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Third Grades A Hoot!

Whats Happening In Our Class?

Hello everyone. Its hard to believe that its already the middle of October! I am looking forward to our Halloween Party next week and seeing all the costumes. We have been working very hard in class on listening and showing respect for one another. This goes back to the Social Contract that the students made the first week of school. On Fridays we hold our class meetings so that any issues and good things can be discussed in a safe and secure environment. lenge packs to work on when they finish their journal work. In addition, I have a fourth grade math pack that is available for parents. This is a take home pack to complete at home for an extra challenge. Many of these concepts may be new and will not be taught during the school day. Please let me know if you are interested in this. Please go over your childs homework with them and have them correct any errors. This will help to reinforce concepts learned in class. Thanks! In science we are working on a unit called Earth and Me. We will look at rocks, minerals, the rock cycle, and earth materials. In language arts we are working hard on our word journeys. Word journeys is a program where students are working on words and how they sound, how many syllables they have, their vowel patterns, their meaning, their parts of speech and much more. This is much more in depth than just learning 20 words for a test on Friday. You can help your child by making sure that they complete their daily word study homework, look it over to make sure it is correct, and then sign their homework. We will also start reading Anansi. This is an animal fantasy story about a tricky spider. We will read two stories and compare and connect them as well as practice vocabulary, and summarization. It is an important skill to re-tell or summarize a story. We are also reading a non-fiction book called Salt Rocks. This goes with our earth and me unit in science. We will look at cause and effect, summarizing, nonfiction text features as well as the different types of sentences. Parent volunteers start this week. Thanks to everyone who has signed up.

Mrs. Bates 3rd Grade Class

October, 2012 [email protected] 863-6363 ext. 4707

If you ever need to contact me with questions, please dont hesitate to call or email me. Together we can make this a great year for your child!

In math we are on Unit 2. The unit will cover Fact Families and fact extensions, number stories and addition and subtraction with carrying and borrowing. Everyone has brought home a mad minute addition/subtraction pack for practice. If you would like your child to have a multiplication and/or division mad minute pack, please let me know. I can send this home for extra challenge work if needed. I have also given everyone extra chal-

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