Office Echoes OCT 2012
Office Echoes OCT 2012
Office Echoes OCT 2012
October Issue
Hi everyone, We hope you find something of interest in this issue of our newsletter. The topics are wide ranging and cover issues that commonly affect our children on the spectrum. The article on page 6 is particularly interesting; its always worthwhile keeping up with the latest research - However, this research is still on-going as to how best the information could be used in any clinical settings... and if so, how it can be used to differentiate between the possible diagnoses that the article mentions. Anxiety/Depression etc are always a topic to keep in mind especially as the teen years approach; these years tend to be full of angst anyway, but when there are already existing issues, we need to be extra watchful with our children. These articles include latest research/findings and may help shed some insight. Were always interested in hearing about your successes or challenges, so please feel free to contact us about them. If you wish to submit anything personally or have any specific queries, please dont hesitate to contact us and explore this further. As always, please feel free to ring us at the office: (09) 836-1941 to chat about how we can help you, preferably before any crises develop. Its always easier to find solutions [to problems] before they become seemingly insurmountable.
Personal Hygiene & Aspergers 12, 13 ADHD Awareness Week The ultimate networking experience Whanau Marama courses Books to Read Support Group details & Spotlight on Contact Us Map - How to find us 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Auckland Council BP Vouchers for Volunteers NZ POST - Community Envelopes SKY CITY COGS Manukau & Waitakere MSD - Community Response Fund Fund
To our Funders:
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Quotable Quotes:
The trouble a kid causes is never greater than the pain s/he feels ! Rick Lavoie
A childs disappointment over something we find trivial, is just as real as our disappointment over something they find trivial.
Websites of interest... (Dr. Tony Attwood) (info for AD/HD Adults) Amen (Dr. Daniel Amen) www, (info & resources) forms.php (resources and printables) sped/autism/structure/ str11.htm (legal advice for youth) (information and support) (Temple Grandin) Cloud 9 Childrens Foundation (Dr. Rick Lavoie) (Aspergers information) www.
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What does it mean when a young person is kicked out of school Know the law around education! Help keep our youth in school!
2 hour education session Thursday 11th October 10am-12pm at Mangere Community Law Centre For parents, school counsellors, teachers, nurses and community members Learn about education law, including discipline, truancy, and the rules for stand-down, suspension, exclusion and expulsion
What does the law say about keeping young people in school? The law says that all new Zealanders between the ages of 5 and 19 are entitled to a free education. What can a school do to discipline its students? Schools have the power to discipline students for misbehaving on school premises or at school events, but they cannot discipline students for illegal reasons (e.g. for their sex, race or religious belief), and they cannot have punishments which are illegal, use force, or are cruel or humiliating. Dont schools have a right to kick students out of school if they misbehave? As far as kicking students out goes, the law says that schools must follow specific procedures in how they stand-down, suspend, exclude or expel students, and must give young people counselling and assistance. Schools must find out what happened to lead the young person to misbehave: they may have been having a tough time at home or there may be other circumstances that led to what happened. Why is this issue so important? Being out of school is a serious matter! We need to work with young people and their families to do our best to keep them in school. How can I help? Come along to our session to learn about education law. Being informed can help you to do a better job to keep young people in our community in school. For more information contact Mira Taitz, Legal Education Coordinator at YouthLaw: [email protected] or (09) 306 7591
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This week is National Suicide Prevention Week, and it reminds me once again of the risk to all of our young people. As a mother, I can think of nothing more devastating than losing a young person to suicide. Almost 16 percent of students in grades 9 to 12 report having seriously considered suicide, and 7.8 percent report having attempted suicide one or more times in the past twelve months, according to U.S. Surgeon General Regina Benjamin. These are sobering statistics for all of us. To make matters more alarming for CHADD members, a ten-year longitudinal study of girls with ADHD suggests the risk for girls with combined-type ADHD is significantly higher than for others. Steve Hinshaw and his colleagues (2012) found that the girls with ADHD had higher risk of both suicide and self-injurious behavior than girls without ADHD. Twenty-two percent of the girls with combined-type ADHD (attention problems, impulsivity, and hyperactivity) had made a suicide attempt compared to 6 percent of the control group and 8 percent of girls diagnosed with inattentive-type ADHD. Self-injury was significantly more likely with 51 percent of the ADHD-combined group reporting self-injurious behavior compared to 19 percent of the control group. The researchers suggest the higher incidence may be related to impulsivity, depression, and difficulties with emotional regulation. So, what is a parent to do? First, dont hide your head in the sand. Every parent needs to know about the signs of suicidal behavior and what help is available. There are great resources available to help you learn more. Check out the list at the end of this blog. The most important thing to know is suicidal symptoms are treatable. Second, work at maintaining a close relationship with your adolescent and young adult. Can they talk with you about problems as well as achievements? Can you listen without jumping in and making a judgment or trying to fix everything? Sometimes what they need most of all is for us to listen and understand what they are experiencing. Third, know what the danger signs are: Persistent unhappiness Withdrawal from friends and activities Feelings of sadness and hopelessness Over-reactions to criticism Preoccupation with death and dying Changes in eating and sleeping patterns Self-destructive behavior Suicidal thoughts, plans, or attempts
Fourth, dont be afraid to talk with your teen or young adult about depression and suicide. Really listen to what he or she is telling you. Let her know you hear how bad she is feeling. Help him understand that you are there to help him get through this. Dont be afraid to ask directly about suicideit can open the door. And dont allow yourself to be sworn to secrecyyou will need to enlist the help of others. Fifth, if you feel there is a chance your child may be depressed and suicidal, then take action. Make a plan and get help immediately. Seek out an appointment with a qualified mental health professional right away. Make sure that any weapons or dangerous substances are locked up and unavailable. And let your teen know that you have heard him or her and are taking these steps to help. To learn more, here are some great resources: 1. A Parents Guide to Recognizing and Treating Depression in Your Child 2. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 3. ADHD and Coexisting Conditions: Depression
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Studying how people move their eyes while watching television could help identify those who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), and Parkinsons disease, according to a new study. Researchers at the University of Southern California suggest that each of those conditions involve ocular control and attention dysfunctions. Such dysfunctions can be easily and cheaply identified through an evaluation of how patients move their eyes while they watch television. Typical methods of detection for these disorders, including clinical evaluation, structured behavioral tasks and neuroimaging, are expensive, labor-intensive and limited by a patients ability to understand and comply with instructions, the researchers said. To solve this problem, doctoral student Po-He Tseng and Dr. Laurent Itti of the Department of Computer Science at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering, along with collaborators at Queens University in Canada, devised the new screening method. Study participants were instructed to watch and enjoy television clips for 20 minutes while their eye movements were recorded. Eye-tracking data was then combined with a computational model of visual attention to extract 224 quantitative features, allowing the team to use new machine-learning techniques to identify features that differentiated patients from control subjects. With eye movement data from 108 subjects, the researchers said they were able to identify older adults with Parkinsons disease with nearly 90 percent accuracy, and children with either ADHD or FASD with 77 percent accuracy. For the first time, we can actually decode a persons neurological state from their everyday behavior, without having to subject them to difficult or time-consuming tests, Itti said. Source: University of Southern California
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Its not uncommon for individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to struggle with anxiety, whether its several symptoms or a full-blown disorder. In fact, about 30 to 40 percent of people with ADHD have an anxiety disorder, which includes obsessive-compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, phobias, social anxiety and panic disorder, according to Roberto Olivardia, Ph.D, a clinical psychologist and clinical instructor at Harvard Medical School. The Anxiety Disorders Association of America even estimates the figure to be almost 50 percent. Heres why ADHD and anxiety co-occur (occur together), how this affects treatment and several strategies for coping with anxiety.
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Understand how your anxiety and ADHD work. Determining how your anxiety functions will help to inform your treatment, Olivardia said. For example, if you found that most of your anxiety was coming from consequences of your ADHD, then the focus of treatment should be the ADHD. If you find they are independent of each other, although are affecting each other, then you want to make sure you are adequately giving each the clinical attention it deserves, he said. Minimize worry. Anxious people worry excessively, and these negative thoughts can run your life if you let them. Instead, Try to come up with alternate explanations or predictions, Tuckman said. Lets say your boss was short with you. Instead of thinking that you did something wrong, consider that shes stressed because of personal reasons, he said. Unless you have a specific reason or actual proof, worrying is needless (and only makes things worse). Dont believe everything you think. Again, worry thoughts energize anxiety. But you dont have to listen to them. Notice your anxious thoughts without believing everything your imagination comes up with nor feeling compelled to act on it, Tuckman said. He explained that anxiety acts as an alarm that warns us of danger. For some people, this alarm is super sensitive. He compared it to a fire alarm that goes off every time someone burns the toast. Its bothersome to listen to that alarm go off, but we dont go running from the building. We check out the situation, see there is nothing to worry about, then go about our business.
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Engage in healthy habits and good self-care. Poor nutrition, lack of sleep and little exercise also fuel anxiety, and ensure you have a shorter fuse when it comes to stress. Its tremendously helpful to eat nutritious foods, participate in enjoyable physical activities and get enough sleep.
Minimize stress. Olivardia suggested that readers lower [the] stress in their lives and introduce activities that they enjoy and feel soothed by.
Surround yourself with supportive people. Negative people only add to your stress. Instead, fill your life with positive, affirming people, Olivardia said.
Practice relaxation techniques. Engaging in relaxation training and deep breathing can help [alleviate anxiety], according to Olivardia. Learn more about relaxation and meditation methods and deep breathing.
Both anxiety and ADHD are very treatable with medication and psychotherapy, and there are many effective strategies to manage symptoms and lead a more enjoyable life.
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People with Autism often struggle immensely with organization. Many people think organization relates to a persons tidiness. However, it is actually much more than that. For example, time management is especially difficult for many children with Autism to grasp and put into practice; and yet it is a necessary skill in most areas of life. School attendance, class assignments, doctors appointments, bill payments, and medication schedules are just a few of the many areas that depend on proper time management. And that is just one fragment of organizational skills. It is important to start young, if possible, teaching your child good organizational skills. This is not an easy skill to teach since it is heavily influenced by the childs inner perception of time and space. It is never too late to begin making gains in this skill set. Here are some tips that may help you on your quest in conquering organizational skills.
Use visual aids to support your childs organizational efforts. Use a monthly calendar with large blocks for each days activities and appointments. Make it your childs responsibility to add items to the calendar and to check them off once complete. Printed checklists and schedules can also help. Since children with Autism are often very visual, use pictures as well as words for these checklists and schedules. This will help your child internalize the information. Breaking down assignments and other obligations can make it easier for your child to handle them. For example, an assignment or project that is due in two weeks can give your child a sense of non-urgency. S/he may delay the assignment until its too late. Having the same assignment broken down into several steps can mean success instead of failure. Read books to learn more about teaching organization. Have your child read books on the subject if s/he is old enough.
Learning to organize your physical space can help you learn to organize your mental space. Clutter, whether it is physical or mental, creates confusion and even anxiety. While organizational skills originate within your mind, forming a plan that organizes your childs room, desk, closet, and bathroom may help motivate him/her in other areas of organization. It is definitely worth a try! Source: Dave Angel
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If your teenage son or daughter understood how to develop and keep friends, the personal hygiene issue would go away by itself. This is because their friends would start criticizing them and not wanting to hang out with them if they smell bad or look like they just crawled out of bed. Girls want positive attention from boys. But a girl with bad breath will not get that positive attention. Neurotypical teens (those NOT on the autism spectrum) instinctively sense when something is wrong. A boy knows that he has done something wrong when a girl rolls her eyes or frowns or says something sarcastic to him. He learns that he got a negative reaction and makes adjustments. He may get feedback from other friends by asking why a girl
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Teenagers with autism are typically poor at developing friends. One reason for this is that they do not pick up on subtleties of speech. They do not notice facial expressions. They miss sarcastic comments. They may take what someone says literally and not understand the underlying message. It is often said that 80% of communication is nonverbal and our teens with autism miss much of this non-verbal communication.
More information
For additional tips and suggestions for helping your loved one with Asperger's live a happy and successful life, check out my books.
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Wake Up The Sleeping Giant Series Teens & Young Adults Disc 1 - Introduction DVD - Release 14th October
The goal of the Wake Up The Sleeping Giant Series is to provide teens and young adults with basic knowledge, understanding and strategies about themselves and the world around them in order to highlight their potential and encourage the decision making and choice processes in their lives. Run Time: 50 minutes Cost: NZD$33.95 plus P&H
Watch our website for more topics in the Wake Up The Sleeping Giant Series
Looking for Answers??? Aggression and abuse are never acceptable. Find out how to manage outbursts and stop aggressive behaviour. Learn how to find and understand the childs strengths. Live and teach through them. Find answers to these and other concerning behaviours in the Every Day with ADHD book, DVDs and training kits plus our 2hr General Workshops Nelson Tue 23 October 3:30pm-5:30pm Tahuna Function Centre, 70 Beach Road, Tahuna, Nelson Christchurch Thu 25 October 3:30pm-5:30pm St Albans Baptist Church Community Centre, 65 McFaddens Rd, St Albans Dunedin Mon 29 Oct 3:30pm-5:30pm Kingsgate Hotel Dunedin,10 Smith Street, Dunedin Queenstown Wed 31 October 3:30pm-5:30pm Copthorne Hotel, 88 Frankton Road, Queenstown Oamaru Fri 02 Nov 3:30pm-5:30pm Opera House, 84 Thames Street, Oamaru
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To reduce the isolation parents may feel To raise awareness of resources and supports To increase problem-solving and coping skills To address the emotional and relationship needs that can arise with parenting To provide opportunities for children with special needs and their siblings to meet with others with whom they have things in common.
We endeavour to share:
So come along - join with other mums/dads/carers who may be dealing with similar issues to you - who are walking a similar path. Bring along any questions, concerns or queries you may have e.g. you may have questions about anything from ideas for the holidays, to child friendly services around town from who is a good dentist for children, to how to deal with taxi issues etc.
You may have a child with ASD, or AD/HD or Dyspraxia etc. Your child may not have an official diagnosis. It makes no difference, as often the issues you face are similar. Your child may be just little or more worldly wise - you are all welcome. You may have heard about us and would like to know more.
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Books to read...
The following books are HIGHLY recommended:
1001 Great Ideas for Teaching & Raising Children with Autism or Aspergers Ellen Notbohm & Veronica Zysk Congratulations its Aspergers Jen Birch Aspergers and Girls Tony Attwood & Temple Grandin The Complete Guide to Aspergers Syndrome Tony Attwood Driven to Distraction - Edward M Hallowell & John J Ratey How to Teach Life Skills to Kids with Autism or AspergersJennifer McILwee Myers THE ADHD AUTISM CONNECTION - Diane M Kennedy The Explosive Child - Ross W Greene Ph.D. The BLT Hypothesis - Peter M DiMezza & James E Kaplar Its So Much Work to Be Your Friend Richard Lavoie Good News for the Alphabet Kids Michael & Greta Sichel No more Meltdowns Jed Baker, PhD Exploring Feelings: Anxiety & Anger Tony Attwood The Gift of Learning Ronald D. Davis Tips for Toileting Jo Adkins & Sue Larkey Thinking in Pictures / My life with Autism Temple Grandin Your Defiant TeenRussell A Barkley A Beginners Guide to AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS - Paul G Taylor Kids in the Syndrome MixMartin L Kutscher
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Evening Meetings
7:30 pm - 9:30pm
February 1st & 20th 24th (D/T) March 7th & 19th 30th (D/T)
November 7th & 19th 30th (D/T) December 5th & 17th
Spotlight on NUMICON
Why are children struggling with Maths? Maths education has delivered some great results for many of our students, but not all. In todays classrooms there are great teachers using number and flash cards, amazing games, wonderful strategies and lots of worksheets, but for the visual children the variety is overwhelming and connections in maths are not being made. Yet children are really struggling to make sense of numbers and maths. Numicon is an inclusive, multi-sensory approach to teaching maths, which supports the New Zealand curriculum. This research-based programme uses sound educational practice designed to meets the learning needs of all children, including those who have learning issues, especially those with dyscalculia and dyslexia. Children with Down syndrome and Autism make significant progress with this programme because it is so visual, and hands-on. The shapes and patterns give us a great picture of numbers and how they relate to each other. Its this kind of patterning that visual people of all ages really appreciate. It is my pleasure to distribute Numicon throughout NZ and provide workshops for teachers, tutors and parents. Increasing numbers of schools are using Numicon for their maths programme. Contact : Margi Leech at email : [email protected]
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Contact Us
West Links Family Services P .O.Box 45-104 Te Atatu Peninsula, AUCKLAND, 0651 Office Ph: 09 836 1941 Mobile: 021 101 5864 E-mail: [email protected]
We are a not-for-profit, community based organisation. We have charitable status CC41424
DONATIONS to WEST LINKS FAMILY SERVICES (large or small) are gratefully accepted... OR you can support us via an annual subscription of $35 Please consider making your donation via electronic banking or D/C to: Westpac A/C: 03-0155-0739555-00 Please include your name & telephone number as a reference & receipts are issued for tax purposes.
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We have a designated space available in the car park for visitors - facing Harvey Norman, just past the carport. otherwise Parking is available in Alderman Drive (in front of Harvey Norman) or at Westfield Mall, or the paid parking in front of the Falls Restaurant.