School MGMT
School MGMT
School MGMT
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About Project
School Management System project is developed using PHP, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript. Talking about
the project, it has all the essential features. This project contains only the admin side where he/she can
CRUD and manage students, Fees, teachers, classes, subjects, hostels and many more. The Admin plays the
main role in the management of the system. In this project, all the main functions are performed from the
Admin side.
About System
Admin has full control of the system, all the functions are to be performed from Admin panel. Here, the
user can use the features of CRUD and manage students, fees, bank, teachers, subjects, classes, streams,
hostel, timetable, events, notices/announcement, exam result, fee structure, attendance. Login sessions can
also be viewed from the admin panel. Now talking about all the main functions of the system, that is the
feature to add, edit, delete and view students, teachers, classes, hostels, streams, and management of Fees.
While adding a student, the user has to provide full name, select gender, date of birth, attach photos,
registration number, select class, stream, hostel, date of joining, category, academic year, total fees,
advance fees, balance, and parents.
Likewise, while adding teachers, the user should provide name, select gender, age, phone number, email id,
and sta number. For the payment of the fees, the fees amount should be declared from the fees structure
section. All the payments are done through banks. So it is necessary to have bank section here. And the
user can add bank name with an account number which is needed during payment of fees of a student. For
the payment of fees, he/she has to select a student’s name, session, provide the paid amount, select bank
branch, and remarks. Not just students and the teacher, here the user has to add subject and classes
details too. Its too easy to add subjects and classes, he/she just has to provide a subject and class name.
And talking about the streams its the also has the same procedure.
Other Features
A school also contains hostel so this is also an important feature of the system. Similarly, while adding
hostels, the procedure is too easy all you have to do is provide a name and select availability status whether
it’s available or not available. During the school period, the timetable must be set for the students, so this
system also contains management of timetables from where system admin can easily manage timetables.
The user just has to provide timetable photo, and select class and stream in order to set a timetable for the
students. For the events management through the system, the admin has to provide an event’s name,
select date, and insert details. Through this feature, all the school events are managed in a systematic way.
Another role of the admin is that making an announcement by publishing notices for the students as well as
students of the school. It’s similar to events, all you have to do is add the announcement title, with date, and
details about the announcement. With this feature, each and every student, as well as the teacher, can be
aware of the upcoming events or the announcements. Last but not the lease, one of the important feature
is publishing exam results and this feature is also available in the system. To publish an exam result he/she
has to select a student’s name, category, subject, enter marks and term. This feature makes easy
management of exam results as the admin can add, view and delete easily. Class attendance is also
maintained through the system by selecting subject, name, date and marking attended or not.
Minor Features
And also all the sessions can be viewed from the admin panel which shows Year, term and status. In the
admin dashboard, all the recent fee collections are displayed with ID number, student’s name, amount and
total balance. And yes, each and every student’s parent details should also be recorded in the system which
is also displayed in the admin dashboard. Others like the number of total attendance, exams, sessions,
student type and fees structure are also displayed. School Managment system in PHP helps in easy
management of the school functions. Design of this project is dashing and responsive so that user won’t
nd it di cult to use, understand and navigate.
The system also contains an admin area from where you can check the latest updates and entries of the
system which includes the all the management done. And also check the member stats. Maintainance mode
can be set on and o here. This means whenever the system needs to go under maintenance, the system
can be switched on to maintenance mode. It contains other utilities like Admin settings, rebuild thumbnails,
mail all users. Database backups can be made easily through the system and user management can be
To run this project you must have installed virtual server i.e XAMPP on your pc (for Windows). School
Management System in PHP with source code is free to download, Use for educational purposes only!
For the project demo, have a look at the image slider below.
Sign Up
1. Login System
2. Admin Panel
3. User management
4. CRUD Students, Teachers, Subjects, Class, Hostels, Stream
5. Manage Fees, Events, Timetables, attendance
6. Make announcements
7. Publish Exam Results
8. Add fees structure
9. Student’s parent details
10. Session
11. Database backup
How To Run??
After Starting Apache and MySQL in XAMPP, follow the following steps
1st Step: Extract le
2nd Step: Copy the main project folder
3rd Step: Paste in xampp/htdocs/
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More Under: bootstrap, css, javascript, PHP
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Deva Pandiyan
class attendance could not working how to x. try attendance it can show duplicate forine
Guest key show it how can i x plz help
: Duplicate entry ‘0’ for key ‘PRIMARY’
insert into classattendance set Subject=’0′, Student=’1′, RegNo=’1′, Class=’1′, Stream=’1′,
Attended=NULL, Date=’2018-8-7′
The above info is displayed because you are currently signed in as the super admin. Other
users won’t see this.Back
Naseeb Bajracharya
$message=”Invalid login Try Again”;
case ‘Pharmacist’:
$result=mysql_query(“SELECT pharmacist_id, rst_name,last_name,sta _id,username
FROM pharmacist WHERE username=’$username’ AND password=’$password'”);
$_SESSION[‘ rst_name’]=$row[1];
$_SESSION[‘sta _id’]=$row[3];
$message=”Invalid login Try Again”;
case ‘Cashier’:
$result=mysql_query(“SELECT cashier_id, rst_name,last_name,sta _id,username FROM
cashier WHERE username=’$username’ AND password=’$password'”);
$_SESSION[‘ rst_name’]=$row[1];
$_SESSION[‘sta _id’]=$row[3];
$message=”Invalid login Try Again”;
case ‘Manager’:
$result=mysql_query(“SELECT manager_id, rst_name,last_name,sta _id,username FROM
manager WHERE username=’$username’ AND password=’$password'”);
$_SESSION[‘ rst_name’]=$row[1];
$_SESSION[‘sta _id’]=$row[3];
$message=”Invalid login Try Again”;
echo <<<LOGIN
Pharmacy Sys
#content {
height: auto;
height: auto;}
Pharmacy Sys
Login here
–Select position–
Naseeb Bajracharya
make sure about your database connections, you might need to con gure the
Guest database connection. Try doing these and if it still didn’t work then kindly send us
your Screenshot at [email protected]
Naseeb Bajracharya
How to download any project code this site, because i am not downloading any project
Guest code?
Naseeb Bajracharya
Suman Ghosh
Fabian Ros
Do you have a complete version of this project which does not show This error?
Guest “Duplicate entry ‘0’ for key ‘PRIMARY’
insert into feescollection set Student=’1′, Class=’1′, Session=’1′, PaidAmount=’4000′,
Balance=’1′, Branch=’1′, Date=’2018-11-25′, Remarks=NULL
The above info is displayed because you are currently signed in as the super admin. Other
users won’t see this”.
Kindly if you have It, send me the download link. Thank you so very much.
Fabian Ros
Yash joshi
Fabian Ros
Prakash Singh
Plz. suggest
Guest Field ‘id’ doesn’t have a default value
insert into branch set Name=’SBI’, AccountNumber=’22405735000′
The above info is displayed because you are currently signed in as the super admin. Other
users won’t see this.Back
Hi sir,
Guest I wants to know about in student section there is a registered box. But when m given some
value but it’s not accept, Witch types of value it’s taken please suggest me. And when
maintenance mode is on how to o this. Please reply me for this.
Member sorry i dont knowwhy iam facing this
Guest —
— Database: fantastic_school_admin_db
— ——————————————————–
— Table structure for table branch
Samir Pandey
dhaval bhanushali
I have a question?
Guest how to go admin panel
i have try to some changes in school management website when i click save changes i got
an answer that this website is currently down for maintenance
we expect to back in couple of hours. thank you for your patience.
so please help how i can run this website.
Fabian Ros
means what?
Guest can you explain please?
this both steps shows me that object not found .. what do i do please help
Fabian Ros
check project folder’s name carefully! and do provide proper folder url.
can you tell me what is the le of connection db to change the password bcz i’ve a
Guest di erent password??
Fabian Ros
con g.php
fachrur rozi
Fabian Ros
Hi I downloaded the project. When I login I get a message your previous login
attempt fail. Try again but I used the same password and username in the le
Fabian Ros
make sure about your database connections, you might need to con gure the
Author database connection. Try doing these and if it still didn’t work then kindly send us
your Screenshot at [email protected]
shiv singh
Cabdiraxmaan cm
Ravi K
Fabian Ros
Hi, after I imported the database, when I try to access the url :
Guest http://localhost:8888/schooladmin/
I am getting the error : “Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: NO)”
Fabian Ros
Abdulbasit Sultan
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