Imr504 Chapter 2 Mind Maps

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Policy files

1. Decimal System
Operational/Subject/Functional Files
2. Multi-part System
2.1 Types of files 2.8. Types of 3. Alphanumerical System
Administrative/Housekeeping Files Coding System 4. Running number System
5. Block Number System
6. Keyword Code System
Case Files

1. Simple Classification System

2. Functional/Activity Based Classification System
2.7. Types of Filing 3. Hierarchical Classification System
System 4. Organizational Structure Based Classification System
Primary level - each of the specific 5. Keyword Code Classification System
functions and broad areas of the 6. Alphabetical Classification System
organisation should be part of a separate
series. 2.2. Arranging Files within
Series - Should be simple
Lower level - each precise subject addressed
in carrying out the function or activity 1. Should support business/organisational requirements
2.6. Requirements
should be part of a separate file. 2. Should be easy to understand, use and maintain
of a File 3. Should be precise
Classification 4. Should be complete and comprehensive
Definition - -The process of identifying and 5. Should be backed up by a procedures manual and training materials.
arranging records and archives in 6. Should be easily automated
categories according
to logically structured conventions,
methods and procedural rules represented
in a classification system. 2.3. Classification CHAPTER 2
MANAGING FILES Choosing the right filing system depend on the
following factors:
1. the size and complexity of the organisation
Indexing - The process of establishing and
2. the range of its business
applying terms as
access points to records. 2.5. Factors 3. the quantity of files and other records
4. the presence of case files
considered in
5. the rate of creation of new files and records
choosing the right 6. the cost of installing and maintaining the system
filing system 7. the ease or difficulty with which the files and records can be
Definition - A representation of a classification
organised into mutually exclusive categories reflecting specific
scheme, in letters and/or numbers and in accordance
functions and activities
with a pre-established set of rules
8. the training required to operate and sustain the system
9. the skills level of the records staff.

It should be as simple as possible.

It should provide a self-evident

order: that is, the arrangement of
items within the system should be
logical and predictable.
2.4. Coding System
It should be unambiguous in form
or format: for example, there
should be no choice about upper or
Main features
lower case letters or the presence
or absence of an element

Its elements should be clearly

distinguishable from each other:
for example AB/45/89/01.

It must generate unique reference

numbers for each item to be

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