Signals and Systems - Chapter 2

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Signals and Systems Chapter 2

Continuous-Time Systems
Prof. Yasser Mostafa Kadah

Overview of Chapter 2
Systems and their classification Linear time-invariant systems

System Concept
Mathematical transformation of an input signal (or signals) into an output signal (or signals)
Idealized model of the physical device or process

Electrical/electronic circuits

In practice, the model and the mathematical representation are not unique

System Classification
Static or dynamic systems
Capability of storing energy, or remembering state

Lumped- or distributed-parameter systems Passive or active systems

Ex: circuits elements

Continuous time, discrete time, digital, or hybrid systems

According to type of input/output signals

LTI Continuous-Time Systems

A continuous-time system is a system in which the signals at its input and output are continuous-time signals

A linear system is a system in which the superposition holds Output
Scaling Additivity

Linear System


Nonlinear System

y(x)= a x y(x)= a x + b Linear Nonlinear

Linearity Examples
Show that the following systems are nonlinear:

where x(t) is the input and y(t), z(t), and v(t) are the outputs.
Whenever the explicit relation between the input and the output of a system is represented by a nonlinear expression the system is nonlinear

Linearity Examples
Consider each of the components of an RLC circuit and determine under what conditions they are linear.

Linearity Examples
Op Amp
Linear or nonlinear region

Virtual short

Time Invariance
System S does not change with time
System does not ageits parameters are constant

Example: AM modulation

RLC Circuits
Kirchhoffs voltage law,


Second-order differential equation with constant coefficients

Input the voltage source v(t) Output the current i(t)

Representation of Systems by Differential Equations

Given a dynamic system represented by a linear differential equation with constant coefficients:

N initial conditions: Input x(t)=0 for t < 0,

Complete response y(t) for t>=0 has two parts:

Zero-state response Zero-input response

Representation of Systems by Differential Equations

Linear Time-Invariant Systems
System represented by linear differential equation with constant coefficients Initial conditions are all zero Output depends exclusively on input only

Nonlinear Systems
Nonzero initial conditions means nonlinearity Can also be time-varying

Representation of Systems by Differential Equations

Define derivative operator D as,


Analog Mechanical Systems

Application of Superposition and Time Invariance

The computation of the output of an LTI system is simplified when the input can be represented as the combination of signals for which we know their response. Using superposition and time invariance properties

Application of Superposition and Time Invariance: Example

Example 1: Given the response of an RL circuit to a unitstep source u(t), find the response to a pulse

Convolution Integral
Generic representation of a signal:
The impulse response of an analog LTI system, h(t), is the output of the system corresponding to an impulse (t) as input, and zero initial conditions The response of an LTI system S represented by its impulse response h(t) to any signal x(t) is given by:
Convolution Integral

Convolution Integral: Observations

Impulse response is fundamental in the characterization of linear time-invariant systems Any system characterized by the convolution integral is linear and time invariant by the above construction The convolution integral is a general representation of LTI systems, given that it was obtained from a generic representation of the input signal Given that a system represented by a linear differential equation with constant coefficients and no initial conditions, or input, before t=0 is LTI, one should be able to represent that system by a convolution integral after finding its impulse response h(t)

Convolution Integral: Example

Example: Obtain the impulse response of a capacitor and use it to find its unit-step response by means of the convolution integral. Let C = 1 F.

A continuous-time system S is called causal if: Whenever the input x(t)=0 and there are no initial conditions, the output is y(t)=0 The output y(t) does not depend on future inputs For a value > 0, when considering causality it is helpful to think of: Time t (the time at which the output y(t) is being computed) as the present Times t- as the past Times t+ as the future


Graphical Computation of Convolution Integral

Example 1: Graphically find the unit-step y(t) response of an averager, with T=1 sec, which has an impulse response h(t)= u(t)-u(t-1)

Graphical Computation of Convolution Integral

Example 2: Consider the graphical computation of the convolution integral of two pulses of the same duration

Interconnection of Systems Block Diagrams

(a) Cascade (commutative)

(b) Parallel (distributive)

(c) Feedback

Bounded-Input Bounded-Output Stability (BIBO)

For a bounded (i.e., well-behaved) input x(t), the output of a BIBO stable system y(t) is also bounded An LTI system with an absolutely integrable impulse response is BIBO stable Example: Multi-echo path system

Problem Assignments
Problems: 2.3, 2.4, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.12, 2.14 Partial Solutions available from the student section of the textbook web site

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