2202syllabus Fall2017 PDF
2202syllabus Fall2017 PDF
2202syllabus Fall2017 PDF
Course: ECE 2202 Class Numbers 24266 and 24267, 1:00 – 2:30 pm TuTh, CBB 122
Instructor: Dr. Dave Shattuck, Email: [email protected]
Office: N336 Engineering Bldg. 1 (D); Phone: (713) 743-4422;
Cell Phone: (713) 498-6888
Office Hours: TuTh 10AM-Noon, or by appointment
Course: ECE 2202 Class Numbers 24268 and 24271, 4:00 – 5:30 pm TuTh, CBB 122
Instructor: Dr. Dave Shattuck, Email: [email protected]
Office: N336 Engineering Bldg. 1 (D); Phone: (713) 743-4422;
Cell Phone: (713) 498-6888
Office Hours: TuTh 10AM-Noon, or by appointment
Required Text
You should acquire a legal copy of any edition of "Electric Circuits" from Nilsson & Riedel. There
will be regular reading assignments from the textbook.
ECE 2201 – Circuit Analysis I
Catalog Description
Circuit Analysis II. Cr. 2 (1-3). Prerequisites: ECE 2201. Analysis of electric circuits, including
inductors, capacitors, and first order circuits; sinusoidal analysis.
Course Topics
• Thévenin’s and Norton’s Theorems
• Inductors and Capacitors
• First Order Response
• Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis (Phasors)
• Complex Power
Circuit Analysis is designed to introduce you to fundamental concepts in circuit analysis and, more
generally, in electrical engineering. Since you will be using these ideas in all aspects of your career
as an electrical engineer, both in the classroom and in the workplace, it is important that you learn
the conceptual framework presented in Circuit Analysis as thoroughly as possible.
Note that there is a corresponding laboratory course, which is Circuit Analysis Laboratory, ECE
2100. This is a separate course that involves construction and measurement of circuits in the
Electronics laboratory. You may take ECE 2100 at the same time that you take ECE 2202. Your
ECE 2100 instructor will give you information regarding that course.
Fall Semester, 2017 – ECE 2202
There will be regular homework assignments. Homework assignments will not be assigned from the
textbook. Since doing homework is important, we will be collecting and grading it. The instructors
believe that it is beneficial for students to work together on the homework, in a constructive
manner. Some students may be tempted to copy their homework from a fellow student, which
obviously defeats the purpose of doing homework. At the end of the semester, the grades you
obtained on your homework assignments will count a few percent toward your final average. We
will make the final determination of exactly how much they count at the end of the semester.
However, it is important for you to understand that you cannot pass the course on the basis of
homework assignments. Our experience is that if you are copying the homework, or simply not
doing it, you will not do well on the exams and quizzes. Since the exams and quizzes will count far
more than the homework assignments, the homework grade cannot raise your average sufficiently
for you to pass the course.
Fall Semester, 2017 – ECE 2202
Attendance at all classes is expected and required. The instructor may, if he/she chooses, take
attendance in any class, at any time during the class. The instructor may do this as many times per
class period as he chooses, without warning. The attendance grade can be included in the grade for
the course.
A comprehensive final exam will be given on Wednesday, December 6, 2017, at 11AM. If you
have a conflict with any exam time, you must notify your instructor in writing during the first week
of classes.
Six in-class quizzes will also be given during the semester. They will typically last 20 to 30
minutes. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped from the average. The quizzes may be based on
the homework problems, but will not be identical to them. In addition to the announced quizzes,
there might be unannounced pop-quizzes based on that day's reading assignment.
Conduct of Examinations
Exams and quizzes are closed book, closed notes, unless otherwise announced. A one-page crib
sheet, using both sides of an 8.5” by 11” sheet of paper, will be allowed for each of the exams. Note
that the number of crib sheets will not increase during the semester. You may bring any calculator
to the exams and quizzes. No makeup examinations will be given. If you have a medical
emergency you should call your instructor as soon as possible, preferably before the
examination. Medical documentation will be required in all such cases.
The following items are not permitted during the exams: laptop computers; connections to the
internet of any kind; communications devices of any kind. For this course, a TI-nspire or equivalent
device is considered a calculator, and is therefore permitted. All work must be done on the
examination forms provided for that purpose.
The Saturday morning exams and the final exam will be held in large rooms. The seats may be
randomly assigned, and there might be people from other courses taking exams in the same room at
the same time. There may be more than one version of the exam given. These regulations are
designed to reduce the opportunity for unfair advantage on the exams so that each person can
operate under the same or similar conditions.
Fall Semester, 2017 – ECE 2202
Grading Policy
Grades will be determined on the basis of exams, quizzes, attendance, and submitted homework
grades with the following approximate weights. The actual weights will be fixed at the end of the
Quizzes 10-15%
Homework 3-10%
Exam 1 15-25%
Exam 2 15-25%
Final Exam: 40-50%
90 - 100: A's 78 - 89.99: B's 66 - 77.99: C's 54 - 65.99: D's below 54: F
Grade Posting
You may find out your grade in the course on-line using PeopleSoft. Normally, the grades are
available about one week after the final exam. The instructor is not allowed to give out grades over
the phone or by email. During the semester, grades will be posted on Blackboard in a secure
manner, i.e., so that only you will have access to your grades. Final grades will also be posted on
Blackboard at the end of the semester; however, the official grade reporting is done on PeopleSoft,
not Blackboard.
Withdrawal Policy
The withdrawal dates listed in the Academic Calendar,
will be followed strictly. Grades of Incomplete (I) will be given only when a small portion of the
course has not been completed for a good reason. If the material has been completed, an “I” grade
cannot be given. Detailed information about these issues is available in the University Catalog, at
http://publications.uh.edu/content.php?catoid=6&navoid=1077 .
Fall Semester, 2017 – ECE 2202
Signature: _________________________________________
Date: ____________________________________________