Comparison of Seismic Behavior of Building With Fixed Base, Base Isolator and Shear Wall

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 03 Issue: 10 | Oct -2016 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Comparison of Seismic Behavior of Building with Fixed Base, Base

Isolator and Shear Wall
Thriveni P1, Dr Manjunath N Hegde2
1Mtech Structural Student, Dept of Civil Engineering, Dr Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka,
2Professor and Dean , Dept of Civil Engineering, Dr Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Abstract - Earthquake is the frequently occurring vibration also earthquake effects are like landslides, fire, floods etc.
of earth surface which results in damaging of structures and Earthquake effects depend on the shape, size and geometry
causes loss of lives. This leads to need of structural design of the buildings. Therefore good building configuration is to
based on seismic responses by adopting suitable methods to be chosen. The main aim of earthquake resisting
increase strength and stability of structures. Earthquake on construction is that the structure does not collapse during
the structures is reduced by using base isolators, shear walls earthquake. Earthquakes originate at the depth below the
and minimize the damage of structure. In this research an earth surface and cause ground motion with various
attempt is made to study the results for building with fixed amplitude and time period. As a result of ground motion,
base, base isolator (rubber isolator), and damper and shear building above the ground starts vibrating. The magnitude of
wall. Here irregular plan building of (G+7) floor is taken for vibration depends on the ground motion intensity. The
analysis. For seismic zone IV by considering type II (medium) intensity of earthquake depends on magnitude of
soil using ETABS Software. Analysis is carried out by both earthquake, distance from epicentre, duration of earthquake,
equivalent static method and response spectrum method. water table depth. To minimize earthquake risks many
Results like time period, displacement, storey drift and base techniques are adopted like base isolation, dampers, shear
shear are compared for building with base isolator and shear walls.
wall with fixed base building.
1.1 Base Isolation
Key Words: Base Isolator, Shear Wall, Response Base Isolation is the most established application of the
Spectrum Analysis, Equivalent Static Analysis. passive control approach. It is most widely accepted to
protection of system in earthquake prone area. The aim of
Base Isolation is to reduce the story drift and base shear due
to earthquake. It is applied to the superstructure of the
building by installing base isolators at the foundation level.
Structures are constructed to perform `various functions
When the building is mounted on low lateral stiffness
related to residence, office, education, healthcare, sports and
material like rubber leads flexible base to the structure.
recreation, transportation, storage etc. The structures should
When earthquake occurs the flexible base of the structure
sustain load coming on them during their service life by
will be able to filter out high frequencies from the ground
possessing adequate strength and stiffness by limiting the
motion and it also prevents collapse of building.

The strength of the structure depends on the geometry of the 1.3 Shear wall
structure. Multi-storied buildings are affected by lateral Vertical plate like RC wall introduced in the building in
forces due to wind or earthquake forces and they play an addition to beam, column, and slab are called Shear Wall.
important role in design of structure. The dominant Shear wall is an important structural component. It is used
structural design requirement is therefore provision for for giving more strength and safety to the structure when
appropriate internal layout for the structure and it is structure is subjected to external load like wind load and
essential for the architect to satisfy the client. The layout will earthquake load etc. Shear wall plays main role for the
be within a structural mesh that must be less obstructive. construction of multi- story building. Shear wall can be
constructed using steel or concrete. RC shear walls have high
Earthquakes are the shaking of surface of the earth caused stiffness. Shear wall acts as a deep and slender cantilever.
due to sudden energy release in the earth crust and it leads For efficient performance of building position of shear wall
to cause seismic waves. Earthquakes are most dangerous in an ideal location is very important. The shear wall can be
natural hazards, which cause great losses of life and either open section or closed sections around stair cores and
livelihood. The main reasons for earthquakes are the elevators.
collision of tectonic plates colliding and volcanic eruption.
Most of earthquake losses are due to building collapses and

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 611
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 10 | Oct -2016 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

During earthquake the loads in the structure reach to
collapse load and the stresses in the materials will reach  Response Reduction Factor (RF) = 3
above yield stresses. The following methods are used for  Site Type = II
analysis.  Zone Factor = 0.24


Equivalent static method is used for calculating static load
for low rise buildings. In this method only one mode is
considered. Analysis of high rise building needs more than
two modes and is analyzed by dynamic analysis. It starts
with the computation of base shear load and its distribution
on each storey using formulas given in code. The equivalent
static analysis suites for low to medium-rise buildings
without coupled lateral torsional modes in which first mode
is considered in each direction.


A Response spectrum is a plot of maximum value of response
like displacement, velocity or acceleration of a series of
oscillator of varying period or natural frequency and that are Fig. 1: Model with Fixed Base
forced into motion by same shock. When the earthquake
force acts on foundation of building it will move along the
ground motion but the movement of building is more than
ground motion. The movement of building depends on the
natural frequency of vibration. IS 1893 (Part I):2002 is used
for seismic analysis. This method is used for those buildings
having more than two modes other than fundamental one
which affect the response of building. In this method each
modal response obtained by spectral analysis of single
degree freedom systems are combined and expressed in
multi degree freedom system to compute total response .

Modeling and Analysis were carried out by using
ETABS 2015 software. In this analysis, an attempt is made to
study the effect of different earthquake reducing Fig. 2: Model with Rubber Isolator
technologies like base isolator, and shear wall on building
and compared the results obtained. The analysis is carried
out for two seismic zones, zone II and zone IV in both
equivalent static and response spectrum method. The plan
dimension of the model is 64.7m X 17.12m


 Number of stories =7
 Typical storey height = 3m
 Bottom storey height = 1.5m
 Grade of Concrete = 30N/mm2
 Slab thickness (S1) = 200mm
 Wall thickness (W1) = 250mm
 Beam size (B1) = 450*200mm
 Beam size (B2) = 400*400mm
 Column size (C1) = 300*300mm
 Column size (C2) = 600*300mm Fig. 3: Model with Shear Wall
 Seismic Zone =IV
 Importance Factor (I) = 1.5
© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 612
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 10 | Oct -2016 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

4 RESULTS and Discussions:

The results obtained by both static and dynamic analysis are
tabulated and various parameters such as displacement,
storey drift, storey stiffness, and time period are discussed
for model with fixed base, model with base isolator and
model with shear wall.


Table -1: Time period

Model no 1
Fixed base 1.187
(sec) Fig. 6: Storey displacement plot obtained from equivalent
With base isolator 1.728 static analysis for different cases in Y direction
With Shear Wall 0.48

Fig. 7: Storey displacement plot obtained from response

spectrum analysis for different cases in X direction
Fig. 4: Time period plot for model with fixed base, base
isolator and shear wall
Fig 5.22.1 shows the plot of time period of building for
models with fixed base, base isolator, and shear wall obtained
by analysis. Here it is observed that model with base isolator
has maximum value of time period compare to models with
fixed base and shear wall respectively.

Fig. 8: Storey displacement plot obtained from response

spectrum analysis for different cases in Y direction
From fig 5 to 8 the plot of maximum displacement of building
in X and Y direction for models with fixed base, base isolator
and shear wall obtained by equivalent static analysis and
response spectrum analysis for zone IV are represented. Here
it is observed that model with base isolator has higher
displacement compare to models with fixed base and shear
wall respectively.
Fig. 5: Storey displacement plot obtained from equivalent
static analysis for different cases in X direction

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 613
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 10 | Oct -2016 p-ISSN: 2395-0072



Fig.12: Storey drift plot obtained from response spectrum

analysis for different cases in Y direction.

Fig. 9: Storey drift plot obtained from equivalent static From fig 9 to 12 the plot of each storey drift of building in X
analysis for different cases in X direction and Y direction for models with fixed base, base isolator and
shear wall obtained by equivalent static analysis and
response spectrum for zone IV. Here it is observed that model
with base isolator has maximum drift value compare to
models with fixed base and shear wall respectively.

Fig. 10: Storey drift plot obtained from equivalent static

analysis for different cases in Y direction

4.3.2 RESPONSE SPECTRUM ANALYSIS: Fig. 13: Base shear plot obtained from equivalent static
analysis for different cases in X and Y direction

Fig.11: Storey drift plot obtained from response spectrum Fig. 14: Base shear plot obtained from response spectrum
analysis for different cases in X direction analysis for different cases in X and Y direction

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 614
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 10 | Oct -2016 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Fig 13 and 14 shows the plot of base shear of building in X [7]. Anil Baral and Dr. SK.Yajdani “Seismic Analysis of RC
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5. CONCLUSIONS Infrastructure Engineering Research and Development
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Hence seismic performance of building with isolator is
better than fixed base.
 Response spectrum analysis has less base shear compared
to equivalent static method analysis.
 Building provided with base isolator has more
displacement than compared to fixed and shear wall.
 When compared to fixed base building base shear is
reduced in base isolated building, thus seismic response
of building with base isolator is better than fixed base.
 Model with shear wall was found to be increased storey
stiffness compared to models with fixed base, base
 Building with shear wall has more base shear compared to
fixed base and base isolator.

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© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 615

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