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Types of Disorder, Its Cause & Nature (Adhd, SPD, Asd, Odd, Ocd)

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Types of Disorder, its

cause & nature

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
ADHD is group of In fact, it is a medical
behavioral symptoms condition that affects
that includes how well can
inattentiveness, someone sit still,
hyperactivity and focus and pay
impulsiveness. attention.

Generally, ADHD It means that such

They may be
affected children have individuals may
hyperactive or may
differences in the parts have some problems
be unable to control
of their brain that control focusing in some
their impulses.
activity and attention. activities.
Symptoms of ADHD in Children
They have They usually They do not like to
They usually
difficulties in perform the activities
forget about daily
organizing indulge in that require still
activities. daydreaming.
routine activities. sitting.

They usually They have some

They are easily They become
bounce when problems in
distracted. restless.
sitting. playing quietly.

They do not pay

They usually talk attention and
excessively. usually do careless
Symptoms of ADHD in Adults

They may have anxiety attacks.

They may be impulsive.
They may have problem in controlling anger.
They usually have low self-esteem.
They usually remain unorganized.
They are easily frustrated.
Mood swing and depression are common in such adults.
They have problems in concentrating, especially while reading.
Causes of ADHD
Genetic factors:- Research studies have indicated that there is a strong genetic link in
ADHD. It is not a disorder that is passed socially. Research studies indicate that parent,
children and siblings of people with ADHD may be up to five times more likely to have the
disorder than people who are not related to someone with ADHD.
Brain Injuries:- When a baby’s brain is damaged before or after birth, it could make more
likely to develop ADHD later on.
Low Birth Weight:- It is observed that children with low birth weight are more likely to
develop ADHD.
Trauma and Brain Diseases:- Trauma during birth and brain diseases may lead to ADHD.
Causes of ADHD
Lack of Discipline in the Family:- Research studies conducted in this field also
indicate that lack of discipline in the family and chaotic family life may be the
cause of ADHD in a family. In fact, lack of harmony in family, lower socio-
economic status and hostile relationships between parents and children are also
causes of ADHD.
Diet:- There are a number of evidence which show that taking a particular type of
food or food additives play a significant role in causing ADHD.
Exposure to Toxic Substance:- Exposure to some toxic substance may also lead
to disorder. Smoking, alcohol or drug abuse during pregnancy may cause ADHD
to the offspring.
Sensory Processing Disorder
 SPD is condition in which the brain has difficulty in receiving and responding to the information that comes
through the senses.
 In fact, it refers to the way nervous system receives messages from all the sense and then turns them into proper
motor and behavioral response.
 Generally, all the activities such as reading a book or riding a bicycle requires accurate processing of sensation.
 It is some sort of neurological traffic jam that prevents certain parts of the brain from receiving the information
requires to interpret sensory information accurately.
 SPD may affect a sense such as touch, sight, taste, or movement.
 It may also affect multiple senses.
 In this disorder, the person may scream when touched or may vomit or dove under the table after hearing the
sound of a leaf blower outside the window.
 In some cases, the person with SPD may remain unresponsive to anything around him.
 Even he may fail to give any response to extreme heat or cold pain.
Causes of Sensory Processing Disorder

 Genetic Cause:- Research study indicate that children born to adults who have autism
spectrum disorder may be at the higher risk for developing SPD. Scientists allude that the
cause of SPD are coded into the child’s genetic material.
 Low Birth Weight:- Low birth weight is also considered one of the causes of SPD.
 Environmental Factor:- Usually, children who are adopted often experience sensory
processing disorder due to some restrictions in their early lives or poor prenatal care.
 Physical Cause:- Research studies have indicated that individuals with SPD have
abnormal brain activity when exposed to certain stimuli. Individuals with SPD have
differences in brain structures which provides a biological basis for the onset of this
Autism Spectrum Disorder
 Autism Spectrum Disorder is a disorder that affects development.
 Here, the word spectrum refers to the range of symptoms and their severity.
 Generally, the young children with ASD have difficulties with communication, language, social
skill and behavior.
 In other words, autism spectrum disorders are characterized by social interaction difficulties,
communication challenges and a tendency to engage in repetitive behaviors.
 As a matter of fact, children with ASD may behave differently or repeat same activities over
and over again like touching the same object repeatedly.
 However, all the children with ASD don’t have the same problem or behaviors.
 Usually, the affected children with ASD may show symptoms.
 They avoid eye contact and prefer to be alone.
 They don’t like to be embraced. They repeat words and action.
 They are very sensitive to taste, smell and sound.
Causes of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Genetic Factors:- Genetic problems seem to play a significant role in ASD. These problem
can happen in two ways. The first is that something happen during fetal development that
alters a gene. The second way is that the child inherits a problematic gene from one or both
parents. That is why child is more likely to have ASD if a parent is affected with ASD. It is
fact that at least 10% of children with ASD have a form of genetic disorder such as DOWN

Environmental Factors:- In fact, there is no solid evidence to show that ASD can be caused
by anything in the environment like diet or exposure to certain drugs or toxins. However, it is
also averred that mothers exposed to high levels of pesticides and air pollution may also be at
a higher risk of having a child with ASD.

Brain Development:- It has been observed that the brain of children with ASD develops
differently in growing children. In such children, brain grows as a faster rate during the first
three years of childhood. Such children have more cells than they require. Even the
connections between the cells are not proper. It may be one of the cause of ASD. It is
important to keep in mind that these factors, by themselves, don’t cause autism. Rather in
combination with genetic factors, they appear to increase risk.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder

ODD is a group of behavioral disorders called Disruptive Behavioral Disorder.

ODD is one of the most common mental health disorders found in children and adolescents.
Physician define this disorder as a pattern of disobedient, hostile and defiant behavior directed
towards authority figures.
Individuals affected by this disorder generally behave like rebel, argue with adults, refuse to obey
and obstinate.
The children affected with ODD show various symptoms. They refuse to comply with requests.
They deliberately annoy and upset other individuals.
They have difficulty in making friends and have low-Esteem.
They have negativity in their behaviors. They display angry and irritable moods as well as
vindictive behaviors.
Causes of ODD
– Genetic Factors:- Children are more susceptible to developing ODD if they have a parent
with history of ADHD or ODD. Also, children may be affected with ODD if their parent had
depression or bipolar disorder, or exposure to toxins or poor nutrition.
– Physical Factors:- The presence of ODD traits have been linked to the existence of
abnormal amount of some brain chemicals. These brain chemicals, known as
neurotransmitters, are responsible for proper functioning of body activities and it is best for
our well being to have them in a state of balance in our brain. When an imbalance exists and
messages are not communicated properly with the other parts of brain, the symptom of
ODD may occur.
– Psychological Factors:- Children may develop ODD if they don’t have good relation with
parents or have neglectful parents or have inability to develop social relationships.
– Social Factors:- Oppositional defiant disorder may be due to the inconsistent discipline,
divorce, poverty, chaotic environment in the family and exposure to violence.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

 OCD is a mental health disorder that affects people of all ages and walks of life.
 It occurs when an individual gets caught in cycle of obsession and compulsion.
 It can be said that person with OCD are plagued by constant thoughts of fears that cause
them to perform rituals are called compulsions.
 OCD is a type of mental disorder causes repeated unwanted thoughts. To get rid of the
unwanted thoughts, he/she performs the same task/activity again and again.
 For example, a person may fear that everything he/she touches has germs on it. So, to
get rid of that fear he/she washes his/her hands again and again.
 Person suffering from OCD might understand that their obsession are unreasonable but
trying to stop or ignore them causes anxiety and stress.
 There are some symptoms of OCD, which may range from mild to severe.
Main Obsessions
A fear of harm to yourself or loved ones.
A fear of contaminants by germs.
A forceful or driving need to perform things perfectly or
Having excessive doubt on any individual.
A fear of being embarrassed.
A fear of getting dirty.
A fear of making mistakes.
Main Compulsions

 Repeating things or always moving items to keep them in

exact order.
 Bathing or washing hands several times.
 Checking things over and over again.
 Repeating specific words.
 Hoardings.
 Constant praying.
 Persistently counting while doing usual task.
Causes of OCD
The exact cause of OCD is still unknown. Research studies
suggests that there may be a problem with the way one part of
the brain sends information to another part.
Serotonin is the chemical in the brain that sends messages from
one part to another.

Insufficiency of serotonin may help in causing OCD.

Stress and anxiety do not cause OCD but they may worsen the
symptom of OCD.

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