A Fragrance of Hajja Aminah Adil

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A Scent of


1st Collection
Ramadan 2012

32 Sohbats


Musa (as)
1st Sohbat

hen Musa (as) went up Mt. Sinai he

told his people he would be gone for
forty days. But the Bani Israil in those days counted the day as one and the night also as one. So they
reached forty days in half the time and they thought
that because of their sins their prophet had been taken
away from them.
Earlier when Musa (as) had led them out of
Egypt they had crossed the Red Sea safely by Allahs permission. Pharaoh and his armies following
behind them had been drowned when the sea closed
back over them. All the soldiers with their armor, their
weapons, their gold and silver, all were covered by the
sea. The law of the Jews forbids them from taking the
spoils of war. The weapons and artifacts that washed
up onto the shore had to be destroyed by burning. This
left only a molten mass of the metals from which they
G 1H

were made.
There was a man called Samiri, a companion of
the Prophet Musa (as). At the time when Samiri
was a child, Pharaoh had ordered the killing of all the
boys of the Bani Israil. Samiris parents sent him into
the desert to protect him from Pharaoh. Jibrail (as)
would come and suckle these small sons of the Bani
Israil with his wings. Because of this Samiri was very
familiar with the Archangel and, unlike most people,
he could see Jibrail (as) riding the Horse of Life when
he came to visit Musa (as). Samiri gathered the sand
from the hoof print of this horse and hid it in his jubba.
Samiri made his living as a goldsmith. He took the
melted gold from pharaohs army and mixed it with the
sand from the footprint of the Horse of Life and fashioned a statue of a golden calf that moved and talked
because of the power of that sand.
The Bani Israil were always asking for a god
idol to worship just as their neighbors had. Samiri told
them that their prophet Musa (as) had forgotten to
give them their idol and so now he would give them this
calf to be their god.


The Bani Israil began to worship this calf and

dance around it.
At that time the Bani Israil numbered seventy
thousand people. Only twelve thousand did not succumb to worshipping the calf. Sayyidina Harun (as)
went with that twelve thousand to another distant place.
Meanwhile, S. Musa (as) was in khalwat on
Mt. Sinai waiting to be given the Torah. He was so
close to Heaven that he could hear the leaves being cut
and the scratching of the Divine Pen. There were so
many leaves of the Torah that not even seven camels
could carry them all.
Jibrail (as) came to S. Musa (as) and told him
that his people had gone astray and were worshipping
a calf. S. Musa (as) in anger said, O my Lord. You
are the One Who guides and the One Who misguides.
It is You Who has misled them.
S. Musa (as) got the Torah and came down to
his people. He saw them dancing around the calf. He
grabbed Harun (as) by the beard accusing him of misleading the people. Harun (as) explained that, fearing
for his life, he had left the people alone.


Musa (as) then threw the Torah to the ground.

Two pages broke and the writing flew away.
Why didnt you wait the forty days for me to return? Musa (as) asked his people.
Samiri deceived us, they answered. The punishment of Samiri was that from that day to the end of
time no one talked to him or came near him.
As for the calf, they burned it, but gold doesnt
burn it only melts. So S. Jibrail (as) told Musa (as)
to go to the bank of the Nile and gather a grass growing there called, Kimiya. This herb would make the
gold burn to ashes. Musa (as) sent his nephew Qarun
to collect a handful of this grass but Qarun was greedy
and he took a camel load for himself and he hid it. S.
Musa (as) spread the handful of Kimiya on the calf
and it burned to ashes.
At that time the law of the Bani Israil required
a physical punishment for every breach of the law; they
could not just be forgiven as we can be now. Their sins
were written by the Divine Will on the foreheads and
their doors for all to know. Allah commanded that for
the sin of idol worship the twelve thousand who did not


worship the calf should kill the fifty-eight thousand who

did, and this was accepted by all.
Early in the morning they went out into the desert. The fifty-eight thousand sinners sat in rows and
the twelve thousand believers had to kill them, even the
members of their families and loved ones. But they
could not look into their faces and kill them so from Allahs Mercy came a dense cloud that blurred the faces
of the sinners enabling the believers to carry out God s
Orders. From early morning until after Asr the cloud
remained. When it cleared there was blood and dead
bodies all over the sand.
Musa (as) cried out to his Lord, O my Lord,
my community is finished.
Allah answered him that because all had obeyed
the Lord s judgment, executioner and executed were
all awarded Paradise.
But S. Musa (as) continued to cry that his community was not as strong they had been before and they
were not clean.
Allah then commanded Musa (as) to throw the
ashes of the calf into the Nile and then drink from the


water. Those whose hearts were pure would remain

men but those whose hearts were tainted would begin
to look like cows. In this way they could tell the pure
from the impure. They executed the ones who looked
like cows and so completely purified the community.
However, the result was that all the people drank the
water in which the gold had been dissolved and to this
day all the Bani Israil have the love of gold in their
Now Qarun took his camel loaded with Kimiya
and began turning everything into gold, even the doorstep of his house. He bought many white slaves and sent
them around the streets dressed in gold to make people
Qarun wanted to be the Prophet. He was jealous of S. Musa (as). He wanted the community to be
his. He invited the people to his house to eat and drink
until even the believers began to gather there. He had
so many treasures that seventy camels were not able to
carry even the keys to his treasure chests.
S. Musas (as) people had to pay Zakat. They
had to pay one out of four, whereas Muslims only have


to pay one out of forty.

Musa (as) asked Qarun for his Zakat. Qarun
began to argue and to bargain. Musa (as) offered
him, Pay one in one hundred, one in one thousand.
Qarun refused even this. He even got a prostitute to
agree to swear that she was pregnant by Musa (as).
All the people gathered at Qaruns house. Qarun
invited Musa (as) to come in and give Sohbet, which
he did. Then he invited the people to ask questions.
A man asked, If someone steals what is the punishment? We cut off his hand, answered Musa (as).
If he commits adultery? He is stoned, Musa (as)
Then the prostitute appeared and would have given false testimony against Musa (as) but Allah tied her
tongue. Musa (as) laid his staff on her stomach and the
baby spoke and told the name of its real father.
S. Musa (as) was hot tempered. He asked Allah to give him power over Qarun as he had given him
over Pharaoh. He told the people to choose sides.
All went with Musa (as) except two who stayed with
Qarun. Musa (as) ordered the earth to swallow them


to the knees. Then Qarun, out of fear, offered to pay

his Zakat.
Musa (as) ordered the earth to swallow him to the
waist. Musa (as) said, To hell with your Zakat,
and Qarun then offered half of all his wealth.
Keep your money, said Musa (as) and ordered the earth to swallow them to the neck. Qarun
offered all his money but still Musa (as) ordered the
earth to swallow the three completely.
The people began to talk that now Musa (as) had
all Qaruns money for himself. So Musa (as) ordered
the earth swallow the treasure as well.
Allah told Musa (as), Qarun asked you forty
times for forgiveness. If he had asked Me even once
I would have forgiven him.
Still to this day Qarun and his two companions
continue to sink lower into the earth by the order of S.
Musa (as).


2nd Sohbat

Habib, King of Sham

ne day the Prophet (sas) was sitting with his

companions when people arrived and invited him to meet with the unbelievers of the Quraish.
When he asked why they were asking to meet with
him he was told that Habib, the King of Sham, was
visiting. The people of Quraish loved Habib. They
called him Rayhan ash-Sham. And Habib wanted to meet this Muhammad (sas) who called himself
the Prophet of God and was causing division among
the people.
S. Ali (ra) and S. Khadija (ra) begged him not
to go, but he insisted that he must. The Prophet (sas)
put on his black turban, the one he wore for war, and he
All the men of Quraish were gathered under
the palm trees. Habib and his army were with them.
When they saw the face of the Prophet (sas), beauG 1H

tiful like the moon, they were ready to believe. They

prepared a golden chair in front of King Habib for
the Prophet (sas) to sit on. Then king Habib asked if it
was true that he was insulting the gods of their ancestors.
The Prophet (sas) began reciting The Quran. King
Habib was moved to tears and he asked the Prophet
(sas) for a miracle to confirm what he felt.
Habib asked, although it was only Asr, that the
sun should set and the moon should rise. Then he asked
that the Prophet (as) should split the moon in half.
S. Jibrail (as) told the Prophet to pray two rakats
and then ask. Allah would grant his request. The
Prophet (as) did this.
The sun went down. Allah opened one needle
hole in the veil of Hell to let a small amount of its darkness seep out. The people were terrified at the intense
Then the moon came up. The Prophet (sas)
pointed his finger and the moon split. One side went
down, the other up and it made Shahada in the sky.
Then the moon set and the sun returned and they all
saw that it was still Asr time.


Many of the people became Muslim at this time

but not Abu Jahl. He called the Prophet (sas) a magician. King Habib became Muslim.
The King had one sorrow that he kept locked in
his heart. Jibrail (as) told the Prophet (sas) that secret sorrow. Habib had a daughter who was mentally
retarded and crippled. He kept her safe in a special
palace. The Prophet (sas) told Habib that when he
reached home he would find her healed.
Habib announced that he had brought with him
thirty thousand soldiers and they would all take Shahada. The Prophet (sas) recited Surat an-Nasr and
began to weep. They asked if he cried in happiness.
He replied that he was crying because just as people
were at that time entering Islam in large groups, so
at the end of time people would leave Islam in large
Habib went home where his daughter received
him like the full moon. He sent two messengers to the
Prophet (sas) carrying great gifts of treasure but Abu
Jahl intercepted them and took the camels and the
gold. He said they belonged to him because he was the


rightful king of Quraish. The Prophet (sas) said to let

the camels decide. All night Abu Jahl prayed to his
idols and talked to the camels. But the next day when
the Prophet (sas) passed the tail of his turban over the
faces of the camels they spoke in plain Arabic. They
said they were sent from Habib, the King of Sham,
to Muhammad (sas), the Prophet of God.
Then the Quraish began to complain that Muhammad (sas) was rich and must be doing what he
was doing for money. So the Prophet (sas) led the
camels, laden with their treasure, to Mt. Qubays and
ordered it all to become sand. By Allahs Will the
treasure became ordinary sand.


3rd Sohbat

n a faraway country a king saw the Prophet

(sas) in a dream. He immediately fell in love
with him and became Muslim. In the dream he told
the Prophet (sas) that if he lived long enough he
would come to visit him. When he awoke he saw his
palace full of radiant light.
But this king was not well and did not have many
days left, so he put all his personal wealth into a box
and instructed his young son that on his death the boy
should mount a camel and take the box of treasure to
the Prophet (sas) wherever he could find him. When
the king was dying and in his last hours, he mounted his
dear son on the camel with the treasure and sent him
off to look for the Prophet (sas) who he had seen in his
By Allahs great mercy and miraculous power
the boy reached Medina in one day of journeying, alG 1H

though he came from very far away. He saw the city of

palm trees and men in white turbans with tasbihs in their
hands. He approached the men and, assuming them
to be companions of the Prophet (sas), he told them his
First the men looked surprised. Then they told him
that his father had done something very stupid, not good
at all. The boy turned away from them, knowing that if
they did not understand they were not good companions at all but enemies of the Prophet (sas). Quickly
the men told him that they had just been testing him to
see if he had been telling the truth.
Now they told him that the Prophet (sas) was
sleeping. They said he should come with them to their
house and after resting they would take him directly to
the Prophet (sas). The boy accepted their hospitality.
Their house was very large, so large that the boy and
his camels fit through the door. The men shut the big
door behind the boy and his camels and the treasure.
Then they beat the boy unconscious and took the camels and their precious burden.
Later they dragged the unconscious boy before


the Prophet (sas) and told a terrible story. They said

the boy had been their guest and that they had fed and
hosted him. Then, while they slept, he had tried to steal
their camel and their gold. Their son had seen him and
in trying to stop him had been killed.
Judgment was pronounced on the unconscious
boy. For stealing the camel one hand must be cut off.
For stealing the treasure the other hand should be removed. For killing the son the boys head should be cut
In the center of Medina was a large rock on
which Omar usually carried out these punishments.
They took the unconscious boy there. One hand was
cut off. The boy briefly opened his eyes and asked what
he had done to deserve such treatment. They told him
it was his punishment for stealing. Then he told them to
cut the other hand as well. They did this and he fainted
Nearby in the mosque, Sayyidina Hassan (ra)
and Sayyidina Hussain (ra), the Prophets (sas)
grandsons, were studying Quran with S. Othman (ra).
They heard the commotion and S. Hussain (ra) went


out to look. There he saw the unconscious and bleeding boy. Hussain (ra) began to cry because the face of
the boy looked just like his brother Hassan (ra). The
Prophet (sas) had told him that anyone who looked
like Hassan (ra) must be good. He knew that the boy
could not be a thief. Hand in hand, Hassan (ra) and
Hussain (ra) ran to their grandfather, the Prophet
(sas), crying. They told him that the judgment must be
wrong, that the boy was innocent. The Prophet (sas)
was surprised. How could these children complain
about him when on the Day of Judgment even the ants
will not be able to accuse him of stepping on them? The
grandsons of the Prophet (sas) told him that the boy
looked like al Hassan (ra) and begged that he give the
boy to them to be their brother. But when they went
back to find the boy, he had already died.
The boys returned sobbing to their grandfather (sas)
and begged him to make dua that the boy would live
again. The angel Jibril (as) appeared to the Prophet
(sas) with a message that if all the Sahaba would give
some of their life to the boy he would live that amount
because his own life was finished. Each of the Sahaba


gave the boy some life; one gave six months, another a
year, and so on. Only Ali (ra) gave nothing.
The Prophet (sas) questioned Ali as to why he
had given nothing. Ali (ra) replied that since he did
not know how many days he had, how could he give
anything? Jibril (ra) said that Ali (ra) had spoken the
truth. The boys cried more. Then they asked that Allah (swt) give from Himself because of their love for this
unknown boy.
Allah gave permission and the Prophet (sas) went
to the dead boy and put his hand on his mouth, and he
breathed. Then he put his hand on the boys arms and
the hands reattached. The boy woke up as if from a
deep sleep. He kissed the hand of the Prophet (sas),
made shahada and told his story.
The lying hypocrites were made to bring the camel
and the treasure. The camel spoke as witness to the truth
of the boys account.
The Prophet (sas) took the boy and told everyone
that from then on his mother would be Sittina. Fatima
(ra) and his father S. Ali (ra). He lived with them in
the household and fought in the many battles. When


the Prophet (sas) died he said that only then had he

truly been orphaned.
His name was Muhsin.


S. Fatima
4th Sohbat


ne day S. Othman (ra) invited the Prophet

(sas) and all the Sahaba to his house for
food. On the way to his house S. Othman (ra) walked
behind the Prophet (sas) counting his footsteps. The
Prophet (sas) asked why he was counting his footsteps?
Othman (ra) answered that for each footstep of the
Prophet (sas) he was going to give one gold coin in
sadaqa and set a male slave free.
At the feast at Othmans (ra) house there was every
kind of good thing to eat. All that was missing was the
milk of the bird. S. Ali (ra) ate and went home feeling
very sad. When Fatima (ra) asked why he was sad,
he answered that he wished he had the money to host
the Prophet (sas) as Othman (ra) had done.
S. Fatima (ra) encouraged him to make the
invitation. But what will we feed him? Ali (ra)
asked her. O Ali, she said, He is Habibullah. He
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will feed us. We will not feed him.

So Ali (ra) asked Fatima (ra) to do the inviting
because he felt he had nothing to offer. The Prophet
(sas) said he would come the next day and bring all the
Sahaba with him.
S. Fatima (ra) filled a big pot with water and put
it on a hook over the fire. She had nothing to add to the
water. She left it and went to their little prayer room
to pray. After praying she made sajda and asked: O
my Lord, Your beloved is coming. What shall I feed
The Prophet (sas) arrived with all the Sahaba
and a very nice smell began coming from the pot. The
food smelled like paradise food. The Prophet (sas)
said it was made and sent by Allah. The people sat to
eat in groups of ten. They ate their fill of the beautiful
food in turns. After all had eaten they sent pots of food
to all the neighbors.
Jibrail (as) came to the Prophet (sas) to tell him to
tell Fatima (ra) that Allah had accepted her invitation.
She was so happy that she asked Allah to give sadaqa
for her also. Jibrail (as) said that for each footstep of the


Prophet (sas) Allah would give one hundred thousand

gold coins and release one hundred thousand men and
women from hell for the honor of S. Fatima (ra).


S. Ali
5th Sohbet


. Ali (ra) was very generous. He never kept

money long. One day he found his wife and
children crying from hunger. For two days they had
eaten nothing. S. Fatima (ra) had six coins that her
mother, Khadija (ra), had given her and she was saving for her burial. She gave them to S. Ali (ra) and
asked him to bring food for them from the market.
When Ali (ra) entered the marketplace he found
a fight going on. A Jew was holding a Muslim by the
throat threatening to kill him if he didnt pay his debt.
The Muslim had many children. Who would care
for them? The amount the Muslim owed was exactly
six coins. Ali (ra) gave them to the Jew. The Muslim
was happy because he was free of debt. The Jew was
happy because he had his money. Only Ali (ra) was
unhappy because he had no money to buy food for his
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He went home and told S. Fatima (ra). She

said, Never mind. I will put the children to sleep.
S. Ali (ra) was even more sad. S. Fatima (ra) is so
good, he thought. Any other wife would have gotten very angry.
It was their custom, whenever they were very sad
or hungry, to go look at the Prophets (sas) face, and
then they would feel better. On the way to the Prophets (sas) house Ali (ra) saw a Bedouin dragging a fine,
fat camel by a rope. This camel is so disobedient, he
said. What will you give me for him? S. Ali (ra)
offered to pay the Bedouin one hundred coins the next
S. Ali (ra) took the camel and walked a short way
when he met another Bedouin who offered to pay him
three hundred coins for the very same camel. S. Ali
(ra) sold him the camel and paid the first Bedouin the
one hundred coins. He then went to the market to buy
food for his family. His children ate and laughed and
played and were so happy.
S. Ali (ra) went to find the Prophet (sas) who
said to him, Will you tell me the story or shall I tell


you? Ali (ra) asked the Prophet (sas) to tell the tale.
Then the Prophet (sas) told him: T he first Bedouin,
who sold you the camel, was Jibrail (as), and the second, who bought the camel, was Mikail (as). The
camel was from the herds of paradise. He told him
that for the six coins given to free the Muslim debtor
Allah had repaid him fifty times over.
On the Day of Reckoning you have no idea what
gifts, what rewards, will be given.


The Provision of
a Guest
6th Sohbat

orty days before the arrival of a guest an

angel comes to bring his provision (rizq).
Because we cannot either see or answer the greetings
of the angel, Allah sends Jibrail (as) to answer for us.
The rizq of the guest is of nine parts: one the guest
consumes himself during his stay, and the remaining
eight benefit the host and his family.
The dua of the guest is answered, so when you are
a guest always make sure to say a blessing dua for your
host family.
The household that receives many guests is very


7th Sohbat

The Ages of a Believer

t the age of seven a child should learn dua

and salat.
By the age of ten, if the child still isnt praying, you
must encourage him by hitting him lightly with your
At the age of fifteen salat becomes fard, obligatory. The angels sitting on each shoulder begin writing
in their books the account of good and evil.
At the age of twenty the child reaches majority
and receives any inheritance.
At the age of twenty-eight his physical power
reaches its completion.
At the age of thirty his mind (aqil) reaches its completion.
At the age of forty the believer is completely mature, as was the Prophet Muhammad (sas) when he
received the beginning of the revelation of The Quran
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at age forty.
At the age of sixty the believer becomes a Divine
At the age of seventy the angels know him by
name. Allah loves him and he loves Allah.
At the age of eighty the believer becomes innocent again and the angels no longer keep account of his
good and bad actions.
At the age of ninety the believer feels kept in captivity in the world. The world begins to feel like a prison.
At the age of one hundred the believer is given the
power of intercession for seventy souls, to take them out
of Jehennam into Paradise.


Nofal (ra)
8th Sohbat

ne day when the Prophet (sas) was preparing for war a man came to him and asked
him to make Amin after the man made a dua so that,
with his blessing inshAllah, the mans dua would be
accepted. The Prophet (sas) agreed. The man, whose
name was Nofal, then went home and returned with
his wife and two sons. Then raising his hands in supplication he asked that Allah cause him to die a martyr in
the coming battle, leaving his wife a widow and his sons
orphaned. The Prophet (sas) said the Amin at the
end of Nofal s dua because he had promised to do
so, even though he was not happy with Nofal s request
because of his family.
The Muslim army went to war and they were
victorious. They returned to Medina and as was the
custom the women and children lined the road to cheer
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the victorious army and to look for their loved ones.

The wife of Nofal was among them. As soon as she
saw the Prophet (sas) and his companions she asked
after her husband, Nofal.
The Prophet (sas) did not like to have to tell her
that Nofal had been martyred so he did not answer
directly but rather gestured with his hand towards the
rear of the army.
All the Sahaba seeing the Prophets reluctance to
speak made the same gesture when the wife of Nofal
asked them for information. Finally at the end of the
long line of soldiers came Sayidina Abu Bakr (ra).
The wife of Nofal asked him for news of her husband.
Now Abu Bakr (ra) knew that the Prophet (sas)
had only gestured to imply that Nofal might be at the
rear of the army. S. Abu Bakr (ra) desired to follow
the actions of his beloved Prophet (sas), but since he
was the last man and there was no one following him,
he did not know what to do. Finally, in distress, he put
all of his beard into his mouth and answered her. All


she could understand of the cry that came from Abu

Bakrs (ra) mouth was, Allah.
Just then Nofal, her husband, came from behind
Abu Bakr (ra) and he cried Labbayk, I am here,
and he passed them quickly like an arrow shot from a
When the Prophet (sas) arrived at his mosque,
because it was his custom after arriving from war to
pray and thank Allah before going home, he found
Nofal arriving like an arrow ahead of him saying,
Now the Prophet (sas) and the companions knew
that Nofal had fallen as the first martyr in the battle
they had just fought. They had seen him fall and they
had buried him before leaving. But Sayyidina Jibrail (as) came then to the Prophet (sas) and told him
that some of his Sahaba have the station of S. Isa (as)
and can raise the dead. He said that if Abu Bakr
(ra) had repeated one more Allah, all the martyrs


would have risen from their graves and come running,

shouting, Labbayk.
Nofal rejoined his family and continued to live a
long time. He fought in many of the subsequent battles and had several more children. He died sometime
after the Prophet (sas).


The Kaaba
9th Sohbat

The Building of the Kaaba

. Ibrahim (as) was ordered to rebuild the

Kaaba, which had been hidden in the
earth after the flood of Nuh (as). At the time of the
flood, Mount Qubays (a mountain outside of Mecca) asked Allah, Let me hide your amanat. So
Allah placed the black stone safely inside the mountain.
Then Allah put a little hill over the spot on which the
Kaaba had stood to mark it.
Ibrahim (as) asked his Lord, Where and how
should I build it? Jibrail (as) came and removed the
hill with his wing. Then a cloud appeared and shaded
the area of the sanctuary so that its boundaries were
made clear.
Then Mount Qubays asked Allah that the
Kaaba be built from its stones. This Ibrahim (as) and
Ismail (as) did and mixed the mortar with zamzam
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The order came from Allah. Jibrail (as) was the

architect. Ibrahim (as) was the mason and Ismail
(as) was the laborer.
Ibrahim (as) built the walls as high as he could
reach. Then he took one large stone to stand on so that
he could build higher. As the building grew the stone
increased in height and it moved around the Kaaba
on its own with Ibrahim (as) standing on top of it. After the Kaaba was completed this stone stayed nearby
and became what we now know as Maqam Ibrahim
Then Haj jar (ra), Sara (ra), Ismail (as), and
Ishaq (as) came to make tawwaf.
S. Ibrahim (as) was tired and he sat down. He
was exhausted but he wanted to clean the area before
making tawwaf. Just then a big wind blew through and
carried all the debris and dust and dirt away. Those
small bits of rock were distributed by the wind all over
the world. Wherever a stone fell a mosque was or will
be built until the end of time.
The Kaaba is called Bayt Allah, the House of
God, because all people are welcome there.


S. Ibrahim (as) made dua that out of his love for

the community of the coming Prophet Muhammad
(sas) he could make shafaa, intercession, for all the old
people who would journey to the House. S. Ismail
(as) asked for shafaa for all the middle-aged people.
S. Ishaq (as) asked for shafaa for all the young people. S. Sara (ra) asked for shafaa for all the women,
and S. Haj jar (ra) for all the slaves and servants, both
men and woman.
Then Ibrahim (as) put up his hand and said, We
love the community of the Prophet Muhammad (sas)
and the pilgrims who will come will love him. They will
only pray for their Prophet (sas) and they will forget
all about us.
Allah answered that He would make it obligatory in the five prayers to remember Ibrahim (as) and
his family. Ibrahim (as) was very satisfied with this
After making Haj j, Ibrahim (as) left Haj jar
(ra) and Ismail (as) and returned to the mountains on
the border of Arabia and Palestine. One side of the
mountains is green and one side brown and dry. There


he prayed, O my Lord, I left some of my family in

a distant desert valley (Mecca) so You make people
come to them. And today whatever you might want
you will be able to find in Mecca..
Then Allah ordered Ibrahim (as) to call the people to come for pilgrimage, Haj j. S. Ibrahim (as)
asked, But my Lord who will hear me? Allah
ordered him, Call and they will hear. So Ibrahim (as) raised his voice and began calling the people.
When he finished he started to hear voices from far
away like the buzzing of bees. Labbayk Allahuma
Labbayk cried the voices.
O Allah, Ibrahim (as) cried, All those people are coming. How will I host them? S. Jibrail
(as) came down with a glass of water. He told Ibrahim (as) to throw this water into the wind. The wind
took the drops of water all over the world. Wherever
they landed they became salt. On the mountains they
became rock salt. On the sea they became sea salt.
Whoever uses this salt is enjoying the hospitality of S.
Ibrahim (as) until the end of time.
The souls who answered Labbayk once will


make Haj j one time. The souls who answered twice

will make Haj j two times and so on.
The first Kaaba was actually the Bayt al
Mamur which, at the time of the flood, was raised
to the fourth heaven. It is there today and the angels
make Tawwaf around it. It is exactly the same as the
Kaaba in Mecca and directly above it. If it should
fall it would occupy exactly the same space. But it will
not fall or come to this earth again.


Imam Al-Qushayri
10th Sohbat

nce Khidr (as) asked his Lord, Ya Rabbi, in Quran it says that everything, wet or
dry, is contained in the Kitab al-Mubin. Teach me
because I dont know all of it.
He was told to go to the most elevated Imam,
Abu Hanifa (ra). He stayed with him for five years.
After five years Imam Abu Hanifa (ra) died. So
Khidr (as) asked to be allowed in enter his tomb and
continue to learn from Abu Hanifa (ra) there. He
stayed twenty-five years in the tomb of Abu Hanifa
(ra) and finished all truths of the Quran, thirty years
of knowledge.
In that same village there was a fatherless boy who
was very hardworking and kind. He earned three coins
a day as a laborer. One coin he gave to his mother, one
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he gave as sadaqa and one he kept to live on. This boy

had only one desire in his heart and that was to learn.
But he had no money and he had no time. The desire to learn grew within him until finally he asked his
mother what he should do.
His mother told him to go to Samarqand. Although it broke her heart to let him go she had to do
it. He arranged to travel with a friend. His mother
hugged him and stood by the door to watch him leave.
Her heart prayed silently to Allah: My Lord if you
dont bring him back I will not move from this door.
The two boys journeyed on until it was time to pray.
The boy knew that his mothers permission came from
her tongue not from her heart. He made ablution in
preparation to pray and a little urine got on his clothes.
He thought, The first time only my clothes are dirtied. The second time it will be my body and the third
time it will be my soul. I must return to my mother. It
is better. But his heart remained heavy, longing for


When he returned, he found his mother still standing by the door. They hugged each other in joy. He returned to his old life carrying firewood on his shoulders
and selling it. He and his mother lived in a one-room
house. At night he prayed on the roof so as not to bother his mother. Even in the deep snow he kept praying.
One night this boy heard a voice calling him from
down below. It was an old man who climbed to the
rooftop and announced that he had come in answer
to the boys prayer for knowledge. So every night at
Tahaj jud this man came to teach the boy for one hour.
This old man was Khidr (as) and what he had learned
in thirty years he taught the boy in three years.
The boy grew up to be Imam Qushayri. He possessed ilm/knowledge that no one else had. He became
very famous and had many disciples. He wrote a book
of one thousand volumes. He put these volumes in a
box and told his closest companion to throw them in the
river Dijla in Iraq.


The murid was about to obey when the idea occurred to him to hide the precious volumes instead. He
returned to the Shaykh who asked him what he had
seen. Nothing, he answered. The Shaykh then
knew the man had not thrown the box in the river. He
commanded him to go a second time and a second time
the disciple could not get himself to throw his masters
works in the river. On returning to the Shaykh he still
answered his question by saying he had seen nothing.
So for a third time the Shaykh sent his disciple to do
as he asked. This time the man could only obey. He
picked up the box and heaved it into the middle of the
river. A huge hand rose out of the water and grabbed
the box like a box of matches. The disciple asked the
hand who it belonged to. I am the angel entrusted
to protect the books of Imam Qushayri, a voice answered.
Now the disciple returned and told his Shaykh
what he had seen and he asked for an explanation. The
Shaykh told him that he had prayed to be of benefit


to the community of the Last Prophet, Muhammad

(sas), in the later days. The book will be hidden until Isa (as) returns. The Anti-Christ will come and
burn all the truthful books. Then Isa (as) will make
two rakats and the books of Qushayri (ra) will reappear and spread the lost knowledge everywhere. This
is the help for the community of Muhammad (sas) that
the knowledges of Quran are kept safely hidden until
they are needed at the end of times.


11th Sohbat

The Story of The Cow

nce long ago there was a man who was

very, very rich but he had no children. His
brother had two boys. The brother died and the rich
uncle took the boys into his home. The boys lived there
and became more and more envious and greedy. All
they wanted was their uncles money.
They talked together and decided that it might take
much too long for their uncle to die naturally. They determined to kill him in spite of the fact that he was very
generous to them.
Together they murdered him and dragged his
body out of town. They did not bury it but left it lying
on the open ground. They went home and began crying, Where, oh where, is our beloved uncle?
The place where they placed the body was on the
border between two towns. Each town accused the
other of the murder because they both loved the old
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man equally.
The boys said they wanted revenge and they
wanted blood money. This was in the time of the
Prophet Musa (as) and people went to him to solve
their differences. Musa (as) asked his Lord, Show us
the truth. So Allah ordered them to slaughter a cow
and take the tongue and the tail to the corpse.
The Bani Israil thought at the time that this was
a joke. So they began to ask frivolous questions about
what kind of cow. If they had just obeyed, any cow
would have done, but they kept asking so the kind of
cow became more and more specific until only one
particular cow would do: a yellow cow owned by a
poor boy who used to carry wood from the mountains
to sell. This boy worked so hard that he had cuts all
over his back from the weight of the bundles of wood
and his clothes were stuck to him in dried blood.
He told his mother that he wished they had an animal to help carry the wood. She told him that his father had left him a yellow calf that had been put out to
pasture. If the boy called the cow would come.
So the boy went to the pasture and called the yel-


low cow and he recognized it as if he had known it all

his life. He took the cow home.
His mother told him to take it to market and sell it.
With the money he should buy a donkey and save the
rest of the money. He went to market where a man
offered him twenty coins. The boy had to go home
and check with his mother. She gave him permission
to sell but the next day on his way to market another
man offered him thirty coins. This confused him so he
went home to check with his mother. She told him to
stop coming back. He should just sell the cow.
He returned to the market the next day and another man told the boy that his cow was very precious
and he advised the boy to sell the cow only on the condition that when they kill it they do so without cutting
the skin. Then they should take the intact skin and fill it
with gold and that would be the price of the cow. This
third man was really an angel sent by Allah and the
boy must obey.
The Bani Israil accepted the boys terms because
this was now the only cow that would serve Allahs
purpose. So the Bani Israil slaughtered the cow and


beat the corpse of the old man with the tongue and tail.
The dead man sat up and said, My nephews killed
The Bani Israil filled the cows skin with the dead
mans fortune and gave it to the boy. And all of this was
because of the baraka of the boy who always pleased
his mother..


12th Sohbat

The Dua of The Mother

nce there was a lady who had a son who did

all the forbidden things (drinking, gambling,
etc.). The lady was a disciple of Hassan al-Basra (q)
and she was pious and good. Everyday she went to the
Shaykh and asked him to pray for her boy. Everyday
the Shaykh said to her, InshaAllah, and everyday
the boy remained the same.
One day the boy left home and did not return until
the next morning.
The mother went again to the Shaykh. This time
he told her to go home, get her ablution and pray. At
the end she should make dua herself because the dua
of the mother is always accepted.
She prayed all night while her son was out drinking with his friends. While he was drinking heavily he
suddenly heard a voice coming out of his cup. It said,
You despair of Allahs mercy. He threw the cup to
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the floor and he immediately repented sincerely. His

friends made fun of him by telling him he was just like his
mother, but he did not mind.
As morning approached the boy reached his home
repentant. He found his mother making dua for him
and her tears were pooling under her prayer rug. He
hugged his mother and told her he repented and would
never touch drink again. She hugged her son and he
became limp and unconscious in her arms. Maybe he
has fainted she thought and threw cold water on his face.
But no, her beloved son was still lying like the dead.
She went to the Shaykh and told him. The
Shaykh instructed her to put the body of her son on a
donkey and go to the Kaaba in Mecca. There she
should make tawwaf seven times. If he woke up then
she could return home, but if he didnt then she must continue on to the Lebanese mountains. It took her more
than a month to travel to Mecca but she completed the
journey and made tawwaf. Nothing happened. Her
son was still as if he were dead.
So she put him back on the donkey and went to the
Lebanese mountains. It took many, many months.


Finally they reached a garden. She saw seven men

at the end of it standing in line ready to make the funeral prayer. When they saw her they explained that
they were saints and that their Shaykh had died. He
had told them just before dying to wait until their new
Shaykh would appear and lead them in his funeral
The lady looked at her son and he was struggling
to get off the donkey. O my mother, he said, do I
have any clean clothes? He took the clean clothes
and made ablution in a nearby waterfall and then he
led the saints in the funeral prayer.
O mother, the boy said, you made dua for me
and now we must part until the end of time.
Then he left with the saints, walking up the mountain until they disappeared from sight.
This is the power of the mothers dua. Allah made
the boy unconscious as a khalwat to clean the boy for his
new job.
A mothers dua is accepted like a prophets dua.
Sometimes mothers get upset and in anger they ask
some punishment for their children but a mothers love is


like a wall protecting her children. No harm can enter.

Once the sahaba (ra) asked the Prophet (sas),
What do we do if we have no mother to make dua
for us? He answered, Then do kind favors for the
people your mother loved. Your mother will be pleased
and make dua for you in eternity.


S. Khidr (as)
13th Sohbat

here was a king who decided that Khidr

(as) must be among the believers and he
wanted to meet him. So he sent all his ministers out
looking around the country for anyone who knew
where to find S. Khidr (as). No one had seen him or
knew anything. Finally one poor dervish answered that
he could find Khidr (as). The King then commanded
that he should produce him. The dervish answered that
he had no time to search for Khidr (as) because he had
to provide for himself and his family. They asked how
many days he needed. He replied, Forty days. So
the king sent provisions for forty days to the house of the
dervish so that he would be free to search for S. Khidr
The wife of the dervish thought he must have stolen
all that food and asked him about it. He told her. She
asked if he really knew where to find Khidr (as). The
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dervish answered that his plan was to relax and enjoy

the food and rest for forty days and then maybe Allah
would send Khidr (as).
They did this. On the thirty-ninth day there was still
no sign of S. Khidr (as) and the dervish knew that the
king would behead him. So he planned to run away
early in the morning of the fortieth day. But Allah
kept the dervish and his family asleep late until noon the
next day at which time they were awakened by a loud
knocking at the door. It was the soldiers of the King.
They escorted the dervish alone to the palace that was
crowded with people hoping to see S. Khidr (as). In
front of the King were two chairs one of gold and one
of wood. The dervish sat on the wooden chair. The
king then asked for Khidr (as) and the dervish had to
tell the truth: he had no idea. The king was very angry
and he asked his ministers what punishment was appropriate to inflict on the dervish.
The first Minister said to cut him into pieces and
hang the pieces around the city to warn the people not
to lie to their king.
A small boy in the crowd called out, Everything


returns to its origins.

The second Minister said No, better to rip his
flesh from his bones, and grind it up and scatter it to the
The small boy called out again, Everything returns to its origins.
The third Minister advised the King saying that
he had every right to kill the dervish, but if he spared his
life the people would be impressed and love the Kind
for the mercy he showed.
The small boy repeated again, Everything returns
to its origins.
The King then asked the dervish, Is that your
son? But the dervish said he did not know the boy
and thought he belonged to the court. But no one in
the palace knew the boy. So finally the King asked
the boy himself for his name.
He answered that he was S. Khidr (as). The
King then asked him to explain what he had been
saying. He said that the first Minister was the son of a
butcher and so made judgments befitting a butcher. The
second Minister was the son of a cook and so made


judgments like a cook. The third Minister was the son

of a minister and so his judgment took into account how
to please and win over the people. The King should
appoint him chief Minister, and the others, chief butcher and cook. He then told the King, You are not taking good care of your people if they are so hungry they
have to lie to eat. A kings job is to take care of his people
and look after their welfare. And with that S. Khidr (as) disappeared.


14th Sohbat

The Hospitality of Ibrahim(as)

brahim (as) loved guests. If he had no

guests he would fast. If he still had no
guests he would break his fast on only water and so on.
One time he fasted three days in a row. And it came to
his heart, Is there anyone else in the world like me?
Allah inspired Ibrahim (as) and told him to travel around and look at the people and learn. So he
traveled until he came to a place with hollow trees. He
looked inside one tree and he saw a man and he said,
As-salamu alaykum. I would like to be your guest.
The man replied, Welcome, guest of Allah.
Ibrahim (as) looked around and saw no pots, no food,
no cooking. He wondered how they were going to
break fast. Outside he saw a bowl with two pomegranates.
The man broke fast on the seeds of the pomegranate with thanks to Allah for sending a guest. Ibrahim
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(as) then asked him how often he broke his fast. He

answered that he broke only when a guest came and
that was about once a month.
Ibrahim (as) was astonished, because he broke
fast every third day. Ibrahim (as) then asked him if
no guest came what he would do. The man answered
that he would fast another month.
Ibrahim (as) expressed his wonderment. The
man then told him that this was nothing, that there was
a higher saint one days journey away. So Ibrahim
(as) followed his directions and found a man sitting in
a cave. He gave his salams and asked to be his guest.
Welcome, guest of Allah, the man said, but continued to sit without doing anything.
At sunset they rose and prayed together but there
was no sign of food or cooking. Just then a deer passed
by. The man pointed to the deer to come and when it
arrived it was already cooked and ready to eat.
The man thanked Allah for sending him a guest.
Ibrahim (as) asked him how often he broke his fast.
Once in two months, he replied. And if no guest arrives I fast another two months.


Ibrahim (as) was astonished. Is there another

like you around here? he asked. Yes indeed, said
the man, In the Lebanese mountains.
So Ibrahim (as) went to the mountains and found
a well-dressed man with a beautiful turban. Ibrahim
(as) said to him, I would like to be your guest. He
replied, Welcome, guest of Allah, and took Ibrahim (as) to a cave that was furnished very comfortably
and richly. Ibrahim (as) liked the cave very much and
the way it was outfitted.
They prayed the sunset prayer together, and then
the man asked Allah to bring them food to break fast.
The ceiling of the cave opened and a table descended
with all kinds of food on it. They ate and the man
thanked Allah and the table ascended and the ceiling
How often do you break fast? asked Ibrahim
(as). Every three months, his host answered. And if
there is no guest I fast another three months.
Ibrahim (as) then asked him if the cave was his
house. Oh no, said the man. T his is a mosque. I
have another house. Ibrahim (as) asked if he might


see it. The man told him to go to the cave next door. He
said, If you come back I will take you to my house.
Ibrahim (as) went next door and found a cave.
Inside a huge lion was roaring and making the mountain shake. Ibrahim (as) said to the lion, Be still. This
is Ibrahim in front of you, and the lion became peaceful.
Ibrahim (as) then returned to the man who told
him to close his eyes and climb on his back. They flew
through the air until they reached an island in the middle of the sea. There was a long rug on the shore for
praying. The direction of prayer was marked by
stones, a broken jug held water for ablution, and there
was a small oil lamp. Ibrahim (as) was very surprised
because the cave had been very luxurious but the saints
house was very spare.
Ibrahim (as) asked the man to make dua for him.
But the man said sadly that his dua was never accepted. Ibrahim (as) asked him how this could be? The
man answered that for forty years he had been making
one dua and that it had never been granted. Ibrahim
(as) then asked what he had been asking for.


Once, forty years ago on one of my travels, I saw

a beautiful long-haired boy by the sea crying. He was
saying, Oh I want to see my father, Ibrahim. This
beautiful boy was Ismail (as). Since that time the man
had had a longing to meet the father of that beautiful
boy. He had made dua for forty years to meet Ibrahim (as).
Then Ibrahim (as) told the man who he was and
they embraced and the man happily breathed his last
breath. Ibrahim (as) felt so sad. He washed him,
wrapped him and buried him. Allah sent an angel to
take Ibrahim (as) from that island on his back. The
angel asked Ibrahim (as) where he wanted to go. To
the end of the world, said Ibrahim (as).
He reached the end of the world and found a gate
decorated with precious stones. He was told it was the
gate of tawba (repentance) and it would remain open
until the sun should rise from the West. Then it would
Then Ibrahim (as) asked the angel to carry him to
Ismail (as). Ibrahim (as) and his son hugged and the
Prophet Ibrahim (as) made tawba for having thought


that he was so special for fasting three days waiting for

a guest.
For every level there is a higher level. Allah is not
happy with those who think too well of themselves.


15th Sohbat

S. Fatima (ra)

& The Shepherds Wife

ittina Fatima (ra) was looked after very

well by S. Ali (ra). When she passed by
the door he jumped to his feet out of respect for her, the
Prophets (sas) daughter. But she did not rise to her
feet for him.
She was called the Mistress of all women.
One day when she was sitting with her father she
asked who among them would be the first to pass to
He said the wife of a certain shepherd would be the
first. Fatima (ra) was very surprised. She asked to go
visit her to learn why she would be the first.
She went to the poor cottage where the woman
lived. She knocked at the door and announced herself. The lady answered in a gruff voice that she had no
permission to open the door, and to please go away and
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come again the next day.

Fatima (ra) went home. The next day she went
again to the shepherd ladys cottage, this time with her
small son Hassan.
The lady answered her knock by saying Oh, I
only took permission from my husband for you to enter,
not the little boy. Please go away and come again tomorrow.
The next day Fatima (ra) returned, this time with
Hassan (ra) and the infant Hussain (ra) in her arms.
Again she was turned away, for the women had
no permission for the baby.
Three days S. Fatima (ra) had been turned away
but her adab was so good and her patience so plentiful
that she returned again the fourth day.
This time the gruff old voice of the shepherd lady
said she had permission to enter. Once inside Fatima
(ra) found a lovely young woman. She had been putting wool in her mouth to make her voice ugly.
The lady sat Fatima (ra) and the children inside
the small house while she sat outside in the sun. Fatima


(ra) invited her to squeeze in with her but she said that
her husband, the shepherd, worked outside in the sun all
day. So it was not right that she sit in the shade.
The lady put a bag of breadcrumbs in the sun. Fatima (ra) asked why. The lady said that her husband s
lunch sits all day in the sun so hers should as well.
She had two clay pots of water one in the shade
and one in the sun. She drank the hot water, as her husband must be doing.
She set food on the table and three plates, one hot,
one lukewarm and one cold. When her husband returns he could choose the one he preferred.
As Fatima (ra) was leaving she saw a strong stick
behind the door. The lady said that sometimes her husband returned, angry with the sheep, so she provides
him with the stick to beat her instead and feel better.
Fatima (ra) went home and cleaned her house
until it shone. She prepared three bowls of soup, hot,
warm, and cold. When Ali (ra) returned she jumped


up to greet him.
He was very surprised and asked what had happened. When she told him he was so happy that he
said, I will not enter the house until I kill one hundred
Then because of this vow he could not enter his own
house for many days and S. Fatima (ra) went to ask
her father the whereabouts of her husband. He was
sleeping in the mosque in order to keep his vow.
Ali (ra) explained to the Prophet (sas) what had
happened. The Prophet (sas) ordered him to go to
a man sitting in the mosque reading The Quran and
slice him through the middle. Ali (ra) objected but the
Prophet (sas) insisted.
So Ali (ra) went and cut the man in half. One
half became a monkey and one half became a pig and
both jumped out of the window.
Now you can go home the Prophet (sas) told
him. Your oath is fulfilled. But first Ali (ra) wanted
to know about the man. The Prophet (sas) told him


that the upper half was always reciting The Quran

from pride rather than from the heart and so it was like
a monkey. The lower half he was not keeping clean so
it was like a pig.
Ali (ra) went home to Fatima (ra) his wife.


The Rewards of Amin

16th Sohbat

wo beautiful men approached the Prophet

(sas) and asked him to give them the secret
of Fatihah. The Prophet (sas) asked who they were
and where they came from.
They said they were from an earlier time. They
had heard there was to be one surah revealed that was
so special that they prayed for a thousand years to be
told this surah. Then they were told it was only for the
nation of Muhammad (sas) so they prayed another
thousand years to live long enough to meet the Prophet
Muhammad (sas).
They were Khidr (as) and Ilyas (as) and their
dua was accepted.
Their prophethoods ended and they were now
only a part of the umma of the Prophet Muhammad
(sas). Muhammad (sas) gave them Fatihah and they
were content. They raised their hands to ask Allah to
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take them in death now that their prayer had been answered. But the Prophet Muhammad (sas) put his
hand over their mouths and asked them to stay. He
said his umma is so weak they need all the help they can
get. So Ilyas (as) became protector over people on
the sea (Bahr) and Khidr (as) over the people of the
earth (Barra).
They then asked the Prophet (sas) to tell them the
benefits and rewards of reciting Al-Fatihah. He said
that if he spoke until the end of time he could not finish,
but he would tell them the rewards of Amin which is
said at the end, (spelled: alif, mim, ya, nun).
Alif is written on the Arsh of Allah Almighty.
Mim is written on the Kursi.
Ya is on the Preserved Tablet (lawh).
Nun is on the Pen (qalam).
Alif is on the forehead of the Archangel Israfil
Mim is on the forehead of Mikail (as).
Ya is on the forehead of Jibrail (as).


Nun is on the forehead of Azrail (as).

Alif is on the Torah.
Mim is on the Zabur (Psalms).
Ya is on the Injil (New Testament).
Nun is on The Quran.


The First Bread

17th Sohbat

hen S. Adam (as) was expelled from

paradise Allah gave him seeds from the
wheat plant to plant on earth, saying, Because you ate
from it, your children will eat from it without ever being
satisfied and they will have to eat from it daily.
Allah gave him two oxen to help in plowing. S.
Adam (as) harnessed up the oxen to the plow and
began plowing a furrow that went on and on. Finally
Jibrail (as) told him to stop, saying, T his is yours and
that is mine. Jibrail (as) had to put stones down as a
boundary. Adam (as) contested the boundary and began to push the stones, because humans are greedy and
are always asking for more.
S. Adam (as) threw the wheat seeds in the furrow
until the time of asr. Hawwa (ra) planted barley until maghrib. The seeds took one day to grow and they
were ready for harvest. The next day Adam (as) and
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Hawwa (as) wanted to continue but the heavenly oxen

refused. So Adam (as) hit the oxen and the oxen objected saying, Why are you beating me? So that
you will work more and do what I tell you to do,
said Adam (as). And then he remembered that Allah had told him to do something and he had not listened. In memory of this terrible thing he sat down and
lamented for a hundred years.
Then the oxen made a deal. I f we work, they
said, we must share the food. They began to work
until there were two piles, one of hay, one of grain.
Adam (as) asked the oxen which pile they wanted for
their share. Because it was by far the largest, they took
the huge pile of hay. That is why today we are eating
grain and not hay.
In the beginning the animals could talk. Since
then Allah has told the animals to be quiet.
Then Allah showed Adam (as) and Hawwa
(as) how to make bread from the wheat. They made
three loaves. Adam (as) took two and Hawwa (ra)
took one.
Adam (as) ate his two loaves right away but


Hawwa (ra) ate only half of hers and put the other
half away for the next day. This is why women always
save for the morrow, and Shaykh Effendi adds that it
is why women are always on a diet.


Sultan Sulayman (as)

18th Sohbat

he Prophet Daud (as) had many children. The youngest of them was Sulayman (as). Before he died S. Daud (as) spoke to
Jibrail (as) saying that he wanted Sulayman (as) to be
his heir, but since he was the youngest he did not know
how he could accomplish this.
Jibrail (as) told him to spread sand on the floor of
a small room and have each of his sons plant their staff
upright into it and write his name beside it in the sand.
The one whose stick had begun to sprout by morning
would be his heir. They did this. Then they shut and
locked the room.
The next day when they opened the room all the
staffs were still dry and dead sticks except for the staff
of Sulayman (as) which had grown into a huge tree.
So all Daud s (as) sons accepted the choice of S. Sulayman (as) as sultan and they took swore allegiance to
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Once he was on the throne S. Jibrail (as) came
to Sulayman (as) and told him that he must look after the poor ones. S. Sulayman (as) asked, O Jibrail
(as), which ones are the poor ones? Even I myself am
poor. I have nothing of my own. S. Jibrail (as) told
him to go to the top of the mountain where a lady was
living with two orphans, Go look after her, he said.
Sulayman (as) climbed the mountain and found a
lady living in a poor hut with two daughters. Both her
arms were covered with scratches and there was just a
tattered mat on the hard floor. Sulayman (as) asked
about the scratches and she told him that her girls slept
with their heads on her arms at night so that her dear
children would not hurt their heads on the rough floor.
She said her husband had died a martyr and she had
no family in this land to look after her.
Sulayman (as) said, Allah made it permissible for
you to marry someone to care for you and your daughters. She replied, I cant bear to bring a stepfather to
care for my daughters. Thats why I remain patient.
Sulayman (as) said, If a good man comes you


must marry him.

Sulayman (as) was very sad for this family. He
returned to the palace. He made dua, O Lord give
them from Your treasures. Sulayman (as) was king
but he owned nothing of his own except what he earned
with his own hands.
Allah ordered the Jinn to dive into the sea for gold
and pearls. In one night the Jinn filled one room with
gold and pearls. S. Sulayman (as) put it all on horses
and camels and ordered the caravan up the mountain.
They took the main road while he took a shortcut.
S. Sulayman (as) reached the house and found
it surrounded by people. The lady sat behind a curtain.
She had accepted the proposal of one good man as
the King had ordered.
Her two daughters were playing outside when she
called them in to look at the beautiful new dresses they
had been given. She told them that they would have a
stepfather now to look after them.
The daughters ran out crying and hugging each
other. They cried, We used to have a mother but now
we have no one. All the guests began to cry with


The mother took off her new dress and said I will
not marry. Everyone left except Sulayman (as).
At that time the caravan arrived with the gold and
pearls. Sulayman (as) filled the room with treasure.
This is for you. You can give it or keep it. The lady
and her girls were now very rich and they paid for the
foundation of the Masjid al-Aqsa.
Sulayman (as) was only fifty-two when he died;
leaning on his stick watching while the Jinn finished the


19th Sohbat

The Thief & The Honey

here was a thief who was very evil. No

one was safe from his crimes. He lived
during the time of Abdul Khaliq al-Ghujdawani (q).
One day a murid was going to dhikr using the
mountain road. The thief could see that the murid carried something under his arm. It was honey that he
was taking to the Shaykh so that all the murids could
have a spoonful.
The thief took the honey, which the murid relinquished out of fear for his life. The thief made off with
the honey but after a few moments he had what was
for him an astonishing thought. It occurred to him that
so many could have shared in this honey if he had not
taken it all. And he began to feel bad. He felt so bad
that he caught up with the murid and gave the honey
The thief went home and told his wife of the very
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strange and unprecedented thing he had done. That

night he died. His corpse became stuck to the earth and
they could not lift it for two days. They went to S. Abdul Khaliq (q) and he came with two hundred murids.
He looked and saw the body stuck to the earth like a
The shaykh asked the wife how long they had been
married. She said fourteen years. In all that time did
he do any good deeds? No, she answered, nothing. Then she remembered the jar of honey, and the
fact that even her husband was surprised at himself.
S. Abdul Khaliq (q) began to circle around the
corpse saying, O Allah, you promised me that whoever served me will receive paradise. This thief carried
a jar of honey for my murid for five minutes, even if
that was not his intention. He carried honey for us. He
served us.
Then S. Abdul Khaliq (q) pushed the corpse
and it moved. He washed and buried it himself.
He said, Whoever serves the Naqshibandi
Shaykhs, even as little as a grain of wheat, they will
carry them. Allah gives the Shaykhs the right of in-


tercession for them. The Shaykhs will not pass through

the Day of Judgment without taking those who served,
however little, with them.


20th Sohbat

ne day they asked the Prophet (sas), What

is wudu / ablution?
He explained that when Allah ordered S. Adam
(as) not to eat from the wheat tree and he disobeyed,
he had to wash. He had to wash his face because he
looked at the tree. He had to wash his hands because
he touched the tree. He had to wash his feet because
they walked to the tree. In his regret for eating of the
tree he put his hand on his head, so he had to wash his
head. It became obligatory for us to wash these four
Adam (as) washed because of his sin but we wash
for the reward, sawwab.
Whoever washes his face for prayer Allah gives
him beauty like the Prophet Yusuf (as).
Whoever washes his hands to the elbow reaches
the station of the Prophet Musa (as), and brings his
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hand out white and will take his book in his right hand.
Whoever washes his head reaches the station of
the Prophet Sulayman (as) who was given the sultanate over men and Jinn. The one who washes receives a
crown of honor.
Whoever washes his feet for prayer, reaches the
station of the Prophet Muhammad (sas) who rode on
the Buraq. The one who washes, on the last day will
ride not walk to meet the Prophet (sas).
Whoever makes wudu followed by two rakats,
Allah forgives him all his sins.
Once there was a murid of a Shaykh who asked
to learn the art of Alchemy that would allow him to
turn copper and iron into gold. The Shaykh told him to
stay one year and every time he makes wudu he should
pray two rakats.
One year passed and the murid was drawing water from the well. When the bucket reached him he
saw it was full of gold. The murid in disgust poured the
gold back into the well because now he wanted water
for wudu more than he wanted gold.
The Shaykh told him that he now had the power


of Alchemy. But wudu is of more value.

The Companions asked the Prophet (sas) how
will he know his umma on the day of judgment. He
said, I will know them by their lights. The places they
washed for wudu will glow with light. Those body parts
are shining, that is how I will recognize them.
Whoever makes wudu Allah protects from all sin.
It is the weapon of a believer to always have wudu.
One day they went to a monastery and knocked.
They waited a long time before anyone answered.
They thought maybe enemies were hiding inside so
they all went to make wudu before entering. Wudu is
protection for the believer.
One day the tyrant Haj jaj arrested a man in order
to execute him but the man told them, Today you cannot kill me because the Prophet (sas) said that he who
makes wudu and does two rakats no harm can befall
him. So the police had to leave him alone.
Aisha (ra) asked the Prophet (sas) about women.
When she has her period, at prayer time she should recite:
100 astaghfirullah


100 la ilaha ilallah

And she must be thankful for having her period.
When she makes ghusl she should pray two rakats,
the first with Surat ul Kafirun and the second with
Surat ul Ikhlas.
She gets the sawwab of forty martyrs, and Allah
forgives her from one period to the other. If you make
wudu during that time it doesnt count.
Allah will never waste good deeds. It is no difference to Him if you are man or woman.
When S. Hawwa (as) came from Paradise
she began to pray then she got her period. She asked
Adam (as), he asked Jibrail (as) and he asked Allah,
Who said she should not pray until it was over.
Then Ramadan came and Hawwa (as) fasted
until she got her period. Then she asked Adam (as).
He told her to eat. After Ramadan was over S. Jibrail (as) came to Adam (as) to tell Hawwa (as) to
make up the fast days she missed. For prayer the order
came from Allah, but for fasting the order only came
from Adam (as). So prayer need not be made up.
Also prayer is required for the whole year but fast-


ing only once.

You must make up missed fasting days before next
Ramadan or fast sixty days for each day you missed.
This is not for the days missed for sickness or pregnancy
or nursing.
And you can use other fasting days to make up
your debt but you must make an intention the night before and then inshAllah, Allah will give you the second as well. The most important one is your debt.
If you fast six days in Shawwal that is good.
When Ramadan is done we leave the small jihad
for the big jihad. The six days of Shawwal are harder
than all of Ramadan.
Allah made the creation in the six days of Shawwal. These 6 days begin on the second day of Shawwal. Some people say its any six days but really it is the
first 6 because these were the creation of the world.
The human being has three hundred sixty organs
and should make sadaqa for each day of the year. The
debt man owes for each organ could kill the whole
world. But each one must get an individual death.
Death is very difficult, each organ gets its own but Al-


lah makes it easy so that the organs all die together, like
a drink of cold water.
Allah will give those who fast the six days all the
luxuries of Paradise.
S. Dhul Nun al Misri was at the Kaaba making Khalwat. There was another man next to him also
making Khalwat. They became like brothers after
spending so much time near each other.
The man was terrified of dying, of the questioning
and of being alone in the grave. So the two made a
pact that whoever died first the other would accompany him to the grave and stay all night to help answer the
questions of the angel.
The other man died and Dhul Nun washed him
and after maghrib he stayed by the grave waiting. He
fell asleep. Then he awoke to a voice, O Dhul Nun,
go home. He doesnt need you.
Dhul Nun got up, got wudu, and prayed two
rakats. Again he fell asleep and awoke to a voice, He
doesnt need you. He isnt in the grave anyway.
Where is he? asked Dhul Nun.
Allah put him in his station (maqam).


What did he do to reach that station?

He fasted the six days of shawwal. If you want
this station fast those days.


21st Sohbat

S. Khidr (as) &

S. Musa (as)

ne day S. Musa (as) was giving a very

strong sohbat. Is there someone who
knows more than you? the people asked him. No,
he said. Allah was displeased with this answer and the
pride that it showed. It came to Musas (as) heart that
if he had said, Allah knows more, it would have been
better. Then he began to wonder if there was someone
who knew more than he. Allah answered, Yes there
is. He told Musa (as), Take a loaf of bread and
a dry fish and travel until the fish becomes alive again.
There you will meet the one who knows more. So
Musa (as) took his boy and they walked by the sea a
long time.
They arrived at a beautiful place and he fell asleep.
S. Musa (as) told the boy to wait while he rested and
then they would continue. The boy saw the fish coming
alive. It jumped into the sea and swam away although
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it had been half eaten.

S. Musa (as) awoke and they continued walking.
After a while they began to get hungry and then the
boy remembered that the fish had swum away. Shaytan had made him forget.
So they returned to the place where the fish had
come alive. There they found a man covered in an
abaya. Musa (as) said, Teach me what Allah has
taught you. The man answered, Allah taught me
something and he taught you something else. You cannot be patient with me long enough to learn what I
Musa (as) said, I will be patient.
Then dont ask any questions, said the man.
They got on a boat. The boatman ferried them
across the river without payment. Then Musas (as)
teacher broke a board in the bottom of the boat and
threw it in the sea.
S. Musa (as) forgot his promise. He said, Why
did you do that? The boatman was so kind to us.
Didnt I tell you, you couldnt keep patient?
Musa (as) promised again not to ask questions.


Then the ship reached land. They saw some boys

playing. The most beautiful one Khidr (as), for that
was the name of this teacher, struck and killed.
At this Musa (as) got really angry. The boy was
innocent. He was not a grown man full of sins. How
could you do this?
Didnt I tell you, you could not keep patient with
me? said Khidr (as).
If I do it again you can send me away, said
Musa (as) and they traveled on.
They reached a village. They had no food or water. No one in the village accepted them as guests. As
they were leaving they found an old wall collapsing.
Khidr (as) put his hand on the wall and it straightened.
Musa (as) this time was very upset. I f you had
asked money for this work we could have eaten.
Now we must separate, said Khidr (as). But
let us eat first and I ll explain after.
A deer passed by. Khidr (as) pointed and the
deer fell down dead. Half of it was cooked and half of
it was still raw. The grilled half is for me, he said, and
the raw half is for you.


Musa (as) said, Cant we share the grilled half?

What can I do with the raw half?
You asked to be paid for your work so Allah sent
you the raw meat.
But let me eat a little from your half, said Musa
(as). But when he reached for some of Khidrs (as)
half it became raw again, dripping with blood.
S. Khidr (as) ate and prayed.
S. Musa (as) was still collecting wood in order to
cook his half. Finally he finished and ate.
Khidr (as) got the skin and put the deer back together. The deer walked away. Now I will explain,
he said.
The owners of the boat were good people. Together they supported a large family. The next day a
tyrant King was coming to take all the sound boats. I
made it look like it was not a good boat.
As for the boy, his parents are pious and the boy
was going to cause them trouble. I killed him before he
committed sins and brought shame to his parents and I
asked Allah to give them another child. He is going
to give them a girl who will be grandmother to seventy


Inside the wall that we repaired was a treasure
belonging to two orphans. Their father, who died, was
a righteous man. His grandfather, seven generations
back, was a saint and Allah blesses the family for that
many generations. We protected the inheritance of the
orphan boys.
Khidr (as) then disappeared.
Muhammad (sas) said that surely Allah blessed
Musa (as), but if only he had had more patience he
would have learned a lot more..


22nd Sohbat

Salman Al-Farsi (ra)

n the time he was in Madina the Prophet

(sas) was sending letters to the Heads of
State of the great nations in the area. He sent to the
Sultan of Iran. The king locked that letter in a box so
that no one could possibly read it and leave the worship
of fire to become Muslim.
The king had a ten year-old son who said fire
shouldnt be worshipped because it burns. One day the
boy was looking in his fathers private storage room and
found the letter from the Prophet (sas) in the strange
little box. He read the letter and knew immediately
that this is how we should worship.
He entered into a holy state and started singing
praises on the Prophet (sas), saying he loved
Muhammad (sas) and would sacrifice himself for
Muhammad (sas). His father came and found him
reading the letter and singing. The king beat his son and
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pulled him out of the room saying weve worshipped fire

for a thousand years. But the boy believed strongly.
The king said you are my heir; you must follow in my
footsteps. The boy said I dont want the throne or the
A priest came and offered to re-train him. They
shackled his legs and gave him the job of feeding the
fire, thinking that he would fall in love with the fire as
he was serving it. After some time the king came and
checked the boy to see if he had changed. He found the
boy still reciting the letter after ten years. So the king
kept his son like this, beating him time after time, but
the boy Finally, the boy had had enough; he prayed
desperately for help. That night in a dream he heard
the name Jibrail (as). He was shackled and guards
watched him constantly but in his dream Jibrail (as)
freed him and he could run away. He awoke and
found that Jibrail (as) had really freed him and the
guards were sleeping, so he ran away.
He ran to the mountains to a Christian monastery
seeking refuge. They refused him entry, saying the


king would kill them and destroy the monastery. They

agreed to hide him only for a few days. One of the
monks who had been formerly a fire worshipper said he
would tell his father that he had died. That man went to
the king and told him that the kings enemy had caught
the boy and killed him. The king said he would not
make a war because the boy (Salman al-Farsi (ra))
was not worth it.
This monastery was sending missionaries to
Constantinople. They put the boy in a box and sent
him so that he could escape. They taught him about
Christianity. There was one priest who was a true
believer in the One God, not the trinity. He told the boy
that if he was sincere then he could find the man to teach
him the true religion. A prophet was expected soon in
a distant desert land. The monk told him, I believe
also but I dont have the strength to go or show myself,
but if you go my heart goes with you. He rented the
boy a camel and found him a caravan willing to take
him to this desert land. On the way the caravan people
asked the boy if he had any family. When they found
he had no one they captured him because they turned


out to be slave-traders. They sold him and his situation

became much worse. A Jew from Medina bought
him to work in his date gardens. They made him a palm
branch hut as a house.
He worked all day and rested in the hut at night.
He received only a handful of dates each day to eat.
The priest in Sham had told the boy that a Prophet
was coming who could be recognized by three signs.
First, he would eat from whatever gifts the people gave
him. Second, he would not eat from anything given
as sadaqa/charity, and third, he would have a special
mark on his back.
Salman (ra) was working among the date palms
when he heard that the Prophet (sas) had arrived.
When he asked his owners about the man who had
just arrived from Mecca they beat him until his mouth
was bloody.
He dared not ask again but he overheard more
about the Prophets (sas) arrival while working. He
decided that he would go secretly at night to see the
Prophet (sas). He saved his portion of dates and gave


them as a gift to the Prophet (sas) and the Prophet (sas)

ate of them, even though it was the poor gift of a slave.
The second night he went again and gave the Prophet
(sas) dates as sadaqa and watched. The Prophet (sas)
did not eat of them but gave them to his companions,
fulfilling the second sign. Later he followed behind the
Prophet (sas) trying to peek at his back while he was
walking. The Prophet (sas) turned to him and said,
Ya Salman, here is the sign that you seek, and he
let his cloak slip off his shoulder to reveal the sign on his
Salman (ra) was not free to follow the Prophet
(sas), so he asked his owners how much it would cost to
buy his freedom. They agreed to sell him for an ocre of
gold and a parcel of land planted with palms bearing
fruit. This usually requires that the trees be at least
twelve years old. Salman (ra) went to the Prophet
(sas) and told him the price. The Prophet (sas) had a
piece of gold the size of an egg and told him to give it to
the Jew. The Jew said this was not enough but when
they weighed it they found that it was just exactly the


right amount. That solved the gold problem.

Then, the Prophet (sas) told the Sahaba to bring
palm trees, as many as they could. He said they needed
more than a thousand palm trees. He told them to make
holes and prepare the field. The Prophet (sas) planted
each seedling in every hole with his own hand and each
one that he planted gave fruit immediately. These
trees still bear fruit in Medina and are called the dates
planted by the Prophet (sas). They are small, black,
very sweet, and expensive. Salman (ra) told his owner
to come look at his garden. The Jew said you could
not have finished all that work in so little time but when
he saw the trees he freed Salman (ra) and became a
Muslim himself.
Salman (ra) is the master of the Persian people.
There was one man, a Jew, who acted as translator
between the Prophet (sas) and Salman (ra), but he
changed the words. Jibrail (as) came and told the
Prophet (sas). The Prophet (sas) asked the Jew,
Why are you changing my words? The Jew denied
it and asked, Do you understand Farsi? Jibrail (as)


put his saliva on Salmans (ra) tongue and he answered

the Jew in fluent Arabic. Sayyidina Salman (ra) is
one of the biggest alims/ wise men. He lived for more
than 100 years.


23rd Sohbat

Letters of the Prophet


he Prophet sent letters to all the heads of

state inviting them to Islam:
He sent to Habasha (Ethiopia): The Negus
accepted and became Muslim.
He sent to Constantine: He ripped the letter up
and his land was later ripped up.
He sent to Persia: Persia accepted because
Salman al-Farsi (ra) accepted for them.
He sent to Egypt: Egypt accepted and sent two
slave girls as a gift, one of whom became the Prophets
(sas) wife, Maria, the mother of Ibrahim (ra). The
land became Muslim.
He sent to the Rulers of Yaman: They accepted..


S. Idris (as)
24th Sohbat

he first prophet was Adam (as), and after

him came Idris (as). Idris (as) was the
first to write with a pen and he could determine direction
from the stars. He was also the first to tame animals.
Once he saw in the countryside a hen with a chick. The
rooster was digging up seeds for the hen and chick to
eat. S. Idris (as) liked this so much, that the rooster
was behaving like a man, providing for his family, that
he tamed the chicken.
Horses were wild. He tamed them to use in war.
He gave each member of his household a horse to
tame. But the people began to complain. They said
they could hardly find enough food for themselves and
their families. How could they feed these big animals?
At that time horses ate the same food as people. So S.
Idris (as) put the horses in the pasture and taught them
to eat grass.
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S. Idris (as) recited the Holy Names at all times.

Azrail (as) heard him one day and asked Allah for
permission to visit Idris (as). Azrail (as) would visit
him often. Then one day Idris (as) asked permission
to visit Azrail (as). Allah gave permission. So Azrail
(as) took Idris (as) to his maqam and sat him in his
chair. Then Idris (as) asked Azrail (as) to go look in
the Book of Life and see how much time he had left.
Azrail (as) went to the Tablet and found that Idris
(as) would live a very long time and not die until he sat
on the chair of Azrail (as). Azrail (as) ran back and
found Idris (as) already dead, sitting in his chair, and he
prayed, O Allah, I took him alive to visit me. Please
let me return him alive.
Allah fulfilled his dua and Idris (as) lived again.
Azrail (as) intended to return him to earth right away
but Idris (as) asked if he could visit paradise first. To
do this he had to pass over the sirat/ the bridge. Allah
gave permission, and so Idris (as) passed over the sirat,
entered Paradise, and sat in the seats of Paradise.
When Azrail (a) offered to take him back to earth
Idris (as) refused to go. He said, I died, I crossed the


sirat, I sat in paradise. I have fulfilled Haqq. I am

not going back to the world of dunya.
Allah answered that this was true. So He ordered
Idris (as) left in paradise where he makes clothing for
its inhabitants. It used to be the practice that whoever
wanted his child to be a tailor would give sadaqa to
Idris (as), the master tailor.
No one knew this story, or what had happened to
the Prophet Idris (as) until The Quran was revealed.
Idris (as) resides in the Fourth Heaven. He is the
master of the heavens because this is the central heaven.
There are four prophets still alive: two on earth,
Khidr (as) and Ilyas (as), and two in heaven, Idris
(as) and Isa (as).
Before the time of Idris (as) people dressed in
leaves. But Idris (as) saw the spider spinning. He
learned spinning and weaving from watching th spider.
He and his wife wove and cut clothes. He had his wife
lie on the fabric and he cut around her with a stone.
He sewed it together with the thorn of a palm tree as
a needle. When people saw his wifes new clothes they
liked them very much. Before that they were wearing


leaves and skins. In the mawlid there is a verse about

Idris (as) making clothes with his tasbih, Subhan


25th Sohbat

n the time of Adam (as) there was a man

named Ooj. He was a giant. His head
reached up to the clouds. When he walked in the sea
the water only came up to his knees. When he was
hungry he collected the whales with his hands, fried
them on the sun and ate them. If he got upset with a
town he jumped on it and killed all the people in it.
He had a very long life, but he was always hungry.
He lived until the time of Musa (as) and lived in Jaffa.
He worked for his food by carrying wood.
When the Bani Israil were ordered to enter
the Holy Land they refused to obey because they
had heard that there were terrible giants in Palestine.
The Bani Israil went to the border but then were too
afraid to cross. They told Musa (as) to go alone with
Harun (as) and they would wait for them. All the
G 1H

army refused to move so the two brothers went on by

themselves in obedience to their Lord.
They sent twelve good men on before them to scout
out the land. They found there really were giants living
there. Among the twelve were two who would become
prophets and their light shone on their faces so the giants
were respectful of them. But the giants decided to test
them to see just how wise they really were.
Giants grow giant fruits and vegetables. They got a
huge melon and gave it as a gift to the prophets to take
home. How could they take such a huge gift? They
could neither carry it nor roll it. So the twelve got a
long stick and stuck it through the melon and carried it
six on a side.
The twelve good men promised not to tell the Bani
Israil that the giants were not fierce. The ten who were
not prophets forgot their promise and told. Only the
two prophets did not tell. But either way they told
the people to obey Allah because what He promised
would happen. The Bani Israil still refused to cross
the Jordan River and take the land promised them.


Then the giants sent Ooj to kill the prophets. S.

Musa (as) and S. Harun (as) were the only ones
who could see what looked like a mountain carrying a
mountain coming towards them. This was Ooj carrying
a hill to throw on the Bani Israil.
S. Musa (as) was ten meters tall and his staff was
ten meters long. He jumped ten meters in the air and hit
Ooj on the ankle. Allah sent his servant from hell with a
stone. The stone hit the hill and made a hole in it so, like
a necklace, it fell around the neck of Ooj at the same
time Musa (as) hit him on the ankle. The hill fell and
killed Ooj. S. Musa (as) informed the Bani Israil
that Ooj was dead, but Allah had already written for
them forty years in the desert for their disobedience.
They walked all day and slept at night and when
they awoke they were in the same place every morning.
Musa (as) was ordered to hit a stone with his stick twelve
times and twelve springs arose, giving each tribe water.
Allah provided quail and manna for them to eat.
After forty years most of the old people had died.


One day Musa (as) and Harun (as) were walking

and they saw a tree with a soft, beautiful bed beneath
it. Harun (as) lay down on it and he disappeared. S.
Musa (as) went back to tell the Bani Israil and they
accused him of killing his brother out of jealousy. They
said they had always loved Harun (as) more. Musa
(as) had to take them to the spot and pray Allah to
show them his brother on the bed before they would
believe him.
Musa (as) himself was never sick. He had been
sick once and didntlike it and so he had prayed to Allah
to never let him be sick again. So Allah dressed His
Prophet in the dress of health, and from that time on
he was never sick again. Musa (as) also asked Allah
not to take his soul in death until he walked into his own
grave and lay down. One day, when Musa (as) was
out walking in the hot sun, he came across a group of
young men digging a grave. They told him they were
unsure if they had dug the proper size grave, and asked
if he would please try it out for them so they could see.
It was cool down in the grave, so Musa (as) stepped


in and lay down. Azrail (as) came immediately and

took his soul. The angels washed him and put him in the
grave and covered it. No one knows to this day where
he is buried.
Yusha (as) replaced him as prophet and led the
Bani Israil into the Promised Land. The old ones
were gone and the young ones were now old. They
entered Palestine as Allah ordered, defeating the
giants just as they would have if they had obeyed forty
years before.
The Jews used to wash naked. Only Musa
(as) was modest and kept himself covered even while
washing. So the people said there must be something
wrong with him, that he was deformed or he was hiding
something. One day while Musa (as) was changing
behind a rock, Allah made the rock to run away so that
the Jews could see their Prophet naked and know that
he had no defect of any kind. Musa (as) was angry and
hit the rock with his stick. It broke into three parts. Allah
told him to take those three parts with him wherever he
went. From that day on, they walked beside him and


gave water. Those three stones were the ones who later
called to S. Daud (as) on the road to pick them up and
that he put into his slingshot to kill Jalut, the giant.

Maqam S. Musa


Musa (as) on
the Mountain
26th Sohbat

ne day Shaytan came to Musa (as) to give

him waswas/doubts. Shaytan whispered
from in front but it didnt work. He came from behind
but it didnt work. He came from on top but it didnt
work. So he came from under his feet; waswas came
from Jebel Sinai saying, Why are you just talking to
Allah? Why is He not showing Himself to you?
So Musa (as) asked Allah to show Himself to
him. Allah agreed. He told Musa (as) to look at the
mountain across the way. He would show Himself
to the mountain, because He could not show Himself
Musa (as) heard thunder, a voice like thunder as
if inside there were many lions roaring. These were
gigantic angels all telling Musa (as) that he had asked
for something way too big.
On his right side were angel lions as far as he
G 1H

could see. Musa (as) was frightened and then he

heard another thundering voice. On his left side were
enormous cows, millions of them, as far as the eye could
see. Again he heard voices of thunder and a thousand
huge eagles were above him as far as the eye could see,
all saying, O Musa, you have asked for a very heavy
The fourth time he heard an even greater voice
from an angel in human form so big his head was not
even visible He said, O Musa, you asked for something
much too big.
Musa (as) sat on the mountain, to his right roaring
lions, to his left bellowing cows, above him screaming
eagles, and below him a thundering angel. He was
surrounded. Another five times the thunder crashed
and lightening flashed. It said, Look Musa, look at
the mountain before you.
Allah allowed a pinhole of light to descend on the
mountain and that mountain shattered into seven pieces.
These pieces became seven mountains between Mecca
and Medina.
Mount Nur


Mount Thawr
Mount Uhud
- Haj ja Anne could not remember the three
others but we found later that they are: Mt. Thabir
in Mecca, and Mt. Warqan and Mt. Radwa in
This piece stayed floating between heaven and
From the greatness of the lightening Musa (as)
fainted. Jibrail (as) hugged him in his huge wings
and his soul returned. He opened his eyes and asked
forgiveness of Allah. Allah forgave him.
Musa (as) revived and looked around him. The
mountain had become liquid and disappeared. But
the light shone from Musas (as) face so brightly he could
see it reflected in the stones. The light was so bright that
normal humans would be blinded if they looked at his
O my Lord, Musa (as) asked. How can I


teach the Bani Israil if they cannot look at me?

Allah told Musa (as) to get a piece of cloth, either
from an alims robe or a poor mans shirt, and shield his
face with it.
Musa (as) went back to his wife. She was upset
that he should cover himself from her, and begged
him to uncover for her even though he warned her she
would be blinded. She looked and became blind. He
prayed for her and she regained her sight. She asked
again to see the light and again she was blinded. She
didnt care. Seven times she asked to see the light and
was blinded and then healed. Still she asked until the
seventh time she no longer became blind but could look
directly at the light on his face.
Allah said, O Musa (as), your wife is stronger
than you. Seven times she kept asking. You only asked
once and then begged for forgiveness.
For many years Musa (as) covered his face when
talking to his people. Finally they begged to see the
light of Allah shining from his face. So he chose seventy
strong, pure people and took them to Mt. Sinai. The
people below heard a huge sound. The seventy people


on the mountain had died.

Musa (as) asked Allah what to do because his
people would never tolerate the deaths of seventy
notables. Allah brought them back to life and they
came down from the mountain. Musa (as) taught
them the Torah.
They were required to pray fifty prayers a day, all
the prayers in the temple. They had to pay one quarter
of their income in zakat. They had to fast six months of
the year from fajr to fajr. For wudu they had to wash
everything seven times, like ghusl. Any dirt that got on
their clothes could not be washed off but had to be cut
The Bani Israil found this all very difficult and
heavy, so heavy they could not make sajda. They
prayed standing until Jebel Sinai came floating above
them. Now they pray with their left side down, their
right side up to check that Mt. Sinai will not come
down again on top of them.
Because of this S. Musa (as) told S.
Muhammad (sas) on the Night Journey to ask Allah
to reduce the fifty prayers given to the Muslims. Musa


(as) kept telling Muhammad (sas) to return until only

five prayers were required. Even these five Musa (as)
thought were too many. However, every prayer counts
as ten, the fast is for one month rather than six, and iftar is
at maghrib. Ghusl is only once; clothes can be washed,
and zakat is one fortieth, not one fourth. And we can
pray anywhere on the earth not just in the temple.

A depiction of the mount of Musa & of Saint Catherines Monastery in Sainai by Dauzats


27th Sohbat

The Stones of
S. Daud (as)

aud (as) had twelve brothers. They lived

in the time of a terrible tyrant whose name
was Jalut. Jalut was very powerful, even one hundred
men could not overcome him. He was an unbeliever.
Jalut gathered together a huge army just to destroy the
Bani Israil, the believers.
The twelve brothers of Daud (as) joined the Israili
army to defend their country. Daud (as), being the
youngest, stayed home with his parents to watch the
sheep. He would milk the sheep and then walk miles to
take the milk to his brothers.
One day on the way to the army with the milk, he
heard voices coming from the road. The stones were
speaking to him. These stones were what was left of the
rock hit by Musa (as). They said, Take us with you,
so he put them in his pocket.
As he approached the army encampment he
G 1H

heard their prophet telling the army to move on across

the river to confront the army of Jalut. He ordered the
army, however, not to drink from the river. Who does
not drink is of us. Who drinks is not of us. But it was
very hot and the soldiers were thirsty. They went into
the river and drank their fill.
The soldiers who did not drink were few and they
prayed to Allah to aid them in defeating Jalut. They
went to the battlefield and found Jaluts army huge like
an ocean, and the Muslims were very few.
Daud (as) followed behind. He heard the King
say, Whoever kills Jalut will marry my daughter and
inherit my kingdom.
Jalut stood in the middle of the two armies and
challenged them to single combat. Daud (as) answered
him when everyone else was too afraid. But he was a
small child and Jalut scoffed at him Go away little
boy. Daud (as) dismounted from his horse and took
his sling from his pocket. One stone put out Jaluts left
eye. The second put out his right eye, and Jalut died.
The army became terrified of this child warrior, and
they ran away. The King became jealous of Daud


(as) and no longer wanted to give either his daughter or

his kingdom.
Daud (as) was aware of the Kings hatred. He
did not sleep in his bed anymore but put large wine skins
in the bed covered with blankets. The king came to kill
him. He stabbed the wineskins over and over, shouting,
Daud you are so bad, and you smell so bad, because
the wine was spilling out. Because of his jealousy he
tried to kill Daud (as) but Daud (as) knew he couldnt
S. Daud (as) had a very beautiful voice, especially
when reading the Torah. To none other did Allah
give such a beautiful voice.S. Daud (as) left the city
and its one hundred thousand inhabitants followed
him. They went into the desert to listen to him sing the
praises of God Almighty. The birds gathered to hear
him. There were so many that they made a shade for
the people. The mountain also followed him in order to
listen. Of the one hundred thousand that went out only
forty thousand returned. Sixty thousand died from the
beauty of Daud s (as) songs.
He made his living by making chain mail with his


bare hands. The metal became soft like dough for him.
One day while he was making chain mail, S. Khidr
(as) came to him. He waited politely until S. Daud
(as) had finished. He said, Alhumdulillah we finished
one dress from iron. Khidr (as) said, Alhumdulillah
I dont interfere with a persons business. This was
because even though S. Daud (as) had ninety-nine
wives he still wanted to steal the one wife of his general.
He was finally forgiven for this and she later became
the mother of S. Sulayman (as).


28th Sohbat

The Seven Sleepers

n the old days there was a king whose name

was Diglianus who ruled over the land
of Tarsus. He made all his people worship him like
pharaoh. He had seven wazirs who looked after his
kingdom. They were very hard working and every
night they met to discuss the events of the day.
One night one wazir, looking from the window, saw
the beautiful night and stars and thought how could it
be that this king created all this beauty. He thought that
tyrant could neither make it nor keep it.
He asked the other wazirs to look but they saw only
stars. Could Diglianus have created all this? No, he is
like us, a created being. They looked and felt relieved
that there was a Creator watching over them.
These seven wazirs began to worship Allah, at
night in secret. The devil was jealous of them. He went
to Diglianus and told him his wazirs were worshipping
G 1H

other than him. The king called them in and asked

whom they worshipped.
The One Who feeds us, they answered. So
Diglianus figured that must be himself and he let them
go free.
They went on worshipping Allah. The devil went
again to the king and said to him, ask them the name of
the one they worship. The eldest, Yamlikha, said, You
are like us. Who created you and all you eat and all
around you, that is Who we worship.
The king was angry. He imprisoned them and
planned to behead them. But the next day was the
beginning of a yearly festival where they all went into
the wilderness for a month of revelry. So the king
planned to keep the wazirs in prison until he returned.
Yamlikha saw in a dream a man with a golden ball
which he threw at the lock on the prison door. The lock
broke and they escaped.
He began talking with the guards and won their
sympathy. He told them that he used to be powerful
and he would soon be so again. At that time he would
reward them. He convinced the guards to get a golden


ball and play with it against the lock until it broke.

The seven wazirs escaped and fled to a secret
cave. Inside they found a shepherd who was happy to
provide them with his tattered clothing in exchange for
their rich robes. The shepherd was also a believer. He
advised them to hide in the cave and his dog followed
them. The shepherd loved that dog and didnt want
to leave him. They threw stones at the dog to try and
make it go away. But he stood on his hind legs and
made shahada and begged to be allowed to stay and
guard them. So the shepherd left him.
When the king and his people finished the festival,
they returned to find the prisoners gone. Allah covered
their tracks and they were not found.
The seven wazirs fell asleep in the cave. For three
hundred years they slept. When they awoke they
wondered how long they had been asleep. They thought
it had been maybe one day. They were hungry. So
they decided one of them should sneak to town and buy
food. One of them left the cave and found the nearby
lake dry and the old oak broken and dead, so different
from the night before he thought.


He went to the market and there everything was

really different. He went to the bakery but the coin he
used to pay for the bread attracted a lot of attention. It
was an antique and very valuable. The baker thought
he must have found buried treasure. He begged the
wazir to share it with him. The wazir did not understand.
They began to argue and a crowd gathered. The
police came and took him to the king.
On entering the palace the wazir saw written above
the throne, La ilaha ila Allah, Isa Rasulullah. The
wazir asked if Diglianus had returned from his festival.
Then they began to understand. Diglianus was the king
three hundred years ago.
When the wazir heard he was dead he told the
people the real story. They could not believe him.
So they asked if he could think of any proof. He
remembered that he had hidden a treasure beneath
the floor of his house, but he could no longer recognize
where anything was located. It took an angel to guide
him to the spot where his house had used to be.
They dug and found the treasure. They
remembered an old tale of the seven wazirs who had


disappeared, and asked to see the others.

He asked them to let him go first and tell the others
the news that they had become an ayat min ayatu
Allah a sign among the signs of God - and that
Diglianus was long dead.
To prevent them from becoming a tourist attraction
Allah closed the rock door of the cave enclosing the
seven forever. The people never did see the other six.
They ended up building a mosque over the spot.
When they woke all seven were alive except the
dog who had been turned to stone.
While on the Night Journey the Prophet (sas)
passed by the cave and gave them salams.
The dog is one of the ten animals to go to Paradise.
The ten are:
The Dog of the sleepers
The Hudhud of Sulayman (as)
The Camel of Muhammad (sas)
The Camel of Saleh (as)
The Fish of Yunus (as)
The Sheep of Ismail (as)
The Donkey of Uzair (as)


The Ant of Sulayman (as)

The Yellow cow at the time of Musa (as)
The names of the sleepers were:
And their dog was Qatmir.


29th Sohbat

Al-Khidr (as) &

Ilyas (as)

ne day the Prophet (sas) was sitting in his

mosque when two, clean, handsome young
men appeared. They gave salams. Where are you
coming from? the Prophet (sas) asked.
We come from long ago, they answered. We
worshipped Allah long ago and we heard of words
more beautiful than any others that ever exosted. From
all of Allahs 124,000 Books these were reported to be
the most beautiful, and they would only appear at the
end of time, in the last Book of all. So we worshipped
one thousand years until Allah asked what gift He
could give us. We asked to please to hear those beautiful
words, the surat al-Fatihah.
Allah gave them no answer. So they prayed
another one thousand years. Then Allah answered
them. He said, This surat is only for My Beloved
Muhammad (sas) and his community.
G 1H

The men prayed another one thousand years until

Allah again asked them what gift He could give them.
They replied, Since we cannot be given al-Fatihah
then let us live long enough to be part of his community,
to greet him, and hear al-Fatihah, even if only once.
Then we will be content to die.
These two men were Khidr (as) and Ilyas (as).
They made shahada with the Prophet (sas) and
with that they were content. They were no longer
Prophets but just members of the umma/community
of Muhammad (sas). They asked him please to recite
al-Fatihah for them. He recited for them and then they
recited with him. Then they said together, Amin,
which means, O Allah please accept our prayer.
They asked, O Rasulullah, what is the reward of
reading al-Fatihah?
If Allah gave me life until the end of time it would
not be enough to tell you all the benefits, answered the
Prophet (sas). So I will tell you the benefits of the
Alif is written on the Throne of Allah (arsh).
Mim is on His footstool (kursi).


Ya is on the preserved Tablet (lawh).

Nun is on the pen (qalam).
The four come together in Amin.
Tell us more, said the two men.
Alif is written on the forehead of Israfil (as).
Mim is written on the forhead of Mikail (as).
Ya is written on the forhead of Jibrail (as).
Nun is written on the forehead of Azrail (as).
Whoever says Amin takes benefit from these four
Please tell us more, they said.
Alif is written in the Torah.
Mim is written in the Zabour.
Ya is written in the Injil.
Nun is written in the Quran.
Whoever says sincerely Amin after al-Fatihah it
is as if he had read all four books.
Do you want more?
Oh yes, they said.
Alif is written on the forehead of S. Abu Bakr


Mim is written on S. Omar (ra).
Ya is written on S. Uthman (ra).
Nun is written on S. Ali (ra).Whoever says the
Amin takes benefit from these four sahaba.
The two men were about to make dua to ask
Allah to take their souls because their wish had been
fulfilled when the Prophet (sas) stopped them. He
said, Allah gave you long life and power. My umma
is weak and they need you.
So Allah gave them long life to serve the umma
of S. Muhammad (sas), Ilyas (as) on the sea and
Khidr (as) on the land.


30th Sohbat

Judgment or

n the time of the Bani Israil there was a

pregnant lady who was traveling by boat.
In the middle of the sea the boat broke in pieces and all
aboard were drowned except the pregnant lady. She
found a piece of wood and it carried her to an island.
The island was green and covered with trees but there
were no people there.
She gave birth and nursed her baby there. For
one year she lived on fruit and spring water. Then she
died. Her baby boy was left alone on his own on this
The woman died lying on her right side. This side
rotted but the upper side stayed whole and the baby still
nursed from it until his two years were done. Then she
The boy drank water and ate fruit until he was big.
When he was old enough Allah gave him guidance,
G 1H

teaching him to pray and worship from inspiration. He

was given long life, five hundred years, and in all that
time he never made any sin. After five hundred years
Azrail (as) came to take his soul.
Let me wash and pray and you can take me while
in sujud, said the man.
S. Jibrail (as) passed by and saw his body still in
sujud and he told this story to the Prophet Muhammad
(sas). On the Day of Judgment Allah will ask, Shall
I put you in Paradise by My Mercy or shall I judge
you by your good works (ibada)?
That man will say that he spent 500 years in
worship and never committed a sin. He will want to
earn Paradise by his good deeds.
So Allah will ask him, Were you grateful for all
My gifts? And He will weigh His gifts against the
mans works. The very first of Allahs gifts are the eyes
and their value will weigh heavier than all the mans
500 years of worship.
Now My servant your works are canceled but
you have no sin.
He was put in Araf, between Heaven and Hell,


the place for those whose good deeds and sins are equal,
or for those with no sins. This place is similar to Dunya.
You work and you take care of yourself. It is not like
Heaven where you need do no work at all. Here they
need to work in order to live and they can see both the
people of Heaven and the people of Hell.
That man will begin to repent. He will say O
Allah, I made a big sin please forgive me and put me
in Paradise.
A voice will answer him, O My servant, all the
people on the boat drowned except you and your
mother. You were saved. Even dead your mother
stayed to nurse you.
O my Lord, You gave me that!
Who gave you fresh water?
O my Lord, You.
Who showed you True Guidance?
O my Lord, You.
Allah in this way will show him all the gifts he had
received. The man will cry, O my Lord, in Your
Great Mercy, let me enter Paradise.
So Allah will allow him to enter Paradise but


only after Judgment and long trials.

You could have gone directly to Heaven, he was
told, had you relied on Allahs Mercy rather than
your own good deeds.
He will acknowledge his mistake and ask
forgiveness. Some people, however, are stubborn.
They continue to deny their sins. Allah will tell them
what they did and still they will deny. So Allah will
bring, for instance, the goat a man stole and it will testify
against him: This man stole me.
What? the man will say, I dont listen to
Then Allah will make his eyes testify: I saw him
What? the man will say, You believe a turncoat
and a betrayer?
Then his hands will testify: We stole.
What? the man will say, I f they told the truth
they wouldnt give witness.
His legs will testify that they walked to the place to
What? the man will say, How can you believe


a traitor?
Finally, after all the testimony, the man will admit
his guilt and ask forgiveness. Whoever repents quickly
is quickly forgiven. Whoever waits is forgiven also but
only after a long time.
Men who never finish denying are punished here
and hereafter.


31st Sohbat

Ibn al A
s (ra) &
Ibn Al-Khattab

hen Amr ibn al As (ra) entered Egypt

everyone became Muslim but there
was no mosque. He wanted to find a good place near
the center of town. They found the perfect piece of land.
This land was owned by a Jew who refused to sell for
any price because he did not want a mosque built. They
offered two times, three times, four times the value. But
the Jew declared that even for ten times the value it was
not for sale. Finally they gave him ten times the value
and took the land by force. They began to build.
The Jew complained that the Muslims had stolen
his land. But since it was the governor, Amr ibn al As
(ra), who had ordered it, the Jew could get no justice
in Egypt. He decided to go the Khalif, Omar ibn alKhattab (ra), in Medina.
So the Jew went to Medina and was looking for
the Khalif s palace. He was told that the Khalif lived
G 1H

in a mud house just like everyone else. He knocked at

the door but was told that Omar (ra) was not there.
Omar (ra) spent every night guarding the city and
during the day he rested in his garden on the ground
under a palm tree.
The Jew found Omar (ra) in the garden, lying on
the sand covered with his abaya, his sweat pouring into
the ground. The Jew wondered how this could be the
king, on the ground, with no guards around him. I will
kill him, thought the Jew. But just then, in his sleep,
Omar (ra) turned towards the Jew.
His dagger in his hand, so much hatred in his
face, the Jew began to tremble. The dagger fell from
his hand. S. Omar (ra) awoke and said, Come my
brother, whatever your religion, and tell me your
problem. Slowly the Jew approached. He said,
Your government wants to take my land for a mosque
but I dont want to sell it. Even if the price they offered
me is more than fair.
S. Omar (ra) turned different colors, like one being
whipped, from white to red to black. I will write a letter
for you. They should return your land to you just as it


was, even if they have to tear down the mosque. Omar

(ra) gave the Jew a letter with only two lines of writing
on it. The Jew thought that he was being made fun of
and he left for Egypt still fuming with anger.
He went directly to Amr ibn al As (ra). He
found him surrounded by many people. They emptied
the place and the Jew gave Amr (ra) the letter from
Omar (ra). Amr (ra) read and fainted. For three
hours he remained unconscious. When he awoke he
said, I will tell you a story.
There were two young men, very rich and
powerful and proud. They decided to tour the world.
They bought two fine Arab horses and began their
adventure spending every night in a new place. They
went all the way to Isfahan in Persia. There they
found a hotel with places for the horses below and the
people above. They left their horses for the owner to
care for and they went upstairs to sleep.
They woke in the morning and found a crowd of
people surrounding the hotel. The hotel owner had two
horses and a bag of gold for each of the men. He said
to them, You Arabs take these horses and the gold and


leave for your own country. We will keep your horses

in exchange because the kings son has fallen in love with
them. He insists on buying them from you.
But the two young men were proud and they had
no intention or desire to trade. They wanted their own
horses. The people counseled them to ask for more gold
but not to make trouble. But they were angry and hot
tempered and they refused all offers of payment. They
insisted on getting their horses back.
The king called them in. They found their horses
there covered in gold and beautiful Persian carpets as
gifts for them.
The kings face was as white as chalk. He offered
them each a bag of gold. The king said, Take your
horses and your gold and leave here immediately. I
dont ever want to see your faces again. This city has two
gates. You must each leave by a different one and meet
up later. You must tell each other what you saw and do
not ever return.
The two men were happy with the horses and the
gold. One went through one gate and saw a severed
head hanging and dripping blood. The other went


through the second gate and there he saw a body

without a head hanging and dripping blood.
It was only when they met up that they figured
out that the King, a stern but just ruler, had punished
his only son for taking their horses without their consent.
The two men felt terrible for causing this tragedy.
One of the young men was Omar ibn al Khattab
(ra) and the other was Amr ibn al As (ra).
In the letter Omar (ra) had written, O my brother,
the King of Isfahan was not even a Muslim. Now as
Muslims can we be less just than he?
So Amr (ra) told the Jew that he was returning
his land and pulling down the mosque. And he asked
for forgiveness.
The Jew was astonished that this would be done
for him. He became Muslim on the spot and gave the
land as a sadaqa and even paid for the building of the
Then he gave all the land he owned and paid for
mosques to be built on them.
The mosque of Amr ibn al As (ra) still stands
near the old synagogue in Cairo.


When S. Omar (ra) first accepted Islam the

Prophet (sas) instructed the Muslims to begin to pray
out loud instead of silently because with Omar (ra) they
had a powerful champion and protector.
Once when he had removed his shirt to work he felt
the sun burning on his back. He gave one glance at the
sun and immediately it hid behind some clouds. If S.
Omar (ra) had not allowed it to return it would have
stayed clouded forever.
When S. Omar (ra) died a shepherd on a far
mountain began to wail, Omar the Khalif (ra) is
How do you know this? they asked him. My
sheep are used to drinking from the river safe from the
wolf but just now I saw the wolves descending to attack
them. I knew then that S. Omar (ra) must be dead.
One day S. Hassan and S. Hussain (ra) saw
Omar (ra) writing by the light of a candle. They gave
him salams but he did not return them until much later
when the whole candle had burned down and he had
lit another.
S. Ali (ra) was very upset at the length of time


it took for S. Omar (ra) to return greetings and he

questioned Omar (ra) about it. S. Omar (ra) said
that the first candle belonged to the state and he had no
right wasting the peoples money in conversation. The
second candle was his own property and he could do as
he liked by its light.
S. Ali (ra) said no one will be able to follow your


32nd Sohbat

S. Abu Bakr

here came the order for war but there was

no money in the Muslim treasury to outfit
an army. The Prophet (sas) ordered all the Muslims
to give what they could afford:
S. Omar (ra) responded immediately with half of
all his wealth for the army.
But S. Abu Bakr (ra) came and gave all of his
substantial wealth to the Muslim treasury.
S. Omar (ra) said that it was impossible to compete
with S. Abu Bakr (ra). He was always far ahead of
anyone else.
One day S. Jibrail (as) came to visit the Prophet
(sas) dressed only in a straw mat. Muhammad (sas)
asked him about this. He said S. Abu Bakr (ra)
G 1H

gave all his possessions away and he had only a straw

mat to cover himself so Allah ordered all the angels to
dress in the same manner.
S. Abu Bakr (ra) gave away everything even his
clothes. He was sitting inside his house in his underclothes
when a beggar came by and knocked. S. Abu Bakr
(ra) gave him his undershirt. The beggar asked for
more in the names of Allah and the Prophet (sas).
From behind the door S. Abu Bakr (ra) handed
out his underpants. Then he pulled up the straw floor
mat to cover himself. Allah was so pleased that He
made all the angels dress in straw mats.
There is a Hadith that if you weighed the faith of
Abu Bakr (ra) against the faith of all the rest of the
umma/Muslim community, the faith of Abu Bakr
(ra) would weigh heavier.
First the Prophet (sas), then Abu Bakr (ra),
then Salman (ra).
Ya Sayeed, ya saheeb, ya siddiq, ya Rasul, ya


Whenever you mention the name of a sahaba (ra)
or the name of the Prophet (sas) they will surely come
to visit you, either in spirit or in body.


his collection of sohbats of Hajja

Aminah Adil was recorded during a
visit to Lefke, Cyprus between June 27th
and July 30th of the year 2004. Some
of them were told to the group of women
who gathered around the large table in the
Shaykhs house every afternoon. Some of
them were given after she led the women in
Dhikr on Monday afternoons in the womens guesthouse.
Hajja Amina was well known for her stories. She gathered them
from many sources. These sohbets were given in either Arabic or
Turkish. They were a vehicle for giving advice and passing on wisdom. When she was asked a question she often replied with a story.
She told these stories to her four children when they were growing
up. Then she began telling them to the murids of the Shaykh who
gathered, like her children, around her. Many prominent ladies of the
Middle East, Asia and Europe leaned forward at the table, eyes
shining, begging her to tell more.
She had a repertoire of stories that she told over and over again. Every
time she told them they were a little different. They changed as the
people and the situations changed. She had a way of telling them that
engaged and captivated everyone. They were a source of entertainment
but they also provided subtle guidance and insight and understanding
that lasts a lifetime. That is why we feel it is so important to pass them
on to those who did not have the opportunity to experience themselves.
This first collection of sohbats is being offered freely by Saltanat, the
official site of Shaykh Nazim Al Haqqani, for all to appreciate
and use. The only requirement for their use is that the www.saltanat.org
website be clearly credited so that anyone wishing to find more information can easily track the source.


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