Principles of Operating Systems

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International Technology University CEN 959 Principles of Operating Systems Course Syllabus Course Description This course will

cover the basic principles of operating system design and implementation. Concurrent processes, inter-process communication, job and process scheduling; deadlock. Issues in memory management (virtual memory, segmentation, and paging) and auxiliary storage management (file systems, directory structuring, and protection mechanisms). Course Objectives Upon completion of this course the student will: The student will be able to describe various operating system concepts as they are applied to memory, process, filesystem and I/O device management The student will be able to describe how the concepts covered in the course are implemented in some open source operating systems such as Linux. The student will be able to design and implement the concepts covered in the course in either an existing open source operating system or an operating system simulation. Understand the concepts that underlie Operating Systems (what is an Operating System, what it does how it is designed and constructed). Discuss the algorithms and techniques used in Operating Systems (e.g. scheduling, synchronization, file system organization, virtual memory, etc.). Dispel the impression that an Operating System is something special, and understand that the OS is a software system sharing many common characteristics with the other applications that we are more familiar with.

Required Materials Silberschatz, Galvin. Operating Systems Concepts. John Wiley & Sons. Grading Programming Assignments 50% You will be assigned 5 programming assignments throughout the quarter. Each assignment will be worth 10% of your course grade. Late programming assignments will not be accepted. 25% There will be one comprehensive final exam, which will count for 25% of your course grade. A review sheet will be provided. 25% Course Student Learning Objective Essay

Final Exam


Academic Dishonesty Your assignments should be done without consultation with other students (or the Internet) and you should not share your work with others. Any assignment submitted that is essentially the same as someone elses will not receive credit.

Grading Formula

A AB+ B B-

95 100 90 94 87 89 83 86 80 82


77 79 73 76 70 72 60 69 59 or <

Course Schedule and Assignment Due Dates

Week 1 and 2 3 and 4 5 6 7 and 8 9

Topic Preliminaries, Introduction and Overview, Operating Systems Structures Process Management: Processes and Threads CPU Scheduling Process Synchronization, Deadlocks Memory Management: Main Memory, Virtual Memory Storage Management: File-System Interface, File-System Implementation, Mass-Storage Structure, I/O Systems. Storage Management: File-System Interface, File-System Implementation, Mass-Storage Structure, I/O Systems. Protection and Security Distributed Systems, Special Purpose Systems Final Exam Review Final Exam


Program 1 Due

Program 2 Due

Program 3 Due

10 11 12 and 13 14 15

Program 4 Due

Program 5 Due Final Exam in class CSLO Due

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