System Verilog Short Notes
System Verilog Short Notes
System Verilog Short Notes
Type def
Enum - A set of integral named constants is called an enumerated type. It defines a set of named values having
an anonymous int type.
Packed arrays:
reg [5:0] array; // [5:0] is packed dimension or vector width.
bit [2:0][3:0] array;
Unpacked arrays:
reg arr [3:0]; // [3:0] is unpacked dimension.
int array [2:0][3:0];
Associative array:
data_type array_name [ index_type ];
bit[7:0] assoc_array [int];
There were 2 types of queues.
1) Bounded queue - Queue having a specific size or a limited number of entries.
2) Un bounded queue - Queue having non-specific queue size or unlimited entries.
bit q_1[$]; // Unbounded queue of bit
byte q_2[$]; // Unbounded queue of byte
int q_3 [$:9]; // Bounded queue with qsize = 10
if – else if :
if there is no else statement in if – elseif loop it will give run time error/warning.
So we can use unique0 if to overcome this problem.
Unique0 if: System Verilog allows us to use a ‘unique’ keyword before ‘if’ statement. Following
error/warnings are expected:
1) None of ‘if’ conditions are true or there is no ‘else’ statement.
2) More than one ‘if’ or ‘else if’ conditions are true.
While loop:
while(<condition>) begin
do while loop:
do begin
forever and always loops :
forever loop can used in procedural block and in class as well, but always cannot be used in procedural block and in
Correct way of using always block It will throw error as always block is in initial – begin block
Same way it will throw error if we use in class as well
for loop:
for (<initialization>; <condition>; <update>) begin
forever loop:
foreach (variable[iterator]) begin
repeat loop:
repeat(<number>) begin // <number> can be variable or fixed value
1. By default, functions declared are static except they are declared inside a class scope. If the function is
declared within class scope, they behave as an automatic function by default unless they are specifically
mentioned as static functions. We will discuss more on this concept in class (OOP) concepts.
2. All variables declared in a static function are static variables unless they are specifically mentioned as an
automatic variable.
3. All variables declared in an automatic function are automatic variables unless they are specifically mentioned
as a static variable.
Class :
Inheritence :
An Inheritance is the concept of OOP which allows users to create an extended class from the existing class.
The “extends” keyword is used to inherit the child class from its base class.
1. Child class has access to class properties and class methods of its base class. Thus, inheritance grants re-
2. Along with existing class properties and methods, a derived class can also add new properties and methods
based on the requirement.
3. A child class can modify its base class properties and methods without disturbing the base class.
4. Multilevel inheritance is also possible in SystemVerilog. A derived class can also further extended, this is
multilevel inheritance.
Virtual function and task : ()
When a child class handle is assigned to its base class. On calling a method using a base class handle, the base class
method will be executed. On declaring a method as a virtual method, a base class handle can call the method of its child class.
With virtual without virtual
Abstract class :
An abstract class is a special type of base class that is not intended to be instantiated and a set of derived classes can be
1. An abstract class is an incomplete class that may contain method implementation or may contain only the
prototype of methods without actual implementation (known as pure virtual methods). It can not be
instantiated and it can only be derived.
2. The virtual keyword is used in front of the class to differentiate it from the normal class.
3. An abstract class is also known as a virtual class.
4. Method type, number of arguments, and return type (if required) should be the same for the virtual methods
in their derived classes.
5. It is not mandatory to add methods in the abstract class.
A base class handle can invoke methods of its child class which has the same name. Hence, an object can take many
1. As we know, the derived class object can override methods of its base class. Similarly, the base class
object can also override the method of one of the child classes. It means a base class method has
different forms based on derived class implementation.
2. To use many forms of the method, the virtual keyword must be used in the method definition.
In the below example, child_A, child_B, and child_C are derived from the parent class. All child class handles are
assigned to the parent class handle. Using the polymorphism concept, the parent class handle can invoke child class
methods as shown in example.
Scope resolution operator :
The scope resolution operator provides:
1. Access to static members (methods and class properties), enumerations, type declaration from
outside the class hierarchy.
2. The derived classes can access public or protected class members of their base class.
3. Access to type declarations and enumeration named constants declared inside the class from outside
the class hierarchy or from within derived classes.
Constants :
1. Global constants
2. Instance constants
1. Global constants :
During variable declaration, an initial value is assigned, such class properties known as global constants.
The value of a variable cannot be changed after the declaration of the variable.
2. Instance constants :
During variable declaration, an initial value is not assigned, such class properties are known as instance
constants. An instance constant allows a user to assign value in run time only once in the class constructor.
Typedef class in sv :
In certain cases, the class handle of another class is required even if it is not declared yet. In such cases,
SystemVerilog provides a forward declaration of the class using the typedef keyword.
typedef Class in SV - VLSI Verify
Randomization :
rand keyword : On randomizing an object, the rand keyword provides uniformly distributed random values.
randc keyword : On randomizing an object, the randc keyword provides random value without repeating the same
value unless a complete range is covered.
Inside keyword :
The inside keyword is helpful when randomized values have to be in the provided range.
If else in constraint:
EX 1 :-
EX 2 :-
Implication operator in constraint :
EX 1 :-
:/ operator :
1. If single value weightage will be assigned to particular.
2. If range of value weightage will be divided equally divided and assigned to all .
:= operator :
1. If single value weightage will be assigned to particular.
2. If range of value, same weightage will be assigned to all .
Inheritance in constraint :
Constraint in the parent class can be overridden in the child class, to do the same child class should have same
Function in constraint :
Sometime constraint value has to be decided using some mathematical equations, instead of writing whole
equation in constraint we can use functi
Disable randomization :
Randomization can be disabled using rand_mode(0) .
To disable randomization
To enable randomization
Disabling constraint :
Like disabling randomization, we can disable particular constraint by using
EX :
Static Constraint :
Static constraints - VLSI Verify
Unique constraint :
A unique constraint is useful to generate unique values for variables and elements in an array.
randcase :
Randcase is a case statement that randomly selects one of its branch statements based on the probability of each
Interprocess communication in sv :
There are 3 mechanisms in sv for interprocess comm.
1) Events
2) Semaphores
3) Mailbox
Events :
-> -- Used to trigger instantaneously and unblocks waiting process.
->> -- Same as -> but it was non-blocking.
@ -- This operator blocks process till event is triggered, will unblock the process even if triggering
happens previously as well
wait -- This construct is like @ but it will unlock process if trigger happen at same time of execution of wait
wait_order in sv :
wait_order construct helpful when events to be executed in order if not it will trigger run time error or display
Merging event in sv :
An event can be assigned to other event so that if one event trigger other event can also be un blocked, for this we
need to assigned one event to other.
Semaphores in sv :
Tis provide controlled access to the shared resources.
Ex :
Mailbox in sv :
Mailbox is a way of comm. Between the different process, one can put data into mailbox and other can retrieve
data, it behaves as FIFO.
Types of mailboxes :
1) Generic mailbox
2) Parameterized mailbox
Depends on size
1) Bounded mailbox -- If size is defined then its bounded mailbox, once mailbox is full, we can’t put more data in
2) Unbounded mailbox -- if size is not defined then its unbounded mailbox,
Generic mailbox :
Any type of data can be put and get in generic mailbox.
Syntax :
mailbox <mailbox_name>
Parameterized mailbox :
Particular data type can be put and get which it was parameterized with in parameterized mailbox.
Syntax :
mailbox #(<type>) <mailbox_name>
Mailbox methods :
SV interface :
System Verilog provides an interface construct that simply contains a bundle of sets of signals. This encapsulates
signals and communicates with design, testbench components.
Basic interface :
Parameterized interface :
Q) Why is the logic data type used for signal other than bit data type ?
A) A bit data type is a 2-state data type that can have either 0 or 1 value. For incorrect RTL behavior like X or Z
testbench would have sampled as 0. So, it needs a 4-state data type that can capture all 4 states 0, 1, X, or Z.
Modport in SV :
Within an interface to declare port directions for signals modport is used. The modport also put some restrictions
on interface access. Modport put access restriction by specifying port directions that avoid driving of the same signal by
design and testbench.
Syntax :
Example :
modport TB (output a,b, en, input out, ack);
modport RTL (input clk, reset, a,b, en, output out, ack);
Clocking block in SV :
To specify synchronization scheme and timing requirements for an interface, a clocking block is used.
Syntax :
clocking <clocking_name> (<clocking event>);
Default input <delay> output <delay>;
Clocking Skew :
The input or output clocking block signals can be sampled before or after some time unit delay known as clocking
skew. It is declared as
Example :
default input #2 output #3;
Which means input signal is sampled #2-time units before clocking event and output is sampled #3-time units after
clocking event.
By default, input and output skew are 0-time units, if time units are not specified by default skews will be considered
based ion the time scale in current scope.
Virtual interface :
Interface and DUT will be static in nature. Hence, they can’t be used dynamically. In test bench randomized class objects
are used and connected to design dynamically, to bridge the gap between these two objects we are using virtual
interface, virtual interface is used as a pointer or handle for an actual interface.
Program block :
All elements in program block are scheduled to excecute in reactive region, this helps to avoid race around condition
between testbench and design.
Race around condition example :
Design code :
In the active region of a time slot, the RHS value of non-blocking assignment out (<= 2;) is evaluated, LHS value is not yet
updated. At the same time, testbench tries to access the variable that has an older value (default value in this case).
Thus, the testbench operation will be affected.
Tb code :
module tb_mod_top;
wire [3:0] out;
dut_example DUT(out);
initial begin
if(out == 2)
$display("Design assigned out is 2");
$display("Design assigned out = %0d", out);
Output :
Design assigned out = 0
module tb_mod_top;
wire [3:0] out;
dut_example DUT(out);
tb_pro tb(out);
Output :
Design assigned out is 2
System Verilog casting :
Casting is the process of converting from one data type to other for compatibility.
In System Verilog, a data type is essential to mention while declaring a variable and it can hold values of the same data
For example, the int data type cannot hold real data type values. If we try doing so, it will lead to a compilation error.
Casting helps to resolve this problem.
Casting is of two types :
1) Static casting
2) Dynamic casting
Static casting :
Static casting will be only applicable to fixed type of data.
Syntax :
<data_type>'(value or variable or expression)
Example :
module casting_example;
string name;
int num[3];
real r_num;
initial begin
name = "A";
r_num = 2.8;
Output :
casting from string to int: num[0] = 65
casting from real to int: num[1] = 3
casting from int to real: r_num = 28.125000
casting an expression from real to int: num[2] = 28
Dynamic casting:
Dynamic casting is used to cast the assigned values to the variables that might not be ordinarily valid. $cast can be
either function or task.
If $cast is a task and if it fails, it will give runtime error, ir $cast used as a function returns 1 for legal casting and returns
0 for illegal casting and destination will remain same.
Syntax :
function int $cast(destination, source);
task $cast(destination, source);
In both case $cast will assign source value to destination variable, if dynamic casting fails destination will remain
unchanged in both.
$cast as a task :
module dynamic_cast_example;
typedef enum {DIODE=10, BJT=100, MOSFET=250, FINFET=300}
initial begin
devices dev;
$cast as a function :
The first $cast is a valid assignment, and the second $cast has an invalid assignment. Notice that, simulation is not
terminated with run time error.
module dynamic_cast_example;
typedef enum {DIODE=10, BJT=100, MOSFET=250, FINFET=300} devices;
initial begin
devices dev;
Output :
Package :
System Verilog package provides a systemic mechanism for sharing parameters, functions, data, types, property to
other interfaces, programs, or modules that can be declared within a package.
The package can be made accessible within the interface, programs, modules, and other packages using an import
keyword followed by scope resolution operator :: and what has to import. An import mechanism provides
controlled access based on what is imported
Example :
package pkg;
class transaction;
int data = 5;
function pkg_funct();
$display("Inside pkg_funct");
Here as whole package in imported we can use all functions and variables can be used
import pkg::*;
module package_example;
initial begin
transaction tr = new();
Compiler directives :
The compiler directives tell the compiler how it should process its input, some of compiler directives were :
1) `define
2) `include
`define macro :
The System Verilog macro is a compiler directive that substitutes itself in the code with a defined context.
1) Macro uses global space. It can be defined outside or inside of a module, class, program, etc with proper
compilation order.
2) Multi-line macro context is also possible using \. But make sure after \, everything should be empty. Even a
single space is also not accepted.
3) “ is used to delimit lexical tokens without adding any white space for macro argument.
4) `” overrides the lexical meaning of “. The macro argument allows string literals to be constructed using `”.
5) `\ is used to include an escape sequence. For example: `\t will include \t. `\`” will include “
Example :
module define_example;
initial begin
$display("%s",`display_string(Alex, Verilog));
$display("%s",`display_string(Robin, C));
Output :
Hello "Alex", This is SystemVerilog Tutorial.
Hello "Robin", This is SystemC Tutorial.
`include define :
If the file name A is included in the file B we can use that files A’s
functions and variables in file B as well.
output :