News From Councilmember Todd Gloria City of San Diego District Three
News From Councilmember Todd Gloria City of San Diego District Three
News From Councilmember Todd Gloria City of San Diego District Three
Friends, Thank you for taking time to read this update. San Diego took some big steps this week by deciding to move forward with the Convention Center expansion and by becoming the top city in the nation providing public electric vehicle charging stations. Read more about that and other interesting topics below. As always, I welcome your feedback and questions. Also, as my first term draws to a close, I am working on transitioning to the new boundaries of District Three. As of December, Kensington, Talmadge, and City Heights will unfortunately be outside of my jurisdiction. I have enjoyed working with the people of these neighborhoods, and look forward to visiting with some of the community groups one more official time in the next few months. Some of those meetings are listed below, and I hope to see many friends and familiar faces there. Rest assured that while I will not officially represent these communities, I will always keep a close eye on their needs and do my best to continue to serve their interests. Expanding Public Charging Infrastructure If you regularly read these updates, you know how much I love public infrastructure. This week, we approved expanding infrastructure to allow for more electric vehicle charging. As a result of Tuesdays action, San Diego will add up to 117 public charging stations on City-owned property. San Diego currently is ranked 16th of the 21 cities hosting charging stations in the nation based on its ten public charging stations, and the City will move to the top ranking with the addition of the new spaces. Responding to the environmental consciousness of District Three residents, 33 of the new stations will be in neighborhoods I represent: Five in Balboa Park (East lot adjacent to Park Blvd.) Four in North Park (4044 Idaho St.) Five on-street near Texas St. and El Cajon Blvd. Five on-street at 35th St. and Adams Ave. Five on-street near Normal St. and University Ave. Five on-street near Goldfinch St. and W. Washington St. Four in the North Park Parking Garage Other locations for the new charging stations include the Carmel Mountain Library, Skyline Hills, and two parking garages downtown. The charging stations will be installed by ECOtality, which is using $850,000 of its federal grant funds for the expansion. Through the agreement, the City will be reimbursed by ECOtality for electricity used at the charging stations. The charging stations are expected to be installed by the end of 2012 I know that by increasing publicly available charging infrastructure, electric vehicle adoption will further swell in San Diego, which will further improve our environment and our quality of life.
New Parking Spaces for Hillcrest? Next week, the City Council will consider approving angled parking on Vermont St. between Pennsylvania Ave. and University Ave. If approved, the transition to angled parking will result in a net increase of seven parking spaces. Im pretty sure my council colleagues will join me in supporting this community request. After all, they all want more parking options when they visit our neighborhood, too. Budget Update As Chairman of the City's Budget and Finance Committee, I am constantly seeking ways to enhance our budget development process. In response to concerns raised about certain elements of the Citys approach to its Capital Improvement Program (CIP), I vowed to work with community members, the Mayor, and our Independent Budget Analyst to implement changes to improve the process and increase the public's role in developing the City's infrastructure funding priorities. Education is one way to improve the process. Last week, our Independent Budget Analyst unveiled their Citizens Guide to the Capital Improvements Program. Theyve done extensive work to put together a guide that is understandable and hopefully encourages you to participate and provide your input on what infrastructure projects are most needed in your neighborhood. Please take some time to read the Guide: Finally, I am pleased to say that moving forward, and as work is underway to prepare next year's budget, we have developed a process which increases public involvement and transparency in identifying or prioritizing needed capital projects. I invite you to participate. CIP Budget Calendar for FY 2014 August September: Education and outreach to the public via the Community Planners Committee (CPC) October November: Community Planning Groups develop requests for CIP projects and submit to CPC by November 7. CPC compiles and submits to City staff by November 21. October January: Task force of staff from asset-owning departments and Engineering and Capital Projects assess projects requested by the public. Asset-owning departments submit proposed projects and requested funding to Financial Management (FM). FM confirms availability of requested funds. Capital Improvement Projects Review and Advisory Committee (CIPRAC) reviews proposed projects and funding requests, may make adjustments, and submits for Mayors approval. January March: FM works with asset-owning departments and prepares the proposed budget. April 15: Mayor releases Proposed Budget to the public. May: City Council holds public budget hearings, including a separate CIP hearing. Council may recommend changes to the Proposed Budget. Mayors May Revision to the Proposed Budget released.
June: City Council reviews final modifications and approves budget. July 1: New Fiscal Year begins. Make Sure our Regional Plan Make Sense! SANDAG Public Workshop Friday, October 19, 11:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m. Caltrans District 11 Headquarters 4050 Taylor Street Garcia Room The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) wants to hear your voice on how best to engage the community and all stakeholders in creating the regions first-ever combined regional plan. Participate to help address the communitys most critical issues, including transportation, land use, economic prosperity, affordable housing, social equity, public health, and the environment. RSVP to Paula Zamudio, [email protected], 619-595-5610, or on SANDAGs Facebook page. Congratulations to San Diego Youth Symphony I am proud to acknowledge San Diego Youth Symphony and Conservatory, which is headquartered in Balboa Park. They were recently named the Grand Prize Winner of BoardSources Prudential Leadership Awards for Exceptional Nonprofit Boards. BoardSource, whose mission is to improve nonprofit board governance, provides guidance and resources to one million nonprofit agencies throughout the United States. From this potential pool, San Diego Youth Symphony and Conservatory was selected for this top honor. The Grand Prize award recognizes exceptional governance and ability to drive positive change in the areas of structure, fundraising, or governance. San Diego Youth Symphony was awarded $25,000. Congratulations! And thanks for your hard work. October 2012 is Kids Free Month A variety of "kids free" incentives are available this month, ranging from complimentary meals, attraction admission, and Amtrak rides to welcome amenities at area hotels and much more. The San Diego Zoo and Safari Park, SeaWorld, LEGOLAND, and many museums are all participating in this great deal. Visit for more information. Upcoming Events Financial Planning Day Saturday, October 6, 10:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Port Pavilion at Broadway Pier 1000 North Harbor Dr. Certified Financial Planners will provide free guidance on topics including improving your credit score, preventing identity theft, managing your money, career planning, first time homebuying, and several more. Please join me, Mayor Jerry Sanders, and County Treasurer-Tax Collector
Dan McAllister for this great opportunity. To register, visit or call 877-861-7826. FilAmFest Filipino-American Arts & Culture Festival Saturday, October 6 Paradise Valley Road Free Admission Book Sale Saturday, October 6, 10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. City Heights/Weingart Branch Library 3795 Fairmount Ave. Sponsored by the Friends of City Heights Library Fire Station 5 Open House Monday, October 8, 3:00 7:00 p.m. 3902 Ninth Ave. in Hillcrest As part of Fire Prevention Week, Fire Station 5 in Hillcrest will open its doors to neighbors for tours, interactive demonstrations, CPR demonstrations, and firefighter exercises. Also, learn how to protect your family with a free home fire escape plan. Azalea Park Neighborhood Association Tuesday, October 9, 6:30 8:00 p.m. Azalea Park Recreation Center 2596 Violet St. I will be in attendance to thank the community and review some of the advancements we have made over the past four years. South Castle City Heights Community Cleanup and Recycling Event Saturday, October 13, 8:00 a.m. The City of San Diego Environmental Services Department will pick up the following items: appliances, electronics (including televisions and computers), lawnmowers (empty of gas and oil), metals, wood and yard trimmings (bundled and tied and not more than 50 lbs. or 6 long), carpeting, junk furniture, mattresses, palm fronds (bundled and tied and not more than 50 lbs. or 6 long). Separate waste and metals and place them at the point of regular trash collection. Do not use automated refuse containers for this cleanup.
Environmental Services will not accept light bulbs/tubes, dirt, construction debris, or demolition rubble, hazardous waste (paint, motor oil, batteries), propane tanks, gas cylinders, or tires. For more information about the proper disposal of these items, please call 858-694-7000. California Native Plant Societys Fall Native Plant Sale Saturday, October 13, 11:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Casa del Prado Theater Courtyard 1700 Village Place in Balboa Park Select native plants for your yard to attract birds and butterflies, save water, and preserve San Diegos natural heritage. The sale will feature native shrubs, trees, flowering plants, seeds, books, and posters. Current, new, and renewing members of the California Native Plant Society can enter at 10:00 a.m. More information is available at Fairmount Park Neighborhood Association Thursday, October 17, 6:30 8:00 p.m. Church of the Brethren 3850 Westgate Place I will be in attendance to thank the community and review some of the advancements we have made over the past four years. Coffee with your Councilmember Saturday, October 27, 10:00 11:30 a.m. Alchemy Cultural Fare & Cocktails 1503 30th Street in South Park Register to Vote Please note that the last day to register to vote for the November election is October 22. If you have never registered or if you have recently moved and want to vote in your current neighborhood, this is the time to act. Additional important dates from the San Diego County Registrar of Voters are below. October 8, 2012: First day mail ballots will be available. First day that early voting is available at RoV. RoV is open for voting 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. October 15, 2012: Mail ballot processing (signature checking) begins. To observe, call 858694-3403. October 22, 2012: Last Day to Register to Vote October 26, 2012: Opening and preparing mail ballots for computer tabulation. October 29, 2012: Mail ballot scanning process begins (computer processing). To observe, call 858-694-3403 October 30, 2012: Last Day to Apply for a Mail Ballot. Requests are due to the RoV by 5:00 p.m.
November 3, 2012: Weekend voting at RoV. Registrar of Voters will be open for voting from 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. November 6, 2012: Election Day. Polls and the Registrar of Voters are open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Thank you for the opportunity to serve,
Todd If you would no longer like to receive updates, please respond to this email and asked to be removed from the list.