Bulletin01 11 09
Bulletin01 11 09
Bulletin01 11 09
Prelude I Am His, and He Is Mine Gayden Sikes Hymn # 386 Brethren, We Have Met to Worship HOLY MANNA Hymn # 500 Trust and Obey TRUST AND OBEY Invocation Tom Howard Welcome and Emphases Tom Howard Hymn # 328 Sweet, Sweet Spirit MANNA Hymn # 310 Blessed Be the Name BLESSED NAME Message Bob Wiley, pastor Benediction Bob Wiley
Bob Wiley, Pastor 770.826.9133 [email protected] Tom Howard, Minister of Music/ Financial Administrator 404.245.9272 [email protected] Sue Harris, Secretary [email protected] Kay McWatters, Organist Charlie Clark, Building Superintendent
Office hours: 8:30 a.m. 2:30 p.m. Mon - Thurs Phone: Fax: Email: 404.767.8211 404.762.7363 [email protected] [email protected] Website: www.hapevillefbc.com
M o r n i n g Wo r s h i p
We gather to worship . . . Greetings and The Church Program Bob Wiley, pastor Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty . . . Prelude Come, Come Ye Saints Mark Kellner Call to Worship At the Name of Jesus Cindy Berry Hymn # 309 At the Name of Jesus WYE VALLEY (please stand) Invocation Jim Lovern, Deacon of the Week (please be seated) Hymn # 68 Holy, Holy, Holy NICAEA Hymn # 64 What a Mighty God We Serve MIGHTY GOD All thy works shall praise thy name in earth, and sky, and sea. . .
Worship Sequence Responsive Reading # 524 Hymn # 524 Seek Ye First LAFFERTY Hymn # 550 Footsteps of Jesus FOOTSTEPS (please stand) Offertory Prayer Usher (please be seated) Offertory Andante Cantabile Csar Franck (children through 3rd grade leave for Childrens Church) Holy, holy, holy! merciful and mighty . . . Hymn # 342 Thy Word (chorus) THY WORD Scripture Reading Isaiah 54:1-8 Linda Williams Choral Anthem Be Still, and Know that I Am God David Lantz, III
Message Making Positive Changes Bob Wiley, pastor God in three persons, blessed Trinity . . . Invitation Hymn # 544 Have Thine Own Way, Lord ADELAIDE Choral Benediction Hymn # 449 Because He Lives (chorus) RESURRECTION Postlude Jesus Shall Reign Whereer the Sun Hal Hopson We depart to serve . . . ................................................... We welcome you today, and we rejoice that you have chosen to worship with us. We pray that you have experienced the presence of God and a warm welcome from our church during our worship time . We hope that you will return to worship with us again. ...................................................
There is a large-print edition of our Sunday bulletin for those who desire it. If you prefer the large-print edition, please ask one of the ushers, who will be glad to give you one.