Councilmember Todd Gloria City of San Diego: Memorandum
Councilmember Todd Gloria City of San Diego: Memorandum
Councilmember Todd Gloria City of San Diego: Memorandum
On March 26, 2015 Indiana Governor Mike Pence signed the Religious Freedom Restoration
Act that could legalize discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals.
This legislation would allow any individual or corporation to cite its religious beliefs as a defense
when they have denied services to someone based on sexual orientation or gender identity and
are sued by a private party.
Other municipalities such as San Francisco and Seattle have enacted bans that prohibit public
funds from being used for travel to Indiana. Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy has banned
employees on state business from traveling to Indiana due to this new legislation as well.
San Diego should join these other jurisdictions that have demonstrated their leadership for
equality and let it be known that San Diego will rise up against these discriminatory practices
taking place in our nation.
I request that you issue an Administrative Order that prohibits City of San Diego employees
from using public funds for travel to the state of Indiana until this discriminatory law is amended
or repealed.