Bulletin03 06 11

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E v e n i n g Wo r s h i p

Prelude My Faith Has Found a Resting Place arr. Debra Davis Praise Songs Here I Am to Worship How Great Is Our God Prayer and Reflection Hymn # 499 Victory in Jesus HARTFORD Hymn # 506 In Christ Alone IN CHRIST ALONE Message Tom Howard Benediction

Hapeville First Baptist Church

612 College Street Hapeville GA 30354-1716

Bob Wiley, Pastor 770.826.9133 [email protected] Tom Howard, Minister of Music/ Financial Administrator 404.245.9272 [email protected] Sue Harris, Secretary [email protected] Kay McWatters, Organist Charlie Clark, Building Superintendent

Office hours: 8:30 a.m. 2:30 p.m. Mon - Thurs Phone: Fax: Email: 404.767.8211 404.762.7363 [email protected] [email protected] Website: www.hapevillefbc.com

CCLI number 1332575

Bobbie Taylor, Nursery Worker

M o r n i n g Wo r s h i p
We gather to worship . . . Greetings and The Church Program Bob Wiley, pastor Prelude O Divine Redeemer Charles Gounod Call to Worship He Has Made Me Glad Leona Von Brethorst Hymn # 236 Lift High the Cross CRUCIFER (please stand) Invocation Cecil Wallace, Deacon of the Week (please be seated)

March 6, 2011

Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Hymn #101 How Deep the Fathers Love for Us TOWNSEND Offertory Prayer Usher (please be seated) Offertory Andante Camille Saint-Sans Choral Anthem When I Survey the Wondrous Cross Gilbert M. Martin Message God Pursues a Loving Relationship With You Bob Wiley, pastor

set our hearts on fire. Flow, river, flow, flood the nations with grace and mercy; Send forth your word, Lord, and let there be light. Postlude Praise the Lord Who Reigns Above arr. David Lowe We depart to serve . . . ................................................. We welcome everyone today, and we rejoice that you have chosen to worship with us. We pray that you have experienced the presence of God and a warm welcome from our church family during our worship time together. We hope that you will return to worship with us again.

The flowers are placed in the sanctuary today in memory of

Jim Lovern
by his family.

C ongratulations to

Hymn Medley Invitation Hymn Hymn #225 There Is Power in the Blood Hymn # 249 Jesus Paid It All POWER IN THE BLOOD ALL TO CHRIST Hymn #227 The Blood Will Never Lose Benediction Shine, Jesus, Shine Its Power arr. Tom Fettke THE BLOOD Scripture Reading John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten

Bob and Barbara Wiley

Shine, Jesus, shine, fill this land with the Fathers glory; Blaze, Spirit, blaze,

As they begin their f ourth year of ministry with HFBC

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