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articulated and it typically takes at least a [Also], we’re building this massive
year to have to go through the prepara- building in the middle of a fully func- BY THE NUMBERS
tion of construction drawings. Design/- tional, old prison. ■ $210 million – Annual prison
build is very lean. It eliminates many [We need] to do this with all the securi- operating budget
problems. The contractor can control ty requirements while still allowing con- ■ 1,033 – Number of custody staff

■ 685 – Number of support services

their own destiny, and as for Hensel tractors efficient access to the prison and
Phelps, they can control the design and without compromising the integrity of staff
■ 3,317 beds – Designed bedspace
fast track the project that is otherwise the prison. We were able to overcome
■ 432 acres – Total land space
not possible. this by doing a lot of preplanning and
CT: What are some of the challenges fully understanding the prison’s opera- Source: CDCR
you’ve dealt with so far and how did you tions and concerns, as well as identifying
resolve them? the means by which the contractor can cers] will have a clear view from the out-
MS: The first challenge was that there be efficient. side into an [inmate’s] room, and making
were old buildings we needed to demol- CT: To what do you attribute the pro- sure there are no blind spots. We were
ish. Some of the buildings were built ject’s success so far? able to show them that there will be no
between the 1880s to 1930s. The chal- MS: Having a collaborative culture, blind spots by using BIM.
lenge was historic preservation and we which includes collaborating with the CT: What makes Vanir the construc-
had to do a full environmental impact institution and understanding the securi- tion manager of choice for this project?
report consistent with the California ty needs and being sensitive to it. We MS: Our ability to provide a compre-
Environmental Quality Act. We worked also work with healthcare professionals hensive package of services from concept
very closely with the State Historic and make sure everyone’s included in the to completion that included architectural
Preservation Office and looked at what’s process. We recognize that we are part- programming and development of the
important to preserve vs. what’s old and ners, not just construction managers. design-build criteria documents.
has no historic value. That is the key part. We manage things all the way from the
We preserved a dungeon that was built Other components include the use of big picture to the details of construc-
in 1856 and the historic façade. We will BIM (building information modeling). tion change-orders and everything else
complete the project in there years from Since it is a correctional environment, in between. We are a one-stop shop for all
conception to occupancy. there are many concerns about if [offi- of [our clients’] needs. ■


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