217 CT 0209
217 CT 0209
217 CT 0209
Hendry says the project is well on its Safety First says. “We have a great advantage by uti-
way toward on-time completion in May Safety is at the forefront of every Opus lizing the design-build delivery system
2009. The key to maintaining the project’s project, and the firm requires each sub- for our projects, because we control all
schedule is to hold workers accountable for contractor to be equally committed to the aspects necessary to deliver a quality
performing their work as expected. “If we maintaining a safe work environment. project,” Hendry explains. “It really saves
give a subcontractor 14 days to complete a “We have a very stringent safety program quite a bit of time to manage the differ-
task, we make sure those days are available we put in place, and all subcontractors ent disciplines in-house.”
to them,” Hendry explains. “The key is to have to comply with our policies,” Hendry The firm strives to employ seasoned
ensure the next scheduled task is ready to explains. “Each subcontractor also has to workers who are dedicated to the success
go on time.” supply their own safety program to our of the company. “They have to have a
However, the December 2008 winter safety manager for his approval.” willingness to learn, because no matter
brought one of Portland’s heaviest snow- In addition, Opus safety managers visit how long you’ve been in this business,
falls, presenting a number of weather- job sites on a weekly basis, and superin- you can learn something new every day,”
related scheduling challenges. tendents perform daily safety walks to Hendry says.
“As a team, we lost several days because oversee compliance with safety regula-
of weather-related disruptions,” Hendry tions. The company also organizes daily Overcoming Challenges
says. toolbox meetings to discuss safety topics. Although today’s volatile economic cli-
“Working in the Pacific Northwest in As a result of the company’s focus on mate is causing challenges industry wide,
general is a challenge, because rain on safety, it had no lost-time due to acci- Opus is preparing for the future by diver-
wood-framed structures can be very harm- dents on the job last year, Hendry says. sifying its product lines.
ful,” he continues. Although the company typically owns
To prepare for any weather-related Understanding Expectations its projects, Opus is looking to work with
complications, Opus adds several days Opus draws from a pool of qualified and other third-party owners when an oppor-
onto a project’s schedule to account for long-time subcontractors who under- tunity arises. “During these current eco-
any potential lost time. The firm also stand the company’s expectations and nomic times, we’re looking to take our
implements a number of engineering requirements. As a project builder and design/build delivery system and use it
controls to maintain a dry working envi- owner, the company is able to better con- to the advantage of other owners,” Hendry
ronment, Hendry adds. trol the progress of each job, Hendry explains. ■