143 CT 0209
143 CT 0209
143 CT 0209
do and all of their buildings will be green vision and skill of our 150-plus LEED- Overcoming Challenges
and seek LEED certification.” accredited professionals,” Opus says. Bischoff says the most challenging aspect
“Sustainable development makes up to the 7th and Madison project has been
‘Sensible Sustainability’ almost 20 million square feet of Opus’ lack of space on site. One side of the
Achieving general LEED certification is 35 million-square-foot pipeline, encom- building faces an interstate off ramp and
considered an easy task these days, but for passing office, industrial, retail, multi- can never be closed. “This makes it diffi-
most contractors, gold certification remains family and mixed-use projects in the cult to stage materials and coordinate the
challenging and expensive. Opus practices United States and Canada.” delivery of materials without having the
a “Sensible Sustainability” system that ability to close down the street,” he says.
aligns the company’s design/build capabili- Team Opus Opus overcomes this challenge by pre-
ties with its clients’ budgets and build- Opus Northwest LLC is the project devel- fabricating as much of the material as
ing goals. oper for 7th and Madison. Its construc- possible to reduce the need for on-site
“At every stage of the development tion arm, Opus Northwest Contractors, is storage. It works closely with city offi-
process, we leverage design and construc- the general contractor. Opus Architects cials to coordinate activities such as
tion practices that maximize building and Engineers is the project’s engineer. scheduling deliveries, working off hours
performance and reduce the impact of The only member of the project team and lane closures. It also maintains good
buildings on the environment,” the com- not affiliated with Opus is architect relationships with its subcontractors,
pany says. NBBJ, also based in Seattle. who partner with the company on devel-
Furthermore, Opus focuses its efforts “The majority of our work is in-house,” oping value-engineered ideas.
on five areas: Bischoff says. “For this project, we secured our mate-
■ Sustainable site planning; He says that when divisions of Opus rials a year ahead of time to avoid price
■ Safeguarding water; work together on a project, communica- escalation on the aluminum curtainwall
■ Energy efficiency and renewable energy; tion is usually flawless and it is easier to materials,” Bischoff says.
■ Conserving materials and resources; and coordinate the trades. “We were able to get a lot of input
■ Indoor environmental quality. “It’s a lot more coordinated because you from the subcontractors during the
“To date, we’ve brought more than 3 have all of the in-house development, pre- design phase, which makes for a well-
million square feet of LEED-certified construction, construction and design,” he coordinated design and helps the effi-
projects to life, thanks in part to the notes. ciency during construction.” ■