Bulletin10 31 10

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E v e n i n g Wo r s h i p

Prelude The Beauty of My Fathers World arr. Nancy Smith Hymn # 504 Be Strong in the Lord STRENGTH Invocation Bob Wiley Welcome and Emphases Bob Wiley Hymn # 246 I Believe in a Hill Called Mount Calvary MOUN CALVARY Hymn # 245 At Calvary CALVARY Message Bob Wiley Benediction Bob Wiley

Hapeville First Baptist Church

612 College Street Hapeville GA 30354-1716

Bob Wiley, Pastor 770.826.9133 [email protected] Tom Howard, Minister of Music/ Financial Administrator 404.245.9272 [email protected] Sue Harris, Secretary [email protected] Kay McWatters, Organist Charlie Clark, Building Superintendent

Office hours: 8:30 a.m. 2:30 p.m. Mon - Thurs Phone: Fax: Email: 404.767.8211 404.762.7363 [email protected] [email protected] Website: www.hapevillefbc.com

CCLI number 1332575

Bobbie Taylor, Nursery Worker

M o r n i n g Wo r s h i p
We gather to worship . . . Greetings and The Church Program Bob Wiley, pastor Prelude For the Beauty of the Earth arr. David Lowe Call to Worship Be Strong In the Lord Tom Fettke Hymn # 3 Worthy of Worship JUDSON (please stand) Invocation Cecil Wallace, Deacon of the Week (please be seated)

October 31, 2010

Worship Sequence Responsive Reading #288 Hymn #289 Days of Elijah DAYS OF ELIJAH (please stand) Offertory Prayer Usher (please be seated) Offertory Amazing Grace arr. Hal Hopson Choral Anthem Wonderful Grace arr. Ruth Elaine Schram Message The Essence of Worship Revelation 7:9-17 Bob Wiley, pastor

Postlude Triumph arr. Raymond Herbeck

We depart to serve . . . ............................................... We welcome everyone today, and we rejoice that you have chosen to worship with us. We pray that you have experienced the presence of God and a warm welcome from our church family during our worship time together. We hope that you will return to worship with us again.

Hymn Medley Invitation Hymn # 473 Just a Closer Walk With Hymn # 225 There Is Power in the Blood Thee POWER IN THE BLOOD CLOSER WALK Hymn #227 The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power THE BLOOD Choral Benediction Worthy of Worship JUDSON

There is a large-print edition of our Sunday bulletin for those who desire it. If you prefer the large-print edition, please ask one of the ushers, who will be glad to give you one.

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