This document is a service manual and parts catalog for Onan BF engines used in garden tractors. It provides specifications, dimensions, assembly torques, troubleshooting information, and maintenance procedures for the engine oil and fuel systems. The manual instructs technicians on how to service and overhaul the engine, with references to part numbers and diagrams to aid in disassembly and reassembly.
This document is a service manual and parts catalog for Onan BF engines used in garden tractors. It provides specifications, dimensions, assembly torques, troubleshooting information, and maintenance procedures for the engine oil and fuel systems. The manual instructs technicians on how to service and overhaul the engine, with references to part numbers and diagrams to aid in disassembly and reassembly.
This document is a service manual and parts catalog for Onan BF engines used in garden tractors. It provides specifications, dimensions, assembly torques, troubleshooting information, and maintenance procedures for the engine oil and fuel systems. The manual instructs technicians on how to service and overhaul the engine, with references to part numbers and diagrams to aid in disassembly and reassembly.
This document is a service manual and parts catalog for Onan BF engines used in garden tractors. It provides specifications, dimensions, assembly torques, troubleshooting information, and maintenance procedures for the engine oil and fuel systems. The manual instructs technicians on how to service and overhaul the engine, with references to part numbers and diagrams to aid in disassembly and reassembly.
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The manual provides information for servicing and overhauling Onan BF engines used in garden tractors, including specifications, troubleshooting, disassembly and a parts catalog.
The manual contains information for servicing and overhauling Onan BF engines used in garden tractors, including specifications, troubleshooting guides, disassembly procedures and a parts catalog.
The manual discusses servicing and overhauling the Onan 16 HP BF engine.
.. . . t. .:_ ., ... , .. 0 " ;.. . . ' , .. .. . . .. 965-0250 FOR ON AN 16 HP BF ENGINE
.. /.:.;. ": .. ,:; Prml ed in U. S . A. 9AD74 Replaces 8AB73 SER ICE U L FOR BF GARDEN TRACTOR ENGINES WE SUGGEST THIS BOOK BE KEPT HANDY FOR READY REFERENCE, EITHER FOR ORDERING PARTS OR MAKING ADJUSTMENTS. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL 2 INFORMATION SPECIFICATIONS 3 DIMENSIONS AND 4 CLEARANCES ASSEMBLY 4 TORQUES ENGINE TROUBLE S SHOOTING OIL SYSTEM 6 FUEL SYSTEM 8 rGNITlON. AND BATTERY 12 CHARGING STARTINO lS SYSTEM ENGINE 18 DISASSEMBLY PARTS CATALOG 29 ENGINE WIRING 44 DIAGRAM GENERAL INFORMATION This manual contains proper information for the servic- ing and overhaul of your Onan engine. Use the parts catalog in the rear portion of this book to help you with disassembly and assembly procedures. NOTE: Flywheel end of engine is considered the front. Left and right sides are determined looking at front of engine. If it is necessary to contact your dealer or the factory about this engine, always supply the complete Model and Spec Number as well as the Serial Number shown on the engine nameplate. The engine nameplate is located on left side of blower housing (end opposite oil filter), Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide for assistance in locating and correcting troubles which may occur. If a major repair or overhaul becomes necessary, the engine should be carefully checked and necessary repairs made by a competent mechanic. Maintain factory limits and clearances as shown, replacing worn parts when necessary. ENGINE MODEL REFERENCE Identify your model by referring to the MODEL and SPEC (specification) NO. as shown on the unit name- plate. Always use this number and the engine serial number when making reference to your engine. How to interpret MODEL and SPEC NO. rrT1 1. Factory code for general identification purposes. 2. Specific Type: S - MANUAL STARTING MS - ELECTRIC STARTING 3. Factory code for optional equipment supplied. 4. Specification (Spec Letter) advances with factory prod uchon modification. I WARNING' Onan uses this symbol throughout this manual to warn of possible serious personal Injury. ~ T h i ~ symbol refers to possible equipment damage. WARNING I TO A VOID POSSIBLE PERSONAL INJURY OR EQUIPMENT DAMAGE, AN AUTHORIZED SER- VICE REPRESENTA TlVE MUST PERFORM ALL SERVICE. 2 SPEC I FICA liONS Engine Manufacturer. . Engine Design. . . . . Horsepower at 3600 rpm Displacement Bore ....... . Stroke ...... Compression Ratio Crankshaft. . . . . Valves ..... . Bearings (Main and Rod) Oil Capacity ..... Battery Charging System TUNEUP SPECIFICATIONS Tappets (Cold) Intake . . . . . . . Exhaust ............... Breaker Point Gap (Full Separation and Engine Cold) Spark Plug Gap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ignition Timing (Engine Running Hot Setting) (Engine Not Running, Cold Setting) * - Preferred setting. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Onan Four Cycle, Air-Cooled, Two Cylinder 16 40.3 cu. in. 3-1/8 inch 2-5/8 inch 7 to 1 Horizontal, Ductile Iron Mechanical, Poppet . . . . . .. Sleeve . . . . . . 4 pints 12 volt, 15 amp Flywheel Alternator .007 - .009 .012 - .014 .025 " .025 21 BTC * 25 BTC DIMENSIONS AND CLEARANCES All dimensions and clearances given at room temperature of 70F. All values in inches unless otherwise specified. CAMSHAFT AND CRANKSHAFT Crankshaft Main Bearing Journal to Bearing Clearance * Crankshaft End Play ..... Camshaft Bearing to Camshaft . . . . . Camshaft End Play . . . . . . . . . . . * Crankshaft Rod J oumal to Rod Bearing Connecting Rod End Play Timing Gear Backlash . Oil Pump Gear Backlash PISTON AND CYLINDER Piston Pin in Piston . Piston Pin in Rod . . * Piston Ring Gap in Cylinder Piston Clearance in Cylinder-Measured .10 Below Oil Control Ring, 90 from Pin . . . . . . . . . . Cylinder Bore - Standard Size ......... . Crankshaft Main Bearing J oumal - Standard Size Crankshaft Rod Bearing Journal - Standard Size TAPPETS AND VALVES *Valve Seat Width. * Valve Face Angle .. * Valve Seat Angle Valve Stem to Guide - Intake Valve Stem to Guide - Exhaust Tappet to Cylinder Block Clearance Tappet Adjustment (Cold) * Intake. *Exhaust ....... . * - Frequently used overhaul values. Minimum Maximum 0.0025 0.0038 0.006 0.012 0.0015 0.0030 0.003 0.0020 0.0033 0.002 0.016 0.002 0.003 0.002 0.005 0.0002 0.0004 0.0002 0.0007 0.010 0.020 0.001 0.003 3.1245 3.1255 1.9992 2.0000 1.6252 1.6260 1/32 1/8 44 4') 0.0010 0.0025 0.0035 0.0040 0.0015 0.0030 0.007 0.009 0.012 0.014 ASSEMBLY TORQUES AND SPECIAL TOOLS BOLT TORQUE Gearcase Cover .......... . Cylinder Head Stud Nuts (Cold) . Rear Bearing Plate Screws .. Starter Mounting Bolts ...... . Connecting Rod Bolt ....... . Flywheel Cap Screw ....... . Other 5/16 "Cylinder Block Stud and Nuts ......... . Oil Base ............... . .... . Manifold Mounting Screws ............ Oil Pump ...................... . FT. LB. 8 - 10 14 - 16 25 - 27 18 - 20 14 - 16 35 - 40 8 - 10 18 - 23 6 - 10 7 - 9 4 The following special tools are available from Onan, for further information see Tool Catalog 900-0019. Valve Seat Driver Valve Guide Driver Oil Guide and Driver Combination Bearing Remover (Main and Cam) Combination Bearing Driver (Main and Cam) Flywheel Puller
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GASOLINE ENGINE TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE CAUSE STARTIHC SYSTEM L .... se o. CO<tOd,,'" Batle'Y C""" " CUOft Low a' Q'SC'""'lcd 8llne.)' ICHITIO ... SYSTEM .... arn Po,n .. DI Imprope' G-co s.- Itln l ea" Il[nll ' OI' Cod 0' Conde"''' ' FUEL SYSTEM QUI 01 Fuel Ch,,(I, Lean F"" I Mlxlure En,,"e Floc.IeJ P .... r Quail,), Fuel 0, ..... Fuel F l ite! DeleChvl! Fu(" Pumo INTERNAL EHGINE COOLING SYSTEM I AU\ COOI.EO) I I I I I I I I I I I I 1- I ______________ -i 1 I I I I I I I J I I I I I I I TT T I OU'l' '" Qllv Coolo"J[ FIns I I I I I I 1.-'.' , I' I T.T T T Ie. I I Blown HUd Cu\el COOLING SYSTEM (WATER COOLEOI In sutl. c ... ,,, CODIMI ... ...
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5 OIL SYSTEM CRANKCASE OIL Change crankcase oil every 50 operating hours and only when engine is warm. Drain initial oil fill at 25 operating hours.) To drain, remove the 1/2 inch pipe plug on the rear corner of the oil base. After oil drains, replace the pipe plug and refill crankcase with 4 pints (4-1/2 if equipped with filter) of a good quality detergent oil. Oil must meet or exceed the API (American Petroleum Institute) designation SE or SE/CC; this oil was formerly designated as MS, MS/DG or MS/DM (Figures 1 and 2). For temperatures above 30 "F, use SAE 30 oil; for temperatures below 30 of, use 5W30 or lOW. In extremely dusty conditions or in very cold weather, change oil at least every 25 hours of operation. ALWAYS REPLACE TIGHTLY OR OIL LEAKAGE MAY OCCUR I fULL / CAU110N- DO NO 1 OVLRI-Ill f - ADD ONE PINT FIGURE I. CRANKCASE OIL FILL 6 Do not overfill crankcase. Do not use service DS oil. Do not mix brands or grades of motor oil. Engine damage could result from mixing non-compatible oils. OIL DRAIN - BOTTOM SIDE REMOVE 1/2 INCH PIPE PLUG TO DRAIN FIGURE 2. OIL DRAIN LOCATION Crankcase Breather: This engine uses a crankcase breather valve for maintaining crankcase vacuum. No maintenance is generally required. If the crankcase becomes pressurized as evidenced by oil leaks at the seals, clean baffle and valve in a suitable solvent. See Figure 3. B R EA THER H OSE - - FLAT W A S H E R ~ ~ REE D VALVE / BREATHER BAFFLE FIGURE 3. CRANKCASE BREATH ER PRESSURE LUBRICATION P ress ure l ubric ate d e ngines use a n oi l pump t o lubri - cat e engine pa rts. If oil pressure is low, the pump s hould be che cked. To re move the oil pump, it is necessa ry to det ach the intake cup as sembly, as ill us trat ed in Figure 4. 7 CRANKCASE TURNED!!!) ON LEFT SIDE'- ---- OIL FIGURE 4. OIL PUMP ASSEMBLY Check the oil pump t horoughly for worn pa rts. Oil the pump to prime it before reinstalling. Except for gasket s and sucti on cup, the component parts of the pump a re not available individuall y. Insta ll a new pump assembl y i f required. If new oi l pump gas kets a re installed, they should be the same thickness as those removed. A gas ket kit with var ious thi c kness gas ke ts is ava ilable . OIL BYPASS VALVE The by-pass va lve (l ocated to the right and behind gear c ove r), control s oil pressure by a llowing excess oil t o flow directly back to the c rankc ase. Normally the val ve begins to open about 30 ps i . The valve is non-adjust able a nd normall y needs no maintenance. To det e rmine i f abnorma l (hi gh or l ow) oi l pres sure is ca us ed by a sticky plunge r inspe ct as follows : 1. Re move 3/8 x 24 x 1 ca p s crew l ocated behind gea r c over a nd under gover nor a rm. 2. Re move spring and plunge r with a ma gne t tool. Clean plunger and spring with a s uit able solvent and re insta ll. FUEL SYSTEM CARBURETOR CLEANING AND INSPECTION To clean the carburetor, soak all components thoroughly in a good carburetor cleaner, following the manufac- turer's instructions. Be sure to remove all carbon from carburetor bore, especially in the area of the throttle valve. After soaking, c lean out all passages with filtered, compressed air. Check the adjusting needles and nozzle for damage. If float is loaded with fue 1 or damaged, replace it. The float should fit freely on its pin without binding. Check the choke and throttle shafts for excessive side play and replace if necessary. Note: Carburetor repair and gasket kits are available from your nearest On an Parts Center. ~ CHOKE FLY CHOKE S H A F T - ~ ~ d ~ AND LEVER "" ~ , NOTE ON SOME MODELS ENGINES FUEL PUMP IS MOUNTED DIRECTLY TO CARBURETOR FUEL PUMP (SEE INSERT) CARBURETOR INLET PLATE FUEL INLET GASKET - SLEEVE ASSEMBLY LEVER ASSEMBLY THROTTLE STOP SCREW o fA THROTTLE SHAFT ~ / AND LEVER . ~ B, THROTTLE FLY FIGURE 5. EXPLODED VIEW OF CARBURETOR 8 PUMP EXPLODED VIEW OF FUEL PUMP FIGURE SA. EXPLODED VIEW OF FUEL PUMP CARBURETOR DISASSEMBLY AND REPAIR (Figure S) Removal: 1. Remove air cleaner and hose. 2. Disconnect governor and throttle linkage, choke control and fuel line from carburetor. 3. Remove the four intake manifold capscrews and lift complete manifold assembly from engine. 4. Remove carburetor from intake manifold. IMPORT ANT: A lways work on carburetor In clean conditions. Replacing Needle and Valve Seat: 1. Remove four screws from top of carburetor and lift off float assembly. 2. Invert float assembly as shown in Figure 6. 3. Push out pin that holds float to cover. 4. Remove float and set aside in a clean place. Pull out need le and spring. 5. Remove valve seat and replace with a new one, making sure to use a new gasket. 6. Install new bowl gasket. 7. Clip new needle to float assembly with spring clip. Install float. Carburetor Float Adjustment: 1. Invert float assembly and casting. 2. With the float resting lightly against the needle and seat, there should be 1/8 U clearance between the bowl cover gasket and the free end of the float. 3. If it is necessary to reset the float level, bend the float tangs near the pin to obtain a 1/8" clearance (Figure 6). 9 FIGURE 6. FLOAT ADJUSTMENT Fuel Pump Disassembly (Figure SA): 1. Remove vacuum line and fuel line. 2. Remove the two fuel pump attaching screws. 3. Grasp pump and carefully pull apart. Diaphragm, plunger, return spring, pump body and mounting gaskets will now be loose. 4. Internal fuel pump parts are available in a repair kit. Check Parts Catalog for correct part number. 5. Ensure that clamps are replaced on fuel line. ~ Use care when reassembling .pump; all parts must be perfectly alIgned, or pump will leak, creating a fire hazard. CARBURETOR ADJUSTMENTS The carburetor has a main fuel valve adjusting screw a nd an idle valve adjusting screw (Figure 7). A low speed adjustment screw is shown in Figure 8. Initial Adjustment: 1. Turn main fuel valve clockvrise until it just closes. ~ Valves may be damaged by turn- CAUTION . h' f tng t em tn too ar. 2. Now open main fuel valve 1-1/8 turns counter- clockwise. 3. Close idle valve in same manner and open it 1/2 to one turn (counterclockwise). 4. This initial adjustment will permit engine to start and warm up prior to final adjustment. LOW SPEED SET ON GOVERNOR LlNKAGE- SMALL GAP HERE AT NO LOAD THROTTLE STOP SCREW SIDE VIEW MAIN FUEL (HIGH SPEED) ADJUSTMENT IDLE ADJUSTMENT REAR VIEW FIGURE 7. MAIN FUEL AND IDLE VALVE ADJUSTMENT Final Adjustment: 1. Turn main fuel valve in until engine misses (lean mixture), then turn it out past the point where engine runs smoothly until engine runs unevenly (rich mixture). Turn valve to mid-point between lean and rich so engine runs smoothly. 2. Hold engine at idle position and set low speed adjustment screw (Figure 8) until a fast idle is obtained (1200 rpm). 3. Hold throttle in idle position and turn idle adjust- ment valve in (lean) and out (rich) until engine idles smoothly. 4. Reset low speed adjustment screw so engine idles at 1200 rpm. S. Re lease throttle - engine should accelerate without hesitation. If engine does not accelerate properly, readjust main fuel valve by turning out slightly. Important: Do not open more than 1/2 turn beyond maximum power point. 10 -------- - SET LOW SPEED ADJUSTMENT SO ENGINE RUNS AT 1200 RPM IN "SLOW" POSITION. ~ FIGURE 8. LOW SPEED ADJUSTMENT GOVERNOR (Figure 9) These engines are adapted for use where a wide range of speed settings is desired. Engine speed is con- trolled at any given point between minimum and maximum b ~ simply shifting the throttle lever on the dash panel until the desired speed is reached. The design of the variable speed governor gives an automatic decrease in sensitivity when the speed is increased and the result is good stability at all speeds. A reliable instrument for checking engine speed is required for accurate governor adjustment. Engine speed can be checked with a tachometer. Check the governor arm, linkage, throttle shaft, and lever for binding condition or excessive slack and wear at connecting points. A binding condition at any point will cause the governor to act slowly and regulation will be poor. Excessive looseness will cause a hunting condition and regulation will be erratic. Work the arm back and forth several times by hand while the engine is idling to check for above conditions. If governor is hunting or not operating properly, adjust as follows and as shown in Figure 9. 1. Disconnect linkage (A) from one of holes (C). 2. Push linkage (A) and governor arm (B) as far back (toward carburetor) as they will go. 3. Holding linkage and governor arm toward direction of carburetor, insert end of linkage into whichever hole (C) (in governor arm) lines up the closest. The governor control spring is factory set in the top hole of the governor control shaft bracket. To increase the sensitivity, move the spring loop into the hole nearest the control shaft. To decrease the sensitivity, move the spring outward. After the sensitivity has been set, adjust the low speed with the adjustment screw on the control wire bracket. THROTTLE S TOP SCREW GOVERNOR SPRING LOW SPEED / / STOP ADJUSTMENT FIGURE 9. GOVERNOR ADJUSTMENTS AIR CLEANER If a ir c leaner becomes too dirty, engine will not recei ve s ufficient a ir to run properly . Symptoms : Loss of power, fl ooding, hard to start and overheating. This engine is equipped with a paper and a polyurethane precleaner that must be removed, cleaned and oiled every 25 hours of operation, or more under extremely dusty conditions. 1. To clean pre-cleaner wash in water a nd detergent referring to Figure 10. Remove excess water by squeezing like a sponge and allow to dry t horough- ly. Distribute three tablespoons of SAE 30 e ngine oil evenly around the pre-cleaner. Knead into and wring excess oi l from pre-cleaner. 2. Depending on conditions in which the t ractor is operating, the inner paper element should be re- placed whenever it becomes excessively dirty or oily. Never run the e ng ine with the air cleaner re moved. Dirt will ent er the engine and score the cylinders. I
PAPER ELEMENT B82 NUT POLYURETHANE PRE-CLEANER BASE HOSE INTAKE TUBE 1. WASH 2. SQUEEZE DRY 3. COAT WITH OIL 4. INSTALL FIGURE 10. AIR CLEANER ASSEMBLY 11 IGNITION AND BATTERY CHARGING BREAKER POINTS To maintain maximum efficiency from the engine, change the breaker points every 200 hours of operation. Proceed as follows when engine is cold: 1. Remove the two screws and the cover on the breaker box. 2. Remove the two spark plugs so engine can be easily rotated by hand. Check condition of spark plugs at this time. 3. Refer to Figure 11. Remove mounting nut (A) and pull the points out of the box just far enough so screw (B) can be removed and leads disconnected. 4. Remove screw (C) and replace condenser with a new one. 5. Replace points with a new set but do not complete- ly tighten mounting nut (A). 6. Remove the air intake hose that connects to blower housing. This provides an access to view timing mark. 7. Rotate the engine clockwise (facing flywheel) by hand until the 25 0 BTC mark on gear cover aligns with mark on flywheel. Turn another 1/4 turn (90 0 ) to ensure points are fully open. 8. Using a screwdriver inserted in notch (D) on the right side of points, turn points until gap measures .025 " with a flat thickness gauge. (Be sure feeler is clean.) Tighten mounting nut and recheck gap. 9. Check ignition timing. IGNITION TIMING The timing on the engine is preset at the factory. A point box is used, however a slight could be made by adjusting points. \':"i The engine is equipped with an automotive type battery ignition system. Both spark plugs fire simultaneously, thus the need for a distributor is eliminated. Spark advance is set cold at 25 0 BTC (before top center) and should be maintained for best engine performance. Always check timing after replacing ignition points or if noticing poor engine performance. Proceed as follows: Timing Procedure (Preferred Method) - Engine Not Running and Cold: 1. Connect a continuity test lamp set across the ignition breaker points. Touch one test prod to the breaker box terminal to which the coil lead is connected and touch the other test prod to a good ground on the engine. 12 PREFERRED ,\ETHOD
REMOVE HOSE AND VIEW TIMING MARKS THROUGH THIS HOLE CORRECT TIMING IS 21 BTC HOT SETTING ENGINE RUNNING 2S"BTC COLD SETTING - STATIC FIGURE II. IGNITION AND TIMING ADJUSTMENT 2 Turn crankshaft against rotation (counterclock- wise) until the points close. Then slowly turn the crankshaft with rotation (clockwise). 3. The lamp should go out just as the points break which is the time at which ignition occurs (25 0 BTC). Timing Procedure - Engine Running and Hot: 1. To accurately check the ignition timing, use a timing light when engine is running. Connect the timing light according to its manufacturer's structions. Either spark plug can be used as they fire simultaneously. 2. Remove the air intake hose that connects to blower housing to provide an access to view timing marks. [--Wi-RNINGJBe sure tractor is in the 1,0. _______ .posIllOn before startIng engme. 3. Start the engine. When engine warms up check the ignition timing. The mark on the flywheel should line up with the 21" mark on the cover. 4. Replace hose, breaker box cover and any other hardware removed from engine. SPARK PLUG GAP 0.025" GASOLINE FIGURE 12. SPARK PLUG GAP SPARK PLUGS (Figure 12) Remove both spark plugs 'and install new ones every 100 hours. Use ONAN No. 167-0241 or Champion H-8. Check to be sure spark plug gap is set at .025 " . IGNITION COIL To test primary and secondary windings within the ignition coil proceed as follows: 1. Use a Simpson 260 VOM or equivalent. 2. Place back lead on ground H terminal of coil and red lead to positive (+) terminal. Primary resis- tance should read 3.87 ~ 4.73 ohms. 3. Change resistance setting on ohmmeter. Place ohmmeter leads inside of spark plug cable holes (F igure 13). Secondary resistance should read 12,600 - 15,400 ohms. 4. If any of the above conditions are not met, replace coil. Refer to Parts Catalog for correct part number. FIGURE 13. COIL TEST 13 ~ This engine uses a 12 volt, negative ~ ;iround system. Alternator must be connected to battery at all times when engine is run- ning. Do not reverse battery cables. Damage to regula- tor or ignition coil could result if cables are reversed. Battery Inspection: Check battery cells with a hydro- meter. The specific gravity reading should be approxi- mately 1.280 at 80 OF. (Figure 14). If cells are low on water, add distilled water and re- charge. If one cell is low, check case for leaks. Keep the battery case clean and dry. An accumulation of moisture will lead to a more rapid discharge and battery failure. Keep the battery terminals clean and tight. After making connections, coat the terminals with a light application of petroleum jelly or non-conductive grease to retard corrosion. SPECIFIC GRAVITY READING SHOULD BE 1.280 AT 80 F. FIGURE 14. SPECIFIC GRAVITY TEST FLYWHEEL ALTERNATOR (Figure 15) This unit is equipped with a permanent magnet flywheel alternator and solid-state voltage regulator-rectifier (output control). As with all solid-state electrical units, precautions are necessary when servicing. Observe the following. Precautions: 1. Do not connect battery cables in the wrong polarity. 2. Do not short together alternator stator leads. 3. Do not run wi thout a battery. Damage will occur to regulator and battery ignition coil. Preservice Checks: 1. Check for a good ground between equipment and regulator-rectifier case. 2. Be sure output control plug (connector) is properly inserted into stator receptacle. This means the plug must push in and solidly bottom in the recep- tacle to eliminate any resistance due to a poor connection. Keep it clean and tight. 3. Check battery and its connection to be sure it is serviceable. NOT E: Charging system tests reqUIre a fully charged battery. Type of Failure No c ha rge to battery. Battery a lways charging at high rate. '., TESTING BATTERY CHARGING SYSTEM Test 1. With battery connecte d, check B, to Ground voltage with DC voltmeter. If voltmeter reads 13.8 volts or higher, place load (headlights) on battery to reduce battery voltage to below 13.6 volts. Observe ammeter. a. 1 charge rate increases. b. If charge rate does not increase. 2. Disconnect plug from re rectifier and test AC voltage at plug (two white wires, reading back into alternator), Voltage reads much less than 28 volts AC. 1. Check B+ to Ground voltage with DC voltmeter. a. If over 14.7 volts DC b. If under 14.7 volts DC 87 .. - 1 VOLTAGE RE ULA TOR FIGURE 15. FLYWHEEL ALTERNATOR SYSTEM 14 Results System okay. Battery was charged fully. Check for defective stator or regulator. Defective Stator or magnet gtoup. Regulator not functioning. Alternator system okay. Check battery charge - ma y be low. STARTING SYSTE ELECTRIC STARTER (Spec A & Spec B) Normally the starter will require little or no service other than possible brush replacement. However, if through accident or misuse, the starter requires service or overhaul, the following information will provide the information necessary to perform this service. STARTER DISASSEMBLY (Figure 16, Spec A; Figure 16A, Spec B) 1. Remove the through-bolts and separate the end cap, the housing and the armature. 2. Disassemble the drive assembly and the drive end cap by loosening the self-locking nut. FIGURE 16. STARTER DISASSEMBLY (SPEC. A) FIGURE 16A. STARTER DISASSEMBLY (SPEC. B) INSPECTION OF PARTS (Spec A & Spec B) 1. Testing Armature for Grounds: Touch armature shaft or core and the end of each commutator bar with a pair of ohmmeter leads. If the ohmmeter reading is low, it indicates a grounded armature. Replace grounded armature. See Figure 17. 15 FIGURE 17. TESTING ARMATURE FOR GROUNDS 2. Testing Armature for a Short Circuit: Use a growler for locating shorts in the armature. Place armature in growler and hold a thin steel blade (e.g. h a c ~ s a w blade) parallel to the core and just above it while slowly rotating armature in growler. A shorted armature will cause the blade to vibrate and be attracted to the core. If armature is shorted, replace with a new one (Figure 18). 3. Inspecting For An Open Circuit in Armature: The most likely place to check for an open circuit is at the commutator riser bars. Inspect for loose connections on the points where the conductors are joined to the commutator bars (Spec A only). HACK SAW BLADE GROWLER FIGURE 18. TESTING ARMATURE FOR SHORT CIRCUITS Testing Field Coils for Open Circuit !Spec A Only} Place one lead on the connector and the other on <1 cleem spot on the brushholder. If the ohmmeter reading is high, the field coil is open. Check the other three brushholders in the same manner. See Figure 19. S. Testing Field Coils for Grounds: (Spec A Only) Place one lead on the connector and the other on a clean spot on the frame after unsoldering shunt fie ld coil wire. If the ohmmeter reading is low, the fie Ids are grounded, either at the connector or in the windings. FIGURE 19. TESTING FIELD COILS FOR OPENS 6. Brush Inspection: If brushes are worn shorter than 1/4 inch, replace them. Check to see that brushes move smoothly in the brush holders. See Figure 20. T . 35 1 EJ T WEAR 112" LlMITII --- -- ~ SPEC A SPEC B FIGURE 20. BRUSH WEAR LIMIT 7. Brush Spring Inspection (Spec A only): brush spring tension as shown in Figure spring tension reads 17 to 25 ounces, the is satisfactory. WEAR LIMIT Check 21. If spring 16 FIGURE 21. TESTING BRUSH SPRING TENSION ST ARTER ASSEMBLY Reassembly is the reverse of disassembly. When re- assembling, observe the following: 1. Wipe off any dirty parts with a clean cloth or blow clean using filtered compressed air. NOT E: Bearings must not be immersed in cleaning fluid. These parts should be cleaned with a brush dipped in clean engine oil. 2. Apply SAE 10W-30 oil on the armature shaft, spline and bearings. REASSEMBLY (Spec B only) 1. Assemble brushes so that chamfered side is away from the brush springs and position the brush shunts so that they will not contact the commuta- tor or commutator end cap. 2. Torque bolts (Figure 16(a), item 3) to a value of 3-3-1/2 ft-lbs. 3. Torque nut (Figure 16(a), item 4) to a value of 4-5 ft-lbs . 4. Apply a thin film of grease to the commutator end of the armature shaft and to the portion of the shaft that contacts the bearings. Apply a generous film of Lubriplate (( Aero" grease to the shaft thread. 5. Torque stop nut (Figure 16(a), item 1) to a value of 20-25 ft-Ibs. Hold armature in a vise. 6. Torque thru-bolts (Figure 16(a), item 2) to a value of 4-1/2 - 6 ft-Ibs. ~ Do not exceed the rated voltage of the ~ motor (12-VDC). Excessive voltage could demagnetize the motor permanent magnet field. I MOTOR INPUT STUD CRANKING MOTOR AMMETER VOLTMETER "<TCH 1 BATTERY I 12-Y I NOTE: Battery to starter wire size at least #10. Max. length6ft. L-______________ L-________________________ --J FIGURE 22. NO LOAD TEST INSPECTING REASSEMBLED STARTER 1. No Load Test: Connect the starting motor as shown in Figure 22. The values for this test are as follows: Spec A Battery Voltage. . . . . . . .. 11.5 volts RPM ............. 8000 rpm (min) Maximum Current Draw ... 25 amperes Spec B 12.0 volts 4,800-6,100 32 amperes 17 NOTE: 1. To ensure good electrical contact, make sure starter to engine mounting surfaces are free of dirt or oil. 2. When tightening attaching bolts and nut, starter gear should be held into ring gear to assure proper backlash. 3. Battery to starting motor wire must be tightened securely. ~ Starter motors a r ~ not designed for ~ contmuous operatIOn. Do not operate more than 30 seconds per "ON" cycle. Do not operate starter more than 10 seconds in a stall condition if engine will not rotate. Serious damage could result if these time limits are exceeded. ENGINE DISASSE BLY VALVE SYSTEM Prope rly seated valves a re essenti a l t o good e ngine pe rforma nce . The aluminum cy linde r heads are remo va - a bl e for va lve servicing. Do not use a pry to loos en the cy linde r head ; rap s harpl y on the edge with a soft faced hamme r, taking care not t o break any cooling fins . A conventional type va lve spring lifter may be used whe n removing the valve s pri ng locks, which are of the s plit type. Clean a ll carbon de posits from th e cyl i nd er heads, piston tops , va lves, guides, etc. If a va lve face is burned or warped, or the stem worn, install a ne w valve. Refe r to Fi gure 23 . Worn valve s tem guides may be repl aced from ins ide the valve cha mber. Val ve locks a re s plit , tapered t ype, the sma lle r diameter of whi ch mus t face toward the va lve he ad. Tappets are a ls o re pl aceable from the va lve chamb e r, a fter first removing the valve assembli es . The va lve face angle is 44 . The va lve seat angle i s 45 0 . Thi s 1 interfere nce angle results in a sha rp seat ing s urface betwee n the val ve a nd the top of the val ve s e at. The interfe re nce a ngl e method of grinding va lves minimizes fa ce de pos it s and lengthens va lve life . The va lves s hould not be ha nd la pped, if at all avoid- a bl e, because the s ha rp contact may be destroyed. Thi s is es peciall y importa nt whe re s te llite faced va lves a nd seats a re used. Va lve faces s hould be fini s hed in a machine to 44 . Va l ve seats s hould be ground with a 45 0 s tone and the width of the seat band s hould be 1/32 u to 3/ 64" wide . Grind only enough to ass ure proper seating. Re move all grindin g compound from engine part s and pl ace each valve in it s pr ope r location. Check each va lve for a tight s eat, USing an air press ure t est in g t oo!. If s uch a tool is not ava ila ble , make pe ncil ma rks a t inte rva ls acros s the va lve face and observe if the ma rks rub off uniforml y whe n the valve is rot a ted pa rt of a turn against the seat. Lightly oil the valve s te ms a nd assemble a ll pa rt s re moved. The positive type va lve rot a t ors prolong va lve life and decrease valve re pa irs . Whe n functioning prope r! y, the va lve is rotated a f racti on of a turn each time it ope ns . While at ope n pos iti on, the val ve mus t rotat e free ly, but in onl y one directi on. If rotators a re fa ulty , ins ta ll new rotators . VALVE WRONG NOTE - USE A STANDARD NOTE - SEE VALVE TAPPET AUTOMOTIVE TYPE WRENCH CLEARANCES IN TEXT TO ADJUST THE TAPPETS. . f4. r.4::l Ir''''': iJALVE ROTATOR VALVE SEAT VALVE
. .. V .LV I V1 I O-RING' V AL V E SPRING WASHER LOCK ..... (INTAKE VALVE "" ., , ONLY) FIGURE 23. VALVE SYSTEM 18 Tappet Adjustment: The engine is equipped with ad- justable valve tappets. The valve tappet clearance should be checked and adjusted, if necessary, at least every 400 operating hours or when poor engine perform- ance is noticed. Adjust the valve clearance only when engine is at ambient temperature. Proceed as follows: 1. Remove ignition key from tractor to prevent acci- dental starting. 2. Remove all parts necessary to gain access to valve tappets. 3. Remove spark plugs to ease the task of turning the engine over by hand. 4. Use the engine flywheel to turn the engine over slowly by hand until the left hand intake valve opens and closes. Continue turning the flywheel unt il the TC mark is on the top and lined up' wi th the TC mark on the gear cover. Both valves should be closed. This should place the left hand piston at the top of its compression stroke, the position it must be in to get proper valve adjustment for the left cylinder. 5. For the intake valve, a .007" thickness gauge should pass freely between valve stem and tappet, a thicker .009 U gauge should not. (F igure 24) 6. For the exhaust valve, a .012" thickness gauge should pass freely between the valve stem and the tappet, a thicker .014 U gauge should not. 7. To correct the valve clearance, use a 7/16" open end wrench to turn the adjusting screw to obtain the correct clearance. The screw is self-locking and will stay where it is set. A 9/16" open end wrench is required to hold the tappet while turning the adjusting screw. 8. To adjust valves on the right hand cylinder, turn engine one complete revolution and again line up mark on the flywheel and the TC mark on the gear cover. Then follow adjustment procedure given for left hand cy linder. 9. Replace all parts removed in Step 2. Tighten all screws securely. Torque manifold bolts to speci- fied torque. FIGURE 24. VALVE CLEARANCE 19 FLYWHEEL Removing the flywheel is a relatively simple process, but the following procedure mus t be followed to avoid damage to the gear case and possible injury to the operator. 1. Turn the flywheel mounting screw outward about two turns. [WARN-IN-G) Do not remove the screw com- pletely since it acts as a restrain- er when the flywheel snaps loose. If the flywheel is not held by the screw, the spring action in the wheel will cause it to fly off with great force which can cause injury to the operator. 2. Install a puller bar on the flywheel as shown in Figure 25. 3. Turn the puller bar bolts in, alternately, until the wheel snaps loose on the shaft. ~ Do . not use a screwdriver or ~ SImIlar tool or pry behind the flywheel against the gear case. The gear case cover is die-cast material and will break if undue pressure is applied in this manner. 4. Unscrew the puller from the flywheel, remove the flywheel mounting screw and washer and pull the flywheel off the shaft. Take care not to drop the wheel. A bent or broken fin will destroy the balance. Always use a steel key for mounting the flywheel. 883 FLYWHEEL FLYWHEEL PULLER FLYWHEEL MOUNTING SCREW FIGURE 25. BLOWER WHEEL PULLEY ((G .. GOVERNOR CUP ARM ROLL PIN
I FITS INTO THE _ ,._ METAL LINED A 339a. . HOLE IN THE CUP. SHAF GOVERNOR SHAFT YOKE (Smooth Side Toward Cup) OIL SEAL IF FEELER WILL ENTER HOLE 1/2", BALL HAS FALLEN OUT FIGURE 26. GEAR COVER ASSEMBLY GEAR COVER (Figure 26) After removing the mounting screws, tap the gear cover gently with a soft faced hammer to loosen it. When installing the gear cover, make sure that the pin in the gear cover engages the metal lined (smooth) hole in the governor cup. Turn the governor cup so that the metal lined hole is at the three o'clock position. The smooth side of the governor yoke must ride against the governor cup. Turn the governor arm and shaft clockwise as far as possible and hold in this position until the gear cover is installed flush agclinst the crankcase. Be careful not to damage the gear cover oil seal. Adjust the roll (stop) pin to protrude to a point 3/4" from the cover's mounting surface. GOVERNOR CUP With the gear cover removed, the governor cup can be taken off after removing the snap ring from the camshaft center pin. Catch the flyballs while sliding the cup off (Figure 27). Replace with a new part, any flyball which is grooved or has a flat spot; the ball spacer if its arms are worn or otherwise damaged; and the governor cup if the race surface is grooved or rough. The governor cup must be a free spinning fit on the camshaft center pin, but without any excessive play. When installing the governor cup, tilt the engine so the gear is up, put the flyballs in place (equally spaced) and install the cup and snap ring on the center pin. 20 The camshaft center pin extends out 3/4" from the end of the camshaft. This distance provides an in and out trave I distance of 7/32" for the governor cup, as illustrated. Hold the cup against the flyballs when measuring. If the distance is less (the engine will race especially at no load) remove the center pin and press in a new pin or grind off the hub of the cup as required. The camshaft center pin cannot be pulled outward or removed without damage. If the center pin extends out too far) the cup will not hold the flyballs properly. WHEN GOVERNOR IS PROPERLY ASSEMBLED THE DIMENSION SHOWN ON DRAWING WILL BE AS INDICATED. 7/32" CENTER PIN SNAP GOVERNOR CUP-- GOVERNOR- FLYBALL A33f FIGURE 27. GOVERNOR CUP DETAIL CRANKSHAFT GEAR GEAR PUL LER RING FIGURE 28. TIMING GEAR REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION TIMING GEARS If re placement of e ither the c rankshaft gear or the ca msha ft gear becomes necessary, always ins ta II bot h gears new. To re move the cranksha ft ge a r, first re move the snap rin g and re tainer washer, then a ttach the gear pulling ring using two No. screws (Figure 28). Tighten th e s crews alternate ly until both are tight. Att ach a gear puller to the pulle r ring and proceed to remove the gear .. The cams haft and gear must be replaced as an assem- bly. Be fore removing the ca ms haft and gear assembl y, re move the cylinder head a nd va lve assemblies. Then re move the operating plunger for the breaker point s a nd tappets . Each timing gear is s t a mped with 0 near the edge . T he gear t eeth must mesh so tha t these marks exactly coincide when the gear s a re installed in the engi ne. Whe n installing the camshaft gear a nd shaft asse mbly, be s ure that the thrus t was he r is properly in place be hind the camshaft gear. The n install the cranks haft reta ining was he r a nd lock ri ng. PISTONS AND CONNECTING RODS Observe the following procedure whe n removing pistons a nd connecting rods from t he e ngine. l. Drain oil. 2. Remove the cylinde r head a nd oil base pan from the engine. 3. Remove the ridge fr om the top of each cylinde r with a ridge reamer befor e attempting pi s t on re - moval (Figure 29). Forc ing the pis ton fr om the be fore reaming may cause damage to the pi s ton lands. 4. Turn the cranksha ft until the piston is a t t he bottom of its stroke a nd re move the connect ing rod bolts. Lift the rod beari ng cap from the rod and push the rod a nd piston assembly out thr ough 21 the top of the cy linder using a hammer ha ndle . Avoid scrat c hing the c ra nkpin and cylinder wa ll when re moving the pi s ton a nd rod . Note: Mark each pis t on and rod assembl y so the y can be re turned t o the ir respec tive cylinders a ft er overhaul. Keep connecting rod bearing caps with their respect ive r ods. 5. Remove the pist on rings from the pist on with a piston ring spreader as shown in Figure 30. Remove the pi s t on pin retainer and push the pi s ton pin out. Remove dirt and depos it s from the piston surfaces with a n a pproved clea ning solvent. Clean the piston ring grooves with a groove c lea ne r or the end of a pis t on ring filed to a s ha rp point (Figure 31). Ca re must be taken not to remove me t a l from the groove s ide s . rcAU,JONl Do not use a. caustic clean ing solvent or wIre brus h for cleanIng Pl s t OIl S. These materials will cause pistoll damage. FIGURE 29. REMOVING RIDGE FROM THE CYLINDER FIGURE 30. REMOVING PISTON RINGS When c leaning the connecting rods in solve nt , inc lude the rod bore. Bl owout a ll passages with compresse d air. Inspection: The foll owing t e xt c ont a ins ins pection procedures c oncerning pist ons and connecting rods. 1. Pis t on Ins pection: a. Inspect the pist ons for fr actures at the ring la nds, s ki rts and pin bosses . Check for wear at the ring lands using a new ring a nd fee le r ga uge as s hown in Figure 32. Re place the pis ton whe n the s ide cleara nce of the top c om- pre ssion ring reache s 0.008 ". b. Re place pistons s howing s igns of scuffing, sc oring, worn ring la nds , fr actures or dama ge from pre ignition. Excess ive piston wear near the edge of the t op ring land indicates pre - ignition. 2 . Connec ting Rod Ins pection a . Re place c onnecting rod bolts or nuts with da maged threads . Replace connecting rods with deep nicks, s igns of fractures, score d bores or bores out of round more than 0.002 " . b. Us e a ne w piston pin to c heck conne cting rod for wear. A push fit cleara nc e is required a nd varies fr om engine to engine. If a ne w pi s t on pin fall s through a dry rod pin bore as a res ult of its own weight , re place the rod. FIGURE 31. PISTON GROOVE CLEANING FIGURE 32. CHECKING RING SIDE CLEARANCE 22 ~ 0 0 0 0 o ~ -Measure cle .... nce hereJ y FIGURE 33. MEASURING PISTON CLEARANCE 1. Fitting Pistons: a. Proper piston tolerances must be maintaine d for satisfactory operation. b. Measure the piston to cylinder clearance as shown in Figur e 33 to be sure the total clear- ance follows specifications. 2. Fitting Piston Rings: a. Install the piston ring in the cylinder bore. Invert the piston a nd push the ring to the end of ring trave l, about ha lfway into the bore, which trues the ring e nd gap. Check the gap with a feeler gauge as s hown in Figure 34. b. The practice of filing ring ends to increase the e nd gap is not recommended. If the ring end gap does not meet specifications, check for the correct set of rings and the correct bore size. A cylinder bore that is 0. 001 "under size will reduce the end gap 0.003 CYLINDER BLOCK 1. Make a thorough check for cracks. Minute cracks ma y be detected by coating the suspected area with a mixture of 25% kerosene and 75% light motor oil. Wipe the part dry and immediately apply a coating of zinc oxide (white lead) dissolved in wood alcohol. If cracks are present, the white coating will become discolored at the defective area. 2 . Inspect the cylinder bore for sc oring. Check the We Ish plugs for a tight, even fit and the fins for breakage. 3. Check the cylinder bore for taper, out of round and wear, with a cylinder bore gauge, telescope gauge or inside micrometer (Figure 35). These measurements should be taken at four places - the top and bottom of piston ring travel. 23 FIGURE 34. POSITIONING OF PISTON RING AND MEASURI NG OF END GAP 4. Record measurements t a ken lengthwise at the top and bottom of 'the piston travel as follows : a. Lengthwise of the block, measure and record as "A" the diameter of the cylinder at the top of the cylinder where greatest ring wear occurs. b. Also, lengthwise of the block, measure a nd record as "8" the cylinder diameter at the piston skirt travel. c. Crosswise of the block, measure and record as "C" the diameter of the top of the cylinder at the greatest point of wear. d. Measure and record as "D" the diameter at the bottom of the cylinder bore and crosswise of the block. e. Reading "A" compared to reading "8" and reading "C" compared to reading' "D" indi- cates cylinder taper. , FIGURE 35. METHODS OF MEASURING THE DIAMETER OF A CYLINDER f. If cylinde r taper exceeds 0.005 n , rebore and hone to accomodate the next ove rsi ze piston. Reading " A" compared to reading "C" a nd re ading "B" compared t o reading "D" indi- cates whether or not the cylinde r is out of round . If the out of round exceeds 0.002 ", the cylinders must be rebored and honed for the next oversize piston. A reboring machine is used when going to ove rsize pi stons. The following repair dat a cove rs honing to oversize by use of a hone. REPAIR : l. A hone can be used t o refinish a cyli nd er. 2. Anchor the block solidly for either vertical or horizontal honing . Use eithe r a drill pres s or heavy-duty drill whic h oper at es at a pproximate ly 250 to 450 rpm. 3. Conne ct dr ill to hone and s tart drill. Move the hone up and down in the cylinder approximat e ly 40 cycles per minut e. Usua ll y the bot tom of the PRODUCE CROSS HATCH SCRATCHES FOR FAST RING SEATING cylinde r must be worked out fir s t beca use it IS smaller. The n when the cylinder takes a uniform diameter, move the hone up and down a ll the way through the bore. Follow the hone manufacturer 's recommendations for wet or dry honing and oiling the hone . 4. Chec k the di a me te r of the cylinde r re gularly during honing. A di a l bore gauge is the e asies t method but a telescoping gauge c an be used. Check the size at s ix places in the bore: measure twice at the top, middl e and bottom at 90 angles . 5. The crosshat ch formed by the scratching of the stones should form an angle of 23 0 Thi s can be achieved by mov ing the hone up a nd down in the cylinder about 40 cycles per minute. (Figure 36) 6 . Clean the cylinder bl ock thor oughly with soap, water and clean rags. A clean white rag s hould not be soiled on the wa ll after cleaning is com- plete . Do not us e a solvent or gasoline since they wash the oil from the walls but leave the met a l particle s. 7 . Dry the crankcase and coat it with oil. AVOID THIS FINISH FIGURE 36. CROSSHATCHING 24 CRANKSHAFT Inspect the bearing journals. If they are scored and cannot be smoothed out by dressing down, replace t he crankshaft. Whenever making major repairs on the engine, always inspect the drilled passages of the crankshaft. Clean them to remove any foreign material and to assure proper lubrication of the connecting rods. BEARINGS (Figures 3739) Removing camshaft or crankshaft bearings requires complete disassembly of the engine. Use a press or a suitable drive plug to remove the bearings. Support the casting to avoid distortion and avoid damaging the bearing bore during removal and installation. Use oil on the bearings to reduce friction when installing and again lubricate with oil after installing. New camshaft bearings are precision type which do not require line reaming or line boring after installation. Coat the bearing with SAE 20 oil to reduce friction. Place the bearing on the crankcase over the bearing b are with the elongated hole in proper position and narrow section facing out (except bores without oil holes install with bearing groove at the top). Be sure to start the bearing straight. Press the front bearing in flush with the outside end of the bearing bore. Press the rear bearing in flush with the bottom of counterbore which received the expansion plug (see Figure 37). -DO NOT OR BORI!. ALIGN HOLE IN BEARING WITH !-IOLE IN BEARING BORE CAMSHAI"T BI!ARING FIGURE 37. CAMSHAFT BEARING 7/32" FROM OUTSIDE Crankshaft main bearings are preclsl:->n type which do not require line reaming or line boring after installa- tion. They are available in standard size and .002 " undersize. Expand the bearing bore by placing the casting in hot water or in an oven heated to 200 0 F. If !l torch is used, apply only a little heat. Distortion will result from too much local heat. To ease assembly, cool the precision bearing to shrink it. Align the oil hole(s) in the bearing with the oil hole(s) in the bearing bore. The oil passage must be at least 1/2 open. Lubricate bearings with SAE 20 oil before inst a lling. The cold oi led precis ion bearing should require only light taps to position it with a 25 driving tool. If head of lock pin is damaged, use side cutters or Easy Out tool to remove and install new pin. Apply oil to thrust washer (one used with each bearing) to hold it in place while installing the crank- s haft. Oil grooves in thrust washers must face the crankshaft and washers must be flat (not bent). The two notches on each washer must fit over the two lock pins to prevent riding on the crankshaft. Note: Original front bearing uses a separate thrust washer. Replacement front bearing is a one piece assembly with thrust washer part of the bearing. Do not use a separate thrust washer when installing this replacement part. See Figures 38 and 39. REAR BEARING END PLATE LOCK PIN ALIGN BEARING OIL HOLES WITH OIL HOLES IN BEAR ING BORE PRECISION TYPE DO NOT LINE REAM OR BORE FIGURE 38. BEARINGS FOR REAR BEARING PLATE FRONT MAIN BEARING BORE NOTCHES WITH LOCK PINS AND MATCH OIL H 0 L E S 849 Rev REPLACEMENT FRONT MAIN BEARING PRECISION TYPE- DO NOT LINE BORE OR REAM OR BORE FIGURE 39. FRONT MAIN BEARING INSTALLATION MEASURE ENDPLAY HERE ( REFER TO DIMENSIONS AND CLEARANCES) FIGURE 40. CRANKSHAFT ENDPLAY CRANKSHAFT END PLAY After the rear bearing e nd plate has been tightened using the torque recomme nded in Asse mbly Torques c he ck the crankshaft endplay as shown in Figure 40. If there is too much end play (see Dimensions a nd Clearanc es for minimum a nd maximum e nd play), remove the rear bearing e nd plat e a nd add a s him be t ween the thrust washe r and plat e . Reinstall the end pla te making sure the thrust washer and s him notches line up with the loc k pins. Torque and rec hec k endplay of the cranks ha ft. Checking Bearing Clearance with Plastigauge: 1. Make certain that all parts are ma rked or identified so tha t they are re ins talled in their origina l positi ons . GEAR COVER OIL SEAL Use heavy fiber or cup grease in space between seals to improve seal. - - - - - I - ~ - : ~ ... ll" 32 MOUNTING FACE OF GEAR COVER THIS SURFACE SHOULD BE CLEANED OF ALL OLD SEALING COM- POUND BEFORE INSTAL- LING SEAL. GEAR COVER OIL SEAL FIGURE 41. MEASURING BEARING CLEARANCE 2 . P lace a piece of correct size Plastigauge in the beari ng cap the fu ll width of the cranksha ft rod s urface about 1/ 4 inch off center (Figure 41). 3. Rot at e the crank about 30 from bottom dead cent er a nd reinst a ll the bearing cap; tighten the bolt s to the torque spec ified in the Ta ble of Torques and Clearances . Do not turn the crank- s ha ft. 4. Re move the bearing cap. Leave the fl at tened Plastigauge on the part to which it has a dhe red a nd compare the widest point wit h t he graduations on the Plastigauge e nve lope to determIne bearing c learance. OIL SEALS (Figure 42) The bear ing plate must be removed to replace the oil seal. Dri ve the oil sea l out fr om t he inside. Before ins talling the s eals, fill the space between lips with a multi-purpose grease. This will improve seali ng. REAR BEARING PLATE r;;;o.-_r-.... -- THIS SURFACE SHOULD BE CLEANED OF ALL OLD SEALING COM- POUND BEFORE INSTAL- LING SEAL. - DRIVE OR PRESS OIL =.-.1_' SEAL TO SHOULDER OF THE PLATE BORE REAR BEARING PLATE OIL SEAL FIGURE 42. GEAR COVER AND REAR BEARING PLATE OIL SEALS 26 When installing the gear cover oil seal, tap the seal inward until it is 31/32 " from the mounting face of the cover. When installing the bearing plate oil seal, tap the seal into the bearing plate bore to bottom against the shoulder in the plate bore. Use a seal expander or place a piece of shim stock around the end of the crankshaft, when replacing the bearing plate to avoid damaging the seal. Remove the shim stock as soon as the plate is in place. ASSEMBLY 1. Lubricate all parts with engine oil. 2. Position piston on its respective rod and install the pin. 3. Install the rings on the pistons starting with the oil control ring (Figure 43). Use a piston ring spreader to prevent twisting or excessive expan- sion of the ring. Some oil control rings and all compression rings have a dot or the word "top" on one side of the ring to indicate which side faces the top of the piston. Unmarked piston rings can be installed either way. If the oil control ring has a coil expander, install the expander first and then close until the coil ends butt. The joint should be 180 0 from the gap of that ring. HEAVIEST COMPRESSION RING IN TOP GROOVE COMPRESSION RINGS -OIL CONTROL RING FIGURE 43. PISTON RINGS INSTALLATION OF PISTON IN CYLINDER: 1. Turn the crankshaft to position the number one rod bearing journal at the bottom of its stroke. 2. Lubricate the number one piston assembly and inside of the cylinder. Compress the rings with a ring compressor as shown in Figure 44. 3. Position the piston and rod assembly in the cylinder block. NOTE: The connecting rod numbers should always face away from the camshaft or bottom side of engine. 27 I ,; FIGURE 44. INSTAL LING PISTON 4. Tap the piston down into the bore with the handle end of a hammer until the connecting rod is seated on the journal (Figure 44). Install the bearing cap on the rod with the witness marks and stamped reference numbers matching the marks on the rod. Install and tighten the bolts to the specified torques. The bearing cap must be tapped several times to properly align it with the rest of the connecting rod. Clearance varies on the journal if this is not done. Install the remaining pistons and rods in the same manner. Crank the engine over by hand to see that all bearings are free. S. Install the oil base with a new gasket. 6. Install the cylinder heads and torque 14-16 ft. lb. 7. Replace oil and break-in engine. CYLINDER HEADS Remove the cylinder heads for cleaning if poor engine performance is noticed. 1. Use a 1/2 inch socket wrench to remove cylinder head nuts. Lift heads off. ~ Do not remove heads when they ~ are hot. Warpage may occur. 2. After removing heads, clean out all carbon de- posits. Be careful not to damage the outer sealing edges where gaskets fit. The heads are made of aluminum and can be damaged by careless handling. 3. Use new head gaskets and clean both the heads and the cylinder block thoroughly where the head gaskets rest. 4. Place heads in position and follow head torque tightening sequence shown in Figure 45. Start out tightening all Nuts to 5 ft-Ib, then 10 ft-lb, etc., until all Nuts are torqued 14-16ft-Ib. 5. Recheck torque before engine has run a total of 50 hours. -- _ ____ _"C"=__
NO.1 CYLINDER NO.2 CYLINDER FIGURE 45. CYLINDER HEAD TORQUE SEQUENCE 28 PARTS CATALOG This cat alog applies to tractor application BF En gi nes. Parts are arranged in groups of related i tems. Each illustrated part is identifi ed by a reference number corr es ponding to the same reference number following the illu stration . Parts i llustration s are typical. Unless otherwise mentioned in the description, part s are interchangeabl e between mode l s. Right and le ft sides are determined by facing the bl ower end (front) of the engine . INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORDERING REPAIR PARTS For part s or service, contact the dealer from whom you purchased this equipment or re fer to your Nearest Authorized On an Parts and Service Cente r. To avoid errors or delay in filling your parts order, pl ease furnish all information requested. Always re fer to the na meplate on your unit : 1. Always give the MODEL and SPEC NO. and SERIAL NO. For handy reference, nameplate information in sert in th e YOUR spaces engine above. 2. 00 not order by reference number or group number, always use part number and de sc ription. 3. Give the part number, description and quantity needed of each it e m. If an olde r part cannot be identified, return the part pr e paid to your dea ler or nearest AUTHORIZED SERVICE STATION. Print your name and addr ess plainly on the package. Write a letter to the same address stating the reason for returning the part. 4. Sta te definite s hippin g instructions . Any cla im for loss or damage to your unit in tran s it s hould be fil ed promptly agai ns t the trans portation company making the de live ry. Shipment s are complet e un les s the packing list indicat es items ar e back ordered. Prices are purposely omitt ed from thi s Parts Catalog due to th e confusion res ultin g from fluctuatin g costs, import duties, s ales taxes, exchange rates , etc . For current parts pri ces, consult your Onan Deal er, Di stributor or Parts and Service Center. 29 CYLINDER BLOCK GROUP 19 26 r '3 0--- 5 ' ~ - 6 ~ ' - - 7 16-.--- 8 21 30 ~ - 6 7 t- g 20 17 REF. .J:iSL. PART ...!:!.Q.:.. QTY. J!.illt PART DESCRIPTION 110-1975 Block Assembly. Cyl inder (Includes Parts Marked t) 2 123-1174 Spring, Breather Valve 3 123-1175 Valve. Breather 4 123-1173 Baffle. Breather 5 WASHER. FLAT 526-0018 I Breather Valve (1/4" - Steel) 526-0063 2 Valve Compartment Cover (1/4" Copper) 526-0122 18 Cylinder Head Screws (5/16" - Steel) 6 COVER. VALVE COMPARTMENT 110-1878 I Cover with Opening for Breather Tube (L.H.) 110-1879 Cover without Opening for Breather Tube (R.H.) 7 110-1921 3 Gasket, Valve Cover 8 517-0048 I tPlug. Camshaft Expansion 9 STUD 520-0424 6 Cylinder Head (5/16 x 2-5/16") 520-()759 12 Cylinder Head (5/16 x 2-1/16") 520-0757 2 Valve Cover (1/4x2-1/16") Spec A Through C 10 104-()776 As Req. tSh i m. Rear Bear ing Plate (.005 ") I I 110-1920 2 Gasket. Cylinder Head 12 HEAD, CYLINDER 110-1924 I Right Side (#2 Cylinder) 110-1925 I Left Side (#1 Cylinder) 13 SCREW,HEXCAP 800-0051 5 tBearing Plate Mounting (3/8-16 x I_114) 800-()010 2 Valve Cover (1/4-20 x H/4") Begin Spec D 14 123-1176 I Tube, Breather 15 BEARING, CRANKSHAFT - REAR 101-()420 I tStandard 101-0420-02 I .002" Undersize 101-0420-10 I .010"Undersize 101-0420-20 I .020" Undersize 101-0420-30 I .030" Unders ize 16 104-()575 2 t'Washer, Crankshaft Bearing Thrust 17 101-0415 tGasket. Bearing Plate 18 101-0439 tPlate. Bearing (Excludes Bearing) 19 101-0405 2 tBearing, Camshaft (Precision) 20 509-0041 I tSeal, Bearing Plate 21 516-0072 4 tPin, Main Bearing Stop 31 REF. .1i2.:. PART -1i!L QTY. USED PART DESCRIPTION 22 NUT I 10-0445 18 Cy I inder Head - Hex (5/16-24 ) 866-0001 2 Valve Cover Acorn (1/4-20) -SpecAThroughC 23 110-0893 4 Retainer. Valve Spring 24 TAPPET, VALVE I 15-0006 4 Standard II 5-oo06-() I 4 .001" Oversize 115-0oo6-()2 4 .002" Oversize 115-0006-05 4 .005" Overs ize 25 850-0050 5 tWasher, Lock (3/8") - Rear Bearing Plate 26 120-0706 tTube. Crankcase Oi I 27 VALVE I 10-1808 2 Intake 110-1809 2 Exhaust 28 INSERT, VALVE SEAT - EXHAUST I 10-()245 2 tStandard 1I0-()245-02 2 .002" Oversize 110-0245-05 2 .005" Oversize 110-()245-10 2 .010" Oversize 110-0245-25 2 .025" Oversize 29 INSERT, VALVE SEAT - INTAKE Ii 0-0 197 2 tStandard 110-0197-02 2 .002" Oversize 110-0197-05 2 .005" Oversize II 0-0197-1 0 2 .010" Overs ize 110-0197-25 2 .025" Oversize 30 110-1807 4 tGuide.Valve 31 I 10-()539 4 Spring. Valve 32 I 10-()639 8 Lock, Valve and Spring Retaining 33 'BEARING, CRANKSHAFT - FRONT 101-0432 I tStandard 101-0432-()2 I .002" Undersize 10 1-()432-1 0 I .010" Unders ize 101 -0432-20 J .020" Unders ize 101-()432-30 I .030" Unders ize 34 806-0027 2 Screw, Hex Head Cap (3/8-16 x 314") - Cylinder Block 35 526-0066 2 Washer (3/8 Copper) - Cylinder Block 36 110-0068 2 f'Gasket, Valve Guide (Intake) 37 517-0120 I :Plug, Breather Hole t -Included in Cylinder Block Assembly. .. Replacement front flange. bearing replaces unflanged bearing and thrust washer. (0) 21 27 GEAR COVER, OIL BASE AND OIL PUMP GROUP 8 '. 32 3 10 ,-22 , 9 ~ REF. PART QTY. PART REF. PART QTY. PART NO. NO. USED DESCRIPTION .l!2.:.. 2i2.:.. ~ DESCRI PTION COVER ASSEMBLY. GEAR (Inc ludes Parts 21 120-0161 Gasket Kit. Oil Pump Marked ') 22 149-1299 'Tube. Fuel Pump Vacuum 103-050 I Begin Spec D 23 WASHER. LOCK 103-0409 Spec A Through C 850-0050 4 Oil Base Mounting (3/8") 2 510-0105 'Bearing. Governor Shaft 850-CXHO 2 Oil Pump Mounting (1/4") 3 'SHAFT & ARM ASSEMBLY, GaVE RNOR 24 122-0359 I Cover, Oil Filter Pad 150-1470 I Begin Spec D 25 122-0321 I Gasket, Oil Filter Pad Cover 150-1349 I Spec A Through C 26 WASHER, FLAT 4 150-1187 I 'Yoke, Gov ernor Shaft 526-0122 2 Oil Filter Pad Cover Mounting 5 815-0046 2 'Screw, Yoke Retaining (5/16") 6 516-0130 I 'Pin, Governor - Cup Stop 526-0066 Oil Pressure Relief Valve 7 509-0008 I 'Seal, Oil - Governor Shaft Screw (Copper - 3/8") 8 510-00 14 I *Ball, Bearing - Governor Shaft 526-0065 5 Gear Cover Mounting 9 509-0040 I 'Seal, Gear Cover (Copper - 5/16//) 10 103-0408 I Gasket, Gear Cover Mounting 27 SCREW, HEX CAP II 516-00 I I 2 Pin, Gear Cover (5/16 x 800-0026 2 Oil Filter Pad Cover Mounting 1-1/8") (5/16-18 x 3/4") 12 123-1138 I Cap and Indicator, Oil Fill 800-0056 4 Oil Base to Block (3/8-16 x 13 102-0693 I Gasket. Oil Base Mounting 2-1/2//) 14 505-0056 2 Plug, Oil Drain 800-0032 4 Gear Cover Mounting (5/16-18 15 102-0730 I Base, Oil x 1-3/4") 16 120-0140 I Spring, Oi I By-Pass Valve 800-0034 Gear Cover Mount ing (5/16-18 17 801-0050 I Screw, Oi I By-Pass x 2-1/4") (318-24 x 1) 800-0007 2 Oil Pump Mounting (1/4-20 x I 0) 18 120-0398 Valve, Oi I By-Pass 19 120-0491 Pump, Oil - Complete - Included in Gear Cover Assembly. (Note: Internal parts not sold se parate Iy) 20 120-0713 Intake. Oil Pump (Includes: Cup, Screen, and Pipe) 33 REF. NO. I 2 3 4 5 6 6A 7 8 9 10 II 12 27 24 26 CRANKSHAFT. FLYWHEEL. CAMSHAFT AND PISTON GROUP PART NO. 150-0078 150-1116 510-0015 104-0779 134-2432 105-0332 104-0032 105-0004 KEY 515-0001 515-0098 515-0002 105-0388 150-0075 PISTON AND I 12-0134 I 12-0134-05 112-0134-10 112-0134 -20 112-0134-30 112-0134-40 112-0122 QTY . USED I I 5 I I PART DESCRIPTION Ring . Camshaft Center Pin Cu p. Governor Ba II. Fly Governor Gear. Ring - Flywheel F Iywhee I (Inc ludes Ring Gear and Magnet Ring) Gear. Camshaft Gear, CrankshaU Was her, Camshaft Gear Thrust 2 Camshaft Gear Mount ing ( I) Crankshaft Gear Mounting (I) Flywheel Mounting - Begin Spec D (Use with 104-0889 Camshaft Only) Flywheel Mounti ng - Spec A Through C ( Use with 104-0763 Camshaft Only) Camshaft (Includes Center Pin) I Pin. Cams haft Center PIN (INCLUDES RETAINING RINGS) 2 Standard 2 ,005 U Over size 2 .010 " Overs ize 2 .020 " Oversize 2 ,030 " Oversize 2 .040 " Overs ize 2 Pin. Piston 34 6 15 13-11 REF. PART QTY, PART ~ NO. ~ DESCRIPTION 13 518-031 I 4 Ring. Pi Ston Pin Ret aining 14 ROD ASSEMBLY. CONNECTING 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 I 14-0225 2 Stand ard 114-0225-10 2 .010 " Undersize 114-0225-20 2 .020" Unders ize 114-0225-30 2 .030 " Unders ize RING SET, PISTON 113 -0174 2 113-0174-05 2 113 -0174-10 2 113 -0174-20 2 I 13 -0174-30 2 113-0174-40 2 114-0228 4 526 -0017 870-0137 850-0055 134-2384 104-0170 518-0014 104-0043 4 Standard .005 " Oversize .010 " Oversize .020 U Oversize .030 " Oversize .040 " Oversize Bolt . Connec t ing Rod ( Special) Washer (7 ! 16 " ) - F Iywhee I Mounting Nut. Lock ing - Connecting Rod Cap Washer. Lock (7 ! 16 " ) Fl ywheel Mounting Guar d , F Iywhee I Screw. Hex Cap (7 / 16 - 14x4")Flywheel Mounting Lock , Crankshaft Ge ar Wa sher Washer. Cr ankshaf t Ge ar Retaining "E F. PART oJ.TY. NO. NO. ~ 25 CRANKSHAFT 104-0889 104-0763 2h 821-0010 3 IGNITION GROUP ~ A R T DESCRI PTI ON Begin Spec D (Use 515-0098 Flywheel Mounting Key Only) Spec A Through C ( Use 515-0002 Flywheel Mounting Key Only) Screw. Locking (1/4-20 x 112 " ) F Iywhee I Guard Mounting 1 7 ~ 2 18 13 1 1 REF . PART NO. NO. 27 821-00 14 28 515-0103 29 150-1257 30 150-0077 REF. PART NO. NO. 160-1158 2 160-1 148 3 503-03 II 4 160-1154 6 312-0069 7 167-0188 8 160-1150 9 160-1149 10 160-1151 II 167-1463 12 166-0535 13 167-1462 14 815-0358 15 167-0241 16 336-2132 17 802-0034 QTY. PART USED DESCRIPTION 2 Screw, Locking (5 / 16 - 18 x 112 ") Flywheel Guard Mounting Key (114 x 1/ 4x2 " ) Cran kshaft Stub Spacer, Governor F Iyball Plate, Governor F Iyba II QTY . PART USED DESCRIPTION Box Assemb Iy, Breaker (Includes Parts Marked .) 'Gasket, Breaker Box Cover Clamp, Coi I Mounting Point Set, Breaker 'Condenser, Breaker Points Clip, Spark Plug Cables Gasket. Breaker Box Mounting Cover . Breaker Box Plunger Cable. Spark Plug (19 " ) Co i l, Ign i tion I Cable. Spark Plug (16-3 / 4 " ) 2 'Screw, Pan Head (8-32 x 5/ 16 " ) - Breaker Box Cover Mounti ng 2 Plug, Spark I Lead Assembly, Poi nt s to Coil 2 Screw, Socket Head (1 / 4-20 x 3/ 4 " ) Breaker Box Mounting 18 WASHER, LOCK BreaKer Box Mounting(1 / 4 ") 'Condenser Mounting ( #8) 850-0038 2 850-0025 I 19 SCREW, PAN HEAD 815-0403 I 815-0405 20 870-0221 'Condenser Mounting (8-32 x 5/16 " ) Breaker Points Mounting (8-32 x 112 ") 'Nut (#8) - Breaker Points Mounting - Inc luded in Breaker Box Assembl y . 6 18-19 35 5 19-20 25 7 ~ - 24 1 10 FUEL SYSTEM GROUP 0--- 3 I .6il 36 20 3 I ~ " ' .... 5 I .. " ~ 6 5 REF. PART . QTY. NO. NO. USED 140-1169 2 I 42...()SS8 I 3 145-0438 I 4 154-1468 I 5 154-1446 2 6 520-0758 4 7 140-1198 8 862-00 15 4 9 503...()664 10 503-0663 II 140-1215 12 140-1213 13 140-1216 14 140-1168 15 865-0020 16 505"'()086 2 17 SCREW, HEX CAP 8oo"()008 2 800..Q034 4 PART DESCRIPTION Tube, Air Intake(Air Cleaner to Blower Housing) Carburetor Gasket, Carburetor Mounting Manifold, Intake Gasket, Intake - Manifold Stud (5/16-18 x 2-1/2 u) Intake Manifold Mounting - Spec A Support, Air Cleaner Through C Nut, (5116-18) Intake Manifold Mounting - Spec A Through C Hose, F ue I Pump to Carburetor Hose, Fuel Pump Vacuum Gasket, Air Cleaner Mounting Housing, Air Cleaner Element, Air Cleaner Cover, Air Cleaner Nut, Wing (1/4-20) - Air Cleaner Cover Nipple, (I" x 2-1/2") -Exhaust Carburetor Mountin h (1/4-20 x 1-114 ) Intake Manifold Mounting (5/16-18 x2-1/4") Begin Spec 0 REF. PART QTY . PART NO. NO. USED DESCRIPTION 18 WASHER, LOCK 850-0040 2 Carburetor Mounting (1/4") 850"'()045 4 Intake Man ifold Mounting (5/16") 19 815"'()377 3 Screw, Round Head (10-32 x 3/8") - Air Cleaner Housing Mounting 20 140-1218 Wrapper, Air Cleaner Element 22 149-1322 I 'Pump, Fuel 23 518-0328 2 Clip, Bracket - Choke Cable 24 809"'()045 2 Screw, Sheet Metal - Fuel Pump Mounting (#10 x Sl8") 25 8oo"'()003 Screw, Hex Cap (1/4-20 x 1/2) _ Support to Air Cleaner 26 862-0001 I Nut, Hex. (1/4-20) 27 853-0013 I Washer, Lock (1/4") 29 149-1321 I Cap, Fuel Pump 30 503-0301 3 Clamp, Hose (7/16 u ) - See separate group for components. 37 CARBURETOR PARTS GROUP 5 G,g 13 2 1 ~ 6 ~ \ ~ 12 11 15 38 ...--___ '0 I I ~ ~ ____ 2 14 22 j) ~ 4 ~ ~ 7 16 3 REF. PART QTY. PART REF. PART QTY. PART NO. NO. USEQ.. DESCRI PTIOtL, ...!ill.:.. ....!:!.2..:.-
142-0558 I Carburetor Assembly. Compl ete 16 142-0544 Spr ing, Thrott Ie Stop Screw I I 42..()532 I Body Assemb Iy, Lower 17 142-0282 'Spring, Idle Needle 2 142-0533 Sleeve Assembly 18 142-0550 Gasket, "0" Ring 3 142-0534 'Shaft, Thrott Ie 19 142-0546 Fly, Choke 4 "Packing, Shaft 20 142-0547 Float and Lever Assembly 5 142-0536 Shaft, Ch oke 21 142-0548 'Shaft, Float Lever 6 142-0554 Clip, Float Valve 22 I 42"()016 'Needle, Idle 7 142-0538 Fly, Thrott Ie 23 142-0549 Needle Assembly, Power 8 142"()064 Screw, Throttle Stop 142-0560 'Gasket Set (Includes Parts 9 142-0334 4 'Screw, Fly Mounting Marked ") 10 I 42..()539 4 Screw, Bowl Cover Mount ing I 42"()56I Repair Kit (Includes Parts II I 42..()539 2 Screw, Plate Mounting Marked ') 12 142-0559 I "Gasket, Plate 13 142-0553 I 'Valve Assembly, Float ' - Incl uded in Repair Kit. 14 142-0543 ' 'Gasket ,. - Included in Gasket Set. 15 149-1326 Plate, Carburetor Inlet FUEL PUMP PARTS GROUP 2 REF. PART QT. PART NO. NO. USED DESCRIPTION 149-1322 I Pump Assembly, Complete I 142-0537 I Valve Plate Assembly 2 I 42..()540 2 Screw, Pump Cover 3 149-1323 Gasket, Cover to Valve Plate 4 142-0541 Gas ket, Base to Diaphragm 5 142-0545 Spring, Pump Diaphragm 6 149-1326 Cover, Pump 7 149-1324 Base, Pump 8 142-0552 Plate, Pump Spring 9 142-0555 Diaphragm. Pump 39 STARTING MOTOR PA RTS GROUP 7 - SPEC A ONLY REF. NO. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 40 3 PART NO. 191-0883 191-0906 191-0907 191-0908 191-0909 191-0910 191-0911 191 -0912 191 -09 13 191-0917 QTY. USED I I I I I I 2 I I 2 PART DESCRIPTION Motor. Startin ( Housing A g Complete) Cap Assembly ssembl Armature A y. End Cap Assembly ssembl Drive A y, Drive End ssembl Bolt Assembl y (Complete) Brush (1) y, Through Brush (-) Spring, Brush 7 8 0) \ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 STARTING MOTOR PARTS GROUP - BEGIN SPEC B REF. PART QTY. PART NO. NO. USED DESCRIPTION 191-0933 Motor, Starting (Complete) I 191-1034 I Cover, Dust 2 191-1045 I Nut, Stop 3 191-1046 I Washer, Stop Nut 4 191-1035 I Spring, Anti-drift 5 191-1047 I Spacer, Dus t Cover 6 191- 1036 I Dr ive Assemb Iy 7 191-1048 2 Screw, Hex Cap - Starter Through 8 850-{) 040 2 Washer, Lock 9 191-1037 I Cap Assembly, Drive End 10 191-1038 I Washer, Armature Thrust II 191-1039 I Armature 12 . 4 t*Spring, Brush 13 . I tBrush Holder 14 . 2 tScrewand Lockwasher - Brush and Brush Holder Mounting 15 . 2 t*Brush. Ground 16 . t *Stud and Brush Assemb Iy, Input 17 . "lBushing, Insulation - Input Stud 18 . tWasher, Insulation - Input Stud 19 . tWasher. Flat - Input Stud 20 . tWasher. Lock - Input Stud 21 . tNut. Securing - Input Stud 22 191-1040 Cap Assemb Iy, Commutator (Includes Parts Marked t) 23 . Hous ing, Starter Motor 191-1041 Repair Kit. Brush, Spring and Stud (Includes Parts Marked *) t -Included in the 191-1040 Cap Assembly. * - Included in the 191-1041 Brush, Spring and Stud Kit. . - Not Sold Separately. 41 \ / ! / REF. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 GOVERNOR, STARTER, CHARGING ALTERNATOR AND BLOWER HOUSING GROUP 10 9 PART QTY. PART REF. PART QTY. PART NO. USED DESCRIPTION ~ NO. J!gQ DESCRIPTION 150-1350 I Rod. Governor Control 16 150-1 214 I Spring , Gover nor CLI p. GOVERNOR CONTROL ROD 17 SCREW. ROUND HEAD 5 18-0004 I Carburetor End 813-0108 3 Stat or Mounting ( 10-32 x 1-1 /2" ) 870-0278 I Governor End 812-0066 I Thrott le Lever Adjusting 134-2382 Housing. Cylinder Air - Left (6-32 x 3 / 4") 134-2393 Hous ing. Blower 815-0104 Cable Lock - Sw ivel 134-2383 Hous ing. Cylinder Air - Right (8-32 x 5/ 16 " ) MOTOR. STARTING (For Components - See Separ ate 18 WASHER. LOCK Group) 850-0040 2 Governor Control Mount ing 191-0883 Spec A Only (1 14 ) 191 -0933 Beg in Spec B 850-0030 3 Stator Mounting (1-'10) 191-0935 I St ator. Charging Alternat or 850-0045 2 Starter Motor Mounting (5/16 " ) SCREW. HEX HEAD ( 1/ 4-20 x 7/ 16) 19 SCREW. HEX CAP 815-026 1 3 Blower Housing Mounting 800-0028 2 Starter Motor Mount ing 815-026 1 4 Cyl i nder Air Hous ing Mounting (5/ 16-18 x 1 ) 150-1345 Arm. Governor Control 821-0010 2 Governor Control Mounting 150-1343 Bracket. Governor Mounti ng (1/4-20 x 112 " ) 150-1398 Spring. Throttl e L ever Adjusting 20 WASHER. FLAT Sc rew 526-0006 Swivel Mounting 152-0155 Swive l. Throttl e Cable 526- 0214 Governor Control Mounting 5 16-0059 Pin. Cotter - Swive l Mount ing 526-0113 Starter Motor Mounti ng 518-0176 CliP. Throttle Cab l e (Top Hol e) 150-1269 Bushing. Governor Contro l 21 191 ..('18 86 Regu lat ar , Rect if ier 42 22 332 0 0051 Cl i p, Fue l Hose REF. NO. SERVICE KITS AND MISCELLANEOUS PART NO. 168-0123 168-0124 522-0266 QTY. USED PART DESCRI PTION Gasket Kit, Carbon Removal Gasket Kit, Engine Overhaul Kit 43 MOUNTED BEHIND BLOWER WHEEL 'START SWITCH ____________ STARTER , FURNISHED BY CUSTOMER. VOLT REG. RECT. AC AC B+ CAUTION' REGULATOR MUST BE GROUNDED THROUGH MOUNTING BOLTS 'FUSE 35AMP 'AMMETER (OPTIONAL) 'DISCONNECT (OPTIONAL TO ELIMINATE SWITCH '2S MA LEAKAGE ON SHUTDOWN) BREAKER AND CAP ASSEMBLY 'IGNITION IGNITION r- -- SWITCH 0 L I