Jan-Feb Sinai News 2013 Final
Jan-Feb Sinai News 2013 Final
Jan-Feb Sinai News 2013 Final
A bi-monthly publication
Rasta PURIM!
Saturday, February 23, 2013 7:00 pm
See page 10 for more details!
Shabbat & Holiday Schedule
Shabbat Shemot Exodus 1:1 - 6:1 Jan 4 Shabbat Service 6:15 pm Jan 5 Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am Shabbat Mishpatim Exodus 21:1 - 24:18 Feb 8 Shabbat Unplugged w/ Wendy Cohen 6:15 pm Feb 9 Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am Lauren Stein Bat Mitzvah 10 am
In this issue
Rabbis Corner Reflections, From the President Lifelong Jewish Learning Purim Women at Sinai Brotherhood Israel Committee Green Team Chesed Social Action Committee Scene at Sinai Whats Happening Supporting Sinai January Calendar February Calendar In the Sinai Family Those We Remember Contributions 2 3 4-9 10-11 12-13 14 15 16 17 18-19 20-21 21 22 23 24 25 26 26-28
Shabbat Vaera Exodus 6:2 - 9:35 Jan 11 Rockin Shabbat Service 6:15 pm Congregational Dinner 7:15 pm Jan 12 Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am Jacob Burnham Bar Mitzvah 10 am
Shabbat Terumah Exodus 25:1 - 27:19 Feb 15 MCRC Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Feb 16 Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am
Shabbat Bo Exodus 10:1 - 13:16 Jan 18 Shabbat Service 6:15 pm Jan 19 Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am
Shabbat Tetzaveh Exodus 27:20 - 30:10 Feb 22 Shabbat Service 6:15 pm Feb 23 Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am
Shabbat Beshalach Exodus 13:17 - 17:16 Jan 25 Shabbat Service 6:15 pm Jan 26 Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am
Shabbat Yitro Exodus 18:1 - 20:23 Feb 1 Shabbat Service 6:15 pm Feb 2 Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am
Rabbi David B. Cohen Rabbi Emeritus Jay R. Brickman Director of Youth Education Barb Shimansky, MSW Director of Administration Karen Lancina Program Coordinator Jen Friedman Assistant to Rabbi Cohen Karen Hintz School Administrator Jeri Danz Bookkeeper Ilene Wasserman Sinai News Nicole Sether Congregation Sinai 8223 N. Port Washington Road Fox Point, WI 53217 414.352.2970 414.352.0944 (fax) www.congregationsinai.org
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January-February 2013
Rabbis Corner
Rabbi David Saperstein, Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, Comes to Sinai
Jews say a special blessing upon seeing a person of exceptional wisdom: Baruch Atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech HaOlam, shkhalak mkhokhmato, lyreiav - Blessed are you Adonai, Ruler of the Universe, who distributes Divine wisdom to human beings. We will have an opportunity to say that blessing at the MCRC Shabbat services at Congregation Sinai, Friday February 15th. Once a year, the MCRC service brings together the reform congregations of southeastern Wisconsin. This year, our speaker will be Rabbi David Saperstein, the Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism. Rabbi Saperstein represents the national Reform Jewish Movement to Congress and the administration. Under Rabbi Sapersteins leadership, writes J.J. Goldberg in his book, Jewish Power, the Religious Action Center has become one of the most powerful Jewish bodies in Washington, second only to AIPAC. The Washington Post describes Saperstein as the quintessential religious lobbyist on Capitol Hill. The Center not only advocates on a broad range of social justice issues but provides extensive legislative and programmatic materials to reform congregations, Federations, and Jewish Community Relations Councils around the world. In 1999, Rabbi Saperstein was elected as the first Chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom created by a unanimous vote of Congress. Saperstein currently co-chairs the Coalition to Preserve Religious Liberty, which comprises more than 50 national religious denominations and educational organizations, and serves on the boards of numerous national organizations including the NAACP and People For the American Way. After Saperstein was appointed by U.S. President Barack Obama to a White House volunteer advisory council of religious and secular leaders and scholars, some called him "Obama's rabbi." Saperstein, however, keeps a healthy perspective. Named America's top rabbi by Newsweek, Rabbi David Saperstein quickly supplied a disclaimer: "They have my mother on the committee." Saperstein delivered the invocation at the 2008 Democratic National Convention's final session, moments before Senator Barack Obama accepted the party's nomination for president. His brief statement gives a measure of Davids powerful message, and is worth quoting in full: Eternal God, you ennoble our lives by empowering us to do your work here on earth in creating a world of justice and peace for all. We pray for America, that it may ever be a light unto the nations, a beacon of freedom, human rights and economic opportunity. The protector of this precious earth, which you have entrusted to our care, may your name be invoked only to inspire and unify our nation but never to divide it. We ask your blessing on all the leaders of our nation, that they may lead wisely and with civility and work together for the common good, and we ask especially that you be with that mighty guardian of the contemporary American conscience, Edward Kennedy. We ask that you send your blessing on Joseph Biden and now, on this historic day, upon Barack Obama, as candidate for the highest political office in our nation. Guide him that he may ever be a champion for justice. These things we ask of you, Eternal God, in the sunshine of renewed dreams, committed that the torch of hope shall pass from hand to hand, from heart to heart, until the radiance of peace and righteousness for all Gods children shines to the ends of the earth. Amen. I look forward to sharing the MCRC service with you at Sinai. BShalom uveracha in peace and blessing, Rabbi David B. Cohen
Shabbat Limud
MCRC Shabbat
Metropolitan Council of Reform Congregations Featuring Rabbi David Saperstein, Director of the Reform Movement's Religious Action Center (RAC) Friday, February 15 at Congregation Sinai at 7:30 PM
January-February 2013
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We regularly watch DVDs which I borrow from the North Shore Library. I choose the ones that have blurbs on the covers, like: Outstanding! or Best Picture of the Year! Most are not very good. We recently watched a fictional account, based on the career of the late opera singer Maria Callas. She mourns the loss of her extraordinary vocal gifts and the recognition she once enjoyed. A producer friend persuades her to participate in the filming of an elaborate production of Carmen. She mouths the words, and the arias are taken from her old records. The film is not only good, but so far superior to other highly rated works that it seems to have dropped from another realm. The phenomenon helps me to understand the meaning of revelation. The prophets were of a different variety than other religious teachers, Moses, than the other prophets. In every realm of achievement: art, science, technology, business, there are individuals so gifted as to set them apart and far above the competence of others. While it is impossible for ordinary souls to rise to their level of awareness and competence, we do have the capacity, if we are knowledgeable and attentive, to identify the gifted souls. To the extent that we recognize and support thesechosen individuals, we are more likely to attain a future of calm, felicity and abundance. Rabbi Jay R. Brickman
January-February 2013
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To order these books please go to the Sinai website www.congregationsinai.org and click on the Amazon button on the left side of the page.
Sunday Morning Current Events Series with Rabbi Cohen and Guests
Sundays, 10:00 am 11:30 am January 20, March 17 (scholar-in-residence), April 7 In a rapidly moving and changing world, Judaism offers a compelling way of understanding the events around us. Join Rabbi Cohen in a series of conversations, the topics of which will be determined by the news of the day. From time to time, Rabbi Cohen will invite guests who have specific relevant expertise to share.
Parent Sunday Morning Series with Rabbi Cohen, Barb Shimansky, Director of Youth Ed & Youth Ed Committee
10:00 AM-12:00 PM, Light breakfast served 9:30-10:00 AM Sunday, January 13, February 10, March 10, April 14. The Chairs of our Youth Education Committee want to hear from you at 10:00 AM to talk about school and youth programming. At 11:00 AM Rabbi Cohen will present a series of conversations on topics relating to Jewish parenting. Topics will include: How to talk to your children about God and spirituality; death; the problem of evil and the holocaust; love, intimacy and sex; who is a Jew Jewish identity; interfaith dating, and others. Since the first step in preparing to discuss these topics with our children is figuring out how we think about them, this class is open and available to all; children not required!
Tobias Brinkmann (Penn State University) Queen Isabellas Statue: Chicago Reform Jews and the 1893 Worlds Columbian Exposition
Wednesday, February 20, 7:30pm The 1893 Worlds Columbian Exposition symbolized the rebirth of Chicago after the disastrous 1871 fire that had destroyed large parts of the city. Tobias Brinkmann, author of the recent book Sundays at Sinai, will address the involvement of Chicagos established Jewish community in the exposition, and explore questions of Jewish-Christian relations, aesthetic debates, and Reform Judaisms treatment of women.
January-February 2013
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Ongoing Classes
Friday Lunch & Learn with Rabbi Cohen
Day: Fridays Time: 12:00 pm With: Rabbi David B. Cohen
School News
CoSY, Sinais TYG (Temple Youth Group)
CoSY, Sinais Teen Youth Group for 9th 12th graders, is on the move! An open planning meeting will be held on Sunday, January 27th in the Youth Lounge at 1:30 pm -3:00 pm. Come help us plan fun events, social action programs, and more. Specifically, please keep these dates in mind: Date Sunday, January 27th 1:30 pm 3:00 pm Friday, February 15th 7:30 pm 9:00 pm February 15th -19th Sunday, February 24th March 1st 3rd at OSRUI April 4-7, 2013 May 2013 Late August at OSRUI 2 additional events in March, April or May 2013 Event TYG Planning/Board Elections Meeting MCRC Shabbat with Rabbi David Saperstein Biennial NFTY Convention Purim Carnival Jr. Youth Group Kallah Spring Kallah TYG elections Summer Kallah Events TBD at the January CoSY planning meeting Details In the Youth Lounge CoSY dinner in Youth Lounge at 6:30 pm. In Los Angeles Come join in running the most fabulous Purim Carnival 7th and 8th graders 8th-12th graders
January-February 2013
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January-February 2013
Please be sure to join us after Winter Break for our Pancake Breakfast, January 6th at 9:30 am. Bring your smiles and your appetites!
Rabbi Rap
11th & 12th Grade
Sundays: 12 1:30 pm
March 17, April 7, May 12.
A new monthly program for 11th and 12th graders! Keep your Jewish soul nourished as we meet once a month with Rabbi Cohen for informal fun and interesting conversation. Topics well address include: Ethics through modern music, rock through Hip Hop; love, intimacy and sex; how to survive the college application process; why do bad things happen to good people?, and others.
The Day of Discovery at the JCC will be held on Sunday, February 17th. Please note that there are NO CLASSES at Sinai that day!
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January-February 2013
Shabbat Unplugged
A Camp-like Shabbat experience for families of ALL AGES. Join us as we sing and pray together with Rabbi Cohen and special guest Wendy Cohen. Well break out the instruments! Family oriented, beginning with a 5:30 pm Shabbat Shapizza followed by what we are calling Shabbat Unplugged!
Register at http://shabbatshapizzafebruary.evenbrite.com
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January-February 2013
Bubbes Bits
Ahhhhh, Chanukah is behind usand what a success it was! The Chanukah Bazaar earned Sinai some gelt and gave exposure to some of our local artisans and merchants. Thank you all for participating. I hope each one of you bought something nice for YOUR Bubbe! Oh and the Latke Lunch!!!! Yum Yum Style! Werent they terrific? And what a turn out! Thank you to all that came and participated. Please remember, when you register to attend an event, Congregation Sinai plans for your attendance and orders enough food so that everyone can enjoy. When you reserve a space and dont let the office know you arent coming, Sinai still has to pay for your uneaten meal. So, make a note.when you sign up, we expect you to comein fact, we WANT you to come. As always, this comes from a place of love, Bubbe
Weekly Shabbat: We welcome everyone to experience Shabbat at Congregation Sinai. Family friendly Friday Shabbat services are at 6:15 weekly. All Shabbat services last one hour.
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January-February 2013
Where: Congregation Sinai What: Come in costumes! Come with noisemakers! Come with an appetite for
food and games! Silent Basket Auction with terrific items!
Who: Children of all ages! Everyone is welcome to join in on the fun. Bring your
friends and introduce them to Congregation Sinai!
Rasta PURIM!
Saturday, February 23, 2013, 7:00 pm
Its going to be irie-man! All you adults out there come party for Purim Jamaican-style at Sinai! Ha - man, I mean Ya-man. Well do a little Megillah, followed by a lot of rum punch and Jerk chicken! The night will be filled with entertainment inspired by the islands. You wont want to miss the party. Dreadlocks and island wear welcome! Look for more information man in the e-news!
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January-February 2013
Baskets Needed!
In order for the Purim Basket Silent Auction to be successful we need baskets. We would like to offer a variety of items for everyone to consider bidding on that are creative, fun and vary in value. They are really fun to put together and they make the room come alive! Two options are available for contributing: Option 1: Choose a great idea from our list. You can copy the ideas provided or create your own themed baskets. You can create the gift baskets by yourself or with a group of friends. The value of the basket should be no less than $50.00. This does not mean you need to spend $50.00 to make the basket, but the value should be a minimum of $50.00. Feel free to go over! Option 2: Give $75.00 and we will create a basket in your name. Andi Rabenn has graciously offered to help us create baskets on your behalf. Easy! All baskets are due to Jen Friedman by February 4th. All monetary contributions are due by the next board meeting January 17th as we need time to make the baskets. For more information contact Jen Friedman at 414-352-2970 or [email protected] or Joan Becker Friedman at [email protected].
January-February 2013
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Women at Sinai
Women of Sinai
Thank you to all of the women of our synagogue that have already sent in their membership dues for Women of Sinai. As of December 1, we have heard from 72 new and returning members. Todah Rabah! It is not too late to join this sisterhood of women who help fund many of the wonderful programs that are offered here at Sinai. Double Chai Membership is $36 or you can be recognized as a Woman of Valor for $72. Checks may be made out to Women of Sinai, and your dues are tax deductible. If you have any questions about Women of Sinai, please contact WOS President, Julie Lookatch at [email protected].
2012-13 DOUBLE CHAI Rhoda Baumgarten Muriel Becker Barbie Blutstein Barbara Bradbury Jean Bromley Rachel Buff Candace Burrows Jayne Butlein Elyse Cohn Bernice Fagan Pamela Finberg Janet Fine Judi Flegel Barbara Friedlander Jean Friedlander Joan Friedman Francine Glusman Gloria Golding Sharon Goldstein Deborah Gollin Marisa Grossman Rachel Hafeman Toots Hassel Robin Hoffman Jodi Holman Penny Hool Jeanne Jacobs Lori Jacobson Karen Lancina Dannette Lank Sheri Levin Michelle Lewis Audrey Mann Jo Ann Mann Bettie Meltzer Donna Neubauer Janet Padway Andrea Rabenn Bobbi Rector Pat Rieselbach Joanne Roberts Linda Ross Lauri Roth Mary Runge Mildred Schapiro Carol Schatz Mimi Schechter Stacy Schwab Laurie Segal Beth Shapiro Jill Sheer Doris Sherman Sheila Smith Naomi Soifer Susan Stuckert Sheila Taitelman Kim Temkin Taylor Lisa Waisbren Merle Wasserman Phyillis Wiggins 2012-13 WOMEN OF VALOR Nancy Balcer Ruth Goldmann Sarah Hwang Stefanie Jacob Cynthia Kartman Julie Lookatch Madeleine Lubar Marianne Lubar Lois Malawsky Jan Rosenberg Nita Soref Laura Waisbren
Brit Nashim
B'rit Nashim has had several wonderful meetings this year, interfacing with several other Sinai groups. We created and led the Sinais Erev Sukkot service. At our first meeting, in support of the Social Action Committee, we purchased fleece fabric and prepared it so the fifth graders and their parents could make them into blankets with residents at the Milwaukee Womens Center. Our second meeting involved making a variety of soups to donate to the Chesed Committee's soup delivery program. We also made a delicious and nutritious dinner for ourselves. For our third meeting, we toured the UWM Library Special Collections Exhibit: "Jewish Artists and the Book" and then out to eat. Most importantly, we welcome a number of new members to our "Covenant of Women", and are all getting to know each other better. They include women who have been long-time Sinai congregants, as well as those new to Sinai. We look forward to a book discussion, a Saturday retreat, a meeting with Rabbi Cohen, and lots of learning, laughing and friendship.
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Women at Sinai
Experience Nia
Your body & soul will thank you!
What is Nia? How does Nia help me connect to my Jewish identity? Nia is no ordinary fitness class. Nia technique blends Dance Arts, Martial Arts & Healing Arts. Discover ease, comfort and creativity in your body. Learn moves that are flowing, rhythmic and adaptable. Self-awareness plays a key role. Positively affect your whole life!
Join others who find enormous personal benefit in weekly Nia classes.
Fridays 8:30-9:30am
(No classes in February) Four classes for $36. There is a one month Grace Period to use up a package of four classes. Questions? Contact Kate Mann at 414-254-4141 or [email protected]
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Thanks to the 70+ members who have paid their Brotherhood dues for the 2012-2013 Sinai year. Without your generous support events like the Sukkot BBQ and the toys for Purim would not happen. Did you realize that the Brotherhood also provides the Gates of Repentence for the B'nei Mitzvah celebrants and the Tanach for the Affirmation students? Brotherhood Coffees on Sunday mornings and the Men's Spirituality Group (Acheinu) are also a few of the other "favorite things" that are sponsored each and every month. Our group stays busy and hopes to keep men involved in at least one synagogue event each year. If you are interested in supporting our efforts please write a check to the Sinai Brotherhood ($36) and mail it to Sinai or drop it off in the office! It is NEVER too late to support a worthy cause. Better yet, come to one of our events and get involved with a great group of Sinai men! I look forward to seeing you! Sincerely, James Stillman Brotherhood [email protected]
Brotherhood Coffee:
Sunday, April 21, 2013 10:00 AM-12:00 PM The Last Best Friends of Jews
Co-sponsored by the Israel Committee Morene Dunn from International Fellowship of Christians and Jews will give a talk titled The Last Best Friends of the Jews, about IFCJ, their actions and motivation. She is an eloquent speaker, and has spoken to many synagogues, Jewish organizations, and Limmud. The International Fellowship of Christians (IFCJ) and Jews is the largest funder of social services in Israel, second only to the Israeli government, raising $110 million last year. They are providing 426,000 needy Jews in Israel and FSU with Passover food boxes. Thats just one of the 400+ projects that range from soup kitchens to bomb shelters, orphanages to scholarships, aliyah and basic needs in Russia, and everything in between. They were founded by (Yeshiva U ordained) Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein. But 28 years later, their donors are about 98% Evangelicals and other Christians.
Next Brotherhood Coffee Sunday, March 3. 2013 10:00 AM 12:00 PM Topic TBA
January-February 2013
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Sinai Committees
Israel Committee
Sinai Celebrates Israels 65th Anniversary on April 14th! I recently read about a law adopted by the Knesset, which recognized the right of return of a small sect in India, as the descendants of Bnei Menashe, one of the ten lost tribes of Israel. This brief, yet powerful statement moved me. I thought about all the different Jewish Tribes that had scattered all across the globe over the past two thousand years, to China, India, Peru, Europe - almost every location on earth. Each Jewish Tribe has made its way back to Israel over the centuries, many arriving in the decades before and after the creation of the modern state of Israel in 1948. They took part in creating a new nation, were absorbed into it, even as they contributed the influence of their native cultures and traditions. Modern Israel is as much a mixed salad bowl as it is a melting pot. On the occasion of the sixty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the modern state of Israel, we plan to celebrate the incredible cultural diversity of the Jewish Tribes living in Israel today. In creating a cultural fair representing all that diversity, we hope that we all adults and children will be reminded of the incredible variety of the People of Israel, as well as the centrality and importance of the modern state of Israel. I can envision our congregants, teachers and students researching the life and traditions of the many countries from which Jews came back to Israel and then sharing it with each other and the congregation through a cultural fair. It wont be a static presentation but will make its impact through stories, music, dance, archival photographs, native costume and dress, film, as well as the different traditional foods associated with each of the Jewish Tribes. Whats more, we can trace the travels of Jewish communities around the globe and report on the contributions each made to its host culture. Finally, we can demonstrate the way modern Israel has come to be a major contributor in medicine, hi -tech, energy, water, defense, etc. We are beginning to plan this audacious undertaking and we need your help! If you have ideas and/or would be willing to help us research and create materials for the cultural fair. In the meantime, you can start your creative juices flowing by looking at the websites of Tel Avivs Museum of Diaspora http://www.bh.org.il/ or Milwaukee Jewish Museum, www.jewishmuseummilwaukee.org, or Chicagos Spertus Museum, the JCCs library, the library of Milwaukees Coalition of Jewish Learning. We welcome your talent, passion and ideas. Together, they will make this celebration fun for the whole Sinai community. Let us know if you have specific interests and experience in areas such as storytelling, playing music, singing, dancing, cooking, baking, editing audio and/or video, etc. You dont have to have been born anywhere other than the USA. You need just to open your heart and mind to the idea, what if my familys story and migrations had been different Help us make our Israel Fair a celebration well remember for a lifetime. Please contact Director of Youth Education, Barb Shimansky at [email protected] or Eti Ganin at [email protected] Eti Ganin, Congregation Sinai Israel Committee Chair
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January-February 2013
Sinai Committees
The Green Team
For several years the Greening Committee of Sinai has been trying to reconcile the use of paper/plastic plates versus washing our own dishes for meals and Oneg. We have wanted to figure out the best practices for the environment, as stated in our community values, and the viability of acting on this intention. First of all, there are some facts to share so we can all finally agree that the move to using dishes is the right thing to do. The Disposable Plate: These plates must be manufactured. They can be made from plastic, virgin wood fibers, post-consumer recycled fibers, or agricultural waste fibers such as sugar cane or corn fibers. With paper plates, you are cutting down a tree, trucking it to a paper mill and maybe several factories. The process uses diesel fuel, and lots of electricity and water. Making enough paper for one plate also uses about eight gallons of fresh water, which means a 10-plate dinner party uses 80 gallons, without washing a thing. Running the dishwasher for one load uses between six and ten gallons. Packaged plates are then transported over great distances to their final destination. After this long journey from its source the plate is used for about ten minutes before being dumped into a trashcan. Food contamination makes it unlikely to be recycled or even recyclable. From here the used plate is most likely transported by a garbage truck to its final resting place in a big hole in the ground, the landfill. Here it will sit for hundreds of years, decaying slowly, if conditions are right, and turning into the potent greenhouse gas methane. As far as saving the environment goes, reusable dishes washed in the dishwasher is definitely the way to go, according to Maria Vargas, a spokesperson with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Some tips the California Energy Commission has on their website: *Avoid using the "rinse hold" setting on your dishwasher. This uses 3-7 gallons of hot water and heating water takes extra energy. Save money and energy by washing only full loads. *Use short cycles for everything but the dirtiest dishes. Short cycles use less energy and work just as well. *If your dishwasher has an air-dry setting, choose it instead of the heat-dry setting. You will cut your dishwasher's energy use from 15 to 50 percent. If there's no air-dry setting, turn the dishwasher off after its final rinse and open the door. The dishes will dry without using any extra electricity. *If you rinse dishes before loading them, use cold water. Don't waste water by letting it run continuously, either. The cost to wash a plate is 2/3 the cost of buying and disposing it. So think single purchase, not single use. We invite you to observe some initial changes in dish use at Sinai. The Social Action Committee has chosen to pay for the cost of hiring staff to wash dishes for 4 major meal events at Sinai this year, the Hannukah Latke Lunch was our first. Until we work out a way to wash small dishes at the oneg, we are purchasing biodegradable plates rather than hard plastic. You will notice the unbleached, small plates made from sugar cane fibers in the near future. The ultimate goal of not using throw away products depends upon finding a method to wash dishes and finding volunteers to support this effort. Interested in helping this initiative? Contact Naomi Cobb at [email protected] Deb Schermer & Naomi Cobb The Green Team
As I was cooking brisket and latkes for Chanukkah, I was thinking about the traditions of the holiday, old and new. I was reminded that we have so many wonderful holiday books in the Sinai library, for adults, young children and teens. Depending on your interest there are books for crafts, cooking, stories, history, historical fiction and folk lore surrounding not only this holiday, but all the holidays. A starting place for this information on holidays is under the call number 240 and you can search from there. Cookbooks are call number 641.5 Purim and Tu BShevat are coming up and you can brush up now. Purim has been problematic for me, but there are childrens stories which are not always accurate, but are not quite as blood thirsty and are age appropriate. There are also seders for Tu BShevat about which one can learn. On a completely different note, a new book which is fun to read and/or look through is Jewish Jocks by Franklin Foer and Marc Tracy. I know many of you might be tired about hearing about Sandy Kofax , Ryan Braun, Mark Spitz and Max Baer (who may or may not have been Jewish). But Jews have contributed much to sport without having played any games; think Bud Selig, Howard Coscell. Another interesting book is The Wedding Jester by Steve Stern. His collection of short stories (808.3 Ste) expands the Jewish tradition of storytelling with reverence and vitality. Come in to the library and browse! -Jayne Butlein
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January-February 2013
Sinai Committees
Sacred Aging
In mid-November, several members met with Rabbi Cohen to begin to brainstorm and explore the idea of Sacred Aging within our community. Across the nation, Reform congregations have aging populations. At Sinai, we have very active seniors, and we have elderly congregants who are not as independent. Our goal for Sacred Aging is to move Sinai toward inclusiveness, and to honor individuals, wherever one is on the journey of growing older. The Sacred Aging conversation will continue to evolve. If you are involved in any aspect of caring for an elderly individual, and would like to speak informally on any related topic, please join us for our first Caring Coffee Chat, Sunday January 27th at 10:30am at Sinai. Sinai members who have personal and professional experience in caring and planning for the elderly will be on hand to visit with you. This is a chance for congregants to make connections with other congregants facing similar issues. We will also be creating a resource book relating to Elder Care in the Milwaukee area. Please contact Sally Moskol at [email protected] for more information on the Coffee Chat. We would like Sinai members living in senior care facilities, or confined due to health circumstances, to be visited by congregants who wish to join our Bikkur Cholim Team. Our Bikkur Cholim Team will work with interested volunteers to help make our visit pleasant and successful, as an adjunct to the visits made by Rabbi Cohen. If you are interested in joining our Bikkur Cholim Team, please email [email protected]. To our Snowbirds (and your flock of friends who may be spending the winter in Milwaukee): Please watch for a special event in the spring!
College Connection
Please make sure Sinai has your college student's email address. Rabbi Cohen periodically sends out notes to keep this group connected to Sinai. Please send your college student's email to Jeri Danz at [email protected].
Chesed has been notified that we have some aging members who have requested rides to their various appointments and errands. Please let us know if you would be interested in offering a ride, periodically, to one of our older members. Please understand that, while we will contact you every once in a while, the time commitment required for that day could be longer than 'just a ride." It may require waiting for someone, helping bring in groceries, and a ride home, as well. Thank you for your consideration. We are trying to reach out and help some of our aging members, and we would like them to know they are valued. If you would like to add your name to our Rides offered list, please let us know at [email protected].
Sponsor an Oneg
If you are looking for a wonderful way to honor or remember someone, or recognize a special occasion, you can do so by sponsoring the flowers on the Bima or an Oneg Shabbat after a Friday night service. Congregation Sinai typically provides these items for Friday evenings when there is no Bar or Bat Mitzvah. Simply let us know that you would like to sponsor and we will create a beautiful flower arrangement or dessert table to recognize your occasion. All sponsorships will be acknowledged in the Sinai Shabbat Pamphlet and the Sinai News. We will also send a note of congratulations or thanks to the honorees. The cost of sponsoring Bima flowers is $60.00 and an Oneg Shabbat is $260.00. Please email Jen Friedman at [email protected] or call (414) 352-2970.
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January-February 2013
Sinai Committees
Social Action Committee
Fall Activity Day at The Milwaukee Womens Center Last October 28th, our fifth graders and their parents collaborated with the Social Action Committee to create a fun morning for the residents of the Milwaukee Womens Center. Together with moms and kids, our families and synagogue members decorated pumpkin shaped cookies and painted pumpkins. We also finished off 11 beautiful felt blankets (prepared and donated by Sinais Brit Nashim, in memory and in honor of Lisa Phillips, who began this project years ago for the Center). The pumpkins were donated by Stoney Meadow Farm, which provides our CSA goods each summer/fall. Social Action Volunteer Opportunities: Volunteer opportunities are available for people interested in serving lunch at the Bethesda Church Meal Program, on certain Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday afternoons - from 11:30 am-1:00 pm. Please contact Idy Goodman, at [email protected], if you are interested in getting more information about any of these activities.
Your contributions make a difference: Much of the financial support comes through the
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January-February 2013
Sinai Committees
The Social Action Film Series
Strangers No More
Tuesday, January 15 7:00 PM In co-sponsorship with Sinais Israel Committee, the Academy Award Winning Strangers No More is a documentary telling the story of an exceptional school where children form 48 different countries come together to learn.
My Sinai
STARS (Singing Together @ R Sinai)
Sing with us! No commitment necessary. Sinai is starting an informal singing group to help enhance select Friday Kabalat Shabbat services and special celebrations. You may participate at your leisure and as time allows. We will also meet periodically to learn new songs throughout the year. To be placed on our email list for notification of scheduled sessions please contact Ydelle Litwack at [email protected].
Sinai Outside
Sinai Outside is a multi-faceted group of Sinai members who celebrate the relationship we have with Nature and/or Shabbat through various outdoor activities. Interested in hiking, canoeing, snowshoeing, or exploring the outdoors? Do you have a great idea for connecting with nature? Lets do it! Contact Bobbi Rector at [email protected]
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Scene at Sinai
Chanukiyah Contest 2nd place: Micah & Ellie Sweet w/ Torah Menorah, 3rd place: Mathilde Prosen-Oldani w/ The Sweet Treat, Yummy to Eat Menorah
January-February 2013
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Scene at Sinai
Andrea Bernstein & Joan Becker Friedman at the Sinai Holiday Gift Bazaar
Lise Meissner helps show her wares at the Sinai Holiday Gift Bazaar
Whats Happening
NEW AT Sinai Congregation Sinai is pleased to announce that you can now make donations to Congregation Sinai electronically! Simply go to the Sinai Website, www.congregationsinai.org, and on the left hand side of the front page theres a Donate button. Click on the Donate button and the rest is simple! Watch for more updates for other electronic payment options in the future. Sinai Shabbat Walks Did you know that every Saturday after Shabbat services at Sinai there is a group that enjoys walking? If you are interested in a Shabbat stroll for about an hour around the immediate neighborhood with Sinai friends we'd love for you to join us. For more information contact Randee Zitelman at [email protected]. The 2013 Sinai Membership Directory is in the works! If you have changed your home address, home phone number or email address in the last year, please be sure to send your new information to the Sinai office so it will be printed correctly in our new directory!
Stay informed about all the happenings at Congregation Sinai! Each week you should receive a Sinai Enews about the upcoming events at Sinai. Be sure to open and read your Sinai Enews. All kinds of exciting things are happening at Sinai and you wont want to miss any of them! If you are not currently receiving the Enews, please email [email protected] or call Congregation Sinai at 414-352-2970 so we can update our distribution list. Also, visit our website at www.congregationsinai.org.
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January-February 2013
Supporting Sinai
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Support Sinai whenever you shop on-line at amazon.com. Go to the Sinai homepage: www.congregationsinai.org. Click on the amazon.com banner. Youll be linked directly to amazon.com. By using the website link, your purchase will support Congregation Sinai. Bubbe says: Its a winwin!
January 2013
New Years Day Office closed No Mitkadem Bible Study w/ Rabbi Brickman 9:30 am No Skip Bid Bridge Club No Mitkadem Executive Committee Meeting 7 pm No Nia Through the Eyes of Women 9:30 am Lunch & Learn w/ Rabbi Cohen 12 pm Social Action Committee Meeting 12 pm Shabbat Service 6:15 pm
Teacher Staff Meeting 8:30 am Religious School (K-7th) 9:30 am Pancake Breakfast 9:30 am Acheinu (Mens Spirituality) 10:30 am Kivun 12 pm Scrip Sunday Finance Committee Meeting 7:30 am Mitkadem 4 pm Jesus for Jews 7:30 pm Bible Study w/ Rabbi Brickman 9:30 am Skip Bid Bridge Club 12 pm Mitkadem 4 pm Mitkadem 4 pm Bnei Mitzvah Family Education #2 7 pm
No Nia Through the Eyes of Women 9:30 am Lunch & Learn w/ Rabbi Cohen 12 pm Rockin Shabbat 6:15 pm Congregational Dinner 7:15 pm
Religious School (K-7th) 9:30 am Parent Breakfast 9:30 am Parent Sunday Morning Series 10 am Kivun 12 pm
Mitkadem 4 pm Film Series: Strangers No More 7 pm Bible Study w/ Rabbi Brickman 9:30 am Skip Bid Bridge Club 12 pm Mitkadem 4 pm
Nia 8:30 am Through the Eyes of Women 9:30 am Lunch & Learn w/ Rabbi Cohen 12 pm Shabbat Service 6:15 pm
Religious School (K-7th) 9:30 am 2nd Grade Family Education 10 am Sunday Morning Current Events 10 am Kivun 12 pm Scrip Sunday
Mitkadem 4 pm Jesus for Jews 7:30 pm
Bible Study w/ Rabbi Brickman 9:30 am Skip Bid Bridge Club 12 pm Mitkadem 4 pm
Mitkadem 4 pm
Nia 8:30 am Through the Eyes of Women 9:30 am Lunch & Learn w/ Rabbi Cohen 12 pm Shabbat Service 6:15 pm
Religious School (K-7th) 9:30 am 3rd Grade Israel Map Relay 10 am Sacred Aging Coffee Chat 10:30 am Kivun 12 pm
Mitkadem 4 pm
Bible Study w/ Rabbi Brickman 9:30 am Skip Bid Bridge Club 12 pm Mitkadem 4 pm
Mitkadem 4 pm
February 2013
No Nia Through the Eyes of Women 9:30 am Lunch & Learn w/ Rabbi Cohen 12 pm Social Action Committee Meeting 12 pm Shabbat Service 6:15 pm
Torah Study 8 am Brit Nashim Retreat 9 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am PJs. Havdallah, Movie Night 5 pm
Teacher Staff Meeting 8:30 am Religious School (K-7th) 9:30 am 5th Grade Family Learning 9:30 am Kivun 12 pm Finance Committee Meeting 7:30 am Mitkadem 4 pm Jesus for Jews 7:30 pm Bible Study w/ Rabbi Brickman 9:30 am Skip Bid Bridge Club 12 pm Mitkadem 4 pm Mitkadem 4 pm Executive Committee Meeting 7 pm
No Nia Through the Eyes of Women 9:30 am Lunch & Learn w/ Rabbi Cohen 12 pm Shabbat Unplugged w/Wendy Cohen 6:15 pm
Acheinu (Mens Spirituality) 8:30 am Religious School (K-7th) 9:30 am Parent Breakfast 9:30 am Parent Sunday Morning Series 10 am 1st Grade Hamentaschen Baking Day 10 am Kivun 12 pm Scrip Sunday
Mitkadem 4 pm Jesus for Jews 7:30 pm Bible Study w/ Rabbi Brickman 9:30 am Skip Bid Bridge Club 12 pm Mitkadem 4 pm
Mitkadem 4 pm
No Nia Through the Eyes of Women 9:30 am Lunch & Learn w/ Rabbi Cohen 12 pm MCRC Dinner 5:30 pm MCRC Shabbat 7:30 pm
Chaverim Purim Event 11 am Mitkadem 4 pm Film Series: Motel Kids of Orange County 7 pm
Bible Study w/ Rabbi Brickman 9:30 am Skip Bid Bridge Club 12 pm Mitkadem 4 pm Tobias Brickman 7:30 pm
No Nia Through the Eyes of Women 9:30 am Lunch & Learn w/ Rabbi Cohen 12 pm Shabbat Service 6:15 pm
Erev Purim Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am Rasta Purim: Adult Purim Spiel & Party 7 pm
Family Purim Service & Carnival 9:30 am Rabbi Rap 10 am Scrip Sunday
Bible Study w/ Rabbi Brickman 9:30 am Skip Bid Bridge Club 12 pm Mitkadem 4 pm
Mitkadem 4 pm
January-February 2013
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Condolences to:
Hamakon YNachemMay God Comfort Jennie Lee Elias, Dan (Lisa) and Max, Alex and Lulu Elias on the death of their husband, father and grandfather, Paul Elias Gershon family on the death of Milton Gershon Jody Kaufman Loewenstein (Dr. Paul Loewenstein) on the death of her mother, Mary Kaufman Jeff, Ilene and Seth Wasserman on the death of their mother, mother-in-law and grandmother, Edythe Wasserman Myron & Andrew Weinbach on the death of their wife and mother, Sherrye Weinbach Randee Zitelman (Bill Domer), Chelsea and Ben Domer on the death of their mother and grandmother, Rae Zitelman
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January-February 2013
Those We Remember
January Yarhzeits
January 4, 2013 Avrum Adadi Max Adler Stuart Berman Rifka Charney Helen Cobb Sidney Cohen Charley Coplin Linda Dinkes Anna Hurvitz Eva Kaplan Clara Lebow Charlotte Lerner David Miringoff Sandy Paset Roman Ross Elizabeth Weber Bertha Whiteman January 11, 2013 Shirley Aaron James Bern Ida Cohen Bremer Florence Eiseman Minna Regina Feld Nancy Frank Sam Gordon William Grodin Joseph G. Kahn Nancy Kaplan Hirsh J. Kravit Frances J. Lipshultz Alma Meissner Dorothy Shensa Miller Saul Siegel Milton Strauss Anne Tobias Perry Urich January 18, 2013 Betsy Bell Mildred Belzer Alice Coplin Marjorie Elkind Gloria Fishkin Rosemary Kealy Bruce Klein Dorothy Laserson Max Luck Lillian Oddy Jean Polacheck Albert Razeper Roger V. Resek Abraham Rice Audrey Ross Vita Serak Ralph Sherman Milton Smuckler Roth Yottter Thomas Jay Werber Nannette Winter January 25, 2013 Margaret Adelstein Sonia M. Dulka Samuel Fensin Pam J. Green Dorothy Heilbronner Walter Hoar Dorothy Hindin David Jacobs Janice Weiss Kahn Rony Klein Saul Aaron Levine Lee Mishlove Gerald Muchin William Orenstein Reuben Reuter Rebecca Schwartz Marcus Taitelman Blair Bud Temkin Merle Werner Ida Winick
February Yarhzeits
February 1, 2013 Rae Blutstein Lawrence Brill Hannah Ripps Cheplin Anna Chutkow Louis Chutkow Estelle Feldman Dodie Freschl Rose Henkin Yetta Herman Joseph Kaplan Robert N. Kartman Margery Melcher Sidney Mendelsohn Allan R. Polacheck Theodore Pories Harlow Sanderson Nathan Schwartz Elliot Shafton Max Shapiro Jeanne Stark Harry Stein Theodore Stern Anita Strain Richard Werner February 8, 2013 Irving H. Armour Ben Berger Helen Bram Eldred Fishbein Bessie Frisch Joseph Grotta Harry Herman Harry Hurvitz Sarah Ikenn Fred Landis Dr. Werner Loewenstein Hazel Mishelow Rose Ottenstein Renee Rieselbach Phillips Joseph Shaiken William Sidon Jack Strain Sherwood Earl Temkin Albert Whiteman Jack Winter Sr. Gary Winter Minna Wurzburg Ruth Zeligs February 15, 2013 Clarence J. Becker David Brickman Belle Fried Dr. Leon Gilman Warren Goldstein Jacqueline L. Kravit Dr. Hazel Loewenstein Joseph Rochford Lubar Rose May Edward Mishelow John Nellen Marcia Segal Tessie Stemerman Josephine Usow Abram Warschauer February 22, 2013 Alex Cooper Mollie Cutler Sylvia Fishbach Jean Hoar Frank Ikenn David Levy Clarissa Lore Charles Lubotsky Alta Merkel Margaret Schlossmann Clarence Schmidt Lillian Stone
Donations received from 10/6/12-12/6/12 Adult Programming & Education Fund In memory of Lew Goldstein In memory of Emil Neubauer In memory of Lottie Neubauer Robert & Donna Neubauer In memory of Bessie Weiss Merle Wasserman In memory of Roz Zitelman David Weissman & Mimi Schechter Andy Brickman Museum Fund In memory of Alan Bromley Jim & Jean Bromley & Family Tzedakah Fund In memory of Edith Bromberg Ellis & Mel Bromberg Happy Birthday to Karen Lancina Rabbi David Cohen & Julie Turetsky In memory of Harry Luck Allan & Shari Luck In memory of Peter Pumpian Ida Pumpian In memory of Theodus Wiggins Phyllis-Marie Wiggins Rabbis Discretionary Fund In memory of Aaron C. Cherniack Gerry Cherniack & Family In memory of Paul Elias Toots Hassel Dan Schnoll In memory of Jack Fagan Bernice Fagan & Family In memory of Nathan Fishbach Susan Fishbach In honor of Edith Gilman Michael & Sara Gilman Daniel & Jean Gilman In memory of Bertha Goldberger In memory of Melvin Goldberger JoAnn G. Mann In memory of Emanuel Mannie Hassel Toots Hassel In memory of Bernard Horwitz Ann & Fred Horwitz In memory of Dorothy Lubotsky Barbara Shafton
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January-February 2013
In memory of William Padway In memory of Margaret Stuckert Nick & Janet Padway In memory of Judith Kerns Pence Henry Pat & Joan Kerns In memory of Edwin Ted Ostermann Nancy Ostermann, Ellen Ostermann, & Linda Jarve In memory of Edward Stillman Michael B. Stillman In memory of Willie Weiss In memory of Theodore Friedlander, Sr. Jean Friedlander Floral and Oneg Fund In honor of Rabbi Jay & Rita Brickmans 60th Wedding Anniversary Rosalie Kahn In memory of Lee Cherniack Gerry Cherniack In memory of Helen Kimmel Richard and Ronna Kimmel In memory of Mollie Lipschultz George Lipschultz In memory of Abe Lipton George Lipschultz In memory of Dr. Alex Sigal Richard and Ronna Kimmel In memory of Ulrick Steuer Robert Steuer In memory of Cecelia Warschauer In memory of Irene Warschauer Rabbi Jay and Rita Brickman Chesed (Caring) Fund In memory of Paul Elias In memory of Margaret Stuckert In memory of Roz Zitelman Dorothy & Al Meyers In memory of Ruth Diamond Goldmann Jim & Joni Ansfield & Family In honor of Baby Naming of Camryn Avery Lauwasser Dr. & Mrs. Jim Ansfield In memory of Laurence Luff Dorothy & Al Meyers In memory of Richard Saltzstein Sandra Saltztein In memory of Howard James Seesel, Jr. Richard & Michele Seesel In memory of Roz Zitelman Rosalee & Herb Bratt Music Fund In memory of David E. Davidoff, MD Donna Davidoff & Michael Hansen In memory of Joanne Mendeloff Misaqi Alan Mendeloff In memory of Lillian Peck Emmett Peck In memory of Roz Zitelman Laurie & Dean Segal Doje Sherman Miriam Miringoff Kitchen Fund In memory of Paul Elias In memory of Sally Harris In honor of Camryn Lauwasser In memory of David Lerman In honor of Talia Liv Shafrin Judi & Michael Ketten In memory of Harry Schwartz In memory of Lillian Schwartz Peter & Stacy Schwab Jacob M. Fine & Family Library & Technology Fund In memory of Paul Elias In memory of Joann Weber Jayne & Eric Butlein Janet Greenebaum Scholarship Fund In memory of Louis Greenebaum, Jr. In memory of Margaret Peggy Juda Janet Greenebaum Passport to Israel Fund In memory of Arthur Levin Lloyd & Sheri Levin In memory of Edith Meyer Rick Meyer & Gail Hoffman In honor of the Marriage of Zeev & Carol Nathan Judi & Michael Ketten In memory of Elayne Staller Lloyd & Sheri Levin Landscape Fund In memory of Lawrence Ball In memory of Herbert Kahn In memory of Judi Kahn Dick Kahn In memory of Karen Flesch Shellie Blumenfield Prayer Book Fund In memory of Carol Siegel-Zdatny Barbara Bradbury Rebecca Robins Youth Engagement Scholarship Fund In memory of Harry Luck Elyse & BJ Cohn & Family New Sukkah Fund In honor of Josh Lookatchs Bar Mitzvah Charles & Sondra Eiseman Michelle, Rich, Charlie, & Joey Lewis Bryan & Pam Lookatch Rob & Lauri Roth Alan & Gail Ruderman Operating Fund In memory of Bessie Becker In memory of Jean Golper Margery Becker In memory of Paul Elias Tom St. John & Micaela Levine Donald & Sheila Taitelman In memory of Mary Kaufman Larry & Karen Pearson In memory of Molly Lipschultz George & Diane Lipschultz In memory of Julia E. Siegel Barbara S. Bradbury Congregation Sinai Endowment at the Jewish Community Foundation In memory of Paul Elias In memory of Roz Zitelman Marc & Cynthia Kartman In memory of Rita Teplin Jeff Teplin & Susan Engler
Those making donations will receive recognition for their generosity in the Sinai News. Those honored or the family of someone remembered will receive notice in the mail from Congregation Sinai.
Congregation Sinai
8223 N. Port Washington Road, Fox Point, WI 53217
Member of the Union for Reform Judaism
The form below may be used when submitting your donation. Those remembered will be promptly informed of your thoughtfulness. Please return form to the Sinai office. Please make checks payable to Congregation Sinai. Note: Suggested minimum donations is $10.00.
Adult Programming & Education Fund Andy Brickman Museum Fund Barbara Eiseman Memorial Fund for Spiritual Growth Cantors Discretionary Fund Chesed (Caring) Fund Congregation Sinai Endowment (@ the Jewish Community Foundation) Congregation Sinai Operating Fund Floral & Oneg Fund Jacob M. Fine & Family Library & Technology Fund Prayerbook Fund
Landscape Fund Lieberman Memorial Arts Fund Miriam Miringoff Kitchen Fund Music Fund Passport to Israel Fund Rabbis Discretionary Fund Robert Grant Marks Youth Fund Tzedakah Fund Rebecca Robins Youth Engagement Scholarship Fund Other_________________