STRATEGIC PLAN 2012-2014: National Disability Resource and Advocacy Centre

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Addressing disability is a significant part of reducing poverty. Bringing disabled people out of the corners and back alleys of society, empowering them to thrive in the bustling centre of national life, will do much to improve the lives of many from among the poorest around the world James D. Wolfensohn.



For a compassionate, rights based, barrier-free and inclusive society, where rights of persons with disabilities are recognized and protected, and encouraging equal participation among pwds in developing Papua New Guinea

Table of Contents
Contents Page

Table of Contents....2-3
Acronyms/Abbreviations.....4 Executive Summary.5 Background.6 Vision....6

Mission...7 Values/Principles..7 Organizational Overview..7-8 Rationale for NDRAC Advocacy on Disability Rights Issues in PNG..8-9 Partner Organizations....9-10 Overview of Strategic Plan Development....10 NDRAC Plan focus/Scope and Strategic Objectives...10 Strategic Objective # 1: Coordinate, Advocate and promote Awareness.....................10 To coordinate,advocate and promote awareness on disability as a mainstream development issue Strategic Objective # 2: Enhance Networking....11 -Promoting and strengthen partnership between government, NGOs, DPOs, organizations for/of or with -PWDs, churches and media at National, sub-national and international levels Strategic Objective # 3: Building Capabilities and Confidence of Persons with disabilities by the end of 2014..11 -To increase self confidence, self-esteem and encourage participation of pwds in political and social life in the community and country and not leaving them as development misfits Strategic Objective # 4: To Act as a focal point for disability information by the end of 2014..11 -To act as an information focal point in PNG and continue disseminating disability rights information defending the rights of persons with disabilities in PNG and South Pacific Strategic Objective # 5: To strengthen NDRAC internal resources.11 -To strengthen professional skills and capacity and equip NDRAC in order that it may effectively and efficiently implement the strategic plan and its administration and functions OBJECTIVES, ACTIVITIES AND OUTCOMES...............................................................12-14

Year 2 & 3 Prioritized Programme: 2013-2014........15-16

Acronyms/Abbreviations used
ADDC APCD BMF CSHC CBO DFCD DPO DWU MDG MPAC NBC NBDP Australian Disability Development Consortium Asia-Pacific Development Centre on Disability-a collaboration between government of Japan and Thailand to increase coordination and corporation to build capacities of DPOs Biwako Millennium Framework for Action Creative Self Help Centre- a disability service provider and resource centre based in Madang Community Based Organisation Department for Community Development Disabled Persons Organizations-refers to organizations that are established, governed or managed by people with disabilities. Divine Word University Millennium Development Goals Madang Provincial AIDS Council National Broadcasting Commission

National Board for Disable People-an umbrella organization coordinating all service providers of disability in PNG. NDRAC National Disability Resource and Advocacy Centre NGO NSO PDF PNG PNGADP PWD SHO Non-governmental organizations National Statistical Office Pacific Disability Forum Papua New Guinea PNG Assembly of Disabled Persons-a national disabled peoples organization in PNG Persons/people with disabilities Self-Help Organization or group-referring to NGOs and CBOs formed to support pwds to deliver services and advance their wellbeing. They are run and managed by people with disabilities with support from able people. Volunteer Services Overseas World Health organisation


The National Disability Resource and Advocacy Centre (NDRAC) is a small not for profit organization established to raise the disability rights issues and to strengthen the voice of approximately one (1) million people with disabilities in Papua New Guinea together with PNG Assembly of Disabled People (PNGADP) and pwd self advocates. This document outlines the National Disability Resource and Advocacy Centers (NDRAC) strategy. This Strategic Plan sets the directions and priorities for NDRAC for the three years (2012-2014) period. It will guide the organization in its role as the advocate for disability issues for persons with disabilities and ensure its inclusion in mainstream programmes, activities and policies in the country. This Strategic Plan coincides with the end of phase 2-transition period of the previous strategic plan and outlines areas of intervention from every development stakeholders in the disability work in PNG. The plan identifies the core areas in which NDRAC is confident it can make a contribution to advocating on inclusive development issues affecting people with disabilities in PNG. This is to enable children, women and men with disabilities to be free citizens enabling equal participation and recognition as partners in development. The NDRAC Strategic Plan is in line with the development goals outlined in the Papua New Guinea National Policy on Disability. The plan also embraces goals and objectives of the Biwako Millennium Framework (BMF), the democratic principles on equal access to services, participation, for every person regardless of creed, color, gender or religion enshrined in the Constitution of PNG, and the goals set out in the MDG. Principal interventions will focus on increasing access to information on disability rights issues from the wider communities in the country. Another main target is to advocate between key stakeholders through joined initiatives whereby advocating for the inclusiveness and barrier-free society for all. NDRAC will maintain its networking, strengthening and refining from time to time for its vibrancy.

The National Disability Resource and Advocacy Centre (NDRAC) was an organization formed in May 2006 following the policy guidelines in the National Disability Policy of Papua New Guinea. But the initial beginning of NDRAC stated in 2003 when Nienke-a Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) volunteers working within the disability sector saw the development disparity that exist in PNG society and raised the need to establish a disability awareness and information exchange tool, by means of a magazine. Nienke published the magazine with great support of the DWU and Friends of Disabled Association (FODA) with its first edition of The Network published in April 2004. It was sent to around 50 people and organizations mainly working within the disability sector in PNG. The Network expanded rapidly and soon became the only national disability magazine in Papua New Guinea. It was due to this role of informing the citizens, pwd empowerment and building linkages that allowed NDRAC to become a national focal point for disability information in PNG. In 2006 and 2007, a VSo was working with a local personnel as part of localisation process to instill skills, knowledge and confidence to take over NDRAC administration and operation. In 2008, the local expert work on adhoc and individually up to his resignation towards end of 2008. The focus then was mostly on The Network production. There was less progress in the growth of National Disability Resource and Advocacy Centre. VSO then intervened by assigning a volunteer to take on NDRACs operation and re-localize it. New recruitment drive was made in early 2009 after departure of first local national employee. It was since 2009 that NDRAC started seeing its growth and strength in activity implementation in the country. The years 2009 to 2011 growth was made possible by Horizont 3000s NGO PROmotion by means of funding for personnel and organisational capacity building measures and Health grant through National Board for Disabled Persons (NBDP) for rehabilitation advocacy measures since 2009. The national Department for Community Development came in through small grant facility to assist NDRAC in late 2011. Most of the advocacy work was made possible by DWU ICT service due to small financial resource base of NDRAC for advocacy at national level on physical terms. NGO PROmotion Inc. had come up with good support mechanism plan to support growing NGOs including NDRAC in capacity building for sustainability in late 2011 and this gives light to NDRAC for a much bigger, stronger growth possibilities in coming years.

The NDRAC Vision is for a compassionate, rights based, barrier-free and inclusive society, where rights of persons with disabilities are recognized and protected, and encouraging equal participation among pwds in developing PNG.

The Mission of NDRAC is to advocate for Disability Inclusion in any mainstream programmes/activities/policies in Papua New Guinea to ensure a life free of discrimination, stigma and exclusion and equal participation. To fulfill our mission, NDRAC works in partnership with disabled peoples organizations and organizations with or for pwds; government departments, churches, NGOs, to create an inclusive, barrier free and rights-based Papua New Guinea society where rights of persons with disabilities are recognized and promoted realizing and developing their full potential.

NDRACs values are: o o o o o o o o We value people We value respect We value equality We uphold and promote the rights of every individual, including pwds, the rights of marginalized and minority groups We believe in building capabilities and empowerment of pwds We promote and work in partnership We Lobby disability inclusion in mainstream activities/programs and policies We promote accountability and transparency

The National Disability Resource and Advocacy Centre (NDRAC) is a small and emerging nongovernmental oragnisation with potential to be a national entity established in May of 2006. NDRAC provides linkages and serves as a national focal point on disability issues and supports disability organizations in strengthening the voice for the disabled people in PNG ensuring pwds are seen as equal participants and citizens besides embarking inclusive, barrier-free and rights-based society. National Disability Resource and Advocacy Centre will raise the voice of persons with disabilities in PNG so that attitudinal and structural barriers are dismantled for inclusion. NDRAC will empower and disseminate disability information within and abroad to government, ngos, churches and individuals. The National Disability Resource and Advocacy Centre established as an organization in May 2006 following the policy guidelines in the National Disability Policy of Papua New Guinea (objective # 1 and #4). The emergence of such organization that could advocate and raise the voice for persons with disabilities and their plight in 2003. That was when Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) volunteers working within the disability sector saw the development disparity that exist in PNG society and so raised the need to establish a disability awareness

and information exchange tool, by means of a magazine. Nienke who was a VSO volunteer working in the Department of Physiotherapy at the Divine Word University (DWU) took on the responsibility of publishing the magazine. With great support from the DWU and Friends of Disabled Association (FODA), the first edition of The Network was published in April 2004. It was sent closely to 50 people and organisations mainly working within the disability sector in PNG. The Network expanded rapidly and soon became the national disability magazine of Papua New Guinea. The magazine is currently free of charge and is published four times per year. The Network is a tool to empower and inspire people with disabilities and their families through positive real life stories about other people with disabilities. The Network shares information from different levels, from grass root to Government level. It inspires organisations working in the disability sector by sharing its vision and achievements. It spreads accurate and positive information about disability in PNG, as well as personal life stories, awareness articles and tips. The Network currently has over 800 recipients within PNG as well overseas in Europe, Asia, Pacific and Africa. It is estimated that the actual readership is 2000 per edition. The level of knowledge and experience of disability issues varies considerably among our readers. Many readers are people with disabilities, their families or are involved in the disability sector. Others work for NGOs, Government departments, education and health institutions, media, church groups and business houses. Since its establishment The Network has been experiencing tremendous growth. Not only has a wide international readership been established, but the quality of the layout and content improves with each edition. The Network has received a lot of positive feedback and support from a variety of people, from people with disabilities to politicians. Because of the success and the ongoing support from key stakeholders, The Network now has the potential to become part of a much larger advocacy and resource tool. The Network has been the catalyst for the proposal to establish National DRAC.

Since the ancient times, people with disabilities have been considered negatively. Taking the history and culture of various countries and continents as a starting point, one can construct the form of treatment they have undergone. In recent centuries this negative view has been embodied in similar treatments, often far removed from ordinary social life: it is the medical model that attributes to the condition of subjective limitation, to illness, the disadvantaged condition of pwds. The social model, on the other hand, highlights the fact that disability is a social relationship and that disability is a social relationship and that pwds undergo the limitations and prejudices created by society. Further, it is emphasized by anecdotal evidence that disability depends on the interaction between environmental, social and personal factors. The more society embraces peoples characteristics and develops their abilities, the more it is able to remove barriers, obstacles and prejudices. As this has been the historical standpoint for persons with disabilities over past centuries across the continents, Papua New Guinea is no exception. The NDRAC advocates therefore breaking and dismantling the barriers that exist in PNG ensuring disability mainstreaming in the country together with PNGADP and NBDP. Within PNG context, the country has an estimated population of approximately 6 and a half million and almost 85-87% living in rural areas-scattered villages and hamlets, often in inaccessible terrain, with poor

communication infrastructure, road networks and transport. This makes access to social services such as health and rehabilitation, mobility equipment, employment and education extremely difficult and limited. There are no official statistics for the number of people with disabilities but the WHO estimates that 15% of the worlds populations have some form of disabilities or impairments. This will be approximately 975,000 people in PNG who are living with some form of disability or impairment. Of this group about 2% or about 19,500 people receive services. This means that the bulk of people with disabilities i.e. the remaining 98%, or 955,500 people, are not receiving any support. There is distinct lack of knowledge and resources for managing disabilities in some communities, and the cultural and traditional perspectives have a great influence over lives of people with disabilities. People with disabilities are unable to join community life, go to school or work. They are not able or not allowed to leave their homes due to shame as disability is associated with violations of cultural norms. Generally, the status of people with disabilities within PNG is extremely low and their voices unheard. The key underlying causes are the attitudes and structures that exist in society that not only negatively affect the health and social well-being of people with disabilities, but limit their opportunities and participation in society. Existing power structures do little to foster the participation, or challenge views that result in the stigmatization and exclusion of people with disabilities in PNG. Factors such as education and remoteness contributes further to people with disabilities and their communities lacking information on the rights the persons with disabilities have. And as Disabled People Organisations are still basic and not yet strong, information about disability issues is lacking and there is no institution/agency, which is working as an information dissemination centre in the whole of Papua New Guinea since early 2000. There is a felt need for more resources and disability advocacy awareness initiatives on disability rights issues in the country thereby increasing the likelihood for person with disability to actively participate in community life and to develop and demonstrate individual capabilities because many people with disabilities need support through empowerment to enable them to express themselves and to stand up for their human rights. NDRAC is therefore established as an effective advocacy and awareness centre, which would help people with disabilities, achieve their potential, reintegrate into society, and find access to facilities and resources while in collaboration with NBDP and PNG Assembly of Disabled People.

In phase 1 of NDRACs relationships, the focus has been more upwards-international, national, provincial and district levels than downward to districts, LLGs and wards and communities. This is reflective of NDRACs objectives in targeting policy makers-a strategy used to facilitate disability mainstreaming at the policy level. The new shift in the current strategic plan 2012-2014 is a combination of strengthening relationships at the policy level and at the same time strengthening the networks at the beneficiary levels justifying NDRACs need of existence as one of the pwd participant puts it Nothing for us is without us The stakeholders categories for NDRAC are funding/marketing (Corporate/business sector, digicel foundation, telikom foundation, Madang Lodge, PNG Water board, International NGOs, Digicel PNG, Telikom PNG, HIV Stakeholders, NDRAC Steering Committee and Provincial Budgets Committee). The awareness linkages will be at districts, LLGs, Provincial government, PCMC, Madang Provincial Aids Committees Stakeholders network, Newspapers. At the beneficiary level and for database, the networks will focus on CBOs, Self Help Organisations, churches, Disable Peoples Organisations, LLGs or survey in Madang.


Relationship and linkages with stakeholders in the funding category needs to be strengthened to meet the financial sustainability of NDRAC and mainstreaming of disability through their programmess over three year period. NDRACs network with stakeholders in the Awareness category is targeted at policy makers ensuring policies are made favourable to suit the needs of persons with disabilities and disabilities is mainstreamed in the government, political, corporate and social sectors. The beneficiary level network targets persons with disabilities in collecting data of different types of disabilities, numbers, location. The information would be useful for NDRAC to support persons with disabilities.


With the previous strategic plan that expired in 2009, the organization initiated the development of the new strategic plan in late 2010 with engagement of external facilitator, which its outcome was not successful as expected. The first attempt to come up with a suitable strategic plan was held in early 2010 with the review of the 2006-2009 strategy and its recommendation paved the way for development of this new plan for years 2012-2014 after another review held in August 24th -26th 2011. This strategic plan is the first of its kind produced by the Project Coordinator to guide operations of activities of NDRAC for periods 2012-2014 after inputs from NDRAC Steering Committee and NGO PROmotion Inc. It is subject to review after three years period. The Strategic plan is a guide that directs NDRAC in advocating for disability rights issues and the rights of approximately 1 million disable people of Papua New Guinea for an inclusive, barrier-free and rightsbased society. Mainstreaming disability is complex in a country like PNG given its geographical situations but however challenging the task can be, for organizations with limited human and financial resources, the sustainable promotion of inclusive development takes great efforts. The collaborative efforts of diverse partners such as governments, NGOs, churches and others are necessitated to make disability inclusion a reality.


The NDRAC Strategic Plan 2012-2014 focuses on outcomes. The achievement of outcomes identified in the Strategic Plan relies on the contribution and collaboration of the stakeholders involved. These stakeholders include funding/marketing categories, awareness category and beneficiary category. There is also a need to address disability and development across different sectors and themes with focus on five key strategic objectives.

Strategic Objective # 1: Coordinate, Advocate and promote Awareness To coordinate,advocate and promote awareness on disability as a mainstream development issue Strategic Objective # 2: Enhance Networking


-Promoting and strengthen partnership between government, NGOs, DPOs, organizations for/of or with -PWDs, churches and media at National, sub-national and international levels Strategic Objective # 3: Building Capabilities and Confidence of Persons with disabilities by the end of 2014 -To increase self confidence, self-esteem and encourage participation of pwds in political and social life in the community and country and not leaving them as development misfits Strategic Objective # 4: To Act as a focal point for disability information by the end of 2014 -To act as an information focal point in PNG and continue disseminating disability rights information defending the rights of persons with disabilities in PNG and South Pacific Strategic Objective # 5: To strengthen NDRAC internal resources -To strengthen professional skills and capacity and equip NDRAC in order that it may effectively and efficiently implement the strategic plan and its administration and functions


National Disability Resource and Advocacy Centre Action Plan Action Plan 2012-2014 OBJECTIVES, ACTIVITIES & OUTCOMES
OBJECTIVE 1: COORDINATE, ADVOCATE AND PROMOTE AWARENESS Activity # Activity 1.1 Activity 1.2 Activity 1.3 Activity 1.4 Activity 1.5 Activity 1.6 Activity 1.7 Activity 1.8 Activity 1.9 Activity 1.10 Activities Disseminate information through all forms of media possible Collecting Data Include participation into any ongoing programs-mainstreaming Provide and disseminate promotional materials Provide stories to media (print, TV, radio) Present topic in any possible forum Publishing newsletter-The Network Providing information to learning institutions Jingles in radio stations (television features) Providing information to disability stakeholders Expected outcomes for activities At least five (5) organisations have mainstreamed disability into their programs by 2014 Figures of pwds are collected, analysed and disseminated at least in 1 province At least 65 media releases, 2 jingles, 3 documentaries, 10 issues of The Network magazines are disseminated by 2014 At least 600t/shirts, 600 bags, 6000 posters,100 caps, 2500 brochures are produced and disseminated by 2014 At least nine (9) learning institutions are provided with NDRAC information on Inclusive Education



Activity 2.1 Activity 2.2 Activity 2.3

Coordinate, build and strengthen linkages to governments, NGOs, churches, other stakeholders, training institutions and international partners Support any pwd related programs/projects undertaken by other stakeholders/partners (Information, finance, other assistance) Strengthen relationship between NDRAC, MPAC and Madang Provincial Administration

At least 2 MoAs with provincial government and 2 MoAs with corporate entities are signed by 2014 NDRAC contributes in mobilizing resources for at least 3 organisations to empower pwds

OBJECTIVE 3: BUILDING PWDs CONFIDENCE AND CAPABILITIES Activity # Activity 3.1 Activity 3.2 Activity 3.3 Activity 3.4 Activity 3.5 Activities Training in Mural painting and screen printing Facilitate capacity building for pwds Advisory assistance in starting disable peoples organisations Training and involving pwds to video shooting for documentary in disability. Involving and training pwds in story writing for NDRAC and dissemination Expected outcomes for activities At least 3 mural paintings and 400 t/shirts are painted and printed by pwds At least 1 documentary is produced with 2 skilled pwd assistants 2 disability SHOs/dpos are established At least 9 newsletter articles are written and contributed by pwds to NDRAC

OBJECTIVE 4: TO ACT AS A FOCAL POINT FOR DISABILITY INFORMATION Activity # Activity 4.1 Activity 4.2 Activity 4.3 Activity 4.4 Activity 4.5 Activities Storing and maintaining information on disability and accessed upon request or disseminated upon need Translate information into accessible formats Promote the focal point Upload NDRAC website Write regular column in daily press Expected outcomes for activities All (accessible) disability related information material is stored in NDRAC office and filed in a databank 4 disability resource centres have access to accessible information


Provincial health authorities, educational institution, international partners, churches and PWDs approach NDRAC Information on disability is accessible through NDRAC websites.

OBJECTIVE 5: STRENGTHENING NDRAC INTERNAL CAPACITIES Activity # Activity 5.1 Activity 5.2 Activity 5.3 Activity 5.4 Activity 5.5 Activity 5.6 Activity 5.7 Activity 5.8 Activities Recruit additional staff for admin/finance and program officers Ensure appropriate office space Fundraising for period 2012-2014 Capacity building for staff Ensure appropriate office equipment Establish internal procedures/ processes and systems Define organisational structure (constitution) Become affiliated member to national and regional disability bodies Expected outcomes for activities NDRAC has 4 qualified staff Barrier-free and sufficient office space and equipment Finance is available to cover the operational and development costs NDRAC has policy guidelines and internal registries NDRAC has constitution, by-law and ToRs for governing body NDRAC has access to financial and information sharing support from at least 2 bodies


Year 2 & 3 Programme Programme Priorities/Areas

YEAR 2 Activity Strengthen NDRAC Internal Systems 5.2 Ensure appropriate office space 5.3 Fundraising for period 2012-2014 5.4 Capacity Building for staff 5.5 Ensure appropriate office equipment 5.6 Establish internal procedures/processes and systems 5.7 Define Organizational structures (constitution) 5.8 Become Affiliated member to national and regional disability bodies Acting as Focal Point for Disability Information 4.1 Storing and maintaining information on disability and
accessed upon request or disseminated upon need

YEAR 3 Activity Strengthen NDRAC Internal Systems 5.3 Fundraising for period 2012-2014 5.5 Ensure appropriate office equipment 5.8 Become and maintain Affiliated member to national and regional disability bodies Acting as Focal Point for Disability Information 4.1 Storing and maintaining information on disability and accessed upon
request or disseminated upon need

4.3 Promote the focal point 4.5 Write regular column to daily press
Enhance Networking and Partnership building with Stakeholders for pwd 2.1 Coordinate, build and strengthen linkages to governments, NGOs, churches, other stakeholders, training institutions and international partners 2.2 Support any pwd related programs/projects undertaken by other stakeholders/partners (Information, finance, other assistance)

4.3 Promote the focal point 4.4 Upload NDRAC website 4.5 Write regular column to daily press
Enhance Networking and Partnership building with Stakeholders for pwd 2.1 Coordinate, build and strengthen linkages to governments,

Building PWDs Confidence and Capabilities 3.1 Training in Mural painting and screen printing 3.2 Facilitate capacity building for pwds 3.3 Advisory assistance in starting disable peoples organisations 3.4 Training and involving pwds to video shooting for Documentary in disability.


NGOs, churches, other stakeholders, training institutions and international partners 2.2 Support any pwd related programs/projects undertaken by other stakeholders/partners (Information, finance, other assistance) 2.3 Strengthen relationship between NDRAC, MPAC and Madang Provincial Administration

3.5 Involving and training pwds in story writing for NDRAC and dissemination Coordinate, Advocate and Promote Awareness 1.1 Disseminate information through all forms of media possible 1.2 Collecting Data to at least 3 districts of Madang 1.2 Include participation into any ongoing programs- mainstreaming 1.4 Provide and disseminate promotional materials 1.5 Provide stories to media (print, TV, radio) 1.6 Present topic in any possible forum 1.7 Publishing newsletter-The Network 1.8 Providing information to learning institutions 1.9 Jingles in radio stations (television features) 1.10 Providing information to disability stakeholders

2.4 participate in conferences/seminars and workshops at national, regional levels Building PWDs Confidence and Capabilities 3.1 Training in Mural painting and screen printing 3.2 Facilitate capacity building for pwds 3.3 Advisory assistance in starting disable peoples 3.4 3.5
organisations Training and involving pwds to video shooting for documentary in disability. Involving and training pwds in story writing for NDRAC and dissemination

Coordinate, Advocate and Promote Awareness 1.3 Disseminate information through all forms of media

1.2 Collecting Data to at least 3 districts of Madang 1.4 Include participation into any ongoing programsmainstreaming

1.4 Provide and disseminate promotional materials 1.5 Provide stories to media (print, TV, radio) 1.6 Present topic in any possible forum 1.7 Publishing newsletter-The Network 1.8 Providing information to learning institutions 1.9 Jingles in radio stations (television features) 1.10 Providing information to disability stakeholders



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