If you open the migrated project in TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.1 and the input or output schemas are not the expected schemas, click the Fetch or Refresh button on the activitys Configuration tab, click Apply, then save the project. Migration from previous releases: Prior to release 5.x, if a value returned from a table was null, the output element corresponding to that table value was not placed into the output schema for a JDBC Call Procedure activity, if the output element was optional. In release 5.x, the element is now placed into the output schema and has "x s i : n i l = t r u e " to indicate the element is null. Workaround: To be compatible with this release and future releases, you should surround elements that can be nil with an if statement to determine whether to output the element. Another way to workaround this problem is to set a property in the bwengine.tra file to maintain the behavior of previous releases. The C o n f i g . J D B C . C a l l P r o c e d u r e . O u t p u t U s e N i l property controls whether elements that are nil are contained in the output. Set the property to f a l s e to achieve the behavior of previous releases.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


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Summary (1-7V3VSS): Under certain situations, time out exceptions are not thrown when using stored procedures in an Oracle database. This can sometimes occur if the stored procedure calls Java functions that sleep for some amount of time. Workaround: Use caution when calling stored procedures that call Java functions that sleep. Stored procedures returning multiple result sets from Sybase(1-36AMUR): When using the jConn or Data Direct 3.3 driver and connecting to a Sybase database, stored procedures that are supposed to return multiple result sets do not return any data. Workaround: This only occurs when using the jConn or Data Direct 3.3 database drivers and a Sybase database. To avoid this problem, you can either use the s u n . j d b c . o d b c . J d b c O d b c D r i v e r instead or you can add s e t n o c o u n t o n to your stored procedure definition. Parameter Types When Calling A Procedure Using the Sybase JConnect Driver: When using the JDBC Call Procedure activity with the c o m . s y b a s e . j d b c 2 . j d b c . S y b D r i v e r driver, you may need to update the Parameter Types of in/out parameters before execution. For example, all ProcedureColumnOut types will initially appear as ProcedureColumnIn. You must manually change these to ProcedureColumnOut. This can either be done by typing or by selecting from the pull-down list of values. Then, apply and save your project before executing the process definition. Aliases and Sybase: When you use the

driver to connect to a Sybase database, column alias names are ignored in SQL statements. Instead of the specified alias, the column name is used in the result set schema. If you are attempting to execute a query that includes a multi-table join and you are trying to select columns with the same name, you must use column name aliases. Because of this issue, these types of queries will not work properly. Workaround: This is only an issue when using

t i b c o s o f t w a r e i n c . j d b c . s y b a s e . S y b a s e D r i v e r.

Other drivers work correctly. Either use a different driver or do not use aliases in your SQL statements. A future release of this bundled driver may fix this problem. Using COUNT(*) in queries: Depending on the JDBC driver you use, the output datatype of COUNT(*) differs. When using Oracle drivers, the output datatype is a float. When using MS SQL Server drivers, the output datatype is an integer.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Known Issues 57

Select for update statements to Oracle databases: When a JDBC Query activity has the SELECT statement with the FOR UPDATE clause for an Oracle database, a "fetch out of sequence" error is returned if the activity is not part of a transaction. Workaround: Enclose the activity in a transaction group. Optional Stored Procedure parameters: Optional stored procedure parameters are not supported. If one of the arguments is missing, the standard procedure cannot be executed. Workaround: Provide a value for all parameters in the JDBC Call Procedure activity input. If a parameter does not have a value, specify an explicit nil for the input element. For Oracle, calling arguments or return values of the PL/SQL types TABLE (now known as indexed-by tables), RESULT SET, RECORD, or BOOLEAN is not supported. For more information, please visit http://otn.oracle.com/tech/java/sqlj_jdbc/htdocs/jdbc_faq.htm Inserting large BLOBs: If inserting / updating a huge BLOB fails, activity timeout may need to be adjusted to allow sufficient time to finish the operation DML statements: If DML statements are used with SQL Direct activity, using 8.x versions of Oracle thin / thick drivers doesn't work in some cases. Workaround: Upgrade to 9.x drivers. Note that 9.x drivers work with 8.x and 7.x databases, so only the driver must be changed. Maximum Rows not supported: While working with Oracle stored procedures, the M a x i m u m R o w s property is not supported by the Oracle thin driver. Workaround: Use the Data Direct driver included with the release. Stored procedure custom exceptions: A J D B C C a l l P r o c e d u r e activity throws a generic exception for any custom exceptions raised in stored procedures. The exception thrown is driver specific. Below are the error messages thrown for each combination of database and driver: Data Direct Oracle: JDBC error reported (SQLState = HY000) Thin Oracle: JDBC error reported (SQLState = 72000) Data Direct MSSQL: JDBC error reported (SQLState = HY000)

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
CLOB/BLOB Datatypes Columns of type CLOB or BLOB can only be used in JDBC activities when you use the t i b c o s o f t w a r e i n c . j d b c . o r a c l e . O r a c l e D r i v e r driver in the JDBC Connection resource. Manipulating CLOB or BLOB data is not supported with other database drivers. The U n r e s o l v e d R e s u l t s e t s output parameter can be used to utilize the result sets returned by stored procedures. It represents records in return result sets as an XML string. Since the structure of the XML string is unknown at design time and no mapping can be done if the schema is unknown, use the workaround to overcome the problem. Note: At this time, only stored procedures that always generate a fixed schema can be utilized Workaround: 1. Configure the C a l l 2. Add a W r i t e
File Procedure



3. Configure a W r i t e F i l e activity to write a text file, provide a local file name with . x m l extension. 4. Map unresolved result sets from call activity's output to t e x t C o n t e n t input field in the W r i t e F i l e activity. 5. Execute the process definition. Upon successful execution, all records are written to the specified XML file in a predefined format 6. Open the XML file in XML Authority as a schema. XML Authority generates a schema based on the contents of the XML file (or create the schema manually using the structure provided in the XML file) 7. Create a schema definition resource using the newly generated schema. 8. Add a P a r s e X M L activity. In the C o n f i g u r a t i o n tab, select the newly created schema definition and type R e s u l t s e t s in the E l e m e n t field 9. Map unresolved result sets from the C a l l P r o c e s s activity's output to the P a r s e X M L activitys x m l S t r i n g input field. Result sets can now be utilized at design time from the output of the P a r s e activity.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Known Issues 59

JMS Palette Using Different Ports for JNDI and the JMS server (1-6VW8GN): Performance can degrade when using a message selector in the Get JMS Queue Message activity and different ports have been specified for the Provider URL and JNDI. Workaround: Make sure the port number specified in the Provider URL and JNDI fields match. Alternatively, use TCP to connect to the JMS server. This will be fixed in a future version. JMSProperties Input Elements: For activities that publish messages (for example, JMS Topic Publisher or Reply to JMS Message), the JMSProperties input element is available. If you specify a value for any of the JMSProperties, then save the project, then delete the value for the property, the JMSProperties element does not get properly removed from the project. You will get an invalid attribute error if you attempt to execute the process definition where the property has not been properly deleted. Workaround: To work around this problem, edit the process definition . p r o c e s s file in a text editor and search for < J M S P r o p e r t i e s / > . Remove this string from the . p r o c e s s file, then restart TIBCO Designer. This will be fixed in a future version. replyToDestination Input Element Use of the replyToDestination input element in the JMS Topic/Queue Requestor activities does not always result in the expected behavior if more than one process instance specifies the same reply to destination. Workaround If you do wish to specify a destination name for reply messages, you should either specify unique reply to destinations for each process instance or use the JMS Queue Sender and JMS Topic Publisher activities together with the corresponding Wait for JMS Queue Message and Wait for JMS Topic Message so that the "Wait" activities can use the appropriate key to receive the correct reply message for the process. Mail Palette Reading Attachments from Files: When attachments are contained in a file, the file is read using the system default encoding. There is no way to specify the expected encoding of the files contents. Workaround: None. This will be addressed in a future release. Text Attachments: When a text attachment is sent by the Send Mail activity, the attachment appears as b y t e [ ] when opened in MS Outlook.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
Receive Mail attachments (Japanese): When email is received that was sent by Netscape Navigator on a Japanese machine, the content of any attachments is corrupt in the R e c e i v e M a i l activity. Manual Work Palette To use TIBCO InConcert 6.2 with TIBCO Businessworks, please change the following in b w e n g i n e . t r a and d e s i g n e r . t r a : Change all occurrences of:

to the following:

Also, change all occurrences of


to the following:

Manual Work activities are not supported on AIX because the IC Java JNI library is not available. Because of this, errors result. For example, if the user tries to drag and drop a M a n u a l W o r k activity into the design panel. Manual Work activities are not supported on the HP Itanium platform because the IC Java JNI library is not available. Because of this, errors result. For example, if the user tries to drag and drop a M a n u a l W o r k activity into the design panel.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Known Issues 61

Returning to login screen: The GUI sometimes returns you to the login screen. For example, When you select a document in the M a n u a l W o r k TIBCO Administrator GUI, then click to open the document, you may be returned to the login screen. This issue is rare and not reliably reproducible. It is under investigation. Creating new browsers: You are logged in as userA (in TIBCO Administrator or the M a n u a l W o r k browser GUI) in browser window windowA. You then open a new window from the browser (File->New Window menu option). The new window displays an error that the page has expired. The exact message depends on the browser. If you now type the url h t t p : / / m a c h i n e : 8 0 8 0 in the window and then log in as userB, windowA's session is also switched to have user B as the user. WindowA still displays the fact that userA is logged in. However, in the A c q u i r e d , R e a d y and C o m p l e t e d lists, you will see userB's tasks in windowA. Workaround: If you open a new browser window by running the program again (Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator) this problem does not occur. By default, all TIBCO InConcert servers within the current network subnet are listed in the Server field of a Workflow Server Connection shared configuration resource. If you wish to connect to a server in a different subnet, you must set the I C _ T I B R V _ D A E M O N environment variable (see the TIBCO InConcert documentation for more information about using this environment variable). The value of this variable is the daemon parameter that is used to connect to the machine running r v d in the network subnet where the desired TIBCO InConcert server is running. If you specify an invalid value for this environment variable (for example, if you specify the incorrect machine name), TIBCO Designer crashes when you attempt to create a Workflow Server Connection shared configuration resource. Workaround: Make certain to specify the correct value for the I C _ T I B R V _ D A E M O N environment variable. Mapper Design-time validation: The mapper does not support design-time validation of string length constraints. It also does not validate maximum and minimum (inclusive and exclusive) constraints on numbers.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
Policy Palette Longer startup time for projects using Policy palette resources under JRE 1.5 (1-72BWF4): When you are using JRE 1.5, startup time for the engine is increased for projects that use security policies. Workaround: JRE 1.5 actually improves performance as the engine continues to run for longer periods, but startup time can increase when using security policies. Exception when encryption enabled (1-6XH7P3): Under some situations, some requests that have encryption enabled raise an exception. Workaround: This will be fixed in a future release. InclusiveNamespaces tag in signature (1-6RU37X): An exception occurs on messages if you are using j w s d p 1 . 6 ( SUN's API for signing SOAP messages), and you are using the InclusiveNamespaces tag in the canonicalization method. Workaround: This will be fixed in a future release of TRA. Exception Thrown When Engine Starts (1-6WT8Q5): When resources in the Policy palette are in the project, the engine throws a java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: m_ functions exception upon startup due to Xalan compatibility issues. Workaround: Ignore the exception, the engine functions properly. This will be fixed in a future release. Using J2SE to Encrypt Messages (1-6XGX2F): Setting j a v a . p r o p p e r t y . T I B C O _ S E C U R I T Y _ P R O V I D E R to j2se is not supported for encrypting messages. Authentication and signatures are supported, but not encryption. Workaround: This will be fixed in a future release. Multiple policies applied to the same resource (1-6T6Q6N): You can create multiple Security Policy Association resources that apply different policies to the same resource. This is not recommended, but at this time, the product allows this to occur without a warning. At runtime, the first policy encountered will be used for the resource. Workaround: Do not create multiple Security Policy Association resources that apply to the same SOAP or Service resource. In the future, this condition will not be permitted.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Known Issues 63

SOAP Send Fault and encryption (1-6TBKTB): Do not attempt to specify an encryption policy for the entire body of a SOAP fault message when using the SOAP Send Fault activity. Workaround: Do not use encryption for SOAP fault messages sent by the SOAP Send Fault activity. This will be fixed in a future release. Rendezvous Palette Use of the replySubject input element in the Send Rendezvous Request activity would not always result in the expected behavior if more than one process instance specified the same reply subject. If you do wish to specify a reply subject, you should either specify unique reply subjects for each process instance, or you can use the Publish Rendezvous Message activity together with the Wait for Rendezvous Message activity so that the "Wait" activity can use the appropriate key to receive the correct reply message for the process. RMI Palette Using localhost as the registry server host name: Java does not support more than one registry server running in the same Java VM. If you are using "localhost" as the registry server host name, you may encounter this problem when trying to test process definitions. TIBCO BusinessWorks attempts to start the registry server when a test session is initiated in TIBCO Designer. If you attempt to start another test session with a different port number on the same machine (localhost), you will encounter an error when an attempt is made to use the registry server (for example, to execute a RMI Lookup activity). Workaround: If you must change the port number of the registry server when using the same registry server host name, you must restart the Java VM by closing and restarting TIBCO Designer before starting another test session. Service Palette Non-Latin1 Characters in SOAP Action (1-6WAVQR): Non-Latin1 characters specified in the SOAP Action field are not encoded properly in the resulting WSDL. Subsequently, an error occurs when calling the operation using the generated WSDL. Workaround: Do not use non-Latin1 characters in the SOAP Action.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
Exception thrown during WSDL generation (1-6SU5T4): When folders are created in a project and the project has not yet been saved, the folders do not yet exist in the file system. When referenced folders do not yet exist, the Service resource cannot generate the WSDL file on the WSDL Source tab properly and an exception occurs. The following conditions can cause the exception: the parent folder of the Service resource or any folder containing resources that the Service resource depends upon do not exist in the file system. the WSDL file that is referenced by the Service resource is located in a folder that does not exist on the file system. one of the resources (WSDL/XSD) referenced by the WSDL file that is referenced by the Service resource is located in a folder that does not exist on the file system. Save the project before viewing the WSDL file on the WSDL

Workaround: Source tab.

Validation and the Service Resource (1-709ZQN): Validation of the Service Resource does not check the following rules (both at design-time and run-time): validate that all the message parts are defined using types - for SOAP Encoding validate that there is only one part defined using type - for document style services and literal encoding validate that all message parts are either defined using types or are all defined using elements validate that each part has a unique name in the context of a message

Workaround: This will be fixed in a future release.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Known Issues 65

SOAP Palette Exception thrown during WSDL generation (1-6SU5T4): When folders are created in a project and the project has not yet been saved, the folders do not yet exist in the file system. When referenced folders do not yet exist, the SOAP Event Source cannot generate the WSDL file on the WSDL Source tab properly and an exception occurs. The following conditions can cause the exception: the parent folder of the SOAP Event Source or any folder containing resources that the SOAP Event Source depends upon do not exist in the file system. the WSDL file that is referenced by the SOAP Event Source is located in a folder that does not exist on the file system. one of the resources (WSDL/XSD) referenced by the WSDL file that is referenced by the SOAP Event Source is located in a folder that does not exist on the file system. Save the project before viewing the WSDL file on the WSDL

Workaround: Source tab.

Summary (1-7URNHS ): Under certain conditions, SOAP Request/Reply activities that attempt to connect to a server by way of a proxy receive a 5xx error. Workaround: Do not use a proxy server to access the server. This will be addressed in a future release. SOAP One Way operations over JMS (1-3N2VY0): In some cases, when a client sends an invalid SOAP Request to a SOAP one-way operation using the JMS protocol, the server does not report the appropriate error. Workaround: No workaround at this time. This will be addressed in a future release. SOAP Request Reply one way operations over HTTP (1-3DGD8X): The SOAP Request Reply activity (using the HTTP transport) does not report errors when invoking one-way operations, even if there is an HTTP communication error or if the remote service returns a fault. Workaround: No workaround at this time. This will be addressed in a future release. Validate For Deployment and Schemas (1-3Q0GSD): When you have a number of Schemas (WSDL and XSDs) stored in a directory and the directory is renamed, validate for deployment will initially report errors. Workaround: Shutdown and restart TIBCO Designer and the errors are no longer reported when validating for deployment.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
Invoking a Web Service implemented by a process definition The URL for web services that are implemented by TIBCO BusinessWorks process definitions is derived from the process name and the path to the process within the project. In previous releases, this URL was represented in the WSDL file exactly as it appeared in the project. That is, if there were any spaces or other special characters (for example, &, /, or =), these characters were not altered in the URL. Therefore, a client of the web service would use URL encoding to represent the special characters when requesting the service. This has been changed in release 5.x so that any special characters in the URL are mangled and represented using regular characters. Workaround For projects created in release 2.x and migrated to 5.x, you must use the new URL. That is, for SOAP Request Reply activities that call web services implemented by process definitions, refresh the WSDL file that calls the web service. For web clients, retrieve the new WSDL file before calling the web service. Headers and faults have limited support for SOAP encoding. For example, the h r e f attribute is not supported for fault details or header elements. Reading Attachments from Files: When attachments are contained in a file, the file is read using the system default encoding. There is no way to specify the expected encoding of the files contents. Workaround: None. This will be addressed in a future release. Validate for Deployment Errors: WSDL files using special types for attachments report errors for a missing location attribute when validating for deployment. Workaround: Ignore the error. The process definition using the WSDL file will execute properly. WSDL Palette Copy and paste not available for resources in the WSDL palette (1-7V1IOB): Copy and paste are not available for resources in the WSDL palette. Workaround: None. XML Activities Palette xsl:number function in the Transform XML activity: The x s l : n u m b e r function is not supported in style sheets used by this activity. Workaround: Do not use the x s l : n u m b e r function.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Known Issues 67

XML Schemas Redefine: The < r e d e f i n e . . . > mechanism is not supported in XML Schemas. If you use a schema with this mechanism, the < r e d e f i n e . . . > is ignored, and if you attempt to validate your project or resources that use the schema, errors will occur. <include> tags: "Chameleon" schemas: When one XML Schema (XSD) resource that has a targetNamespace attribute includes a XSD which has no targetNamespace, the element/type/group reference from the including to the included schema in this case will not be resolved and will result in error indications (red highlights) in activities' input and output tabs. This will be fixed in a future release. <include> tags: Include context: Schema A defines component X and includes schema B, which defines component Y. Y's definition references X, even though B does not include A or any other schema that defines X. This pattern is sometimes used as a way of expressing "templates" in XSDs. This case results in error indications in activities' input and output tabs even if they explicitly reference schema A. This will be fixed in a future release. QName (qualified name) conflicts: Two XSDs, A and B, both have the same targetNamespace (or no targetNamespace) and both define component X. In that case, they are "mutually exclusive" in the context of the same process definition. For example, you cannot have two XML Parse activities in the same process with one configured to use element X from A and the other using element X from B. This results in error indications in the activities' input and/or output tabs. There are warnings when this is about to happen (that is, if the user tries to use A's X and B's X from the same inline schema editor). The warnings will be clarified, and a facility for explicitly resolving such QName conflicts at the process definition level will be added in a future release, however the fundamental restriction is currently expected to always be present.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
XPath TIBCO BusinessWorks is fully compliant with the XPath 1.0 specification for comparing booleans. The resulting behavior is counter-intuitive. Here is an example for writing expressions comparing boolean data values. Assume this is part of your process data:
$MyResult/ aBooleanValue

... so a B o o l e a n V a l u e is a boolean inside of the variable $ M y R e s u l t . The cleanest expression for a boolean condition based on this input is:
$MyResult/aBooleanValue = 'true'

The expressions:
$MyResult/aBooleanValue = true() boolean($MyResult/aBooleanValue) = true() string($MyResult/aBooleanValue)=true() $MyResult/aBooleanValue

will, according to the XPath specification, always return true. Specifically: In the first two cases the test is if the element a B o o l e a n V a l u e exists.

In the third case, the test for comparing a string to a boolean is if the so this is true for both true and false values.

The fourth case is equivalent to b o o l e a n ( $ M y R e s u l t / a B o o l e a n V a l u e ) and, like the first two, tests for the existence of a B o o l e a n V a l u e rather than its string value.

The way to check a boolean in XPath is to check its textual value. This is how the XPath specification defines the behavior. Numbers: XPath converts all numbers regardless of their datatypes to double. For large positive or negative decimals and integers, there could be a loss of precision. Workaround Use a string instead of a number. However, for very small float and double numbers (for example, 1.4E-45), this will not work.

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Known Issues 69

TIBCO Designer If you place a process definition in a custom palette, save the custom palette, then reopen TIBCO Designer, an error occurs preventing you from reopening TIBCO Designer. Workaround: Do not place process definitions in custom palettes. Use custom palettes for Generic Adapter Configuration resources or other non-process definition resources. If you encounter this error, navigate to the location where the custom palettes are stored (this is customizable, but Windows NT, for example, stores these in your W I N N T \ P r o f i l e s \ < u s e r > \ . T I B C O \ c u s t o m _ p a l e t t e s directory), and delete the custom palette containing the process definition. TIBCO Designer 5.2 Strict Naming Convention: A stricter naming convention is enforced in this release. The strict naming convention prevents you from renaming an object by changing case and prevents the use of certain characters. The strict naming convention must be turned off if you are opening 5.1.x project in Designer 5.2 that contains characters that are illegal in release 5.2. Workaround: The - D s t r i c t n a m e s flag is used to enforce or relax the strict naming convention. The flag is set in the d e s i g n e r . t r a file. The default is true. If set to t r u e , the strict naming convention is enforced. This means you cannot rename an object by changing case. For example, you cannot rename an object from m y o b j e c t to M y O b j e c t . You also cannot use the following characters in an object name: | / \ " ' : ? . If set to f a l s e , the strict naming convention is not enforced. This means you can rename objects by changing case. You also can use the following characters in an object name: | / \ " ' : ? .

The - D s t r i c t n a m e s flag should be set to f a l s e when opening a 5.1.3 project in TIBCO Designer 5.2 that contains object names which use the disallowed characters. After opening the project, you should change object names by removing the disallowed characters and reset the - D s t r i c t n a m e s flag to t r u e . See the TIBCO Designer Release Notes for more information.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
Closed Issues
This section lists issues that were closed in the releases of TIBCO BusinessWorks since 5.1.3. The information is organized alphabetically on a per-palette basis, even though many issues refer to the runtime behavior of the activities. Closed in Release Description of Fix

General Fixes 5.4.0 5.4.0 5.4.0 Internal defect corrections. (1-7BHBH3, 1-7GZ08Z, 1-7GUFGH, 1-7C7FS7, 1-7QZHQY) Checkpoints that store process data in a database now use column names in the insert statement. (1-7B4601) In certain situations, the error "Domain has already been destroyed: <domainName>" was returned when you clicked the UDDI Servers Module in TIBCO Administrator in the left-hand frame. This has been fixed. (1-6XVGZI) Some TIBCO Hawk microagent methods were not available when using dynamically called subprocesses. This has been fixed. (1-7A3O89) An incorrect number of tabs was displayed in the TIBCO BusinessWorks plug-in to TIBCO Administrator if TIBCO BusinessWorks was installed while the administration server was running. This has been fixed. (1-7AVI4S) An error was thrown in TIBCO Administrator when upgrading from TIBCO BusinessWorks Release 5.3.0 to later versions. This has been fixed and the error is no longer thrown (1-717SPO). In the View Service Instances panel of TIBCO Administrator, clicking the link to a deployed TIBCO BusinessWorks process instance takes a long time to display. This has been fixed (1-707MCN). Internal defect corrections (1-6VPKK9, 1-783KB8). Under some circumstances, the engine threw an "Internal server error". This has been fixed (1-74YB92). When building an EAR file, in some situations some references were not copied into the EAR file. This has been fixed (1-75S9PH). When running in fault-tolerant mode, some microagent methods were not available in the TIBCO Hawk console. This has been fixed. (1-6QQPPL)

5.4.0 5.4.0



5.3.3 5.3.3 5.3.3 5.3.2

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Closed Issues 71

Closed in Release 5.3.2 5.3.2 5.3.1 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0

Description of Fix After a graceful shutdown, the engine now returns zero as the exit code. (1-71O2VD) Unrepresentable characters in the specified encoding in an XML document can now be escaped. (1-714FXQ) A formflow process throws an error when run in TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.3.0. This has been fixed. (1-6Z1C7F) When a persistent shared variable is located within a folder, the variable state was not persistent. This has been fixed. (1-5ESXWA) The Custom ID and Sequencing Key fields on the Misc tab were not displaying properly. This has been fixed. (1-6KTEGE, 1-6KNA16) Some characters were causing exceptions when the projects encoding was set to ISO8859-1. This has been fixed. (1-6USSA4) Fixed the problem in which the onProcessRemoved callback function did not return any data. (1-6LTWHN) Fixed a NullPointerException when using the sequencing feature. (1-6PWSLI) Fixed some schema and WSDL reference issues. (1-52OD83) Fixed namespace problems when copying and pasting resources by including the schema or WSDL import info with the activity on the clipboard. This now works as long as the namespace information in the original resource is correct. (1-1QBNZP) A NullPointerException was thrown during pager initialization when the disk is full. A better error message is now provided. (1-65M571) Addressed a NullPointerException error when the engine is shut down via Control-C. (1-65K2GI) The Checkpoint activity was producing the wrong error message. This has been fixed. (1-4FRWLY) Fixed a defect where the Error tab during test mode showed the incorrect information. (1-605ZP5). The RestartedFromCheckpoint flag was not set properly when the checkpoint is configured in a sub-process. This has been fixed. (1-5O0FOX) PluginProperties was not initialized properly. This has been fixed. (1-62KGCW)

5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
Closed in Release 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 Description of Fix The iteration element is not visible in a nested group when it depends upon the iteration element of the parent group. This has been fixed. (1-5I9XGW) Fixed the case sensitivity issue so that explicitly identified . j a r files can show up in the Class Browser dialog. (1-3IH3CD) Usage of global variables in some cases was not reported properly by validate for deployment. Properly used global variables were sometimes reported as unused. This has been fixed. (1-5EKUES) During project validation, some global variables were marked as unused, even though they were used. This has been fixed. (1-27R2AT) The Input tab was not always updated properly after a change in an activitys configuration. This has been fixed. (1-1MFBLB) A thread deadlock situation may occur after a call process is spawned on multi-CPU machines. This is now fixed. (1-4V5BO9) Unused process imports are generating erroneous errors when running 'Validate for Deployment'. These unused process imports will no longer cause any errors to be generated in 'Validate for Deployment'. (1-4U9O33) The TIBCO BusinessWorks engine was not reflecting the correct status in TIBCO Administrator after a deployed fault-tolerant engine changes state from RUNNING to STANDBY. (1-4NQTID) The Sequencing Key field on the Misc tab was not working properly when a subprocess is called. This has been fixed. (1-44IFDT) When the referencing process is not added to the list of items to debug, an infinite loop can occur. This has been fixed by automatically including the referencing process. (1-49542Q) In some situations, both primary & secondary fault-tolerant engines are "activated". This has been fixed. (1-3K6UJW) In some situations, projects using dynamically called subprocesses would not work properly when deployed. This has been fixed. (1-4BCIN3) An exception was thrown when the command-line utility b u i l d e a r was used to create an EAR file for projects containing process definitions. The EAR file was correctly generated, but the exception should not be thrown. This has been fixed. (1-3ROETI)

5.2.1 5.2.1 5.2.1 5.2.1


5.2.1 5.2.1

5.2.1 5.2.1 5.2.1

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Closed Issues 73

Closed in Release 5.2.1 5.2.1

Description of Fix When an XSD is moved or renamed, not all references to the schema are changed. Now the schema location is correctly updated. (1-21V3HA) In some situations, all resources in a project are included in an EAR file instead of just the resources used by the processes included in the project. This has been fixed. (1-4HN9M1) When nested groups are minimized, their location is not saved properly and some items within the group may no longer be visible. This issue has been fixed for single nested groups; now the group size and the activities in it maintain their correct locations on save/reopen when the group is minimized. (1-34C6G6, 1-34C6HL) The Apply button was disabled after an option from the Statement right-click menu was selected in the Input tab (for example, selecting Statement->Surround with Choice). This has been fixed. (1-1W5NI8) During process instance recovery, checkpointed jobs were restarted in last-in-first-out (LIFO) order instead of first-in-first-out (FIFO) order. This has been fixed. (1-32HN1C) An error is returned when validating a project for deployment and there are spaces around process variable names in XPath expressions in a group Configuration tab. This has been fixed. XSDs used to specify types for process variables are not automatically added to Enterprise Archive (EAR) files when the EAR file is created. This has been fixed. (1-26CHLO) Process starters can hang when process instances are paged out of memory. This has been fixed. (1-20ZLW5) XSD resources referenced in End or Generate error activities were not automatically added to Enterprise Archive Files. This has been fixed. When an engine is running in fault-tolerant mode, enabling verbose tracing causes an exception. This has been fixed. (1-20SDXO) "Wait For" activities within dynamically loaded processes did not get activated. This has been fixed. When only the Runtime option is selected during installation, p l u g i n s . j a r is not installed. This has been fixed. (1-1XG2MH, 1-1XATKX)



5.2.0 5.2.0


5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
Closed in Release 5.2.0 Description of Fix Event listeners (for example, the listener required for a Wait for Rendezvous Message activity) were not started when the engine started if the listener is required by an activity within a dynamically called process. This has been fixed. (1-216J2Q) In TIBCO BusinessWorks 2.x, dragging and dropping a process definition from the project panel to the design panel of another process definition inserted an appropriately configured Call Process activity. This functionality was not present in release 5.1.2. This functionality has been reintroduced as of this release. In previous releases when using a database for storing process engine information, the database prepared statement cache index was not being reused causing extra statements to be added to the cache. This eventually caused a maximum number of open cursors error. This has been fixed. In previous releases, references in an activitys input to process variables that are undefined only caused an error when the activity was run. In this release, when a process definition is initialized in the process engine, any runable activity that has a reference to an undefined variable causes an error. For example, you have a process definition with a Create File activity that references output from an FTP activity, and these activities are contained in a group that executes only when a conditional transition is taken. In previous releases, if you delete the FTP activity the process engine could be started and the process instance run, and it would encounter an error only when the Create File activity is executed. In this release, the error is caught when the process definition is loaded into the process engine. 5.1.3 5.1.3 Dynamically calling a subprocess caused problems during a failover of a fault tolerant engine. This has been fixed. Selecting an element in a schema (for example, when you use the Browse button to display available schemas for an XML element reference in an Editor tab) with a very large number of names (for example, thousands of names) locks TIBCO Designer for a long period of time. This has been fixed. When using SSL for authentication (several activities can use SSL) and there are files that are not certificates in the folders specified for identities or trusted certificates, an error could occur. This has been fixed so that any non-certificate files cause an warning to be logged, but no exception will be raised. Global variables that were not of type "String" were displayed as strings in the Process Data area of an Input tab. For example, if a variable was of type "Number", it was displayed as a string. This has been fixed so that the proper type and icon is used when displaying the global variable.






TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Closed Issues 75

Closed in Release 5.1.3 5.1.3 5.1.3

Description of Fix When testing process definitions, the execution of the currently running process is slower when using a language pack (such as Japanese). This has been fixed. Checkpoint data for process instances started by a service agent did not get deleted properly. This has been fixed. Groups would sometimes display invalid transition lines (lines that connected to no activity) and labels for transitions into and out of groups were sometimes placed in the wrong location. This has been fixed. When you add a process starter (for example, File Poller or Timer) and name the process starter "Start", errors occur when you try to save and reopen the project. This was due to a naming conflict with the Start activity and has been fixed in this release. When a Sybase database was used for storing engine data (for example, checkpoint information), errors occurred. This functionality is supported, but enabling it required altering the process engine properties in the deployment configuration. This has been fixed so that Sybase databases can be used without altering the deployment configuration. Cutting and pasting into a group did not work properly. This has been fixed. When the process engine is shutdown, threads for connecting to the project repository are left running. This has been fixed. The D a t a element of the default $ _ e r r o r schema was unable to be coerced into a specific type. This has been fixed. Displaying certain process definitions took more than a few seconds in some cases. This has been fixed. Input and Error Output tabs were sometimes missing from activities added to nested groups. This has been fixed.



5.1.3 5.1.3 5.1.3 5.1.3 5.1.3 Migration 5.2.1 5.1.3 5.1.3

When a project created before release 5.2.0 is opened, there could be mapping problems in the Checkpoint activity. This has been fixed. (1-4C4TVB and 1-4BDXVM) Attributes inside leaf nodes were not always automatically populated properly. This has been fixed. Several errors when migrating mappings have been fixed.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
Closed in Release 5.1.3 5.1.3 5.1.3 Description of Fix In some situations, migration of JDBC activities that had dates in input or output data did not convert correctly. This has been fixed. Optional-to-optional elements mapped in 2.x do not migrate properly if the schema changes in 5.x. This has been fixed. Migration errors and warnings were not written to a log if the repoconvert.ini file specified a log. This has been fixed and errors and warnings are now written to the specified log file. WSDL files in migrated projects sometimes do not properly resolve the location of referenced schemas. This has been fixed. Processes that contain illegal XML characters caused migration to crash. This has been fixed.

5.1.3 5.1.3 Mapping 5.3.0 5.2.1 5.2.1

The mapper now handles an AESchema resource that is moved to a new location automatically. (1-1N6XNP) The mapper activity now maps t e x t ( ) fields correctly. (1-553U5T) The Mapper Check and Repair button was mistakenly reporting an error with unescaped ampersands, and then fixing the problem incorrectly. This has been fixed. (1-4TMPPX) Regular expression restriction (in the Mapper) is now enforced at run time. (1-3Z4SAK) In a for-each group, the XSLT "select = 1 to 10" is now supported. (1-1XUYOC) The c o m p a r e - d a t e ( ) XPath function threw an error in TIBCO Designer but executed successfully at runtime when using valid date formats. This has been fixed. The Nillable to Optional XPath formula was not always applied correctly. This has been fixed. (1-25Z3PV) When setting a coercion on an element within a repeating element, the cardinality of the coerced element was improperly displayed (that is, the coerced element was listed as repeating when its parent is the repeating element). This has been fixed. A warning was sometimes incorrectly returned when n a m e ( ) is used in search predicate of an XPath statement for a repeating element. This has been fixed.

5.2.1 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.1.3


TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Closed Issues 77

Closed in Release 5.1.3 5.1.3 5.1.3 5.1.3 5.1.3 5.1.3

Description of Fix Coercions on Process Data in the Input tab appeared to be lost when the activity was within a group. This has been fixed. Coerced data in one activity did not show up as coerced in subsequent activities. This has been fixed. Coercions nested within other wildcards caused the outer wildcard to be coerced as well. This has been fixed. When global variables are added, changed, or renamed, the change now appears immediately in the Input tab. Automatically generated mappings were sometimes incorrect for complex formulas. This has been fixed. The mapping wizard sometimes erroneously asked if you would like to create a copy-of or copy-contents-of when the mapped types were similar, but not identical. This has been fixed. On UNIX systems, schema trees were not always displayed properly when using the mapping wizard dialog. This has been fixed.


ActiveEnterprise Adapter Palette 5.3.3 5.3.3 The Publish to Adapter activity was not overriding the subject when the RequestReply field was checked. This has been fixed (1-77A4NE). When using the Adapter Subscriber process starter, the TIBCO Hawk microagent method reviewledger method fails after the first execution. This has been fixed (1-6W8UU0). The Publish to Adapter activity is not using the ReplySubject when used in request-reply mode. This has been fixed (1-734Y6S). One-way ActiveEnterprise operations using the RV transport no longer experience a memory leak. (1-72Q5T7) Unexpected behavior occurs when using the RVCMQ transport and the process instance containing the scheduler is halted unexpectedly. This has been fixed. (1-6XEBCA) The ActiveEnterprise Subscriber activity no longer throws an exception after the JMS server restarts. (1-6Z9TST)

5.3.3 5.3.2 5.3.1


TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
Closed in Release 5.3.0 Description of Fix When an XML message with an Any type attribute was published by TIBCO BusinessWorks to an adapter, the Any type is substituted with a string. TIBCO BusinessWorks did not send the x s i : t y p e correctly, and as a result an SDK adapter threw an exception. This has been fixed. (1-6FCK3O, 1-6MT0VY) Choice elements at the top-level were not always picking the correct schema for incoming messages. This has been fixed. (1-6SP0TL) Fixed a problem in the Adapter Request-Response service activity, where a new thread was created with each new request. This happened when the Subject name was specified in the configuration tab to replace the default adapter Subject name. (1-6KDLV8) Fixed a memory leak encountered when using Max Jobs with the Adapter Subscriber process starter. (1-6N8JMD) The Publish to Adapter activity published the datetime value incorrectly when the datetime value had "00" in milliseconds. This has been fixed. (1-6ILYBQ) Invoke an Adapter Request/Response Service activity using JMS as a transport creates lot of UDP connections. This has been fixed. (1-336DLU) A deserialization exception occurred when an unsigned integer value greater than 231 is published from a C++ adapter (for example, SAP) to TIBCO BusinessWorks. This has been fixed. (1-6H19MN, 1-6MT133) Fixed the 'Not permitted for Distributed CM transport' error in the case of a RPC server used in RVCMQ mode trying to send a reply. (1-69U9QM, 1-692RAG) When the Transport Type is set to Tibrv Certified Message Queue, the fields Scheduler Heartbeat and Scheduler Activation were set to the incorrect unit seconds. They are now corrected to use milliseconds as the unit. (1-6BW5F6) Fixed a problem where the process engine was hanging when flow control is used with ActiveEnterprise Adapter activities. (1-61CWAA) Validate was not finding some missing mandatory elements in the input. This has been fixed. (1-5EDM75) Under certain circumstances, when an RVCMQ listener process is suspended, a hung worker can result (when using certified messaging) or loss of a message can result (when using reliable messaging). This has been fixed. (1-5AHBCQ)

5.3.0 5.3.0

5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0

5.3.0 5.3.0

5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Closed Issues 79

Closed in Release 5.3.0

Description of Fix Fixed a problem where activities using the JMS transport did not use the reconnected JMS connection after it failed the previous execution when the JMS server is down. (1-5PGTU8) When confirming an ActiveEnterprise subscriber activity, a timeout exception was thrown for the first RVCM message, all subsequent messages did not receive the exception. The pre-register listener was not set on the publisher side and in this case the first message was sent as an RV message. The adapter SDK used to ignore this message and not confirm at all. Now we throw an exception which is a different behavior. (1-5ELHZT) A serialization exception is thrown in some situations when using unsigned integer fields within Operation schemas. This has been fixed. (1-5TUO09) The ActiveEnterprise Adapter palette now supports the flow control features introduced in Release 5.2.0. (1-3HA85C, 1-2QF2KX) Validate was not finding some broken references. This has been fixed. (1-4IQQYX) A serialization exception is thrown in some situations when using unsigned integer fields. This has been fixed when the activities communicate with the SAP adapter and some other adapters, but this remains a problem for some adapters. (1-3SWI9D, 1-405IF0) An adapter JMS RPC client crashes when TIBCO BusinessWorks sends a reply with closure data. TIBCO BusinessWorks was not setting the x s i : t y p e properly when publishing data of type Any. This has been fixed. (1-3SFSB2, 1-1Z0S7B, 1-4G9NPT, and 1-1ZHYIB) Global variables in certain fields were causing errors when attempting to validate the project for deployment. This has been fixed. (1-2MD6E7) The Publish to Adapter activity created an unnecessary durable subscriber if replySubject was provided. This has been fixed. (1-1WAXBC) The ledger file created by a Publish to Adapter activity within a project run in test mode is locked until TIBCO Designer is closed. This has been fixed so that the lock is released when the test engine is stopped. (1-23BJ0A) The Adapter Subscriber and Publish to Adapter activities did not support input classes that have a choice or AE union element as the top-level element. This has been fixed.


5.3.0 5.2.1 5.2.1 5.2.1


5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0


TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
Closed in Release 5.2.0 Description of Fix Specifying Complete Time on the Transport tab of an Adapter Subscriber activity that uses the RVCMQ transport had no effect in release 5.1.3. This has been fixed. (1-216KTF) Adapter Subscriber activities were not properly deserializing messages that contained sequences where each element could be any type. This has been fixed. When the RVCM transport is used, using more than one global variable in the Ledger File field generated the wrong ledger name. This has been fixed. (1-242MBJ) When using the Publish to Adapter activity with a JMS transport, an error occurred if the destination is specified on the Transport tab but not in the subject element on the Input tab. Also, even if the replySubject input element is specified, the JMSReplyTo header field is null. These issues have been fixed. In release 5.1.2, if there are two different ActiveEnterprise Classes with different names but identical sub-level nodes, the Adapter Subscriber activity did not differentiate incoming messages containing the different classes. This has been fixed so that now the Adapter Subscriber throws a deserialization exception, if the incoming message does not have the correct top-level node. The Publish To Adapter activity failed when the c u r r e n t - D a t e T i m e ( ) function was used with a DateTime datatype with the error, "Error serializing the message." The c u r r e n t - D a t e T i m e ( ) method returns the DateTime with a UTC offset.The datatype 'DateTime' does not expect the offset or TimeZone information. The offset is now removed when this function is used with this activity. When the Publish To Adapter activity is configured to use a RVCMQ transport, the publisher used the reliable transport instead of the RVCM transport. This has been fixed. The Refresh Adapter Service button did not always refresh all adapter service characteristics. This has been fixed. When a reply subject is specified in a Publish to Adapter activity that uses the JMS transport, the specified Time to Live is ignored. This has been fixed. Attributes of type x s i : n i l in messages published in XML format were not handled properly. This has been fixed. Illegal XML characters were not handled properly when sent to or received from an adapter. This has been fixed.

5.2.0 5.2.0 5.1.3




5.1.3 5.1.3 5.1.3 5.1.3

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Closed Issues 81

Closed in Release 5.1.3

Description of Fix When an Adapter Subscriber process starter specifies a durable subscription name for a JMS Topic transport, the durable subscription is registered in the JMS server, but messages can still be potentially missed when the process engine stops. This has been fixed. When a process engine is shut down, any pre-registered RVCM listeners are unregistered. This is problematic for any publishing activity that pre-registers its RVCM listeners. This has been fixed.


File Palette 5.4.0 5.3.0 Under certain conditions, the File Poller was throwing an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. This has been fixed. (1-7MSKMO) The File Poller was throwing a null pointer exception when the filename is omitted from directory path (for example, specifying C : \ a \ b \ instead of specifying C : \ a \ b \ * . * ). This has been fixed. (1-5MIDAA) The File Poller does not sort properly when sorted by Date Modify in Ascending order. This has been fixed. (1-3HXV4O) File Poller process starter triggered a modify event on MS Windows 2003 when a file was deleted while the poller was only configured to trigger on create and modify events. This issue has been fixed. (1-614M9A) The File Reader activity was fixed in Release 2.0.6 to strip the byte order mark (BOM) from Microsoft Windows files that specify the UTF-8 encoding. The correct 2.0.6 behavior is documented and expected, however, this fix was not properly applied to Release 5.x. This release reintroduces the fix from 2.0.6 and uses the documented parameter j a v a . p r o p e r t y . D i s c a r d U T F 8 B O M to disable the functionality and restore compatibility to pre-2.0.6 behavior. (Original defect ID from release 2.0.6: 1-UK8N5, new defect ID in release 5.2.1: 1-3G77B4) A fix to handle localized content in the File Poller process starter, which otherwise produced NoSuchMethodError. (1-4RP1D1) Checking the Poll for Create Events field on the Advanced tab of File Poller was also causing the process starter to poll for deletion events. This has been fixed. (1-4FFXF7) Wildcards did not work properly when specified with the root directory in the File Poller process starter. This has been fixed. (1-4FFXCS)

5.3.0 5.3.0


5.2.1 5.2.1 5.2.1

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
Closed in Release 5.2.0 Description of Fix Certain wildcard patterns did not find the correct list of files in the File Poller and List Files activities. For example, * . D A T would not find t e s t . 1 . D A T. This has been fixed. (1-2F8NO5) The File Poller process starter was unable to poll from the root directory when certain wildcard patterns were specified. For example, C : \ * . t x t would not work, but C : \ t * . t x t or C : \ t e m p \ * . t x t does work. This has been fixed.


FTP Palette 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.2.1 5.2.1 5.2.1 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 The timeout was not set when using Active Connections. This has been fixed. (1-6M1ESK, 1-6M1EI4) Improved the FTP Dir activity behavior when directory is empty. (1-59MRZQ) Timeout parameters specified for FTP Get and FTP Connection resources are not honored. This has been fixed. (1-6M15HD) FTP to VMS systems no longer fails. (1-4UHPHR) If the FTP Connection becomes stale, FTP activities will now try to re-connect. (1-42EH46) The timeout set in the FTP Connection resource was not being used by the FTP Activities. This has been fixed. (1-4QY707, 1-4ML3UY) The FTP Delete File activity did not work properly with MS Windows FTP servers. This has been fixed. (1-24ITCX) The FTP Dir activity returned item count = 1 even if the directory did not exist. This has been fixed. FTP Put was stripping /n when /r/n was used as the end of line character. This caused the file to be unuseable when put onto a VMS machine from a MS Windows machine. This has been fixed so that the proper behavior occurs, however, the b w . p l u g i n . f t p . s t r i p L i n e F e e d I n P u t property has been added to specify the old behavior, if you rely on the old behavior in your applications. (1-2549ZL) In previous releases, no FTP activities could be used to access FTP servers outside of a firewall. Now FTP Put and FTP Get can be used to access servers by way of a proxy server (using the Firewall and Proxy fields on the FTP Connection resource). However, only FTP Put and FTP Get can be used, no other FTP activities can use a proxy server.


TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Closed Issues 83

Closed in Release 5.1.2

Description of Fix Passwords are now encrypted and obfuscated in the project.

General Activities Palette 5.4.0 5.4.0 5.3.3 5.3.3 5.3.0 Icons specified for custom activities sometimes disappeared when the project was subsequently opened. This has been fixed. (1-75H3DV) The External Command activity dropped double quote (") characters from the input command. This has been fixed. (1-77LYAH) Updating a process containing a cusotm activity no longer slows down the system (1-76UWNV). Under certain situations, using Wait and Notify activities caused the engine to hang. This has been fixed (1-75GL0W). The correct information is not returned when the process definition name is provided on the Input tab of the Engine Command activity for the Get Process Instance Info command. This has been fixed. (1-6R8XGF) The Inspector activity was not updated properly after a referenced activity was renamed. This has been fixed. (1-5SC97Y) Wait/Notify and Checkpoint activities did not reinitialize stale database connections in the connection pool. This has been fixed. (1-6OEUDZ, 1-6OEUD9) The Timer process starter was not working properly when a localized time interval was specified. (1-5E3FRH) Setting a breakpoint was available on the pop-up menu for Label activities, but breakpoints are not permitted on these activities. This option has been removed from the Label activity. (1-2100P8) The external command activity was not properly closing open files after the activity completed executing. This has been fixed. (1-3WTU1Y, 1-4NLLU7) Under certain conditions, process definitions hang when executing the Generate Error activity. This has been fixed. (1-4TMJXH) The choice list for the Confirm activity and other activities was not updated properly when process starters or wait for... activities were deleted. This has been fixed. (1-3SRCA1)

5.3.0 5.3.0 5.2.1 5.2.1

5.2.1 5.2.1 5.2.1

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
Closed in Release 5.2.0 Description of Fix In some situations, Timer process starters with the Run Once field checked were starting processes immediately instead of waiting for the specified start time. This has been fixed. (1-26MD2A) Call Process activities were raising the wrong exception. The output instead of the input error was shown when calling subprocess. This has been fixed. (1-3JORBO) When the Inspector activity appears within a group, the activity choice box did not work correctly. This has been fixed. (1-216TH9) When you specify the Command to Execute field on the Configuration tab of the External Command activity, a mapping error occurs even though all input elements are optional. This has been fixed. (1-1SVZ0B) The External Command activity experienced problems on Unix systems when the command to execute contained a quoted string (for example, e c h o " H e l l o t h i s i s a t e s t m e s s a g e " ). This has been fixed. (1-1B1WNM) The calendar in the Start Time field in the Timer process starter sometimes did not work properly when the locale is not the United States. This has been fixed. (1-11E2N5) Dynamically calling a subprocess did not work in certain situations. This has been fixed. Dynamically calling a subprocess caused problems during a failover of a fault tolerant engine. This has been fixed. Timer process starter did not account for daylight savings time appropriately. This has been fixed. Also, the timer process starter started a process when the engine started if the start time is configured to be before the engine starts. The Timer process starter has been changed so that periodic intervals cause a process to be started, but no process is started for intervals that occur before the process engine starts. Call Process activities did not always list all available processes in the drop-down list of the Process Name field on the Configuration tab. This has been fixed.

5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0



5.1.3 5.1.3 5.1.3


HTTP Palette 5.4.0 SOAP Event Source and HTTP Receiver return "proces initialization failed for ..." error when using JRE 1.5.0 and TRA 5.4.0 on AIX 5.3. This has been fixed. (1-7BBPSJ)

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Closed Issues 85

Closed in Release 5.3.3

Description of Fix The custom engine property bw.plugin.http.client.ResponseThreadPool.type now allows you to specify whether a single thread pool is created for all SOAP and HTTP request/response activities or whether a thread pool for each activity is created. Specify single as the value for this parameter to create a single thread pool for all activities. Specify default as the value for this parameter to obtain the default behavior of one thread pool per activity. The property bw.plugin.http.client.ResponseThreadPool continues to control the size of the thread pool (1-785003).


When the content-type of an incoming message was "multipart/*", the first part of the message was presented as the POSTDATA. This is incorrect according to RFC 2388. The bw.plugin.http.handleAllMimePartsAsAttachment property fixes this problem. If this property is set to true and the top-level content-type of the incoming HTTP message is "multipart/*", then an HTTP Receiver will present all the MIME parts as attachments and the POSTDATA field will be empty. If this property is set to false (the default value), backward compatibility is maintained and the first MIME part is presented as the POSTDATA Note: Do not check the Parse Post Method Data field on the HTTP Receiver process starter when this property is set to true. This causes an error to be thrown. (1-76B6G1).

5.3.3 5.3.0 5.3.0

When Content-type is not specified in a multi-part message, TIBCO BusinessWorks now assumes a default type of text/plain (1-778HU3). Single-part messages that do not have Content-Length specified in the header and have non-empty message bodies are now accepted by the HTTP Receiver. (1-5KZSQT) When an HTTP message with attachments was received by HTTP Receiver, the parameters in the root part were not parsed properly. This has been fixed. (1-6NBQPH) The Send HTTP Response activity was converting the HTTP status message to upper case. This has been fixed. (1-6D15E8) Send HTTP Request was unable to send a null value for a parameter. This has been fixed. (1-4W1VL1) Specifying ? / ? in the Directory field on the Advanced tab of the HTTP Receiver process starter did not result in the correct behavior. This has been fixed. (1-6M143O) The Send HTTP Request activity throws ClassCastException at runtime if 'multipart' content-type is used. This has been fixed. (1-54Q2MH)

5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.2.1

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
Closed in Release 5.2.1 Description of Fix For Wait for HTTP Request, the Parse Post Method Data checkbox was incorrectly remaining set after a switch from String style to Binary Style, and caused "Output data invalid" when running the project. This has been fixed (1-4AZA0I) The HTTP Response activity was converting header keys and values to lower case. This has been fixed so that header keys are lower case, but header values maintain the same case as the supplied value. (1-3PB930) Fixed a Null Pointer Exception that occurs when the 'Requires Client Authentication' field is not set for HTTP Connection/Configure SSL. (1-21CKO9) The security context was not output when using deferred client authentication. This has been fixed. (1-3SD5N7) The SSL Verify Host Name option was not working properly. This has been fixed. (1-2FKP5F) Configuring HTTPS using the Identity resource did not work properly on Linux platforms. This has been fixed. (1-3H4TQH) When using the Send HTTP Request and attempting to use SSL, using an Identity resource configured to use Certificate/Private Key did not work properly. This has been fixed. (1-2631LX) Connections are automatically closed after sending HTTP requests in TIBCO BusinessWorks. This helps to ensure that connections are not held open longer than needed and the HTTP server does not reach its connection limit. (1-25UTW8) Fixed a NullPointerException in the Send HTTP Request Activity. (1-1YUXTM) When using HTTPS with a proxy server, the engine throws a NoRouteToHostException. This has been fixed, but it requires upgrading to TRA 5.2.0 or later. (1-1R3T2Q) Using HTTPS through a proxy server did not work prior to TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.1.3-hotfix4 and TRA 5.1.3-hotfix 3. This has been fixed, and this will work, provided that you have installed the latest TRA and TIBCO BusinessWorks releases. (1-1TTPZK) Performance of HTTP activities was not the same in release 5.1.2 as it was in previous releases. Performance of these activities has been improved in this release. The Set-Cookie output element of the Send HTTP Request only contained the last cookie set. Also, HTTP Response activity only sent one cookie, even if multiple cookies were supplied in the activitys input. This has been fixed.


5.2.1 5.2.1 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0


5.2.0 5.2.0


5.1.3 5.1.3

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Closed Issues 87

Closed in Release 5.1.3 5.1.3

Description of Fix When sending multiple responses, the reason phrase of the status line was omitted in subsequent responses after the first response. This has been fixed. In some cases, multiple "Connection" headers can be sent by the Send HTTP Response activity (usually this can occur in projects migrated from previous releases). This has been fixed. When a socket exception is thrown when running a process definition, some resources may not be properly released. For example, if you have two ports defined for incoming HTTP requests in the project, but one of them is in use by a different application when the project is run, the other port is not released. This has been fixed. The Send HTTP Request activity displayed all headers in the output response message in previous releases. In Release 5.1.2, this was changed so that only headers you specify in the Output Headers tab are displayed. Release 5.1.3 now displays all output headers. HTTP messages sent by TIBCO BusinessWorks were always UTF-8 encoded, regardless of the Content-Type set in the message header. This release fixes this problem so that the HTTP server sends the message in the encoding specified in Content-Type. When an incoming POST message is URL-Encoded, the charset specified in the Content-Type is now used to URL-decode the data. The HTTP Receiver process starter was not processing some special characters (<LF> and <CR>) properly. This has been fixed.




5.1.3 5.1.3 Java Palette 5.4.0 5.4.0 5.3.3

The Java Global Instance resource was not added to the process archive automatically. This has been fixed. (1-3PHX72) The Java Process Starter now creates unique jobs for each incoming event. (1-7BBPVG) Cleanup methods were only listed when a Java Method activity that used an Alias Library was first configured. Upon subsequent viewing of the Java Method activity, the Cleanup Method field displayed a validation error and the list of methods was empty. This was only an error at design time, the activity still executed properly. This has been fixed for newly created Java Method activities, but existing activities will still display the error (but they will execute properly). To fix the problem on existing activities, make a modification to the Method or Library fields, and the Cleanup Method field will be refreshed (1-74L93I).

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
Closed in Release 5.3.3 Description of Fix Under certain circumstances, the Java Method activity would construct a class more than once when the Cache Constructed Class field was checked. This has been fixed (1-74NE5D). Java custom function threw an error if a value of 0 or 0.0 is passed as Float value. This has been fixed (1-4Y2WWL). In the Java Event Source process starter, if you press the reset button before you apply and save changes to the source code, the source code does not reset correctly. This has been fixed. (1-6WQLVJ) Validating a project after opening the product but before any Java Method activity is selected causes an error if the Java Method activity uses an Alias Library. This has been fixed. (1-6U11EL) Modifying a process definition name was not reflected in the package name for the Java Event Source activity. This has been fixed. (1-6WJV3Z) The Java Event Source process starter does not properly handle adding then removing a Java Global Instance in the Advanced tab. This has been fixed. (1-6ZQ8U6) Fixed a problem in Java Method activities where the activity was not able to recognize Java classes that implement j a v a . i o . S e r i a l i z a b l e through a super class. Java classes that implement j a v a . i o . S e r i a l i z a b l e directly are OK. (1-5SFS41) Addressed an issue with using Java schema for an abstract class in the Java to XML activity. The Output tab was not always showing the correct class name. (1-6MA3U0) Java Global Instance resources received errors when the entire project was validated for deployment unless each resource was individually validated. This has been fixed. (1-4OX821) Zero length arrays can now be passed into a method when using the Java Method activity. To accomplish this, do not provide a binding to the array parameter and the parameter has empty array as its value. (1-2532JR) In the Java Code activity, when you specify an optional input parameter of type date and no input mapping is specified or no value is passed at runtime, an exception is thrown. This has been fixed. (1-21ZT8Y) The Java Method activity now checks to make sure the object reference is not null before invoking the cleanup method.

5.3.3 5.3.2


5.3.2 5.3.2 5.3.0

5.3.0 5.2.1




TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Closed Issues 89

Closed in Release 5.1.3

Description of Fix In release 5.1.2, when a Java Code activity is read-only (for example, when a user is editing a process definition created by a different user and has no privileges for editing the process), a user could still edit and compile the activity. This has been fixed so only users with the proper privileges can edit the configuration or compile the Java code. In the Java to XML activity, when package names contain an underscore or begin with a number, the members of the package were improperly renamed. This has been fixed. However, any mappings to the improperly renamed members will need to be recreated after upgrading to this release. You should be able to easily recreate the mappings by copying and pasting the old mapping to the correct new input item. On UNIX or Linux platforms, the Show Class Browser button on the Configuration tab of activities in this palette does not display the available classes in the CLASSPATH. This has been fixed. The Java Code activity now treats input time using local time instead of GMT. Java Custom Functions were not loaded automatically into the enterprise archive file when deploying a project. This has been fixed.



5.1.3 5.1.3

JDBC Palette 5.4.0 5.4.0 5.3.3 No suitable driver error was thrown on engine startup when using Oracle RAC. This has been fixed. (1-76P7OV) Some global variables were not properly included when using LibraryBuilder and releases of TRA earlier than 5.4.0. This has been fixed. (1-7BBPZJ) The Engine.Database.TestStatement.<name> property now works for Oracle databases so that you can issue a test statement and retrieve the actual SQL error for a failed statement instead of receiving a timeout error (1-77DEPP). An error occured when using the JDBC activities to invoke a DB2 stored procedure on OS/390. This has been fixed. (1-716XYM) Under certain circumstances, there were problems with return values from stored procedures when using Sybase. This has been fixed. (1-728MHT) JDBC activities threw a j a v a . l a n g . N u l l P o i n t e r E x c e p t i o n when timeout was reached in a very light load. This has been fixed. (1-6MC74S) Multiple jobs using the same SQL statement that fetches subsets of data can cause a SQL error. This has been fixed. (1-6ZH1RU)
TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

5.3.3 5.3.2 5.3.2 5.3.1


| Release Notes
Closed in Release 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 Description of Fix Fixed the issue where database connections are not released when using JNDI connection type. (1-638ECC) Unsupported query was automatically performed on certain databases. This has been fixed. (1-6SZZO3) The Fetch button now works properly when the JDBC Connection type is XA and the database is IBM DB2. (1-6RUB4N) In some cases when you use TIBCO BusinessWorks with an Oracle OCI JDBC driver, you may get an erroneous "JDBC activity timed out" message. This has been corrected. (1-6MBNI5) Fixed the problems seen when using DB2 in XA transaction mode. (1-6HJW1Y) Under certain conditions, transaction state is not maintained by a JDBC activity inside a subprocess. This has been fixed. (1-6E1D0I) Database connections were not released when using the JNDI connection type. This has been fixed. (1-5YGUE5) JDBC Update with batch mode was inserting one record more than configured when timeout and/or ServerTimeZone optional input fields were also specified. This has been fixed. (1-57Q9ZT) A LoginTimedOutException has been added to JDBC activities for database drivers that support login timeouts. (1-3CJ6W2) Caching of the procedure list for the JDBC Call Procedure activity has been improved. (1-2HGUP8) JDBC activities were adjusting for daylight savings time, even when the server time zone was set as GMT. This has been fixed. (1-5838D5) The example in the Database URL field of the JDBC Connection resource is incorrect when t i b c o s o f t w a r e i n c . j d b c . o r a c l e . O r a c l e D r i v e r ( R A C ) is selected in the JDBC Driver field. This has been fixed. (1-5DA4IL) JDBC Call Procedure interprets a schema value as a catalog value when calling a stored procedure and using the JDBC-ODBC bridge driver. This has been fixed. (1-5MUJD3)

5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0

5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0


TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Closed Issues 91

Closed in Release 5.2.1

Description of Fix Under certain circumstances, JDBC connections were not released from the connection pool when a job completed. This has been fixed so that unused connections timeout after a job completes. The connections will not immediately be released, but should be released after a five-minute idle period. (1-50OJNP) The JDBC Call Procedure activity did not recognize parameters of datatype TIMESTAMP (Oracle datatype). This has been fixed so that both TIMESTAMP and TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE datatypes can be used for procedure and function parameters. (1-4MB1NL) A fix to handle localized content in JDBC Plug-in, which otherwise produced NoSuchMethodError. (1-4PUL5M) The DB2 JDBC driver was not included in the drop-down list of drivers on the JDBC Connection resource. (1-3J61EX) A null pointer exception is thrown when the number of jobs created exceeds the maximum number of connections specified on the JDBC Connection resource. This has been fixed so that a NoConnectionAvailable exception is thrown instead. (1-48GQAN) A null pointer exception is thrown in JDBC activities when the data source is defined in a WebLogic application server using XA type drivers and JNDI is the type specified for the JDBC Connection resource. This has been fixed. Note: A JTA User transaction that uses two or more data sources from different JDBC pools must use XA drivers. Non-XA drivers cannot be used if you wish to use two or more data sources from different JDBC pools. (1-4ADPGX) Calling stored procedures under some circumstances worked properly in release 2.x, but did not work in release 5.x. This has been fixed. (1-408B8M) When using a Sybase database, errors in a called stored procedure were not returned and the error transition was not taken. This has been fixed. (1-33849K) The custom engine property C o n f i g . J D B C . C a l l P r o c e d u r e . O u t p u t U s e N i l did not work when returning result sets. This has been fixed. (1-2SL5AM) Behavior of float datatypes in the DataDirect JDBC Driver 3.3 SP2 (with RAC support) has changed from previous releases. This release of TIBCO BusinessWorks accounts for this change and handles the data correctly. (1-1X5T3P) The Refresh button on the Call JDBC Procedure button could take a long time to perform the refresh. This has been improved in this version.


5.2.1 5.2.1 5.2.1


5.2.1 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0


TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
Closed in Release 5.2.0 Description of Fix Optimized certain SELECT statements in the JDBC Connections during design time when there are a lot of stored procedures in the database. Also improved the runtime performance against a similar database. When using the c o m . s y b a s e . j d b c 2 . j d b c . S y b D r i v e r driver, calling stored procedures did not work. This has been fixed. Errors sometimes occurred when attempting to execute a stored function within a package. This has been fixed. The JDBC Query activity was trimming leading and trailing spaces when returning values of CHAR and VARCHAR columns. This has been fixed so that spaces are preserved as they are returned by the database. An empty string ("") was not being treated as a null when specified for an input value in JDBC activities. Most databases treat empty strings as nulls, so the JDBC activities have been enhanced to accept empty strings as a null. When using the o r a c l e . j d b c . d r i v e r . O r a c l e D r i v e r ( t h i n ) or and selecting values from a column of type NUMBER, a trailing ".0" was added to integers. This behavior differs from previous releases, and therefore, for backward compatibility, the ".0" is now removed from integers.

5.1.3 5.1.3 5.1.3





When calling a stored procedure in a Sybase database, the database name is displayed as the package name. Also, if the package name is selected, an error occurs. This has been fixed so that errors no longer our when packages are selected. The issue with JDBC activities generating errors under multi-statement transaction scenario using a JConnect driver with a Sybase database has been resolved. Overloaded procedures were not correctly displayed in the browse dialog in the Call JDBC Procedure activity. This has been fixed so that overloaded procedures are listed separately and each can be selected.

5.1.3 5.1.3

JMS Palette 5.4.0 The JMS Topic Subscriber was throwing an error under certain situations when configured to receive Any Element and a MapMessage is received. This has been fixed. (1-70517M) Exceptions resulting from errors returned by the JMS server were not always reported. This has been fixed. (1-7BI9G7)


TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Closed Issues 93

Closed in Release 5.4.0 5.4.0 5.3.3 5.3.3 5.3.1

Description of Fix The custom engine property bw.plugin.jms.recoverOnStartupError was not working properly in Release 5.3.2. This has been fixed. (1-79SAS9, 1-7DDEOU) In some situations, an exception is thrown when sending JMS queue messages of type byte. (1-744RC5, 1-7DDCD9) When using activities in the JMS palette, reconnection to a JBOSS server was not working properly. This has been fixed (1-6U6599). The Get JMS Queue activity now closes the session after a timeout error (1-79BE7J). An exception is thrown for incoming messages that have Any Element specified. This has been fixed to work in the case when Lax or Skip is specified as the validation for the Any Element. The validation cannot be Strict in this case. (1-6VOR1H) Fixed a reconnection issue to JMS servers. The connection was re-established, but some of the JMS operations may continue to report errors. (1-6IOLDN, 1-6P0BVK) Timeout is now honored for Get JMS Queue message. (1-6VH48O) The Test Connection button on the JMS Connection resource would become disabled after clearing the JNDI Context field and would not become re-enabled. This has been fixed. (1-3ELFKD) Reconnection in the event of server failure was not working with the JBoss JMS server. This has been fixed. (1-6R8EE0) When using JMS client ack mode, the engine sometime stopped processing messages from the queue. This has been fixed. (1-6OEUA3) Fixed a NullPointerException encountered when Reply to JMS Message was used to respond to a message received from the Get JMS Queue Message activity. (1-6OA3JH) Under certain load situations, the JMS Queue Receiver could go into a thread deadlock state and stop receiving messages. This issue is now fixed. (1-6Q1ZS2) Connection failed, but no error message was given when the Test Connection button was clicked and the Use Shared JNDI Connection option is checked (but no reference to resource is given) on the JMS Connection resource. This has been fixed. (1-5EFDVL) A problem with receiving JMS Topic messages has been fixed. (1-6Q5KMK) JMS activities were not properly handling data of type Date/Time, XML Type Ref, URI, and any when defined within the Editor tab. (1-1LLBIE)

5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0

5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0

5.3.0 5.3.0

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
Closed in Release 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 Description of Fix Flow limit did not work properly after the JMS server was restarted. This has been fixed. (1-6PTXXW). JMS application properties were not consistently refreshed in the input tab. This has been fixed. (1-4R3GDH) When using Maxsessions > 1 in a JMS queue receiver activity, some of the sessions hung and did not release the message or acknowledge back to JMS server. This has been fixed. (1-6O5G48) Fixed an issue in the Confirm activity when used to confirm JMS messages. Under certain circumstances, the activity failed to confirm messages and threw a Java runtime exception. (1-5YBEZV, 1-62V0ZZ) JMS Topic publisher is now publishing the JMS default property header of JMSXGroupID and JMSXGroupSeq. (1-6MAGBD) The Reply to JMS Message activity encounters a "Producer is closed" exception after the JMS server goes down and then restarts. This has been fixed. (1-5TUNZW, 1-52OD64) Get JMS Queue Message throws an exception upon starting. This has been fixed. (1-5N7BRX, 1-5YDPCH) The JMS Queue Receiver failed with a parsing error when it received a message of type map containing a field of type DateTime. This has been fixed. (1-3EURIT) Performance improved for JMS activities that receive messages when the acknowledge mode is set to Auto, EMS Explicit Client Acknowledge, or Dups OK. (1-5CKJY7) The Confirm operation was not working properly if it was contained within a group and an attempt was made to confirm a message received by using the Get JMS Queue Message activity. This has been fixed. (1-5A4A0E) When using IBM MQ Series, the activities in the JMS palette were unable to recover from a lost connection to the JMS server. This has been fixed. (1-5718S0) The Max Sessions field allows no value to be set (that is, leaving the field blank). This signifies an unlimited number of sessions. A warning is now given during project validation when no value is specified in this field so that you can ensure the behavior you wish to occur. (1-51XL3X)


5.3.0 5.3.0

5.3.0 5.3.0 5.2.1


5.2.1 5.2.1

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Closed Issues 95

Closed in Release 5.2.1 5.2.1 5.2.1 5.2.1 5.2.1 5.2.1 5.2.1

Description of Fix Parsing an incoming MapMessage fails when a field containing Short data is encountered. This has been fixed. (1-4X10ZC) Using dynamic queues can slow performance. This has been fixed. (1-3IFDZN) When an exception is thrown by the external Arjuna transaction recovery service, it was not being propagated. This has been fixed. (1-3K7IPX) Validate was not finding some broken references. This has been fixed. (1-4JX99K, 1-4IQQYX) The Time To Live field for JMS activities is not able to be set below 1000. This has been fixed. (1-4E34IK) When the Get JMS queue Message activity is configured to use client acknowledge mode, the messages are not acknowledged properly. This has been fixed. (1-44TH6Y) The JMS Topic Subscriber activity was unable to receive hex binary data when an ActiveEnterprise schema was referenced in output editor. This has been fixed. (1-4926FP) When using TIBCO BusinessWorks to connect to a TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server using SSL, an exception occurs. This has been fixed. (1-4G87BR) Connecting to two different WebLogic (v 8.1) JMS servers with different credentials was not possible. This has been fixed. (1-2JV01Z) The JMS Reply activity slowed when many concurrent process instances executed it. This has been fixed. (1-2F5ALE) The long datatype was not handled properly. This has been fixed. (1-22VCFO, 1-26X39F) Activities in the JMS palette were discarding any attributes on the root element of incoming XML messages. This has been fixed. (1-21JZSR) Under some circumstances, an out of memory exception was raised when using the JMS Queue Requestor activity. This has been fixed. (1-2MPW19) JMS activities were not handling data of type long (i8). This has been fixed. The Suppress Local Messages field in the JMS Topic Subscriber and Wait for JMS Topic Message was not working properly. This has been fixed.

5.2.1 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.1.3

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
Closed in Release 5.1.3 5.1.3 Description of Fix JMS activities could not send and receive base64 encoded binary data bound to a field of type binary. This has been fixed. In the JMS Connection resource, if you placed a global variable inside a string (for example, t c p : / / % % J M S S e r v e r C o n f i g % % : 7 2 2 2 ), the global variable was not expanded properly and the connection could not be initiated. Boolean values within JMS messages were not handled properly. This has been fixed. A security context conflict has been resolved. This conflict occurs when: 5.1.3 5.1.3 BEA Weblogic Application Server is used Process definitions are deployed within the same process engine that use more than one user name to connect to the application server

5.1.3 5.1.3

Project validation failed and returned an error when required SSL values were not supplied and Use SSL is unchecked. This has been fixed. When an exception occurs on a JMS connection, the session was closed and messages could no longer be sent. The connection functionality has been enhanced to do more robust error checking, preserve connections, and resend failed messages when exceptions occur. Durable subscriptions were not created when specified on the JMS Topic Subscriber process starter. This has been fixed.

5.1.3 Mail Palette 5.4.0 5.4.0

The Send Mail activity now uses fully qualified domain names in the Received From mail header field. (1-7AH2B5, 1-7CMKO4) In previous releases, the Receive Mail activity did not handle incoming mime messages with mime types application/*, audio/*, video/*, or image/*. While fetching these types of emails, TIBCO BusinessWorks threw exceptions. You can fix this by setting the b w . p l u g i n . m a i l . r e c e i v e r H a n d l e D i s c r e t e T y p e s property to t r u e . See TIBCO BusinessWorks Administration for more information. (1-7U5YS2, 1-7T69CD) In previous releases, the Receive Mail activity was throwing exceptions when receiving email if the email was in rich text format and the first mime part contained nested mime sub parts. You can fix this by setting the b w . p l u g i n . m a i l . r e c e i v e r F l a t t e n N e s t e d A t t a c h m e n t s property to t r u e which flattens out the message structure so that all parts are siblings. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Administration for more information. (1-7U2HJ2, 1-7TV7Q1)


TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Closed Issues 97

Closed in Release 5.3.2 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0

Description of Fix When 'Provide Raw Message' field is checked in the Receive Mail process starter, close all File Input/Output Streams after downloading the mail. (1-72SJUQ, 1-7372QL) The multipart sub-type (in top-level Content-type) was ignored in the Send Mail activity. This has been fixed. (1-6B79JA) Addressed an issue in which exceptions are thrown in the Receive Mail activity. The exception occurred for emails with attachments. (1-6MGQ7T) Fixed an illegal argument exception that happened when a piece of email bounced because of an incorrect address. (1-6C2CQN, 1-6MF1XE) Addressed the problem where the Receive Mail process starter is ignoring the threshold value and always writes the message to a file when write to file is enabled. (1-65XFZH) Receive Mail was holding the contents of received mail in memory until the next polling interval because the confirm operation is performed at the beginning of the next polling interval. This unnecessarily holds memory when the polling interval is long. This has been fixed. (1-5KG2PR) Removed extra garbage collection from the Receive Mail activity for performance reasons. (1-5XQUI9) Performance of writing large received messages to file was slow. This has been improved. (1-5KG2Q6) For unavailable messages, Receive Mail was not retrying even when the retry count is set. This has been fixed. (1-5JXPD1) Fixed a problem in Receive Mail activity when the 'write to file' option is checked was still reading mail into memory and caused out of memory error. (1-5KG2PD) Using the write to file option on Receive Mail was causing the files to be locked until the engine shut down. This has been fixed. (1-5N8Y9H)


5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
Closed in Release 5.2.1 Description of Fix In some situations, a mail server may expose a new message to a Receive Mail process starter while it is still receiving the message, and later indicate the message is unavailable. The Receive Mail process starter attempts to receive the message during subsequent polls of the mail server. The custom engine property b w . p l u g i n . m a i l . r e c e i v e r R e t r y C o u n t is available for setting the number of times the process starter retries receiving the message. The amount of time the engine will attempt to receive the message is the value of this property multiplied by the polling interval. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Administration for more information about setting custom engine properties. (1-5822DL) Specifying Max Jobs (Flow Limit) during deployment caused the Receive Mail process starter to receive duplicate messages, under some circumstances. This has been fixed. (1-5AJMAP) The Mail Receiver process starter now downloads the whole message instead of using multiple POP3 commands to get the header and body separately. This should improve the performance of the Mail Receiver, especially when retrieving a large number of messages. (1-52N2V9) When a message is over the threshold specified on the Advanced tab of the Receive Mail process starter, the whole message is no longer loaded into memory before writing to disk. (1-49RL69) Activities in the Mail palette were not handling messages that used the m u l t i p a r t / m i x e d ; c h a r s e t = U T F - 1 6 L E encoding. This has been fixed. (1-3TRG4H) Attachments stored using an encoding different from the system default encoding are not handled properly when sending or receiving attachments. This has been fixed. (1-3QIT7H, 1-3Q45O2, 1-3Q45NP) Fixed the Receive Mail process starter to parse and provide correct output for EDI messages. (1-3PB93B, 1-3T9CNP) The POP3 provider bundled with TIBCO BusinessWorks loads the entire e-mail message in memory when it is received. This is a problem when dealing with large e-mails. When the Write to File field is enabled, the e-mail message is now stored in a file when the message size is greater than the specified threshold. (1-49RL69)




5.2.1 5.2.1

5.2.1 5.2.1

Manual Work Palette 5.2.0 The AssignTo input element was not overriding the Assign To field on the Configuration tab. This has been fixed. (1-1R20UH)

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Closed Issues 99

Closed in Release

Description of Fix

Policy Palette 5.4.0 5.3.3 5.3.2 Refresh issue when resetting the X509 Identity field for Outbound policy has been fixed. (1-6ZQ7GL) In previous releases, the SOAP Send Reply activity could not send an attachment when a WSS policy was in place. This has been fixed. (1-6Y6762) When switching the Security Token field on the Authentication or Integrity tabs from X509 to a UserNameToken, both the Apply and Reset button are greyed out. This has been fixed. (1-6WJL0H) References made by the resources in the Policy palette are not found when using the Resources > Find References menu item. This has been fixed. (1-6Z0SS1) Unrequested trace messages no longer display. (1-6TWM2I)

5.3.1 5.3.1

Parse Palette 5.4.0 5.4.0 5.3.3 The Parse Data activity no longer throws an ArrayIndexOutofBoundException when the data is longer than 1024. (1-70S50M) The Parse Data activity was locking the file and not permitting the file to be deleted in certain situations. This has been fixed. (1-7MSKNW, 1-7HE6TI) When using the Parse Data activity, the file remained open when reading parts of the file at a time. This made it impossible to delete or rename the file because the file was not closed. This has been fixed (1-737IO5). The file remains locked after being read by the Parse Data activity. This has been fixed. (1-6YKYJ3) The Parse Data activity's result cannot match the data format's XML schema. This has been fixed. (1-5PEQWE) Fixed a performance issue in the Parse Data activity. (1-6P70TN) When a required element is missing from a record, the data from the previous element is written to the missing required element. This has been fixed so that an exception is thrown when a missing required element is encountered. (1-51QAIT) When an optional integer element is missing from the input data, the Parse Data activity fails. This has been fixed. (1-5TIJ91)

5.3.1 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0


TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
Closed in Release 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 Description of Fix The Parse Data activity read the first batch of rows twice- when parsing from file and configured to read a specific number of rows. This has been fixed. (1-5WXZ4U) When parsing fixed width format, only the last field is allowed to be optional. This has been fixed. (1-3W76H2) Addressed an issue where the data to be parsed is in one long line. The property has been added for backward compatibility. If true, the line end is determined based on the line length. If false, any size line can be parsed. The default value of this property is true. (1-5TUNZQ)


5.2.1 5.2.1 5.2.1

Performance problem with Parse Data activity when parsing a large string has been fixed. (1-34MZ7R) Specifying \t as a column separator worked in Release 2.x but did not work in release 5.x. This has been fixed so that \t can be specified as a column separator. (1-427ZGV) When an XSD is referenced in a schema in a Data Format resource, the XSD was not properly placed into the EAR file and deployed projects experienced a null pointer exception. This has been fixed. (1-3Z260Z) Specifying the Line Separator in the Data Format Configuration tab did not work properly in release 5.1.3. This has been fixed. (1-1XPI4P) Empty fields in the data file were not property interpreted when the corresponding element is optional in the schema (for example, "foo,," is not interpreted as three elements, the second and third are optional, empty elements). This has been fixed. (1-2MYR48) When an XML Element was specified as part of a schema in a Data Format resource, the correct fields and offsets did not appear in the Field Offsets tab. This has been fixed. (1-2216LG) Specifying a space as the fill character for fixed format data causes an "S" to appear instead of spaces as the fill character. This has been fixed. (1-1XTB2Q) Migrating processes from 2.x to 5.x sometimes incorrectly set the Manually Specify Start record field in Parse Data activities. This caused different behavior in 5.x than the original 2.x project This has been fixed.

5.2.0 5.2.0


5.2.0 5.1.3

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Closed Issues 101

Closed in Release 5.1.3

Description of Fix In previous releases, parsing data using input from a file and looping to read small chunks of the file at a time (as recommended in the documentation for the Parse Data activity) caused a performance degradation with very large files. This has been fixed so that performance should improve when iteratively parsing sets of records in large files. Quoted column separators were not parsed correctly; column separators inside of quotes were treated as column separators instead of part of the column. This has been fixed. The Parse Data activity returned an error when attempting to parse multiple consecutive empty columns. This has been fixed.



Rendezvous Palette 5.3.3 5.3.2 5.3.0 5.3.0 An exception was thrown when publishing certified messages on a distributed queue and the subscriber has a pre-registered listener. This has been fixed (1-77DVAN). Type information for custom AE classes was not handled properly. This has been fixed. (1-6X9GVQ) In a certain scenario, the Send RV Request activity took the success transition even after erroring out with an invalid subject. This has been fixed. (1-67ANC7) The Publish RV Message activity set the encoding as UTF-8 when "XML Format" checkbox was checked, even though the project encoding was set to ISO8859-1. This has been fixed. (1-529MPO) Setting the Scheduler Weight field to 0 was permitted, but resulted in a runtime error. This is now caught and reported when the project is validated for deployment. (1-62U8JL) In certain situations, suspending a RVCMQ listener process can lead to a hung worker in case of a certified message or it can lead to a loss of a message in case of a reliable message. This has been fixed. (1-52TYEJ) The Send Rendezvous Request activity times out for one of the messages when multiple concurrent process instances are executing. This has been fixed. (1-3PH78S)



5.2.1 5.2.0

The Publish Rendezvous Message activity no longer throws any (1-1XY6HZ)

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
Closed in Release 5.2.0 Description of Fix The TIBCO Rendezvous rvd browser administration interface has a clients page that describes RV clients. Previously, RV clients created by TIBCO BusinessWorks did not have a description specified on this page. This has been fixed so that clients that TIBCO BusinessWorks create now have a description. For subscribers, the deserializer threw an exception in the case where input data received is opaque and the AE schema is attached to the subscriber with data-type specified as ae:binary. This has been fixed. (1-21IZ21) The ledger file for Rendezvous Subscriber process starters grew uncontrollably when receiving messages from Publish Rendezvous Message activities in other processes (when both publisher and subscriber are configured to use the RVCM transport). This has been fixed. There was an issue with publishers in 5.x projects and backwards compatibility. This has been fixed. When Distributed Queue is specified for the transport of a Rendezvous Subscriber or Wait for Rendezvous Message activity and Reply to Rendezvous Request activity is used to reply to an incoming request, the reply message was not sent. This has been fixed. Errors occurred when publishing a message containing a field named "body". Also, handling of the child "body" element in the reply message was incorrect. These issues have been fixed.



5.1.3 5.1.3


Service Palette 5.3.3 The Service resource throws an exception when incoming SOAP request has spaces in the SOAP body. This has been fixed (1-75RVWG).

SOAP Palette 5.4.0 The Retrieve Resources activity was not using the hostname or port specified on the Input tab as the concrete service endpoint in the returned WSDL. This has been fixed. (1-7KR0T3) Configuring SOAP activities to use the SSL Verify Host Name option was not working. This has been fixed. (1-79PJ6Z) In release 5.3.2, the Retrieve Resources activity did not properly return SOAP header definitions in the retrieved WSDL file. This has been fixed (1-76FWN2).

5.4.0 5.3.3

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Closed Issues 103

Closed in Release 5.3.2 5.3.2 5.3.2 5.3.2

Description of Fix Under some conditions, SOAP activities throw a Null Pointer exception. This has been fixed. (1-70AIQH) Message type is set to bytes as default regardless of type set in WSDL when using JMS transport for SOAP Request/Reply activity. This has been fixed. (1-6ZDVY7) Regardless of the WSDL, Retrieve Resource always sets the default body use to literal. This has been fixed. (1-6ZE0ID) An exception is thrown by the SOAP Request/Reply activity when the target namespace uses syntax such as u r n : u d d i - o r g : a p i _ v 3 _ b i n d i n g . This has been fixed. (1-6ZY510) Cannot invoke some web services deployed on Sun Java System Application Server, Platform Edition This has been fixed. (1-6ZC17J) SOAP reply message should have charset specified in content type in the HTTP header. (1-5LEOA8) Attachments to SOAP messages were not processed properly when the message was sent by way of an HTTP proxy server. This has been fixed. (1-2XQG3M) When using the JMS transport, a one-way request operation took the success transition, even if the JMS server was down. This has been fixed. (1-6QV9ZG.) The SOAP Request/Reply activity fails if one of the fields in the Soap Response has a value "CID". This has been fixed. (1-62HIZV) The SOAP Request Reply activity did not load the JNDI Properties specified in the JNDI Property table. This has been fixed. (1-3Q3ICT) In some cases, the SOAP activities were not releasing memory after the job completed. This has been fixed. (1-6N5O85) When using the JMS protocol, the SOAP Event Source threw an exception when an old or unrelated message from the JMS queue was received. This has been fixed. (1-3QMSKM) Fixed a memory leak. (1-6N5O85) The SOAP Request/Reply activity (using the JMS transport) took the success transition even when the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server was down. This has been fixed. (1-6P3WF0)

5.3.1 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0

5.3.0 5.3.0

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
Closed in Release 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.2.1 5.2.1 Description of Fix Retrieve Resource did not return the correct 'port' if 'host' name was overridden in the input of the activity. This has been fixed. (1-57WTIQ) In a very rare circumstances, SOAP over HTTP messages are dispatched to the wrong service. (1-5KZSR5) SOAP reply message should have charset specified in content type in the HTTP header. (1-5PNMXX) Errors were not thrown when an attachment did not exist or was not serialized properly. This has been fixed. (1-3NX7DH) Attachments stored using an encoding different from the system default encoding are not handled properly when sending or receiving attachments. This has been fixed. (1-3QIT7H, 1-3Q45O2, 1-3Q45NP) In release 5.1.3, the host name was returned in the SOAP Service Endpoint by the Retrieve Resources activity when the default hostname was not provided in the HTTP Connection resource. In release 5.2.0, "localhost" is returned instead. This has been fixed to maintain backward compatibility with previous releases. (1-4JJ3O3) The SOAP Event Source process starter builds the incorrect concrete WSDL when duplicate import statements are included. This has been fixed. (1-2IMCTX) When using the SOAP Request Reply activity, extraneous namespaces appear in the SOAP request. This has been fixed. (1-23SEEL) Connections are automatically closed after sending SOAP requests over the HTTP protocol in TIBCO BusinessWorks. This helps to ensure that connections are not held open longer than needed and the HTTP server does not reach its connection limit. (1-2UTW8) Encoded types should be nillable as there are no elements but only types used. (1-1VNA37) When a service name has a space (for example, "Process Definition"), SOAP clients did not work correctly with a SOAP server in a project migrated from release 2.x. This has been fixed. (1-23XIJ4) Performance of SOAP activities was not the same in release 5.1.2 as it was in previous releases. Performance of these activities has been improved in this release.


5.2.0 5.2.0 5.2.0

5.2.0 5.2.0


TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Closed Issues 105

Closed in Release 5.1.3

Description of Fix When sending a message to a .NET SOAP server, the server cannot read a message containing an array type if the array namespace and type are omitted from the message. In previous releases, you must workaround this problem by including the array type and namespace. As of this release, the namespace and type can be omitted and the .NET server will be able to properly read the message. Retrieve Resources was failing when multiple clients accessed the WSDL at the same time. This has been fixed. Corrected the handling of x s d : c h o i c e within a WSDL file. Improved support for load balancing of SOAP activities. The default SOAP fault message no longer throws an exception when the SOAP server attempts to deserialize the message. Sending or receiving a message with no input structure resulted in an error. This has been fixed. Mappings for the SOAP Request Reply activities did not always migrate properly. This has been fixed. Validate for Deployment displayed duplicate warning messages when the SOAP action is "" or """". This has been fixed. Migration of SOAP Faults and WSDL files from 2.0.x did not always work properly. This has been fixed.

5.1.3 5.1.3 5.1.3 5.1.3 5.1.3 5.1.3 5.1.3 5.1.3 TCP Palette 5.4.0 5.3.3 5.3.2 5.3.0 5.3.0

On Windows XP systems, even when the Bytes To Read field is set to a larger value, the Read TCP Data activity can only read up to 64KB. This has been fixed. (1-71UR60) When the TCP server is started and stopped more than once consecutively, an exception was thrown. This has been fixed (1-6RTSKX). The Read TCP Data activity now times out as specified. (1-71UR3N) Addressed an issue in the 'TCP read activity where some incoming data may be lost when too much data is coming through. (1-6OJLSZ) TCP Read (Text mode with String separator) was reading data in chunks and was not propagating the overflow data to subsequent TCP Read activities,- this was causing data loss. This has been fixed. (1-6MTCA2)

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
Closed in Release Description of Fix

Transaction Palette 5.4.0 When using the BEA WebLogic application server and JTA transactions, TIBCO BusinessWorks was incorrectly trying to reuse connections that the application server closed and an exception was thrown. This has been fixed so that TIBCO BusinessWorks now attempts to obtain a new connection from the pool. (1-7RAIHG, 1-7CGZCU) For JDBC DataDirect drivers (tibcosoftwareinc.jdbc.oracle.OracleDriver and tibcosoftwareinc.jdbc.sqlServer.SQLServerDriver), when JDBC activities are part of an XA transaction group and the network connection to the database is lost or the database is down during the second phase of the transaction commit operation (X A R e s o u r c e . c o m m i t ), the transaction recovery was not successful and the transaction outcome was not be atomic. This has been fixed. (1-3MC8E3)


Web Service Wizards 5.3.3 You can no longer use the process wizard on a WSDL in a project that has not been saved. The wizard now requires the project to be saved before the process can be created (1-70FHHY). The Web Service wizards now cannot be used on processes that are not able to become web services. For example, processes that use the Timer process starter cannot become web services. (1-709OOL) When generating a web service from a WSDL file, the fault message is not correctly represented by an error schema in the resulting process definition. This has been fixed. (1-6Z4KZ7) When creating any Service with more than one process, and each process has its own input and output XSD schema, the wizard sets same input and output schemas for all the processes. (1-6XVIHB) You can now create a service from a process definition that has spaces in its name. (1-6TJY1X). Process Definitions that only had a schema defined on the Start activity were not available to be wrapped in a service. This has been fixed. The service operation that is generated is one-way (that is, it only has an input schema specified). (1-709OQZ)




5.3.1 5.3.1

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Closed Issues 107

Closed in Release 5.3.1

Description of Fix Process Definitions with error schemas that were used to generate a Service Definition did not have the error schemas propagated to the wrapping service process definition or WSDL. This has been fixed. One issue here is that the wrapping process definition (that is, the one that is called by the service agent and does a call process of the user's process definition) only references the error schema in its end activity. You must still create a Generate Error activity, link it by way of an Error transition from the Call Process activity, and map the error schema values. When multiple errors can be thrown, you must use XPath expressions to cause the correct Generate Error to be executed. (1-70CT4J)

WSIL and UDDI Registry Browser in TIBCO Designer 5.3.2 5.3.2 5.3.1 5.3.1 5.3.1 Multi-byte characters are now permitted in service names when publishing services. (1-6VWTCB) Browsing a registry no longer requires first publishing to the registry (1-6ZVXBF). Looking up SAP and Microsoft UDDI registries, especially ones that contain UTF-16 characters, sometimes fail. This has been fixed. (1-6ZE0AB) The WSDL URL is now preferred over the endpoint URL in the WSDL or Access URL result column. (1-6ZY3LS, 1-6ZVALU, 1-6ZVXCI) Publishing a WSDL that uses the JMS protocol caused TIBCO BusinessWorks to hang. This has been fixed. (1-6ZVXDH)

WSDL Palette 5.4.0 Some problems were encountered when concrete WSDLs were generated from abstract WSDLs (for example, when the Retrieve Resources activity generates a concrete WSDL) when the same namespace was used by multiple schemas. This has been fixed. (1-7RMRWV) When a WSDL file uses an include statement to include an XSD, the XSD was not added to the EAR file when creating the archive. This has been fixed (1-6Y694H). wsdl:fault/@name in the bindings now matches wsdl:fault/@name in the abstract operation definition. (1-6MV5O2) If you move a WSDL resource to another location, mappings that use the WSDL file are marked as errors, but the reference is resolved properly at runtime. This has been fixed so that mapping references are resolved without reporting errors.

5.3.3 5.3.0 5.1.3

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
Closed in Release Description of Fix

XML Activities Palette 5.4.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.2.1 5.2.1 5.1.3 5.1.3 In certain situations, the XML Transform activity produced incorrect output in some fields. This has been fixed. (1-7UM0UL) Wildcards in the root cause a ClassCastException when selecting the XML Parse activity. This has been fixed. (1-4BL1EI) Import statements with relative paths were not working properly in the Transform XML activity. This has been fixed. (1-6AQPN6) When the root tag is nested and the XML Renderer is configured to binary output, the output is not correctly generated. This has been fixed. (1-22X6VE) Fixed the OutOfMemoryError when parsing a large XML file in the Parse Data Activity. (1-4MJEJA) In previous versions, the Render XML activity sometimes replaced namespace prefixes with new prefixes (for example, ns0, ns1, and so on). This has been fixed. If parsed data is invalid, the errors sometimes persist to the next process instance even if the new data is valid. This has been fixed.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Internationalization 109

For this release of TIBCO BusinessWorks, the only platform on which internationalization features have been tested is Japanese Windows 2000. Also, integration tests have not yet been performed, so internationalization features have only been tested for TIBCO BusinessWorks as a standalone product.

TIBCO Messaging Encoding

Starting with the 5.0.1 release, only Multi-File projects are allowed. In the project creation panel, users are given the options to choose the encoding for the project (either ISO8859-1 or UTF-8). This encoding is not the persistent storage encoding of the project (that is always UTF-8), but is the TIBCO Messaging Encoding used for the communication between TIBCO product components. The communication channel can be either TIBCO Rendezvous or TIBCO Enterprise for JMS. This TIBCO Messaging Encoding value can be set during the creation of a new project. Once a project is created, you can change the encoding value by selecting the root node in project tree. Then select the "Project Settings" tab in Configuration Window. If you are familiar with TIBCO BusinessWorks Release 2.x, you can view this project encoding value as the equivalent of the encoding value configured using Repository Finder for Local Repository projects. XML Messages using JMS or AE/RV Wireformats The current release only supports UTF-8 encoding for XML messages. XML messages are configured in the following ways: TIBCO ActiveEnterprise activities can send or receive messages using AE XML wireformat. TIBCO ActiveEnterprise activities can use JMS as a transport, and this transport uses XML messages. TIBCO Rendezvous activities can specify that messages are RV XML format.

Non-ASCII data in XML messages using Latin-1 encoding is not properly handled. Therefore, if you choose to use an XML format, you must use UTF-8 as the message encoding. This will be fixed in a future release.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
Usage Notes
Double-Byte Characters in Filenames Double-byte filenames can be used in filenames within activities (for text, binary, or XML or XDS files). However, project names cannot contain double-byte characters. Double-Byte Characters in XPath Expressions The TIBCO Designer GUI allows you to use XPath expressions in many locations (process parameters, return values, conditions in conditional transitions, and so on). Double-byte characters are supported in all these locations. TIBCO Designer Display Font In the TIBCO Designer Edit > Preferences > View tab, there are two kinds of fonts, UI Font type and Script Font type. Script Font type is used for display characters in the XPath Formula Editor and UI Font Type is used to display characters in other locations. If double-byte characters are displayed as rectangles, choose an appropriate font in the preferences dialog, then exit and re-open TIBCO Designer for the change to take effect. ActiveEnterprise Adapter Palette Through activities in this palette, TIBCO BusinessWorks can communicate with TIBCO adapters by way of different wire formats. All wire formats support transmitting non-ASCII data. The wireformat character encoding is determined by the TIBCO Messaging Encoding settings described in TIBCO Messaging Encoding on page 109. EJB Palette Non-ASCII data can be used as the EJB Remote call's parameters and return values for both stateful and stateless session beans. The internationalization test of EJB is only conducted against BEA Weblogic 8.1 application server.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Internationalization 111

File Palette In the File Poller and Wait for File Change activities, if the value for the Content as: field is text, the user can now select the encoding in the Encoding field. This encoding value is used to read the file contents. The Output tab will then show the encoding for the file contents in the encoding subelement of the fileContent element. In the Read File and Write File activities, for text files the encoding to read/write the file can be specified in the Input tab in the optional Encoding field. The Output tab will then show the encoding for the file contents in encoding subelement of the fileContent element. In JDK 1.3.1, Shift_JIS encoding is closer to MS932 encoding because it covers more special Japanese characters that are present in MS932. In JDK 1.4.1, Shift_JIS encoding is closer to SJIS because it no longer covers the special Japanese characters that are present in MS932. FTP Palette FTP palette now support files with both non-ASCII contents and filenames to be transmitted to and from a remote FTP server. Currently, internationalization features are tested only on UNIX-based FTP servers. FTP Put activity this activity allows you to transmit files with non-ASCII data to an FTP server using non-binary mode. The source data could be retrieved from a file on disk or from process data. If the source data is from process data, you must specify the encoding for the remote file because the source data is always in Unicode, or the local system's default encoding is used for the remote file. Line endings on different operating systems are handled properly and automatically. FTP Get activity this activity allows you to retrieve files with non-ASCII content from an FTP server using non-binary mode. The retrieved data could be written to a file on disk or to process data. In the later case, you must specify the encoding of the original file on the server so the activity can perform the conversion from the original encoding to Unicode. Line endings on different operating systems are handled properly and automatically. The activities of the FTP palette can support file names on the remote FTP server that use a different encoding than the local machine. When this is the case, the Remote File Name Encoding field in the FTP Connection must be configured properly.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
HTTP Palette The activities in the HTTP palette now support non-ASCII data in both GET and POST requests. Depending upon the configuration of the HTTP Request side, the encoding scheme of both a GET and POST request could be normally encoded or URL-encoded (defined in the W3C: Character Model for WWW 1.0). The HTTP Receiver side must be configured accordingly to accommodate these different encoding schemes. Known Issues: HTTP Receiver If the inbound HTTP POST request is URL-encoded and it contains non-ASCII data, and the HTTP Receivers "Parse Post Data Method" field is unchecked, the Output "PostData" element will contain garbage data. Workaround: Check the "Parse Post Data Method" checkbox and specify output parameters for the parameters of the HTTP request. This allows the HTTP Receiver to properly parse the inbound URL-encoded data. The "PostData" element also returns the correctly decoded request. HTTP Receiver If the inbound HTTP GET request is URL-encoded and it contains non-ASCII data, and the HTTP Receivers "Parse Post Data Method" field is unchecked, the Output "QueryString" element will contain garbage data. Workaround: Specify output parameters for the parameters of the HTTP request. This allows the HTTP Receiver to properly parse the inbound URL-encoded data. HTTP Receiver The process starter will not be able to receive and decode a request submitted by a browser (for example, Internet Explorer or Netscape) correctly if the request contains any non-Latin1 data. This is because the current implementations of the major Internet browsers do no include a Content-Type header in the outbound request. Thus, the HTTP Receiver always uses ISO8859-1 (Latin-1) encoding to decode the inbound request. Workaround: Workaround is available from TIBCO Support.

Java Code Activity Hard-coded, double-byte data is now allowed in Java source code. Also, most Java locale-sensitive classes and methods are supported. JDBC Palette JDBC Query and JDBC Update now support double-byte data in table names, column names, and column values.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Internationalization 113

JDBC internationalization testing is only conducted against the Oracle 8.1.7 server. The server instance character sets that have been tested against include JA16SJIS, ECUJP, and UTF8. Both Oracle thin JDBC driver and DataDirect Oracle JDBC driver are tested. Known Issues: The t i b c o s o f t w a r e i n c . j d b c . o r a c l e . O r a c l e D r i v e r (the DataDirect Oracle JDBC driver) has problems under some circumstances. For example, if the database's encoding is EUC-JP, ASCII and non-ASCII data cannot be inserted correctly.

JMS Palette This release of TIBCO BusinessWorks was tested only using the TIBCO Enterprise for JMS Server 3.1.0. The TIBCO Enterprise for JMS server does not support double-byte topic or queue names. Mail Palette Mail Activities now support attachments that use CJK encoding. RV Palette RV activities now use the TIBCO Messaging Encoding as the wire encoding. You have to set the TIBCO Messaging Encoding to UTF-8 when you create a new project if you want to send/receive CJK characters using RV palette activities. The default project encoding value is ISO8859-1 that only supports Western Europeans characters including English. Please refer to TIBCO Messaging Encoding on page 109. SOAP Palette The activities of this palette allow you to send and receive non-ASCII data in SOAP messages using UTF-8 encoding in document mode and RPC mode for both Literal and SOAP-Encoded message styles. The message character encoding is transparent, you do not need to configure the activities to obtain this functionality. XML Activities Palette XML Parse and XML Render activities now support XML files encoded in any IANA-compliant encodings.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


| Release Notes
Due to changes from JDK 1.3.1 to JDK 1.4.x, a shift_jis encoded XML file that contains special Japanese characters is handled differently by the Parse XML and Render XML activities. In TIBCO BusinessWorks Release 5.1.3 with JDK 1.4.x, when you parse shift_jis encoded XML files you should set Parse XML's forceEncoding value to MS932 or Windows-31J for binary mode, so that special Japanese characters can be parsed correctly. To render a shift_jis encoded XML file that contains special Japanese characters, you should use text mode in the Render XML activity. Then you can map the output xmlString from Render XML to a Write File activity with encoding value set to MS932 or Windows-31J.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

Using Non-Default TIBCO Rendezvous Parameters 115

Using Non-Default TIBCO Rendezvous Parameters

When you install TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.3, you can specify non-default TIBCO Rendezvous parameters for the TIBCO administration domain during installation. If you keep the default parameters, already installed adapter can join the TIBCO Administration Domain with no problems because both TIBCO Administrator and the adapter will then use the default TIBCO Rendezvous parameters. If you change the TIBCO Rendezvous parameters, you can use TIBCO BusinessWorks standalone with the new settings. Any adapters you install afterwards on the same machine will use the same settings.

If adapters need to join an administration domain using non-default TIBCO Rendezvous parameters, it is recommended you proceed as follows: 1. Install TIBCO Administrator and the adapter using the default TIBCO Rendezvous parameters. 2. Using the domain utility, change the TIBCO Rendezvous parameters for TIBCO Administrator to the desired settings. 3. Using the domain utility, change the TIBCO Rendezvous parameters for the adapter to the desired settings.

The domain utility and associated documentation is available in the folder.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes


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TIBCO BusinessWorks Release Notes

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