Purchase Order
Purchase Order
Purchase Order
Purchasing refers to a business or organization attempting to acquiring goods or services to accomplish the goals of its enterprise. Though there are several organizations that attempt to set standards in the purchasing process, processes can vary greatly between organizations. Typically the word purchasing is not used interchangeably with the word procurement, since procurement typically includes Expediting, Supplier Quality, and Traffic and Logistics (T&L) in addition to Purchasing.
Pages Included:
Purchase Order Goods Inward Note Receipt Note Purchase Invoice Purchase Returns Purchase Order Cancel Stock Transfer In Indent Indent Cancellation
Page Name: Purchase Order Description: A Purchase Order (PO) comes from a business to a
vendor and it represents the internal corporate goods or service requests. Actually PO is a written sales contract between buyer and seller detailing the exact merchandise or services to be rendered from a single vendor. It will specify payment terms, delivery dates, item identification, quantities, shipping terms and all other obligations and conditions.
Table Name: po_tbl Tables Included: Distributor, ItemPropertySetting, Indent Table Definition: Process: A Purchase Order (PO) comes from a business to a vendor
and it represents the internal corporate goods or service requests. To create a Purchase Order, We need to undergo certain process. Those are: 1. Go to Purchase Purchase Order. 2. Choose Branch Name from drop down list. 3. Choose Distributor/Supplier to buy goods by Mouse click from the Distributor text box. If none of the distributors were listed you can add new Distributor. 4. Select Distributor from the list by mouse click on the required Distributor Name. 5. Provide Cash Discount Percentage. 6. Choose Items by mouse click on text box beneath code. 7. Choose Items from list of Items displayed. 8. Enter its corresponding quantity for that particular item. 9. Once the Order is completed, click on the Save Button displayed at the footer section.
10. Wait until you obtain a screen displaying a message like E.g., Purchase Order is saved with [no]. Click on OK. You can even view a saved Purchase Order by clicking on View button. By clicking on Load Indent button, you can even convert an Indent to Purchase Order. By selecting a record from Indent, just save it. You will have a message displayed like Purchase order saved with [id].
Page Name: Goods Inward Note (GIN) Description: Goods Inward Note involves checking codes to make sure
that current goods have been delivered. Its an essential part of retail and requires accurate reading and recording skills before payment mode we can compare the gin with PO transaction.
Table Name: gin_tbl Tables Included: Distributor, ItemPropertySetting, po_tbl Table Definition: Process: A Goods Inward Note comes from a business to a vendor and
it represents the internal corporate goods or service requests. To create a Goods Inward Note, We need to undergo certain process. Those are: 1. Go to Purchase Goods Inward Note. 2. Choose Branch Name from drop down list. 3. Choose Distributor/Supplier to buy goods by Mouse click from the Distributor text box. If none of the distributors were listed you can add new Distributor. 4. Select Distributor from the list by mouse click on the required Distributor Name.
5. Enter any PO No, Inv No, Inv amt. 6. Provide Cash Discount Percentage. 7. Enter tax, freight, round off amount. 8. Choose Items by mouse click on text box beneath code. 9. Choose Items from list of Items displayed. 10. Enter its corresponding quantity for that particular item. 11. Enter the first Disc%. 12. Once the GIN is completed, click on the Save Button displayed at the footer section. 13. Wait until you obtain a screen displaying a message like E.g., Goods Inward Note is saved with [no]. Click on OK. You can even view a saved Goods Inward Note by clicking on View button. By clicking on Load PO button, you can even convert a saved Purchase Order to Goods Inward Note. By selecting a record from PO, just save it. You will have a message displayed like Goods Inward Note saved with [id].
Page Name: Receipt Note (RN) Description: Receipt Note is a document which is used record inward
entry of goods received at organisation premises .document normally consist of quantity, received, rejected, accepted supplier name and PO no practice preparing of RN is important. Proper inventory control restricts the unwanted and unauthorized entry goods into the organisation. RN is part of effective inventory control management.
Table Name: rn_tbl Tables Included: Distributor, ItemPropertySetting, po_tbl, gin_tbl Table Definition:
Page Name: Purchase Invoice (PI) Description: A commercial document presented to a buyer by a seller
service that indicates what has been purchased .In amount for price a purchase invoice can be use prove that something was bought and how much paid for it.
Table Name: pi_tbl Tables Included: Distributor, ItemPropertySetting, po_tbl, rn_tbl Table Definition: Process:
To create a PI, We need to undergo certain process. Those are: 1. Go to Purchase Purchase Invoice. 2. Choose Branch Name from drop down list. 3. Choose Distributor/Supplier to buy goods by Mouse click from the Distributor text box. If none of the distributors were listed you can add new Distributor. 4. Select Distributor from the list by mouse click on the required Distributor Name. 5. Enter any PO No, Inv No, Inv amt. 6. Provide Cash Discount Percentage. 7. Enter tax, freight, round off amount. 8. Choose Items by mouse click on text box beneath code. 9. Choose Items from list of Items displayed. 10. Enter its corresponding quantity for that particular item. 11. Enter the first Disc%.
12. Once the PI is completed, click on the Save Button displayed at the footer section. 13. Wait until you obtain a screen displaying a message like E.g., Purchase Invoice is saved with [no]. Click on OK. You can even view a saved Purchase Invoice by clicking on View button. By clicking on Load PO button, you can even convert a saved Purchase Order to Purchase Invoice. By selecting a record from PO, just save it. You will have a message displayed like Purchase Invoice saved with [id]. By clicking on Load RN button, you can even convert a saved Receipt Note to Purchase Invoice. By selecting a record from RN, just save it. You will have a message displayed like Purchase Invoice saved with [id].
Page Name: Purchase Returns (PR) Description: Buyer of merchandise, inventory fixed, assets, by other
items return these goods to seller, when we do purchase return, stock get declare from the inventory. Source of PR: 1. Creditor may have sent size or color. 2. Buyer may order too many products and needs to return portion of them. 3. Buyer may have ordered the wrong product and need to return it .and recorder the current products. 4. Not the requirement for which buyer purchased. 5. If buyer acquires wrong goods.
Table Name: pr_tbl Tables Included: Distributor, ItemPropertySetting Table Definition: Process:
To create a PR, We need to undergo certain process. Those are: 1. Go to Purchase Purchase Returns. 2. Choose Branch Name from drop down list. 3. Choose Distributor/Supplier to buy goods by Mouse click from the Distributor text box. If none of the distributors were listed you can add new Distributor. 4. Select Distributor from the list by mouse click on the required Distributor Name. 5. Enter any Reference No, Return mode. 6. Provide Cash Discount Percentage. 7. Enter tax, freight, round off amount. 8. Choose Items by mouse click on text box beneath code. 9. Choose Items from list of Items displayed. 10. Enter its corresponding quantity for that particular item. 11. Enter the first Disc%. 12. Once the PR is completed, click on the Save Button displayed at the footer section. 13. Wait until you obtain a screen displaying a message like E.g., Purchase Return is saved with [no]. Click on OK. You can even view a saved Purchase Return by clicking on View button.
Page Name: Stock Transfer In Description: If a customer needs an item in which is not available in
current store but it is available in other store in our n/w, its necessary to transfer. Out of the particular item, from the other location and it needs to be transfer in current location.
Table Name: StockTransferIn_tbl Tables Included: Branch, ItemPropertySetting Table Definition: Process:
To create a STI, We need to undergo certain process. Those are: 1. Go to Purchase Stock Transfer In. 2. Choose Branch Name from drop down list. 3. Choose Branch from list of branches. 4. Provide Branch TO No. 5. Choose Items by mouse click on text box beneath code. 6. Choose Items from list of Items displayed. 7. Enter its corresponding quantity for that particular item. 8. Once the Stock is completed, click on the Save Button displayed at the footer section. Wait until you obtain a screen displaying a message like E.g., STI is saved with [no]. Click on OK.
Table Name: Indent Tables Included: Branch, ItemPropertySetting Table Definition: Process:
To create a STI, We need to undergo certain process. Those are: 1. Go to Purchase Indent. 2. Choose Branch Name from drop down list. 3. Choose Branch from list of branches. 4. Choose Items by mouse click on text box beneath code. 5. Choose Items from list of Items displayed. 6. Enter its corresponding quantity, stock for that particular item. 7. Once the Indent is completed, click on the Save Button displayed at the footer section. Wait until you obtain a screen displaying a message like E.g., Indent is saved with [no]. Click on OK. Indent: Stock Transfer In: If a customer needs a item in which is not availabel in current store but it is availabel in other store in our n/w.,it s necessary to transfer.out the particuler item from the other location and it needs to be transfer in current location.
C-Form Issues: Form C is a security printed form and is issued by the state sales tax/vat/commercial tax department to aregistered dealer who makes inter state purchase of goods mentiond in the registration certificate.This form is devoide into a three portions marked original,duplicate and counter foil. single form can be cover the transactions of sales made in between same dealers during the period of one qureter of a finantial year.