CS2311 2 Marks Q&A

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Object oriented programming concepts objects-classes- methods and messagesabstraction and encapsulation-inheritance- abstract classes- polymorphism.Introduction to C++- objects-classes-constructors and destructors Unit II Operator overloading friend functions- type conversions- templates virtual functions- runtime polymorphism. Unit III Exception handling Streams and formatted I/O file handling namespaces String Objects standard template library.
Unit IV

12 Inheritance 8

Introduction to JAVA , bytecode, virtual machines objects classes Javadoc packages Arrays Strings Unit V 10 Inheritance interfaces and inner classes exception handling threads Streams and I/O TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. B. Trivedi, Programming with ANSI C++, Oxford University Press, 2007. 2. Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell, Core JAVA volume 1, Eighth Edition, Pearson Education, 2008. REFERENCES 1. ISRD Group, Introduction to Object-oriented Programming and C++, Tata McGrawHill Publishing Company Ltd., 2007.
2. ISRD Group, Introduction to Object-oriented programming through Java, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 2007.

3. S. B. Lippman, Josee Lajoie, Barbara E. Moo, C++ Premier, Fourth Edition, Pearson Education, 2005.
4. D. S. Malik, C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design, Third

Edition, Thomson Course Technology, 2007. 5. K. Arnold and J. Gosling, The JAVA programming language, Third edition, Pearson Education, 2000.

SHORT QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS UNIT-I 1. What are the Concepts of OOPs Objects Classes Data Abstraction Data Encapusulation Inheritance Polymorphism Message Passing Dynamic Binding 2. Differentiate Procedure Oriented Programming(POP) and Object Oriented Programming(OOP) POP 1) Emphasis on non-real itrem 2) Programs are divided into functions 3) Data are sharable 4) Structured Programming 5) Top-Down Approach 3. Define Tokens Smallest individual unit in a program. C++ tokens are Keywords, Identifiers, Constants, Strings, Operators 4. What are the Data Types in C++ Built-in Data types User Defined Data types Derived Data Types 5. Write the Block Structure of C++ Include Files Class Declaration Member Function Defintions Main Function Program 6. What are the Operators in C++ Scope Resolution Operator : : Pointer-to-Pointer Member Declarator : :* Pointer-to-Pointer Member Operator ->* Pointer-to-Pointer Member Operator .* OOP Emphasis on real item Programs are divided into Objects Data are not sharable Object Oriented Programming Bottam-Up Arpproach

Delete-Memory Release Operator Endl-Line feed operator New-Memory allocation operator Setw-Memory width operator

8. What is expression? What are the expressions in C++? Constant Expressions Integral Expressions Float Expressions Pointer Expressions Relational Expressions Logical Expressions Bitwise Expressions

9. What is meant by Data Hiding? Data are hidden inside a class, that can not be accessed by any function outside the class. It is achived by declaring the data part as private. 9 . What is Polymorphism? What the are the types of Polymorphism. Polymorphism mean many forms. Types of Polymorphism are Runtime Polymorphism Compile time Polymorphism 11. Differentiate Constructor and Destructors. Constructors cannot be virtual. Destructors can be Virtual. Construtors must be declared in public. Destructors must be declared in public. Constructors has arguments. Destructors has no arguments. 11. What is function? What are the types of Function in C++? Functions with Arguments and No Return Values Functions with No Arguments and No Return Values Functions with Arguments and Return Values

12. What are the Features of Iline Function? Run Faster Function Call & Return is Eliminated Improves Performance 13. What are the Components of Functions.? Function Declaration Function Parameters

Function Definition Return Statement Function Call 15. What is Default Arguments A function with same name, Different arguments is known as Default Arguments 15. What is Function Overloading? Overloading refers to the use of same thing for different purpose. i.e., Same function name performs variety of different tasks. Also known as Function polymorphism. 16.What are the parameter passing in C++. Pass by value Pass by Address Pass by reference 18. Define Class? A class encloses both data and functions that operate on the data, into a single unit. 18. Define Object Based Language. Object Based Language=Encapsulation + Object Identity Object Oriented Language= Object Based Features + Inheritance + Polymorphism 19. What are the Access Specifiers in C++. Public Private Protected 20. What is Static Variables? Defined with in the function, static variable initialized only once. Contents of the variables retained throughout the program. 21. Static Member Functions? Static Function can have accessed by only static members declared in the same class. Static member function called using the name of class instead of its objects. 22. Define Constructor. It is a member function having name of its class. It is executed automatically when object is created. It is used to initialize object and allocate the necessary memory.

23. Define Destructor. It is a member function having the char ~ followed by name of its class. It is executed automatically when object goes out of scope. A class must have only one constructor. 24. Define Constructor Overloading. A class can have multiple constructors. This is called constructor overloading. 25. What is order of Constructor and Destructor When more than one object is created, they are destroyed in the reverse Chronological order. Object created must recently is the first one to be destroyed. 26. What is meant by Parameterized constructors. Constructor that can take arguments are called parameterized constructor. 27. What is meant by Copy Constructors? It is used to declare and initialize an object from another object For example Integer i2 (i1) Define I2 and at the same time initialize it to the values of i1.

UNIT - II 1. Define Friend Function. Private members cannot be accessed from outside the class. To make an outside function Friendly to a class, declare this function as a friend of the class. 2. What is meant by Friend Class? We can also declare all the member function of one class the friend of another class. In such cases , the class is called a friend class. 3. What are the Special Characteristics of Friend Function? The function definition does not use friend keyword It is not in the scope of the class which is declared as friend It can be called like normal function without the help of any object Friend function acts as a Bridge between 2 classes

4. Define Operator Overloading? To define an additional task to an operator. Mechanism of giving such special meanings to an operator is known as Operator Overloading. 5. What are the Operators of C++ that cannot be overloaded? . , .* - class member access operator :: - Scope Resolution Operaotr Sizeof-Size of Operator ?:- Conditional Operator

6. Define Inheritance. Creating new class from old class. (or) 7. What are types of Inheritance? Single Inheritance Multiple Inheritance Multilevel Inheritance Hybrid Inheritance Hierarchical Inheritance 8. What are visibility modes of Inheritance? Private Public Public Deriving a new class from old class.

Note: Private members are not inheritable, inaccessible to the objects of derived class. 9. How can you define member functions in c++? Defined inside the class Defined outside the class

10. What is meant by Abstract Class? It is the one that is not used to create objects. That is, abstract class is designed only to act as a base class. 11. What is meant by intermediate base class?
In multilevel inheritance, first level derived class is known as intermediate base


12. What is meant by Automatic Initialization of objects. C++ provides a special member function called the constructor which enables an object to initialize itself when it is created. 13 . What is meant by Hybrid Inheritance? 2 or more types of inheritance used to derive a class. 2 or set of class acts as a base class, from which we can derive a new class. 14. What is meant by Multipath Inheritance? Consists of multiple, multilevel and hierarchical inheritance. 15. Define Virtual Base Class. Duplication of inherited members due to multiple paths can be avoided by making the common base class as virtual base class. 16. Define Virtual Function? It is used to invoke exact version of the member function. Virtual functions should be defined in the public section of a class 17. How can you access the virtual functions. Virtual functions have to be accessed through a pointer to the base class. It is not accessible directly. What are the types of type conversion? conversion from basic type to class type conversion from class type to basic type conversion from one class type to another 19. What is operator overloading? The mechanism of giving such special meanings to an operator is known as operator overloading. or In c++ you can give special meanings to operators when they are used with user defined classes. This is called operator overloading. 19. Why is it necessary to overload an operator? To define a new relation task to an operator, we must specify what it means in relation to the class to which the operator is applied. This is done with the help of a special function called operator function. Or

It allows the developer to program using notation closer to the target domain and allow user types to look like types built into the language. Or The ability to tell the compiler how to perform a certain operation when its corresponding operator is used on one or more variables. 20. What is a conversion function? How it is created? Explain its syntax The type of data to the right of an assignment operator is automatically converted to the type of the variable on the left. For e.g., the statements int m; float x=3.14; m=x; Convert x to an integer before its value is assigned t0 m. thus the fractional part is truncated. 21. When is a friend function compulsory? Give an eg. A friend function is necessary when you an function outside the class. And to access the private members of the class or the member function and also friend class can directly access the private and protected data. UNIT III 1. What is containership? A class can contain objects of other classes. It is known as containership. 2. What is meant by pure virtual function? A virtual function, equated to zero is called a pure virtual function. 3. What are rules for virtual function. The virtual functions must be members of some class They can not be static members They are accessed by object pointers Virtual function can be friend of another class.

4. What is meant by Streams? A stream is a sequence of bytes and serves as a source or destination for an I/O data. There 2 types of streams Input stream Output stream 6. Differentiate input and output stream. Input stream provides data to the program Output stream receives output from the program

6. How can you access private members? There are mechanism to access even private data using friend function, pointer to members etc from outside the class. 7. What is meant by empty class? Empty class consists of no member functions and no member variables For example Class abcd { ---} 8. What are the benefits of inheritance? Code Reuse Ease of code maintainence Increase reliability Improved performance Less maintenance Easy to extension

9. What are the Unformatted I/O Operations? Cin Cout Get() Put() 10. Differentiate Get() and Put() member functions. Get() member functions used to read single character from keyboard and Put() member functions used to write single character to screen. 11. Differentiate Getline() and Putline() member functions. Getline() Function reads strings and ends with newline character Putline() function displays strings on the screen. 12. What is meant by pure abstract class? A class containing pure virtual function is called pure abstract class . 13. What is meant by Concreate Class. A class containing no pure virtual function is known as concreate class.

14. What are the ios format functions.? Width() Precison() Fill() Setf Unsef

15. What is meant by manipulators The header file iomanip provides a set of functions called manipulators which can be used to manipulate the output formats. They provide same features as that of the ios member functions and flags.

16. What are manipulators in C++? Setw(w) Setprecison(d) Setfill(c) Setiosflags(f) Resetiosflags(f) Endl

17. Define file. File is collection of Records. Record is a collection of different data. 18. Differentiate file input stream and file output stream? I/P Stream extracts data from file O/P Stream inserts data to to file 19. What are operations on file? Name the file on the disk Open the file Process the file(Read/Write) Check for errors while processing Close the file

20. What are the file stream class? Filebuf Fstreambase Ifstream

Ofstream Fstream

22. What is meant by Static binding. The Addresses of the functions are determined at runtime rather than compile time. Also known as late binding. 22. What is meant by Dynamic binding? Opposite to Static binding. The functions are bound to the code to be executed at compile time. Also known as early binding. 23. What is meant by Reusability? Supported by OOPs. This allows reuse of existing classes without redefinition. That is reusing of existing classes . 24. What is meant by instance of classes? An instance of a class is an object whose type is class. 25. What is STL? A collection of generic classes and functions is called the Standard Template Library. STL components are part of C++ standard Library. 26. What are three components of STL The STL components are containers, algorithms and iterators. 27. Define containers. Containers are objects that hold data of same type. Containers are divided into three major categories: sequential, associative and derived. 28. What is iterators? What is its characteristic? An iterator is an object (like a pointer) that points to an element in a container. We can use iterators to move through the contents of containers. Iterators connect algorithms with containers and play a key role in the manipulation of data stored in the containers. 29. What are the best situations for the use of the associative containers Associate containers are designed to support direct access to elements using keys they are not sequential. Containers are best suited for fast searching, deletion and insertion of data in a structure called tree.

30. Compare the performance characteristics of the 3 containers. Container Random access Vector Fast List Slow Deque Fast Insertion or deletion in the middle Slow Fast Slow Inserton or deletion at the ends Fast at Back Fast at front Fast at both the ends

UNIT - IV 1. What is meant by Java?

Object Oriented Multithreaded High Level Programming Language developed by sun Microsystems in 1991.


What is meant by Platform?

Platform is the hardware or system software environment in which your program runs. Most platforms are described as a combination of hardware and operating system. 3. Java is platform independent language. Justify.

Platform is the hardware or system software environment in which your program runs. Moreover java language run by any operating system, thats why java is called platform independent languages. 4. What is meant by Java Application?

An Application is a program that runs on your computer, under the operating system of that system 5. What is meant by Java Applet?

An Applet is an application designed to be transmitted over the internet and executed by a Java-Compatible web browser. 6. Define JDK.

JDK(Java Development Kit). JDK is a software package from Sun Microsystems. Latest version of JDK is 1.5. This software package contains tools.

7. What are the JDK Tools Javac- Java Compiler Java Java interpreter Jdb Java Debugger Javap- Java Disassembler Javadoc- Java Documentation Javah - Java Header file Generator The Appletviewer

8. What are features of java Simple Object Oriented Distributed Interpreted Robust Secure Architecture-Neutral Portable High Performance Multithreaded Dynamic Language

9. What are features does not supported by java? Goto statement Multiple inheritance Operator overloading Structures and Unions allowed Pointers

10. What are features supported by java Automatic memory management Multithreaded programs

11. Define Java Character Set. Alphabets Digits Special characters Java uses Unicode character set.

12. What is meant by Java Class Defintion? A java program contains 2 parts. They are A class definition that encloses the entire program A main() method that contains the body. Every java program should contain atleast one class. 13. What is meant by bytecode in java? Java compiler after compiling the program creates a new file referred as the class file, which contains a special code referred as the bytecode. It is similar to machine language, but unlike machine language, java byte code is exactly the same on every platform. 14. Define JVM. It is an abstract computing machine, having an instruction and memory, which is used to implement the java program language. The JVM is responsible for cross-platform portability of java.

15. Define API. Java API are libraries of compiled code that you can use in your programs. They let you add readymade and customizable functionality to save your programming time. 16. Define Garbage Collection in Java? Garbage Collection also referred as automatic memory management. Periodically frees the memory used by objects that are no longer needed. The garbage collector in java scans dynamic memory areas for objects and marks those that are referenced. After all possible paths to objects are investigated the unreferenced objects are freed. 17. How multiple inheritance is achieved in java? Java does not support multiple inheritance. It is achieved by the use interface. 18. State the use of super keyword in java The super keyword is used to access a member of an immediate base class, from a derived class. 19. Mention the various access levels supported in java Public Protected Private

Package 21. Define method overloading. Java enables 2 or more methods with same name but with different signatures. The signature includes the number of type, and sequence of the arguments passed to a method. The capability to overload a method is referred to as overloading methods. UNIT V 1. Define Method Overriding. When you have 2 methods with same name and same arguments list, one present in the base class and another present in the sub class. When you access the method in the base class using the object of the derived class, the method in the derived class will be called instead of the method in the base class. The derived class method has overridden the base class method. 2. Write about Access Control in Java? Public Private Protected Package Accessible to all the classes Accessible to the class in which it is defined Accessible to within the class, by all the classes derived from the class Default level of Access in java

3. What is use of Final keyword in java? The Final keyword is similar to the keyword Const in C/C++. It is used several different circumstances as a modifier meaning you can not reassign the same in some sense 4. List the Classes that represent strings in java String StingBuffer
It is also defined as

5. What is package? Package is a collection of related classes and interfaces. putting classes together 6. What are the package of Java? Java API Packages User Defined Packages

7. Write about API Packages? Java API provides a large number of classes grouped into different packages according to functionality. Language Package(java.lang) Utilities Package(java.util) I/O Package(java.io) Networking Package(java.net) Applet Package(java.applet) AWT Package(java.awt) 8.Java does not support multiple inheritance. Why? Classes in java cannot have more than one superclass. For example Class A extends B extends C { ----} is not permitted in java. 9. What is meant by Nested Class? A nested class is a class that is a member of another class. 10. What is meant by inner class? Inner class is a class whose body is defined inside of another class. That is class Contains another class. 11. What is meant by Wrapper Classes? Corresponding to all the primitive data types java defines a set of classes referred as wrapper classes, which serves as class versions of the fundamental data types and named similar to the data types. 12. Define Instance of Operator in java? The instance of operator is a keyword, which is used to find out whether the object belongs to which class instance or not. Note that the instance of operator will cause a compile time error if it is used to check a class when there is no inheritance.

13. Define Interface. An Interface is basically a kind of class. Like classes, interfaces contain methods and variables with difference. That is interface do not specify any code to implement these methods 14. What is meant by Exception? An Exception is an condition that is caused by a runtime error in the program. An error may produce an incorrect output or may terminate the execution of the program. 15. Define Sub classing. Sub classing is the creation of new class that inherits from an existing class in the class hierarchy. 16. Mention some of the important classes present in java.net package. The inetaddress class URL class Socket Class The contenthandler class

17. What is the Significance of class path. Java interpreter uses an environment variable classpath, to determine the path to look for user defined classes. 18. Define Multithreading? Multitasking means executing several programs at a time, in system terminology, it is called multithreading. Thread is single line of execution with in the program. 19. What is life cycle of thread? New born state Runnable state Running state Blocked state Dead state 20. Define Synchronization. One thread try to read a record from a file while another is still writing to the same file. Depending on the situation, we may get strange results. To overcome this problem using a technique known as synchronization.

21. What is meant by Deadlock? Deadlock occurs when 2 or more threads are waiting for resources that they cant get. 22. Derived class is usually larger than the base class. Why? A derived class usually larger than base class, since is normally adds data members and memory function in addition to what it inherits from the base class.

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