The audit report found that the City of San Diego's graffiti control program has several issues that need to be addressed to improve effectiveness. The program is decentralized, leading to delays in response times and inefficient abatement. Over 1,000 graffiti incidents were removed in 2013-2014 but the lack of centralized data makes performance difficult to monitor. The report recommends centralizing operations, improving coordination, ensuring adequate resources, and strengthening contract oversight to achieve graffiti control objectives. Acceptance of the audit findings by the City Council is requested.
The audit report found that the City of San Diego's graffiti control program has several issues that need to be addressed to improve effectiveness. The program is decentralized, leading to delays in response times and inefficient abatement. Over 1,000 graffiti incidents were removed in 2013-2014 but the lack of centralized data makes performance difficult to monitor. The report recommends centralizing operations, improving coordination, ensuring adequate resources, and strengthening contract oversight to achieve graffiti control objectives. Acceptance of the audit findings by the City Council is requested.
The audit report found that the City of San Diego's graffiti control program has several issues that need to be addressed to improve effectiveness. The program is decentralized, leading to delays in response times and inefficient abatement. Over 1,000 graffiti incidents were removed in 2013-2014 but the lack of centralized data makes performance difficult to monitor. The report recommends centralizing operations, improving coordination, ensuring adequate resources, and strengthening contract oversight to achieve graffiti control objectives. Acceptance of the audit findings by the City Council is requested.
The audit report found that the City of San Diego's graffiti control program has several issues that need to be addressed to improve effectiveness. The program is decentralized, leading to delays in response times and inefficient abatement. Over 1,000 graffiti incidents were removed in 2013-2014 but the lack of centralized data makes performance difficult to monitor. The report recommends centralizing operations, improving coordination, ensuring adequate resources, and strengthening contract oversight to achieve graffiti control objectives. Acceptance of the audit findings by the City Council is requested.
Performance Audit of the Graffiti Control Program Presentation to the City Council Significant Program Revisions Are Needed to Improve Graffiti Control Efforts OCA-14-014 2 Background OCA-14-014 Graffiti has many negative effects, including: Perception of blight Fear of gang activity Reduced property values and retail sales Lost revenue from reduced transit ridership 3 Background OCA-14-014 Graffiti is more widespread in some areas of the City than others Over !,""" incidents of graffiti were abated from F# "$$ to F#"$% 4 Background OCA-14-014 Time Frame Graffiti Abatement Responsibility NCC Street Division Urban Corps Before July 1, !1" #nta$e of %raffiti reports Routin% of %raffiti reports to abatement &re's
Abatement of %raffiti All ot(er publi& ri%(t of 'ay Bri)%es, si)e'al$s, street si%ns *rivate property Co)e enfor&ement a%ainst %raffiti on private property
After July 1, !1" #nta$e of %raffiti reports Routin% of %raffiti reports to fiel) &re's
Abatement of %raffiti All publi& ri%(t of 'ay *rivate property Co)e enfor&ement a%ainst %raffiti on private property
5 Finding 1 Current Process Is !ecentrali"ed OCA-14-014 6 Finding 1 Intake Is Confusing for Customers and !ela#s Response OCA-14-014 7 Finding 1 Intake OCA-14-014 Graffiti on this utility pole was referred bac& to the customer' (OC)* Graffiti on these phone booths was not abated' )batement of graffiti on this fence was delayed by at least three business days. 8 Finding 1 Current Process Impedes Efficient Graffiti A$atement OCA-14-014
Finding 1 Current Process Impedes Efficient
Graffiti A$atement OCA-14-014 )ppro+imately $" feet ,ecentrali-ation prevents crews from abating graffiti efficiently' Crews have to bypass some incidents of graffiti' 10 Finding 1 Cit# %acks Essential !ata for &onitoring Performance OCA-14-014 11 Finding 1 Recommended Graffiti A$atement Process 'it(in Street !ivision OCA-14-014 12 OCA-14-014 .he City should improve coordination with other groups involved in graffiti control to leverage resources for outreach' /riter- 0loc& ,owntown Partnership .he City should ensure that all groups abating graffiti have access to Graffiti .rac&er in order to enhance law enforcement efforts' )ccording to the vendor, this can be done at little to no cost to the City' .he City should ma&e 1pray and Pay rewards proactively to increase awareness of the program and encourage residents to report in2progress acts of graffiti vandalism' Finding ) Program *utreac( and Coordination Can Be Improved 13 Finding ) Program *utreac( and Coordination Can Be Improved OCA-14-014 .he City should wor& with utility companies to consolidate responsibility for graffiti abatement where possible .his could include agreements to compensate the City for the cost of abatement 14 Finding ) Additional Graffiti Control Resources &a# Be Needed OCA-14-014 City *opulation Graffiti Control Bu)%et Bu)%et Dollars per Resi)ent Graffiti Control FT+s FT+s per 1!!,!!! Resi)ents 1an Francisco 34,35% 6%,7"",""" 68'83 2 2 Riverside %$%,57% 6$,%"",""" 68'$8 2 2 Phoeni+ $,884,5% 68,%"3,!8" 6'!3 %'4 ' Fresno 4"4,33 6$,4"",""" 6'!7 $"'" '" )naheim %%5,54 6!",""" 6'78 $8'8 8'% Long 0each 857,3! 6$,"77,5"" 6'%" 2 2 ,enver 5%8,54 6$,%78,4$! 6'$7 $7'" '7 Los )ngeles %,347,7!! 67,"",""" 6$'37 34'" ' Chicago ,5!4,4!3 6%,%$$,73% 6$'% 8"'" $'4 1an 9ose !38,!! 6$,$",""" 6$'$8 2 2 0a&ersfield %43,4!7 2 2 $8'" %'! 1acramento 874,4$5 2 2 8'4 "'! San Die%o 1,"!,,-! .,/0,10- .!211 1"20 12! 15 Finding + Contract *versig(t OCA-14-014 .he City removed the vendor:s access to a wor& order system in "$$' .he City has not re;uired the graffiti abatement vendor to provide information on compliance with performance standards' .he City needs to ensure that a new contract with the vendor includes performance measures' 16 Summar# and Recommendations OCA-14-014 .<= C>.# 1<O?L, ($8 Recommendations*: Centrali-e graffiti abatement operations in the 1treet ,ivision to improve response times, customer service, and performance reporting (5 recommendations* ,etermine whether field abatement operations can be conducted most efficiently and effectively by City crews or a vendor, and centrali-e field abatement operations with that group ($ recommendation* >mprove coordination with other groups involved in graffiti control, e+pand the use of Graffiti .rac&er, and increase publicity for the 1pray and Pay rewards program (% recommendations* =nsure that ade;uate resources are provided to achieve graffiti control ob@ectives ($ recommendation* >mprove contract management and oversight (% recommendations* Recommended Council Action 17 !e re"ue#t that the City Counci$ acce%t the audit re%ort. OCA-14-014