Syllabus - Operating Systems
Syllabus - Operating Systems
Syllabus - Operating Systems
Operating Systems
Course Description
Operating system is the software that supports a computer's basic functions, such as scheduling
tasks, executing applications, and controlling peripherals.
Learning Outcomes
Learners completing this course will be able to:
Course Structure
After reviewing the course materials for these objectives, you will have the opportunity to take
ungraded practice quizzes. This is to make sure you have mastered the learning objectives.
Once you have mastered all of the course learning objectives, you will be prepared to take the
Final Exam. After passing the final exam with an 80% or better, you would have completed
CSE 330: Operating Systems prerequisite for ASU's Master of Computer Science degree.
Course Materials
You do not need to purchase materials for this course. If you would like an additional resource,
a textbook is suggested called Operating System Concepts, Silberschatz, Gagne, Galvin. [An
older version of the textbook would work; you do not need the latest version.]
● Module 1 (2 hours)
● Module 2 (3 hours)
● Module 3 (2 hours)
● Module 4 (3 hours)
● 90 min for Final Exam
Time estimates are based on content provided in the course; additional readings outside the
course have not been factored in these time estimates.
Grade Scale
You will need to pass the final exam with an 70% or better, and successfully pass proctoring
requirements for the final exam.
Course Completion
Final Exam Proctoring Setup
Final Exam