Yedid Nefesh

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The poem expresses deep longing and desire for closeness with God.

The poem is a prayer written by R. Elazar Azkari expressing love and longing for God.

The poet sees God as a beloved, merciful father and considers himself God's servant.


Yedid Nefesh - Beloved of My Soul

R. Elazar Azkari, Tzfat, 16th Century

Beloved of my soul, Merciful Father draw your servant after your will
16- ,
Your servant would run swift as a deer to kneel before Your splendor
For Your love is sweeter to him than honey nectar and all pleasing savor

Exalted Glorious Beautiful Light of the World my soul is love-sick for You
Please, My God, please heal her by showing her the beauty of Your radiance
Then she will be strengthened and healed and be Your maidservant forever

Ancient One arouse Your mercy spare the son of Your beloved friend
For he has a long time longed to behold the magnificence Your might
Please, My God, My Hearts Delight, oh come quickly do not forsake me

Reveal Yourself my dearest and spread over me Your canopy of peace

Let the earth be illuminated with Your glory let us be delighted and rejoice in You
Make haste my beloved for the time has come show me Your favor as in the days of old



This piyut, which holds a highly respected place among the traditions of Jewish liturgy, was written by R. Elazar
Azkari, a philosopher and ethicist who was a major gure among the mystics 16th century Tzfat.
The poet himself dened his piyut as a supplication for union and the desire of love and it is indeed sung by
all communities at times of great emotional and spiritual awakenings, such as the dawn hour, the welcoming of
the Shabbat or the third meal of Shabbat .
The poem is imbued with love, longing and emotion and it reects the sensitive and mystical tendencies of the
Another noteworthy fact is that the acrostic is the tetragrammaton, Gods ineffable name, and not, as is
customary, the authors name. This again reects the deep spiritual feelings of the author.

Invitation to Piyut NA 6 7

The term Yedid Nefesh refers to God, as well as to the individual and the people of Israel. This In this poem, the body and soul are intertwined. This is depicted through references to the
is exemplified when the prophet Jeremiah voices Gods lament over the future when he will senses, and the poets choice of verbs: draw, run, kneel, taste and it is interesting that R. Elazar
leave His people and His Temple: I will forsake My house, abandoned my inheritance, I will Azkari, in his book, Sefer Haredim, categorizes the commandments according to the limbs of
deliver the one I love (yedidut nafshi) into the hands of her enemies. (Jeremiah 12:8). the body which are obligated to fulfill them: eyes, heart, mouth, hands, legs, etc. We constantly
Yedid Nefesh - that is how the poet, whose soul is love sick, calls his beloved, God. In the feel the two aspects of desire: the desire for Gods physical dwelling place, the Temple, and the
first line of the poem, there are three references to God: Yedid, Av and Melech lover, father, spiritual desire for the knowledge of God and closeness to Him.
king (or master, as the poet calls himself a servant). The people of Israel are Gods children and Ki zeh khameh nichsof nichsaf, lirot betiferet uzach - Like Jacob, who is identified with the
servants. The parent-child relationship represents the natural and unconditional love. For even sefirah of Tiferet (beauty/magnificence), who was entirely consumed with longing for his fa-
children who go astray are still their fathers children. And their father forgives them because thers house (Genesis 31:30), so the poet longs and yearns for the magnificence, for the house
of his love for them. The second relationship is one of complete surrender of the servant to of his father, whether it be the celestial or earthly. It is interesting that in Ezekiel prophecy,
his master. Only through this relationship, through complete surrender to the Master of the which closes his prophecies of rebuke, we find a description of the ruined Temple and the exile
universe, is complete freedom achieved. This notion is also expressed in the words of R. Yehuda in words that are echoed in our poem: You, O mortal, take note: On the day that I take their
Halevi: Servants of time are servants of servants. Only the servant of God is free. stronghold from them, their pride and glory (tiferet), the delight of their eyes and the longing
R. Elazar Azkari turns to God as a son would to a merciful father, and as servant of God who of their souls (Ezekiel 24:25).
wants to entirely devote himself to his creator. He turns to his king, the King of all Kings, and Higaleh na ufros haviv, alai et sukkat shelomach - The poet is asking for the rebuilding of the
requests that He draw him, his servant, to do His will. Like the beloved in Song of Songs longs temple and the redemption of these exiled. He asks of God to speed the redemption and not
for her lover and say to him Draw me, we will run after thee. The king hath brought me into his to ignore and hide His face from His people. Only then will there be a canopy of peace spread
chambers (Song of Songs 1:4). The poet also requests to enter the inner chamber of the King, over the people of Israel, as is stated in the prayer which proceeds the Amidah on Friday night:
the highest point, the divine will. Like King David, he requests to reach the source of life and Spread over us and Jerusalem your city a canopy of mercy and peace. The kabbalists estab-
vitality, the knowledge of God: With you is the source of life, by Your light do we see light. lished that in saying these words, one should focus on receiving the additional Shabbat soul.
Draw your kindness to those devoted to you, and your righteousness to the upright. (Psalms Maher ahuv ki ba moed, vechonenu kimei olam - The poet concludes his poem with the words
36:10-11). of David, the anointed king, and of Malachi, the prophet who sealed the era of prophecy of the
Yarutz avdach kemo ayal - The poets feet are light as a deers as he runs towards God. He runs people of Israel, by saying: Behold I send Elijah the prophet to you before the coming of the
like that very deer whose soul yearns and reaches out to God: Like a deer yearning for water great and awesome day of the Lord. (Malachi 3:23).
channels, so my soul years for You God. (Psalms 42:2). And when he merits this, then he
kneels and bows, and lowers himself before the greatness and glory of God - yishtachaveh el
mul hadarach.

Invitation to Piyut NA 8 9
Yedid Nefesh - Beloved of My Soul
Yedid Nefesh// R. Elazar Azkari
R. Elazar Azkari Morocco/Algeria


&b c j .. . .
. n
Ye di ne fesh av ha rah ma

j j
. . j .
6 answer

& b . .
an me shoch av dach el re tso na ach ai lai

& b n . . j . j . . . j
11 1, 2. 3.

. . .
Yedid nefesh av harachaman meshoch avdach el retzonach
Yarutz avdach kemo ayal yishtachaveh el mul hadarach
ya Ha dur na eh ziv ha o Ki yeerav lo yedidutach minofet tzuf vechol taam

& b . n . # j . # j

# Hadur naeh ziv haolam nafshi cholat ahavatach

lam ai lai lai Naf shi cho lat Ana el na refa na lah beharot lah noam zivach

j .. j
22 Az titchazek vetitrapeh vehayta lach shifchat olam
& b # # # .
Vatik yehemu rachamecha vechusa na al ben ahuvach
A ha va tach A na el na re

j j
n . j . j . . . j
27 Ki zeh khameh nichsof nichsaf lirot betiferet uzach
& b . Ana Eli machmad libi chusha na veal titalam

fa na la be har ot la no am zi

Higaleh na ufros haviv alai et sukkat shelomach

33 1. 2.

&b . Yedid n
Nefesh// R. Elazar

. Azkari . w
Tair eretz mikevodach nagila venismecha bach
Maher ahuv ki ba moed vechonenu kimei olam
vach ai la lai Az Iraq

E half at

&b c .. .
Ye did ne fesh av ha rach man me

6 E half at

&b n
B half at

shoch av dach el re tzo nach ya rutz av

& b n

E half at

dach ke mo a yal yish ta ha ve mul


&b .
ha da rach

Invitation to Piyut NA 10 11

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